CIO 1 1 f Si si voTTxxvni OH AttTX)TTE.! ft. :Om TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12;, 1882. lit-! -I 1 .... .. A, . JJS..J J. , S? i 1882. OUR OUR FALL and WINTER S-T-OC- IIVUjU - or- BOOTS, SHttES -FOE- Xmas Goods 1 HATS, TRUNKS, Valises I Traveling. IS KOW COMPLETE. It uas been .elect with nnusuricare to tne waatsotthe Trade, and to 0,6 BB3T eOODS MlNUFACTUaBD- ladie,ens'S Children's FINE BOOTS, SEOFS AND SUFFERS A specialty. Our stock of Trunks, Yalises and IS LABGE AND VABIED. HATSlSSSaSSSlHATO WHEM YCU AJE OUT LOOKING FOHTj SLAUGHTBRIffp GOING OF IJV 'THiT F, '. " ' CALL IN MTHa 811 ; III oa can't llnd something in oar noose enea enough to buy. We do not offer all oar Stock st Cost, but will sell jou a great many Goods cneap,an4 if you wUlCOMPABKOOOIWandPRICSa mtbiak ite' can CONVINCE YOU thU we wUl SElI IbODS CHIEAPi j T ( :. If? m i r Oar Stock XMAS GOODS Is eomlng ln ?ery day, and when yoa want somethln hand some Ut a XJdAS PIESKfK "CaHtand see oar Stock and yoa' wtaBnd GOODS'1 ind PfilCXS BIGHT. OMPJSKO OF TBI Best Brands aid Latest Styles of 6 - SILK, STIFF AND PIT. Call and y Hi Old Xatabllabed Bonaa ol METHODISTS IN CONFERENCE, Proceedings ol tke tum ana -utu Days v-t-Balelgb New and Obserrer. . . f ?" - Bishop Keener called the conf eai6e to order promptly at 9 o'clock and the session was opened ith reUKious ser vices conducted by Rev T Page BfeuwL OA ttiotioir of Yates the calhnf? pi the roll was dispensed with. The jour nal ot Thursday was then read and apv Thecommittee on education mi&f t report nominating O W Carr and Fecree.ot Randolph eotyiyflaJ tesoTri?ity College. Therjport was adopted and the BSffiE8 confirmed. Iso from the gg mittee a rep5rt nominating the env . inAmm r,tM of the conierence j. .u h nail uikou""i Sdoptedacon Utution. The object of !he board is to assist the parent board in loSkina after all the interests of Conference. Rev V A. ; 'was elected President of 4;he Board. - , Bishop Keeper spoke brjejfly oti the subject of chujeh extnsion showing the?greatlmportanceof this' new fea t.nrA in thfi Southern connection. ,He stated thajLthe-BoarAsriaiBady cased m building churches m Mexico and that its operations would soon be extended tdChiha. He paidiJa hand some compliment to pr- Mortbn, the Secretary declaring bun to be a man whom the Lord seemed to have raised ,aatojJbis8peclal au.r, n ' Mr Ii D Palmer, business manager MletbdistPabUshiog'HoDse at Nashville, was introduced to the Con ference anjiepoke in the interest of the Nashvilli ooblicatidBS. RerT Dr Eljaa3JTos$er, of the M E Church (North.) author.f the Cyclope dia of Prose and PoeticalIllustrations, wai introduced to the conference. Qurestioh 12 was caMed--"What trav elide preachers are elected elders?" R C Beama, MHMooretfJL B Tyre, G H Hardison, L Thompson, D L Earn- hard, XE.IBristow-jJl Cole andSJ Question 1. "Who are admitted on -io19 I T. Whita TOT Wnlhnm 1ST. jgraratiiitteJfBM D JtfesiO W Smithy amoont to mnchand If nrornntarfattanded ? To fillinetOn. J H liail. U U Lmram, ea easily De cureai out neeet a prua McCullen, L U Wyche and (J Jivrd, louowea py Mammpum OTaipauMrw. hin, hftfln nRnmm.n(1ml hv thflir several quarterly conferences and hav ing been approvea ' Dy the examining committee, were admitted on trial as traveling preachers. Rev S S Lambeth, of the Virginia Conference, and Rev J W Wellons, fra ternal ydelegate ' from the t Christian Church, were introduced to the con ference. Rev J E Gay was received by trans fer from the White River (Arkansas) HnnfVrence. J Q Gutherie, J E Thompson,: 0, jG Little. VV J Hull, W S Hale and T A Stone, having passed the examination of character and having been approved by the examining committee, were con tinued as deacons or one year. Dr Yates stated that the return tick ets (held by the visitors to the confer ence) on the Richmond and Danville Railroad had been extended