PURIFIES j if THE" eonibinaUonjof rro toaeid of Iron, Peruvian Bark and Phosphorus in a palatable form, for H&UUy, Xom of Appe tite, Prostration of fUal Power it U indtipenta- . bio, r- BET. J.L. TOWNEB, Industry, HL, says:' most excellent remedy for oetoilitated vital forces. SY. A. L, K0BB3 Writes- After a thororisrn. trial of IRON TONIO,I take pleasure in. statin that I Have peen - greatly-benefited by . user - ministers ana jra.it- lio Speaker will find it of-the greatest value where a Tonic Is neces sary. I reoommend it as a reliable remedial agrent, possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. UuitvilU, Ky., Oct. X, 1382. TSZTASZS B? THI DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 813 V. KISS ST., ST. LOUIS. SUPREME COUf, DECISIONS. tnex LODD 7? 7 uxo r PMDILA!X JOHNSOrS Indian Blood Syrup Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in healing the above diseases, and pronounce it to be the Best Remedy Known to Man. Fall Term, 18.. Reoorted for The Observer br Walton M.Buabeei. Long vs. Barnes, et al Caldwell. Ashe, J. . This action was to recover lanq. Thomas and Ails Barnes, colored peo ple, i lived together as man and, wif, while they were slaves and after tbtrir.emancipation and were recognized as such up to the death of Ailay. No reoord of the marriage had ever been made in compliance of the Act of 1866, ch. 40, tec. 5. They were joint owners of the land in question. Plaintiff claims title under a deed from Thomas, and defendants are the children or Thomas and AilsT. The only issue sub mitted was: "Was Thomas Barnes and Ailsy Barnes husband and wife on the 13th day of January, 1869V" De fendants excepted to the Judge's charge, which was in substance: That if the jury were satisfied that Thomas and a iisv we slaves Drior to 1865. were emancipated that year and while slaves and up to tne time oi tne passage ui me legatee. Mauneyi snrvived both; the tea Jator and the devisee or life, he acquir ed a vested interest, which was trans-, mitted to his personal representative. Plaintiff appealed from.this ruliogv The nonrf. nava vv nen tnera is a res iduary disposition of both personal and' real estate, while the former is prima? rily liable in exoneration of the latter, yet both are chargable with the pay ment of the monav legacies: this is not on the footing of a charge on land, but on the ground that in order to ascertain whatis embraced in the residuary fund, it is. necessary to take out-the specific legacies, and then to deduct the pecuni ary legacies, and only what remain is the residue of the estate. ; j ; ' .'nil There is no necessity for a departure from the plain provisions of the will: All thn lAorofpoa nharfi in the loss of the slavAs. an wall m those to whom-Be? quests in money were to be derived from their sale. There is no error. , Frey and Iongstreet. . Colonel Emil Frey, the Swiss minister, was in the house restaurant nisi, mgui, in company with General B. D. Mussey when General lnmtreet entered. - Col- uenerai mussej Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. :AGENTS WANTED.: TRADE MARK. LABORATORY TT WEST 3d ST., NEW YORK CITY. DRUGGISTS SELI IT. Dowhttostilis. N. a. July 8th. 1881. D Ciabk JaHsaoHi-Yoar fjeallybenented me fot Liver Compla INDIAN BLOID SYftUP has MBS. JULU A. SMITH. ASSLISJIMSP MOTHER, HOME I HEAVENI A richly riXTTSTKATKp BOOK of aMsusr seam -js wm or " lIa"v..rrhZZ l . MtmtTMO. A DOOK JOT ne num. uu u t - ' r ' T : " ''. : " r . . . l A nMninHPumb UQ Country, siuiunavu J f J .1 m. ifoUdwoription to N.D.THOMPSON final Prov turned t,n Act of 1866 cohabited togetner, recog- Massev and said Who is that? GepUe. nized each other and were recognized 1 l m a n n1 WIT A T noTI 1T1 1 . m,,.- m a eral Longstreet he asked ror an lnrro duction saying by way of explanation that General Longstreet took him pris oner at Gettysburg, since which time he has not seen him. Whereupon the two veterans once enemies; but enemies no longer, were introduced warmly shook hands, and spent an hour or so m .remiaisjcences:0f a personal nature, and newly laetrotyped. Bilk. last la to-wn Bod for Uirxnj and A rare chance to MASK MOTTKTl CO., PabUahan, St. Uouia. It. grtigg attjfl ptcjfltjcttteg. FKESH Mineral Water Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Becelyed, at DrJMcAdensDrii I Store IABA.TO0A "yiCHY, From Santtosa 8trinRS. N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cores dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also, Morn Natural Mineral