DAIL'Y CBAKLOTI F OBSERVER SUNDAY, N 0V EMBER 5, 1882. BUSINESS NOTICES. V U A EI..ullll HI"' II or I. f ..j.Miarily of her mens, Depsnd morn on the u wniJ ,.))nibUjed. ..... h .n nri rtliy rt" ....... mat An Ki--fi j" or olitr Irregularity of Ihe f-KPf .. ' j ' riii.tHie d's K.unie KeguUfirls ' '"f-,,.. roW-y- 11 "ctsby Mng to:, to the 1,1 " 1 1 rr,ir, -. ii -roving the blooi and deter II'IH in 1 -rieci f ' "ie r,rgHi,8 or meiifttruaiion It '""'i 'f. r't H: . r siTioilin, and tn ( lutein- I3 a.s 1 s i.s- il. V f:ira1 hv lr J Dr-.H. f; 1,1 Ali -Nii, in l'rlce trial s.ze 7oo; large size g 50 l or sale bj all t:iutglats. T!.: Current of Public Opinion Km ro i sajs: "If you do not know your way, hotst a sail, and drlfi; the current knows the way, U you (1 'n't " Jinny a mn with pains in his back wiih drop.-lcil lln bs, or other ailments that indicate kidney tmubl-s Is troobled ab -ut it, b-it doesn't know what to do Let htm wisely follow tlic currt-n nt public op'n'on wh'ch Is so .strongly setting In towards Hunt's Ke 1 edy, as the bent niello ne e er kno nforkldnryand liver diseases. Tniit current s w in tli rights dlrectu n, and Is l icffMslng In vo uoe every d y. ai d Is bearing out u its bene fi ent ixisorn -hntuHnds of bottles ot this, w indeifu: K":i edy to afflicted homes all over 'he lar d. This cuirmtof publlcr plnl. n is sweep ing the phslcliini wtt-i It. wno are p ittlng Hunt's keined? among thctr most v dued pre-.cri ttlons in cases of oUor Jers of thd blad ler. liver, or kidneys. Malaria. Chills and Fever, i nd Bilious attacks peNUtvely cured with Kuioiy's standard Cure Pills -n Inf-i.ilble remedy: never Tall to cure the most obstlnato. loiiu-tttandtrig cased, causing no griping or purging: they nre mild and efficient, certain In their action and harmies . In all cases; thy effectu;il!y ci' arise th--si stem, and give new lif- and tune to (he bodr as a household reme dy ihey nre uneqnaled Kor Liver Complaint their -y i.-ti is nut known: one box will hne a wonder ful effect on tho west case. They are used and fr-8crlt-'d by Phslclans. and sold by Druggists everywtirre. -J5 and RO cent boxes. Emory's Ltt tie Catrmrlc Pills, best enr innde. only 15 cents btandard Cur Co., I 14 Nassau street, Nbw York. Jun'21 d eod Hra Uro Advertisements. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans ROYAL BAKING POWDEH CO., sept29 1 OrJ Wall st , New York. iVROY DAVIDSON, cole A(nt, Charlotte, N. C. Failing ! That is what a great many people are doinsr. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This ii why Brown's Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. ao3 S. Paca St., Baltimore. Nov. 28, 1881. I was a great sufferer from t)yspepsia, and for several tteekS could eat nothing and was growing weaker every flay. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, and am happy to say I now have a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawley. Brown's Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. iUST HECEIVEG AT THE China Palace, -OF- J. MUi & Co. and COMPLETE NEW STOCK. Tlie Choicest Goods Ever Seen in the City. Junctions h in on he ievUHile rt-sultof actual Oi a lv",,0f''' Hon wtikU makes w. man ..errtiigfine. J, re v c il"l estx-c'Hliy In her wHt 'V".' .. JuM iiilon. Henctv iiuiiiwdlato mental a " " ;..,. n"en. nt - Is the only sa e f f ". ; .. !' a:;'! ruin In a:l cases Of J fiROYALKWaiJi J 1 JtT"" We lnvlte the PUDllc aaA especially the "dies, to favor us with a call during the week. vKhT VlSlTOa WILL RbCWVK A aODVKNIK. the most bkasonabl prices fob ivbby THI1SG. lilt1"ban(l Chlna Tea " 44 plece8, 810 tfln d Decorated Tea Sette, 44 pieces, 810 Chi.Tw'a,MTeB".Plfce 85 & Dinner Setts. 16 1 pieces S25 0ratt1 tinner Setts, up to .. $100 PIKKLOT OF BEOSZI8 , iplepiaud Knives and Forks. J5 per sett The line of 8llwr-Dltd Ware, a hMdsome Lam Pa Setta. The choicest stock ot 4 ' oot26 Site (mvotU &bsvmx. Index to New Advertisements. T. 1.. Selgle & Co Cashmere, &c Small capital only needed see noiice Opra House Thurrday, November th At Home nnd Abroad A New Departure. THE CUURCHES TO-DAY. ouno Men'3 Chbistian Association Devo tional exercises In the afternoon at 6 o'clock. Lutheran ClUhch Serv'ces In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, by tae Kv. Dr James B. Fox. No evening services Sunday school at 3 o clock p in. Baptist Chcbch. -Services In the morning at 11 o'c.ock, and la the evening at 7i&o clock, by Bev. O, K. Gregory, pastor. Sunday school at 9ty o elock a. m. A8SOCIA1E Rbfohmed Pkksbttekiah Chapkl. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7M8, by Bev. W.T. Wa ler, pastor. Sun day school at 1 0 o'clock, a. m. Second Presbyterian Church. Services 1b la-i mornlog at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening nt 7Va o'clock, by. Rev. N M. Woods, pas or. bunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. St. Petek's Episcopal Church. Services in the morning at i o'clock, and in the evening at 7VS o'clock, oy Rev.-J. B. Cheshire, bunday school in the afternoon at 4 0 clock. feT. Peter's Catholic Church. -Services In the morning at 10V o'clock, by Kev. L. P. O'ConneiL Vespers In the afternoon at o'clock. Cate chism In the morulng at 9Mi o'clock. Kikst Pkesbyterun Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7tfc by Kev. Dr. A W. Miller. Sunday school at 'SVs o'clock. Prayer meeting Wedu-sday evening at vva 0 ciock. Trton Street (M. B.) Church. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and in the evening at TVs o clock, by the Rev. J. T. Bagwell, pastor. Sunday school at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Prayer meeting at 7Vi o'clock Wednesday evening. Calvary Mission Church (Methodist.) Ser vices lu the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and in the evening at iy o'clock, oy me pasior, ttev. j. w Wn-eier. Sunday school at v o'cl a. m. Class Meeting In ihe afternoon at 4 o'cluck. Colored Presbtterian Church. Services In the atiernoon at H o'clock ana In the evening at ; V9 oy aev. jar. wyene. pastor, u una ay scnool at 1 1 o'clock a m. HOME BRIEFS. tSTlie Porter place is to be sold to morrow, according to the advertisement printed elsewhere. ESThe county commissioners will met to-morrow and will endeavor to get through with a lot of work so as to take holiday Tuesday. CSGoto church like good Christians today ,Dd on Tuesday like good citizens go to the polls and cast your ballots for good and honest government. Services will -be held at the Lu theran church to-day, by the Rev. J. B. Fox, at 11 o'clock, a. m. No services at night. Sunday school at 3 p. m. EOne of our leading wholesale houses shipped three dray loads of goods to a country merchant yesterdav. and all reports say that business has been nrst-rate the past week. 1ST Nat Gray, the city bill poster yesterday "hung" the boards with at tractive bills, announcing the coming on the 9th inst., of Hearne's "Hearts of Oak." The wind blew too sharp and cold for outdoor speaking last night, and the proposed oration which was to take place in the square, was postponed till to-morrow night. tSThe three young ladies who were handed an umbrella on the street, Thursday evening, during the rain, will find an owner for it by leaving it at Mr Burgess Nichols' furniture store. IW Services will be held at the Bap tist church today, by the Pastor, Rev. O. F Gregory. Subjects: At 11 a. m., "Sweeping and Finding:" at 7.15 p. m., "Chiist our King." The public are in vited. tS'-The Rev Dr Whitfield, formerly pastor of the Baptist church in this city, whs thrown from his buggy in Spartanburg on Friday afternoon, and was painfully, though not seriously hurt. ESifThe new Baptist church will be a handsome and attractive building when finished, judging from what can al ready be seen. The steeple on the south corner of the front will be two hun dred feet high. ZW Mrs P Query received a dispatch yesterday about 2 o'clock from Phila delphia that her mother, who resides there was lying at the point of death. She left for that city by the 4 40 train, last afternoon. ESMr C P Bnroett, of Clear Creek township, brings us;a genuine curiosity in the way of a sweet potato, which is coiled up in the exact image of a snake. Its shape is remarkably like that of a serpent, and on the whole it is about as good a representation of a snake as could be expected of a potato. HgYesterday afternoon a number of ladies met at the Hook and Ladder hall to take action in regard to the coming firemen's fair. They arranged the programme for the three nights of the fair and assigned details for the various stands. They are manifesting a commendable interest in the fair and it is bound to be a big