w ' r l i - 1 " - - ' . - - Ac LETTER. .ssfioli oat PfititM Jtbf f JhTne SOJ : a ftffrfrrlr i -aoi'oifi iUI-1UB All ft. ANOTHER UONORED flORTII CAB-lbwl- OUR' 1M ar.p m it Art OUR FALL and WINTER s-i-o- T. if : i : XI x.r rl 1 Valises !f IS IOV COMPLETE. It has been ieloted wttft IJ"?! wants of the Tml ando f O BS8I BOODS MlNTJf iCTUBlft - y I Ladics'IficDis' S Children vno XmasGoods! is. WHEN KIWE OUT LOOKINd - SLAUGHTER! ' CALL IN N & SEE If you can't d 'sonietfang Invu: lyji enough to buy. F0tf 1 use cbeap IWiWofWt at Cost, but will sell you a groat many Goods cheap.aad if you will COMPARE GOODS aod PRICKS we think we 6anCONTINCET0Dlhal weiwlll -w k FINE BOOTS, 2ft1 f SHOES AND SLIPPERS A specialty. Our slock of Trunb, Talises and? Trading Bags, 13 LAEGE AND YAJElED. j X r- i a com or Mm tki Mt my noc I, miiwiuil. wjtjiuiw, uia ii promptly atte i fro inecacmK naa erer, Been diarahrKrad HATSlfflffflSfflHXTS OMPOSED OF THU Best MsMTSfileM SILK, r in Gallftad wt Uu Old EaUbllshed tioe of det2 'fi.3 ij - . IP E ; i s I T6l7 day, atfd wtenTydbwant sdmeffiuig some for a XMAS PfiESENT. Call and; an MOTi 4 I n n see our I PRICES I t Y. tTSeigle & Co. ft nsnn ' f. it -rf 131f?,l Been vu-i I The led. whloTi waaBBuyma reriT m acn oases aa PEBRT DAVIS' PAIH KTT.Tlra la Burt an wEpmrlnMnt. It has been before the DUbne tor forty ana la tnrat nlaM Jf6ert3t U be Known. I v jriew bzneta from Tolantarr tpinni' read toaowa: i Ttfi Sii.33 "'.'1.mT bonaehold reibedy for n, a&d bare Wllll&msTllIji V V I ttdrtyyeani I hare used Paiit Knaa, and kU iec the pMt twenty-iKrTMi yaara, PT6T known It to (ail In affecting L JL Oaoojaa, WlUlamgrlUe, N. Y. For ffiWy year I hare osed Paiit Kl HaroTjoiTedlaamKliatfBUfit from fm inroetraaa eoDBidar-jonr Pain Kii.lbb an bvjauU mady.-ao. U. ETaaan, Dickiaioa, - which I hara had for aome tiina. I could gat no eolda and on til I triad your Pa me immediatidY. 1 1 d aa-f navar 1 besuauvPKtoG twenty. np nclnek) take tta plaoB. W. Pxaa. tOW4)6xighi and cronp It isfthe beet ' ion madaTyWa would not D witkout lt-; : tn,TibartyMffls.Ta. "7 ftji i uto yean a navw mea jair ktt.w r toreotde and ahppedhM, and oonaidartttbe beat gemome err osaraa.-Kiao jioofb, wuiningion. a! n "i wa Suffering' aererelT witk bronchiti an my Miroai wma ao inflamail T arimld mmJ nrallow faByfped.-f waTaea to w r Pai i 1 1 , aoa vuuia; a lew ooeeaWM cqanpteteiy mad. TWnjcnraow. DaWjLiirtwrtte frwm.Cot' oc':: TourPanr make known to tha world. aba Elxkh B. Masok write r My aon waatakah " lolantlT aiok with diphtheria, high feveri aad cold chiBv Bo irumy children have died here, I waa, afrai to tea a physician, and triad your Patar" jn.iak JLHb was taken on Bundayi an 'on Wedneaday his throat was clear. It was a won- . oarfol cure, and I wish it could be known to tha jotyjnothara who are losing; so inanyfldWBg vw f Porehflla aad Tweh VWt atlULKR haa f no etrom,i tf