Water Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al- eratJva and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. CASSS COHGBESS WATXB, 10 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a toll supply of w OMAN HER BEST FRIEND ! IMPORTED APOLLINARIS DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. THIS Famous remedy most happily meets the demana of the age for woman's peculiar and muiuiorm enactions, it is a remedy ior wumm ONLY, and for ONE BP1JCIAL ULAS8 oi ner ais eases, it Is a specific for certain diseased condi tions of the womb, and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to reguiaie an me obhuiko meata and irregularities of Woman's HI ON rHXY SICKNESS. Its proprietor claims for it no other medical property; and to doubt the fact that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regu lating powers Is simply to discredit the voluntary testimony of thousands of living witnesses woo are to-day exulting in thtlr restoration to sound health and happiness. Bradfleld's Female Regulator is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is the pro duct of medical science and practical experience directed towards the benefit of SUFFERING WOMAN I It Is the studied prescription of a learned phy sician physician whose specialty was WOMaN, and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of Jils wonderful success In the treatment and cure of female complaints. THE BKGTJLA TOtt is the GRANDEST BKMKDY known, and richly deserves its name: WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND, Because it controls a class of functions the various derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embit ter her life, and prematurely end her existence. Oh, what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to Its charming effects! WOMAN 1 take to your confidence this Precious Bon of Uealtb I It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints pe culiar to your sex I Rely upon it a your safeguard for health, happiness and long life. PREPARED ONLY BY Dr. J. Bradfieia, Atlanta, Ga. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AHD fianyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY H UHYaDI JaNOS. 1 dnl1 ais nov25 .75 cents . $1.60 THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Don: a wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyadl Janes. Baron Liebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The Briiith Medical Jomctf "Hnnyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prat. Vvrehow. Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Bcanxoni, Wurazburg. I prescribe none but this." . Prqf. Lander Brvmton, M. 2)., F.R. 8., London. 'More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Aiken, M. D.. P. B. Royal Military Hos pital, NeOey. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried-tlchshau." W CELEBRATED stomach rj JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon at, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. X H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night Iuly28 - Remember that stamina, vital erwrgy, the life principle or whatever yon may choose to call the resistant power which battles against the causes of diseases and death, la the grand safeguard of health. It is the garrison of the human fortress, and when it waxes weak, the true pllcy is to throw in reinforcements. In other words, when such an emergency occurs, commence a course of H08tetter,s Bltteis. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply for Hostetter's Almanac for 1881. deel hv others as man and wile, tnen m contemplation of law they were man and wife, from the time such cohabita tion began. That it was not essential to the validity of the marriage con tract between freed persons, .who were cohabiting together as husband and wife when the Act took effect, that such acknowledgment should have been made or entered. That if they were husband and wife'the land vested, in them as joint tenants and on Ailsey's death the whole estate survived to Thomas ana his deed would pass the entire interest to plaintiff. - i in. The court says; That the parties having recognized each other and lived together as man and wife for several years after the passage of the Act, it was conclusive evidence of a free con sent and meets the constitutional ob jection. The instruction asked, that art. 10, sec. 5, had the effect to take from an estate granted to husband and wife the rieht of survivorship, was properly refused. It was not the intention of the framers of the