; 03heH .loi1! ,.0.(1 Y lo JieaiT esJsia VOL. XXVIII. nn apt iTTF!. N. f!.. WEnwifanAv "nifrA VJ-ii."JLv a x ' ' ---a-a. UiUln. J. jf)3uL wRFly. una B9if9e,9i3J eoo -esoea vjatnlosdis et nsdj siom oa bsxsi So esgnsaz IsniaB aril va-tisb qj nsa I C2 &oo&sr t&latfxiuQ, Sec nm mm OF- New Goods! EDITORIAL. PARAGRAPHS. 4 Another let ot theme Beautiful 811k and fur Lined CIRCULARS, , TJ Walking fku , jackets, dolmans, &c., PER JXPRK THIS MORNING. We have a handsome line of WOOL PLUSHES In Black and C2 R ---THE-- -3 .5 & GRANDEST J ran npr- a rFtr-e' t? M t iiieri(ti,'i; l riun Brer Offered in this Iowa. ON- W WILL COMMfNtJ Grand Sweeali.g Clearing Out Sale of Our Inttre Stock of Go :" I S3 si by 'AJTOaBI lit, i i tWotif ; WttfML M ? w.wtthoutrtervs. pi be MMiM Hial 1rt ClMMkela, Dolaraae, JfcaadrtaiHP xmalng, Oarpela, Bon, HatiArMVMtft -fo 1 TftMIMidiW aaM'tnd MtiA. a-if srtvlMtH twiJ j enure ntall trade to osjee4Ake ad .... law r it ro won ?-rjT Tf f"' R0T28 I I 1 d colors. f t , frrtnjn new In NBCKWBAB. As to oaf BLANKETS. We have another stock of UN DEB WEAR Just in. Come and see us and hn nninnn tht o T. l! 8BIGLK & CO. a the most erlmplete jutinu auiwaere. nor26 medical. a eoSd Drohfliemi em to 1 Si 4wEattende4 I SJU'rare,? fteecl often S3?Z?!c2i2FrZT xeen dHooverea which mSMftfVKiS?4 r In such cftaes as KILT.En. Tha t Tise Of this invotuobU rented hna red thouaandB nt n?m : ' PKRJRT DAVIS' PAIW 1CTT.T.ITW la ptnietlmat- It has been before the gao ipj fHr yrs, and 18 most valned! where it is best known. 7 5 A few axtracta from voluntary testimonials : ead..jfc follows: . tty ys"? I.T8 8f PAnr Killbtb, and fcoSiijanBrfiijMaaedylor odds and soro Bmwe Bakton Sbamait. recydved immsdiate relief from colds and fET?, r?t' d, congldar Tour Pain Kiuib an ' tovilubla remedy. ao. B. Etxkktt, Dickinson, ki5f? ??PIwa 'rom Try severe cold, ESuj?!?1 yoWf WKnUBi which j-Hud Paw Knxx in y family fdr forty f1 have never known it to fait Ransom Lewis, Waynsaboro, Ga. - I began naisg- Past Kh.x.kb in my family twenty years ago and have naed it ever since, and have t""L 2? Sasto tke its plaos.-B. W. Dteb, Druggist Oneida, N. Y. jJot whooplB(?ough and erwra it ithe best ?IE?0JLliy1ild no without iWj , EocT,LibrtyMffl. Va. 1 T- 5 1 rcr twenty-five years I have used Patm Kittwa for eokto and chapped hps, and consider it the best ma ever oaerea. two tKKpaa, wmuliurton. medioi I was suffrk severely with bronchitis, and my throat was ap inflamed I eouldearJy swallow Ingly prevalent here, and has not been known' to ' rail in a single instance. This fact you eheuld . mk known to the world. ' Mrs. Ellin B. Mason writes : My son was taken mom wiui aipnuena, man lever, ana coia , , ,. i was ' mtmnr-j hub Dr. VAiavn wc .it ma many cnuaren nave died nerel I was fc'tjfl physician, and tried you PaM 'ednaadav hia thnvi wu 4a&i- Tt wu a. won. derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the w peer math wrs who are toeing so manyAaldyen. & ctr(ftMlrflsiemvennknEIlBRhaa ucjajwBro-urceu aangerous. A TXJU.it mi Pain KaLitta the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without, AU druggtstaseU it ftt!cM 50c and Sl.00 per bottle, Procrfetors, Provldencej R. I. apt dtw sept 4 oct '1 HTLl .jar tHK HOBTH, 1 i ' 1 PJLTB USi IlEtT ASM R TED -is stock of-- : ,Y'!0 ! -;ivt; are, Li d Plated .'7"fIT NOHTHsOA. i BOL INA. ' CALL AND 811 HfMijLdgl ! " ' I sL v rip a - u 41 X Bactrle UaBmT45aatilUjrff rial. TO mplowj, jgunju OAffl f Viooa, Wastdio WsAxnaaas, aad all tho dkeasej