CH AB. It. JONES, Editor and Proptor. J.t- ntMTXBXD ATTSB POBT-OTTICS AT CHABLOTTB, Id C, AS BaCOHP -CLASS llATTXB 1 -Democracy u a wemxmau, : 77iiMv JT to bageneuUeowert tkeofdmpotim UUthmaU amaervator of liberty , labor ma property; U 1a the tenHment of egad right, eqaMobUatkm,the very lamof Nature iactfimvading the land." $ f - i - : 1 1 'ijicnaunoicifedepotUorff qf thUimaUpawert itTwmihiUaTUaethtoemtMrpontnl win a unoietome auvrenon,ine rcmcay w,w w "U fromthem, out to infirm their discretion by edu "6tion."TncaikB JKmsaoir. - CONGRESSIONAL f ViM,fArflv Ymnnftfil forMaior Bobbin! I Palais Rmirhnn wine vaults, at Bererv .1 ELL-LL L.L.I- li till 1 1 1 1 If- W BECK AFTER THE POLITICAL AS SESSMENT PLUNDERERS. .. i- WEDNESDAY, DEC 6, 1882. CUARtATTtE EXPOSITION. ; )The' effort of Thb Observes to awaken an interestin the'subject of an .attracting attention not only in this State press cordially endorse the sug gestion and fcetlemen in other States who take an interest In North Carolina, .warmly applaud it. The following let- ter is from an enterprising citizen ox Connecticut, now sojourning in Boston : i I have read with care your editorial on the importance of industrial exhibl- tions, in, the paper you kindly mailed me. I appreciate your fervent interest In Charlotte ' and the regions round about, and think you have done wisely pin presenting the subject on the broad &9mjon adopted.' ' Hut pardon me if I say that you had better let the matter rest j net there for the present, and make your lay out for Charlotte and old Mecklenburg county in another shape, A. D. 1883 j in other words, you can do more for your people a thousand times over by getting them : waked up to the importance of putting their best before the North at Boston next year, than ' -you can in any other way. We shall - draw visitors from all the Eastern and Middle States by thousands and throngs "; from Canada. The newspaper press will be largely represented, quite as largely as it was at Atlanta. Already excursion agents are preparing to se cure first class rates from ail points and to advertise the exposition on a scale beyond anything heretofore attempted. Now Sir. you are to have at the South a cotton centennial in 1884. Your people will then experience the greatest civil invasion from the North that has ever occurred in our history, provided a city is selected near enomzh the Ohio or Potomac to make it easily accessible to the people from all the States, and one which has ample facilities for tak ing care of a multitude, and provided also tnac tne interest begun at Atlanta, and advanced by what the railroads have done in Boston this year, is made sore for the future by what your States ana people snail ao next autumn m tne broad opportunity opened up to you through the Institute. t ; . Don't you see, my friend, that so splendid a display as the -old Hornets Nest" could make if her people so willed would attract many more people to Charlotte to look about, than you could possibly get there by all' the notices, advertisements and - posters that twice $1200 -Would procure for you. Let Charlotte bid for public appreciation at Boston in 1883, at the national cotton exposition in 1884, and she will gain more a thousand fold, than though she spent $50,000 in an exhibition of indus tries at home next year. We agree in the main with the views of our correspondent, and fully appre ciate the value of such an exposition as he contemplates at the Boston fair ; but we think one of the best ways to secure a creditable collection of the products of this section, will be by establishing such an exposition as we suggest in this city, for there are many people who would exert themselves to make an ex hibit at a point near by who would manifest no interest whatever in an exposition held as far off as Boston. Our ideals after the Charlotte