0 il (I V 7 A O 81 Vi a :i If a afflaj; a o a tt o a ;i a a x vxxvm. f I J r II ; III N , IH. I'M. 11 VS.. . 1 Jl HITHI- IHI ISXItll lT 11 nlJt .ttillfJI tl 11 Jt I IX" Ik r: - ill "I! r It 1' II I f8 500ds, di;X0tliiiii3f c OUR OUR FALL and WINTER s t-o-c-k: OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, Valises TraYcIing Bags, IS B0 COMPLETE. It has been selected with annana! care to meet Um wants ot the Trade, and to gm wem uw BIST 800D8 MaHUFACTUBWX I adies'.Cenfs'S Children's FINE BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS A specialty. Our atoek ot Inmb, Faiises and Trawling Bap IS LAEGE AND VARIED. HATS 88! LBS 8.1 BATS - IS C0MPJ8K0 OF TELE Brands and Latest Sljles cr ) SILK, STIFF AND FELT. Call and t7 tha pm CsUjlIahed Booae of i. -K mini & Co. dec2 -F- THAT MUST BE CLOSED OUT BY- 3 ul inil- iti . j. I'll Pet -'Jt I nb ... .i ii mw a li 11 1 U 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 JLi o? New Goods! Another lot fi Uom Beauttful Bilk and Ful Lined CIRCULARS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS &G.i PM EXPRESS THIS HORMNfe We hare a handsome line of WOOL PttTSHfeR TlifPaol andCte'lora.? '5 2 1 9 'i .$ XrrTtwainlhKKwAB. BEAKKfit. ua Fwnneaa mat we tock of Goodat to be uaw uia innu nminiau mi iwuira uiTwaere. uea .? t jry o uforinaTWl mom ta tmottot tfl mnDh. 'aiui irvm to ftt eatUx be etoed: Vat ' attel is dtea f beesffl3wired which M7J&"Tln h cases at iudiio ror fertr from TUuatary tPatJmodiHJa reaa mbuowb: SfIS ?iTS toJnte relief from ooldi'and Z?'" Kill, l ..i .wBii(i frfltt a terf i old, !"V? .M4;fcrootta rcowld irat no relief until renewed m WT -tf MW ' Without it CI O fnina T-..1-..H L- O. O. Fokcb. Lowndes. Oft. T Hare need Patw En.m I bewaa nsina'PMX Knxnt lnmy femlly twetty. Dre reua ago.and hare lued it erer since, and bavoi j r wtieop(nw-eMiMi wm wntm 11 la th e would not M without It runruuany jun va . f-T BaViiai VSfl iMiiw m i TTAijTup wn imm uoanocion: I out vxyw Kn.T.ra euxea diphtheria and aore throat, o alarm- feUdy Drmlfflt hem. and has Tint hMn knnwti in aB toaratnate.ui.tas.ee. Tina fact you ahauld .ynateMnnlnUui 'MlfcTtlrtorH. Uiwx wrltM; Vr mrm waa 'Wjotly sick with diphtheria, high fever, a&dfcbld ehiaa. JSo many children hay died here. I fwa aa w ou a pnyaK and tried fDui B o mas 9mm& , .KJUa. i r WeuDeeda' on riiaai 1 Ztvta.a Wr on- i4DadJtew4d tba poor mothers who are loainc ao many ctuldrent ror unuia ana Ferer fajh killer baa no equal, it cures when everyXtuast else f alia, . .Lriotte 4nfei3ouix a bottle oti - exm-KiLiM 4& tag bcttse u a saietniard that no family should be without. All drugfftats sell It at 25c., 50., and - . perbotUe. ' ; " PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. 1IWept4oot THB JWELER, .. .. .-.-:..