DAILY CHABIQTT K OKSEiiVK RrSATURl) AV NO V E MR If. T? 4. , 882. f 5 i 1 4 T- ' i It i! 1 1: 1. if t ; H - J i I; -jr.. ! 1 I' :i ' 1 ; if-i i ; VVi Vi . rtJrlJI renxxi J h-V in niv ilL ndltl0n, f thB blKi.rSrbli li Lf?mVf oar m9St; PJSttiiSd In fact, nrh . racir.w '" - , , u)HKKI pa M 1' r.i.ci. wiuy ill Di iir.Lui .vo. -qasiDHDmnmBi Jt give color to the Mtxxl, natural health fill tone to the digestive organs and nervous s'fxtem, " "y it applicable toOenerai tite, Prostration of I ttal j....-.. and Impotence., MANUFACTURED BY THE DR.HARIER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. d D'r-CLA Indian BloodSyrup Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millioxs testify to its efficacy in healing the above diseases, and pronounce - IIMI it to be the Best Remedy Kxotvn to Max abut tbadk mark AGENTS WANTED. I.ABOaATURV 77 WEST 3d ST., EW VOKK CI TV. OlHUJtSTSSKl.Ii W. Dow.stNrTTL'.K. N C Ja'v StM. 1SSI D Clss I iaw.i :-Y)jr l X ) I vS n SYrP hn greatly bftneQted me for Liver Oompla iitta JULIA A. SMITH. nl22 CENTS BShJ3 MOTHER, HOME I HEAVEN! i CRAMD HOLIDAY AYtcKry TLETTSTRATED BOOK of slngnlar beantr : Gem of Literature by 400Best Authors. Fnlarsed and newly electrotyped. A bookfw the Hams and Fireaida: appeal? to every taste : Sells Fast Everywhere, alike faat In town and country. Endorsed by Press, Cleriry and People. A rare chnuoe to MAKE MONjsi I bend for terms and fall description to N, D.' THOMPSON A CO.. I'ubUshers, St. Louis. Mo. grufls atid ptedtctnes. FRESH- lioaral Water Both Foreign and Domestic. Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden sDmg Store gABATOQA "yiCHY, From Saratoga Sprints, N. Y. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and si ersUve and In all forms of tyspepla. ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATKK. J Q CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 2Q CASKS BCTFALO LITHIA. And a full snpply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS A.SU- HiiDyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY TTUXYADI JANOS. TH-K B2ST NATURAL APKRIXNT. AS ACATEA1U IC: Doei: A wine glass full before brekfan The Lancet "HunybdlJanos. Barr.fi Lle.if.f flrms that Its richness In aperient sails myc,'-n that of all other known waters." The Britinh Medical JmtiuiI "HonrsdJ Janos. The most agreeable, salost, and most etnobcloia aperient water." Pro. Tirchow, Benin. "Invariably gooe and prompt success; most valuable." Pre. Bamberger, Vienna "I have present: these writers with remarkable success." fruf. Scarujtii, vursiburg i prescribe none but this." Prof. LattOer Brunuju, 31. D., F. H 8., London. "More pleasant than IU rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy.' Pro. Afn, M. u., 2-. .i. o , )iyal Military Hos pital, NeUey. '-preJerrwi u Puilna and Frled rtchahall." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and t;loieti-'ii.B Ph a-mactB' . North Tryon 8t, -' - CHAhOTTb. . C DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It hows from the snriii at aamtnra We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs wnicn we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j h. McADEN. Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. July28 MILLINERY. WE are now receiving our FALL and WINTER STOCK of MILLINERY GOODS, embracing all the latest styles,;colors and qualities of Straw, Kelt. Beaver, oioth. Velvet, Silk. Plush and Satin HATS and BONNETS for Ladles', Misses and Children. Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Plushes, Velvets, Braids, Gimps. Laces. Pins. Ornaments, Plumes. Tips, ii' B,r(is' Flowers. &c.. for trimmings of largest and Most Complete Stock of Millinery Goods in tie Shte. Also all the new styles and novelties In GLovira HOSIERY, UNDER-WEAR, KNIT Goons' SHAWLS, SACKS, HOODS, JACKETS, IN Fan tI CLOAKS, SHAWLS. HOODS, ROBES, &c. " Great variety of Nobby Little CAPS and HATS for little boys. 1B AU kinds and colors of Zephyrs, Wools, Yams and a general assortment of all kinds or fanci" MOODS aod NOTIONS for Ladles' and chlldrens' use. Terms, low prices and cash at the counter Wholesale and Retail, Mrs. P. QUERY. septSOl ' . ' , FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A TKrOTiW V-V" than most noted aim ii vviuj ' C nLni.. ,oiiri i fur Uic-tiiwof errn nebnity, Smt Mauhooa. WvaUnv a...i MJccau. Sent Address OR. WXRCM! CO . Louifians, Mg. a A rottrftinaKon of ' JVo- tojcide of Iron, Peruvian Hark and I'iiosrthorus in a italatable form, 'Xlie only preparation of iron j that tcilt not blacken the I dflA, so characteristic of other iron ?rena rat ions. han-.is. maU- some wonderful cures. Cases tbat have to tuis rrel. d ,rW. n Md.v. I prescribe a .ii,...l as D. IUktku'r Hon Tonic is a no aim w asq jv., at. lonut. jwn., r,ov. Jfjia. 