voETxxviii. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1882. NO. 4,250. WE' ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY -OF- Garpets,Uugs,Mats, ETC., ETC., This Season. WS HAVK A 1IWSNIFICENT STOCK. EEMEMBEE THIS Vii voi war CARPETS! : o : : o : i OXIM iFALL AND WINTER STOCK: T5. SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, YaHses and Traveling Bags, IS N W COMPLETE. has ten selected with unusual care to meet tbe wants of the Trade, and to give them the ?MT GOODS MANUFACTUBED. LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers A fcPEMALTY. OTTIR pTOCK OF Irwis, Valises and Traveling Bags J3 LAhOK ANP YaHIKD. llA.T8l 8,5 BBS WATS - 3 eOM 06 KD 0 THB - kiii MlMand I. WEST NTVLSn -OF lSK, STIFF I FELT. C ii 4 tmhaOldKrfablkhedHouaeofB pecraw tc co: exaier Harris IB ffi ooftgf Clotltina. Sec Bald lonntain ON A- oo TiLL the rash continues for our Goods, and every day we receive something new. Ask to se our colored Bordered Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs. The best Corset for 50 cents ever shown in Charlotte. Another lot of Misses and Children's Underwear just In by Express. A very doe line of Boys and Misses Fur Caps. We don't want you to forget that! we are head- Walking Jackets, Ac , and have made special rices ir me uexi inirty aays. Our fourth stock of Black Cashmere has Just eome in, and e can now give you a BUok Dress irom ioc to i.vo per yard. Seventy-five Gross Buttons all shades, arrived m-uaj ier express. Our stock of Gloves, in Thread, Worsted and aiu, is cuinpieie. Another Installment of Hose for Misses and wiiiuxen. . Give us a call and be convinced that we keep w biock or uooas rnuntrio te. Very Respectfully, T. L. Seigle & Co. -. . uuuico , uoum , aujB auu misses uuooer vais ana uossamers, ail size?. novi medical. Diphtheria. A cold or sore thro.t may not seem to amount to much, and if promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect Is often followed by cornnmption or diphtlieria. wo medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely in srjch cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIH K IiXeII. Th,1 prompt use of this inocduabU remedy has saved thousands of Uvea PERRY DAVIS' PAIH KI1VLER la n Prnnt. It has been before the public for forty years, and i most valued Where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read j follows: ?fn'K"rR h"bemmy household remedy for colds for the past twenty -seven years, and have never known it to fair in effecting a cure, L. S. Crocker, WiUiamsvlUe, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pain Killer, and round it a uever-failingr remedy for colds and sore tcroat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and pore throat, and consider your Path Killer an to valuable remedy. Geo. B. Evisstt, Dickinson, I.vre.a?t recovered from a very severe cold, ni.:b I hnve had for some time. I could (ret no relief ant J I tried your Pain Killeb. which reiieveo uie immediately. I will never again be withou . it. c. O. Fojtca, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killeb in my family for forty fears, and have never known it to faii Hansom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using- Pain Kills r In my family twenty nve years ago and have used Itever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. w. Dyes. Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. or wnoopujg-cough and cronp It is the beet aauvt UVUp 1 JO UAO UCWfc would not be without it A. P. Routs. Libertv Mills. Va. For twenty -live years I have for colds and ehapped lips, and medicine ever offered. Gto.Hc - - . v . . act, ujuci l J m 1 11 n, t a. For twenty -live years I have need Pain Killer W Vlrtfl tt-nl AFtaraul lino ., . . ,1 ....-J 1 . 1 1 . .Hoot jWiiininKton, H.O T W am4TAw4k uwnwilrt wtAV . .1.1. m throat was so inflamed I conld scarcely swallow any food. I waa advised to try your Pain Killkb, and after taking a few doaea was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Path KILLn nma itinMhArin rirl cum Vi-ia in burly prevalent here, and has not been known to fall in a single instance. Thia lact you f'ild make known to the world. XTrm tr tn Ala.aM Iti ' W X . H..4.VM. J Villi nan WBCU coia . Dim Kili.kr. He was taken on Sunday, and on it ouucBuny lub inroai was clear. 11 was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chllla and Fever PAIK KIIXF.R has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pad. Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell It at 5c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. sept dtw sept oct. J. TJUTLER, THE JEWELER, HAS JUST RE TURNED FB0M THB NOBTH, WITH THB FINEST, MOST SELECT, IflOxT COM PLETE and BEST 4 a SORTED -STOCK OF- , Clocks and Jewelry, Silver ind Plaled Ware, Ever displayed In NORTH CAROLINA. CALL AND SSB HIM octJO Electric AppliaacM arc cent M 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN mWWl W 9ll Vigor, AVasting WKAKMKssBS.'ahd all those diseases of a Personal Natlkk resultingr from Abusk and Othxb OausbS. 6peedy relief and complete resto ratianof Hjxai.tr. VIuok and Manhoo Guaranteed. The grandest ditcovory of tho Nineteenth Century. Beud at, once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Addreua VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. Skating. Skating. SkatiDg. FINE SPORT. INNOCENT AMUSE MENT. Commodious Hall. Polite Attendants. RKAONABLB JPRICB3. :. itonthiiand veiasoo twretrttr sale. Apply to nold ''i Manage 1 yypyKf, ' i uuiiani, xukzi wver, ana chills. Ho m An it OjU,- K v horn. I f ri(rt tii -Aall MmolMMn I . I ,.,,rZ (mWE -AND AFTErS SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Fll Term, 1883. Beported for the Obaerver by Walton M. Bosbce. Boone, Trustee, et al, vs. Hardin, Sheriff Cumberland. Ruffin, J. : Thi3 action is brought to recover damages for the con version of property. On February 18, 1879, Bell being insol vent, conveyed by deed his stock, evi dences of debt, &c, to his co-plaintiff Boone in trust to secure certain debts then owing by him, with a proviso, however, that if he should pay the same on or before February 18, 1880, then the conveyance should be void, but if not Boone should "take possessionof said property and after alloting to Bell his personal property exemption according to law, Bell the same and apply the proceeds as directed. Deed registered on the lstbf the folio wing month, soon thereafter certain creditors of -bell, un secured in de-d, obtained judgment against him and placed executions in the hands of the sheriff who levied on and sold the property and applied the proceeds to the satisfaction of theiudg ment creditors. To the issue, waa the deed in trust referred to in the com plaint fraudulent as to creditors. The jury responded in the affirmative. me court says: mat it was proper to exclude the evidence of plaintiff wnen ne proposed to prove that it was argued, outside of the deed that the trustee should take immediate posses sion or the conveved orooertv. Such an understanding being different and inconsistent with the one expressed in me aeea. 2. party cannot, ne nprmifxri n av uiAi utj uia noi intend the necessary auu uaiiurai consequences or his own act. Where there was no Bvidfineei offered to rebut the presumption Of iiauu lb was nrODer in nis Honor so to instruct. No error. Judgment affirmed. .beak, Executor, vs. Covington, et als. Smith, C. J.: lhis was an action to frnforrifi contri bution, and the only question brought up is whether the Judce below richtlv oruerea a reference. The error assign j 1 ? - -a- J ea is mat me defenses to the mainten ance of the suit first be disposed of by a jury trial, and that the rpfHrenne is premature and irregular. ueia. A compulsorv mav be ordered by the Judge "when the takine of an account snan oe necessary tor the in lormation of the court before judg- Appeal dismiss d. Moore vs. Hinnant Johnston. Smith, C. J.: This appeal is attempted to be taken in the midst of a trial and before the rendition of judgment. Appeals are not authorized under such circumstance?, but onlv from a judicial order or determination of a J udge C. ('. P., sec. 209; and then ouly when a trial entered uuon is concluded. (Juuse remanded at defendant s costs, Wyche vs. NewsoLufc Xui thampton. Smith, C. J.: The facts in this case are similar to those in Person vs. Newsome, differing only in that the return here made is simply "satisfied" and without explana tionChapter 31, sec. 39, Revised Code has no reference to final process, as snown uy its connections. 1 his is mani fest by reference to the similar section in Revised Statutes, ch 31, sec 43, which has with some modifications been in troduced into the Keyised Code. The "due return" of the sheriff is de fined by Mr. Jacobs in his L iw Dic tionary to be "of what he hath dor e touching the execution of any writ directed to him." No error. Judgment affirmed. Carrington vs. Allen Durham. Smith, C. J.: This action is to recover upon a note under seal for 8500, executed by de fendant February 21, 1878, and payable oae day after date. The defense set up was that its consideration was for money won at unlawful gaming. There was a verdict for defendant and the plaintiff appealed and the court dis poses of the errors assigned as follows: Stronach vs Bledsoe, 85 N C, disposes of the first error assigned. The second error is equally without support as the instrument spoken of related to a col lateral matter and is not within the rule which excludes secondary, when primary evidence is attainable. Pollock vs Wilcox, 68 IN C, 46, State vs Carter. 