article to effect such a radical change in the construction of deeds and wills. The purpose was to restrict the marital rights of husbands in the property of their wives by in vesting all the real and personal prop erty they may acquire in their own right, with the attributes of a"separate estate. Thomas and Ailsy took the estate bv entireties, per tout, et non per my and consequently when one died, the whole remained to tne survivor. His Honor's charges were substanti ally correct. No error. Affirmed. State vs. Adams, 65 N. C. 539; State vs. Whitfield, 86, 636, 2 Black, 182; Mot ley vs. Whitmore, 2 Dev and Bat, 537, Toole vs. Zachery, Bus Eq, 286, cited. Sheppard et al vs Bland Pitt Uttfitin J In the' action of Bland vs O'Hagan, it was adjudged that defendants recover of the plaintiff and his sureties on the prosecution bond the costs of the ac tion, at the same time there was spread upon the judgment docket what pur ported to be a judgment in favor of the "Clerk's office against Theopbilus Bland." Executions issued on the last judgment from time to time, and were jreturned "unsatisfied" One was issued from Spring term, 1880, under which, after due advertisement, a tract of land belonging to Bland -was sold to the highest bidder. At fall term de fendant gave notice to attorneys for plaintiff that he should move the court to set aside the sale on the ground that the pretended judgment was dormant, and had been paid and had never been docketed. The motion when made was dismissed by His Honor, and Bland ap pealed. The facts, as found by the court below, are concluded, so far as the appellate court is concerned. The dormancy of the judgment was especially assigned as one of the causes, why the execution in question should be re-called and canceled, and as his Honor wholly omits to make any finding in regard thereto, or to declare his opinion of the law upon it, the case must be remanded to tne end tnat ad ditional facts be ascertained and the conclusions of law declared thereon. A court will not set aside an execu tion under which a stranger has pur chased, merely upon the score of its be ing irregular; still if the purchaser have actual notice of the irregularity, then he can no more shield himself un der it than can the plaintiff at whose instance it issued. Every execution pre-supposes a judg ment of some sort and the right to is sue the one implies the existence of the other and there is no reason why a judgment for the costs of the Clerk's office should be denied the security ac quired by being docketed. Judgment reversed and cause re manded as declared above. BUFORD HOUSE .' mlhtt a''' i-''" Tbeollo-wlBsrcIieanlesrsu Cor. rctd kr WKJlrl Officials, and may e-RellestOat a Correct: st o QOTOMSH) gQKEDTJLES. bate. April 80th, 1882. No 51 Dally. Leave Charlotte, " - Salisbury, " - High Point,. Arrive Greensboro,. ! Leave Greensboro, . Arrive Huisboro, . Arrive Durham,.. Arrive Raleigh,.. xeave Kateigiu . . . Arrive Goldsboro',. 4 IHJ a m 5.53 a m 7.20 a m 8(H) am 9.80 am 11.47 am 12 26 am 1.40 pm 4-05 p m tt.au pm No. 68 Daily. 4 4t4 m 6.2pm 7.86 pm 8.05 pm No. 17-Dally except 8aturday, Leave Greensboro.. ..5.00 p m Arrive at Raleigh,... .1.51 a m Arrive at Golasboro, ..7.20 am Rs. SI Connects at Greensboro with B ,4 D. . a. for all oointa North. Kaat and West, via Dan vuie. ai uoiasooro wun w. w. u. tt. ior wu- mlngton, ' ...;!.-. Ho. S3 Connects at. Sails burr with W.N.C.R B. for ail DOlnta in Western North Carolina; daily at Greensboro with &. D. tt. R. for all points North, cast and west. . tbaiks soma WIST. - Charlotte, N. C. . - ; A NEW HOTEL Date, April 80th, 1882. Leave Goldsboro,. Arrive Balelgh...;. Leave Balelgh.... Arrive Durham,; arrive Hillsboro, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro,..., arrive High Point...... Arrive Salisbury,. Arrive cnanooe,. No. 60 Daily. Ho. 62 Daily. 