of ttittfcajiitll Century. moetitJJlutrU ItAtfl tELT 8A WAtff WUH i all John Kellvahe New. York Tsinimany fidsslleirlr aaief 'aXxM mm prospect 1 bf eotltrnfleri5em6efitfrfeifdee88-ia the country expressed himself thus, and took in the whole situation It will depend on the manner, in t which, Uie- iVfmocT&tA joe their power whether or not tney retain ine codu dence of the nation. If they use their Dower foolishly or criminally they will aeain become the minority. Whajiis needed is economy in the administra tion of thei Government not voting of the tnibli lands' to' colorations; a change in the tarmsucn as wiitproucut the DeoDle of this country from disas trous competition from foreign manu facturers, and yet wm not De in one m tprest nf monooolies: and nO: Specia legislation lor indtviduals. On thH broaa ffnnund th DCcQoeraUo party can xiai ptfwir. f If -ft weakly yields to indivfdual interests it will surely be defeated again. Philadelphia Record: "Cotton and iron manufactures in Georgia have a great future before them. The raw material is close at hand in abundance, at a cost so low that the manufacturers QPDV W Jjaafpf nding flood of foreign goods Under a low tariff but the competition of absolute free trade as well. The South needs no protec tion, bul rather such a revision of the tariff as wiU induce . Northern capital ists to take advantage of the peculiar advantages she offers." This applies WUaajnuch f area, toother Southern ruTufe before the whole South. rhiladLelphla- Record : Those who oppoafl repealf or; een any reduction, ot xne Whisk, tax Insist that whisky is a pecutfarly.proper' oty.ct of taxatiorr as a luxury; but they ' riurposely over look ih statistical fact Jthat two gal lons oufof every' five produced in this country are consumed: in the arts and manufactures. Spirits are employed in great quantities in the chemical" pro cess of preparing the most valuable medicines, and the cost of Uie medieine is much enhanced by the heavy tax, The tax is therefore an obstruction to trade and a detriment to health. The sale of three million acres of land by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company is confirmed. The company receives four dollars per acre, which will be paid for in the preferred stock of this pompany at par. i'this stock will be retired under the provisions of the charter. The syndicate makingth heavy purchase is headed by Baring Brothers.the well known English bank erp. It is proposed to colonize the, laud, all 00 which is situated last of the Mis souri river, with carefully selected Eng lish families. The Kingji county, New York, Re publican committee, by a vote of 60 to 41, has voted down a resolution declar ing the conviction of the committee that "it is time for Republicans to cease throwing tire-brands and bomb-shells at each other." The logical deduction from this action of the King s county Republicans is that the war between the etalwarta'aad half-breeds must con tinue until one aide or the other is either exhausted or annihilated -A -Baptist preacher named Geo, W. Baker is sofbfe the Marfcham House '. proprietors In Atlanta for $10,000 dam ages.-f or Itj juries liifllcted u,pon his wife by the bite of a rat, while she was ptit ting up at that house. The rat bit her hand While she was'asleep, afad her hus band thinks the hotel proprietors ought to keep such biting "varmints" out of their establishments, or pay for the damage they do! New York Sun : "The internal reve nue abomination must be abolished. tr&bMti Wl"M&tjafiected febnsU by its operation. No more money'tlst De collected man can be properly ex pended, and taxation in every foTtn rirasTyd5usttf the har dens equally. Class legislation itust he- stopped. Sinecures must be repealed The lobby rnpsbe starved out."