72 N C, 99. No error. Affirmed. Boing vs. R. & G. Railroad Company Vance. Ashe, J.: Civil action tried before a justice un der sec. 10, ch. 16. Bat. R.BY., to recover damages for injarv to live stock to-wit: one cow of the value of twenty dollars. Two freeholders were summoned and sworn to ascertain damages and as sessed the same at twenty dollars. After judgment an appeal was taken. On the trial a witness testified that "on 14th September, 1881, about 9 o'clock a. m. he passed over a section of defendant's road on his way to a store and did not at that time see any cow near the rail way track: that he returned about 11 o'clock, a. m., of same day, and saw the cow of the plaintiff down.aonie twelve or fourteen ' feet from the roadbed, with one of her legs broken or crushed. He further testified that from nine to eleven o'clock that day two trains, one passenger ancCthe other freight, had passed over defendants roau, upon this evidence the coui-t expressed the opinion that while there was some evi dence to go to jury it was a bare scin t lla, leaving the matter not proven. Upon this InuiuatiQu the plaintiff sub mitted to Ik nan iuit and appealed. rne court lays: If ttt? evidence offered was compe tent and any evidence of the matter in issue, then it was an invasion of the province oa tfle jury for the court to express an.opinion as to its effect. Where evidence of a tact is so calcu lated as to form a link in tbe chain, al- thougli the other links are not supplied. still it is nevertheless some evidence tending to establish the fact in issue, and its sufficiency must be passed on by the jury. Error. Venire dfl nuyu warded. Nimocks vs. Scanlin et al Cumbeilanc. AsiiK, J.: Mrs. Scanlin joined with her husband Scanlin both deeds of mortgage and if the land was the absolute property of the husband there is nothing in the deeds to show that the joining in them was intended to effect ner dower or homestead in the land. For aught that appears upon the face of the deeds the wife may have oeen tne owner, in nr own right, or had a joint interest with her husband, lhe deeds are suscepti ble of that construction. The point was raised on the trial below that Mrs. Scanlin wus a necessary party. The court says: The point was well taken. When a a person's rights may be affected by an action without their being made a party to it and having an opportunity to de fend them, an adjudication of the same would be an act or injustice. Case remanded that Mrs. Scanlin may he made a party to'tbetictkm and that the1 decree for saJ4 mafc be modified if . , 1 ' ? i t'VI. Jit A A Vi A 7 a fl ? In sism- ine piaiuuiu auaii uo ou onftw wu formity to this opinion, j State vs. Reynolds Guilford.. f ! Smith, C. J.: ,'--ri 'r; : . Defendant 'was tried fend found gnilty bfsteaUtfg one, pound of tobaccoand money of the value of one dollar from J. L. Harden. It was in evidence that defendant was in me store of prosecu tor on Saturday, that at that time he had no tobacco, un Monday following defendant was found in possessi on nf several plugs of tobacco similar to that which was Kept m a oox at the store and also a piece of money found in de fendant s possession was identified as having been in the money drawer on Saturday. It was also in proof that de fendant after his examination before the committing magistrate said that the nrosecutor "had sworn to a sWlr piece of money" before the magistrate. mat ne am uut w coma so swear aa there were severalrieoes of sleek money in the drawer. The solici tor insisted that the recent possession of the stolen goods raised a presump tion of guilt and made it incumbent upon defendant to explain the posses sion. Defendant's counsel asked the court to charge that the presumption did not apply to the money which was constantly passing from harid to hand as a circulating medium. The court made no comment and gave no instruct tion, but admitted the evidence to the jury to pass upon its credit and might The court also refused to instruct that there was no evidence of the larceny of the tobacco, but recapitulated the evi dence not adverting to that which was drawn out tn crossexatflnatiori ; ex cepted to. The court says: It was the duty of counsel if evidence important to tbe defense bad been over looked, men to can it to the attention of the judge and have tbe omission supplied, it would not be conducive