success. Spun-glass napkins are a recent addition to the supply of luxuries which people who indulge a taste for oddities will probably not consider too high priced at 81,000 per dozen. The filling cons'sts of minutest glass threads cros sed by a silk chain, and the fringe of glass fibre is about two inches long. We do not know how large a supply the Charlotte hotels have ordered. "Yesterday morning's session of the city court resulted in a profit of $20 for the city treasury. The three drunks arrested at Wads worth's stable Messrs Lee Ray, D J Pharr and Alfred John ston, were each fined $5. Joe McCall, colored, for firing off his pistol in Car son's lot, was fined $5 for his little bit of fun. Jt-The day trains Nos. 52 and 53, on the Air-Line road, have made their last trips, the order to take them off having been received and put into ef fect yesterday. It is the general belief that these trains will be put back on again shortly. Their game of bluff to make the government pay them more than $160,000 for the trains will very likely be successful. tF"Novfimber, the eleventh month of our year, is from the Latin novem, nine, and was the ninth of the Romans when the'r calendar was first founded. It was one of the ten months of Rom ulus and consisted originally of thirty days, which number was afterward changed to twenty-nine probably by the Decemvirs. Julius Cffi3ar again made it thirty days, and it has so re mained. Having teen troubled with a very bad cough for about two years and having tried almost every cough mixture that was ever made, I have founa none that has given me such great relief as Dr. Bull's cough syrup and I earnestly recommend it all afflicted. BENJ. If. DUGdAN. 14 Park Place, Hew York. "My back aches so, and I feel miserable," said a hard working man. The doctor questioned him and found that he had been Jcabltuallr costive for years, that now his kidneys were disordered and n Is whole system deranged. Kidney-Wort was re commended and faithfully taken and In a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine on the bowels and kidneys Is wonderful. Evangelist. Gray hairs often cause annoyance, which Park er's Hair Balsam prevents by restoring $he youth ful color. A GLANCE AT THE FIELD. Encouraging Political Outlook Dr. Mott's Failure Democratic Victory Assured. Inn main battles ot Uie campaign have been fought. The heat and strife of a bitter and determined political cor.'cst arc over, and to-day quiet and peace reign in the air, and it id an ap propriatc time to take a glance at the Held andsie what the real situation maybe. There is no denying the fact that from the outset the Democratic party has had heavy odds to fight against. The ingenious brain of Dr J J Mott, a cunning and bold political manipulator, set to work and got up a scheme that one time, by reason of its most plausible pretenses and cleverly concealed fraud, came well nigh prov iug successful.' But the people are not easily fooled. When they began to revolve the question in their minds as to who is this man Mott, what has been his record in the past, and what is his object in tryiDg to get up this so-called Liberal movement, it set them to think ing and they were not long in coming to the conclusion that there was some thing "rotten iu Denmark." It required but a second look to show, them that it was all a clumsy trick to entrap unsus pecting Democrats into voting to sus tain the old Republican party and to keep it in power. Dr. Mott's pro gramme was skilfully prepared, and it was. it must be admitted, a most for midable one. It was constructed with the special object of -capturing recruits from the Democratic ranks and at the same time to retain all of the old Re publican voters. If this end could be accomplished, it was easy to see that the Republican party would be in a fair way to gain a triumphant victory next Tuesday. But the "best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee," and so it was with Dr. Mott's programme. Scarcely had he begun operations be fore the people saw the true inward ness of his scheme, and instead of rally ing to his banners, hundreds of what might be called lukewarm and indiffer ent Democrats, were driven back into the old Democratic ranks. None save a handful of office seekers clung to Dr. Mott and they are doomed to go down in defeat with him next Tuesday. It