- Congressman Hill, of New Jersey, says he believes his bill reducing letter postage to 2 cents'wifi kwws'tbW session. The committee i&ai'given the bill a. prcbiy, caxeiot stuuy, ana win, ne ue !Iieves report favorably, and, in view of the fact that the postoCice depart ment has now a surplus, he believes ngrefs will pasaahiLcj South' Carolina' farmer, through the Greenville News, protests against 'possum, hunter cutting down! a ten dollar tree that belongs to sonkebody ,else, to capture a twenty-five cent 'pos-. sum, and he wants the LegMature to pass some law on that subject. AlLwork in th Government Denart- ixfenl& irf 1&fintorf ia mn backward state, owipg, doubtless, to the long ab- aejveot All offlciftis onviectioa business And they have not even Jtje consola tion, in making, up for, lost time, of knowirvo? hha.; Lhv " wrw a plouioJia vie- 0iLrTYT,K .T7.v-.IT : i x r A Fairfield, Sftuth Carolina, man has; vented a lock with a pistol in itj which he goes to fooling witb th.e lock ; also a; clamp wb,ich picks the burglar up audi ltSrJo artiSTa$eVin The Emperor of China has written to the Queen of England asking'her to M Jin -q uTii-i v l-.'a ! --l a prorr oi auuui ??4tu,wu,uuu a, yvar uu her Chinese opium trade it is not likely she wlU bevery'anxious to crush. , The receipts from internal revenue for the past fiscal year ending J dnef),'' new )140IOO,OW;1i a6ftml 'increase; since 187? of $10,000,000. This, howevieEjfl was,,Ift500,000 .rJbelpw , CoBMnissioneri ftaTrma lia $mi$it at eifiv JITOU .jk.s;-l a&A raow atfaWWWE i s.K-tCWewBlwrtt fWAriL ia at iwiiw W4 .u J.fcRi'iL FflOA Will w kIVO '5ow,uw xoi; a neat iu tua m Afithiv sndk aoifif;fcrsa1e;'i manager toK,or g$fa9; ' ' , ndl8 Jianager. W. H. Vanderbilt's income from, bis if invstment:ifl United 'States bands Is said to be $704,000 per annum. In aid- lilriiyaiU to lngrio?kgiandora The wases are not making as much ado ove ' Der i8teua8iUseiwiiTBfteBU9lr lliant oaietaUifj adtaaatwo yean ago. tJmt'edtates Senate.1: He 'can- have it if some, other fellow don't raise him. 5 In fifty years the Baptist Home mis sion work has spent $1,700,000; $1,000,- 000 of this has been for the benefit of the Indians and the freed men m-r- LllA 1 W. 11. V anaeruut nas purchased 30, rmn uptps of coal land in PAnnnivat,;. birllt a railroad into it, and will mice and ship the coal to New York. The total population of Pennsylvania, tfi years of ae ana upwards, Is 3,303. 215, of wrjony"148,138 are unable to read, and 228,014 unable to write. -As a skull proprietor Prof Virchow, of the Berlin !Labratpry, takes thelettf, Tie has a collection of 6,000, reprtseht- iag all races and periods. At present Virginia is,out 0 doors, but two years hence she will be in and the South will be as solid as a chunk of ice. The colored teachers of the State held a meeting at Raleigh last Friday, and organized a teacners association. The combined prohibition and green back vote Ine wYork was, at! the last election, 4.7.UUU. The estate of the late Thurlow Weed is worth between $1,000,000 and $2,000, 000. . I The Georgia Senate has passed a bil making betting on elections 4 misde- meanpiv,, . Cleveland's plurality in New York .cityjtas 37,128..