exposi tion closes, to utilize theexhibit made bj sending it to Boston; , and other .' poinls where industrial expositions are ; held,' as the North Carolina and Vir ginia exhibit at Atlanta, under the su perVision of the Richmond & Danville Railroad company, was sent to Boston. Let us move all together and make the Charlotte exposition acredttothe State. It can be done if we will do it. The Senate After a Brief Session, Ad joums Oat of Respect to the JSenry. of Representatives UpdegrafT ! aad Lowe The House Passes a BiULim Reference to American Seamen, and Then. Oat of Respect to the Memory . of Ue Late Senator Hill Adjourns. I Whdtgtok, D C Dec 5.-Senatk- Bromi presented the credentials of W Barrow, chosen to fill the ' unexpired term of the late Senator Hill,of Georgia. When the credentials had been ! read, Edmunds remarked that the Governors certificate was not, in his judgment, in conformity with the act of Congress, but as au knew tnae narrow nad been regularly elected, he r would not urge tne point, -being content to 'call atten tion to it, sp that this, defective certifi cate should not' be drawn' into prece dent. The oath of office was then ad ministered to the new Senator. me rresiaent pro tern laia before the Senate the annual report of the Comp troller oi currency, wnicn was ordered printed. nleji the foflo wing before, the board of canvassers: Tp the Honorable Board of State Can assers: " wiTHSm MTRnbbina. of Iredell, coan- ty. respectfully petitions your ftoGora- ble board, and alleges: - r L That according to information -re ceived by him. unofficially, but never theless entitled to raitn ana, creaic, ne W. M. Bobbins, was duly elected repre sentative from the said seventh dis trict to the 48th Congress of the ; Uni ted States, by a majority of the ballots legally-cast by the qualified electors of said district, at the election held on the 7th day of November. 1882. , u s 2. That whilst he does not actually know what the official returns, to be laid before your honorable board at its mMtlnsr on the 30th. inst. may show when properly scrutinized and canvass ed, according to law, as to the result of said election for representative, h is informed and believes that on the! face at said returns it will probably appear that Tyre Xork received a small : plu rality oz tne .rotes, v-zf tf and the nrintinflr offices of "the newspa pers Union and Universe, are flooded Y by the overflow of the Seine. Enquir- ersapprehend that the -floods of -the oerre will destroy tne causeway uroiecx tol!x6entrepot desvinl f J ) ' " ; Weather. . . : . . , WASHiNQTQi.Dec.5.?Middle Atlan tic States JUtP rain or.anQw, clearing in southern portion, south to west winds, lower barometer, stationary or. slight fall to temperature. 1 ' " i " - South Atlantic States, , local rains; slightly warmer south to west wind?, lower narometer. - j (l Bnrned to Death in a Shanty 1 Londcos, CWir Dectiwentyiar borers occupied an ; old ' shanty near Cottam as sleeping quarters. It took fire in the night and three of the labor ers were burned to death. .j f : ; ; . s. That voor petitioner is prepared to mX.m iAHAM ll AMAVftkW . hASJWT If ASSW i B1MIW Ut TUU1 UWUWiWWW- wmpswa 4 wir nnTrtrt 1 a fi, -f-i.-1 portunity be allowed him, that somo p ?AAh LB$$ ffioSretorns contalcjacal errors In f MOVING OK THE IN TERN AL REVE HUE SYSTEM Already bills have been introduced in Congress for the total or partial abo lition of the internal revenue system. We take it for granted that this matter will be taken up in earnest, and that the day is not far distant when this relic of war legislation will be wiped out of existence, v It is in favor with no one, except perhaps those who live by it, and those who have favored It have done so not because they liked it, but because they considered it a neces sary to 5 enable - the government to meet