XX VIII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1882. 1882. OUR OUR FALL and WINTER S-T-O-C K -OF- DilU ARRIVAL OF- New Goods! BOOTS, SHDLS, HATS, TRUNKS, Valises ! Traveling Bags, IS BOW COMPLETE. It has been seized with wants of the Trade, and to give them the BUST GOOD3 lUNUtfACTUBBD. Ladies',Gens' a Children's FINE BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS Another tot ot those Beautiful 811k and frur Lined CIRCULARS, WALKING jackets, dolmans, &c, PER EXPRESS THIS MORMNG. We have a handsome Hue of WOOL PLUSHES In Black and Colors. Evervtblng new In NECKWEAR. Ask to see oar BLANKETS. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Fall Term, 1882. Reported for the Observer by Walton M. Buebee. tf o. 29tf. State va. Healey and McNinch Mecklen bu r g. Ashe, J.: Indictment for an assault and false imnrinnmint The prosecutor Mason, was arrested by the defendant McNinch, chief, and Healey, a policeman of the city of Charlotte. When arrest ed, Mason was drunk and using loud and Drofane language; he was arrested in an open lot in rear of a bar room, said lot is bounded on three sides by the bar room, Charlotte hotel and a hnns the Dlace of the ar- rest was about eight steps from the dining room of the hotel, the guests of the hotel and boarding house were at dinner, there were windows to both houses opening on the lot. Mason was beard u&ing loud and proCangfafiguage by some parties. Defendants sought to justify under the common law and an ordinance of the town of Charlotte. His Honor charged that "if in order to view or see said Mason, it was necessary for the citizens then and there assembled, to go to the. windows, then it would not be a public place. Excepted to by the de fendants. Verdict and judgment Ugainst defendants. Appeal taken. Held. The charge was erroneous. The town ordinance was intended to Create different offences from the crime of nuisance atcommon law. The ordi nance embraces two offences, loud and profane swearing and public drunken ness. To make them criminal off ericas it is not necessary they should be done in a puoiic place; there is nothing in the ordinance about a public place. A iman may be publicly drunk, in a pri vate place. The ordinance was violated and defendants were justified by it in making the arrest. Error. Reversed. the-sale took place 5th of May follow ing the omission so to state in the re turn cannot have the effect of avoiding the sales and the conveyance of the land. No error. Affirmed rihe court directs attention to the loose and irregular manner in which the case on appeal is stated. A com pliance with the provisions of the code, sec 801. would greatly facilitate their labors. NEWS NOTES Ws have another stock of UNDERWEAR Just In. Come and see us and be convinced that we have the most complete Stock of Goods to be found anywhere. Respectfully, novae T. L. 8EIGLE & CO. medical. X specialty. Our slock of Trunks, Valisi. and Traveling Bags, Diphtheria. A cold or sora throat may not seem to mount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria.. Ho medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and sanely in such cases as PKRRT DAVWnPAIJ KILUCR. The prompt Raved 13 LAEGE AND VARIED. HATS SSiSSSS 1HATS - 13 COMPOSED OF THE Best Branfls uCi Latest Styles of use of this imaHabU renudv has thousands ot lives. PERRY DAVIS' PATH KILLER 13 bat ur cape ririMnt. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued where It Is best known. A tew extracts from voluntary testimonials read AS follows: Past Kn.T,m has been my household remedy for eolda for the past twenty-seven years, and have Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure. i. 8. Orocxm, wnilamsTffle, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Path Kxixxb, and femnd it a never-failing remedy for colds and sore fcroat Babton Seuum. Have received immediate relief from colds and lore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an Invaluable remedy. 