totireajjraei eVerythliig feise l&m. r 1 r 0mHmtPitAgtiaaxkL botof mtaim tuLinu me nouse is a aaiegnura uuu no family should be without All druggists sell It at ade., 50c., aM $1.00 fKKKT DAY!? SON, Proprietor, providence. R. I. 1 sept dlw sept ft oat Carolinians in Washington Payj Tri bate to His Memory Congressional NotesPatent Items and Postal iDptsi (Jorrespondence of The Charlotte, Obserjeri ima of Charlotte and Lincoln county vtfffl h rvainoH in nnmmnn with the ueowe- of the State, to learn of the deathbf the venerable and distinguished Jofin u. riod to longconUnued suifermgJfroW Bright's disease. r Belonginta a byf one generajifn- Mangum, Bragg and Gaham-hift h W nd intelleoWto theiast wervenlit6W State, and Federal official in several capacities of distinction, Col. Wheeler was one of the noted men of the Co m mnnwaithLiA8 historian of North Carolina, he takes rank amoAgnttf states most eminent uiuu ul leiWjia. xt was Wheeler who saved from ruin our I decavin? mamoriala. and Jaf t to dos- B0O4of204erest3g Taccountrof the great men who have illumined our annals. All honor, then, to him who -spent valuable time and; employed his private capital in $in pir fiftrtatino' an litt.ln liVfilv tn mrn no. uuuicujr jL?kury3. -.jus, , pesc rewara is .ikeTlftvarevererice 6t' North! Garo I mw A. j ? a-t i iML'J ? I x utj any mt,ef tw uwih ja-voi. ivv nee fwagisps a?aiinerfjOTCja jaJTOiinians TesMenV1 dr tfsttitfg trer met I at the. capitol. Hon. Thomas L. Cliogman presidedLrrBaotwWR.Cox acted as secreJtatyOniJrjjn of Senator Ean, som4'cr)mcautfftoy4raft resolutions! waMylk)intjEid:2'tos of Meters.; MKansom,?-2TOance. Clemfent nunM last' Harris He fired rairs t?an- I 'v' ' daytaiyfldlrgmatt iy other man. ir'tovftiftioi from the city. who nemo cffiaii jpex vif?i fK tMide there. P-V'1 auauusvu v Arabi's-mHit wundeS-feecrelS eiVObliWoC t t&ka charge 31 4 50 3 i 'lit ' 5 5j-!"'I 1111 'H(arit''S i I CSA9" v3l x 2ltl I 1 J. 1 ,DU IJjIjiI t.77ii If THE JEWELER, Hia. JTHT RErrmHED 1TR0H THE NORTH, a? INEST? MOST :iLECT fflMVT COM- DoVd, 8 F Phillips, DR Goodloe, ,USW Best; JfJTTeate8, KenneKi Rayner and WlUiRCoxS;The fQftowing resolu tioti$ were! adopted unanimously:: Resolved, 'ThzfrieGr' the North Caror linianaeatlWashington, have assembledttxavya last tribute j of re-r spect to the memory of our departed friend. TrJJbn , JI heeler, whose ttiiaUk Kfltt&iaiiuidiervifes "have enaearea mm to our whole people. Resolved, That by his life-work, though to him a labor of love,; a& the historian of the State, and in the colleCj tiotf of'tbe vast stores of historical ma terial, he has imposed a debt of: grati tude upon every North Carolinian, and upon therrepublic o,f letters, wjiictf will be' remembered Jbr generations.: 'Resolved, That we teBder-to'hls fami ly our heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their great bereavement. Touching eulogistic remark$ 