its current expenses and debt ob ligations. It is conceded to be nolong , er necessary f or titww purposes, and ' beintf no longer necessary an end should be put to it at once. :i - Louisville Courier'Joarnal : ' Theof ficlal canvass of the'.returns from Min nesota shows that all the Republican candidates were elected by majorities ranging from 670 to 8,000. In the Fifth district, which is a new one and a very sparsely settled one, the totalvote is put down as 85,442. If there ardtwenty thousand legal roters in thatrregioa of Northern Minnesota it would be re markable. Wc4onbtrif there are fif teen thousand. - ThS S5445 votes were made up by the intrrxliction of Indians Sfl half-breeds, and doubtiesi by dirty . rgeries. W zx .:;... and select-committeea, as they existed at tne ciose ox tne last session, were continued. Petitions were introduced by Dawes, Ingalls and Cockerell, in relation to the passage of pending bills for an in crease of pensions to soldiers who: have lost limbs,oraret laboring under equiv alent disabilities. ! Saunders gave notice that early; next week he would call up. the, pendink bill for the admission of Dakota. Beck offered a preamble and resolu tion setting forth the law against levy4 ing political assessments, with copies' of circulars asking contributions for political purposes issued by the Repub lican and Read jus ter committees dur ing the late campaign, and instructing the judiciary committee to investigate the matter fully and report how much money was so collected, where and how it was spent and, whether these political committees or any of their members have still any of the money in their possession, also the names of all persons dismissed from public ser vice since the 5th of May. 1882,: and how many of them had failed to' con tribute as requested. The resolution requires the commit tee to report by bill or otherwise on or before February 1st, 1883. Beck sale1 he would call up the reso lution to-morrow. Piatt offered a resolution instructing the commissioner of pensions to give a mass of information under 14 heads in relation to the pension roll and the probable effect upon it of the passage of House bill No 1,410, now pending in (liG Semite Bayard asked Piatt to amend his resolution so as to call for a complete alphabetical list of pensions, but Piatt declined upon the ground that this would delay too long the information desired by the committee on pensions in connection with the pending bill. The resolution at Beck's suggestion went over until to-morrow. Hoar called up the resolution to meet daily at 11 o'clock. After discussion, it was rejected, leaving the hour of-meeting at 12 o'clock as usual. r After passing the bill permitting re tired army officers to hold official posi tions in Territories, the Senate. at2p m, on motion of Pendleton, adjourned as a mark of respect to the late Repre sentatives Updegraff and Lowe. House. The House met at 12 o'clock. After the reading of the journal, the Speaker laid before the House the an nual report of the Comptroller of Cur rency, and it was referred to the com mittee on Banking and Currency. The Speaker as the regular order proceeded to call on the committees for reports. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, chairman of the committee on Ways and Means, re ported a bill to abolish the internal revenue tax on tobacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes. It was referred to the Committee of the Wholend the minor ity was granted leave to file a minority reDort. - The House took up the Calendar. A bill " to repeal and amend certain acts pertaining to the shipment and dis charge of seamen, was passed. "It re peals the provision for the payment of three months' extra wages to seamen, and provides in lieu that seamen dis charged in foreign ports shall te pro vided with the means of returning home, or be provided -with another berth. The bill embodies substantially modifications of the law recommended by the joint special committee having in charge the question of the decline of American shipping. A message from the Senate announc ed the death of Hon. Benj. H Hill, of Georgia, and after a few touching re marks by Hammond, of Georgia, the House, as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, at 130 ad journed. :, v i figures, which materially prejudice his rights by understanding his real vote and overstating that of said Tyre York. - ! 