0 so. . Eyxbitt, Dickinson, H.Y. I hve just recovered from s very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Kji.i.kb, which relieved me immediately. I will never again he without it C. O. Fosca, Lowndes, Ga. . Have used Paw Killir in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Padc Kuxzb In my family twenty. fiv veara aoo and have used it ever since, and nave SILK, STIFF AND FfiLT. w5gK VWMUVU HI" I'll V - vvvuvi aaww aw n - A-PTKoutk, Liberty Mills, Va. , For twenty-five years I have need Pain Krixrct for eolda ana chapped lips, and consider it the beet medicine ever off sred. Gjto.HcKpxWilmington, STo. I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat waa so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food- I was advised to try your f aim Kiimb, and after taking a few doses was completely oared. T. "Wiuhksow. . Dr.WALToiTwritesfrom CoehootoB: Your Path Killib cures diphtheria and sore throat, bo alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fafl in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellin B. Mason writes : My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, nigh fever, and cold chflla. Bo many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Jain Kill". He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday bis throat was dear. It was a won derful our, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIK KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pam Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without.' All druggists sell it at 25c, soc, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS 3c SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dtw sept A oct. Call and t 7 the Old Established House of IPegfam & Co. dec2 THE GRANDEST OP T OUT T.ITLER, 10 B1D THE JEWELER, HAS JTJ3T RETURNED FROM THE NORTH, WITH THS FINEST, MOST MR Ei EOT, MOT COM PLETE and BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF Ever Offered in is Town. Witeta, Clocks and Jewelry, Beck with vs. Kings NMt. Mining Co. Gaston. Rtjfftn, J. : This case is upon a motion, made and overruled in the court below, to set aside a sale of lands made under an ex ecution. The court declared that the judgment debt in question should con stitute the first lien upon the property which was heavily mortgaged, and un lessdischarged by a given day then the sheriff should proceed to execute the same. After the expiration ot the time execution issued and the sale was made on the 5th of May, 1882. One Sandifer became the purchaser of the company's lands (some 485 acres) at the price of $100. The court below was of the opin ion that "as the sale had been made uuder a decree and execution in favor of the plaintiff and at his instance, the law would not entertain or hear a mo tion from him to set aside the sale, but that he had no standing in court." The plaintiffs motion was accompanied with the affidavits of his attorney and the sheriff as to the gross inadequacy of the price bid, also with an offer to increase the bid ten per cent. The court says: The rule now gen erally adopted by the courts is that "mere inadequacy of consideration, standing alone and disconnected with anv circumstances of fraud or surprise is not a sufficient cause tor setting aside a sale under execution. - Bat 'still in adequacy o f price l f combined with any other circumstances calculated to throw suspicion on the sale, or if in itself so gross as to be suggestive of mistake or undue ad vantage, may prevail with the court to dispense with the sale, and order a resale A party complaining of it has a right to have the tacts ascer tained, in order that the court may act understanding. "The plaintiff, the defendant and the purchaser may each be aggrieved by a sale under execution, and therefore each is entitled to prosecute a motion to set it aside.' Freeman on Ex., Sec. 305. In such a case as this the court can not consider the evidence, but must act exclusively upon the facts as found in the court below, and the error consists in findinsr no facts, either for his own guidnnce or the guidance of this court. Error. Judgment reversed. Howell vs. Furgerson Wilkes. Ashe, J.: Theonly question presented is wheth er the court below committed an error in striking out the answer of defend ants as tham and frivolous, and giving iurio-ment for the plaintiffs. Sham and irrelevant answers and de fences may be stricken out on motion, and upon such terms as the court may in its discretion impose. C. C. P., Sec. 104. A sham answer is one that is false in fact; an irrelevant answer is one which has no substantial relation to the controversy between the parties to the action, and an answer isjfrivolous