yL. XXV1I1 ... 'I1' .V.S.!,t OUR OUR FALL and WINTER 8-T-O-C OF- BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, YalisesS Traveling Bags, IS BOW COMPLETE. It has been selected with aausual care to meet the wants of the Trade, and to give them toe BEST OOOD3 MAMJFACTUBKO. Ladies'.Gents' Children's FINE BOOTS, . SHOES AND SLIPPERS A specialty. Our stock of Trunks, Valises aad Traveling Bags,M IS LAEGE AND VABIED. HATS! oua link or I HATS -13 COMPOSED OF THB- Best Brands aM latest Styles of SILK, STIFF AND FELT. Call and 1 7 the Old Established House of - v4 :- , . .. IPegram &-o. 8o,eoo -WORTH- -AY- THAT MUST BE CLOSED OUT BY- i i 1 I. A: ...... . . v-iVjo1 J.! )! r.-, I'll -J'lti!! IctHft -t : -( ;.lw l-.-. rt &'-; mum 1882 883. I BAIL! ARRIVAL OF New Goods! Another lot ot those Beautiful Btlk and Fur Lined CIRCULARS, WALKING ; JACKETS, DOLMANS, &C., PER EXPRESS THIS MORNING. We hare a handsome line of WOOL PLUSHES In Mack and Colors. lTerrthlBgnewlnliXCXWABL itk BliANKETS. W have another stock of UNDERWEAR nst ul iHMnsiM see os ana Do eesvlnced that we hare the most complete Stock ef, Goods to be rouna anywsere. Respectfully, nov26 T. L. SEIGLE & CO. A oli or mm tlirwit mar not ntmm tn amount to much, and II promptly attended to can easily be cured: not netrieot is nttm followed by eonaamptlor or dlplntberUu - medteme has ever been discovered which ,c so qtuutiy ana snaumir in such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIJ KTJUiKR. The prompt use of this invahiabU rmaudv has laved thousands of Ures. vFKIUlT DAVIS' FAIlf KTT.T.1CR la HtwtanasqMvtmens. It has been beXore the public for forty years, and Is most valued where it Is best known. A few axaracta from volnntarr tesrJiriflrflAla read ifttoUows: for suds lor the past tireaty-asyen years, and vo pevoc mown it to isu in trectiiur a e cure. u j. uiooux, wuuun8TliI H. y. . For tfilrty years I hare used Paw Killxs, and lomnd it a USTer-lulina remedv for eolda and mar Have raceired iaunadiats relief from colds and ore tnroacana oanmdar your Faih Killer aa mTuuaue remeay.-ttso. a. ktssztz, AMckinson, K.Y. I hsvn itmi nmvn from & manr ftsiwrw mlA. which I bav bad fo some time. Jf could get no reUef until I tried your Pai Killm, which relieved ine Immediately. I win never again be withos. it a O. Fosos, LowBdes. Os. Hare used Paim In.i.m in my family for forty years, and nave nerer known it to fail. Ransom Lswa, Waynesboro, Ga. J oeg-an oalng- faih ktm.ct in my family twenty' fire years ago and have used It ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. brunriat, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough sad croup it preparation made, we would not be ft Is the best without It P. bouts, liberty Mills, Vs. For wenty-fiTe years I have used P n Enxxa for colds and chained lir a npe, anaooneiaer 11 me Dest rnfimrane e?ex OKsraov U USO Jio loopM.WIlmtTiyton, I waa Buffering severely wltk bronchitla, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow aavXoorl. I was ad-risecVto try your Pai Killicb, a ftef (taking; a : few doses was completely ouredT.WitKiJiso. y - . , .. nr WilTrar writea trrYm Ooahocton : Tour Pai Kn.i.sa cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fail in a single instance. This fact you should ke known to the world. . , Eun B. Mason writes: My son wastaxen ' sice wito aipntaena, mgn lever, ana coia ia manT children have died here. I was afraid to call a physician, and tried your Paih Kru.s. He was taken on .Sunday, and on Wednesday us throat waa Wear, it derfui sure, and I wlak it could be k his, throe, was etear. It was a wpn , and I wiak it couid be known to the a who srekMingJWSQaBr children. poor mothers who are losing ueny For Chills and Fever PAIH KILLER has BoequaL It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer in the house is a safeguard that so family should be without. All druggists sell It at 35e., 50M and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. apt dVw sept dt oat THE .TEWEIiJB,' HAS JUST BJirUBNID FROM TflB NOBTH, FINEST. HOOT EtBOT, MOVT COKEr fLBTB svasl BB9T AOKTBD stqck or- Watehes, Cloeks and Jewelry, Silter atid Plated Ware, Ever displayed in NORTH CAROLINA: ' CALL AJH6EE HIM. eta. WITPi DR. AMD nmftrit, SnDtl..eat an ssnt en 3Qt;Davs' Trial. TO MEn ONLYi XBjlM. JAlSsh AtTiva WBAntssass, aad all 0 (uaS .Sil . v.titu msnltinff rois7ABVSSS and Ppeedy relief sad somplsts rest, uijTrwSoinxd Hakboos tn AaArrxui, Sn4TMfIUttttn.ramsttiiA Address MENT. Attn efk.Me ,VV"am mux's 1 iul SKJIalloe B ftitvlws; DiDQtMia. V (7LX:. 4 M; f SfS AllDAFTEBl m.-i ..JJjil.J. .U , ; ic-.s. a ? iot tit .t;i'J 91U t--.u i ' bxm4 r -t ttt an vvu urn I THE RAILROAD PROBLEM. SENATOR SMYTIIE SUGGESTS SOIiUTION. ;ir.V Preventing Uafalr Rates et Unjust Dis criminationEstablishing a Beard ol Three Commissioners to See to the Enforcement of the Laws. Charleston News and Courier. The following Is the text of the bill to regulate railroads, introduced in the State Senate by the Hon. A. T. Smythe, Senator from Chifrleaton, on Tuesday A BilLto amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide a.wenera liiuiroau Law for the Management and Regu lation of Railroads in this State, and for the appointment of a Railroad Commissioner, and to prescribe his powers and duties, approved Jeoru arv 0 1882. the said Act being incor- .uqM -itirn and. known as Chapter A. I j 0 llilie Vr3IlBrlA-, OiauuwD ua vuw s "te, imaha therein entitled or "Railroad Corporations, uenerai Kail Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina now met and sitting in Gene ral Assembly , -and by the authority of the same: Section 1, That section 28 of an Act' entitled "Ail Aet to, provide i against Railroad Law for ftie'maliagenientahd regulation of railroads in this State and for the appointment of a rail road 'com-: missioner, and to proscribe hia Dowers and duties." the said section be in 2 in corporated into and formihg part of Chapter XL of the General Statutes of this State, 1882, and numbered therein as section 1,440. be and the same ia tglc to see oar Lberehj. ameideQ;,8oas. to re . u y U&i&QaX 2S(ll40.)Qt ahaliMe read.as fol- unlaWful for anyjperson or persons engaged alone or doing business with others in this State, Tn the transportation, shipment or receiving of ' prdoerty by railroad, arid whether now ptg.anized ot which may aereaiter do organizea, unaer or by virtue Of any act ol IncorDocation or general law of this orrjry other State, now m force or which may hereaixer be enacted, or whether doing business without being thus organized or incor porated, to chargevcollect, demand, or receive aaore thari a fair and reasona ble rate oFtbll or compensation for the transportation of passengers or freight of any description; or foi the use and transportation of any1 'railroad car upon its track or any of the branches there of, or upon any railroad within this State which it has the right, license or permission to use, operate or control," Sec. 2. That section 29 of the act aforesaid, the same being known as section 1,441 of the General Statutes of this State, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read' as folio ws : "It shall be unlawful for any such person or persons so engaged as afore said to make any unjust discrimination in its rates or charges of toll or com pensation for the transportation of passengers or freight of any descrip tion, or for the use or transportation of any raiiroaa car upon its saia roaa or upon any of the branches thereof, or upon any of the railroads connected or working in connection therewith, or which it has the right, license or per mission to operate, control or use, or for any person or persons so engaged as aforesaid, or any person or persons engaged solely in the shipment or re ceivmg 01 property, -directly or indi rectly, to allow orreceive any rebate, drawback or other advantage in any form, upon shipments made or services rendered or received as aforesaid by it, him or them" Sec. 3. That section 30 of the act aforesaid, the same being known as section 1,442, of the General Statutes of this State be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follow s: "It shall be unlawful for any such person or persons so engaged as afore said to charge, collect or receive for the transportation of any passenger, or freight of juny description, upon its raiiroaq, lor any distance, wunin mis State, the same or a greater amount of toll or compensation than is at the same time charged, collected or received for the transportation of any passenger, or like quantity of freight, 01 the same class, oyer a greater distance of the same railroad ; Or to charge, collect or receive at any point upon its railroad, a higher rate of toll, or compensation, for receiving, handling, or delivering freight of the same class and quantity, than it shall at the same time charge, collect, or re ceive, at any other point upon the same railroad ; Or to charge, collect, or receive for the transportation of any passenger or freight of any description, over its rail road, a greater amount as toll or 00m- peiraatroo thai sbalt at- the same time, be charged., collected or received by it for the transportation 01 any passenger, or like quantity of freight of the same class, being transported over any- por tion of the same railroad of equal dis tance; Or. to. cJWarS&lecWTjr receive Np'- any person or persons a nigner or greater atuoant of toll or compensa tion, than it hall at the same time charge, collect, or receive froni any other person or persons, ror receiving, handling or delivering freight of the same class and like - Quantity, at the name time, uporr its rMlioad ; v . Or to charge, Qolieet, or receive rrdm anv Derson or persons for the transpor tation of " afey freight upon its railroad a higher or greater rate ot toll or com pensation than it shall at the same time, Chaise, collect, or receive from any per son ot persons lor the transportation of the like quantity of freight of the same class being transported f romj the same piintQVCfteqtfaldlatRifcegof the same Or to charge, collect, or receive from any.person pr persons ipr , ine use anu transportation of ariy railroad car or cars upon its raiiroaa, iorauy qislhucb, the same or a greater amount of toll or ComDessatiqn,than4at Uia same time. 'zh&gei, kSl&0iGej worn any other person or Rers.ofls,, ior uue use auu transportation oi any railroad car of the same class or number,: for alike purpose, being transported aver a mter dtetetfof tlrWsame railroad ; Or to Qharge, oolleot, or receive from any person or persons for the use and transportation pi m,&&Q& i&T or aMAuitUrcdlHtf higher or greater rate or con or compensation than it shall at the same time charge. collect, or receive from any other person or persons, for the use and transporta tion Of twymflitjatf ;or cars, of the sVirtncllMriTimber-, for a like pur pose being transporten irom tne same point, over an equal distance of the samftrailrpad, .- Ahrrall such discriminatinir rates, charges, collections or reoeiftaj wheth- rebatd, arawDacE, or any otoer sniit cr evasion, shall be deemed and taken against such person or persons as en- Saiied.asaipre Mice of the ui tt'; - . . - i . a r .i . . hibited by the provisions This section shall not be construed so .as toexciude oer mdencef tendingto snow any unjust uiscnimuawuu lu freight and passenger rates.? "rne pro- ffliltiSsUixUDd and ar 5Tv to any railroad, the brariches there of, and any road or. roads, wwch any inch,? person cr persons so engaged as aforesaia has the right, licer)si jor per m.ainn ta nse. operate ortjControl, whniiw or in nart. within ttto State 4. -a a nf nrflsairt. Trom - issmnz cost jaia,,S? ftzimq facte evi 5iUs1acrimibati0n, pro- of this Act tickets; as the same are-tow issueujr uebrrjoratiornt! i-vicl ,V bjl hatSecUorf of'Hhl said Act, the same being known as Section 1,444 of the General Statutes of this State, be and the same is hertiby re- PeEa'5. That Section 39 of the Act aforesaid, the same being kmqwn as Section 1,451 of the General Stages of this State, Deauu,wo- w- nerepj amended, so as to read as foll4wsi consent of the Sebate. carry out the provisions of thisjAct, of whom one snati uo i ciuenence m railway business. Aftaitthe xrii-ation of the term of dnpftheomrjiifisiqn ers first appointed th&tet&t iffice of their successors shall $e six years, but ot first RnDOintmt-flt Tne rinmrniq. sioner shall be appfpiStaed .for twp v ears, J one for tour yei, mi one ior six years. The salary of -eaoti commission er shall be two thouawad ne -Hundred! dollars, to be paid tetinixi the State, in manne$fovrtfe'd by 4 law for the salary of oMtr?State officers. Any VJjmad I from omce dy uwj HEw5uur, wuu snaii report the fact-of Bi&n Buspensjo and- the reason wwoui un uai ureaeriu Assembly ; hd if majority - df each Drancn 01 tu" uuv"" uoiuujj uii so declare, said coimi9)fier, ifcall be forthwith reintv"rom6face, and1 his office shall he considered, vacant. " The Governor shall have the same pjower to fill vacancies in the office J of f: Commis sioner as ;to fill other, vacanciesi and it for any reason said commissioners are : not appointed during tbeT present ses sion of the General Assftmoiy. toe Gov ernor shall , appoint , them :. thereafter, and report to the Senate at its qext ses sion ; but the time; nhtilthen, snaftnot be considered as a part of ' the term of : office cf said commissioners respective1- . ly as herein provided. Stua . Gommissionara Anail xase tne oath of office provided by tbe'Constitn yon, and in1 addit ireretotiajl take and suDBcrioe an oatn tnanneyarenoi, either iointlv or severallv. in anv man ner, the holders of the stocks add bonds or other obligations of any! Railroad company, or that they br eitherjof them are interested in any way or thinner in any railroad: and the connnijBsioners shall not, during their respective terms of office, either jointly-or severally, or in any way, be the holders of tbjrbonds, stocks or other obligations of any rail road or the agent or employee of any railroad company, or have any, interest in any railroad, and shall s0 continue during the en Lire period ef said time ; und in case any commissioner becomes disaualified in any way he shaH within ten days thereafter remove theldisqual ification or resien. and Off falltre so to do thesaid office shallbecome ipso facto vacant, and the Governor snail, tnere upon proceed to fill such vacancy in the manner herein provided! In any case of suspension the Governor may fill the vacancy untH tne supenoea commis sioner is restored or removed. Seov6. That the following additional section be inserted in Uie General Stat utes of this State, to be known as Sec tion 1,451,0: "That commissioners appointed as hereinbefore provided shall, as provid ed in the next section of this Act, make reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs, to be observed by an railroad companies doing business in this State on the railroads thereof; shall make reasonable and just rates and regulations, to be observed by all railroad companies doing business in this State as to charge at any and all points for, the necessary hauling and delivery of freights; shall make such just and reasonable rules and regula tions as may be necessary for prevent ing unjust discrimination in the trans portation of freitfrfcand passengers on the railroads in, the State; shall make reasonable and just rates of charges for the use of railroad cars carrying any and alt kihds of freight and passengers on said railroads, no matter by whom owned or carried, and shall make just and reasonable rules and regulations to be observed by said railroad companies on said railroads to prevent the giving or paying Of any rebate or bonus, di rectly or indirectly, and from mislead ing or deceiving the public in any man ner as to the real rates charged for freight and passengers; and said com missioners shall have full power, by rules and regulations, to designate and fix the difference in rates of freight and passenger transportation to be allowed for longer and shorter distances on the same or different railroads, and to as certain what shall be the limits of loDger or shorter distances." Sec. 7. That the following additional Section be inserted in the General Stat utes of this State to be known as Sec tion M51 "The said railroad commissioners are hereby authorized and required to make for eaebrot the railroad coporations do Intf business in this State, as soon, as practicable, 4 schedule of just and rea sonable rates and charges for thetrans pdttatibn" of 4 passengers and freights and ears on each of said railroads, and said Bchedul shall, in suits; brought Atr&fnnr. - fcffWri " wrtlrrtfld OrTJOfation. r wlielitliie charges of any sneh railroad corporation fox the trans portation ef -anv passenger or freight or csrs; orrtinjost discrlminattoh in rela tion tnereto.DB aeemea ana asea in ait the courts of this State as sufflcient ev- idepee that the rates (herein fixed are just and reasonable rates of charges ror the transportation of passengers, and freight and oars upon the ram,oaasana KAid nnmrniSfiinners shall from time to time, and as often as circumstances mav reouire. chansre and .vreyisd' said schedules. When any schedule shall have been made or revised as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said oommission ers to cause publication thereof to be made for three successive sweeks in anmA nnhlm newsDaDer published in the cities of Columbia and Charleston. in this State, and after this same shall be so published, it shall be the duty, of all such railroad companies to post at their respect stations, in a conspicr ous placeta copyoi saia scneauie rcj the proteclion-of the people: Provided, That the schedule thus prepared shall hot be taken as evidenoe, as herein pro vided, until such schedule Shall have been prepared and published as afore said, for all the railroad companies now doincr business in this State, 'or that mav be dointr business at toe . time of said publication ; all such schedules purporting to be printed and published as aforesaid, shall be received anthireM in ail anr.h Hnits as nrtma l facie the schedule of said . commissioneisy .MtifcC . . r : i it , i J AJ out lurtner prooiinan me. prouuuuiMi of the schedule to be used its evidence, with a certificate of the railroad? cem missioners or the clerk therehf that the same is a true copy ot the sfctdulepre nared hv them for the railroad company or corporation therein named, and that the same has been duly published as re quired by law,vBtatng ,lfe paper in which the same waspiiblislieOitogetneT mtfh lhs lata anA rtlay rf aaiT tvn hlTr.ai tion. ..And copies , cC eaohj schedules shall be printed in plsin. large type, and shall be kept always 'accessible for public inspection in at least two places in every depot where fretgh ri- Sec. 8. That the following! additional Section be inseiraajW;the General Statutes of this State to be1 known as Tr .hall hn tha rlnt.V!rVf JtaSd commia- sioners to investigate .ithe (books and nnnftraof all railroad cotQCftnies doing business in this State awtrtatirif the rnles and . reeulatkffis.x siotesaid nave been complied with," and toj make, per gonal visitation oi tne jauroaai omces, ' '.t.- '&UamifaanAMR ' itVIaU tsMslBfi wwsrsV. sv vmsj 0.mmw.rm Mtmrnp m .siu.swuauis, iimwi regulations snau ue coservesi anu ooey ed as the other, rules and ireguTitions r: ,yv "There snaii ue wrw commissioners r.intPdbv the Governor, wfch tria to a Down Tow MerehsBt, Having nasaed several sleepless nights, disturb ed br the aeonles and cries ef a suffering child. and becoming convinced that Mrs. Wtnslow's J booming byrnp was gust, m& arucia neeaea, pro cured a supply for the chJd. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what be had done, she refused to have It administered to the child. she was strongly in favor of HomceoDathv. That night the child parsed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Ke Timing borne the 4ay following, the father found the- caby still worse; KHa wbMe.contempiaian another sleepless night. , the mother stepped from the room to attend to some aomesuc amies, auu ien uie lower wuo uis child! During her absence he administered a por- tion of the SoothlnK Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. - That night aU hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke In the morning bright and hap- dv. The mother was de ntea wren-ins suaaen and wondezfnl change and although at first oflend- ed at the deception praoueea upon ner.inas con tinued to nae the Syrup, and sanermg crying babies and restless mghts nave aisanpearea j a single trlalof the 8yrup never yet'faittd to relieve the bapy and overcome ins prejusjees o ine mouter. Sol ild 67 au Druggists. Mb et all DxugEista. 25 cents a bottle. Brif ord Acid Phosphate Jkm a Reffrfs-ersvnt Drink tn Fewere. Dr. C. tf. A DAT19, Merldtn, Conn , says: "I have used It as a pleasant and cooling drink In fevers, and have been very much pleased with It." , BlDJfORD IXXW AjfB 1BOH 8FBIR68 WJlTTS AKD Missv The- great tehlo and alterative contains lwice as much Iron and fifty per cent; more slum- mum than anv alum and. Iron, mass" known. Just the thing for the '"spring wB&fcness" now so general.' Som by an ruggists Prices reduced one half. of any standing. 7FT.T 3 l"t tiy3 inavtl t. . A rrrm strengthenm'g medicine sr. ; newer Is Brown's Iron Bitters. Whih ethtr Baking Powders are largely adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drug. has been kept unchanged in aU its original purity and strength. The best evidence of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its ha ving received the highest testimoni als from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who hare analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. Mo other powders show eo good results by the true test the TEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS A PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POVER -MATJB BY- STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, HI., and St. Louis, Ho., aolWtTOT at tapaUm T t a, Br. Prlec'i Special naroriaf Extracts, anf Dr. Trice's Umlqn. Fsrlfcaua. Utirtlcrtes. 1 We do Tterebv certlfu that we mvervlse the ar rangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings qf the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the Drawings themselvea, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par ties, and wt authorize the Comvanv to use this eertM- us advertisements." Commistei oners U NPRECKDKNTED ATTRACTION! OVBB HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable Durnoses with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve runa oi snbu.uou nas since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was maae a part or tne present state Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1870. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMB KB Drawings will nu piaee monuuy. it never scales or postpones. Look at the fol owing Distribution: GRAND PKOMJSJIADE CONCERT. . during which will take place the , 151at GrMd iTloatbly svnd the ErtTaordinary Seii-Annnal Brawiii!1 AT NEW ORLEANS, TUBS DAY, DECEMBER 19lh, 188. nnder the nersonal sunervislon and management ot-Qen. Q. T. BKaDBEGABD. of Louisiana. acn uen. JuBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. . j ; CAPITAL PRIZE, 100,900.. ST NoncB Tickets are Ten Dollars only.1 Halves. SS. yiftns S2. . Tenths. 81. nu LIST OiP PR1ZEB; 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of 8100,000. .1100,000 1 ttHAJtiA ou,uuy.. bu,uw I (4ft AND i " yn.lMM).. 2U.UOL 1 2 LAB6K PRIZES Of 10.000.- 20,000 4. fi.000.. 20.000 20 PRIZES Of 1,000.. 20,000 SO " BOO.; 25.000 100 800.4 80,000 200 " 200.. 4(MW)0 600 100.. 60.000 10,000 " 10-i 100,000 100 Approxlritatlon Prizes of $200 120,000 .10,000 7, BOO iuu Approxunaaoa mzes oi 100.. 100 Approxim&iian Prizes of 75.. 1 1,279 Prizes, sinountmg to ; S522.600 AnnUc&Hon for rates to clubs should Oily be made to the office of the company in Kew Orleans. ror wrormation apply to B. a. vivram. New Orleans. La. 6r M. A. DAUPHIN, - ' ' 607 seventn street, wasmngton, mk u if. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will rs- eelve prompt attention. novl4 eOth. -POPULAR MONTHLY DBA WIN O OF THE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1882. taggassarft These erawmmoeonr ed) under provisions aemnir oi aenmcsj. . .... Thenmted States Cbetdt Court on sureo oi. rendered the foUowlng daeWonsr jaVr-That QteCemmoo wealth DisSribatlon Oobb- panyuwgau y ; j The Company has now on hand a large resene tnnd. Read UM natoi prizes tor ue . u-U NOVEMBER PRAWlNa 1 Prise, .-mi lOrOOO 1 Prise, 5,ooo IO riisea.iiJWO eaea , t , iw ,9A mass v fiftO each.. j.... 10.1 100 Prtsesi -100 each,..........!., s 104)00 AAv 1t m. 41 A AAA Tiandwrlii r --mr i be sent at on J'rtns6.; Ai ?3c.-3nti j ..ml in I - iv it kjali. tisr, c- r-j-'-iai BnMisg. ? - i.iuisiis,.kji i..-: , io. 3,000 YARDS CASHMERE, at-PE& YARD. 100 WALKING JACKETS. - $3;00 TO $15.00. lOO CLOAltS, - - - -50 ULSTERS, - - : - - Silk and Cicilian Fat-Lined CLOTH CIRCULARS Handsome. Dress Patterns, S10.00 to 25.()0, Dress Flannels, QSc33lGi 756 .$1.25. AU-Wool Cashmeres, Blact M Colors, 45c50a 65fe 5c $l,r$05, $1.50. Tem Ce4a sfswiltus Pdssnd h new Qualities. Some handsome Plushes for Jackets and and a call will convlnee you that we hurt a stock that decs L BERWAMER 8l BRO Leading Clothiers and Tailors. New Goods! Correct Styles! Closest Prices! :o:- Our Patrons: The People. Oar Stadj: Their Interest. Oar Maxim: Fair Dealing. OUR REWARD: SUCCESS. TTTB Manaf acture our own Mea's Clothlag, and f v other house can offer the same Bloods. We ed stock of BBADT-KAOB In this sectlsn. OUa Furnishing Goods Department comprise the latest out, and we are confident that for beauty and novelty will compare with any In the South. The last but not ; oar Hat Depart ment, consists of only the latest out, and finest that could be found In the market We nave token special pride this season to secure such goods that cannot be found elsewhere. Our prices In each and every department are invariably bottom figures, and every article sold with our guarantee. ry Thanking the public kindly for past favors, and soliciting a share of yeurtrade in me ruture, weareVeryBespectfuily, Xjs. Berwaxiser eft) Sro., oeU Leading Clothiers and Tailors g - ? 1 S HI- I y w 0 1 S fi IS z a P td 3 i r S t . m 6 efi 4 o K 2 " y m m s '! 1 6 1 H CO CP I eo o 3:8.8. ffff Wo 9 (D to 0 m 1 a a o Us CD " H Q 52 5 er as E?2 P- ri? OfJO I NOW The LARGEST and Prettiest Stock of EVER BROUGHT I. All are invited to, vVhoIesalafitttRbtaijrlurnl $1.50 TO $20.00. $5.00 TO $15.00. I r Circular?, $15:00 .to:? - - $7.00 TO 810.00. Wseis, , the MtijMif. Tift. . Phifei sU colors and -3.. . Clicutara. Oof sCDCK w cannot ba exoeUed for styleTaadiow ptvum. Hwaves, & Smith BmldiHg, East Trade Street. -:o: thsrefore ean sell at mack lower prices than any are now prepared to offer We largest ana best assort- CO H O CO H W a e 5S H 1 rD(a.O TO THIS MARKET, mi catl:M my goods 3 w . 5 r. 3 . 01 . t W ' iff r is 5 1 1 J"?5s I - i 1.,. 'II -' -: u, 3' ' ; sU isuM i-i : .fail . v vmM. . . -ww

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