4. That your petitioner will " further show to your honorable board, If oppor tunity be allowed him, : that sundry frauds and illegalities were committed in various townships and precincts of fifth district to his prejudice, by which he was deprived of the legal majority which was truly cast for him in the fifth district, and the erroneous result; to-withe apparent election ; of his aforesaid competitor, Tyre York, secur ed. i-R Ir-w ' ' ' 6. That your, petitioner .had not the timely information to bring the afore said errors, frauds and illegalities to: the attention of , the several ; county canvassing boards prior to the making up and transmission of their official re turns so that, the , proper corrections might be made by said boards in so far as they were authorized to - do so by law,' and moreover the lawf ul : powers of the county boards of canvassers to giant redress in the premises would seem to be less ample than those which. under the law, belong to your ble board of State canvassers, t where fore, your petitioner prays your honor able board to grant him a hearing that he may lay before you the specific facts and the proofs thereof by which a prop er correction of the official returns of the county boards may be made by you and the true result of said election may be ascertained, and to this end your pe titioner prays that your board hold an adjourned session at such convenient dav and as remote as possible within tswb MNiaat, - j ...: - . Having Dsssed ereialsleeplea nights, 4laHa- edbr tbe anidN and erte of a suflerlng j child. ana Deoonunc conw": uam..mi i Soothing Bynip ni lst tlM article needed pre rodaiDDly lor ttiechfld. On reading: home sue rainaea to omimu, f"znJzASx as she was strongly in favor or Homoeopathy. That night thhfld parsed In wiflertng. th Darentslvlthout sleep.: tormina: toon 'ka ear allowing, tha father forma tne oapy sou worae; nd while and whig contemplating another eepiss nteM, toe mother stepped fromj and to Anmim Antie. left the father with the - .. . . child. During her shsenee nejaainmisjerea a par Sooof the Soothlhx 8yrap to the tab, .and .sal nothing. That night all bands sieptveu, ana tne, Smefeliow awoke in tte BaorntogbrhAt andta m 4m..maAui dalhditea with the sadaea r.A3iMiimnMi. and although at first ffend- d i th itanoAtion maetloBd opon her. has eon- tinned to nse the 8yroiKatidsuaeilriTi mrut ,!! .1.1111 Mm mnDVOKOfc BW n on flpiup never, im T .t. . wTT oaby, and overoome the prejualces of the .mother. aoldWaanraggists. 25centsa bottle. . j y ; 9tmaUInt Vuilukl 1TnnltaI. SaltimorS. " lbatWcoMeb'arLladd Beef Tohie for jBors than treat. It omblnee the vmoea of lood aiul tnnlA MiBAi4ral1. n1 I am riallMfHl. has 'umdllf a when anv nthnr nadlalna. would faU.T (BeoMiabec the name, Coklen-ttto Bp hr sal BliMlel Besatve.1- Loatemie, Ky., Kareta 19th, 188L tt tt mammt:SfCtUTYcmr Safe XJdner and Liver Cora baa been used In my family with eod resnlt1' Tne remedy deserves and abomul receive toe highest reMmmendadon. ' . OPERA HOUSE, . . . . . ' ! - Friday Eve; December 8th, 1882. The management have the honor to annoanoe the Special engagement for One Might, of XWffiS THE GREATEST LIVING TRAGEDIENNE, discharge of its functions, upon which day the aforesaid hearing may be had. and that no declaration of the result of said election be made until after said day and hearing. - Wm. M. Bobbins, Petitioner. This 28th November. 