10.00 a m 12.20 pin 8.55 pm 5 05 pm 6.46 pm 8.06 pm R15Dm 0.50 pm 11.12pm 1.10 am 0 40am laiOam 11 21 am 1.00 pm WESTERN II. C. RAILROAD Sauabury, N. C, October 12th 2. SCHEDULES EAST. fasseng'r Train hu a. arrive 6.4ft o m " 428pm " 8 09 p m " 12.54 Em 1160am " 10.08am " 9.02 a m Leave 6.00 am " 00 a m STATIONS. . Salisbury. . . .fcUteavlUe .. ...Newton .. ... Hickory... -MorganU.n . ....Mar.nn Biack Mountain Aahevlile.... Warm Springs Pigeon Klver. WEST No 1 LeaveHI7T Arrive 7.2?; " .. ' 63 p m M5 d m Train No l Connects at Sallsburf with R. 4 D s p . points North and Suu'h and bom heh a!1 nerto at 8; ateviUe with a. , T. 4 o IKviLIt; ',on C, A B. a Connects at Wai Sprn,?!1;' tGa.B B-.torMorrlstoVaaCn?, - Trala o. 3 n!lW?rm 8prlcKs with K. T., V. 4 Ga n B, bom Horristown and the South-wesV r,,l a A, B B., and at Sa sbur with B 4d V i . aU points North and lUist and for Ba Jh R for Ibrong-h Tickets oct25 J. B. ItlacnriRDO, Antr, G. T. a P. igenv - J - 4 .... . Dypepiaieak -biwitc. despondency tbJ 1 11 Iff 1 " 1 mKssBBaattas&ri Al Mota' JfflDEOywntS. great remedy. very woman -shd use Ull nuu i vm vuwi Mrs. GABITZ. f lttebnrc. ; , J;. . . . ; ,; j A Novel Sty le of OrercoaU If any one wants to continue saving ths expense of an overcoat and at the same tune escape rheu matism, such weather as this, he must Invest fifty ceti ts hi a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil and lather him self with It right well. ' ' ' " Hr. jnoms xultbu, jB.unre8Daro, a. u., iijo. "Brown's Bitters restored my wife's feeble health to strength." . . : STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. ScovillftBroi, - - - - - Prop's. gr Also Proprietors XLlmball House, Atlanta, Ga. ; Dnral House, JackSonvQle, Fla. ; ths Arling ton and Norvell House, Lynchburg, Va. septt) u HobsoD's Choice a Proper One Mr. Sam Hobson. a well-known traveling sales I man In one of the largest wholesale nouses in this city, thus answered a reporter: "Yes, sir; the same chances are still open; It was a spare dollar I had, and Invested It lh a Louisiana State Lottery tteet. and It drew me the five thousand dollars here shown. The next drawing takes place Deo. 19th, and the same chances are open to others. Address M. A. Duphln, New Orleans. La .for In formation. Memphis (Tenn.) Avalanche, October 2th. -AND Opinion of Eminent Dr. R. 8. Steanrt, President Maryland Hospital, Baltimore. " 1 have used Colden's Liquid BeeiTomcror more than a year. It combines the virtues of food and tonic remarkably, and, I am satisfied, has saved life when any other medicine would falL" (Bemember the name, Colden's - take no other.) The Florence Mrhtligsle r the Hnrsery. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Beformed Messenger, at Chambers- The Citizens of Charlotte No. 18 Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro... 2 50 p m Arrive at Balelgh... 7.10 p m LeaveBalelgh,.....ft00am Arrive GreensDoro, o.io p m No. 50-ODncta at Charlotte with A, ft C. Air Line for all joints In the South and i Southwest, and with C, C. fc A. B. B. for all points South and Southeast No. 62 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C Alr Llne for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C., C. & A. B. B for ail points Sooth and Southeast. , If. W. N. C RAILROAD. . aoute WEST. NO. 50-Dally. Leave Greensboro. 0.25 P m Arrive Kemersville. 10.41 P m Arrive Salem .11.25 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kemersville. UOl am Arrive Salem. U-85 a m aopto xAsn. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Tama flftlnm 6.15 am Arrive Kemersville -0 m Arrive Greensboro- .uuam NO, 68-DW. Leave Salem 8 00 pm Arrive Kemersville g-0pm Arrtre Greensboro 8.00 pm MINERAL LAND FOR SALE. A BAftHAIN Is offered in a tract of land Id Me . county. 1) lng on the road ;rom BiC fordton to Mat ion. and about 12 miles Irom huV. eriordton. It lies dlreetiy on the Vein Mountain strata, wmch has developed some eood mines. No development has been sttempied but severalpleces of gold weighing fiom 8 pwts don have been found In the hr tiM,o nn it TK- tract contains 100 scies and will be sold ohnn PP'J to chas. a. jon us, aolo , , Charlotte, N C. STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. :o: :o: - - GOING NOBTH. burg, Perm.: Leave Chapel Hill.. Airire University,.. A BKHKT ACEBXSB. Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Win slow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say. -A Blessing on Mrs. Wins- and cures dysentery and diarrhoea It softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colic and carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth fng." If we bad the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Mr. M. C. Jordan, deputy sheriff of Iredell coun ty, N.C. says: "Brown's Iron Bltt-rs cured my wife of Indigestion and general debility." Bow to Avoid Drunkenness Forbid Intoxicating nostrums and use Parker's Ginger Tonic In your family. This delicious remedy never intoxicates, is a true blood and brain food, and aiding all the vital functions never falls to invigorate. I Desire to have It Distinctly Under stood, that I am Still Furnlshlns; Books for the Graded Schools either by Exchange or Introductory Prices as Cheap as any one In the City 1C does not matter to Whom yon are In structed for your Books by slips glyen your Children, Understand Always, that they can be filled at the Same Rates by Sending them to me NO ONE CAN UNDER-BUT HIE ; NO ONE CAN UNDER-SELL fflE, IS "3IY MOTTO." Very Respectfully, GOING SOUTH. Arrive University,. . Arrive Chapel Hill, . No. 1, Dally ex Sunday. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2, Daily ex. Sunday. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pullman Sleew Cars Wloul Change On Train No. 60. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Blchmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. tsr-Thronsh Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Balelgh, Goldsboro' . Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, soutnwest. wesc norm ana sasi. ' or .emigrant nates w mwinmim, ici as, Arkansas and tne Bomnwest, aaureas, M. SLAUGHTER, General Passenger Agent maj2 Blchmond, Va. iUPDlriV "CO pages. AUlHUUrUl cai parties, POLITICS, History of all Polltl by Smator CrmPTH i giTcs everyining pertaining to politics, and unites history, in struction and ready reference. Sold only by subscription; but BuoscrUi ttons sent direct will be forarded by mail or C. o. D. at Publishing w expense. Agents dow wanted Must apply early, lor territory U be ing rtpldly assigned, Prnsnp tn n.w ready. Address ' TTBIS1DK PUBLISHING COMPANY, JunlM tf 20 N rth Seventh Street. Phils BT HON. THOa V. COOPKB. NEW GOODS -AT THE- fare n CROCK r.RT, GLtSSWAKF, THWARE and NOTIONS, ITIEN'S and BOYS - HATS, &c , ice C. M. ETHEREDGE, . Under Traders' National Bank. oct22 RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. PASSENGER DEFABTMENT. THE GBKAT DXMAND FOB SHBINKB'S IN dlan Vermifuge Is solely due to its intrinsic value. Thousands use it to-day In preference to any other and say that tt destroys and expels worms effectually. Premature grayness avoided by using Parker's Hair Balsam, distinguished for its cleanilnsss and perfume. John H Eddins. tar-On and after ADril 80th. 1882. the eer train service on the Atlanta A; Cnarlol Line Division of this road will be as follows: m- Alr- sep(28 BKDVOKD ALTJK AHD IBOH BFBIK&8 WATXB AHD Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alnm tnum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. mTl1 tf A HEW DEPARTURE ! g Entirely Original ! ! WESTWARD. Mall and Express, No. 60.' MalL No. 62. NEW TYIsllES ffllLIIERY. VI jC are nw receiving out TALL and WTNTRB VY. STOCK of MILLINER! GOODS, embracing all the latsst styles, colors and qualities of Straw, Yelk Beaver, Cloth, Velvet, Silk, Plush and Satin BATS sm BONNKTS for Ladies', Misses and Children.. . . .,.. , Bibbons, SuTriSatlns, Pluslfea, Velvets, Braids, - Simps, Laces, Pins. Ornaments, Plumes, Tips, Feathers, Birds, Flowers, Ac., for trimmings of every color and quality. In fact we have now the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Millinery. Goii : in the State. Disease an eftect; not a cause. Its origin is within; its manifestations without.: Hence, to cure the disease the oatjbb must be removed, and in no other way can a core ever be effected. WAB NIB'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVKB CUBE is es tablished on Just this principle. It realizes that 05 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and BxaroBXB, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. y For the Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy basso equal - Beware of lm posters, imitations ana conoocuons saia u uo just na guuu. For Diabetes, ask for wakhku s bajtj. aua BETKS CURB. For sale by all dealers. M, II. WABRGB & (JO., Rochester, If. Y sprl5 rv ' Also all the new styles and novelties In GLOVES, HOSISBT, UNDKB-WSAR, KNIT GOODS. SHAWLS, SACKS, tllXJUS, dAUKBTB, LHAHTS' CLOAKS, SHAWLS. HOUJDS, BUBSS, 0. . - - Greatvarlety of Nobby Little CAPS sad HATS for little boys. , ' v - " i , Vjtu kinds and colors of Zephyrs, Wools, Tarns and a general assortment of ail Unas of XANC i GOOD J and NOTIONS ftr Ladles' and Chlldrens' ne. Terms, lew prices and cash at tha cosnter. Whc! ale .ndBetaJL Mrs. P. QXEBT. , t eptwa . ; , t 1 aadawantb . 