31tlisclIaucotis. PRYOE'S OLSTMENT IS A SPKT)T rUBK FOB Blind or Bleeding Piles, Hemorrhoids. Core, Ul cers, Tumor, Itrtiing of the Pans, Fistulas and ail Kindred List ases; also of Burns, Corns, re op.s, Fever torrs, Ecald iie&d. Tetter. Sore Nipples, etc. Atlanta, Ua., August '25, 1877. After an experience of twenty-five years in sell ing this ointment, aud during thai time having closely watched l:s effects. nd naicg the testi mony of my friends and neljthbors to confirm my confidence In Its merits, I became ful!y satisfied of Us value, and 1 bare bought the exclusive right to make and sell It. and offer It to jours the best Ttniedj In the world, especially lor all forms of Plies. READ THE TESTIMONIALS: 1 his Is to certify that I hi ve tried Pryor's Pile Ointment in a case of piles, and state that fc cave more relief than anything 1 have ever tiled. 1 fur ther state that as a remedy fur burns It is unpar alleled. I also used it for a case of tetter in my feet of twenty years' standing, and say that Ills the first thing that I have eve: tried that gave me more than momentary reliet. I consider now that 1 am entirely relieved from tint ulstressina: dis ease. JOBN D. NEWSON. Troup county, Ga, Having been sflllcted for ten years, at intervals, with that distressing mala iy, the i iles. and alter many ineffectual trials or the remedies in common u-, 1 commenced a short, time ago to use your Pile Ointment. I experienced immediate relief. From the relief experienced in my case, as well as lrom the reputation so rapidly acquired by jour t.ntmeut in this vicinity. 1 have no hesitancy In expressing the opinion that it is the most eflicient remedy for Piles ever invented. O. A. BULL, LaGrange, Ga. This is to certify that I used Pryor's Ointment In a case of severe burn, and that in a very few days it was entirely relieved of ail inriamination. and healed rapldiy. After the first application of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain whatever. li. J. MORGAN. LaGrange, G. By the advice of J5r. Wjnn. I used your Pile Ointment on a servant girl who had been suffering for eight years with a most aggravated ca-e of piles. She improved from the very first diy's use of your Ointment, and before us'ng the box she ES JOMSOiVS was entirely recovered. G. W. FOSTER, I Cusseta Ala. j This Is to certify that I have u?ed Pryor's Pile J Ointment, and say that It is. in my opinion, the I best remedy tor piles ever presented to ine public, j I say this from a positive application of the reme dy on my own person. THOS. B. M 'RGAN. ' Troup county, Ga. ; For sa'e by all dealers In medicine. Price EO , cen's per box. Sent by mail on receipt of price. . DR. J. BKADFIELD, ! Atlanta, ia. For ?aie by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. C. I r.i 1 1 Old fashioned remedies are rapidly giving ground before the advance of. this conquering specific, and old fashioned ideas In regard to de pletion as a means of cure, have been aulte ex ploded by the success of the great renovant which tones the system, tranqaallzes the nerves, neutra lizes malaria, depurates and enriches the blooa, rouses the liver when dormant, and promotes a regular habit of body. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. novl tf? BJ IS IS Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin is within; Its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the catjsb must be removed, arfd in no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE is es tablished on Jast this principle. It realises that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and it strikes at once at thn rnnt nt ih culty. The elements of which It Is composed aet uirecuy upon tnese great organs, both as a food and bhstokjtb, and, by nlactne them in a health condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For thfv InnnmAraKin t.it,hun 1 . H,ealiP? KW.ByJ;. Llver and Urinary Organs; for j i 1 6 "lucIS ul "omen; xor ftiaiana, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy hasno equal Beware of lmposters, imitations and concoctions said to be lust as good. TtnUfr xirS."' lur an,ritt a BAr JS DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. IT. H. WA UN lilt Sc CO., aprl5 ' HARRIS F:EfLriY C AT? i kiPiiOr.liA.UtiS' PA3TILLE REMEDY mt Kit I lren's nt m&&i ' : 1 r-'"ure Kxlmustion ant ir iii:i,ir u!uon:v Th Remedy u put ,P i i" (-""g-Sr.?. (eB,;uth effect a ure, ,,nl. !a iv" .."vSfASt Oatting three moulli.), 7. Kent by mail lnui W' blru. rr Ul .pay M,h Slit Pam.?hK,J,p' tal, tUeo. and'uiode Jf ci. "C WANTED. T0aZ w,fJilhe d6lWery 0f ten cor8 Of good oak wood, between now and the nrat or NovmtT rer. wood sellers aDDlv at th 0042 4iy STATE NEWS. News and Oiisrvt'r: It appear;- that the slight fan! (jitake ot last nk 's-'iui k; up" Wiliiiii.irtoit as v - i 1 as N v beni and ot!:;- places, in laol w ii.s lrlt ill t!ir w.'