-- , ' What a Saaeker Says. To tie &lltor of the Observer. Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 27thi 1882, I think the term luxury ia emW ah- -plied to-artietee of great intrinsic value." purity and rarity, such 1 i diarrionds; umeiB iroia toe expenaiture 01 .much artistic work n them, such aslfijigree. uaLuoiD uoii BUiraig, liuo Ull pwaUUgB, &c.; and others, gastronomic the rare prodTucts of rernote cofahtries, whose values are enhanced by transpor tation and speculative risks. hAll of whicn are solely for the use iof the wealthy, are dispensable, and whose cost involves not the least dTain-r-direct nor ibdrrecj;-fOn the working classes. Tobacco, on the other hand in this country ris not. in any sense. 5a luxury more than cabbage, "coin or cotton. And ine naoic or using it, once formed, soon becomes ineradicable, thus makinc to bacco, to its consumers-he majority of men. an Imperative necessity. So mujahisQ, that even poor day laborers. whose three meals a day are, usually, very scant in quantity and nutrition, would rather live on two meals a day if only bread and water than dkywitri- out tobacco 1 Ai db ain workeradann t iocus taair;. mental faculties long if de- pnyeuoiic. J.- , - To lev high taxes, uien.'on tobacco. is an outrage to common sense and fairness ; and on the mere pretexts of me -we, niaing our lives, are holier than thou" class, wbo.not content with their chance impunity from the ex pense of tobacco consuniDtion. Beek to absolve themselves from bearing their equitable proportion of the load of county, State and national expenses. The pretense of assumed "goodishness," that a high tax on tobacco would tend to stop the use of it, is both sumptuary and imbecile. fo-hurmm weakness is less offensive to others or more solacing to ine consumer. Ana Doys prema turely eager to seem manly too com m only adopt or imitate the weaknesses and even vices, of adults; and through the perversity of our faluty common na ture, sumptuary laws cannot obliterate, V....- - A. tt A I I A. t A . oui uu luiensuy tnis 01a AQm Tyen dency. 1 - . As to revenue froro spirltspomfrrbn equity; carjt only derAahd wfcat; Will coy er the expense of maintaining law and order, which is, notably, much, greater for a drinking saloon than fori a cloth ing store; and distilleries, should, I think, Tje taxed according to capacity to produce not the number of gallons produced but proportionally fhigher than a cotton factory, just as a saLooais taxea, now, nigher than a bakery. County officers can list and collect as they dp other property and business taxes.; ;.Mi.i V , Nf fFALLOB. Wanted aa Itenttted Statement. Chicago Tflbunt. There is only one tiiirifl? de- tnanded frona Hubbeli as a ' oub- lio man. It is an acounting of the fund which he saueezed out of trrBpoyerof th"e.gbygrment it Vidla- iwiLotucQrreetipOlitlcaI principles, m cuflictithlbfc wrtritlf not the' letter of-a4aw of oongrcoa. andia-3efiance of iwablie setimeV ; TJw ie!Ople have a neht to know how muchmonptv vrd Lcollacted, undt-ftlie flubbell assess ment a, ana iwltat was dose with it There is the same necessity for an in ves- wgntiuu ui tun lrisu sKirmisaing rrma, and there i8 a stbrhg suspicion that the outcome, or the former will be very much the flame as the outcome of "the' latter. 