-.rr-l, j HAS JCBT BSTURNXar rAOXt TSK NOETH, a? nf est, most sEL,Ber, host c6ia( PX4ETE Satu-, BEST ASSORTED -flTOCK or- ; 1 1 Watehes, Mi Silver an (fPIaled Ware, Xrer displayed tjs CaOLAjq)diinm,ri Tpegg ' I -Baetrk Apaliaatat art sant at 30 i'ayi' Trial. TO L!Etl DflUfr YOUa C3 DLJ), V- XdarffrilJTrTlc of Kbbtb Foaca Am Vmak. Wiwrvn WKAnzaaaa. aad of. priori t. Q waA, aai ill from Aawaaa tad Onram Cacib. Speedy relief and eomplete rette ratio of HiijTt.VKK xd JUiwoo OoAar. ihZai ll-nvarvf tas Nineteenth Cantiarr. aeaatefMUreitrWedr-aaTpaietfreet, artifawaa viti lUTCimtiMiit'-nr: I 1 thi'i FINE SPOBTIimOtJAI ;a i alSoAXi JCXlUUJlpAaA. - . r- -v Tt ntM.ta , moomeM M'T a idea e Jir.H M T jirt aiMWatoailwJieMoaas'twM I - I 1108' . . - .anrjw good tune, but for his brilliant prosbei berits for the future. He however begins to realize that is not all sunshine, for mUb tbttufet repcwedttrti1 him come asfc rAHnnnsihilitiea. He is reDOrtisd fifl saying : "It is pretty hard on me jtoi b! cettincran enormous mail ever daV O " T from all parts of the country, congratu- latino toe on'm election,yet ewerv let ter making allusion to me as the .hope- of the party for 1884. Ithink,"saifl Cleveland, Chat there is enough ohjn((' shoulders to assume the duties qi. an office I have4d no pievions familiat srftktlilMrrebrtror" the next two years." The Pennsylvania Railroad Coknpa ny gives precedence to women in ;pay ing out dividends upon Stock, iliast Wednesday at Philadelphia it paifl oat exclusively to women, and after thai Aqrfa aHrrM4ePWKtf ectLVfr ft 9x.-mrnvlcfei!d ii s per cent The total amount paid oitt will be about $8,700,000, of which) 2, 100,000 goes out aa cash and $l,60OX&9 mtiaifc-ii-f:. itiwia&sjfrr-o -w rriatfe''tV"havw Set. geant Mason, who shot at Guiteau! pan aoneru As Mason islhe bnTv main h tlgtl flWMitaM it tha tms!tteM wb notpresent-! ed a bill for services rendered), 1r wiins neugire ra,mardoned in ! con siaerWwltthX He didn't hMr JSanjrrancisceCaU thinks :that Blake Is Ithe only prominent BpWg can wnose neaa is abotd water since the latwmojcrafitiilja wave, an the only onewTitandKhe crhost nf chance in thSTnceror the Presidency, All n.i.. m i j .A. i mvn wvM! fOy, nop een neara sirom yet. ' Tfeete are yet 105 hdard from yet. ' Thai-a are yt 101 to hear from, and it is figured out' that the majority for Ireland the Democrat ic candidate for Governor, will be be- iweenj4Q,ooo and 60,000. Republican papers complain of solid Democratic South. When' the r no-conrpramt, mor1 1 ad they'ndw bom plain that the negro vote is solid! for, me twepuDiicans. Out of 5,00tT voters in Atlanta, ihife were only 1,900 registered up to trie 1st psu TBeegjstry Jispjao Saturday A St. Louis candy man estinjates that the boys and girls of that city cou sume fourteen to. tons of candy every Amsterdam will hold an internation al exposition in, -lpS, Waethfi m sWdMn dbea pfchoj w e dpn carka! - but Charlotte must have her exposition. That story about the 65,000,000 'pur chase of mining property in North Georgfa'bfan'trlglisn syndicate is de nied by the MaconjTelegraph. t ;poiftg IrlMtiejenus next W"eanejMajv.)iyp wll.nQt have an anatheropportunity before 2004. e'eontingent expenses of Govern J.X1 rveleiiiti'Aterratof office aa. mayor of Buffalo were $25.24. Redacine Taxation the Leading Topic Rev. Mr. Richardson and Mr. Brewster The Axe Again Person; al Dots. , I Correspondence of the Charlotte Obse rrer. Washington, Dec. 4. There is an increase of the talk mentioned in this correspondence of righteous plant for . reducing .taxation., The, rebuked ! Be- demagogue spirit. But there are iood- reasons for believing that more will be said than done. In the first place, what remains in the Republican party .chiefly inrthOtWfiabapd ttecitjt of &few York, of the free trade element cannot bear the Kelly proposition to abolish) the; internal revenue. All tne raDid prdtec tionistsevAPtnnited in its favor. Very many of the more practicable sort hold that protectian,only Tprottects when the rient thing by the people, and in no duties are reasotfably 4gh, hdTrf that iUSirlmii obldcieLikre defeited xrhttn tHi tstrifl.-frr ahsnlntalv nrnhihitwJ Itomrtatfsocutsoff revenOeu rtO-drivtfthe government to direct ttoJ;.iS,5-?5iiS-E?- tion ia under :to supply the defici These moderate protectionists woa IrAan of Inoaf. a norr nf fliA i rtf ctrjol tq necessary revenue out of imports would cause sucn a reuueuuu m uuues ag jLo sertanT tHterfert'Jitkthe earninisjof. American monopoly. To make a ffevf; A nue tarin, as is a tarm, you muse araw saild, in faofc: Vraar as gentrjnss acscki ing dove.'- Hence these moderate of pose Mr Kelly and his ultia associates' who want to strike off the head of the more nauseous than any we have yet sw&llowoCaL i . tTtwre1 setftnef 44 frjoff ifrtest Ik f ho nn oat inn nrhoMiAr Haw frJR.i rhrvfi nnn HS1 v 1l1 nnt. annntva tha nnnirlf,TJ Episcopal All the newspaper accojritsf mis morning, uotu in tue cuy auu yaii side press, agree in putting in the t&r erdiiatas'Ai aoth! yaoore straw words of censure for the prpsecntiopJ s Because the Attorney General author ized the publication of his private; f that Mr. Brewster is more fit for a -fel on's cell than the high office he fills. MfJf t Richardson a friends, it is, onur just to Wdeclsrft tht WffflP the at- he denounced the Star Route frauds- were omitted. i tsi 1 Apropos f taefcTkr Route swindles I hear that the axe has fallen again; The victim this time, to-day, is Mr HtD 2rtesv pxtncrpsp ierk ef iieHnsne division, tnira AJSSistant rosimasier Oaneral's Office. hiito RAnresoitative Undes grafLofOhid.for whoaL 4heflasr of thSii House ofiRebret antMvpa was half -masted SatudavJwas a quiet Republican or moderate anui ties. He was a member of the 46ttf, as Col John Sloan, of GreensboroJ of. ficlally , resident here, is preparing! the Guilford Grays will be pub! separately m a lew aays. icwiu a WwrA 'tyauttK ,t -ia wiadbUV . Hon R P Armfield is the first bntlft ' ground of the North Carolina uongress- T an who arc fuflerlng irrtratoeertOTaMi!!: Mannttlnnanf Tfmth. .nmrtoon. WSXOefVarv Oftl thitilalll jame 91 r.ir..uL send a MllHuidreased-ionTeiope to the Ext. Josxfh T. Ihsax, station 0. Kew York Oty, -":- Raleigh, jn. u4www--a ssecial, from Washington N. Gsays the steani- "CabL Wl ATThornTU son; J5f,.P, Hancock &nd;a, cpioreA man ftrr jwss out arjout twenty hrss; ; e f 1 113 TUiXt tv ', ' 7f r 1 9Jt,T vesterdas. theiouawiB nantked e men eresleetea-ioPHie ensiniig rear a onn 'rnexw.TacatLrrurineic ii a iireeo,sVlce ipmeft; aoo scn ibee, jTreasurerviui8at intewst! as aoi-. 1 mil otiilia .IMJCwH Las'iiiM tl6kijiNjl0ecrr-the ler BraiH ns.ff orn Barahn ahvyv,' Uontid ,hejrlanas.a Shehasi Mtliaoncd tiart of ber-oawrew Assistance has been sent mien.' bwj hit ffwji l! VI il-r.-'M hi i.ee.j Rhemland ifrtwwt :PntiaeAlavir ashbreltfRivr'Triryisa total Hfheirfan Deal. rdJeaiBjiyn af oxn Jftlarfs yesderaay. TJ?j( mp.rintainsfaroniid Asbevllie M t6redwitli shOw ' f ' Ml 1 1 iYl cofdted Raleiah Ifews and Observer: Presi dent Robin6on,trf -the SeaboardT Road, uani: uuuuku majucit luuBr, gi yen ePtnnina1 .XTnxarijjoTreii sd ADCxs last tiu yesterday surrerideredhimMlf anc tried.bj:.a magistrate. v;TlwQib.ded inansconditiojri isess dangerous. ' ' Mr.Gi6ttBaet! Harris, who was weJljkwnwip.isMpijty -and section, where he nad manv mends, died' snd- ctenly atf HeiidersnV,sHfs -agl j was aooui3 45 yearS' sna1 lie bad for many rvToe-rwater works eommittee. has been instructed bx the board of aldermen to 4iave the preliminary surveva made. aqd all the streams iiar, the city exam ined. This is preparatory to the work or tne engineer, wno will be here soon ;ahd complete the sniey;r,nts jesti- uiawsa ui luo uusi 01 worns, etc. A Traveler'sSmart Trick. Atlanfe CoistRution. J : ' ( ( ) Among the persons who purchased 1 . tickets at the Union ticket office yestBr a ay was an elderly laay wnose aesuna f.ihn tvan tit: TrfiYtilBaf- :Cbhu I that presence of a small dog, which she de clared she was going to take with . her, the lady was alone. After securing ,a check fpr her baggage the lady and her dog entered tne aaaieaf i CQacrli wb ere former took a seaf while 'tne latter crouched down at her feet. Soon after she assumed a, peacefukr attitude! the. train hand entered the coach, and no ticing the dog, staited to drive it -out- (m.'.'riju.'ljT.ll. J.I Ji m- i a... 't7 t uB viu louy' oucuvet, 'uui me train hand would not yield, aithbugh he saw, the -dog's mistress in tears. Fortu nately, a commercial tourist, who .had beenn a fittest- witflese - tor the entire conversation, stepped up and asked the -train-hand to let the dog" remain until ''he would retjurnV The train hand, compliedj and the; tour- st left the coach in a hurry. In about fifteen minutes he returned 'beating a cheap valise in his hand, which he opened. After cutting a iarge hole in be side he placed the dog in the valise. aM.puniniir his bead through tne jhole closed the valise. With a smile he de-- posited the vaiiee on the seat by th Old. ady.ana qiWRiaagnea wAen tQe ?&m band came back to Kick the dog out- - i'iiei;.a- a- 1 The Dnrajitt OiHmondVRecoveref ' Abcttit4wndweekAaT0. savs the Phila delphia Press, an elegantly dressed lady left fW sate'wtth m CliVtes PHefold,' ond, andQwaiuMjan jadF80B"of 5 urn it. On Wedsesdar lady re turned in custedy of a detectfvf ,and Mr1 ne diamofHi ibad t been stolerratniMwf!qft or sare. wncr turned out to noe miss Mary rGf0S'DaytDo, .former house- ker.fQr.beChirt iembassy. in Washington. Mrs Durand became ac- naineed ' witri Miss- DaytotF' whilb in Washington: last summer, ! nd; invited ner to Tisitiier.aoct during trj-visit tne diamond was stolen.13 Miss Dayton was nbtfprosecuted. y si ; VB7ta m't V A m m n kIiaii' h ether troubles caused me, faajtful srerlng but Pa Gloger Tonic mak.es toe le'rlkra Wew.bBn arker'B ' MataKriMf! InM 'aiciiaiaw tanSlAliBa If. 1 .4 Jjg. I'iU sill edid iatoxicaiina Bostoini aasdo awParkei filneer Tonic In toot. .laraUl., Ifala deJielous mecy never intoxicates, is auue piooaaua rem " . . z ?rrm Ei-fM-. fciii. a ,'Snfi aiding alTBief rsavnaetretn seyer to'ff"' Ait - - I 1 1 1 ii aa ii I jgagEii,. wj'Tiyiiijtci Oili t"L1Jl"jjL"1 'L' ai-jami'i Ulr. f'1, WS'd. TSfTST I Pnpartd fromtht ehocttf Frtiiit. whh-' m I- fa. --V't .avt-rwQ I 1. raalaXaBal II laTaasTralaffiial Saw laaw S II ma IS WWW aw II HP r i ' ' I ii t Sceasacqnitla W$tU li o'clock JastWgfifc ,tJhi 5r' 16 k.iUCJS nan D.arKL i, ynhrrhH wreck. I -m re od..nfl ftldtti airrffnWlMeteTerjaat . i i . , ,i I . . 16 i fa. I iti 'JySthmikL9 bo'1 fii r ; SOS ll;KKriauru twfpjf "I I . - ii . .a-a trr.jik r. ia... i l i ceeao &1 35!BfciC5toi& 3d j I w 1 iff. AJmitttJ bf till miutunw UetfXilTZtiZ Z 45 1 O. a tMasaiCTAOTOS3tWl -'X I aaaBr. Mee Calfae J. VfZMAKKNOCICOKDCXADSCSSSSa 11 1 m i r?r i it . ;i.i"iniL rriKmi r-annmrnKw mm -fi,-AraIJ Up auu WW jfcma. an . y.rynif'7a""wa"'t, ' .. j ,j-,rts r ur : IvartaftMeeCalfaeferlBawe, I IiOUlSTllIe, s7h Or tvi... " t I""" TV v a uaif UOI nnn. mora UDSh 1' kiin von L '..' mm i .BY 1 .. m . - m I iv--- nuuu'1 rnnam Just die thins for the "spring weakness" bow at federal, sold aU druggiata of anjatandtoav lStrmttrre, srayness avoided by nstiur Parker's Hair Bateam, dtotbigulahed for MS eleaSlnasa and J TolepTaiia, Cvatlva-aaaa, mavdalche. DMsale a. l.-iJ : tuna) rrniattpxlt! f th Bh4l, rive anf isdssttxasei ramaaiorXtTai!!, BoweNknS .'. Bad rJreallri ParaTn tte-SMTTiSrt, ' i Pain fa felt utuierthm M Jk t.: . ..L generally cotaye ometime ahfroatlne' wtth lax ; eeaJ-is troaHedeyrth AlW&H WWaWJ With eon -r ' ZT 1 an the parent ceitiliSD 1ST ; J LQ or burniiw, tAMMinM wiL1 uiun pxrrarspjnti axe low aflff qeDflent.? ; ' wd,Iadfiea remedy.' ixSreral : diea&e,.fut taaae therA UTiativf 0 ??ti a!1?h t akown tha IaWfrV It should be naed by aU persona, old Wn. 1 " "a mpi sal. - ii-sir f).-ii iiuit .Mini-, i.u:, i " ; f soartfaatttig? be)afmgw. m -1! ; . ... , , or fed eavy : after meal " e, aUew-. -MfcdoaeaMyo;wiiV reiivedT F(iwfiaitVaf the lrflae&mtlM: a! 1 1 ?WST iatratrrw ftd,eiaoi ean ,, r'wge.owj PitLC-, inereaiedy is lurafl .eaa ana owfiiot mtertwre with bualxieas r 'IT IS tmtr. -r 'wftw iW : ' powena eftcaCyW CaWnfel or 1 vuwunc, wimemaayot tM mjurinas: after Simrnpas Lirer Regulator kas been in uM ii my 1 j"Sme tune and, 1 am satisfied it! is a C addltioa to the- medical uh'enrw " 1 i i: ; J. Giix SmjwaJtGcVernorof'Ak. Hob. Alexaridav B. HtanhMia. in- .. JffJ : iHTe. tkrId beaefit from the lie of insijyer Jteguiator, a& wish 9 give it a ' Jf1 TWnr' that never failB to ReUeye."-' haw used nUny rettfedfe. p pepua, Lrree Afecdon and Debility; but ieyer' Simnroru Liver Regulator has, I lent frtm Mm- nesota to Oeorpa for.ft, aad would seadflrrrriAr fox , , TOBOTeaKaivai1 wouid.adic all who areisim rhvrTy affected: to jjjre it a trial as it asem thejonly t thing that neref &it to reHeye. '- ; '. ! $), 1 " P. M.'jAHMCT.Jfellnttfapo.ltina. Dr. T. TV. Mason aays: From actoal e. , ; eice in the, use of Simmoric lire JRigulador ia my practice J hare been and, anr satisfied to use latake only the Oennine, which fdways' t WraPP,Tr &e d Z Trade-Mark mnd Sltnre.e y, X H. ZVIUN $ CO.- . VuR SALE BY ALL BRUOGISTS ' ' i"Ve & .hertby certify thtkt tot mperviat the aA Vr. -v . ltjr au lne Moruwy. ana- setm-Anmuu drawings oj ine umvttana Lattery Company, f wxm&Ljmfleo&vrt control the Drawings Jxmestv. f airbed. atttT VvW ties, and tot authorize the Company to use this certitt , VMth fiie-simaes qf our signatures attached, in ' ConimlMtonerw UNPBSCEDKNTED ATTRAmON I ! ; : VSEHAU5 JlMILLIQN DISTBIBUTKD. ' 9 "aawasss, Jneerporated In l88 fw 25? years; Jty the tegjg lature for Edueationa) and Cnarttohi rinrrJmS' "Or enouiuw aa& araoe eeen aadeo. 1 ; h5tottar'tote''tt fraaohlse J8-?18 P"o0ff pwsent BtatsCenstitonon ..jl.il 1'ii.U ,--. akepiaee the; J- 51aa a3iual'inirblr atattftfaei 'rj-J- AT NEW OBLXAJNS. r.uen.w avBaEABD.ief Louisiana, and $VH jbS-c XUil. at nlair T wnKtiK .juunaz. xenina, 9ip r. is a . list oj.pitizBti r W I -;!m & riAtiua rruzj&i oi lu.uuu. . a w 'JW " " t; .r.v. iiWOHrJii 199 " . . , , , 200,, 41 ID.O0Q yiM:V. . uW.. . JJP?P9MK4T!PN PlUZW,UJf! i 100 approximation IMzes of (200 , S2f),0OQ 10O 4pprtrairrrattoPi)r,100.:.X 10 ,Q0 11,379 MaelilonnntBr M.'. .fji: i ' iSlcoO , lppUcattoD. for; rates, te ciubt hoald -oniy ' be TfiaU fVhTTiaa ASffiW a tA JaViaK.ir. 'L.iL'Ji J rnfaap"' 4At3 IXaCTBiir, t-n NM nvlAana . . t ikH ,eP1i91rWaa)una tiwrKf.tiiitt5J tmoo I -'! IM. aaweaaaaWaWafSBBB I .883. t.-amwuitrj occur jmiwitnujlgunaafa rawnuiiwiuiwiiiflniflrui iicminH aembly of Kentucky. . .L tThe. United, Statea OrcnS .Ooort on-JfanS .V .e" company near sow on nana s large resene . tuna. Beaauiesei nraesirae- ..- i "4 HOVmBtB DRAWING. f .l..,b Prizes. n .a "V Prize,..".. ; 1000 I yoiooina.i!ioxi eaciLUa.i.;!i3Jd:ooo I A iZI.wA A A 7. "r 17""" 1.1TTT I aal 1 IHSSi ' RffY a inn aoud ,ioq iq LoulsnUe, hjH or L.L... m Xo jk. ty noTx jnum tow any "alum andiron mmm" knnm 1 m f 1 1 IT 1 rill I II rillif 1 Til TTMr rnir V nn rr -vx -fit no tefSZXZn&l .thfl 1. WCh ought to UveKBda:jxkhtb.ttrE p l d mutaloen.for ConsuttHonfi ;thfnn : ri s 1 FL I : 12 i !. 1 puruigwnaftwiu Fi;f. II mW - :o: 3:00a YARDS .CASMERE 100 WALKING .JACKETS, fOOTO $15.00. CLOTH CIRCULARS,;-: - - ' 87.QPTO;Sip.)0. .' lii rii . . . ... . , ,., f J.JJfcill "Hi j I i . . -U J-'iiU U'j; JiiiiJ xa 1 .rLT6r2atl5.I tte M" Week, .the, mm.. Langtry Tim. Flttsnes iOrsalon and quaMaes. Sotrie rmndsora Plnahes toTWkpta awl reutars. , Oar, stock enbxaoaa, evaryUUng new nmwuiiuw juu tua we naye a aiqcK ?dec3- T1 ai Smith tliilllM, Leading Clothiers and Tailor New Goods! Correct -:o:- fldr Patrons: The People. flar'Stadj; OUR REWARD: SJJCCESS. 'isr jt ifansf actate our own lien's Gothinat and Oierefore can sell !w rriQca prices than any W other house can offer Utt saras Soods. We are bow prepared to offer the largest and best assort ed stock of BEAXT-HilX j . .. f'.i;-.!n J . ; ;.' i i i; ... ' . .- . .. r . J i." ' : . i - ' ; . . . i . -s j , - . !T '! i . UiJl) I ,i n I 'H VlllllUlm , ' : r uT.'--...:ri;:-i"--'i :.'.:: i.-fT-:-. l l:ji , '., ,. j ,-, : - ' -i '' ' ' :f ' i: .:.- ' Hi i In this aectlen. i OUS TaralBhtfis tikwds Debsrtriient odtnDrlsetbe: latesi out and we art connfent tha for beauty and novelty will compare wltbady tn the South.1 The last tat not least, ou Bap Depart" rrrent. consists: or only the latest Out. arid rintest that could be: roand - tn the: ansrketWjnhSTe taken special pride this season to secure such iroofls that cannot be found elsewhere. Qui prloea tn each and eyery departasent axe lnvHriatojy bottom ngtires, , Tnanaing toe puuic luncuy lor pastjavors, ana soucumg. a snare or. your trnae tnr .tne rurare, we ars Very EespecttuUr, la. Berwaneer db SroM o.i . : 0 --i i "" Si' ' Tar S ,ri ';: i ;rti.i' ; a .'ic. . ii , .ai-w'iiaaj-. :ii;.: ri iU'i V- , ;i a U .-.WM.J III, ' MP I iS''"'W'f K f? Si IBM Sffl.- F'' " "''iUi rS'" Atj'sji. I m. r, , . r hi',b-i btil hiivrnt't li',fl kJ U,orjf(r) : , ,"-.H iSMaSUiw rii' -sr! 3., a ,. . , rQ LT 90 8. ao'j-rji HH f : 5Ctj ' I p. t ?5 )1 9 a n:,i-. . . "t-i f''''Si ?fcj v;7 I 1 - h;m8sT;,if Kej of 1. 1 . i " y rrii 11 n 'ffl 1 ar ' - ' AiiraKvinidO call ajKEsggmy ooapc slJiil (reaSLitS all Z I XI I I WrYblesjil Snd?RotaiI "Furniture - -:o:- 3 a u; ... d bail u j , i.ull i,n l uiai cannot Be expeuea iqr strteq ana tow pnees. Styles! (Ml -:o:- Their Interest Ottr Maiimt Fair Bealinj. and every article boiq witn our Kuarantee. . m2 Mm' till V w - J2S Hi H GO - r-iBsfjeoca - "Sv 1 I "HtO&BD - B8c j.ii:i;;i - 'ji'ife1 -lig' -:l wouil wfl o I0iV8XJaf'srt3 A 0 noiessa daae-MU eJJ TO ITLIg MABRET, . ii Sj VA'A SAn i SafafBBJjwam. f ,.. r?jer': if) T Prices hszli H Jd-t5BWiff .-f.iiiJiaaft i -' ' - r ggg.lH'llat B saws J k i a siifct,,, aT wa. i1 1 II I ' A.Z W 3w la. .

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