ta therein inst. Also; that those who had paid full fare coming over .that road would be returned free of charge provided they are furnished with certificates by the secretary. W G Gav was located at his own re- VfryltesnecjlUy, s T. L. Seigle, dec8 0 i;riw';V A cold Or aor.tlurwt : ch, ana & Wo aaecHdne naa aver been vered hlca ri acta ao watoklrjuad r icb cases as ' prompt ose of this wiiaftiBDO' rwnaig has laved thouaands ot Uvea, 1 PIRRT DAVIS' PACT KTT.T.ttR Is mt an KMriauat It haa bean before the A few dxtracts from voluntary testimonials i read jfetoilows: exmmMJMm naa Men nor aonsaua romot iot olds for the naat twen tT4Ti thti. and beret known it to fall in ffectinf a flsra. L S. Obooxxb, Wmiamarilla, H. T. For thirty Teaia X hav nted Pn Xraus, and tpud it a BCTar-fkilin rwa4fkfcir eolda utd aoi tiroat Babtoh SaAMiw. t; - - t Hara realTd onmadlatS wlltf from eolds and or throat, and eonaldar roar Paw Imn an aiTm vmo mnaay-Hiwo. u. arum, Anoauum, StaH recovered from a very aerar4 ooM. Xownt in my Hra DMd Paw Knj.aa in -my Mam, and bare Barer known, ItJO. 8a forty aoia I bens uatna-PAniXxixnmmy family twtaty- DTa raara ago andJiaTa used lterer amoejma nave foond bo madioin to take lta place. a W. pxaa. For whooplny-courh and, cronp ltw the M i on una jtaxct am minted to one touna pi- iiis salary. irLi dollars were contrib- nfMi in niemory-ui uitu"o,,w,u' "iSf-SS-SS! T'Allim.-wllttlelieal) is a native or ueoiKi" -.r?"" VJ the M E Ohurch, .Soutb- to China m During the Jate war nrwwt from home was t. Jflftranlator and: teacher in the gov aJ!nsiwuT In this position he SlrwT govern rapiaiy " n tnadA a. nt.Hti wl n.derf Ul pi?osperitrot hwhooldrew forth his prhjectfor, the Aliglo-Chjnese TTniirftrBit which: promises to be one of the grandestachevttents of the Century. . : : : ' LOOKING rORLETTERS. How the Colored DeajzeBf of Salisbury : monopolize w SALIgBTJfeY.IJ.ClWi 1882. To theiBdltor of TM Carlo4te01emr.; The coloredfoiksdebght m imitating the ways ofT4a wealthy and middle class of1 whitisrwhich-though often too utwriyroq.ue--!i -wuuuj uuod ipctinnnhi a Hthft general forms of it: -though it might-te better for 7temieZe ittt,himfilar.MiWithJWhite' 'Dtoblfi ras confined tothat elalS apprbxibaate their own jnatenw'conaitioaor uie. Bat Otiei of the: mp ittrdas well iTr&,maSyv:of t them ; aEectj is their erwaingBthepostGcrgenera ae- n very, as soon Tis openea aicer man distributipns. , Manv of them never get letters andr do notxpect :anygrbut When one or Bucn ea ma xacesquamy in the delivery porthole, be keeps "the clerk shuffling as long as he cah i first for, bis own name and then, several oth erDackS f or his friends, as'long: as; he can think of a name. This is a delight f uVpastime for him, and the right to make the postoffice clerk work for him reo-alaa his self imnortance. : He may not, even, have paid poll tax ; may not expend five cents a year in pos tage, but he makes the postoffice clerk do more work for him, than he does for any half dozen of the heavy business men in town, with their lock boxes; but the chief sufferers from these ; im portunate nuisances, are those who re ceive iflaiiy mails, pay two "dollars a year for inside, pigeon hole coxes, and pay out a dollar, or more, a month for mailage, and who have to stand chaf fing or resignedly aside until these post office pests fully enact the mockery of seeking correspondence, and are duly and respectfully waited on. I think there should be two apertures, one for the general and the other for the box delivery ; and, if there is only, one clerk on duty, it seems, to me, prop er and consistent, with "the eternal fit ness of things," that the box delivery be served first. "One man is as good as another," is all right on general sentimental princi ples, and has an especially unctions sound as uttered bv a demacoeue or a scapegrace; but its equilibrium is.upset with a veneeance when shiftless igno rance takes precedence of provident in "Monev' makes the mare g& shows up better in a bank, a tSkery, et aU and why not in a postdffice ?" TlNi FALLOB. , INTERNAL BETENtJE. " - Oplnlf tt of JEitatnent Dnll. S.Staattrt,' President Maryland Hospital, Baltimore. 