'were made by Hons Z B Vance, Samuel F Phillips, Jesse J Yeates, A M Scales, M W Ransom and T L -Clineman. " It, restxlfed to attend the funeral in a body, and to furnish to the family a copy of these proceedings. TheTbody will be buried in Oakhill Cemetery to morrow (Sunday) at p m, by the Grand Lodge ot ' Masons, of the Distftct.of Columbia, from 28 Grant Place, the late residence of Col Wheeler. The service of the Protestant Episcopal IGhurch will be j:eaMjv Rev Drs; Addjsoijr, arid Forest xectbritof Tripi Churchy The pall-bearers will be Hons M W Ran som, Z B Vance, S F Phillips, R B Vance, W R Cox, J S Fowler (ex-Senator, from Tennessee,) Judge Otto, and on the part Of the' Masonic fraternity, Messrs Ed Ward Temple and R W BeSt.c . ,i --.1- , .r t.-. - - I, am permitted to print the follow- lna private letter, addressed to. Mr. iWoodbury; Wheeler,son of the deceased, oytne aelegation in Congress: Senate chamber Dear sir: we Irave this moment heard ;withtVeFyleep" pain of the death of your beloved fat per. ms neain eaects us witn great sorrows His loss will be f ett by ttlf the people of the State, whch he loved and served so well. Truly a great ana gooa man nas left us. We beg leave to express to you and his family our sincere sympathy. You, must have, on this sad event, all the" consolation which can arise from the memory of his well-spent life. Signed Yours sincerely, M.; W.Ran som, Z. B. Vance, L. C. Latham, A- Mv Scales, Robert B. Vance, R. M. Aim- field, W. R. Cox, C- Dowd, , ; pie figbt lh Co8gre8ibwi,, investiga ting; the political; .assessments prog resses. This" afternoon in the Senate, as generally, on this question the Dem ocrats got decidedly the advantage Hale read a circular whichi called a meetincr of the Honor sellers of Davtbn. Ajuuj, UP tate measure jojitiu i.uujjuui- ocrais. uocsreii asKea wno signeutnab Daoer. and Hale answered thatit.was signed by the president of the liquor, sellers' associatipn. "Yes'repliedCock rell, "and he was a Republican. , - To day, in thejame hjuseov yance 1 ; , " Erer displayed In I ,, j j mnpm m am bol tM iriiimTiiii.ii mb v , . ... lllllillll . I AAAUAIJ M. A C -''3 W 1 ti - O 2-1; n c j 0F8TjyfALt. j Qrj it 7i TV l 4 o 0J nlJ aj l ...... . :uHuBtt .r-aif&d j,ui.i43 P '3Jp ' rib U . xn It! fur- jjooj f - , J .aTjf j T3 mZTTU I -.,t V. aft,' - , , , ;?fnaf Wfiota; stScx nis rsBN opine Vnp arid eTeif iiii; x Is now n ea;hlbW0lrana 'mil ge oSered. rary rtsonable. We nave szoaE euacHAsma ;ts7HRax-t MrfiflTS'irlrktitdTTE, w-f ... .. ... . , - a Viu .;i aiuai iu wit Sniinq ; a.tii t 1r, t c4.Tfll 5WTTft Yfrl 4a4 WJ-aW e .VV4 fi lWrl4 the Booth Fancy . CPINA BBC J-KO feftq X'T: '4 ad Met 4aJAUA f tat ana aaiKuoiD9Bi ia 04ZE3. 