-H J ' Z vl', . ' v ,'--' 'v'""'w, " '"' ' , C V- ,'" ' ' ' . - ; , ' -. r v' . - v ' - - v ' - , , - 8 1 1 iVOL. OUR J 000; OUR FALL and WINTER vie. ... i-iittig nail'', r.T .s . i kh m. , hats;i V L Valises S, 18 HOW 00MPIETEf . v.. lU h MnMU MM ID tlbe .t nf ttw Tnda. ana w on navannM if ANnrACXCSXlX. k 'IT ladieGen fcrti" tow 1 " .-i-vr Our stock of tab 13 LAEGE ASA-EIeSL HATSi SKfflja .HATS 0HP0SKO 01 TBI i i T ? A Y Y.rk 6d Mm IMuiuiCns, 1 SILK, STIFF M T dAJtO t jj i ff g I .auAflt aki v- -i-r::. FT C 0 iao7i J I 777)'- r - Jt- vi- " . . -1 '3 3 v-. ti-L.i)jii : 1 -raT -m 6 xaaOT, ' 1K !!' .TtflQW flVTral ' Kr irtlnt'l t rl -i ' "a' v-4t1' "v niTHAW;fl3HTflM ft t tth r ' tljTr..TTT. I a ...tj I 1 L . -iMAMi -Mb. ! i ($1 I I M at B m alF-a jf-b - .w -.At dec3 " .J 'L rr. t t7 ' ' v.;' 0 i 'not is .-?T r ' . . . -, . 4 ft X V . . .. . ..'... .... ... -I . J 4 . I III 1 1 . .. . Ml T , ' . .1 . ' S " al 4ii'UII 11. ll . . i 4 rr -ir J . . . , --jj-ww4 W&i0& !rJ til Bun! t-itifi Ji -; HB; KM- - " - , ttraaioRTHE t J3 Ujoa can't flod aomethlog la eooagb to ituz. ' , . . E-T We do not offer aH our Stodc at Cost, bat win eu yon gre&t many qoqos eneap4jM.11 70a trlif COKPABX GOODS and Pfift2XSHrMhkW e(yr2rcDthrtwwiU. ; . sELf:-(ioifflaa:lp 4 t.T T r T. t IMtnVmn Mnt anmnthtnm k.nil. icay i cold Or. sot jenr?'l ,T pttena SSLPIS1 fPt; buneg-fict Is oft f bo msdlcliL. has iivef . Ulacorer i whic 1 BOqleUTna. avea taoasa&da of Mvpl PKRR Y DAVIS PATJT KTT.T.TCR Is 1 BaiwiJiT r zrr IT Aimr astncts nom Tolantary teaamofflals E35 J 4 lot Xvaum, mat hwimmA fiMMa . - - mIi ' WlUOb I hava bad fa anm tlma w MnM n nA '. .oua,UUVM KWU JUUX rul a ' WIUCO KiTf i-- to. Fowl w rk ov 'ix Kill. t I bena udiuT Pam Knxn taimr t axoltr twontr. it nin o sn4 bro wed itereriliice, and hmv Nmd aw. for U. n Ithare Xn eoSftrt b5 I nyfood. I tu adTlaed to trt uur Pact Ihxml 1 1 nTkkln lew mmim comtkaty kAi5?SSffl' ,ott Wd mayo aOHJWil WJMIW v.qA. a- , aua "J" a. aiaaoK wrnea: jay waa waaaaa theri, hijfh fermr, a&d cold HbfiCvf died here, I waa .L4 triad your faih ken on Sunday, and on thmai waa elaar. It waa a won- oar. and.! wiah it jconld be known to tbo ao many oiuiareau n roum. a dot bouse to a safeguard that I no wiuwuu PERRY DAVIS SON, Proprietor, Providence, R. I. oot, " 1HD BIS THE DISPLAY Of' " 'J HOLIDAY. GOODS, 1 1 oi!-sr i fj, t it lui daait rnii to natalba Muon&Me orlees asked. tometWitc to all . Just recelred s few of those iM iOtaM riiweaior Weyng.o xmas OVSDIIABLX 1 2 1 )t ltverrunv v"ncnpr ..a ai.oL p:: tat - 1 1" -. tju.a . .3 Mlu1rrntnf 1111 en vm ni wv;: ItBr.-ljl "fl .'jA' if 1. r .."7- i .ftvfc.i i. 4 l jt ) w ; nr i ii pa Err. a oarnbasr Junfla jiin rim rrm f -ttHWFHiffTi 1 - .a. rfmvBmMB tt 1 1 1 laifiMTi 1 1 ffi r- t Minai inn miBiiiup tihif firv k tt t .ws am mnMyaso.& Y -fUMM WMU 4Sk4Ki I tt.. H wma ta 1 WadnaatatT Ma la-OMfOl rrrctu " irer - . ' .1. ST M a. f buhitr bomdba BorcUases and tf desired paekages mil ba saleli keot and deurefed wbenever waoted-jj .ju -s? Virginia Tbbacco Hen at Ike Catol iTker Urge Speedy Action ad Re- ; bateWfcat7 fltCtPTnKrall f ay mot. uicnmoqa vibdkcd. ,. WAsmTchTftw.Tteftfimber 13. Collec tor Russell, 4f Eichmond, accompanied by i Hon. feeorge D. Wise, called on xloaara r . Tiicker. Kelly, and otherBraembers or tne llotise ways ancr 4ffieai3mtttee; and on several Sena tors, inclufliile Judge jonnsron, in-regard to the tobacco question.; Mr.Bus m inniaaH thftga srentlemen by bis rt of, Congress neeaeu iu icgaiu w 1 r bit a rebate provision should wllrttiW determined on. - Owing to ffieuwerfainty which now, prevails in . brhRt uonsrress winuo, ma re ceipts as collector ,VltcmjShKT?lfi?J from 8M&iMl-9PQl Jteved it lk) e intetua tne uoyein !msn4 ellas of the tobacco trade that'theVi should be rebate, because he Is