'Colden'i Article 9t inlneiit Et.' Lonls n&Tgiclans sav: Llauld Beetf(onlc4s a verr aereeable diet and particularly, useful -when tonics are re quired, as n tttorerarea when other forms of ani mal food are rejected, in Diphtheria, Ague, Malaria. .Tinhold fevers and mn denreaaina U av easelts aseiaimost-ednmtacera. We have pre scribed it with oallent success." J. H. Leslie. M. D.; . rxxpp, V.,8. B. Parsons, M. B.7 Bi A TkaBhah?M. KtrrjHSi.ta'knd J. C Mledelet; ui rorter. m. v.. ana many oinrs. (.aetnemDer the name, COLDXN'8 take no other.) '- 'n 1l card. a wn 'ar Wffrtotf from'the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, eai-iv d- tTPWicriJtafmooarai a recipe thatiWlfc nmet'tos, vTklV Of. CHaBGR. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary la South AiMrJea-vBerrd; a self-addressed enjelorJe to.theM. Joskph T..INMAK, Station D. Kew, s . - Vffli i ta Esikncil WM uniform in sir Admfttfd br urt who hart used tkm iamb &mi&&uLd Miami- . if 1 T j Savor, forak!H pvdd.itHii-rmnm jfctw 0 I . m ....... . , .,. . - -vT, TT -r W .ftrcawurfSV ,VJ .pMcafo;pi:. and Bti luia, ilo r," J lanlta Taw aMllNCVrMs taw ninir aaairr nm iialfi rniaam WI MAKE NO SECOND GRADE GOODS BJ5MJH05 6iU a7T4M6 Rl.lSSSl11 eB jdb oikluq edJ no I - Ik A ? t . m- w iBoq Yiu;rfl 00 toeeolariT BY T2riJt8d0iytpjiJ PfffSKT'l W .AiBidothfyVi. wh&m i nafflflKBirrey wa?uW84 nignK'wwrQirfer nametrfiraj me pre,HerrctfOT - inrr lactfir NeWs?Ta3beTMal skyrffr dOWs WMfsyMatt'sl,bwa rnrf 6'rtM;Aitftftn i&Ue sfioriirfy?yt fmwtfmm eac'"P verr hfiiAn n,"l Iciofton tTrtrf irit vi.lmirm ( . I V V J UlIWllt - " ( t V:28.-f- 4t' jiitfBaflsii itihinthniJ s:Tumonv. nea JBirft" ioijaxsjTiiniaJod filJUl is ,1fhi Juu-.iq liJ lis to Tr-tr aTTTf o V 6 T nn u Tfrtf lei nnv mum fbnu kbe 4 man - n9aaioaBqqB eo MONTGOMKEY, i894-Pbi( a .. L . Tv . I 1 m I the Legislature, last night, to noinina&p cauqiaaw w suoceea senaxor Morgan as United States Senator, adopted the majority rule. A letter was read from exGoy J. H. Watta withdrawing from the contest Senator Morgan was nomi nated by acclamation. Snow Storm at Raleigh Fire at Ilea deraon. Raleigh, Nov. 28. A snow storm began here at 8:30 this morning with coidrweatherr , j-' 'A ' flte titr Hen'derson this morning destroyed three .stores lhd; reaidehces. The stores11 belonged to J R Young & Co, W Rerts and T W Rdwland. The dwelling belonged to Mrs Alley. Total loss, $18,000; insurance, $6,000. ' - ." Death eT a liOBtsiana CMicreisman. " "Km Orleans, Nov. 28. A despatch from Baton Rouge 0 the Timefc Demo crat, states that General Andrew & Herron, Congressman elect from the 6th district, died very suddenly at his iesidence, at 1250 o'clock last aight, ot heart disease. : . iieg an39iq oiu n9nw sniTsq b9i )rlira bnn doom A asb aa rl JJafraMiruD.11 jtii nn n. owarf MrfT uqoq 8iij eonsa Y,iuia9a s 10 isjieop A I aidqlsbslidl al aiisdlduib moil adiaab '1J lo ornoa x'is8q bnsduO 'iIii(n ,loz9an ' Death of Rear Admiral 8trnng. Washin&toh. Nov. 2S. The navy department Is informed that Rear Ad miral Jos H Strong, retired, died at Columbia, S. C, this morning, from hemorrhage of the lungs. Failnre of Paper Dealers. New Yqbk, Nov. 28. Kendal Bros., paper dealers, Nassau street, made an a88igninent. Liabilities, $3Q0j000; as sets, tSSO.'OOO. lloraford'a Acid Pboaphatb Aa a Befrigrerut Drink In Fyera. Dr. C. H. & Day 19. Mcrld n, Conn , says: "I have used it as a pleasant and cooling drink In fevers, and have been very much pleased with It" V j - Bit) FORI) ALD AHD I BOH SPKIH.8 WATXB AXS Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwloe as much Iron and ffftr per cent more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half, mayl 1 tf potteries. iftdi-idl j9.3ilruo aswiioid . - r M -aTiautA-Q ta "reoH wta aaaartfl mJi atAcO nooaa aa .6 '(us .ioauauj ffl ul m ttwivo tt (tataano oa aatoia n xSm -otrtM. (1 tt ;SMCaMar on SMuenqqo m -V.