6LASS- ,SS!ww!!t5fia )Thaeease paTaiibfofJSeT pecipdi aiaoiAttdila 4d)oi( a) acta M wfflodwUfciiq o Jm?r J .noR 160 km-rk eJirlBflbileedasurjlf ft marr named Grimes fquarreieq with epixdctor.oThirdTretoftc kbout J It fire. GrttttBirts P9WPH tnecar Two mftsked men appearea atrth Mi... - -B t j-t Ti,eMAa WKflflrA,. ilFiw. I- a. .a a : a a. HM inar M' aan a wb at . ueiure aayiieub uu ju cnu; uiurnussr'j and called dp the clerlron the pretensei oi wanting mecuciuo. n imui auiutrsit to the store they murdered the lolBiaji greatly excited over the action otf Iffih,;' opDuiamel in exdludtagTrom the aac TtAieatoiJjteOathQlje parents wfi6 ral low their children to attend modjelahd normal schools, and the children ,iybo aattfiBd ttchMbOOl8.r rA-r r -.1".' he Suprea6 CdMbf I1sBourif-IiW issued a peremptory writ orderirigthe registers to, count two ..disputed iwri CitictCtta;pfethj cptfessloba!! idifsoj trict. ,-Thia electa James OBmadbeai.- dempcrat. to.. Congress, ;and defeat io ;MiniserLflweU'sasinatie.to aibjlliof exchange on London, and-whoseiextrar. dttiolT is asked" ffiFTrv thflrRrnrriah. .ari... i ..... ' zr T5 t in-i: ppunt of informality ,w Xhe jeadiuqn I .papers.;, ' .; ;,: , i . I 'Atithe reception tendered hli bnf latt Friday nightin PbiladelphiaviGovelrniJ or-felept pattisori paid, In his-btief - ad-" dress,a tpucning tribute td'hfrparents; " Whatever successes I. mav i bave 'biefn-- able to achieve in this lifeb6 said, or whatever Dositions' I have'attairred-'or ' may attain, I owe to the best of fafthef&4 and the parestland most noble of tooth ers." - -i aabgwirrjaftti Hair Balsam. diAUmmtahml fhp ata . . q tim . 'j . i 'jprf"fww -eld el FarJker'a.i and 1 iMfhU thvBMMvgPtttdBM u . , - m . ?x r m aT I .CTlbZiViVJ no 3J ,1A aiaUaJol ir-'Sj EaJ S&SSmSBBSgi 9eb'frnpb -w yyngonaaaaairwi idct . Or The Tariit Commission's ; list.1 1 IsSrt Free .The report of the tariff, commission having been published,' comment r-epon'i it is now m order. Mr. J. S. Moore; a political economist of some note, writes to the AewYprksTimesto 4nd fault 1 with the meaere addiuons made to the .free Jist. It is a fundamental doctrine, alike of .common sense and .political' economy, !nafc me raw materials of our manufacturing industries and articles of daily Jusie for food should pay no tar iff duty,,, button the contrary be ' wel comed to the country at thewwest pos sible price -for which they can - be bought.1 l'ItTi3 fairly to be supposed that the manufacturer wiaheioturn out'4 ms prouueb at tne coeapeat possiDie cost, and it is certain that the laboring man, as.well as the canlfalist. likes to have his breakfast untaxed.; But -the tar in commission nas paid little attea tion to thee facts. The only 'additions their report makes to the free Jist are as follows: Spices of all sorts, which ia 1881-paid a duty amounting t $1,095, 139; fish skins, duty $15; barley, duty $1,419: assofoetida, duty $3,208: lemon and lime juice, duty $674; bed feath ers and beds, duty $333 ; newspapers and periodicals, duty paid? unknown parenment, dnty $4.l6Ss paper nul r, dot ty $3,017; drugs in orude-state.