certain that a reduction or abolition tjf'the tx without rebate-wHl cause a falling off of twenty millions in the rcTBinre. f iii win, i uimcimuic, uui uuijr iiljure fell engaged in manufacturing or siHBgHo)acco, but it willcausegreat Uvea wh haffigalle'adidde pen on their daily labor for a support This wilt be particular! jLthe.case, he said, at Richmond, where there are 5,000 or ifaorapersona engaged in tobac co manacture&rS,uEms61f! Richmodd, ajuOnabte of Ietersturi fwBjersgi thecapftof to datanalso im- Mtea i Virginia- congrpwsmeD. andj Visionf lTWlwSeirMaii Uoatili 1rairirAiUQ ui w large lub ui wuacco toe otner bedause he wouM-rmfc-aree to guarant )e against LS8 initfv&tof a chauge of tax wourjsbatePeti tions continue JMpour'nponjpoti kfeiltrom all dAN f -.t,h nnuntrv iAr IfejbaUf-kndi prCteptiaction'istant ciues. i ns C5an .tiraacisco, s;cr are pap ticularl; intertetedTwbecause they are cpmpell sd to carry . heavy stocks-lt has 1 suggesteiLXhat as tb&7 Ho(se revea( bill is witW4ifiaiattirat a test-yotb might at aneadage taken letter body on the abolition of lip.en.tajr and t.har. if it. fmlpri w mmm mmmm mm atcojhce, ThoWeTtfoweVE'is that tbl bill is in the finance committee, ahfl the, Sherman amendment, involv ing tne; wnole question of tariff reyi sion, is being discufesei in connection with iti This bill will ensrapa the at tention! of the committee for weeks to come, so a report to the Senate cannot De expecifi(j ntu aner tof boivays.it is also BSggested tnatH SYBtevmatiQcan vass on both nouses could be made, and the strength of rebate and the aboli tion of! the tax ascertained. The friends -of-the measure in Congress are evident- - lX anxious to reach final action aa sneedilv as nossLbie. The Internal Keveniie DefuilenFQfiptrpuesitotufgea fm. wwuuw..w that rtebatewill be accompanied by rihe general. welfare, it would fraudiwhen it ought to know that safe guard! can easily be thrown around it 6nJ5ient to protect the Government I if roni being defrauded. There is noth Ting new in rebate, for the precedents for it are numerous. This is aTuhstsiitiallv the position JaWbyjTfo OpyBB, ihUjques- uon. j Tvnenic was unaerciBeHSBion-ac the last gession of Congress, the agita tion a!nd the doubts as to what the final aSEfbii would be, rgsltedjhftjime to almost a paralysis of the busi- ftrptm tnaaBds , dpyars. tolthse eh- I J . Trri-ai- a.' j ' l ' gaged in it While a isa reduction la desir tbltij jfecXM-ry-vcoiisidera-tion. TjlejfiMjnesso afford ahigh.taxlJian pplppged agitation, fmilling in continned uncertainty, QscquAnft tkgiiation 'of trade and in calcilable loss to all concerned. What ever is done let it be done promptly. A Candidate for Reading Clerk. Captain T. C. Evahai Of the Reidsville Times, is a candidate for the position of reading eldik in the lower House of the State legislature and publishes the following card, which we take pleasure not onliJ rin 1 reprqducihg, bat also in TieWtifrieji4isiRi Jj (t I j A f. ' i TO "fHE HOUSE OF BEPEESENTATIVES i AT BALEIGH. Gentlemen of the Democratic Party : I shall stand, for .re-election aa read iDg cler of the Hp,U;se. - point you to my past record as -Vine of the best" the House ever had. I have a large fami ly and am man enough to support them, backed by no man or set of men save on the simple merits of my paper. The work of my pen for the part General Scales will vouch for, ana so. will other leading men ia this district and out of it j-A lead jjpiicf lis all my capital. The winter is bard on my business and mon ey light I need the place. v These are the facts. I have no talent far button hofeing and electioneering. If you hon or ma iriii.retuni wiltdo myJuli dutv bvfybd. ati thbs who have once tried: me are certainly George Washingtons enpugntosaxTT, 2,lJ0JL. I am, wit mucn