'lhaeasedColden's Llauid Beef Tonla for more than a year. It combines the vlrtaes of food 'and tootc remarkably, and. I am - satlsfledT baa ' aawd ttf when any other medicine would fall." (Jftemf mber the name, Coiden'a-take no. other.) , : ' ' 'Vftavl Women Bbonid TJee, Dyspepsia, weak back, despondency and other troubles caosed me fearful suffering, but Parker's Singer Tontc makes me feel like a new being, a great remedy. Xvery woman should use it o . ,v Mra. GABITZ Pittsburg. : Mr. Morris Tatrell, Marfresboro, N. C, says: "Brown's Bitters restored my wife's feeble health to strength." - A CARD. To all who art suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, fto.. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FBSB 9Y CHABOB. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America, i fiend a self-addressed envelope to the Bxv. JosiEBr T. Inux, 8tation D, New York City. ' . , Naturaii Feuit Flavors. EXTRACTS. Pregand from ths choice$t Fruits, with .out ccforing, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essmcbs. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impuritiei Han gaJnsd their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural flavor lor cakes, puddings, creams, etc. JaAKOTAOTOItaaB vt STEELE & PRICE, CMoago, BL, and St. Louis, Mo., KmLn f Lupoid Tnrt en, Br. Price. Crma Bakias hwlw, ut Dr. Price'i Umique Ivhmi, WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE GOODS, l'tr: .T-.-:.tsiif 3 fH S 101 3,000 YARDS CASHMERE, at 121 PER YARD. 100 WALKING JACKETS, - $3.00 TO $15.00. 100 CLOAKS, $1.50 TO! $16.00. 50 ULSTERS, - " " " - $5.00 TO $1$.00. Silk and Ciciliao Fur-Lined Circulars, $15.00 to $25.00. i CLOTH CIRCULARS, - - - $7.00,TO $10.00. Handsome Dress Patterns, $10.00 to $25.00. Dress Flannels, 25c, 33ic, 75c, $1, $1.25. All-fool Cashmeres, Black and Colors, 45c, 50a, 65s 75c, $1, $125, $1.50. ty Terra Cotta Mosqultire Kids and the new Neck, the Mrs. Langtry Tie. Plushes all colors aid qualities. Some handsome Plushes for Jackets and Circulars. Oar stock embraces everything new and a call will convince you that we have a stock that cannot be excelled lor styles and low prices. Harroes & WUl decs Smith Building East Trade Street. . 1 r . WE fflA&E UEBE.ALI DO If. COME DOWN IN PRICES. A SPECIAL REDUCTION FOR THE HOLIDAYS. THE Largest, Finest and Beit Made up OLOTHIlVGr and the best tries to sele from, of any Betall Stock in the state. Reputation having been acquired br us for selling first class CLOTHING only, at POPTJLAB LOW PRICKS, we distinctly wish It understood that we will no be undersold by any Clothing Bouse, either large or small. Our Novelties for the HOLIDAYS are im mense, such as Fine SCABFrf, BILK and LINES BORDERS D HA NDKSBCHIKF3, and i all In he line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS. AN 1MMKN9B STOCK OF OVERCOATS at REDUCED PRICES. S3 C3 CO tva as " We do heretyymfu that m wperwe the ar rangements for ul ,4heMonlMy and Seriu-Annual Drawings of the Jjpumana state Lottery company, and in person manage and-conttpt tfie praudngs themselves, ad that the samt are conducted with honesty .fairness, and irvgofx fodth'toward all par ties, and we authorise the Qarppanj to use this certifi cate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in tis'advertiaementsJtl - - - Agents for the PEARL SHIRT. Tar n.o. r tir.DAT.flT. year lb old. and ehpped Km, dBMm a i-Gao, and oomidn it th teat jioorma.wiimitiri. I was mTaring .stvawll wltkjwaadaj, ana my x soma nnaj jf. Pcgrh 3i tmrto and 1 dec2 Mini, wmmm ihiiwiwi --Lg.