-dutyC paia nnmowntDut small ; veuum, duty paid un known i, total tar iff tax abolish ed : i J1S.871. This c is evidently 44 shorter free hat tban the country ' daw sires; Mi. Moore thinks it absurd that a tax of 15 cents per bushel . should bM letton potatoes, or, 2 cents per Bound? 1 onirics, when spices oan be put on tbeV iree list, lie would ado, to jthe free list' a iong nataloKua LaxJjxuftsclassed el their as raw material or food, on whiol last jeajratarxff tax of $13,778,133 was collected. Sdnte of these, with the tar-? lrdotyaKt'm I88ifar pprhenfleusj Aniraals.iiviB!ii;S784i88r1 breadstuffif $,762.f28 T btitksiaafd taes3356 ties jftlSfrgaiT cement $88,308; soda aftb $73Sld; ioal and coke $516,006 ; copperi ore 311&JiajbaWtBifit 7 A ate $223,9521 : maniila hemp680,081 : iron ore' $348." .jj.piipoTjjw raw wyijuujAuy aou mpngo ,quio. ' -v 'niilH ti.n..iiae f i u - 3 offered a resorutioif 4ireetin a the Se retarylbtltnaiTfeasury to fnrnishicas apon, as possible, a detailed statement snowing me cost oi collecting ira.Ju; ternal revenue in each collectiorr.aisf triotjthe numbet of employees iff each district, and the per eentage of tne eost unon the aums collected ineaah district. The Republicans seem suddenly. in earnest about reducing goverpnwiniex1;, jrjendltnrear All thaaonropriation'billa' . . . . n fir T !1 " yet reportea, two or wmcn, nie amtnu ana me consular auu uiuiouiatai uavo passedutdawa the expenses as ippTbr - - ii ii i. : " a U nriateaj;or,-meiiJa:tjaeuv eai. ( -jx oeatu bed renentance. ; S .sztebtv&y toTOelfleJ&Tjaonfi-Dii BHnse . r .r m - n Pi a ti.JJ. t a , P4anfeixeait inpi.tpatitMe animais aaupets, The tariff commission's ductipa, of enstoms and revenuesrhits1 marrTjicamftng,fjee trade D?tfi6?; crats, j -j'.isrfjfj. About the tobacco bill I cannot-ay, rjTlfe fehetnierf of btIRiH re i egipn-; t is very certain that thew , wljii oe some, reduction in the tax. '. j .bM-iT'- l , Blackhurn'i candidatxirei fer the rake4itp'jBatui$Mv amy Cariisi an in thft inns of members from US OW State the latter eentleman ntustnauSer' David A. Taylor supersedes Pen44g. ton as postmaster at Rocky MounjU aTbeJftetfdeB$Biwrin to JthejOMet to-dav the nomination of uamas m.. Ramsay to be postmaster at Balisbjf X'ne JOtlowing pawmiba uoyo uvpap jjandTthese are-wtfte .tarne? eeternfrut bf theircfi botes toBe,IfeaOTicltirAefcWrie, ttifl .fata c(JatL,,lher.eWwdrift:DB nsst it isCdBideda piDOd aign-rt fftfcbonffht ta mfciH.Irrat'thrt men will strike ore't?ioWayJliileitfi 'm&trwereat wprfcioi the fac or -the; MimWittiM wow footB . a . aa i"."rrj v Axt ar-ui.