when, assuming its contents to be true, it presents no substantial defense. It was no error to strike out defend ant's answer, for assuming all the alle gationa to be true, they do not consti tute a substantial defense. The decision might also have been put on the ground that there is no error assigned, and none appears on the rec ord. Simpson vs. Summey, 74 N. C, 557. , No error. Affirmed. McDonald, recently arrested at St Louis for blackmailing KJate Claxton, has been sent to the insane asylum. Capt. Allen May, of Hardin county, Ey aged 101 y ears, Aednesday pre oured a license to marry a young lady, of the same county, aged 19. Mni'uf he: Creek Indians in Idaho Territory who fonght for the Union da ing the rebellion ar asking the gover ment for pensions. , James Flaherty, of Brooklyn, N. Y who beat his wife to death with a bed slat, waaentenced Tuesday to the peni tentiary for life. H is now 26 years of W v.. ' n,a'nHria5 fio-nrea show that .Terrm. raruihiiftan. for GovtWior of Michhran is beaten by Beagle, fasten, 4,754 votes. Crosby, rep., for lieutenant-gov ernor, has 7,839 majority. Mrs. Thomas Moore, living near Mount narmel. Fa., was in the habit or Bleeping with a Pifetol under her pillow. On Mon- dav nicht. while asLeep.8he unconscious lv dischargedit, and wasshot in the side receiving a latai wound. The maioritv for Tom Ochiltree, rep.' for Congress in the seventh Texas dis trict oveE Finelv. dem.. is about 2.300. The majority for Ireland, dem., for Gov ernorover Jones and., will exceea4o,uw. Three barns were burned at Crown Point, N. Y., Wednesday, and among th debris of one of them was luuna ine p.harrftrt remains of a man-. It issUDDOS- ed that the barn was accidental! fired by a tramp who bad gone into it for suel, ter. Major Merrill, in pursuance of orders from Gen. Terry, has taken measures to prevent Indian raids from Canada on the Crow agency in Montana. The Crows are to be set in pursuit of the raiders. Gen. John B. Gordon, of Georgia, ac companied by his family, arrived at New York, Tuesday, in the steamship Arizona, from Liverpool. He will re main.in New York a few days and then proceeded to Atlanta. Tampa S Pilrft. writer and politician ex-United States miniater,to the Hague and formerly associate editor or me New YorkTiibUne, died Wednesday in Calais, Maine. He was oa his from Rob binston, his home, to the South, where where be proposed to spend the winter. In Buffalo, N. Y., yesterday, George Smith recovered a verdict for $10,000 damages against the New York Cen tral Railroad company on account of injuries received by bing struck by a train at a street-crossing where no flag man was stationed. Hon.: J. H. Acklen has submitted a brief to Gov. McEnery denying that Senator Kellogg is an inhabitant of Louisiana within the meaning of sec tion 2 of article 1 of the constitution of the United States, or a resident of the third congressional district under the provisions of the Louisiana constitur tion. Wm. Itnle, editor and proprietor of the Knoxville Daily Chronicle, has sold his paper to a joint stock company for $160,000. Col Henry R Gibson, editor of the Knoxville Weekly Republican, will become editor of the Chronicle, and the two papers will be consolidated, STATE NEWS. Pens r Wisdom- Pound Folly . It Is foolish to save the little that SCZODONT costs, and Buffer what will result In bad teeth and large payments to dentists. Place a bottle of It on the toilet, use five di ops only ol It every time after eating, cleanse the mouth and show your wisdom. For Dyspepsia, Coitlventu, Sick: Headache, C hronlc Diar rhoea, JaUndiee, Impurity of the Blood, Fever and Agse, . Malafja, luid an Disease cavsedfty De rangement of IATer, Bowel and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED ZXYXR. Bad Breath; Pala la the Side, sometimes the pain is felt under the ShouldcB-falaiW. nm taken for Rheumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels Senerally costive, sometimes alternating wkh lax ; ie head is troubled with pain, is doll and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to haye been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complins . of weariness and debility; nervous; easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercUe would oe bene- -fickd,yct one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it