777.. . .w. 1.1 tllm sad rahUitSaad'lfervurUl WD mnm-wmwm-m -J - ; . .MMiKtrliif trm rxa, is J f!S POSITIVELY THE BEST CIGARS IN TOWN FOBS CENTS, at . Widens Drug Store. ; TEY THEM.I oct!3 i . t .j:Bntterjck;Patteriis,' " '" " i NOTEMBEB, JUST BECKTVED.Bl4 , (f. TIDUY & BROTHER. Sowers vs. Sowers. Iredell. Smith, C. J.: Action for slander. The words charged to have been spoken, were i "If Bet. Sowers did not have a young one, she missed a damn'd good chance." The verdict of the jury was, that the words alleged in the complaint were spoken by defendant; that they were untrue; and the damages were assessed at $800.00. Defendant asked, that an other issue be submitted, "was the de fendant justified' in the use of the words uttered by him of the plaintiff;" this, after the evidence was all in, was refused upon the ground that all the matters of defense and extenuation set up in the answer, were embraced in the other issues. Upon the exceptions ta ken by defendant, the court says: 1. There is no justification set up for tne utterance or tne words ana tne mat ters alleged in the answer, are only ad missible in evidence in mitigation of damages. IL A fair and reasonable construc tion of the defendant's language im putes personal bodily prostitution to the plaintiff It was then unnecessary to inquire of the witnesses their under standing of the meaning of the words, as this actionable character was to be determined by the court. ILL A general report and belief of the loose morals and prostitution of plaintiff may be given in evidence to mitigate damages. Evidence of her general bad character was admissible for same purpose. IV. The right to recover damages purely punitive is combatted with much earnestness and upon a critical exami nation by Mr. Greenleaf in note to sec. 253, 2 vol, but the decisions in this State are uniform that in slander and for acts of personal violence in which mal ice enters as an ingredient, exemplary damages may be awarded, and the de fendant in case of assault remains" lia ble also to indictment. The statute places slander upon the footing of a malicious assault. Briggs vs Bird, 11 Ir, 358; . Sasser vs Rouse, 13 Ir, 142; Goodbread vs Led better, 1 D and B, 12 ; Smith vs Smith, 8 Ir, 29; Duncan vs Stalcup, 1 D and B, 440 ; Causee vs Andrews, 4 Dand B.246 ; Wvlie vs Smitherman, 8 Ir, 236; Gil- reath V Allen; 10 Ir; 57; Bradley va Morris Busb, 395 ; Pendleton vs Davis, Uo, 98; Smith wick vs Yfaxd, 7 Jo, 64. ' No error. Affirmed. i ; v.i , i ' nill vs Toms Rutherford. ' Smith, C J.: ; " Y- '. The plaintiff claims .'that the bequest of $1,500 shall be raised out of the other personal property bequeathed by the testator, bv a Dro-rata diatrlbtitirm with the other legatees, and if this be insuf ficient that it be paid from the money derived from the sale of the land. TJDon the hearing the court was of opinion, ana so ruiea, mat in piamunrs legacy was lost in the destruction of the fund provided for its r "yraent, and no part of the proceeds c: l3 sale of-land could be thus appropriated, and ! that as the THE GREAT .IAN RE -s-nv UREA Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Bore Throat, wHln,Sprtii, Braises, Barns, Sealda, Frost Bits. AHD ALL OTHER BODILI PAISS AHD ACBTES. SoM by DroggiaU and Dtatan fr.rrwhtr. Fifty 0nta a bout. Direction, la 11 LangaafM. THE CHARLES A. VOOELER CO. VOeiLUUIcg.) nuuaora, u s. A. TUTT'S EKPECTORANT Is eompoMd of Herbal and Hueflaginons prod ncta, wliioh pcrmtat, the saltsteiiee afth. IiUiigs, expectorates the aeridmatter that oolleets ia the Bronchial Tubes, aEa forma Mthtna; coatina;, which relieves the fx ritetion that causes the cough. It cleanse, thelnmcs of all impurities, strengthens them when enfeebled br disease, inyigor ' ate. the circulation of ths blood, and brace, the nervous system. Slight colas often end In consumption, (tie dangerous to neglect them. Apply the remedy promptly A test of twenty year, warrants the assertion that no remedy has erer been found that is as prompt initaeaectaMTUTTS EXPECTORANT. A single dose raises tne phlegm, subdues Inflammation, and its use speedily cures, the most obstinate oongh. A pleasant cordial, chil dren take tt readily. For Croup it is invaluable and should be in every family. In a.Vc. and tl Bottle.. TUTT'S BILLS ACT D I ft ECT LY"oTiHrHlJiln Cures Chilis and. Fever,- ly.pep.ia, Sick Headache, Billon. Colle , Cons tip a tlon, Bhemmatiam, Pile., Palpitation of , the Heart, I laziness. Torpid liver, and Female Irregularities.' If you do not feel very weU," a sms le pill stimulate, the stomach, restores the appetite, imparts vigor to the system. "A JIOTED DIVII1E SAYS: Da. Ttrrr: Dear Sin Fot ten y.ara I have bean a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Files. Last sprinf your pills were recommended, tome; Instd them (but with