was not long before Dr. Mott saw that his second calculation went wide of the mark. His plan of taking in disap pointed Democratic office seekers, would not lie well on the R publican stomach, and rather than swallow it hundreds of them have declared their intention to either stay at home and not vote at all, or if they vote to put in a good Democratic ticket. So it turns out that while Dr. Mott has failed to entice any Democrats, he has at the same time driven numbers of voters out of his own ranks and actually made the chances for Republican success weaker than they would have been had the fight been made on the old issues between the two old parties Truly Dr. Mott has made a woeful failure, but the Democrats should look upon him kindly all the same, as it is entirely owing to his manipulation of the campaign that success has been made easy for our party. The prospects around us are bright. All the indications now point to the fact that in our own county of Mecklenburg the regu lar Democratic ticket will be elect ed by majorities ranging from 200 to 500. Not a single Republican will get in. Reports from the neighboring coun ties are most cheering. The campaign in Catawba closed yesterday at New ton, where Major Dowd and Col. W. L Steele addressed the people. We have word from Catawba that the Demo cratic ticket will receive over 1,500 ma jority in that county. Cabarrus will give the Democratic nominees hand some majorities; so will Union," while Cleaveland will come in with a majori ty of over 1,200. The Democrats claim that they will gain Richmond county this election. The outlook, on the whole, is brilliant. It only remains for every Democrat to turn out and do his duty and a glorious victory is ours. A Big Fight in Rockingham Between Citizens and a Gang of H egroes. News was received in the city last evening to the effect that about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon a considerable riot between whites and blacks, occurred in Rockingham. From what we could learn it appears that a revenue officer, or a government employee, named F. S. Spears, came into the town with a squad of a hundred or more negroes and took them before the registrar to have their names registered. The reg istrar refused to take their names, for the reason that they were not residents of that township. Spears insisted up on having the names of his party regis tered, and the registrar as firmly refus ed to comply with the demand. The result was a big fight, in which Spears and several negroes were badly used up. The fight appeared to have been a reg ular knock down and drag out affairf and if any fire arms were used our in formant did not know of it. The reg istrar, of course, did not fight the crowd alone, but was backed by a crowd of friends. No one was seriously hurt in the fight, and all the participants were arrested and put under bond for trial by the courts. The Wadcsboro Fair. A very large crowd from Charlotte will leave next Tuesdav night for Wadesboro, to attend the Dixie Fair, to be held on the 8th, 9th and 10th, and which promises to be a greater success this week than ever. Gen. Dargan, the "old war horse" of the Pee Dee section will deliver the annual address at the Dixie Fair. It is not necessary for us to say, for our readers know full well, that he has a wider range of informa tion concerning the agricultural indus tries of this section during the past fif ty years than any man now living. Hon. R. T. Bennett, Anson's worthy and distinguished son has been invited to deliver an address during the Fair and this announcement alone will be sufficient to draw a large crowd. On Thursday the business men of Wades boro will close their places of business and attend the Fair. The railroads in this section will issue tickets to Wades boro, during the Fair at half rates. The Intelligencer says that McSmitb the live music man of Charlotte, will give away five hundred presents each day of the Fair. The druggist who hesitates now Is lost for the winter. He should sling together some sweet oU and liquorice and bring out Ms i cough cure at once. Dr. Bull's cough syrup does not pay mm enough profit. Tb e ItHce lor Townbip Constable. Tuk Obsekver has ad vim 1 he af port of the regular nomintts of the Democratic party for all the offices to be filled next Tuesday, but in the mAi ter