. ih- i.-w ;n p.n'ti' 1 lu1 Sl.:ilt. 1 1 mi-it.s i.i !. ,-i ,:.u l.ii't thai t ni will liaf . new .nut iiii'titM n hi'n I. U if (if hv ".'.itl y Pinls'Voino.s im wikI a id sut'sts ;s a ..v.,'ii td Nortli t'.it.i hha luum' lot i "A Hk mat U.' A n Tia.os: M-ssr.t. llani.'.(u l?ro. t-fToot ei 1 ,i (i iluir eoM ui.iit, two and a hall miles .south of this pl:-i'eto Mr. J .is. iinbortson, iijiont tor aNoitluiu rouipMiv, wliit'h is now rinnunir two iniiie-s in Mtvltlenltui countx, iu ;;r c'hai lotti1, voiv iuhhn l'tiily." Salisbury W atchnian : It is now ab solutely coitain that tht1 colored voters ot Kviwan will split their tickets be tween York and Cook. We believe Mr. Cook will win at this box and probably in the couiitj, tut Robbing- will get uioro vott s nau both of them put to gether, by several hundred. Goldsboro Messenger: The. new hotel of Mr. Win. Uonitz is now open tor the accommodation of the traveling public. The house is oue of the best in the Sute, having a capacity of about 75 large, airy and comfortable rooms, and being supplied with electric bells, gas, an elevator and other modern improve ments. Dave Kora'gay. colored, has been nominated for constable by the Repub licans of Goldsb n'o township on the color line, and lie will probably be elected. If the present system of coun ty government were to change, the ne groes would also elect negro magis trates and negro school commissioners. Let every white man see that it does not come to that. James F. Robinson, ex-Governor of Kentucky, died at his home in Scott county oil Tuesday. lie was born in 1800. The Pope has sent an autograph let ter and presents to Queen Victoria. The Lackawanna and Pittsburg rail road company, capital 4,000.000, was incorporated at Albany Wednesday. The road is to run from the Genesee Valley Canal railroad, near Rockville, to the New York, Lackawanna and Western road at Perkinsville. A week ago last Sunday Henry P. Cooper, a well known New York tailor, was taken to a. private lunatic asylum at Flushing. L. 1., at the instance of two brothers. Proceedings have been be gun by a third brother to have Mr. Cooper released from the asylum. Postmaster-General Howe estimates the receipts and expenditures ot the Postofliee Department for the next fis cal year, ending June 30, 1884, as fol lows: Receipts, So0,G70,450.27; exp;-ndi-tures;54G,74l,lll.25; excess of receipts over expenditures, 3,U29,345.02. An action lias been brought by the Western Union Telegraph Company and Jay Gould against the Mutual Un ion Telegraph Company, to prevent such a disposition of the stock of the Mutual Union, as will deprivethe West ern Union of the ijjlluen.ee in the man agement of the Mutual Union to which it claims to be entitled as the owner ol' a majoriij ul' (he stock. Jay G uiu swears thai. 47,000 were paid i'or these securities. Secretary Fo'ger Uts received, the re port of the commission appointed to make a thorough examination as to the present force employed in the customs service at the port of Boston. The col lector's ofliee --employs 352 persons, at an annual compensation of .$4."5.1.V7 ; naval cilice in persons, at 833,000; sur veyors cHieV 47 persons, at 08,820; making a totai or 428 persons at an an nual compensation of 8575,737 25. The contingent expenses are placed at 8133, 000. Utilizing Sun Rays. Mr. William Caiver, a mining export living in Washifgteui, has just patented a new discovery hk-h promises large results. It is veiy .- i tuple, consisting of an arrangement by which the rajs of the sun are rifk-cieii iuun any number of mirrors upon a comiuon focus. By accident, Mr. Caiver directed the light from two ordinary looking glasses up the same sui face, and he immediately observed that the resultant heat was about doubled. Continuing his experi ments in this direction, he succeeded in reducing wood to ashes and metal to a liquid state merely by concentrating upon them the reflected rays of the sun from twenty small mirrors with tlat .surfaces. Mr. Caiver does not pretend to explan the principle, he has simply pursued his experiments until he lias brought the process to a point where it can be patented. A reporter of the W.ohmgton Post has seen the model in the patent ofliee, and has witnessed some oi the experi ments. The model patented by Mr. Cai ver consists of a number of small look ing glasses, arranged in rows upon a frame so fixed that they can be con verged upon any one point. A working model, of which he has a number, was exhibited to a reporter, in the yard in the rear of his residence. Forty inno cent, guileless looking fifteen cent gilt