-rtorB-m sira salal It :kj t V Wim famwaim A a) ft ,mm bwtvrt .42257 wto fo notarcMn tA) ndl A bid .MtAt jnor tf -WianTOl aiacT "Uviftao" KftE &dj no sub 9oa;Iid edJ Bo ho ed ndl baB-liJxiodli tdshj , ho ooiiioqoiq 3ki 11901 snxT oidw iinp I avKs and y.9aom bji b9Dnejx9 I jutim bi8Jnim oJWh.a la4mp31SS JAT TEBN J flat we will sell che I13)li31S'iil;iri qaj y.na evael ion Hiw SaoWwc nT woTiudT BROCADES, all color Tfcjfl. 88 Aranr lj I sqira uoijuoq Uu oi beaaso wohodT Can't be excelled. We have a large line of Hand) me b ii iTPfS, QUlLWafli 1feflIC Q00D3 cheap. One of our Tlrm ts now In the Northern Markets laying in largs aatXWaftrJjfCKnnlour eountera and sbejves WM soon be Udp Mth all the novelUes the ma-kat affords. A C-JTwlll convince you that we are HKADQUABTEBS and if we do-nat sea yea R toiowiaalP i J- Bantam mm no28 Smith- EuildingAEasV-Kada mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSmmmmmmmmmmmm L U U Ul llf tm ' 1 '"l ' 'mil5 Ur "''V1'1 'rlrl ufiRW'liflwSaEdsl Leading Clothiers ahaiTaftbli,.. New Goods! Corit Itirte ! -f-:o: -:o: In'- OarPatroiB: ThePeopk Oar Stndy: Their Interest1 " Out'SarydTfe Dealing. OUR REWARD: SUCCESS- W Vannfaeture our own Keaa Clething, and therafom can sell at jnoekitowar -priets tb othex house can offer the same oeds. We are now prepared to offer the largest ana best ed stock of BKADT-MADB T-.; . i . 7) it ;T! tnu . .; ... . . - m ..... 1 ' . j u 1 . 'in . v ' -'.).. " 'gJJJJJaJSHKa aBBMBlH ' mmmmmmm Baaaa aVnavBHaBaaW aBaaVM haBaa ' sbbsJ ' 'SnaWavat ' than any assort - to thla aeoOen, OUS fursJiintQoods MprtmefjtbTbpHs thelaWitVurl ahrj vVa'are'eonfldent that for beautj and novelty will caipre wUb; mi In the South. The last tout ntt laaBt.leur Bat Depart ment, consists 01 only the latest out, aod finest that oould be found In the market, we have taken special pride this season t secure sueh goods that cannot be found elawere7'T 0r prices to each and" every department are Invariably bottom fiaurea. and every article aoJd sltk eur aaanantae. . f Thanking the puWlo kindly tor past rsvors, and sotfetttrtg a shaYe of ybur trtde-ln the future, wo ore very uBspecuuuy, - jaOA W eVMXmXm JP JU oatl I LeadlnrC lotulers and Tailors "We do hereby certify that tot supervise the ar rangement for aa the Monody and Bemi-Annual Drawings qf the Louisiana State Lottery Company, am in person manage and control the Drawing themadves. and that the some mre conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par ties, and 10 authorize the IXmnmM in . fhit AtrHtt. JfjfoJbc-tirnaes Of our signatures attached, in Coumissianerai ONPJCECirEPfTEr ATTKACtloitf " ' . i OVSB HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED, Louisiana State Lottery Companj Incorporated tn iRAftfnr 9R imm 1 lature for Educational and Charitable pa with a capital of Il,O00.000-to which" fund of S650v000 baa since been added. HWIW By an overwhelming poptilar vote Its franchise was made a part of the present 8tate Constitution -' auppieu veeemDer 'M, a. d. 1H7W. na GRAND SINGLE NTJMBSB Drawings will Look at t&eiol. It never scales or nostnones Owing Distribution: GRAND PROSIEXADE CONCERT, during which will take pfaoe thej 'J 1 ' 151pt Grand monibir nA Maoriiflary Semi-Aimiia DrbwiBi AT KW OBLSANS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19thJ 1SSA, Under the personal sanervlsloa and management ui v?eo.. x. jBSAUttauAiiu. 