of township constable no one has been nominated and voters will be un trammelled by the edicts of any conven tion. Mr. John M. George, i3 H candi date for one of the positions to be filled Without prejudice to any of the other candidates we desire to say that Mr. George is a capable and industrious printer, who has worked in The Ob server establishment continuously for nearly ten years. Entertaining the opinion we do of him we would be glad to see him elected. Mr. Arthur Butt and his Paintings. About the first of next week Mr A Butt will start out on a tour of the States with his paintings, "Revel and "Bible Stories." Heat first thought of going towards Washington City, commencing at Concord and taking In all the towns along the line, but he has lately received so many letters from the towns around Charlotte asking him to give them an early exhibition of his paintings, that he has concluded to visit the neighboring towns first and then strike out from home. He will proba bly go to South Carolina and then com back to this State and exhibit his paint ings at Davidson College, Concord, Mon roe and adjoining towns before start ing North. About Ginning Cotton. Much complaint is again made by cotton buyers in some localities of what is called gin cut cotton. Cotton ginned in this way not only depreciates it in the market, but its tendency is to injure the market where it is sold. It is ascribed to two causes, one.being fast ginning, the other by ginning when the cotton is damp. It would be infinitely better for the farmers to have half the number of bales ginned daily and pay a larger toll than double the quantity at a smaller charge and have their cot ton cut and napped by too rapid gin ning, besides running the certain risk of selling it at a reduced rate per pound. Cotton Thieves Arrested. Yesterday morning two colored men named Chas. Kerns and Israel Walker, were brought to town and committed to jail on charge of stealing cotton from Mr. Dave Alexander, in Mallard Creek township. Mr. Alexander had been missing his cotton for some time and his suspicions finally centered upon these two negroes, who were watched and caught in the act, having 800 pounds of cotton on their wagon at the time of their arrest. They were tried before Esquire J. P. Tomason, who sent them to jail in default of bail for their appearance at the next term of the In ferior Court for trial. A third partv was implicated in the theft and though he made his escape he will no doubt soon be captured. A Desperado Captured. Policemen Blackwelder and Boyte last night captured a formidable char acter in the person of Pink Byers, col ored, disarmed him and put him in the lock-up. Pink had been raising a big disturbance in his house and his family sent for the police to protect them from his violence. Blackwelder and Boyte responded to the summons and arrested Pink a short distance from his home. When arrested the negro was found to be armed with a large pistol, one of the sort that shoots eleven times without stopping, a pair of brass knucks and a loaded stick. He had- made threats against the police and had prepared himself to resist arrest. He is a bad character and deserves to be dealt with severely. Sunday Notes. The North Carolina Conference meets with the Edenton Street Metho dist church, Raleigh, N. C., on Decem ber 6th. Bishop Keener will preside. Dr. A. G. Haygood, of Georgia, has been offered the agency of the Slater fund. This fund amounts to Sl.000,000, given by a Northern philanthropist for the education of the Southern colored people. The Messrs Odell & Co., of Concord have built a commodious and neat chapel at their factory for Sunday school purposes and other religious services. It was dedicated, after a suitable ser mon by Rev. W. S. Creasy, the pastor, on the 22nd of October. Bro. C. T. Bailey, of the Biblical Recorder, who has a lot of grim humor in him, says that the Baptists rather had the advantage of the Methodist in the episode that occurred at the Metho dist Semi-Centennial celebration in Plainfield, N. J., last Sunday. Said Dr. Dunn, addressing the Baptist pastor present, "Dr. Yerkes, there is only a stream of water which prevents the Baptists and Methodists from coming together." "Yes," said Dr Yerkes, "and if you Methodists will come half way. we will meet you in the middle of it." The