framed mirrors, each ? inches by 5;?4 inches, were arranged upon a f ramt propped up like an artist's easel and bearing a striking resemblance thereto. Facing the east was the fragment of what was once a barn door, also prop ped up and partly covered with a worn and faded sheet of zinc that bore un mistakable evidence of having been burned through in several places. It was but the work of a minute to con verge the forty mirrors upon a space Z inches by b inches upon the barn door, and then the revelation began. As each mirror ca3t its quota of sun shine upon the common store the par allelogram of light grew whiter and more dazzling, until at last it looked like a patch of electric light. Jiut. little patience was requiredto await results. In less than thirty seconds a thin curl ing puff of smokt gave evidence of the progress of the experiment. In a min : te the board was bursting out in M imes. The focus was then shifted upon the zinc. In a few minutes it began to turn color; then shrink, as if anxious to get away where it was cooler, and then in less than three minutes, the entire sur face covered by the focus was literally melting, drop by drop. To melt zinc requires a temperature of over 700 de grees Fahrenheit. The light projected upon the focus is wonderfully white and brilliant. Each mirror adds its quota not only of heat, but light, until the effect produced is more dazzling than that of the electric light. Mr.Calverhas produced more rthan 400 degrees of heat with his mir rors and it is shown by calculation that one thousand mirrors, each a foot square, will melt iron and steel almost instantly. Even this heat can be con densedand made to produce remarka ble results. The mirrors will project more heat in winter than in summer, and they, may be utilized for producing power cheaply by doing away with coal and wood. Indeed, the mirrors, if they will do all that Mr. Caiver expects, may be regarded as the employment of a new force to minister to the necessities of man. An Indian Epigram. Laramie Boomerang Old Ctiief Pocotello, now at the Fort Hall agency, in answer to an inquiry relative to the true Christian character of a former Indian agent at that place, gave In very terse language the most accurate description of a hypocrite that was ever given to the public: "Ugh' too much God and no flour." ' Heartily Recommended. ' bSnderVdpertmLaK0i tblng because you have ffi.'MJ' worthless nostrums. Parker's toWiSteSSilgl 'x " heartny ti?Jr4?i2g ?e MenUato of true tonic and iure to give satisfaction, I Brown's Iron Bitters. How llnye l.b'd to (Jen. Ituticr. Krom tint ttnOrn'H Sivu-h at Hm Ingliuld. When, by the help of the Electoral CoiumiM:oon llajes, who was not elect ed, had been seiiioii, I called upon him iii iVceiuhtT, niter ho was inaugurated ami NuM to lit iik. being then a member ot t'oiinies-4 iii iii ihe Lowell district: "iulho town ot Methuen there has been in oilieo quito a number of years, ami his I n hi oi ollico is about to expire, lie has had smother ollico for a good many years. He was an olliceholder of some sort (lining tho war. There is a man who, having lost a limb during tin war, is obliged to tend an engine for hall price, because he is but a little more than hill a man so far as physi cal strength goes, and I would like to have linn appointed. 1 will send to Methuen and g t a recommendation from tho best men there that he is a good man to be appointed. If there is any doubt about that I will bring the poor fellow on to see you, and you may see him for yourself." Mr. Hayes took a memorandum and promised that no appoiutment should be made till after the holidays. I came homo for the holidays, and just as I went back 1 saw the appointment of the then incumbent of the office. The old olliceholder had been sent to the Senate. "1 went immediately up to the Presi dent and said : "There is some mistake here, Mr. President. I supposed that I was to have the papers here, and you would appoint that one-armed soldier, that wounded soldier, and here 1 have plenty of papers showing him to le one of the best men that ever was. He was in the army, and is perfectly com petent in every way. I told you about him before I went away. You can't have fonrotten." "No," said he. "I have not." "You haven't forgot that. I understand also you said the appoint ment should stand. The office is not vacant that is, the old postmaster had not deserted it till I came back -and if vou have forgotten it you can do exact ly as all the Presidents have done just withdraw the name of the other man, hear the story of my man, see his pa pers, and appoint him." Said he, "I can't do that, I think." "But," said I, "Mr. President, in my judgment it is you duty to do it." I took up the stat utes