- m cjl- a ieve0E .wieiieASTii.eTi!a nuimv J2v r4 fcatite'rnto entteawelmeal t Ti6tm cptttTBaed iifw When, the? Sfek W theJX horn. Tor a tnrnine water w: A. Hanser, Winston, oar coublirigu Lvnch. Laurinburg, door cnecx; ur-- 1-4 long letter to the New York Tribune HofAndincr himself from the critklsms dfhmlmbet He claims tqha've beeai consistent throughout in bfi polttWai and concludes as fbllowP''I ihafl iiWlrTirf to fcetftt mrnAdependeritl Democrat until a iree Daiiof. aa mwe Aatahliahed in evert county of ' KeStateamp 1' ir.rdre.taw4ivld Democratic days, to elect their judgesi untdqtaft' giate is equally and Mnerar-sg tinned Into congressional tpcFlSg MiH4ti4'hnlftuira haSre cener. elections only once in two yfeawpunttP the old Democratic platform: demand- hrtTKfl iTatrtetCOnarca. n qoiporjaaqnar 1-: T - 1 Jim h,M .aM till ii .1 a vi:oiyi Iself. -x12- .hftinf caTnea oud: auu At noi nf the -crreat Mississi properly Improved and its i23M9hi ltAKnite wi and any party who wiu aid Mccom.l n1t.t.n f haaa rARnltL". 1 -," "J Ait I 1 river ii bank; :pre raaa aOil u1M Tha areas lonio miu ! wuu Imrt tr- oercA. at.r?e alnn ' ' 'Ras onthe Constocc l44e. (BlSikliQterbrteeTM K ? s fj ,3iOAAt' njfertove-fpeafr'i for tha rata of -the loWer' .levelsi f .Thev neither kill theats nor suffers taiem ti be killed y'JWJsatfdsitMafl HUC1U1HI IWUIUAQUUU, AA..UCCWA OU W1U undergrounduld sqentrup a whole level, and.; in second, nlace. the iiv- ln r&ta evtM.fcaTPf .9bes, .scrapa of meat bl- fra&menfsof ottiter food left im theTnines, whkib.wi4ld4by ttteir deeayy vitiate? the air? jepnewHjfi hot and un-; pleasant at bcsttlalSo pSvfl warn mg when a caveia&Maifcio ocear-X bey feeX Uj presflupeef e Mttliaa?aRurid evep befdte tlia mtSmaT.or tUe tunner anaaXaaauaWaAUPon tnenoors TOfteaswvaDout idt scoreaj mstfwa ttemtrjetrsi fltawardft-tnajfatsj f eraingjaao? Wpteotnf4aem4 la nearry aouaxnrperi iittle. arfrJs tersi stoma jxo aiiowi is h oftr. i Ti-aal atiaaaai -mT J- T- - 1 t- A At- .jtrrooii crdsfrouti So iheyjlxed pp a hbuse If or , (he ra(J (treekuhi JdjdUiood .near aiharjdtik' oier tUtLrJltffitXWdrltti iUbTe'wer-CismfartabH v,eJatliiQnef pii, amount i eneftiTMQamkUie.aiain 1-tefillbBany kill that Sierra ere ieu iu tut) of it and .5 ifrT,3: eyada rat Tiwwtro li?u i-a a topenxaetm Brte. N. O.. la ti f; la 1BBA1SI1HAM'ia1i 5ijIo UowitPPIMrnlraTBnSyu?? i i&ear; uxmirat j; a u i us o OWcuTfHlinvas&H lSliilwaaUViQnjfath lat, John tanlfi webink, and brother of llonV JFdwamBtanlygnsoilong: Representa- velrthi8 State ln the tJobgrfessV- t rateelKavjpfftlrBIaj anledato. the JaMMsifleame aearAtrniira AU AOIT. . ,. ... - I W'iiimiMS'I Oplntam f KaatMUt ?D.m a.St-atajr wrenTHaryiafidrotettaL BaTfcjabre 14 1 l have nsed Joi '"Vs LtauldiBeef Tonic fi Tinoesoiiooa mn-rm, than atear It auuiblnea Sua tonic; reaaarkaX and, I ami aauafled. haal' !.! Ufa evhan anaLac AauSeUia would falL4 (SeneAber Uiaee jentMih0 ik-. a? rt rt' n ui ia s .! ai1 1 1 au.ua :iw i i n a aiiw ail1 T all wno are oianag coa ui rr. zs fa a -lcreuona 01 yonanerrooa w exr v '-i te-. . loa of raanoa. "wr-iia 1 11 f - rf t: ryw t t ' e.n "lira Et"slonarf in tote riT.Jc. arr.ij.ffca oJ v an caul saisio.oo.: o 3iw i ,t-Mtem.itl M 5 Til AlBAmiJr,LAiVAi tfjeiti lo iisq; a e;c32 uaAtaeA1)! and AaOI will :et-ji 1; Ji-d Kl'dpe8jJjX!fnuo Sij iu abasi 11 UllJ b, a tghmni til Jiimwdaij; 1 p tnt-tkt jEsr op we firm -oma wnemnat aaaaaM rtaa.i BvrMfc. - :wirv W-5,r frtstTf ? nx;iio; JlaiijKOnt'Drtes' oi ajifiB e.-ii job usjeiosns Bisiimi.;; t id Lna ,tfioY wsll Vi93i i;i ivjjimtao3 iaaoiai WWOtia d.Jif liif) ftliill ftnHe? uiJ , J , I VIP sot i I M tl ST f-t'fcf Mil . V 4t sua. -ai . - . f jn ii-i j iu : i a i fT-. .ut rw tKJfJJJLKJt M lfVMiAa,v;iil. AAJUU2CO. Ilii XI ill II S1E?MaP. eaxH -ijniBsH ;000.t8 .nolOToa A efcliS a ;000,t9 si msaadj bijiTtsdr ITFsai j foloosoiq lial aci eisdj -biitg eljl - on a viaua uiauuiBAieaBa.MtnnrianmAr small, raw Hot mense. suen as yise HL3KFd.-tajtd!T,mT(f nr,TTtmin4Tiit of GKNT8 IDBNISEWtoiJSriMaUlUiai StXX2ii OIV Dff K&OO a.Trl.,1 'ilfMO. BrO id tli banns ierr aooulrerbi Dat&cDrwJtaJ ltotttderttfl eitles for thA eJbertjtrlMtoaftle uyorllna: first- p?r Tjmiasre wui no fiOLIDlTS are lrn AracAllLln the Una ST VV) -do heribu reriittf thai ,n mnii A- tiewaswai ?fa .141 Mm -or naneuy , fwmem, and n, good nth topatkiBIr ta; and, we Authorize IM fMmfiin Mti&e b, trtm 7 TV'l'WHW . it. V .' ' 1 II i I r. I 3dK Z1!10! qioa aaidbBjv iiu illy ?Jii;T? A iq -g3 1 I mvh-1 fcl;i!,'aba 111 -fiiMS3t I N -iq0 1- iw . ; :. s A irC Ji --col us u B3 raj Re.i Ji B3a.;:: PKlttLVSfllBT IIVPRrrrnrvtrn a rtDimviA. t " OTXBHAUr A MILLION PaBTUBTJTXD., 1 P100!?10 10 1808 for 25 feats W theLegiaf, fund of a550,000 nas since been Added.-: By an orerwhelmlns: Dobblar Tote-lta franeMaa' was maoe a part ot tad present: State Cbnstttutfoa Baomeq teeemDer sml a d. lmjTer seaiea-oF- Dosipones. iook at ine 101 jartngrnstributlons liA.a .i-t:.! . -; dadnc which will te -rfafldtie'1"'' J 01?MlSweMBaaafaamiaalBsaai 4ailU0 !TW.! api nssd dott J?a?WnfWi4WBB sie 4io4si friO mWsaiftM TTOaBaJLTtOBCli&tatEamj Jsai8d3p eny .W 1 swi tOfGen.CLT.BBA .Gett JTJBAL A XAH x5 CAaj aupefTiatani mmi imasareniexii uRBuAhD. of 'Iidlalana. and 1 1 a a "tc 'an c. v 1 nw&icmeTt . T.pfV! HalTes. te.; mfOia S2.enti2.J 1 CAPITAL PIZof U 00O& I HHtNII ' xs i: GRAND 20,C 2 XABGaTPaiZXSef 40, 20 100' 200 rtj ftnn .10,000 w ! 1800. . . a - ' auar-rvj M Apitiriination 5,ii2fJb.iJt 10O AppioxlniatPrlaea'of IOOi.1.. i 6,000k. 20,000 20,000 25,000 80,000 IWiUt 1 ,sa 1U.OOU iV.aW ADoiteattOttVotTaia nba'alimM oni h XStn.ll DAttPfcBI;'tsts!).noD T Ics-tLAim, 1 m a 111 ni 111 man 1 in 11 iif nim irr--"- aalwi nmmhtVilftntliin . : .r 7r T Xm7.1T ... L.'3 .'I'Tl'IM ( ; 1 T rt rti r) f ft I t .. J '4 "7 i - i iiajiiii 1 1 wafatji jajf' fi?.?l f,l, Mn. ffirl it' 1 i7 . - artifciW J II raLLlUTjJX mm IM BBs(7lf liQIllilU 0 jajarjajgagtw-aij OJ mMmhi0iMCJ4tMUii. oTbsvota liibnail 1 ATtRpAlPfT)JiCEMBlSa viyo iivu noftjjimmfki Aril atnaiirsBTtnieiej! A r-icnmi 1: auA uoow - oroyuuoaa oz.aa aoi 01 - tae cMnarar-'aa idT be AAoaM ghafaow 00. hand a tand BmoLprizeaioiBM v l.u i i 1 I i T rn I-ii.ii Ai "J1'iii-w-'""'"'tH'" lOOPrbsea;' 1W eaeh,H?i ui,i.w 9 PrbalaV tSOO aaeh, ApprozlinaaotfPrtxaa ft ,4tid mm nwoxii 4&AiAJie jrfaoow A.. AUj 1 10,000 WtMateJhasia rtaM BSauviettta(Si3TSUzaP .niuve.ixiA 1 1 nf n 11 1 nrr i-aaiaaiiTiita ni ' a.MHUttiMMb,IaMiH3MUtM " ' LKTTXB OB fOSTdriiCa BIaOrderr ol J SantfuVwaid. by Kiuieaa. eib beisafarUAl f ftenaat AJaisaaj ,a swiari todT B-dtaSOABDJIANi iewToaav, fir tiaT ICJisu a .nrrx adr 1 fi .4 ,iilMJio.i at eoaii aMa waR ail ti irwana issio ehitr..a AiiiTiitna i JrMKirnaoMjjS'i'aid a,.aw,g tit iaiwaiU taa .-mI fed rtanaaer .tt te jtok, ova P?rr. r- j 1 - Agents for the . ' . ii' i ; T Hi) iTfaKi vol . I MA aj - 3 1 ; ' t 1 rvq oi W ;.0l rr. -dJ j . 1 hi 11 A.ri JTi fcfaa.fc! 1 .:i irnn TTxaatrwui l5 f f-1 il a . a 1 Awwm- - 11 l . s.!.JU lOJiara-ai .EFTIiio . I VH , . ; . a ?ofi-t-ai laaaal , h 1 n ' IMMMT" ' ' '. . S -. 111 i, .lil - - . . 1 -m 5iaA-.- i i'ii'HToli2 I e:i-pr " r fd 'f5ia9:ft4 kaaJ baa i )3LiiSJS SFI ELEl"affS- T .nlaislf - r tyii nsJ y.nldot:ljl oOTBaaa-gyifa t,..;.Krj tfuw )i gy ifTOouiivl 5jTtT$!Sf ld 41 fl -04ei3AaaattaaaaKf .-.-.v ifl KifltIoJ H abfjc-!f vrllliioiriw .VlU ia .if-l iTO-f,A ,f ? ... .... itTL a. I" Saw tbB ,5itti3 F? fc93b9lwoaiI ul d-u-s, tt ettedJ , inaa a&l a h ad j imbannxs i la c.tuy-' 'Q ' lr Wfl Rrt,t''" fW'dJ JiMiT, af )lii,i.MMa!- 1 J Cl KSI uria i4 fc 55d HiUJ1j,lJ,lJJgtli01trALTCTff A . 1 Jl 1 t Saw 3d) ni S.-U ToiS,w S5 3. P tWJ-l 5 M a .aW-i CP iS M3 imut viEJTdJ rnri.iA iX. W A a. 7j-fi- l.Tlterfa e3t- S Tb bdii3 Bs Iqoeq ed) ,btil df nl IiiAsd el auj irtdJ K.i )d$ln Lm 1 fi fSi .b9i.Ai5ai& bHiriTni - III ' a B"rjaa'fciaa gi97 3oa&a maifepis Z..aV M3sno PHdlWllriStniCS-at FeK -til) OfCSog ILt1" SaB- rp TjaI.jJldJiTgtdiS 1 L I aa Scsa. .?aiv Yi A aMBafl ia tarf OS bad .yooira 3n9i9i bif di Wefffi! SrJ -ium fcjswwsai'iw 'waTr-fcTrF aa a. i,r3r'APat:-A!fw v faj re VWQkWTAMUIlalliTSi.I 4B0D mas cz. 1)31 nail SJ8A ni haa .47 left V3lw tjit Mir. this vc M4M d mi O OPB && Z9fMfiS'.iatnA ai:m ta iJvltJjT; eBftO 00J iK-Udnnoe 1 .s2h cli-Jiiir.ii flam s;,7l!4l fd? ydgls Ii9 Bj;oi8aain k J3i?Rf xaoood fl .. ..TT . ttl . .a- art . . sin ,VLlHiq Jf ripi . 0J IJId B iaii fl C99Cf9Tia urn JUFJO jn9lirTTr-iiAioa mat io ri auu r itjiiilji' vt s, J. ft crass' 8 ckof 3no(baliaii . aa a a I tAnl IM fttrf F.JI -it, aranos fcvi-! BelcoJi?id4 WryirPfP aUJJOUADkJXAi 0 tsva xtoidw ,goijrtligog-yi a rT 1 ' TO $&B9 A' t aIu,i.:u.i.. .ti.. . I V ?W J I wnrw'l J"ay A Jare,-.--tV.raA ' a cdi rt ce ,814355 stdaurf wusa aau- sea Aatio - aaWiioramoa adi m tamsin him tla lla wtf rar a. a at! Ai.iiti'itaJ ,cjrr!HrosT va J3 ol neb - f i -fi' ' ' r- J One i ".J 4 iiwt-n dlO- v - h ........ .. 4 A A w U si r. 1 iA s t

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