colored M. E. Church in Amer ica is a strong one, and makes the fol lowing statistical exhibit: Bishops, 4; preachers, 1,729; members, 125,000; Sun, day schools, 1,457 ; Sunday school teach ers, 3,773 ; Sunday school scholars.42,254. The four larger Protestant ch n rches in the world are said to be of the Bap tist denomination, to-wit: Spurgeon's in London, that of the Telugus at On- gole, one in Germany near the Russian boundary, and the First African Bap tist Church, Richmond, Va. It is a good suggestion of a Presby terian paper that if receptions are in order for pastors who have enjoyed va cations, some suitable recognition ought to be given those who have abid ed at their posts all the year. The broth er who has not been to the seaside, Sar atoga, or across the ocean, ought to have proof that he is appreciated by his people, and what better proof cf this, asks the Biblical II c order, can a pastor have than a paid up salary and thor ough co-operation in his work? We may look for another influx of Mormonites shortly, as fifty-three Mor mon missionaries departed for Europe from New York, last Tuesday, on the steamer Wyoming. Twenty-two of them are bound for Scandinavia, two for Scotland, two for France, two for Holland. England is the destination of the others. These missionaries pay their proselytes' expenses to this coun try, and make them a present of a set tlement in Utah. There is not a place in the world where this would not make converts, V oting Places in Charlotte. v trial cl:u: ges have been made in the voting places of the several wards of the city, aud we publish the follow ing as authentic: First Waiid At the meat market corner .sixth and Tryon streets, and di rectly opposite to the Tryon Street Methodist church. Second Waiid-At the mayor's of fice, old market house building, two doors below The Observer office. Third Ward At Esquire W. F. Davidson's ofiice, back from Trade street, and next door, west from Bur gess Nichols' furniture store. Fourth Ward At the Court House An effort existing without a cause Is an Impossi ble, t ckllng In the throat, huiknessof the voice, violent coughing, etc., are the effects of a severe cold. or. Bull's cough sjrup cures tte cold at once and removes its serious effects. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Constable. Thereby announce myse'f a candidate for the office of Constable In Charlotte township, and re spectfully ask the suffrage or my friends. nov3 tde M. M. WOLFJE. Announcement. To the Voters of Charlotte Township: T hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Constable, at the ensuing election In No vember 1883, asking of the voters a fair consid eration of my claims. Kesoecifully. nov2 MATHLA3 HAKKifY. For Constable. To the Editor of the Observer. At the earnest solicitation or many friends, I hereby announce myseif a stratghout Derate at e cai dldare for Constable for Charlotte township Bespecifully, JOHN M. G80BGK. Independent-Republican Candidate lor Clerk of Superior Court. To rag VOTXBS or Mecklknbcrs County : i At earnest solicitation of my many friends I hereby announce myself as an Independent can didate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Mt cklen burg county, N. C. In submitting my claims to the voters of the county for the office ot Clerk, I do so as a Bepubil can, leaving It to be determined by the people of Mecklenburg county, at an election to be held on the 7th day of November, 1882. as to their choice. My record in the past must be a guarantee for my course In the future. While I entertain liberal views on all party Questions, I do not as a Repub lican, deem h advisable to abandon our party or ganization to graufy the whims of a few office seekers. If the masses of the Liberal party (so-called) are anxious for the defeat of the Bourbon Democrats they will vote for RepubUcans. OCtl J. C. CALLAHAN. Candidate tor Constable. I hereby announce myself as an Independent- Democratle eandlrlntA fnr Pj-inathla In rharlnnn township. W. a BRYAN. ecuu tde COL. WM. JOHNSTON IS hereby announced a candidate for Congress in this, the Sixth. District. octl4 For Constable. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Constable in Charlotte township. I do so as a stralghout Democrat, and respectfully hubmil myself for the support ot the voters of Charlotte and Charlotte township. J. Q. A. ORB. octo tf Candidate for County Surveyor. Fellow-Citizens of Mecklenburg : Mr. M. D. L. Blggers, the nominee of the Liberal party for the position of County Surveyor, having withdrawn from the contest. I hereby announce myself an independent candidate for that posi tion. Although the office to which I aspire is not political In any sense, I have no hesitation In say ing that my sympathies are with the Liberal party in this race, and that I expect to vote the entire Liberal ticket on the day of election. D. C. FLOW. Mint Hill, Mecklenbu'-g county, Oct. 26, 1882. oct26 tde McLure for Coroner. To the Bdltor of The Observer: The friends of Mr. J. A. McLure present his name to the voters of Mecklenburg caunty, for the office of Coroner In the coming election. Mr. Mc Lure is a resident of Charlotte, consequently would be near the centre of the county and more accessable for the duties devolving upon the office than one residing in any extreme part of the county. He is in every way Qualified for the posi tion, and Is a prompt and energetic business man. He is presented as the people's candidate and will be supported by MANY VOTJCRS. sept 10 OPERA HOUSE. One Jlelit Only. Thursday Eve, November 9ft, '82. GRAND SCOT AfflDRAMATIC EVENT AND THK - Pronounced EnMefflent of the Season. Production on a scale of Magnificent Grandew, JAMES A. HERNES HEARTS OF OAK, Acknowledged to be the Most Perfect Scenic and Dramatic Picture OP THE JG-S. SUPERBLY JIOUN FED. TIGNIFICEXTL,V ACTED The company usually strong, headed by JAMES A. HERNE. The scenery, entirely new. comprising an entire car load, consisting In part of ITIablebead Neck at Sunset, with Roll ing Surf. Ocean and Lighthouse in the Diatance, THK SQUALL, THK bIQNAL, THK REVOLVING LIGHT, WBKCK OK THK NANTUCKET, (In full view of the audience.) MANNING THE LIKE LINK, THK RESCUE, THK RAIN BURST, INTERIOR OF THK OLD MILL, HOMEOlf TERBY and CRYSTAL. Tickets at the usual Driees sold at the McSmlth Music House. Tickets now ready. nov5 ANEW DEPARTURE! Something Entirely Original ! ! COMMENCING from this date "Nyvember 1st, 1882, untilJanuary 1st. 1883, we will give to every person who sends us 82.50, for a year's snbseilption to our Elegant Family Illustrated M.igazlne At Hoke An abroad A FREE TICKET TO A VALUABLE PREiaiUIrl, "Which will be drawn for on the 1st day of January, 1883. This premium Is a handsome SOLID GOLD LADY'S WATCH, DOUBLE HUNTING CASE, KEY-WINDER, and will be sent In a beautiful Morocco, velvet lined Watch-case. This is no Hamburg or Lottery, but a genuine FREE GIFT, as the Magazine will be mailed, for ONE YEAR, to every name sent us between now and January 1st This will be MORE than the value of your money. The offer also holds good for any DE LINQUENTS who will pay up within the specified time. Apply to us for circulars containing full specifications, and our PROSPECTUiFOR 1883. All parties whose names are on our books on the 1st of January next, will receive a handsome CHRISTMAS PRESENT. See advertisement In next Issue. Special In ducements and premiums to getters up of clubs. Send names, addresses and amounts by P. O. or ders, early, to Editors ot AT HOME AND ABROAD, no5 Chirlotte, N. C. ital Only ANY person wishing a splendid stand; cheap tent and find It to their advantage to address Lock Box 42, Chaslotte Postofflce. A good busi ness and small capital only needed. nov5 It Cap BENEFIT 'Many Happy Returns!" When is your BIRTH-DAY? &ETW Orrmtus4 sd Chartered Under the Laws of th State of Tennessee August 7th, 1882, $1,00 in Three Months I - $0 Per Day ! BIRTH in QUE DAY 1 MARRIAGE at ANY TIME I SIBPg-IDA.-Y' TO-MOBBOWl Largest Benefits! Least Expense ! Quickest Returns ! Best and Safest Investment! T B tSjg Agents Thousand 'SSiM WANTED Tin "Royal" (like this Bahy) is niwys TIBC. Male and Female Agents waated in evry Village, Town and Cityf the United SUtes, to work for our " I0YAL " Association, TVRCC TaSUSARI MILAM IN Mil PKBIUHI to our Agents. BIG PAY. SPOT CAS It, LIGHT, EASY WORK. . Active Agents are making One Hundred Dollars, Canh, per day. No Capital required to begin business. na-Writetfor Circulars. Full Particulars. Bererenees Banks and business men of Nashville. Address T. H. JONES, Sec' y. 62 N. Markat Street, Nashville. Tenn. NICHOLSON & RULE, General Agents, OFFICENO. 3, BTJFORD HOUSE. 