that lay on his desk and turned them over and said: "There is an exact law that one-armed soldiers, maimed soldiers, shall be preferred, and here is a case, and I want to make a test case whether this law is enforced or not." He said to me, "There is no penalty at tached to that law." I said, "Then you don't mean to appoint this man?" He said, "No." I said, "You will never say that but onca Good morning, sir." That was the last time I ever called on Rutherford B. Hayes, and it is the last time I ever shall call on him. Her Sweet Smile Hauntw me Still. I had not seen her for twenty years. Now she was a well-preferved matron with the same swett mlle on her face, and a set of splendid teeth, thanks to 80Z3DONT. Her daughters call her blessed beciuse she brought them up properly. Forty Tears' Experience or an Old Xnreo. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is the prescrlp lon of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing safety and suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health a- d comfort to mother and child. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world. In all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in children, whether It arises from teething or from any other c:iuse. Full diiections for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-siiulle of Curtis & Perkins, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts a bottle. A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the jjffftBeittt generation. It la for the CnjfO of. this disease and its attendants, SICK-HEADACHE. BILIOUSNESS, DYS PEPSIA, COKBTIPATION, PILES, etc., that fTJTTB PIXLS have gained a world-Wide teputatippirif o Bemedy, has ever been discovered 'that acta bo gently on the digestive organs, giving them vigor to as similate food. As a natural result; the Nervous Byatem is Braced, the Muscles are Developed, and the Body Robust. " OTa.ill nxxd. Fot7or. B. RIVAL, a Planter at Bayou Sara, La., says : My plantation li In a malarial district. For several years I could not make balf a crop on account of bilious diseases and chills- I ma nearly discouraged when I began the use of TDTJ'S PILLS The result was marvelous: my laborers eoon became hearty and robust, and I have bad no further trouble. TIipt relieve the engorged Urer, cleans the Blood from poisonous human, aod caoie the bowels to atct naturally, frith, on t which no one can feel well. Try Uils reined y fairly, sad yon win gain a healthy Digestion, Vigorous Bodr.Pnre Blood, Strong Nerves, and aSonnd Liver. Price. 5 Cents. Office, 88 Murray St, M. Y TUTT'S HAIR DVE. Gbv Haik or Whiskers changed to a Gloss- Black oy a single application of this Dye. It Imparts a natural color, and acts Instantaneously. Sold qy Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of One Dollar. Office, 88 Murray Street, New York:. (Dr. TUTT'S atAXVA.Ii of Fa(ust(e Information and Useful Rmceiptm m will be twasled FREE on app I icatio n.J Natural Fruit Flavors. SPECIAL EXTRACTS. Prepared fromtpQ choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurities Have gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. ' MANUFACTURED BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., Makera of Lnpnlln Teait Gems, Pr. Price's Cream Baking Pow dor, and Dr. Price's Unique Perfumes. WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE COODS. LAUNDRY WORK Ft.r s r Nclglibi rirgr rv. s, I WILL pay Express charges and do Laundry Work at my regular 1!U prices on all work sent to me from neighboiing tosvns, when sent in lots of 85 worth of work at one time. Special rates to hotels and schools. , I have some Laundry machinery that I will sell low. Price list furnished. Apply to B. N. SMITH, oct!8 Charlotte Steam Laundry. MOZART SALOON, JOS. FI3G3I S3 IR Proprietor. MEALS AT ALL HOURS Dayornghf. Tryon stiejt, telcw Central Hotel septs WANTED. A dozen good, live, energetic agents, to canvass Charlotte and vicinity to solicit for members to the Boyal Benefit Association, of Nashville. Ten nessee. Membership now five thousand. Call on or address J. L. NICHOLSON, At Buford House, charlotte, N. C. TyTTPS POLLS 3 , avif, jcttsctrtjcnns. m NSUiVlPTION. positive remedv for tha TTi.TT I Imvi) a nt.l jI, " a M SW . thnn..r ; V.lTil J r disease: by it. land ini hv. T... ",.wni and of long .. vitiuny, IMl I Will Betid TWO KrtTTT P3 ... jether with a VALLABLB TKEATISKon rhf. ?EE' auy Biifferer. Give ExproVand p o address 5' PB,T.A.SL0CUM, m Fetdirs!S.-New York. An Only Daughter Cured of Consumption. When death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, anil Dr. H. James was experlment ng wlih the many herbs of Calcutta, he accidental , "JJJ.