1882. Thereupon the board made this or der: - ; : ' The within petition is presented by Wm. M. Bobbins, through his coun sel, Messrs. Coke, Vaughn and Herri mon. The bosrd. uDOn consideration, are of the opinion that they have hot ju risdiction to grant the relief prayed for and demanded by the petitioner. It is ordered that this paper be filed, with returns, in the office of the Secretary of State, and that this memorandum be JANATJSCHEK; Supported by a company of incomparable strength and arttstte excellence. The production , , ; of to evening will be TBI BXlUTiruL UCOTfONAL DB1MA. Trom the Swedish of Trederlka Bremer's novel : 'The Neighbors," enoaed , MOTHER AIID SOU; Jilf AlHCHXJC, as... ...-"THS OOCNTKaa." signed by the chairman of the board. This 2d day of December, 1882. At the hearing before the board Dr. York admitted, we learn, that at one precinct in Wilkes the votes were re versed, making a difference of 66 in Bobbins' favor. Mr. N1TH. CHILDS, Manager McXDWaBO TAYLOR, Business Manager Beserved Seats, One Dollar Admission. 7Bc and 50e on Monday, December 4th. at dec2 6t W Bale open the usual places. fVormerly of Charlotte, N. C Osiry Stnwt, lUcldSMBsl, Vau iif. tiio ; WM VJjESA le dejlze r s I V .1 in gaggiDg -:o: OUR MR. S. 1 CbtiH FSOM THB NOBTHiTTWITH AN m w u K.&K W T X- D D K B B Glothio Hats 6J "UIIWJ (ilving his personal attention tot the purchal IS soil In the Markets adding aally to our IM srewit nmrr 1 O OOnntR0 I 1 t q 00 on x 8s 1 T j OOO OO "oo" DDD 81 I Shoes and fleneral MmkJ n -i t . "viv;ua w e of same from nnrrnr. .v.. Ml M -J-mi, I .Delias and as eonds nn ni.... .. public gnerailj tht M lu ouy wiu De at the old established hou of ? w ouu luu sept20 ELIAS & COHKA Heavy .Groceries;! W Consignments solicited- anC jroaspt ntvr ent renl.TerT rwpeotfuUy. . iO . 7 MttUtBi JfJHKistON. WHOLSSAL AHD ETTJOL DKAUSB IN 1 iii 11 n it f m r n w s5.w" w. t.rriw. TKmwsam t ai.a.",iALJ H'iftf'Brm u n fifes.. -.M, '. '! " PABLOB -and. (LMBKB 8UIT8. COP- Jis al "'f j FINS of .all kinds' en band. No. 5 West , 1 ,i" 1 - i rZr Trade street, Charlotte, fterta-CarollBa " jn . .' AmKEEP TODB MDHtt IK ISOtJTH. IflWifiOli . Ilfn, BTBHiraaiuua 1 'Ujflp JJllU 1 llDllW ...... v - -. -1 . I-v ! 'TS Jf.-iji - I Tunis, Valises, Travciling: Bafsi AHD . GRIP SACKS, FROM OPERA HOUSE. H. f. RoiiDlree k Bro., Official Vote. 2The following is the official vote for Congressmen and Solicitors declared by the State canvassing board : For Congress First district! tham, 13,628: waiter F mg,4. EnMement PosltiTely IMM to One N&M Pool, 14213; scatter- The Queen ofSpaln has no confidence in' jSpanish physicians! At 'the recent acopttc7iemen(, Atistrian physicians, from hernative heath, were called in. The Spaiiahdoctors had to smother their indignation. Jf The Uew Orleans Item says that" Gov Federal Frosecatioas la Tirgiaia. - Biohmond, Dec. 5. Judge Hughes, of the United States District court, tday gave spexial instrnctions to the grand Jnry In the matter of the alleged elec tion frauds which that body is investi- ffating. 1 Jude Iloghes in referring to tne Tecent elecuon in vimnla aava that while the machinery wherswith if was conanctea was mainly suppiiediby Se laws of the State, it was none the ib - Federal electioa;1 AU offences against a fair and free expression of the popular will were punishable under Federal laws. " After quoting from sec tions 500 And 5ll of the revised stat utes in sujuxulofJJuVasserttonJhe In structed the jnry that if any-of the persons whoaeeases'they were consid ering have comndtted perjury or for gery or given false certificates for which tney may pe prosecutea under the laws of Virginia then.they- were under! the circumstances named offences against the United Spates andpunishableunder the sections, quoted.