01 uuisianat ana rOAPITAI, PRIZE, 10O,wO0. NOTICKaridEAta arA Tan TVillAra nnW flftlvf. tt , Jflfthe gLt Mentha. fi if : . 1 CAPITAL FBIZBot$lfK),nOO.. SI 1 OBAND Vi ' . 0,0OGU. 1 , if . MT. I. . ..a AAA 2 LA&GS FBIZKS of J 0,000.. 4 " ' " 8,000,.; 20 PBIZS3of V 1,000.1 ?0 M , , .. ,600i H - .tit 600 ''Pl r i trtfti 10,000 , . . 1: , ,10. APPBOXIMATJOH 'PRIZES.. 100 Approximation mass of S200-..-. $20,000 iVK. PoximaHun rnzes 01 , auu..,.. iuu appronmaBon rruaf or , , T6 , .. . 11,279 Prlaea. amonnlifigtOwi.. . .j 9622,600 ADPratlcta tot-rates to embfl shohtd Inniv h made to the ofCefrof the eomnaavln New OrUuuu.. M. A- DATJFHIN, ot M. A.1ATJPHIN,. - ..-;T .;-.rr.,: 1 s-. -i- , oui tserentn atreet washiagtoit a c, N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans win m. celve promptatteiitlon. j ..... .i-.i-V lnvi!ii.;) i ' I l . I . K aala VZ, I imM , wwin ISaaM; ' : 1 '"IUM1"I1 iai tL.-rHT FT'" P---avf K'K . ''--f'- Sh..,i: -I:...' ,.....,. M CfJ -W I HI '.i iaiit fi!J t-.i tnj-i !i:r h- iciImwI l.Mii.-ifliilJ jjj.j ra3)kl"fcoiIujA:i Jut. dJiw avjaj '5'ffl ff loi'i ftt 4V Ji ttlii.il en fell oi f.; - . ..') -t ,,.OT..1IIcaV : V1IB ,9iOoJ J.ijb -l.fi 1 X Paii i.J. 11 1 i,- , ii,,, ,L,.m ,, ..,.,,.,. 1 Ii ' fils-iS: fSilf if, 1 o ttsn usri ih puis. 1 waar is . 'i m ;-om tbmi n msK .. y a sk s u,-it,in if umiMi.irT.-.wHy h it i int.l ?iw rs n.yv? ?,U 1o ?'1W1 9lJ wtinui 10 Tii 1 1 ,u 13 1 i-jii nut firs- a. 1 " i ; . .aau i ir jt 2ai " - . bbwb mr . . . . ass. r-i.rrrii i;u:..;ri na irwtii-)m , , aa4ffa.tn vd it? pg. ' Sl:lgfS;!.!' .-.SaSsSui i 4n,&iq i f a- -: : -r . - t iTTA iro -t,aW ' - , m rov " . n m 10.000 70D Miff .10 Ih the City of LoulavIUa. on THURSDAY, NOTESEB)ti,1882, TldnwboeoW monthly 48uadayai exeerA- adl under nrovla1eiia ef aa Aet at ttanejal A sembly of Xantucky, ,. r . .,: ; 1 The United States Owutt Cwrt eo atareti 81. rendered me following dedskmsr 1st Tnat ine unuunwetu umsKn vsn pany is legaL, r . ud usaawmgaazeiau.; - ? - . The Company has now onaaad alaiM resene fond. Bead the Ustof prises tofftte . ?; u NOVXMBKat DBAWINSb ! ' i PMaaji.-;.'.o.in..;:.r.-v..y nsor i iiiie.i.nr.;.'"..... iujmks ; 1 rras;i.mwi.(..u..... a,i 10.000 IO.I Aooroidniattnai Prizes l'J.700 7:.-- 44 . w 1 i nm us as ITlaBSn TtfaOsan aa . v mm "inria rvn i V'rTHM.'' MSI'- ABBMataati V ' .... .. j u - fc. a . t-lb ea ilaaia m TO fjw.nem.il tHT 8ES ?.g .USISXEBSD nTAkiDiaitrXattar, tb iil fcgot no Dwma;) 3258. ... . aaal 9aX A. iMlT - ill - ' Si;LoS f- I'l . y !K a I Ljl C 5' 'tux ' ...iCB, -P; pji fjl-ir.r, ,u ! in .") S3 - P.-iasgj S": E ... jif U9bvr. ' i ..11 : Vk9Ti-; J.'hi')b .'al'&QsVdi lei iP5a !):- ' :Vrr', m Sffgfc.iJ 8"''i ! f !:oiJTiiS6J Jdl drrjib0l,m'Ji! U t) Jr ' "fti J(pdJ d I iioUiiws a I The LARGEST?, - S'J oJ O B H to d B H oo ana 4j Prmticot Stock of nuiJBiai ;ai insssnq edi JA -tto bilneiill lroll 9,L loibtJlLoni rioiB oJ s X-'J .'M-)imU Vair,.y.wABai'?i(T 'trTtWtg.wr mhh .ios ijtMgpwFaaiTar " ""f llirl "T r V rT - i' V. i-Tiibifru " I nnr ul thw HIT "Ttf.'T'ipT Tfilin f f sir'-1 V" - -r. iATrjiTV.i:.;, intr.Hiaiuiau s -a .ig.uaJK-wj , n. if n,, ,r aT, iffli S5 4 by gai wasi eau be aaai in atiiciia w i i v. iAi B. M. BOARDMAN. ' Covrtewoamal ! Bmuunc. LoulSTlUe, Ky., or 809 Broadway Kew Tor. . nvvi - Order tat t wti -I '.s d labium an4eOTrt i Lqui; : L?Jsl? law tnocn i iffi8t 5di IsNBiarti Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer