aafcfe of Jm J"rori 2irk atui J'tattphotv ia v JSON -TONIO, I take pleasure X . , L.v . : . toVutlner that Sahara VfOTnfll Xa r frTAAtly benefited by It V Ml J Hill X. Suatrv. HI., eawaw V neat eee4lt xoajaod lie Speakers will find It a -, of tins greatest vain I r , wnere a xomois rteoes , aaxy.; X noommaad It .... aa a reliable remedial agent, -possessing1 nn rLnnViti nn tri tire and rsxpisxsitssi DIU IIARTPl naCQmW I 1 i i, .wana immkv sbmv k .aaas jmumuwamw Maw jm. a 1 MMM! mjwrj ff UA7 J ' vm m ,. i-. jav 1 SOKfrS av un if- j. aasnaam fTnres all diseasea of the stomach, liver. Dowels, Wiineva. akin and Wood. MiMJQNa testify to its efficacy in healing the abore diseases, and pronounce it to De tne uest isemkdx xnuwj vi iuux. TEAM MARK. Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. AGENTS WANTED. X.ABOBATOBY T "WEST 3d STV, HEW TOBE CITY. DBUGGIST8 SELXi ! DowiraesriLta. it. C, ah 8tb, 1881.-D Clibi Joraaoh-Tour KteaUy beoBflted me loc Llwr Cbapla Ul22 : J. i , ... : " IMD14N BLOOD 8Y8UP has MBS. JULIA A. SMITH. A9SK&BMMI MOTHER, HOME I HEAVEN! i BfLlttiitaai b 400BMt Atithorm. Enluaad A rlcU? XITTSTSAXXD iKJUa OI I orwa &ta&Ux FRESH: Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr. J.H.McAden s Drag Store SARATOGA fmn Haratom 8dWii. N. T. A new water :re- embltng the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cores dyspepsia, aids diges tion, la a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral later, Beoommended jerj highly as a cathartic and al- eraUre and in an forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONfiBISS WATBB, 10 CASKS BOCK BBTDGK ALUM, 10 CASKS BUFFALO LIT SUA. And a fall supply of w OKI AN BR BEST FRIEND t IMPORTED APOLLIMARIS DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. rrTTTS TT.monQ ntniAdT most hRDDllT meets the X demaDa of the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. - It is a remedy lor woman ONLY. And for ONK KFCiAL VIjABU 01 ner Q1S- eases. it is a specinc ior certain aiseasea cuuui tlons of the womb. and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the derange ments and irregularities oi woman's ; MOIfTHIiY SICKNESS. Its proprietor claims for It no other medical nronertr: and to donbt the fact that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regu- latlDg powers is simply to discreaii me oiunuu? testimony of thousands of living witnesses who are to-day exulting in thtir restoration to sound health and happiness. . Brsdflcld'a Female Rejfnlater Is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is the pro duet of medical science and practical experience directed towards the benent or ' SUFFERINO TTOfflAIf ! it ia thA atiuitMi nwyuirrntlfln of a learned phy- mlMun nhcalRian wlMMM : neeiaitl W&ft wUMln, and whose fame became enviable and: Dounaiesa because of his wonderful soceess In the treatment and car of female complaints.1 THE, BKGULA TOUls the GKANDBBr BBttKDY Iqiown, and WOMAN'S BEST YRIErfD, TWnnan tt nnntmln a class of functlohs the Tarlous rtAi-ftnramAnta nf which cause more 111 health than all other causes combined and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embit ter her life, and prematurely end her existence. Oh, what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to Its charming effects f WOMAN 1 take to your confidence this ' Preclona Boas of Health ! : It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints pe culiar to your sex I Bely upon it ai your safeguard for health, happiness and long life. FEE PARED ONLY BY Dr. J. Bradiieia, Atlanta, Ga. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. v EaleighjN'ewa and Obserrer; Dr.iP 1m MarDQY. of , SamDson county, was Hunyadi Janos Waters. IE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY Pbicb. nov25 1 Small size,. I Large size,. .75 cents . $1.60 H UNYADI JANOa THK BXST NATURAL APERIENT. A3 A CATHARTIC: Doss; A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "HunyadiJanos. Baron Lleblg af flrms that Its richness m aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Joumair' Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient waten''; - - Frqf. Virchou, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable. Prof. Bamberger, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success.' . . Prof. Bcawoni,. Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prctf. Lander Brwntm, M. 2)., W. B. 8., London. "More pleasant thatt its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Aiken, M. T. JL B., Boyal Military Hos- piiai, neuey. "freierrea to ruusa ana Jfneu rlchshall." , .- f . , flrvea lor tna -Biggest Crop o K Th am official euesa at the amount of tha year's cotton crop jcom.es from tfea lpattnienfi t Afrioulture. There, Alwa a wa Jei;Ql iafllviduai an; Taox guwaing 044 on narrow auu itai4vrf?ci data the 'eaUmato ranging tXm .000,000 to ttOOCOCO bales. ; The latter OSttrta u wie largesc oyer usea m taktnsf oar cotton croo. - It exceeds br 400000 bales the great crop of 1880, but the, 8eaaj aownwara course or me market tor the last six weeks has offer ed good evidence that among those who should be well informed of . the season's prospects a-very large crop was expected.: aThe department's es- umate, riven in pounas, is uiab uio crop will be 6,753,661 bales of the ave rage welgnt of 455 pounds net or at tne gross weight of 480 pounas it win do 677,117 bales. Assuming the depart ments estimate m,4ounds to be cor rect, It is probable that the number of bales, when reckoned up at the end or the cotton year, will be somewhat less than this, for up to November 1, the average weight of the bales of the new crop received was 496.25 pounds, against 471.51 pounds for the same month last yea. The Texas bales average 625:15 pounds a very .unusual weight. This ratio of difference, if approximately maintained through the year, might re-, duce the apparent ' yield below last year's figures, though the actual num ber of pounds would be of course much greater. ' f u- k The correctness of the department's" estimate of the total yield depends upon the correctness Of its estimate of the "acreage which it puts at 2) per cent below that of last year. Should the encroachment of grain upon, the cotton land prove to be greater than the department's figures indicate, its estimate -of the -cotton yield will be found to require modification. ; The receipts, moreover, do not as yet show such an increase over last year as they ought to if it be true that 'the South really ha&surpassed' all her "pre vious achievements in cotton raising. The Financial Chronicle's tables make the receipts for the week ending No vember 10 'were only '1,685,917 bales, against 1,657,366 bales for the same pe riod in 1881, an increase of but 28,561 bases. The total amount of, cotton in sight now .is actually ' Jess than last year. This is partly ex plained by the known lateness of the season. A wet spring prevented early planting, and as the first frost of. the season in the Cotton States was re ported no longer ago than Sunday, there has been no occasion to hasten the picking. The lateness of the; frost favors the production of a large crop, as picking will go on until stopped by cold weather. " Another fact to be con sidered is that the Department of Ag riculture is very conservative in its guesses, generally falling somewhat below the mark. Its early statements indicated a corn crop of no-, more than 1,200,000,000 bushels. It now confesses to no less than 1,680,000,000 bushels. Those persons who are still betting in the "future" market on a crop of 7,000, 000 bales will perhaps prefer their own estimate to that of the department, merely from a fondness for round numbers. It is perfectly evident that the crop is big enough for the world's demand and something more. Our exports, which in September amounted to more than 140,496 bales, reached for the two months of September and October, taken together, a total of 656,806 bales, an increase of 74,384 over the exports of the same two months last year. For the single week ending' November 10, 154,887 bales were shipped, and the total exports to that date amounted to 883, 865 bales. -This shows that the new crop is moving" out very freely, a fact which is sufficiently reflected in the large offering of cotton bills. This free export of cotton will aid materially to give our total exports the "lead" for which they have recently been striving in the race with the imports. The ship ments of cotton, will be likely to con tinue large as long as the price contin ues at its present low figure. The stocks of the British and continental spinners are very low, being on No vember 1, 149,000 bales, against 222,000 bales a year ago. Our own spinners have thus far taken less cotton since September 1 than last year. Friday, elected surjenntendent of - the Western Insane Asylum, at Morganton, and Dr.W.D: Billiard, of AshevUle. as sistant superintendent. - ; : f . A monument to the memory-, of .Dr. Brantley, a native of Chatham county, N. Cvbas been placed in Greenmount cemetery,5 Baltimore.- It is a tall obe lisk of Italian marble, with a wreath of immortelles around the-center. j i,. The .trial of . L.B. Pennington, post master at Rockv- Mount, charged 4 with abstracting money from registered ' let- ters, was held Saturday, in the :, Circuit i .Afuiw. , uiamvi attorney aouiubuuuuu assistant district attorney BagleV ; ap pear for the government, while Messrs. T. t5. Fuller and B. H. Bumi for the a :-i.H.." 'li'.L'J yyuKUyjai 5JUm ! r yIIwblf Sdk4ate m osn w iiaiiroswi vificisaa, jrrec: Wilmington Star: In',: WilmiBgton,' within 16 hours, the mercury fell 60 de-i gretsa.. xni8 oeats Texas or ; jsoissouri which are famous for great and sudden changes. The' lowest noint reached Fri day was 18 degrees abo ve 2ero or 14 de-5 grees Deiow freezing. Onir Robber Iadastry. Bradstreeta' Jotrrnal. ' ' The rubber industry in the United' States has no rival in foreign lands. There is, about jJ76,0O0)O0 invested in the business of manufacturing rubber goods, $30,000,000 of which is confined to the rubber boot and shoe 1 industry. The total number of employes is placed at l5,O0XVand the number of , factories at 120. The value of the annual pro duct, according to a late census bulle tin, is $25,60060' About 30,000 tons of raw rubber are imported each; year; which, when combined with other ma-. terialaused in manufacturing, amounts to BOO.OOO tons. " The market price of the raw material has been forced up to $1.25 per pound. ? Six years ago the price was 489. There have been several substances 'prepared to substitute for rubber owing to the augmented ! price of the latter. Celluloid is the chief of these. Others have rubber as a j eon Eopeiit part, ..Thus far, , however, rub er holds its own, and is one of the few American1 industries for which there is no threatening foreign rival.1- rt; ' i-. i 'J iiJ r- y l .L ,-,ri. Gen. Butler and Senator Hoar. j - - " - j - Gen. Butler left for Massachusetts Friday.; Before his departure he called pn the Attorney General. As h was coming out of the Department of Jus tice he met Senator Hoar, who was go ing in, face to face. Gen. Butler smiled sardonically and Mr. Hoar, scowled gloomily, but neither took any further notice of the other. Mr. Hoai before the election said in a public speech that ne would not live in a state which elec ted Ben Butler Governor, but he has changed his mind and wants to contin ue to represent Massachusetts in the Senate after the fourth of March. He won't do it if old Ben can prevent it. II U U U I. Wnf th VnrrM nntJnUrA OITDEMSED BOHEDTILES, Date, April 80th, 1882. , Leave Charlotte, . SaUsburr. " Hhrh Point... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave ttreen8boroM..,. jxrive xtuiSDoro,... . Arrive Raleigh, Leave Ritoti Arrive Goldsooro', No 51 ; Dallyr 4ooam B.5am 7.20 am 8.00 a m ftSOam 11.47 am 12.24 am 1.40 pm 4.05 pm 6.80 pm NoT 58 Dailv. 44Upm &24pm 185 pm SJDSpm f r No. 17 Dally except Saturday, ' Leave Greensboro., ..5.00 pm ' i- "' " Arrive at Balelgh.11 am ; - . : omve at Goldabora.7.2fl a m - ,-. ftl-rConnecti at Qreenaboro' with 1 di fl. B. B. for all points North, East and West, via Dan vllle. At Goldaboro with -Wr . W. fL Rfot Wtt inlngton. -.- . ... 1 "Ma, ll .fViWtwm, ml :Htw ! w to ft tor ali polntajn Western Nonh Carolina; dally af Greenaboro wtthrB. D. B. B. for all points Keith, East and WeatcvT i,j' ( tT TRADfB eOlKS WX9T. Charlotte, N. C. . Date, April 80th, 1882. A NEW HOTEL H0M1Y FDR. ; Leave GotdsboroH.. .... . .. Arrive Balelgh. Leave Balelgh,............ Arrive Durham.. . Arnve Huisboro,.;.:..... Arrive Greensboro,.,....... Leave Greensboro,.,.. Arrive High PolnVi.......i Arrive Salisbury w . r Arrive Charlotte......... Na50 DaUy. o.S2 I0.O0am 12.20 Dm 8.55 pm tvOtt pm 6.46 nm 8.05 pm ai5om e.50tm 1 1.12 pm 1.10 am ,..ViuV, .1 . i . . . .... 040am 10.10 am 1121 tit 1.00 p m STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. ScoTille Bras, - - - - - Prop's. - Also Proprietors Kimball House, Atlanta, 6a.; Duval House, JacksonvUle, Ila. ; the ArUng- tort and Norvel House, Lynchburg, Va. , septe tf . - ' No. 18 Dally exoept Sunday,1 : ' -Leave Go4dsboro,..2.50 p m Arrive at Balelgh,.. 7. 10 p m -Leave, Balelgh...;.ft00 am No. 60 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Alr Llne for all points In the South and Southwest, and with C, C ft Af B. B. tor all points South and Southeast. -..-,-. Na 62 Connects at Charlotte with A. ft C Arr . Line for all points South and Southwest: at Char lotte with. C..C. ft A. B. B. lor all points South and Southeast ai t. -.. :, WESTERN H. C RAILROAD oausourr, N. C, October 12th, 1882. f SCIIEDCtG: EAST. laseug'r Train No. 2. Arrive 5.45 d m " 4 28 p m " 3 09 p m " 2.10pn " 12.54 pm " 11 tu a m "10.08 am . " 0.02 am Leave 6 00 a m " fl 00 am STATIONS. - Salisbury.., .Btatesvllie . Newton . ... Hickory.. ...Morganb-n. Marlon ... Black Mountain Aaheviue.... Warm8prings Pigeon hiver. WEriT. Passe iig wo i'HIii O t Hi Lave H connects at Salisbury with B. ft D. R points North and South and from h-ir.-u0111 &H naets at Statesvule with A.. T. A n nTJiL": 'on- """"IC with R C. ft A B. B. Connetii at w. SSSSLiZ Qa- tt a-Ior Morristown Train Ne. 3 Connects at Warm Snrinin ith t . . H? ""rtotown. and the Somh-wV - .3 C.4 J ; If. W. N. CU BAIIiROAD, fcoure wist. T The - Citizens of NO, 50 Dally. Leave Greensborai... 0.25 pm Arrive Eemersvllle. 1041 pm Arrive Salem 11J5 nm Na 62 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro...... , a &n m Arrive Kememville..... 11.01 am Arrive Salem.. 11.86 am florae sabt. NO. 51 Dally, excent Sunday. Leave Salem ...... ........ 5.15 am Arrive Kernersvllle. , 60am Arrive (Jreensborow. 7.00 am ' NO. 68 DaUy. T ? Leave Salem....... 6.00 pm Arrive Kemersville; 6.40pm Arrive Greensboro..; 8.00pm STATE TOT ITEBS1TY BAILBOAD. The Florence Rlghtlagale of the Hnrsery. The following is ah extract from a letter written to the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambers burg, Penn.: A BnrDACTBBSB. . . Just open the door 'for her. and Mrs. Wlnslow will prove the American Florence .Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, -A Blessing on Mrs, Wins- low" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, collcklng and teething siege. Mrs, wins low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic and carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what It professes to perform, every part of It nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." If we had the power we would make her, as she Is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. -co: :o: GOING NOBTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. Mr. M. C. Jordan, deputy sheriff of Iredell eoun ty, N C . says: "Brown's Iron Bitters cured my wife of indigestion and general debility." Bow to Avoid OrankenseH. Forbid intoxicating nostrums and use Parker's Ginger Toole in your family. This delicious remedy never intoxicates. Is a true blood and brain food, and aiding all the vital functions never falls. to invigorate. X Desire to hay tt Distinctly Under stood tnat I .ant Still Pnrnittbina: Books for the Graded Schools either byExchang-e or Introductory Prices as Cheap aa amy one In the City. It does not matter to Whom yon are In structed for your Books by slips liyen your Children) Understand Always, that they can be filled at the Same Bsttes by Sending them to me. NO ONE CAN UNDEB-BUY JOE $ NO ONE CAN TJNDER-8ELI. BSE, IS "UTS' MOTTO." Very Respectfully, No. 1, Dally ex Sunday. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m GOING SOUTH. No. 2, Dally ex. Sunday.' Arrive University,.. Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m. Pullman Cars fiW CHame On Train No. 60. New York and Atlanta via Wash Ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. . On Train Na 62, Richmond and Charlotte ana Washington and Charlotte via Danville. Balelgh, Goldsboro', SaUsbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest, West, North ana just, mow jcnugrantuates 10 JXHmuana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, . M. SLAUGHTER, - General Passenger Agent. may2 Richmond, Va. OMlflWtQHI M 11 n . 11 An wt.. A. R R. -ni .raZL t "'lon ot C. potato North and ES .D.VB to. scaioisf il( ! . , Ihrough Tickets MINEKAL LAND FOR SALE. A BABflAIN Is offered In a tract of land in m t. oua ooui va mnes from Huti. HUMomcujon tne vein Mountain :h has davelnrari uim .ifm NO develnnmant KT" J1.. severalpleces of wSsiTM have been found In iht hrnVhlo ..8 d2,"n inn . . iu iug I erferdton. 1 .trata M.v mines, tract contains 100 1 ppiyto aul8 acres and will benMhQo CHAS. B. J0NFS, Charlotte, N C. A MFDIPIW 1100 Pages atfUJUluail paj rarues, BT HON. THOa V. COOPKR. History of all Polltl- iift- eTejytnm8 pertaining to pplfchBB, and unites history, in struction and ready reference. Sold 25ifJ6'?criSUon; but inscrip tions sent direct will be forwarded by mall or C. o. D. at Publishing go's expense. Agents now wanted Must apply early, for territory Is be tag rapidly Assigned. Prospectus FJPMIDJ PUBLISHING COMPANY. juu 10 w zo Kortn seventh Street. Phi a THE GREAT DEMAND FOB 8 H BIN ICR'S IN dlan Vermifuge Is solely due to Its intrinsic value. Thousands use It to-day In preference to any other and say that tt destroys and expels worms effec tually. Premature grayness avoided by using Parker's Hair Balsam, disingulsbed for its cleanliness and perfume. John H Eddins. RICHMOND & D AH VILLE R. R. PASSILtJGEfi