- These instruct tions were doubtlessgiven by Judge Hughes to Offset the charge of Judge Christian to the grand jury of the Bust-' ings court yesterday in which he alladed to the arrests made by the Federal authorities -andsaid that as far as the offences against the lawg are concerned the United States courts are in con tempt of the law and as, much foreign courts as those held in 8t Fatersburg or Vienna, with no jurisdiction what ever in cases of offences against State laws. x v ..j Second district O'Hara. 18.531: scat tering, 1,413. Third districtGreen, 18,095 ; Cana day, 15,595; Waddell 8; scattering 2. Fourth district Cox, 16,768; Dev ereux;i5,6S0'; Vance, not counted, gave Cox 757, Devereux 1,106. Fifth district Scales, 1233; John B Winston, 9,932 ; W S Ball, 180. Sixth district Dowd, 1549; John ston, 11,648. Seventh district Bobbins, 11,159; Tork, 11,415; Cook, 923. Eighth district Vance, 18,000 ; Cocke, 10,038; Bcatteringisv For SolicitorFirst district, John S Blount, 10,649; George H Spaxrow, 10, 487; scattering 8. 1 :- . - Second district D C Winston. OfU7 : John H Collins, lb558; John A CoUfns, ThmMtri&wihVlallowav.'! Geo T Wassom,16,472; scattering 13. Fourth dJstrictWamea D Mclver 10.0. .' Fifths distrtctFred ;K 8truiwiekr 1716 ; W H Jenkins,1 15,692 j scattering -,8eVenth; district-Joa Dobson, 9fiitf Thomas J Dula 9453 ; ectottering tt ( ; (m Eighth districts Joa 8 Adams, 9,599; te? Bower 6je62 jj scattering Kinth District G S Ferrusom.457 : W G Candler.i 8.908; E H Merrimonr 1 1 11 ; Condensed Press Dispatches, j ' ; The secretary of the treasury recom mends an appropriation of 010,000 to erect a monument to Thos. Jefferson. r There Is trouble in finding jurors for the Star route cases; nearly every man summoned offering exeuses. r A relative of Morgan, who is said to have been killed bt thm Maaisn m Thurlow Weed's story.-andi says- that Morgan was released and went to Aus- ."."S ""1 ur uow. nasason suil uviug iu urn country. t The preliminary examination , 1 Dickson, the foreman of the Star route lory trial, on chanre of attemrtinr tA- corrupt the jury, was held yesterday at Saturday, December 9th, 1882. AN AMUSBMXNT BEVOLtmOH! THX OOMST JCLIPSBE1 CALLENDER'S FASI0178 COLORED M-I-IN-S-T-R-E-L-S. Crowned and Scepteredwlth a Popo lanty as wide as ue universe. PRXSETTTrTG AB80LDTI HOVILTHS ONLY. BICHMORD, VA. W We Manafaetore the best dassof Goods In oar line and guarantee to daplieate Northern prices. Send for Trade List oefT TL W. BOUXTBXK A BBO, Richmond, Ya.' a A TAVCST WM B. ISAACS, ta. ' W. M. WADDT. J.A.XANCl$XACO., -WH0LE8ALM Mew Mew okesl Mew eketenesl Mew Dances! Hew Operatic Burlesque. B&per noasie wuanei n tte. Mammoth Orchestra. 6BAMD BFICTACpLAB BiMD pabadm. , nrraopcciae thb ttoaaxorj oUTTXBiNev gushimo. mrvmbiiob 1 j Vmmml nrlsM. Baaemol seato ean M aeeurea vtsabtlltyof 1 UOS Mmlrn atreviltctasa Vaw wfthoot extra enarge at thevosual places. -Tead t Ticxeis earur HT sum ed, Doers open at 7 p. as. xne f euvnr winitenlaataatS- " BOWAbo BrsAK, deoS Manager. BEYOND THE RIVER. iwav lereti tM lllaaltaslppi la HeU tOXPCT STOCK ' it 1" (H 1 . 'tin : 1 i ' ' i - ' ' J LETTER HEADS, " " ' 8tATEMENT8 ". ! :AMD ALL KINDS OT 1 1 rrintetattonefiy, 1 tell yoa air, that tney are one at the neatest aomMnattohs ever produced, aad my experience of that sort of thing has been wide eaoogh to ea- Utto my JodaMent to somerespeov" : oh. I dont know," responded the first speak' ers trlend, with a little yawn, as though he dlchrt tamnch interest in the subject, "I have never beenapte ioseembcK'dlflerenee hi those things. Tney arc ail pretty neady theiaineiaiid aaade VI. www 1 ; . : d ! toe nlaeetaOatoto, Missouri, not long agbtn tyM mnna offles ofDt M. P. llowers, oneol tha lnaalna nhysMana M trjs State, who followed np the