-S "preparation which cured his only child of CONsUuPTIOa. His child is now In this country, and enjoying the best of hea 1th. He has proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can be positively end permanently cured. The doctor now gives this Eecipe free, only asking two three eeDt tmps to pay expenses. This herb also cures night sweats, nausea at the stomach, and win breakup a fresh cold in twenty-four hours. D,re?s,C,tt.ADD0CK & c0- 1032 Bace street. Philadelphia, naming this paper, novl 4w in It. efflcacyrthat I will nrt FBJWlJ" BUFORD HOUSE , N. C. A NEW HOTEL HANDSOMELY FURNISHED. All Modem Improvements. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. Seovilie Eros., Prop's. Also Proprietors Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga; Duval House, Jacksonville, Fla.; the Arling ton and Norvell House, Lynchburg, Va. sept6 tf -A XD- The Citizens of Charlotte : I 'irc to li vo it Distinctly Under slood, that I a in Furnishing Hook for ilic Gradtd Sc lioola eitber by Exchange or Introductory Prices as ( hrp a. any one in the City. It due not matter to Whom you are In structed for your Hooks by slips giyen your Children, Understand Always, that ihey can be filled at the Saiuo Rates by Settling thoiu to me. no o.vr: t;.y u.der-buy me ; no 0E C t I) .v BI-BELL WE, S "J1Y rnoi fO." Very it apcctful ly, J ilin R. sep!2! FOR SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made in the case of P. C. Shut ord and others, plaintiffs, vs A M. Powell and others, defendants, at spring Term. 1882.of Cataw ba county superior Court, the undersigned as Receiver, will sell at public sale, at the court house in Newton N. C, on MONDAY, the 6TH DAY of NOVEMBER, 1882. the following valu able property, to-wit : The factory of the Long Island Cotton Mills to gether with 16 acres land, including the entire water power of seven feet head factory building 60x40. two stories high, flouring and sawmills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and 5 tenement houses, and the following machinery; l picker, 1 36 inch double beater and lapper. 6 36 inch 14 top flat cards.railway head, 2 drawing frames. 9 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brides berry make), all in good order, 2 Danforth cap frames, 132 spindles, total number spindles 81U, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and baling press; also a large lot of old looms, pullies, shafting, &c For more accurate and definite description of the property and the conditions of said sale reference is hereby made to the decree above re ferred to TERM? .-Twenty per cent, of the purchase money cash and the balance in equal instalments of three mouths and six months, bond and ap proved security required of purchaser, or the Receiver is by said decree authorized to vary terms to suit purchasers. The Receiver is also authorized by said decree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain private bids until day of sale. Persons wishing to examine said property will find Dr. A. M. Powell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the pfemises. either of whom will take pleasure in showing the same. Address JOHN L. COBB, Receiver. se3Ctds Llncolnton, Lincoln County, N. C. HEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. Lightest Running and Best Sewing Machine In the World. Try It before buying any other. AGENTS WANTED. fSr" Send for Terms and Price List Wheeler & Wilson JTlanuf actur'g Co.. RICHMOND, VA. D. O. MAXWELL, Agent, CharLOtte, N. C. ' irayll GO TO MY CUSTOMERS, Cotton Factory Ihe following hnT,: reeled by the Hallroad Official aH may be Relied on as Correct d Nortli Carolina RaHroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TKA1N3 tKji.sa Date, April 30th, 182 No 51 Dali? . o 63 rfnv. i Leave Charlotte " Salisbury " High Point,... Arrive Greensboro,. . Leave Hreensboro, Arrive Hillsboro Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleigh Leave Baleigh... Arrive Ooldsboro',. . . 4 uU a lu 5.63 a ni 7.20 a m 8 t 0 a m 9 S-'i a m 1 1 .47 a n. i 2 2H a m 1 40 p m 4 05 p ui H 30 p ui 4 40 p iu H.24 p m 7.35 p a, 8.06 p m No. 17-Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. ...5 00 pm Arrive at Raleigh 1.51 am Arrive at Goldsboro, .7.20 a m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with RAD B. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan" ville. At Goldsboro with W. k W. H. R. for Wil mington. No. 63 -Connects at Salisbury with W. N G R. R. tor all points in Western Noun Carolina: dally at Greensboro with R. 4 D. H. R. for all Dobits North, JSast and West. imis Date, April 80th, 1882. No. 50 No 52 z Pg'lr Daily. Leave Goldsboro io.oq a mX777; Arrive Raleigh 12.20 Dm: Leave Raleigh. 3 55Dm"; Arrive Durham 60dnm' Arrive Hillsboro 54pl Arrive Greensboro ,. 