DEPAETMEKT. BOn and after April 80th. 1882. the ser train service on the Atlanta ft Cnarlol Line Division of this road will be as follows in- Alr- sep(26 NEWS NOTES. Bedford alum uro ibos Spkikss watxr ahb Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fffty per cent more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so reneraL Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. marll tf JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist Remember that stamina, vital energy, thelife prineiple or whatever you may choose to call the resistant powerwhlch battles against the causes of diseases and death, is the grand safeguard of health.' It Is the garrison of the human fortress, and when tt waxes weak,' the true plley Is to throw in reinforcements, - In other words, when such an emergency occurs, commence a course of Hostetters Bitters. For sals by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply for Hostetters Almanac for 1881.' ' deei ' North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C DOJTT GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark- ling a wnen 11 now irom tne spring at Baratc We receive this water in large block tin reaervi which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. - , J. BVMoADEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced competent drugglsta, day or night. . '. Iuiy28 A 'A :.t ' NEW JL UJll UJ11U ! ! m tvi '.'imi,Ti;TimTnnw llliMlllhil 1 . Sl , : Important changes " in the British cabinet are foreshadowed. The Dublin Freeman's Journal says that Mr. Farnell will subpena Mr. Glad stone and Mr. Trevelyan to depose at his trial. Mr. John Clark, president of the Ridge wood Ice Company, says that there are 200,000 tons of ice in the houses between Albany and New York that have not yet been sold. Stephen Tripp was arrested at North Adams, Mass... Friday, charged with robbing the Troy and Boston railroad cars of freight and with wrecking trains. Mrs. Bailey, of East Fairfield, Vfc, left her two young children alone in the nouse on Tbursdayv They played wltn the fire and were fatally burned. Albert M. Wooster. of Connecticut. first assistant examiner in the patent office, has resigned his position to take effect JanuaryeJ5,' 1883. i & Miii t-ticm a Vtuf aniCi t3a- a c, i;t.;v-, igoWtfUti -iTl tit.il i TTT8 are now receiving out FALL and WIN TEH Tf STOCK of MILLINERl GOODS, Embracing ; Uta latest styles,'colo and Dualities Of Straw, e11;IBeav?ruc,oth' Velvety 81, Plush 'and Sattn S.T.8 od &0NNXTS for Lsdles'.nMUses and Children.-- ..-,,....,.,:,.. r - ' 1 1 5omt,srikv8tushea, Velvets, Braids, , . LarPln. Ornaments, PlutnesTTlps, N ' Fer".- XtrlinmkgoJ ' . ?Iel.Rinu5-, 10 we .have now the I A V-'J LrJ. Lii'-il Disease Is an effect not a causa. Its within; its maaiifestations without ; Hence, the disease the catjbi must be removed, andjn , no ether way can a cure ever be effected. WAB- ' NEB'S SAFE. EIPNEX and. XIVEB XTOBE is es'v tabllsnedon Just Uu pruiclplew tt reall thai . . TV-.. ; -.- ...4 ; v " i 05 PER CENT". , of all diseases arise from 'deranged kidneys and . liver, and it strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a iood and BX9I0BSB; and, bf .placing them in a healthy , cohdiaou drive dlsease-erid ram Irom: the sys- temA, kyji i Tn ;vf- For the IhriumTaMeflBoublea caused bv nn- healtht EdnnvSM TfTr.ATi(t nrtnan Ctmrnurfttf the distressing Dtaorders of Women; for ; Malaria, . and -for phjaieal deraoements generally, this . greatremedy has no equaLv Beware of lm posters, imitations and concoct tons said to be lust as good. LTiLD'Sefca8,t fOfWABNEB'S SAFE DIA: utHvufijb. iwwue oy-au aeaien. , t?f ' llrljl WUEREB dc CO'Jj'J It was decided in New .York Friday that sacred concerts" are not forbid den by the new penal code, and the case against Victor Helby; -;an4 Harry . Hill were dismissed. ' The Harrisbure' Patriot Dublishei some horrible developments, in connec tion with the management and condi tion of a free colored -cemetery in the s suburbs ot that city, -ftiev - j the country are, it is said, opposed to the recommendation "of the tariff com mission ? with' regard to the duty, on sugar, and .hope - tq persuade Congress & Si:m Qoy Oamwon'6f Virwtiia. has is-, sueas a-i proclamation " declarinsr the amendment -to the Constitution pro hibiting -the 'imtxmimr of a carjitation tax as a qualification for voting to have oeen .ratmea by the people. - The ma- . Friday eleveh?onvit&work on the penitentiary 1 at Little Rock, Arlr-,, J auacsea.ana aisarmea tne euard and escaped. ; . They;;were: pursued with pioodhounds. The convicts killed three ATTV. 11 a w a - ' i . Rheumatism, Neuralgia; Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Hsadacbt, .Teowacbe, Sore Threat, wIlIiiiprmlB.BrU, 7r7. Bant, SeeltU, Frort Bltws,' ABO AU OTHXR SODILt FAUS ARB ACHXS. . SoldbT Drorflrt. DOT.rrwhwi Fifty 0b w' WmHiiiliU Udiuih. 