little faith). Iam now a wall man, have good appetite, digestion penest, regoiar stools, pile, gone, ana x have l forty pound, solid flesb. i They COMMENCING from this date Nyvember 1st, 1882 an tU January 1st, 1888. we will give to every person who sends us S2-50, for a years snbscilpUon to our Elegant Family Illustrated Magazine at Eons and Abroad - A FBSE TICKET TO A TiLVlBLE PBEffllUn, Which will be drawn for on the 1st day of January, 1883. This premium Is a handsome SOLID GOLD LADY'S WATCH, DOUBLE HUNTING CABS, K II Y-WIN DEB, and will be sent In a beautiful Morocco, velvet- lined watcn-ease. xnis is no uumDurK or Lottery, but a genuine FREE GIFT, as the Magazine will be mailed, for ONE YEAR, to every name sent us between now : and January 1st This will be MORS than toe value of your money. The offer also holds gsod for any DE LINQUENTS who will pay up within tb specified time. Apply to us for circulars containing full specifications, and our ' ; PROSPECTUS FOB 1888. All parties whose names are on our books on the 1st of January next, will receive a handsome CHRISTMAS PRESENT. See advertisement In next Issue. Special in ducements and premiums to getters up of eioos. Send names, addresses and amounts by P. O. or ders, early, to Editors of AT HOME AND ABROAD, novS . . Charlotte, N.C. UHEELER&YTILSOU'S ' NEW NO. 8: Leave Charlotte, M. ... . Arrive Gastonla, L ... Arrive Spartsziburg, K. Arrive Greenville, H... Arrive seneca, . Arrive Tocooa. F. Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Lula. S.. Arrive Gainesville.. Arrive Atlanta, 1.00 am 2.02 a m 4.81 am 5.59 a m 7.48 a ml 9.18 a m laOOam 10.87 am 11.06 am 12.50 om 1.47 p m 4.0ft pn 6.29 pm. 7.03 P? &80nt w.iu p m 9.48 om 10.15 pm 1.80pmU2.40am EASTWARD. Mall and Express, No, 61. Hafl. No. 63, Leave Atlanta, Arrive Gainesville, Arrive Lula, B Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, arrive xocooa, r Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg. K... .. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 pm 4.51 p mi 5.22 p m . 5.59 D m 6.40 pm 8.06 pm 10.08 p to 11.40 pm 2.06 am 8.15 am 4.00ara 8.19 am- 8.50 am 7.41an ts.n am 9.26 am 11.08 pm 12.24 pm 2 50 Dm 4.00pm CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trams of teorgla Central,' A. & W. P. and W. A. Railroads. C with arriTlnr trains of Georala Railroad. B with Nortneaatern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athena, Ga. F with Blbertoo Alr-Llne to and from EUwrton, Georeia. : G with Columbia and Greenville to and 'from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C - H with Columbia and Greenville to and. from Colombia and Charleston. 8. C - K with Spartanburg ana Asneniie, ana spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Oauge to and xrom uauas and uneaior. M with a. C 4 A., C. a, R. AD. and A., T. 40 for all DOlnta WmC North and last. , Pullman sJeeplngHsar service -on trains Nos. 50 ana 51 aauy, wunout enange oetwen auanta ana new xonc m. SLAUuui Att, G neral Passenger ana Ticket Agent. r X. Jt. K. A AUXTT, - General Manager. " .. . . . L T. SAGS, Superintendent. C., C. & A. R. R. CO. OmCS GXHXRAL PAflBmveBB AGKNT. BT-Schedule in effect September 8d. 1882. S A OOMMOF-SENSE EEMEDT. Bbeumati.i Nw aiore. , Gout or Nenralfia. IMMEDIATE RELIEF WARRANTED. PERMANENT CUBE GUaBANTQD. Five yearsestabllshed and never known to M JaaalBgl ease, acute or ecronic. Beter to iu onuneni pnysiciaris ana aiuggam wr wo Bur gof BalleriUca. ThA nni AtMnlver ef the Poisonous Uric AcU whtch exists In the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouti AUCTLICA; Is known ' as a common gen 4aMMt twmuiiutt strikes dlrectlT at the cause oi Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, while so maw BeaUed specifics and opppsed panaceas onl; - - taa onaArs r -Ithwrbeen conceded by emlneDt sclendsb that - An.niuoHna . aiwh dc rnhhln? Willi Oil 8. olriQhents, liniments, and soothing loUons w i j. . iHu.ua shlph ATA the ieSUii .Ttohitwvi siith TTiin A eld 8ALICYLICA works with marvelous efleet on this add and so removes the disorder. ls ow. exclusively used by all celebrated phys MaM ot Arnerlca and Europe. Highest Medial AradMnj Of Perti reports 95 per cent cures in imee - KEMETOBEB that SALICYLICA Is. a certain cure 'or Bheuma ttsm, Gout and Neuralgia. The most Intense Dalns are subdued almost Instantly. .veTaL Ben?I guaranteed or monej re- ty&L'.A. t teattmnrdals sent on aDPUcatlOD. SI A BOX." 6 BOXES for 85. Sent free by mall on receipt of money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB IT. But do net be deluded Into taking Katlonp substitutes, or some.hlr,g recommended as J marspenfiQie reuuuiw . beatment Take no other, or sendto uj. 287 Broadway, cor. Reade St., New Yo notll dw 17 : SOUTHWARD. So. 52 chilly mall and express. Leave Statesvllle,........1. 