05 Vm Leave Greensboro h 1 6 n Q ; A Arrive High Pointy 50 n m 10 fn a m Arrive Salisbury,. 0-10 a m Arrive Charlotte i , j ft l i a m 1 iOdrui J.OOpm Ttfyx 1 O rinll. o. , -7r Leave Goldsboro,.. 2. 50 n m Arrive at Raleigh ..7 ?o d m Lave Raleigh. ... no am Arrive Greensboro, 3.15 pS St0-' C-pTtshTna No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C ait Sutheal U f0r aU izts Bouth.and N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. &OINO WIST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 0 9?t n m Arrive Kernersvllle 1041 nm Artwsalem 11.25 pS NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro fl 5(1 a m Arrive Kernersvllle 11 01 am -Jve Salem. ...i: .'i: IiilSi S S soma kast. NO. 51 Dally, except Bonday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kernersvllle 5 60 a m Arrive Greensboro- 7oq a m NO. 53 Dally. Leave Salem 8.00 p m Arrive Kernersvllle e.40 p m Axrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UN I VERS I TV RAILROAD. No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m I No. 2. Dal y lex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH Arrive University,.. Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars Without (Me On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash- j lngton and Danville, and between Greensboro and : Charleston. 1 On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via DaDvllle. EB Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest, West, North and Kast. Vvr Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. PASSENQEE DEPARTMENT. On and after April 30th, 1882. the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Mvlsion of this road will be as follows: Mall and Express. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No. 52. Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Charlotte, M. Gatouia, L Spartanburg. K Greenville, H Seneca, G Toccoa. E Rabun Gap Junction, Lula, E Gainesville Atlanta, 1.00 a m 2.02 a m 4.31 am 5.59 a m 7.43 a m 9.18 am 10.00 am 10.37 am 1 1.06 am L30 p n, 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 p.m 5-29 p m, 7.03 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 p m 9.46 p m 1 0. 1 5 p m 13-40 a m Mall and Express. No. 51. SASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta, Arrive Gainesville, Arrive Lula, JK Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, V Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 p m 4 61 p m 5.22 p m 6.69 pm 6.40 p m 8.06 p m 10.06 pm 11.40 p m 2.06 a m 3 15am 4.00 a m H. 1 9 a m 6.50 a m 7.41 am 8.17 am 9 26am 11.03 pm 12.24 p m 2 60 p m 4.00 pm CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. A W. P. and W. & A Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. K with Spartanburg and Ashevflle, and Spartan- j burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. & A , C. C, R. 4 D. and A., T. 4 O. for ail points West, North and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. A PuPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott, General Manager. L Y. SAGE. Superintendent C., C. & A. R. R. CO. Office General Passkngkb A gknt. Schedule In effect September 3d, L882. SOUTHWARD. No. 52 daily mall and express. Leave Statesvllie, 7 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, O 05 a m Leave Charlotte, (c) 2 00 p m Arrive at Columbia, (b) 6 30 p m Leave Columbia, (b) 8 37 pm Arrive at Augusta, 10 50 p m No. 20 dally, except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 4 20 p m Arrive at Columbia 12 35am No. 18 runs dally except Sundajg. With passen ger coach attached, Leave Charlotte 5 00am Arrive at columola 3 32 p m NOBTHWARD. No. 53 dally mall and express. Leave Augusta, (a) 7 35am Arrive Coiuiiibia, (b) 1 1 45 a m Leave Columbia, (b) 1 1 62 am Arrive at Charlotte, (c) 4 16pm Leave Charlotte, 5 00 p m Arrive at Statesvllie 7 06 p m No. 19 Tially, except Sundays. Leave Columbia 4 05 p m Arrive at Charlotte, 1 06 a m No. 17, freight, with passenger coach attached. Runs daily except Sundays. Leave Columbia, 5 00am Arrive at Charlotte 8 15 p m CONNECTIONS. (a) With all lines to and from Savannah, Flori da, and the South and Atlanta, Macon and the bouthweet. (b With South Carolina Railroad to and from Charleston. (c) With Richmond 4 Danville Railroad to and from all points North and Carolina Central Rail road. Pullman Sleeping Cars run on Trains No. 62 and 53 between Charleston and Washington, D. C, via Danville. Lynchburg and Charlottesville. Also, on Trains No. 52 and 63 between Charlotte and Richmond. Above schedule Washington time. For further Information, address G. a TALCOTT, Superintendent, M. SLAUGHTER, Gen'l Pass. Agt. D. Card will, Rldhiuond,' Va, Assistant Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Columbia, 8. C. FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, rOTICNi, BOOTS and SHOE?, Just Received by J. J. 4 J. W. ADAMS. 