vain ta whk he had Introduced ttsubstan- tlaUVtnUtess words: : 1 Meosenae. thatls tbe rigmarole of a boy, or rather of a nan who either dossal know .or doasntars WBaf hi says. Thoeelhlngs, as; you noonuDosa AMD QAUBLNTI1TQ BILL. -a , .1 . '!' .7H.fTM.IT PA'Ht-n'A ' .'i;r. new afii.; ii : i, .nri.t Hint I TsSUaten sad Dealers as aheap asi Me tork. Panadotphla at Balumora; A trial orderaollcited. Slaws fUcbatnaa, ; ii-i -Al -V"i I'i-. Jvif bi? i. Suit , N. C, t srocK- OF GENERAL MERCHAND1SI irrcr tihi:e: stite, O.v the nan, fa vobable; teb $pf (pMijfcrnioji WITH u vasasass mn aaaas tuunrux, THE If WILL, BE GLAD TO Q,UOTfi PRICES TO THE TRADE. marl 8 ly 03 .0 IMMENSE STOCK OF - , loots and Shoes Jk Eeceivei i i ii V.I K'X For the iriost reliable Goods and the Lowest Prices, -Q-O TO JtMOYER'8, ITT f t I jBLgegipineilt , 4T Southern Industries NEW DRESS, NEW WRITERS, WtW AK115T5. FULL of NEW LIP AINU V iuwr - y. 1883. AGRICULTURIST 1 11 : raBBr -w ni -ssar aiBf-'A.ijaKA BESf SOUTHERN Southtrr Farming "iS&1 'cfreEST JOURNAL ,IW ,H5, WOBLB. M AW.W"f!IrtdTi Culture fV. ALl.OW, I - lMA.,Hi.J. JJ.:." SneE"i'.i Ji,.,ta thn wm Li of their cxpencuco ainii- -. Senators LAMAR SW2N iriLhSSad rw to M t'-'-a ' ,f , SriNssrlatto. Price, S1.60 J:W; ' uu farmOT in Texas na eieewneru uiijws" -"rrr." T. ,f r,, - 1 "IN THB end la vro-jou.ea n '- cducst: r. I n rm BKM am S i r yurji A French Opinion b: avyi Mil tfMiBLararTnatai Washington, but elicited nothine lm-'i1t4aseriri nnfisnts. fooons and onuv DOItant 'J. :r I nantaanveacood to ssost esses for thsrsllef art of the PABis.iec. 5.-Helativa-to the report plates makinsrim claim .against France -rmrKrafta lary of the TJ "S -mrenlt Court, at Richmond, vesterdav found true - bill against Wm H Jallman, viunjw xorgerv vm connectio: wiwjcne supplemental assessments. v McEneiJas intimated that hewill fn regard totlimur give Kellogg the "certificate of election pan citizensJnMagaacjarnhe Moni I UjSSSHSJf&ftt tb0 to Congress from the Tbird districtind iW.yIi1?? insulting , Congress from the Third districtand leave itto the House to decide his qual-4ficatkna. article, .deciaririir that the American Navy is so. reduced by speculation that tne unitea states were recently obliged ion of horse whip an editor for some reflec- to present session of tJohgress to ad-1 1 t Jtiona upon hia papa, A. collision between A tne presen Hwuva leans thus freight and menta are Terr good jMln nr InflmmatSon. Bat., in tM flXSt pISOS tijet siauncleaar They sou wm utaas ana is linen. hetVUs.heiag aisww M ww -- 1 " W-Vi M'l; ."Well, nr aaaw TtoojrnV? "1ighd trareler fromtha'Narth. "iihat would ton hare? Talsv awretchM5rkl anyho. and nothing is eror at handwbenlt towaated; Too can't suggest any "TesC teuu' broke la Chi Doctor, thumping tha tahlS with hlsllst. -I eaa aufseef bknsoitb cajt- nahirfl steamer Peruvian Jt rom Montreal,whlle enterinar thn tivbt Murturw sf r nVinnV Wis nwrning, 1 collide with a steamer oi ioe a;ian jume. Mie Peruvian was considerably damaged, and lies sunk On CTossby l)eacbThe ctew and nasaAn. ??! Wq. Thrv ptherr steamer mle. j mi. iWpub 8en&tcn.:4i f i pt . . ' OlteiEepubacanS hryeatf last found nnauinp lomoua aver, 'it is tnn r. v dacUon'or thI)enT0aUc1inaj(3rlty in' KahrJrkT ?3TTlrr YVI H 1 ; His UvtlmaM thfMhetttNtf 1 BepuWJcan aohvciilon may be held 1 "r"triecWtt"-Terr otJCSnnecticut. nuts 1 Butler jwas toy e-elected. hvthm tne proDaoie pension appropriation for I ii'"V5 .oocmuij, umiea states senai JWBSrWftC Hen Senator VxJath84 on national; as well as the intersM,Tepyfyten.