1. :. ! " THB CHARLES A. TOSKLIR CO. Mi.TWUUiW,f , tutt:s ANEW DEPARTURE! g Entirely Original ! ! COMMENCING from this date Nyvember 1st 1882, until January 1st 1888, we will give to every person who sends as $2.50, for a year's subscription to our Elegant Family Illustrated Magazine AT Hons Aim Abboad A FBXE TICKET TO A VALUABLE PREHIVD, Which will be drawn for 00 the 1st day of January, 1883. This premium is a aanasome SOLID GOLD LADY'S WATCH, DOUBLE HUNTING CASS, KEY-WIKDSB, and will be sent in a beautiful Morocco, velvet lined Watch-case, This is no Hamburg or Lottery, but a genuine FREE Gr IF1 as the Magazine will be mailed, for ONE YEAR, to everv name sent us between now and January 1st This will be MOBS than the value of your money. The offer also holds good for any DE LINQUENTS who will pay up within th epedned time. Apply to us fox dmnlara containing full PROSPECTUS FOB 1888. ; - AH parties whose names are on, our books on the 1st of January next, will receive a handsome . r ; . CHBISTMAS PBZSSNT. j -r.' , See- advertisement In next Issue. 8pedaf In ducements and premiums to getters up 01 ciuds. Send names, addresses and amounts byP. aor- ders,eariy, to Editors ot :'h .? v "- ' -j - - -Tiz riiTWio.Ti. C. Mail and : WSSTWABD. Express. Mail. ' - Na 50. No. 52. Leave Charlotte, M. 1.00 a m 12.50 p m Arrive Gastonla, L 2.02am 1.47pm Arrive 8partanburg, K 481 a m 406 pjm Arrive Greenville, H 5.59 a m 6.29 p m Arrive Seneca, G 7.48 am 7.08 pm Arrive Toccoa, T... ......... 9.18am ja80pm Arrive Rabun Gap Juncttorv 10.00 a m 9.10 p m Arrive Luia, E... 10.87 am a48pm Arrive Gainesville,. 11.06am tai6pm Arrive Atlanta,. ....... . . . 1.80 p mU2-40 a m : Mall andi ! EASTWARD. Express, MaiL -- - No. 51. I aaSS. Leave Atlanta, . ..1 2. 16 p mf 400 a m Arrive Gainesville,........ 451pm &19am Arrive Lula, K 5.22pm 6.50am Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 5.59 p m 1 1.41 a ra Arrive Toccoa,F 6.40 pm ,8.17 am. Arrive Seneca, G 8.06 P m ' 9-26 a m Arrive Greenville. H.. F. 10.06 p m 11.08 pm Arrive Spartanburg, E. 11.40 p m 12.24 p m Arrive Gastonia, L 2.06 am 2.50 pm Arrive Charlotte, M 8.15 am 400 pm hovS - CONNSCTIONa A with arriving trams of Georgia Central and A. W.P. Batlroada. '-. .-.', j?':l ttii ; B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. ft W. P. and W. ft A. BaUroads. ; G with anrhnnc trains of Georgia Railroad. ! B with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, ua. - F with ElbertonAlr-Llne to- and from flAnnrta. . G with Columbia arid Greenville to and from Oainmbla, and Charleston. 8. C - H with Columbia and oreenvuie to ana mm. Cnlnmbl and ChaHMton. IL G, K wub Spartanburg and Ashevflle, and Bpartan- Durg, union ana uoiumoia so ana irom twoaanan and Antunniifl. aim. Anion ana uoiumoiA. i L with Chester ana AeB0U Narrow-uauge to ana zrom Dauas ana vneBteK MwtthG.C. ft Aa C. CL. B. ft D. and A. T. 4 0. fnr &n nnlnta WmL' North and East Pullman sJeeptng-car service on trains Noa. 50 and 51 dally, without change between Atlanta and HewxerK. a.ouuoniB, :-: 3r ,e nerai rsjssnser ana xicket Agent. T.H, B. Taloott, . ..-s SAGS, Superintendent pDfMCTOMTlI Is eompoMd of Herbal and HueQagmous mooV; nets, whiohperiasate tbe suDstaaee oftae , Isjim, xpeetoraUs tas- aeridjaatter thAtoolleCts to the Bronchial Tub,-al!a forma a, sootliiiasT'ooAttng'rwhich relisres tne Ir ritation that ce41ie cuga&It elesases , th lungs of all impurities, Strenjrtbaiis ttuawW enXeeoled, by dtaase,ioTlgor ajbssthe oireulataon of the .blood and oraoes the nmiiimtfm. ' Sllsrht eolds often end In eonsamnUen. It U dang-sronate nctoet tnem. Apply tne remedy promptiy. Jl test of twenty years warrants the assertion that no remedy has erer been Aran that Is as uromnt in its effwU mTUTT'S EXPECTORAHT. A slnsrle dose raises the phlegm subdues inflammation, and its dm speedily curtathe most Ames sen wraii- UnEELER&WLLSON'S A OOMIION-SEITSE BMDY. No More. Rhenmaiiftm, Gout er Neuralgia. IMMEDIATE RELIEF WARRANTED. PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED. Five years established and never known to fall In a single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all prominent physicians and druggists for the stand ing f Bailodlca. SECRET: ' J The only dissolver ef the Poisonous Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Goutr patients. 