2 OO Live and Energetic men Wanted to Canvass North Carolina, South; Carolina and V lrglnla. 4, MEMBERSHIP FIVE THOUSAND. Oct 15 lew 10 OLID : HAVE .KffST OPENED Hardware, Tinware, Silverware POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, And In fact a 'G-IBlsriEIRIL OF 'GOODS IN THESE LINES In the old Postofflce Three Doors East of the ,7 And I take this method of saying to the ne undersold in the Charlotte Market. TAXXSS 331 O "5T 33 IL ct29 KNOWN AS THE Porter Place, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. ON MONDAY, the 6th day of November next, at 12 M., we will sell at the court house door In Charlotte, N. C, that valuaoto tract of land con taining 5394 acres, lying In Providence township, Mecklenburg county, six miles from Matthews' station on the C. C. Railroad, about the same dis tance from Pinevllle, on the C, C.4A. Railroad, and twelve miles from Charlotte, known as THE PORTER PLACE. Said lands are highly Improved and very pro ductive, being well adapted for cotton, corn, wheat, oats, &c, &c. There Is a good residence, orchards, barn, gin house and other necessary outbuildings on the plantation In good condition, and churches and schools are at convenient distances. The lands will be offered In four lots: First lot, containing 177 acres on which Is situ ated the residence and other buildings. Second lot contains 45 acres. Third lot contains 131 V acres. Fourth lot contains 1 85 acres. They will also be offered as a whole. There Is 185 acre Oats sown, good for 4,000 bushels. The plantation made this year 4,000 bushels Oats and 300 bushels Wheat; the crop was damaged by army worms 500 bushels Oats and 200 bushels Wheat; will make 70 bales of cotton on 90 acres; some of It will make lVi bale per acre; 400 acres In high state of cultivation. TERMS: One-fourth cash; balance In three equal Install. Bents at the end of osx, two and thbkx years, wMh Interest at tae rate of eight per cent per an num. SALE POSITIVE. Purchaser can also buy on favorable terms the s toe if of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Farming Im plements, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Hay, &c., now on the plantation. B. R. SMITH & CO., 109 Pearl Street, New York. octlO till nov6 F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR The Berber & Engel Brewery Company s (Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) Celebrated Lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY. KHave lust received a small lot of BOTTLED ALB and PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address FRED C. MUNZLER, Lock Box 255, Charlotte, N. C. mbr28 SPECIAL NOTICE. Miners, Mannf acturers, Millers,Distillen. "y E Call your attention to our stock of Plumb ing, Gas and Steam fitting Material, Valves, Pumps, pipe, &c Agents for the Blake Steam Pump. Country residences fitted up with water and gas. tW Prompt attention to all Inquiries. C. E. ROBINSON 4 CO., oct28 Under Central Hotel, Trade street valuable Plank on ASSOCIATION. ft SIRTH Business ! : o : : o :- A NEW and COMPLETE STOt K STOCK Building, Court House, public that I will nofi i ; -BOSTON- METALLURGICAL WORK S3 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, A&sayers and Analytical Chemists GOLD and SLLVER REFINERS, Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards REFRACTORY ORES TREATED. Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketche and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The fiew England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SMELTED ON RETURNS OT PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. THOMAS BINNS MXTALLCTtQIST. A.H. KIDNEY Mnmra Ehoinmb. JOHN HOLLIDAY Pbof. CHXXI8T mar8 tf TIE ROOM U8ED IN THE Graded Schools OF CHARLOTTE, Are still furnished at the Introductory am Ex change Rates established by the publishers as heretofore published. All other School Books used In this section kept In stock and shipped In any quantities at Whole sale or Retail. An extensive and well selected stock of erery kind of paper from WRAPPING to PARCHMENT for office, school, general and printers' use kept la store and sold at reasonable rates. . BLANK BOOKS, STATHmiRT aod FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books and Miscel laneous Books are on oar shelves. Books not on hand promptly ordered. iddy & Bro. sept28 7 Goods!