respect, yours, etc., T. C Evans. :-1 it9MoarlNTftMle& .'13 We clip the following sensible re marks from the EHabeth City Caro- IToo many of our young men are seek ing "genteel" enployment They ap nArfo haVetea are.'encouraffed inca dfcdain for labor, embark in some of . ry.crr ZZZr7--? rr tha nrfoaiiionsL or: seek nositions n vdititaT ot Wrki:l-rwvefsrandHTson "of B T Grav. Es Ahftnr ' what we much more need fa "1 Skilled roechanics-r-young men with 1 'cultivated hands ' as well as brains. Bhd to secure these, let an effort be mane totfiiiigpxiblidSintiaoentn the subjectto encourage onr young, men to turn their attention to industrial ti;f2idodAteiie.Iiatd If ret Sat the creat industries f urnish'' as good, if not better, fields for the young Ynan who has a career to make than do the pref ession, much better will be for onfidTiBi'TJ a&.weU aaitor the Three of the Joyce Mnrderers Hanged. : o a t.wat. iRfcDMTMDeeS. Patrick 'Joyce, Myles Joyce and Patrick Casey, r.rtrAA montna aeo conviuieu ux ui liui- ily at Maamtrasna, on tne litn 01 Au gust, were hanged in the jail here at 8 3aT . ...a MIL. .-I... tM.Uav to'cioctni3 wpwpg, J-mwwH.? Myles Joyce protested innocence to the last;- . . , . . '. ' bt&.iju." afire ia Toledo, j $a ' TnT.imo. Ohio. Dea 15. The Hall black, one of lha finest !n the cit was 1 fire started . at 3 a m. and was extin. gnigheAaUam.,., - : Urging a Redaction of Tariff on .Sugar, .New Yobk, Dec, l!5.--A-largajmeeb a reducuc 13 n8ti3cnTigar, which it Is maintained, should pe dui 1 y. m WASHINGTON 1JETTER. Repnblicai ' "Good Boyaf' Fitting: Tbrongb Appropriation asms cat Rontine Correspondence of Tbe Charlotte Obserref. .. . T . : . Washin6ton, Dec. 13.--Thindustry and tbe reforming tendencies of this iCettgress are-iaaghaWeiT ,185,4 winter and spring these nn -leuows .conian't he coaiwi Into any thing except small local legislation Of personal advantage to the member parUcularhrinteresting nimseir. iwow it& au noy; i xirQiap bills were puVtnrbtfgh n;ha ouse last week, and three were intro duced to-day. The lazy, stupid C!on- gress nas 4 pecpme ine ,;iuuuBi,nous, victory is; a stimulant of" very great nnwsr I . Tn tfla mntt.. a AMnAmV f.TlA l?ArkrtK alcana aies playing a perfectly transpar- entamei Paying off a little here and something there, they boast of their wonderful achievements. But evsry dollar thus saved? will have to be made un in deficlencv bills bV their sua. cessor., Irhis policy ia as childish as it. isaisnondst, out in tne aosence 01 the worn out bloody shirt the managers think it is truly &ixm.j$?z Xbb vote of the Senate yesterday li takiae ip Pendleton's Civil Serrice bill mav be considered as indicative of the genefal jeIih lh thatlxxly on the subject. iTniseasure & not So radii cat in the changes it proposes as some ef ttra otbers. It will not be aDDlied all at once, but gradually .and operate only onanoai onowmiui 01; tag employees of tbe government The Republicans' "arSTSOwan favor of some measure of rthe.klnd! because as thev hav thnf. lias Down Petty Salaries ana Call I lnfl hi Reform Qnietness of the UBaaliptc Bill Iuigtessional ellnceMti0 system Ito ,t)ie beginning, is sirongiyr in ujeir nueresc xtut as- tue assessment machinery will be stopped, they cannot derive the advantage they enjoy uflder the present gorgeous hum bug with Mr. Arthur to stand sponsor for J. Hkibbell in terms of mild protest Many Democrats, with such men as Brown and Voorhees at their head, ap pose an sort of Civil Service while the. offices are in Republican hands. But this narrow view would: forever? pre vent action. Suppose the next Admin istratioji 'for -tfe itWO'i Congressional terms has to cooperate with a divided Congreis one House Democratic, the othertKepublican. How will any bill j3ajitage eoWmfatfrget through; No. One party