- r - a erinaylvSaISxSswWi -fe5 a menue in the pt:t fiscal year. passenger train on the Lahio-h Vaii I COT?OBOOTnJJSTjatf have wed bob my B. K-PaWyesterdaf , molted in smash-1 imtaaiMri law tried. ' n sayself tor an at- ing optn engines and several cars and ourmng an engineer rana-nrepari to death. . .foiiv'w "uifi.i- - ; .BanaSarvpiata "Mrs. Good water, a - aevanteh old wife, in Minnesota, yesterday ahotf " and killed her husband who was In the naoic or treating ner orniauy. and had .to" i mm"' ' i' -I A Tariff for the Baacfitvf Farmers. . Uerman-' nrotectioniata. mnra . int han Americans of the same '. way of ' thinkinsr. axtnsl r.filr nmtmH f well as manufacturera. j iiv taekot Pneumonla. and la all saies relief bai fol-1 lowad In rroaa three tatartr-elaht hours. Thb old Masters are stars eoaches-the Capctoe Is a tele- graphledlapateborliutariee. to eases of Kan. ralgla, MusenBoHaaaulhatlsm, i.nrnhaytjTctarflsd aadoB af tha Xldaam and r " . ? ' fft MMtttaiiSaetOri aad la aaaijaead HI s." said the tmsaierr pieasaBuy. tla ernitav or tne annuineia jbdt iw H. M;; SJtflTI. & 00., w8"" ' , - . i: m flu rilM If ilTITTlfkle Lflll All I MANUFA0TURER3 OF !ANQ DEAUfid IS j' !WTSfct J . 1 .';::-'; tUo Ays f ii' 1 1 i Iff im x II I 1 fjolam ...... ..; . s. ...... . . . i i 1 1 ir vaaai.. ii tii j . ; . W-Il.- L tri. .11 TWil.t1 I. T: "V,CfckBt6TTB,N.a - i i im mm but Inte aaidntnwaierr pieaaaauy. : of the cdt the word. iemnRa, new xorx. . - i Mi . ta HnlA-uJ. It. Sars: !In eanaa of dAMiif aiui tmm a! 7uuuu uu vvwj, it vvm eueeoingiy.wBUV' .i r r. T5 It t-kt. .. i ir- j-rr . j .i.,nuLuu smBnsT' iHMTiSTSi rt t Mtuuuig uie importation" ot Americanr Piirs, Pork, bacon and aatiaamM T fK - : r " , w wra or. 1 1 iq UUIB LilB lhfnlifr, b'iifi'.u: 'lien 8v'Ktiiy !hni3 io tvhii'-itki i- hisw nlL mil and keep la stock the justly eaUbratad F Btree ,0&oa. Mm,amaA fB..ti. P.J wi.i. ... ...i.. . -'"- I 1 t-1 -v .r I I? Marfa94s8larat-6recorr'a Dnoeot lts iKrtl.rCr, f r rri Cfi r l f other. iwrpe-ea.-ff!re do. based OStensitlv on tha aileful mMMMl e-M4UjitadaaaUt'.is'a' t1IX23 of trichinae ia American lyrrirr ' " mo".'1 a Jnw 'ir :''j?fb.w9T i5 i.4f HiMitQae WhiohanaeimowiedsedUDittMiK i -MH o jisifl i mMimiA t ji fioll Ftowa tnrav OffarwafisS CfiracaUaa4 dial laXCTlt THi aod;CCSS3 f aUiktodai) tend ftetsjor t'V?": Mit;a cot' m Col. k Apta H bla. a. Ci Hotemoet i mm HiraTinuai -areennK vi - ui j held in this city, at the Genera. December, at 1 1 o'clock. nor2l taw till dom Another Candidate. I .1 ma-, i A' addltkms asade la.1876. "THB CBkifBaL" i praMandTewsrapli offices, and eoi or Ironing. 4c, I am better V"fM ever for doing aors witn afPBl1t" "gli pfl1 na?e aaaea a uangie ior mtarehAd muwia. thnrebr avoiding a 1 r scorching or burning the clothes , nmu .hlrtM. mlliira and cutis, 1 fi ' : . i a rv r irn1... J ' .T ell 1 tv - Vamlla rwr to b-in at nilCeS w ioc per aozen pieces. c,m i ItuatediraijBdepeodeal BqoarMoeenpylngv - a woerojowew street, in dj oIThecityrinT close proximity to noT8 asotmlala-tlew of iuore than fifty mllea. tThd tntennoo or tne Lnopnetor'is. I rfMlhUn thA ftmramrnnhHa! ntm i Hotel Buildings i;tne boata. out oas c tompletS anheBVcondacted Hotels m femnt denartmenta. Having reoenOyDeen decorated and frei usuieaacen- Bankal Bz-unandlnaa npteniTto nf thftflnmii fjSatapsl air ltaall- aboed ua- BP .I- 9UIUHS, y a I biaedto LXADlNa UU P1L1CX HOTXL of the South, the heme of Commercial Ti tlwssM",and r' lentr",ts.r ...ll'C l.LLa. PrL tibL ba ia 'welcome his friends and tha traveling public, and resneotf Ullr sollettaavaham of nalranam from all who would esoy ard rtchue a home eombinH lna elecwB,' fctu. eomfort In all Ut spy poim "ntn-t s"T0"''t,'ga.,.,.v L f i ii ind Oyster X BL WHITI tUOVtA a 1-lsh and Oyster Market on wj, Trade, tothe lament npdei 'Sinor, . i rnimrr ktora. wnare ne wiu good supply of Fresh Fish "orders solicited and oustomeri nlied. Prof erenee always given customers. AXk.XLtXL(l fi X-',-'--':fM Klowess thins Id BedrSS)ir, - m M t r 1 3' .w . ; v . . ... . t "iwww.w;;:? . vnanoKerSltVt v a ' :O0t JyWKi al eki . P oeoa

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