8ALICYUCA Is known as a common sense remedy, bt cause It strides directly at the cause of Bheumatlsm, Gout and Neuralg'a, whlie so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications such as rubbing with oils, ointments, liniments, and soothing lotions win not eradicate these diseases which are the resu t of the poisoning of the blood vUb. Uric Acid SAL1CTLICA works with marvelous effect co this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now. exclusively used tfy all celebrated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Acadt-mj. of Pfcris reports 95 per cent cures in three days. KE1TIEMBE11 that 8ALICTLICA Is a certain core forBheuma- Osm. Gout and Neuralgia. Tbe most intense pains are subdued almost instantly. Give it a trial. Belief guaranteed or money re funded. Thousands of testimonials sent on application.. SI A BOX. 6 BOXES for $5. Seat free by mall on receipt of money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do net be deluded Into taking Imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "Just as good 1" Insist on the genuine with tbe name of WASHBURN vu., on each box, wnicn is guar anteed chemically pure under our signature, an lndlspenslble requisite to Insure suceuss in the ve&Unenl. Take no other, or send to us. . HisaDUBaJS a VU, rropriewrs, ? - 287 Broadway, cor, Beade St., New Yorfc. novlS daw ly IIP"! f -AFTER ff-frfe &nmcf r writ 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNO OR OLD, yiom. WaStots WKiiw kaH thou diuf f SmoIai KiTVM-reiuttimr from Abvim vs. TAIg 1ELT tO.. MAKtHALl, MI6H. i 61 nKsTrjytsifjK AATltrfl. - drvn'take tt yeadtiy".- For Croup It Is lttTalaable and should bs In every famoVi ; . In e. ana, ai jinme. -At, 'Also all thaewsttkMandnbyelHesGLoyn: R08IEBV. - UNDER-WEAB.-'KNIT i Gonna' a. SHAWLS, SACKS, -HOODS, JACKETS, IN JANTS? , l ft CLOAKS, SHAWLS. HOODS) ROB 88," Ac J t j. Great variety Dl JJehM ior 11K1B DOTS, s J au kinds ana colors oi zepayrs, woois, 'iar er mi UtUe-CATflaad o6ls.Ti and a general assortment of all kinds ef rANC , . GOODS sad NOTIONS far Ladles' and CnBdrena1 Bse. Terms, low prices aad cash at the cosater... , Whole4leandBetarinni''QS : .. ,.. , in i a CIGARS of the aofifsratid ntchtcominif on the ! .act nmrcTLYON thelTVEI nnrnnif. waa q Kjivrrt nnoA - i TT L ''LT . m Th-smwesiisi. 1 ' i5"-- JL-:- "i I HaaaeheilliUonsCoue,vo? -. .uenerais aioneyj jaurDan&v i united States army, retired, died Thursday, ia Newport, Kt. He was a graduate from fWest Point in I829iands,servei in the JMacfc , Hawfe and4 geminolewars. He seryea inline armj ot.tne.A'otomao aur ing the : late ;rwar, and rwas .u brsveted brigadieMeneraL. His 2 age . was 74 His son, Clay ton Bnrbank, U a lienten-: .utketian ; ;,t: ; Hwggai ' sag ; ' wHsSisntt Chalca m. PrVn'i 4tn. - --' " j f, . ii OioJJai . H uiih 111 i.l. Li. m ,HiUMl j C, C. & Jt B? fi. ICO. ; . ' ''"It-' w - n-r; ' rjr- Schedule m effect September 8d. 1882. No. 52 daily-HiiaU and express. Leave Statesville,....... .............. 8 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, . w '-lyuoa m Leave Charlotte. Xo) 230pm Arrtra at tminmhla. fh ' 7 00 P IB Leave Celumbia, Q) .,,!.A.......i.i.7 01 P 'Arrive at Augusta . ... .....11 16 pm e-n y NbasdaUyrexoeptauhdayfcj ' , Arrive at Columbia, ,sosa Ho. 18 tuns dally except Sundays. With passer . ... gerooaeaaHacnea,. r t - Leave Charlotte,.. 5 00 am Arrive at columoia,. 8 82pm 'up xmrrawAsn, No58 dsJli-mattanl'express. DTJpi cmfi H. dim Leave AugstttoiaMO..Ai.,OJS,i... 7 85 a m Arrive Columbia, (b)., .11 45 a m Leave Columbia. b).A.lv.ri...i,...v..ll 62 a m Arrive at Charlotte, (c)........ 4. IK n m Leave Charlotte,. ...v. .............. 6 00 p m Arrive at matesvu irt. ....... 7 05 p m , a w v- a : V T- "tt. " m. X IsLA m-- m Sai li -rm . . - . T .OVEMBE3 JUST BECjaVED, fey Mr. Sam Hob SOn. a well-known tntvnlllnakalna. man in' one ef the largest wholesale houses in this city, thus answered a reporter t " "Tea, sir; the wae ehances are still open; it was a spans dollar I had. and 1 urnntAA tt in n Iuilal.na fil.l. T.n,a ticket, ahd it drew me the five thousand dollars I ro wiowni ixne next arawlng takes place Dec, 19th, and the same chances are open to .others. ftSSTS Jti ttleans..La.. for in- QOfT . m'ma enn. Avaiancne, uotoDer ea, ' v.vj pint s.'iavi,; .. .... r i i , ; I JtM .IIorsfor4's Acid Phosphato ". - ao at Brain .Vaed. f I'i Dr. 8. F. MEWminn , w n . ni.a., aamd A&&&3&ZEt ' Slek Headaehe, BiUons Colie,ConsUpa- . I Uon, Bhewmsttsm,yils Palpitation of tne xiaart, vissiness.Torpua mw, m female IrreeulariUSS.. U rod do bot tfeel . - very wvH, a single pill atimulaW the Stoanoh, rw