to a fair trial to allow this oversight to be assigned for error, entitling the accused to a new trial. Where the whole matter is left to the jury to draw such inferences as the evi dence warranted, and neither party is benefited by the rule, the defendant's case is not prejudiced. Where one criminal act is imputed, the felonious taking and removing of either of the articles mentioned con stitute the crime, therefore it was no error in the omission to charge that "there was no evidence of the larceny of the tobacco," for it was shown that defendant had no tobacco on Saturday, and such charge would not have changed the grade of the offense. The use of the term "money" in the bill as descriptive of the coin taken, is author ized by ch. 68, acts 1876-77. No error, Affirmed. Adams vs. Utley Wake. Ruffin. J.: This action was to recover a balance alleged to le due on a bond executed Oct. 23, 1807. The complaint bdows that several payments had been made on the bond, the fast being 85, on June 5, 1876 The answer admits the execution of the bond to the plaintiff's wife, and says that the complaint does not state all the payments made thereon. The parties were allowed by the court to amend their pleadings, and in answer to a new complaint substantially the same as the former one, the defendant denies the allegations thereof seriatim,-And alleges that the bond sued on was executed irnore than teu years before the com mencement of the action, and therefore pleads payment thereof and the statute of presumptions. Plaintiff offered evi dence for the purpose of showing that the credit dated 24th Aueust. 1870. was in fact made at that time: upon an in timation from the court that it was in sufficient to rebut the plea of payment, neorteredtne original answer as con taining the admissions of defendant, with reference to the credits on the bond, that answer was read with the amended answer, as a part of tho pleadings, at the ou'set of the trial. But the Court beiner of opinion that the denials in the amended answer covered all allegations of payment made in the complaint; ruled against the plaintiff, t ) which plaintiff appealed. li e court says: The tact that evi dence of admissions was contained in an answer, constituting a part of the pleadings in a cause, cannot detract from its competency. A man's own ad mission touching the subject of a con troversy to which he is a party, are al ways admissible against him,and much more ought they to be so when solemn ly made in a proceeding in a court of justice. It loses none of its vigor be cause an amended answer was subse quently filed under leave of the court. Ster vs Murphy, 83 N C215, eited. I he genuineness of credits and their dates, as endorsed on a note, are ques tions of fact for the jury, but when once established, then the effect upon the legal presumption of payment would become a matter of law for the court. Error. Venire de novo. Gill vs Lucy Edwards et als Yance, Ashe, J.: The principles involved are fully-dis cussed in Dellinger vs. Tweed, 66 N C, 2f6, and it wa3 then decided that the homestead and personal property ex emptions made under the Constitution of 1863, and the laws passed in pursu ance thereof? can not be sold under an execution issued upon a judgment ren dered in an action ex dilicto. No error. Affirmed. itlAitiera should Know It, Fr. tful babies cannot nelo disturbing everybody, an 1 mothers should know new sopiWftg Parker a (linger Tonic Is It atota. 'bawfes pacing, makes them healthy, yeUeves their own anxiety and Is safe to use. Journal. ' Bhauraalic diseases.' Thesa oilmenta follow from. vrHd hver and costive bowels; the skin. Dowete gflthkMBeyslalllnjiin their proper work, an 8crtq poison Is formed In the blood, which la the occasion of these acute diseases. Kidney-Wort produces healthy action of all secretive organs, and throws oft the- rheumaUe poison. Equally efficient In Hgiild or dry form. Inter Ocean. m A CARD. To all who are suffering from tbe errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac. I will send a seclpe that will cure you, jthkk r unAxtttK. This treat remedy was discovered by a missionary In Sou'h America. 