--" tood. A was aaviaw vo ay 75"-" IV li'I arMC lacmg a wfjaa.wi wmiwi -f T.Wtunf9i. T2. Xi i . TV Vitjv.1 wri m fWtwi CViahMMOd t-Tom rim ' vuriT nrnnn imtk ana nu nu j." "" fjkfllu a wktafi maiaiMM. Xhw fMt yoa mak. toawn to tb. worta. .v . VlotaDtLTJMk with dlphtkhlrt.fcTfr, i aadcold.O timmj Ek many dmano oar. cot m nxn.. H. waa takes oa ar. Oioa nr 1 w; , ma ria you. Banaay, aoa- aneaaar ma tnroM waa cmr, " - aarnu cava, aaa a wiaa w couiu um roju" - poor sactbata who?. Aqamk acunaoy cii4diwa. I rar China ajuNfMII ha noeauaJ.' iteuwwiito eTerTuiigiac iajiB. LfcJ TwT.n ar nftAn (ItnirfmilA A DOUiB Ol Pad KiLLamto the bouse la a safeguard that no family should ne witnoub m- uAndrugglattaeUW5i).,aDdtl.OO PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. sept dkw sept ft oct J.T.BUTLER a THE JEWELER, HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH, WIS t ., - it- "" S FINEST, MOST SELECT MOST COM PLETEani BESTASSORTEO STOCK OF- Clocfe'and Jewelry, SilverandPkiedWare; 3 i t W NORTH CAROLINA'. i rt i, a. f HUDOV. J KeV UT AtKinson.ui uicoeuuuu nw byterian church of this city, was intro duced to the Conference. Otipntfmi ISO wassailed "Are all the jeachefW"b!tamele8a in their livferahd OQlCiai aaminisirauou r iuo oiuci a froni'the Raleigh and Hillaboro dis tricts passed the annual examination of character. Fending the above question, several ministers i presented requests for the prayers of the conference in behalf of afflicted persons. Quite a breeze was raised by a mo tion of Rev CM Pepper to appoint a committed on the division of the con ference. After much discussion the vote was taken and the motion was carried. The Bishop was requested to armninr. t.hft committee. The usual announcements were made and the conference adjourned with the benediction of the Bishop. ; ' . FOURTH DAY-H3ATTJRD AY. Conference met at nine o'elock a m. Bishop Keener in the chair, and was opened with religious services, conduct ed by Rev Jesse A Cunninggim. The journal of the third day was read and approved. Bishop Keener announced the com mittee on the division of the conference. A report from the trustees of Trinity College, nominating Gov T J Jarvis, T T Gray, J S Carr, C C Dodsen and E A Yates additional trustees, was received and the nominationslwere confirmed by the conference. It was also announced that W F.Kornegay had been elected treasurer or the board. A Awtition from a lady respecting cer tain claims on the Greensboro Female College was referred by caption to the committee on sducation. , j Ran ..V f T? Wrvl an was irrantful leave Of Question 20 "Are all the preachers blameless utaf aavbbl uu Text of the Bill tttroducfcd py Senator, Brown, of GeorgiaV fcf itt Abolit-on. The following is thCdtt of to bill introduced by Senator Brotvp, of Georgia, for the abolition o InWrjial Whereas, the policy ofegwrij ment of the United "States, from the earliest period-ijrite eslejnc&exjfifc in ease 6r"fehe-tSeTgeiicitS orwarTnas been to collect the revenue necessary to support the government by a tax up on imports: and whereas the exigencies of war made it necessary to vary from this rule, practiced if both political parties during the late unfortunate civil war; and whereas a period of about eighteen years has passed since the war closed, and the country is now aninvinor nrnfniind Deace and prosperi ty, rendering exception to the general rule of policy and practice on this sub ject no longer necessary ; and whereas the raising of the revenue of the United States to support the government eco nomically administered by a tax upon imports affords a legitimate incidental protection to American inausiry uu American productions; and whereas it is unnecessary and improper, to have two large corps of collectors, one at the ports and the other to collect the inter nal revenues, the latter being used in a great measure as an immense political machine to aid the dominant party in carrying elections, while said duplicate system is very expensive and demoral izing; therefore Be it Enacted First, that the act entitled an act to provide internal revenue to support the government, to pay the in terest on tnepuDiic aeDt ana iui uwica purposes, passed the 30th of June, 1881, and all acts ; adding to. enlarging or amending the same,and all laws author izing the collection of internal revenue be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. This act shall be of force from and after the 1st day of July, 1883. declO (3 ca Wj invite the Public. Respectfully. 