ia fact, distrusts eyefy -Remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend Jtae disease, bat cases have. flrrtttrrfjAra ,hit faof j&eat existed, .yet trammatwit soec death ItatTAdwa the liver t' have been extensively deranged. It should be nsed by all persons, old and yotuig, whenever any of the above " symptoms appear. living- in Un -ON- Silver and Plated Ware, Ever displayed In Monday Jov. 271 NORTH CAROLINA. ' CALL AND SE1 HIM oct20 WK WILL. COMMMltl! A Grand 8weeiiii g Clearing Cut 8nle of Our InUre Slock ef n l bOOfl s. gp&'Pii MRrffiSr-- AND rr AFTEni a "y S are determined toelose out our entire stock by JANUARY 1st, 1888. Obi entti stock, ab solutely, without reserve, Ul be sold at a sacrlflee- Dress Goods, Qoaklnc tfanbel, TsKe lariefcs. Table Damask, TaWapkii4 riutiwt, kinds. Cloaks, Jackets. Dolmans, Beady-Msds Clothing, (irpltugs; Hats, Caps Boots and 8W, Ladies, Chlldreaani Gent' BosUry, tittf- toint sold wllhout reservV. ' 4 This is a poiuiTS u4 abselat sals and we in th entire retail trade to" corns and take ad- vantage ol tkhj opportunity fa bajr fbfJpm voii em oftercd hi this rrltrrtet 1 - AND --AFTER Dectrie Appliances art Mnt sn 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y00M0 0BJD10. VkiaVTiva WAjrjiVa4U those diseases p(Tsa"rATUM rultin from AWSESand n.VciVBil Speedr relief and eomplete resto ?ZtiZ5 ot HxJIVHwa and Manhoos Goaatxkd. "andit dUcor.ry of tho Nineteenth Century. BSatoaeefiUastratadrampkletfieer Address VBLTAIC 1EIT BO., MARSHALL, Wiun. mm Skating. Skatingw SkatiM- VINE 8PORT. INNOCENT AMUSEMENT. CeModte) ML1 Mk Attendants. ... . T ; ' ' I McSurratt vs. Cranford-Montgomery. Smith, C. J.: Plaintiff derives title to the land men tioned in the complaint by virtue of a sale under execution issued" from the Superior Court of Davidson, upon a jus tice's judgment recovered by T A Jones against the defendant, and docketed in both of said counties, consummated by the sheriff's deed therefor. The de fendant excepted. 1st. To the admis sion in evidence of the judgment dock eted upon the filing of the transcript from the justice, for that the judgment had not the justice's signature for its authentication. ; 2d. Tor the alleged want Of proof of personal notice given to the debtor of the proposed applica tion to the clerk to revive the judgment and for leave to issue execution there on. 3d. To the sufficiency in form and effect of the adjudication in that the clerk does not find on affidavit that the debt remains unpaid. 4th. To the ab sence of any levy on the land preced ing the sale mentioned in the sheriff s ratnrn nnon the Drocess. The court says : 1st. Where a judg ment is authenticated by the certificate of the justice as a true and correct transcript, the docketing in the Supe rior court gives to it all the efficacy of a judgment originally then rendered, for tho i.nmnse of enforcement under final process. Bat Rev, eh 63, sec 19, Iirayles vs Young hi, aio. 2d. The fact that personal notice was given to defendant as required y the statute is determined affirmatively by the clerk in making tne oraer. it was Dot necessary to be proved by affidavit, except when plaintiff undertakes to testify to tne race, ine juuiuiai muliuu of the clerk if liable at all to a collate ral attack, must do presumeu iu ue regular and proper. 3d. It is not required that an affidavit be made, that the judgment or some nart of it remains unsatisfied ma, due, iBce white--if-the fact is to bo estab lished by the piainuna on oatu n- mum, Winston Republican: The new brick buildiug of the Winston Tobacco Man ufacturing Company is nearly ready for the roof. This makes our 23rd tobacco factory. Fayetteville Examiner: There was a bloody row on Thursday ni;ht near Mr Hart's stables, in which a young man named Underwood, living near Jonesboro, and a young man named Johnson, of this Dlace. and one or two others, were badly cut. Whiskey was at the bottom of it. Raleigh News and Observer: We learn that a day or so ago there was a cutting affair near Apex, in which J. N. Sorrell was dangerously cut by a man named George Stone and one Dempsey Warren. Lenoir Topic: The trade of Lenoir i ranidiv omwinff. Everv dav the atrfcnts are crowded with wagons un-H load in or p.ountrv nroduce of all kinds purchased by our merchants. Cross ties are being got out for the narrow guage between Maiden and Newton.which looks like going to work. T . . L . 