8eid a self-addressed envelope to the Bsv. JoaiPH T. ItrxAx, . Station D, New. Tork City. ( i Natural Fruit Flavors. mMm EXTRACTS. Prepared frm th$ choicest Fruit, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or ariifk . v f - rl .31 iai essences, mi ways uniform in wrrwngia, without any adulterations or impurrtigr ': , Hare gained their reputation from theu perfect purity, superior strength and qagU it. Admitted by nil who .hare used them as tho most J&caf&grabdfiU and natural fhror foreakes jwfdiiigs, f reams, tc. ICAirOFAOTtraBD IBT- : 1- ; STEELE ; PRICE, K Chlc,mV'atti'Bt.lA5Tiivo.k '. Makers st Lmlia Teast . Br. rn ssstan, wxttm ft WI MAKC NO Bs,COHt ORAPK GOODS NEWS NOTES. Samuel G. Courtney, United States district attorney in New York, is seri ously ill, and his recovery is not ex pected. Several acres of ground have been purchased in Nashville, Tenn., on which to erect the buildings for the national mineral and industrial exposi tion. In the United States District Court at St. Louis Friday Samuel Leviar, a letter carrier, was found guilty of rob bing street mail boxes and sentenced to three years' hard labor in prison. Superintendent Grant, of the New York Produce Exchange, tendered his resignation Friday to the board of man agers. He is to become the secretary of Mayor-elect Edson. The Spanish and New York Tele phone Company, of New York, has been incorporated at Albany. The cap ital is $1,000,000, and ills to run through a number of StalaBin.this country and through the kingdom of Spain. Tbe canvassing board appointed by the Edmunds commission to ascertain and declare the result of the election in Utah Territory finds that Cain (Mor monl received 23,039 votes, and Van zile (gentile) 4,880. The certificate of election was awarded to Cain. A meeting of Kentucky distillers was held at Louisville Friday to consider the recent decision of the Kentucky Court of Appeals siitjectirig) whisky in bond, owned by non-residents, to State and county taxation. The case will probably be appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. Bonn Formal tbe tozodon,, bat use It regularly after every; meal. It Imparts a pleasant flavor to the mouth, changes Sffenslve secretions into uealthful, Invigorates the gams, and cleanses the lnterstlees of tbe teeth Like old Hercules, U purines tbe Augean stables which some have In their mouth. Brought Out Perfectly. Xouistllle, Ky., March 80, 1 88 1 . H, H. Warnsr 4 Co-f Itsi-I bad been a great sufferer from acuta kktaey disease, which my physicians could ngtciire. bat a short trial of yo 8af Kidney and Liver Core brought me out perfect health. C. H. (xKHBaELD. Mrs. wiasiaw's soothing Byrnp. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston Christian Freeman.- We would by ho means re commend any kind at, .medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for Infants. But of Mrs. Wlnslow's SootBrfiplSyrup we can speak from knowledge; In our own family it has proved a blessing Indeed, by giving an Infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and Its parents unknown rest at night Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here Is an article which works to per fection, and which Is harmless; Tor the sleep which it affords the infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething, Its value Is Incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the birth of the child till It had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. For Dyspepsia, Costivenesa, Sick Headaclw, Chronic Tlar rhoea, Jaundice, Impurity of th Blood, Fever and Ague, Malaga, and all Diseases X-- 3t caused by De rangement of Lirer, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A, DISEASED LIVER. Bad Breath Pain in the Side, sometime th pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken (or Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite ; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leavingiandone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry coxKn and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, oen mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of weariness and debility ; nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It should be used by aU persons, old and young, whenever any of the abovw symptoms appear. Persons Travail or U-rlne In TJn- healthy Localities 1 iy taking a dose occaxjon- ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, ut Is no in toxicating' beverage. If Tou have eaten anything hard ot digestion, or fed heavy after meals, or sleep lees at night, take dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will he saved by always keeping the Regulator In the House! For, whatever the aflran,t ay be, a thoroughly safe purgatrvey alter tire and tonie can never be oux of alace. The remedy is harmless and, does not interfere with business Or ' Pleasure. IT IS rUBKLT VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator ha been in use in my ftunilv for some time, and I am satisfied k is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gjli Shotbk, iovemor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says : Have derived some benefit from th use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to sdre it further trial. "The only Thing thai only Thing thai never falls to I have used man, emeii frir TVw. xvexieve." 1 have used snan r-r?i vouiry, put never neio I I ... - a is-..: 1 t- t 1 . - jcl spuna nyuung to beaefct me to the extent unmaxvs lAver Kegulntor has. I sent from Mkv aeaott taGeCrfia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim irfy1,Afeetd to rive ft a trial sa h seems the oaly thing thattxever &flvo relieve. V. M. Jammst, Minneapolis, Minn. ... Xr; T "W. Mason fcayst From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practic I have been aad a Satisfied tp ue abm prescribe it sa a purgative sjedjeine. KyTake only the Genuine, which always Kas on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. H. ZEILIN A CO. SALE BY ALL DKUGblSTS. IISTsTsi SSU rW tfr"h ejsTyeweg ysaswx eosjni.iej ,; swiiog eno dnasa no stwidn la net M ewtttua q pros 1, VsuoatnritrosKi nam pd jo00 rttnnsn suvdart y 31 , jatsa-snQ jp 'uoftvortddv aritani 4 ovia , msotb 04 paanvsw waa lilltfl wxa I. if xiwnij xmm pw -Aiarwi mass teen nrwa msjavaSMM im wnwaws grrMirrH 'y.y-Tjy. MUStf sBBSHIBfWHN MS ottraoj seeftJKt 00 pwq eawq l ptre tvnqoi ptre iCixseq emeoea. aooeujoqt ia :sno9AJui srsA trnaes eii mrlU B.LQ1 jo en ett traq f oeqsa naVexaooerp wa sa -WQT40 Pa sew nemq jo 1 itmooow no oVoxg wirwaesno oa praoaj suweA insam J04 ovTP: fHJm nt aopwtwid H t aZs) '-n miva noJWg anwu 'jvaJw ' 40A,a Ww rrittlO eiorett win pWMtg n tneitKg raOAJOg qt tPjaoj mrgwa , try ; Tjooj esirmj no aonsnrtoM .1V & rtWJl xriTTWf7 fig ' 'wamsAorni ltropn9H wn thus eevoarp jrp 10 ojoq 3NVO 0HJL6I uaAri aairaaiiosia v ATOUD TABJC MrSt&fMhwTB I mar. toott toevnsMcetwate crwai. -Ihsi iood ham.' and weoeV water. Toamr orchard. In MeoklenlWnr eotuHvV Uirewwaltea JUat mi Darld- fx CuUege, to he soidjrittln ird weeks;, 7 For pilot sod mrtk&s, sftobu .... 't oefd w2i PwW4 College, M.-4X -4 law wwwsi inMrai ANDSOME DRESS PATTERNS WB h?IJ rJ?.?e.,v22 another stock of HANDSOME DR3? PATTERNS at SI 0. ft 5, 18 and r2R I wi,1?,?hsLS''25,30 881 caII and see them, as they are the newest thing out Also, another T LS!.1121 SQ1 15e CASHMSHS tt blacks and colors. The best-sfexX 1 All Wool ChraerMla blacks and au colors, from 45c to 31.50 per yard. alius, Sarahs, 8TLK3 all colors; can match anything NRCKWKAB; a lanre stock Jackets, Dolmans. Circulars. mtr. p.i,... . Zu7.'Z.JZF! and Children's Underwear, Ladles' and Gents' Furnishing Goofs Cretonnes. Have Just received a large stock ot HATS and. CAPS At bottom figures. Trunks. Valises. Boot n 1 s atswlr la ranlanrll ,huH Hollw K . : t..ZJ.,,ZSCl." Cf 7 1 IWW mat no!2 L. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. 1 ! Correct New Goods -:o: Oar Patrons: The People. Our Study: Their Interest Oor Maiim: Fair Dealinj. OUR REWARD: SUCCESS. W ,1'an"'adim oar own Men's dothlng, and therefore can seU at taoth lowwr prices than any v other house can offer the aaraa Hnrvl wa am nn nmnani ia n ih. n k . ed stock of BEAOT-MADS in this section. OUS Furnlshtna Goods DeDartment for beauty and novelty will ooaapaiw with any in the South. The last but not teast. our Hat Depart ment, consists ol onlv the latest out. and finest that nniilrl hn frtiinn rn tno murVot v.m tnkan special pnde this season to secure such roods thai cannot be found. elsewhere. Our prices in each and eTeiL.PartT"eirt 8,6 Invariably bottom figures, and every article sold with oar guarantee. I3ff Thanking the public kindly for past favors, and soliciting a bbare of your trade in the fa tare, we are Very Respectfully, Tj. BerWAnier d 23ro.. 0011 o s B a O P B to P P ta o 3 2.8 0D ft) to 8 .2"? i to 3 3? 00 1 t J1 . 3 o W " I e o bat M 13 CD $ O C h 3 So CD 1st m 5s J P- p a CD O I - o r i ri s a r. H H UJ k . i ,, r, j :rr i ' n .A.M'II '! "'il'lw I NOW HAVE The LARGEST and Prettiest Stock of FUENffiJEE EVER BROUGHT frr Jaleeihvited M WHICH Wholesald and Retail Funiiture Dealer - -:o: In this city Ottomans, Broeades, KUttary Braid and Oraamants. a A large stock of Ladles.' Gents Ask to see our Curtain Laoss and 4 :k r rtoady-made Clothing. Our pa uut, 12 we ask ol tne nubile Is to give an ouillea Uut, Harpra llielm, Smith Building, East Trade Street. EEB k El Styles ! Closest Prices! :o:- " " .. eomnrlne the lateet oat. arul wa are mnnrUnt thnt . Leading Clothiers and Tailors to 52 H H O l-H H d H MM- i ri 0 lit KH3fia -.LJmi m kW a 21 ? no H Q t i til TO THIS MARKET, 4 . I I INTEND TO SELL AT siftd;$6ferriy goods Mi 1 h .... , - - i ..j '-J.X&' I "31-J 1 :'

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