3j. Berwauger t3 Sro.f Leading Clothiers and Tailors O CD Commiwiouert. Bret displayed km A Cotton Picker. Mr Daniel llazleton, bl Charleston.S C. is the inventor of what is alleged to ministration ?-was again be; A ?ul lAa in iirAnnihnro. Salishurv. Sucha machine has been and is very ann RrateaTiUa diaWcta nassed. the an-1 ereatirueeded but . so many UNFBBCKAENTED ATTRACTION I OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Incorporated la 1868 for 25 years by the Legla- ( latura fot Educational and Charitable purposes-;- f f with a capital Wfl,00O.OOO to which a reserv. M J fund of S650.00O has since been added. I u By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise i maae a part orxne present aiaia uonsuiunoa ptea DecemDer ua,. u. lw. i GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the fol owing Distribution: GRAND PROfflEHADfi CONCERT, during which will take place the 151at Orand Mvnthly- mod Uae Extraordinary 'Seiinal Drawing AT NEW ORLEANS, TX7ESDAT, DECEMBER 19th, 1SS3, Under the personal supervision and management ot Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE. 100,000. gar NonoB Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, So. Vlfths $2. Tenths, SI. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of 8100.000. .8100.000 1 GRAND " 50,000.. 50,000 1 GRAND " 20,000.. 20.00C 2 LARGE PRIZES Of 10,000. . 20,000 4 5,000.. 20,000 20 PRIZES of 1,000.. 20,000 20 M 500.. 25,000 100 " 800.. 80,000 200 " 200.- 40,000 600 " 100.. 60,000 10.000 " 10.. 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Frizes of 8200-...'.. 820,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100. . . . . 1 0,000 100 Approxunaaon rrizes h to i,ow 11,279 Prizes, amounting to 8522.500 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the company In New Orleans. For information apply to DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, . 607 seventn street, wasmngton, u. u. N. B.Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. novl4 R OB SB e M 3 e B a CO o O c m O o rt- O Ci CD O m fcO Ul n m O o f 8- "P" i J 1 8' m 2 o S5 h td 3 O ' .1 11 b IBM WlWP OF SUIT ABLK' ! fJ ' iiisiasl Piits iom5nttf;iAn f characters "Drl J Lafferty, being about W leave; in a few happy remarks saidgaod-hye 4-rt. 4Va sfiffATonHA ' I r Jt .1 11 It- i r aTJJujBbaTiWndj fiIiJ special mission service, Bishop Keenef took the floor and gave ah ttitetestihg. awwuhtTlhe TaDdrs of the n1isont head of that work. He was followed k. n rt a Vnnnc. T) D. Missionary Secretary, who made an appeal in-be failures have been made that most jpeopie ra &atA nriRCffiut as impossible. Hazleton s machina was tried a f ew flajs ago jjn a patch of cotton about 16 miles from Charleston", and it picked clean all the open boHson theplante and Oeft the MnrtYhAd nesuniniured. , It will pick frrrmit.ootf taB.ooO Doiinda Pot cotton a daVitw mules de Jatotfretf being teqttrreCTher machine is drawrr by iwo niailes, one forward of each wheel, and tbe-wagonwheels move the ma chinery, which brushes the cotton from circuiawfeeUnd nrth:B t:hicr take it from the bolls. The AAfrtftii r.hfiA : carried bt an' ennless XL IUIO SI st -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING F THE OQ O) o cr o B a l 4a r- ll HO AT THE CHINA PALACE OF 1 8; 4, of llaiflhVpSwSe jJVhi! amonntimrto more than $M,0Q0,one Z.ho wlnr nver ftSOO. Mf n.n.i nnnnnMmAntg. Conference aa- ionrned with the benediction py tho- bishop. , . , ' e i onstratesKa perfect .workrng cipacity, fWa intrntnr. who cameorieinally Irom 'ISfew Hampshire, has ahhg little f or tnn ahead for himself Hazleton; was assiswu pwuuuuuj gentlemen-1 1 asix Cnarleston SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30th 1882. These drawings becttf monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution corn- pan; la legal. 