1. n 4 A V A OT)V '! TO it aoes Dutoecui mot, iucio oao uj 'about our getlDg the road next sum mer. Asheville Citizen : Between seventy and eighty houses are now going up in Asheville. These are dwelling houses, and are built to keep up the demand for them. These are exclusive of the business houses, which have increased so rapidly as materially to nave changed the aspect of the streets, There is every indication that the, population, which has doubled in the past five years, will more than double in the next fiva. A true strengthening medicine and hea th re newer Is Brown's Iron Bitters. Natural Fruit Flavors. 'A T, i . fl'.j U SbT i BEA80K1BLX rBICEa. irSTat tne rink, or tfffiw, or Persons Trarelli healthy IrfcaJities, by taking a ally to keep the liver in healthy act i. try takine a dose occasion- :en the Liver in beauhv action", will avoid all Malaria, Bilious attacks, Tizsiness, Nau- Depressioa of Spirits; etc It MEW 'Hi .-. I in lyi. ti x k l'.i'l '.', l aB -:o: HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE .LINE OF Walking Mete, Cloaks, Dolmans and Wars. We still have a few nandsome DBXSS PATTERNS tbaA we will sell enfasv ' ' ( j The Hanflsouiest line of All-Wool (Mieres M 45e to SliyttoCily. BiBKKT FLANNsLS In soirtet and all desirable shadei fl" ' i' 'til "itS tt !'') tA ,' Ladies9 Cloth Flannels, Repliants" ' J liilti89iaaJI PLU3HS3, VSLVaTd, BILKS, SATINS, SUBAH3 and OTTOMAVS, e O , BBOCADX3, all eolors. MIL IT AST BB II D and LOOPS. Oat Stock el .Udies1 and Gents' UNDERWEAR .: i in-1, 11-: - ' .: ' Ifg IWI'l 1WIB line ol Handsome BLAM.1T8, QOILTS Jd MMC3T1C QO0D9 iasiv. (tne ar onr irtrmis now m ib nonsBra nsrseis lajina in a tarae Mwn"".' iintArs and armivAa will soon be laden with ail the novelties tbs market aaprds. vA. . Ml fooriooe fou inat we are nuuuia isns ana u we ao nn seu u w iw f vf , -; n't be excelled. Ons will Invigorate like a class of wine, pat is ao In toxicating beverage. If You ltav eaten anything- hard ot digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take dose and yeu will be relieved. " . ... Time and. Doctors' , Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator In tne House t For, whatever the ailment may be, s thoroughly safe purgative, altera tire and tonio can never oe out of place. The remedy is harmless and does net Interfere with business or pleasure.. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been ia use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gf ix Shoktek, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says : Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. . "The only Thing that never fails to Believe." 1 have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver j Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as h seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jannkt, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Mason says : From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. SgfeTake only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature ef J. H. ZXILXN St CO. ttjR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. no2 llapves Wilhelitt, Smith Building, East Trade Street. . ' i ' : , ,. , : '.-i .,. Leading Clothiers and Tailors. New M! Correct Styles! fct Irices! -:o:- :o:- Oar Patrons: The Peopln. Jar Studj: Their Intel (ta WMHi OURRERlD: SUCCESS. I Msnsfaotare oar own Mes's aothJac. and therefore ed stock of BBADTKADB W other house can offer the same woods. We are now prepared " We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar rangements for all the Monthly ana BemirAnnuat Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control -the Drawing themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all pari ties, and v authorize the Company to use this certifi cate, withac-simOes of our signatures attached, is its advertisements." Commissioner, NPBBCKDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. U Louisiana State Lottery Company IK? 1.0 aw Li In this sectl.n. OUR Furnishing Goodj i Department Lmpr. " ' 1 for beanty and moveltv will cosapare with any in the South. The lwt but not least, bur l .SZ ment. consuls oi unn mo micow out. auw u sral Pd. aeason towc every oepannreui are iaMiauv wvuuat " 'rS;:,. r.k S ikH tht rThanVlne the public kWdlr tor tast favors, and solWltlog a share of your jtrhtter 10 ,IB we are Very Bespectf ulij, ostl i future, -r . -Rnvoo-Axieer ct3 Jctro-, Leadinttl6 Honford's Acid Phospbsste As a Refrigerant Drink in Ferera. Dr. C. H. a DAVIS, Merlden, Conn , says: "I have used It as a pleasant and cooling : drink In fevers, and have been very much pleased with It" If you are sick and troubled with dyspepsia, Brown's Iron .Bitters will cure you. Incorporated in 1808 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund of SftfiO.