1 Tryon street Opposite Methodist church. reptlO tf -- I '"wv-''. ---.--; Sooth Carolina taw, AND Mechanical A ex"- AT COLUTI,.,, . Novemkrlitli,loth,!i!i; rr?nf!owln8 rats of fare ,, A- will be operated hv Vi on sale the lakfuth r1'1'! the2uth, vl2; u,14lU- loth aua .r,, BOUND TMP-bmwh,... Charlotte,... Pineviile, ' Fort Mill,... Bock Hill, Smlih's. Lewis'.. Che.-ter.. Uornwalrs'.""" Black-stock's.; Woodward's,.. wnite Oak..... " 40 Bair's. ; .-J Wllteit Hollo, - r o- ieev" '".- 1 4.5 ; JoDisroii's. 1 3d, Trenton. 1 vnuciu.:. 1 ( 5 (iranltevllif,. 1 LHi.giey, JJ i Augusta' SO I I , 1 :, 7. 2 p." 1 a w'lnnsboro,.. . Simpson's, '. Rldgeway, Blytbenood 111 flrt1ltia . i'-a lilt" 1 nn InT fivrtlt-ltl. rrenav ifr.ih i 0v,r..... ....... ... emauon ot 5c M 1 " o. C5ecreiary of the 1-alr Association tiiTi , h '"' has been fYhihit n,nno. S f " ;.; For further mio.maUon; addresV UMvi Acting Gen'l Freight Agent. OCtl'2 M 8LAl'(iHTER, WJJ General Passenger AKl!. WESTERN N. C. RAILRfJ'D. s V ' if -r Office Gkn'l Passenger t gknt i Salisbury, N. C, October 12th. ittty. KAST. WEST. r'asseng'r Tiaui No I. Usive H. 10 rtiii , Arrive 1 ,2s ;r in I " n Hi " M.-f, !.., r-asseng'r Trdln No. 2. Arrive 5.45 u iu " 4 2k p m " 3 lH p m " 2.10 D 11, STATIONS. balisOury . .Statesvllie.. . . Newton . . . . Hlcknrv " 12.54 Dm ...Morg.tnton " 11.50 am 1 0.4:i H' 11.411s- I r,:; II 0( ., 5 44 1 , r if. 1. . Marion. . " lO.OHam " R02 a m Leave 6.00 a m Black Mountain . Ahevllle.... Warm Spilngs Pii-on hiver. " H.00 a m Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with B.4D.R.R from points North and South and from hfileiKli. u nects at Statesvllie with A., T. A 0. Division ot C. 4 A R. B. Connects at Warm Sprm- with 1 Tenn , Va & Ga. R R., for Morristown and p.,i ,i South-west. Train No. 2 Connect at Warm Springs with E. T., V. A ; i;. H. Ir-'m Morrlstown and the South-west. ai r-iaresvuie un A., l . u. invision oi t a. it k., and at Salisbury witn rt s i. K. h !i,r an points North and Kast and lor KaieltU. Through Tickets on sale at Salisbury, Statesvllie, Ashevllle and. Warm Springs to all princpal cttle J. H. ITIaciUl KDO, oct25 Auditor, G. V. A I'. Agt-n ROCKBRIDGE, VA.. ALUM WATER, lOR more than half a century has grown steadl X1 ly In reoute as a medicinal agent in a w,dc range of Chronic diseases. Multitudes of wonim can testify to Its unsurpassed efficacy In tin; rt n and cure of those ailments pecallar to t jelr sn -DYSPEPSIA In Its varied and most distressing foims la cwk CHRONIC, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, - CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AND DYbENTEli).- yleld most rapidly, and permaueut cures ifouA Bottled In Its natural state, direct trom its Springs, which are beautifully located tu Hoci bridge county, Va., and are open for the reo'; of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, eat year; capacity, 1,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Sk ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. mar 12 ly MINERAL LAND FOR SALE. A- BARGAIN Is offered In a tract of land In Mr Dowell county, blng on the road from Kutlier fordton to Marlon, and about 12 miles from Hi.tc erfordton. It lies directly on the Vein Mouniiiln strata, which has developed some Kood i'iyn mines. No development has been atteinp'ed. out several pieces of gold weighing fiom 8 pv.ts haVe been found In the brunches on it Tin tract contains 100 acres and will be sold cheap I pply to CHAS. U. JON rii, au!6 Charlotte, N C, 1 ilirnTPlT llOOpeges. History oi a n Point"' cal Parties, by Senator Out It gives everything pertalnli & u politics, and unites history, " Structlon and ready reference su.'i only by subscription; but suweny Uons sent direct will be foraniw by mall or C. O. D. at PutiM'" Co's expense. Agents now wantj'u Must apply early, for territory Is W; lng rapidly assigned. Prosi'""' POLITICS, BY HON. THOS. V. COOPBB. now ready. Address FIRESIDE PUBLISHIMii OMPA.NY. Junta tf 20 North Seventh btreet, NEW GOODS -AT THE- 1 CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE and NOTIONS WEN'S and ll's HATS Ac ' Af c. m.etherp:duk, Under Traders' National Bank. Oct22 POSITIVELY THE BEST CIGAI IN TOWN FOR 5 CENTS, at Wilder's Drag Storft THY THEM. oct 13 Butterick Patterns WITH METROPOLITAN SHEtTS f j NOVEMBER, JUST BECElVSD, BY TIDDY & BROTHER THREE SAFES, j T70B SALE, any two of three A1 Fire Proof Safes, all of them the best of makes. One small, one medium and one large. Ap-, ply to or address 7a rJlTXuss a,pr!8 tf JL INK. put up in 26 &x packages, publlihersof country neirspapeis. TK8. Charlo"6' nor38 fare y Iw - -