8 00am Arrive at Charlotte, 10 05 a m Leave Charlotte, (c) 280pm Arrive at tiolnmbla. ib) 7 00 D m Laavs Oolnmbia. (hi .. .... 7 07 D m Arrive at Augusta...... ...... .........11 15 pm No. 20 dally, except Bundays. : Leave Charlotte....... 420 pm Arrive at coiumnia,. .......... . 12 85 a m Na 18 runs dally except Sundays. With passen- . . gercoacnaHacnea, Leave Charlotte, . ..4.:4..v..f . ........ 5 00 a m Arrive at columDia, .". 8 82 p m ( I worth ' tieir weight in roid. RET. R. X. sntPSOIT, Lonirrnie,'Ky. 35 Murray Ht., If evrTork. - MAHDAIi or vsernl! 1 1. Hit- TUTT'S Receipts OTIEE on application. F. C. MTJNZLER ' . Tie BerEHor iMi Brewery Ciiiaiij. Lightest Banning and Best Sewtog Machine mtb , . World. Tn'tt before buying any other. AGENTS WANTED. s?" 8end for Terms and Price List wheeler 6c Wllawn lliauanfstctiirs; Ca i RICHMOND, YA. , . D, G MAXWELL, Agent. Charlotte, N. C. mayli -. ... , , - DO TOV WANT AW AGENCT 7 HILLS MANUAL bookln Amcat'aDS wanted evertwhem to tAll ti mllllnn ban tn da the right thug at the right time ia SOCIAL and BUSINESS LITE. The Original, best classified, most Deauoruuy Illustrated and complete iorm book in the world. Send for circulars of ths new edition. Sole Agents, BAIRD DILLON, 25 Park Place. Nes fork. y-iL: v anviagent to. show you, Hii.L'a VaNUAL. , nov4?4weodi ! " 1 , . tl I,.-;. .- ' . 1 ... SUKTU WAKD. . . No. 53 dally mail and express. Leave Augusta, (a) 7 85am Arrive Columbia, (b).. 1 1 45 a m Leave Columbia, (b) 11 62 a m Arrive at unanoae, (c) 4 1 5 p m Leave Charlotte........ 6 00pm amvs as Btaiesvuie, luopn : No. 19 dally, except Sundays. Leave Columbia........... i. 4 05 P m Arrive at Charlotte.......... 105am No. 17, freight, with passenger eoach attached. - aons aauy exeept Bandars. Leave Columhla,..-..i.,.,,.,...i. ..... 5.TJ0 a m Arrive at Charlotte................. 8 15 pm ti. (Of PnuadWpMa,PalJ , Cf lebratcdgctDccr, t Fg atrfl BfltPfaji ' ' 1 r"lldTTI.lED IXEEII A 8PECIAI.TT. 'ave tnt received a small lot of BOTTLED 1 POSTHft. shlph T nfr tn th nnblin mt a reasonable price. Addre9 j ' . -- Lock Box 255, Charlotte, JN. a J rDCIIIDIC CCIC J. IILUHULLOLU- A favorite ttrMcriolioa knone' ef the J BVWt noted and anedeserul spfctallsw la tke U.S. . , (new retired) for the cure ef JTerewwe Mtmhtlity, T ' JLee Manhol, realni.e. and d ; ';tBpUiBaealedeBvelppeirSV DrusststseauflUlL LVAddrses OR. WARP A Ca, UuUiaaa, fcU. i . . '. OOmDKTIOHS. : a) With all lines to and from 8avannah, Florl- oa, ana we bouiu ana aum, aaeon ana tne fiouthwest (b) with South Carolina Railroad to and from unaneston . (e) With Richmond 4 Danville Railroad to and from all points North and Carolina Central Ratt- Pullman Sleeping Cars run on Trains No. 52 and 53 between Charleston and Waahlnatnn 'TJL C.. via DanviUe, Lynchburg and Charlottesville, Also, on Trains No. 62 and 58 between Charlotte i , Above schedule Washington time. For further Information, address r 4mI j !; B. TALCOTT, Superintendent; M.81UGHTia,Gen'lPasaAgC . A Casvwsuai s -teio Richmond, Tfi . 1 Aaslstani.Genl Pass. Agt L v, - - " twmmraa. a. Cxsra.'y J2lz ; JnfleoevedllaM asllf IsfrClass mtwa 'iv lnjl. nut un in zais. pacics-sa. r"t"Ma for . mbr23 piaollHhsu of eouatr nswap t - a. i .... r .fr - - "war- v1' c HARRIS EWEDVeOsi dirrjt j aajt frit BT.XOTJIS, ' kOCJU. ailssoc. MT, CkUU Sria Trs v? X r,.r-. , '2 t Mkm wa nkf . - j I'msMrs t Sxaaasttea sad j , T an attiaKlv aa raawaiiT mta. 1 Ik K SMa w km aae la k..u Mr jx ' - ' J a va-, a g HW t SSflU), ML . ,i..'OT.imaH hi niaia vi uay auk a!. PamnKn. tlUST HECEIVEO a THS- China Palace, or- j. Brook -:o: :o: THE LATEST KOVELTIIS BT Fine China and Fancy Grf We have the Largest and ehoicert .to hlblted to (he South. GO' A complete new stock oi CHINA, . . CIIVKB LAMFS, CuTLXBT w WARE, a ales Hne of BB0S- i Triple Plats Knlrea and Forks at i Can early and secure first thoK TeryRW'7, oovia wlWt GOODSbo. Mlesniango experlenesd msn a 02?, -.a-- IB . fx. exnensDcea inau :.nt nfannce can find a Pe"rT,"i..A rood ssjan, -.fl"" . ' 4KCO THREE two of three I I . a s-tiAOT 01, or address r '-l per1 . - nr ffliw tZL naka. one one medium and one largo. AP-J tf, - a..e fr. . .n,r.,' -

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