tores the apptits,UBprtifr-to tb systsnv ;MioTp;rjiiinrsAYsri ,4 VM.1xm:Dear Exn For,ten,TarB I have " been a martyr to Pysptpda, Conjtiptfon and "- Piles.1 Lt rprfnf your pills werv recommndd '.to me;' I UMdthein (but with little faith). fI am. ' now a wtll man,' have good, SpprtiM, flifwtioa , ; perfect, Mgalar stool pili gone, and I have ;dnedTer&MjMl9Mfl rlk,J vani vnj nt in row, ,''" j ! i tuu -' ' BBVi B. Afi srMT805f j LenUviU, Sy. . " jOtleerj lrrTuayt,lTewTra;. ,f B. TOTTS MArlUL nf VHAdl , iAAmlnU SURR AMAtinliMlMii. rF,C?MTJNZI.ER:' Lightest uj World, Bunrdng and BestSthg Machine hi the Trj tt before buying any otter. AGE1TT8 WAWTED. j r. .... -) Send for Terms and Prlca- List is9 Whoeler dc Wilson iriannfactnr; Caw n.::. BICBlIOND,TAJa- ,,;. .;,5 1 Dt a MAXWELL; Agent, Charlotte, It C. Leave cWiiail...V.'J.?.J. Arrive at.CbartotteMi .m..- a m No. 17, freights with .passenger soaen 'attached, " Buns dally except Sundays, : Leave Columbia.;,. u ... ; 5" 00 a m utiTaa4.uwwMprMK.,....M... aiopm We eonttnntaaet as solicitors for patents. J eats, trade-marks, copyrights, etc , for u Unuw States, and to obtain patents In Canada, England Fiance, Germany, and all other countries Thtbtt six txabs practice. No charge for e amlnatton of models or drawings. Advice w mail free. . , H . tM ratemsoHamea uraagn as am - . 1 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has tne etroolatlonvand l tne most mnuenuiui u""; of its kind published to the world. The ad tares ef such a notice every patentee raderstaoa rThtolaandndUUy iSusUated newspaper h mayll DO YOrX WANX Alt AOMWCH HILL'S MAHUAL wanted everywhere to tell I ' AflENTrpil. Isibe West selling book to America, and the mnllon bow to dot- the right thing at the right time to SOCIAL and BUSINESS 14FE. The original best iemasineav most beauttfully IDustrated and complete -form book in the world. Bend for circulars of the new edlHCtt Sole i Agents, BAIBD BILLOlljM Parte Place, Ne York. t. . T CP- Ask any agent to show' yotj HILL'S Tto Berber & Enel BreKir topanys I "1 namoAUWo and Coastnitt. B75 7th street, Louisville. S,MaW29. 81 r-Trvrs AT ,'ia;W! Bottles, i ; , KtrXTTuCO DEEIl A SPECIALTY. i -- RLL'i3LE SELF-GURE 'A! JkvotiW torMrf Btioa o Ma- f - ta bom petaji ang sRcasnii piaittt8 m ue u. i r ta) With all lines to and from Savannah, Tlortv ua, ana tne Douut ana .auania, Aiacon ana the Southwest---" i.ifc f..: st, (br with South Carolina Kafiraad tnmnd frnn unarieston, ""iifwiia.i; ici With Blchmond ft DanvfllA Sanfaad ta and from all pbmJs North and Carolina .Central Balk .iSSfc- - -?tir rrt ?--' -r'- t I ' ' Pullman sieerjtnsr cars run m ' TruJn Wn: M r ana oq petweon, .cnarmton ana Washington. D. v.. via funvuie. lijnennurg ana vnarwaesvuie. Also, on Trains Ho. S2 aad E8 betoarn ! Chariotta Above schedule WashlnKton-tlma P . for xunner imprmaaon, aourees ( t f i F n ajvui"ij eupennienaerav Assistant wm pass. Arx j" J i:i ji;of'i! 2 Colambli. SL' ssaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaais ested and su tntKV Mfiuraa) CMstaaauM 'insula sssladeavatopA's"Pi : Address DE. WAEO 4CD-, ul (Maiaiats M the tf. s. offrara;aVaWrav aud jaew, bb( a .mfsf 'ASIkJX KtiUiT - 1 H. H. Warner ft Co-81rs The effaet yJLi I . rT'Havs list received a XrHI?!!!1!!! TjT ' I KI"" ieawnef and Liver Cure, which 1 T took 1 f41 na POTE4," wb1-U s WiJJiVVJL XIXU J&a I -aJf5"re.Tid?e.' auncnlty, was immeo" te r- I ',0H'9 prloSr, "Ad. ,iiiy,.iaifc-l---5 , - V ltyproYemntTJttel3(!tdaI rI s't -A- nuwiaaauiL i , . I . I . J - - ' ' I - ' I I . . .7, I dT ' w I Jl INlVpctnpla 25U rackse .suitable .Eob la trrmPxtAti,'9h' lciLoxIciouaririvil"- r st;Ti; yXAvvtiWSTOtte, J. 1 ft.,, io- rfnV - 'J a.srli tw.a, si.aiafn.vMh ami. rwThv. 1 R BALSAM v ! t ' A beneficial dressing preferred to similar art ,cles because of its puri fy and rich perfume. It res to ttray Hair Youthful Color dandruff 3M. the hair. HIkozA Co.,K Besto the V sir I r&l IMLfaualalanrTaEai X his large ana spienaiaij uiubuicu IS published WEEKLY, at $8 20 a year, .and s J fitted to be the best paper d' voted to f 'enw. mechanics, toventlona, engineering works. &ffdfeaSHBSSSS American, 261 Broadway, New Tork. Handbook about patents mailed free. A neV24a:;' itJJ t,n urra nniinRTiorr. I kaw a poaUlT imdr for tM I Ss thsiaaas T mil mt M woi naa4lBg haa km eared, t Jaaaed, ia tt. alBeaey, that I wJH afBd TWO. tot tna oo ---T L,n( Bun ua ' :ATl8tt'du,,, aaa ?fSlhAr!rf7.ra2 - nov30 dws r-i i- .iJ expejlehced mv who can ylw wi renrenca can noa -a i".1"""," innlr -'THREE SAFES. te best of makes One sraaU, I - na aMdlum and one larxa. Ap-1 Js IT' .. dUf 'i