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adoDted December 2d. A. D. 1 870. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the fol owing Distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 151et Grand manthly and the Eitraortlinary W-Ainal Drawing! AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER l&tn, ISSit, Under the personal supervision and management of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 1100,000. BT Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only Halves, S3, fifths $2. Tenths, SI. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of S 1 00,000 - - SI 00,000 1 GRAND " 50.00U-. 1 GRAND " 20,000.. 2 LARGE PRIZES Of 10,000-. 4 " M 5,000.. 20 PRIZES Of 1,000.. 20 " 500.. 100 ' 800.. 200 " 200.. 600 " 100.. 10,000 " 10.. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of S200 $20,000 1(W1 AnnrnvtmattOn Prizes of 100 10.000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 IfiOO 11,279 Prises, smoonnng to... $522,600 Application for rates to dubs should only be made to the office of the company lo New Orleans. for Information apply to . . M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DATJPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. a N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. novl4 50,000 20,000 30,000 20.000 25,000 80. 40,000 60,000 100)00 I ill J 4 as ! fgl H ft ' R I M ? tij s B m o ... tBM Pw M W " aw 2 a- M M rBB s CO 2 000 I 2 to o sSOth -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWINfl 01 THE m LMUAIs1isssaasiwdS)Ba CD 3 Bt ft i j OS tJVj on 3 r- o CP 80 O oo w w 52 I o O la theCltyof LouUvllie.on THURSDAY, NOVEMBEE 30th, 882. . These drawings occur monthly ed) under provuiona ot an acs sembly of Kentucky. The United States Ctreult Court en Maroji ThattheCommonwealth Dlstribotton Com pany is legal. . 2d Ito drawings are fair. The Com: 3 - So C eg OS . t OB ? - ir :..f ; tg, j s m f s H SU Ml W W mi 8 CO H O GO w H d B H 55 H GO I-NOW J0 i..,,, .ft The LARGEST .and 'PfettiSslfiStdck of - - - " s-rw 4 T vSAVV j in4 81, 4nnd. Prepared from the 'choicest frurft, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids orartifie , ial Essences. Alwafs. uniform in strength, without nnv adulterations of impuritiet has now on hand a large reserve the list of prizes r or we NOVEMBER DRAWING. Prise,. Ml J? :!HsSi Have sained their reputation from be in that form, any -other satisfactory rfecf BurHr.sunsrtsrMrsngth and qual. kwu. - .11 -M (L. v.. I s i .namflr nnnrnnriation of the proV rrtv on which it ia made, out of other rt J Ant lavipd on. sold and ex l--"-in1t jo theiother real utuiwf j f ( -KprttTa deed to 41 UIla4A nMtiAftlt tifld natural iJU9 SMsm a wwwiv y -. : jj-Li fS-aawsBBavjn i ijc I r V) " - x I i' ifjrOTACTCMaVBT ! , ,. & PaXICS, antes ef&vallaait ltsafchW,Osaijliapt rsast aMst, Br. rwmn I Dr. rlM1Iabiaa Pi WIMAKI0 8IC0ND0RADC0O0I. 1 Prize,. .t 1 Prise, 10 Prizes, 81,000 each,. 20 Prizes, 500 each,. 10Q Prizes, 100 each,. 200 Prizes, 50 each,. 600 Prizes, . 20 each,, innn Prizes. 10 each.. 9 Prizes, S300 each, Approximation Prizes 9 Prizes. 200 " iou .... - sao.ooo 10.000 o.uuu u.uuu 0.000 u,uw II.OUU 2,000 0.000 2,700-1 1J 900 1 EVER BBOtJGKT TdSfc is ' vPJmSmff the TccM:;:: D8L 8 Prizes, l,PPrlM.......:.............-...i-fll2r40d v-TwieTicaett. S2i Half Ttefceta, M 27 Tickets" Bemtt Honar iff .Bank' Draft tn ,Xtter, jt fc- nnnis awn, jiT..itKnHTKXKii i . ,3 . . m rv .. . ts jt : ja, i rv Lt.i.Mii'.sou maw aais MHMvt perise.. ridoessallojcdersto) .no i stt-i i n . .M4 .i.-u e,'i aij r9"ff fi Xyinta iifpt tiynlmt: , i - . -HSvl- vj J-,. 'An.l 1t'j. ,c?Mo Ja3S,Sj-Jt jj Z'-T?; .-vrj ,Ti.i l- -) ;;T3 I ... n . - " T'4 Ov28; Jttanager, nol8

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