2d Its drawmgs are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the Hat of prizes for the DECEMBER DBA Win t. UR WHOLE STOCK HAS O PINED ud and everrthlng Is now on exhibition ana will be offered very reasonatia. : we haTe cot ;: GccdsVfa .Sit ETC?yt:li NG ELBE confetence had a meeong yeBWAUiajc afternoon, and it is expected thatthev will be AWe tar9Brt at tne oplfif of X" 5fr?J2 sjrvlvt mnrnidff. Tttis con tended by some of toe afrocjttes of CALL BEFORE SORCSASING .tit . li a - e - - S s ,. . AND BEX VfHERE -1 l lias 'f SA.1 J r EVER MASS ClLlSLOTTSf -' sii ? 'tVvfii 'St' vtniv r!!jjsnfwfl t ;;'3i5uT:'i--a W if T A norli Shangnaif, - TT A so it for Confederate Cotton. , -rNW YOBK JeciThe trial of the ftaifclpr IhettedJSltes; against Har rASoMdlAnsWan aee for-Wefrty-;l was begun injine. bai oiwivu.i" Conrt toat Johnstmswas sent to oivsionat SSfflSijlffi JKSatSSS trtivMeMtself ttntfeWfaBsed at iniffiSTwaa heldi otf 'ao- the General Conference eight years ago. i "Crrifedrate government This js given rtM that nothing can be done w- th. onnnral conference of 1886, "r'vra rrv astatine thia matter iiw?4Er exceed to? tense 1 Prlxe,. - 1 Prize..:. 1 Prize,...;..... 10 Prizes, 11,000 each, 20 Prizes, 500 each...... 100 Prizes, 100 each, 200 Prizes, 60 each, 600 Prizes, 20 each...... inm Ma ID auh. 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 ft Prizes 200 " " " " lQO $80,000 10.000 ; 5,ooo 10,000 10,000 i 10,000 10,000 ; 12.000 10,000 a1 a B PT1 O to B 31 oa CTQ o. o o O P" M 8 rt. 11 IB 0 03 Si m au bbv til Eg :3 0 8 5Z fe2 go Pi?-3 56S acta m w . . v w a . . t&TJDDWJHJrsgua aaBPEi? a co- Mub 10 IQi fcrjH 52 B' ft- 9 3 o i Q t a ImS It 2 Bird t Prizes, 100 1,960 Prizes, ..$112,400 Whole Tleket,i$2i Half Tlckrts,! 2? Tlekett SOU; OO ATCKOW, AUU. , -,. Remlf Money Bank Draft fn tterjjBrjsend t Teresa n"lX)N'T SEND BTJllrWRED LETTER OttTOSTOFFICK ORDER. I NOW The LARGEST and Prettiest;fStock of Orders of SB and upward, Jjy Express, can be sent aj our ex pense. Address ail orders to .... t H i , ml 'roaRDMAN. CourierJoumal JBuUdlng, Louisville. Kyor 809 Broadway New To. decl2 TIIiTTf- mitfTTTii Tit?! fllfllV Y1T 1 1) 17 I i mi maa ii u msr w i ! ' m .mm. m- svLrna mi n ir wa i. riisw.s ic uuii ; w f - - - . Iinfi.MlfilHiUJM P .mount everaliedpa ri Q .. "c'i 3 A OiU lisi In paiticuUi, ,ljis?fciar bandiomeit m vifiE JteL of even ddsetiotioiw jtL it !jJiniS luiri3W4tri JcasIon in thirState." a. tr, it I'annel.shehact i settlement j. l the Tre dozen mea, tne-1 . J-rrl t m V.AflP.tfi majority of whom were P! :lflgitoftpli-Tlift trial ottiw case lafljifc a hundred dollars apiec, ana it I . wrmr three weekaf. on come w w -T . M Skating, Skating. FIKB SrOBT. INNOCENT AliUSE- EVEIt BROUGHT JO, THIS MARKET, WHICH; ! raTEI:10iSA ATv, BQrQOMC ME1JT, All are ihvited toTs'llMflMajliy-'gooda ; 4nd learn the' RriCes; EM. Wholesale and iRetall Furniture: liberal tteitil Itf one wats to contmu saving tne expense of aft pvereoai, w"f" .- . ; itiffl jaach weather at this, he must invest flfiy cents to a bdftle of St, Jaeobe OUjahd lather hlm-: " ."""X.- thai wifML liDen Snoera coneseayet 'S-itoVt Terence I self with u right well. Commcdions Hall. Polite : : -- i - - w - - ? KBASOEABLB PRICB3i I . Monthly and Wason' tickets "far sale.1 ...pply to aaahaont Bt Hut fink. OfcH. 1 FerrV. Seehl. Ifa.-dPt TT 1 Ml'I DdaS . V H O tr1 H H Ul o 1 '

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