must yield a little if the uresent advantage, or the naHfina. tion of the, Civil Service will never take piace. nne Jjemocratic1 party, ir sutv cessfuljiu 1884. will owe its success to those popular influences which demand ipartjhstay in full power forfbur years', 'ahd!i vlnce no spirit above mere greed. for btace. It would be cast into outer darkness whete i there -would be weep ing and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now if, before the Presidential election s heldithe party refuses to support that measure or measures iotrodueed . bv Democrats.' and intended to promote nerai wenare.it would stand a yery poor snow" in -that ; direction. Messrs. voorhees and Brown are ac complished rand subtle politicians, bnt they are notatatesmen. Their position is not likely to prove strong one. The people at large want tne small . offices taken out of the hands - of the politi cians. . . . The Bankrupter bill has Drobablr beei finally disposed of,. The reference back to the cbmmitte in the present state of feeling rin the Senate destroys, its hut cbancefor between the two' schemes area large number who are opposed to both, and they will be nu merous enough 'to defeat 4.ha.w hole plan. Vf.: . . . ijxne unaounoua conurmation or rope was due to the prudence of the Porter men,: who are anxious for the latter's reinstallment . , The Ways' and Means Committee is skxwiy going through the tariff list Tbe schedules embrace 1,535 items, and of these only 70 were considered to-day, and ail of these were not finally dispos ed of. Col. Wheeler was buried last Sunday in accordance with the announcement stated in this correspondence. A good ly number or bis rriends.w ortn uatoiin ians and Washingtonions, were present ii. STATE NEWS. i'A bielotof German cart) arrived liere this morninc by express, consigned as follows ; .Geo. Kirk man, W. W. Patter son, Jonn w. Stewart U. -U Isoon, T. S. Klair, A. C Wray and JUavid ; . Samp son. In a few years fish ponds will be as thiok as blackberry bushes. Greens boro ratriou A ? . f - Goklsboro Messenger A fellow bv the name of John Sneeden, claiming to hail from Wilmington. having - gained the confidence of Mr Jonathan Garriss,-' with whom he worked some .weeks, de camped a few days ago after robbing Mr Garriss' son of about $16 in money. Monday morniBg a new tin cup was placed at the town pump. An hour af terwards a high strung negro was at the; pump, drinking from his hat ?Wby donM; you dyink from""thetin ijupr he (was asked. d-Say. boss. I'm nsehltb La goblet' and Afore I, drink onten a cup f-wid fly specks on it I'll suck de bottom of dis hat ohtAndrhej'cast con temptuous r look? at the cup as he went off wiping iiis mouth 04 his sleeve. . Saleni Press) -Forsvih county' pro- daces' as 5 fine -Sorghum, f home-ma4e T." . s . M " - ' al ' " moisses, as can leiiouna, auywnere, and this industry Is. looking ;-,upmpre and moreverv.vear..ln tha county. . - On tftrdajrevening i!as& wbilOiCal-elf vin jaurri,UTiBg m utsruiaiibuu. otKcs- county? wasmsuung twooa-ixom xne wooas a 11m o ieu irom iree. suriui, him on the head and breaking bis sku from tne eaecta 01 wnien -ne.uieaan a short rime rver: A little wasyesterday badlv in lured bv a fall from" a house.-1 A party from the North is'neTtKsee iBg Vhat can be done in the way of ob- uuninsr a cuiruiwv w-iuiuuu imuciku with,:wateTi-- -is--' !fi &iia s it ess .tef n j Bevehu agentFMSoiTell,oyster day - pt urea i;aniuuci5i isiiuery m Moore ountynear Cameron. 5,Ths owner escaped. -The propeity .was de sxroyea, save mo cap an. winm,i.-uieu are added to Collector Young's colleo- taonrirophies r.ji i-s r; j ? "'."I3 referrsciattcf -1,,, w.Aii'i teat- 'J. - '-"t. .i:tt.-,'i--ir f A. n.uTA fnr nenralfifia i and sciatica1 and, asl anf oloVan " untailionela too valuable riot tfrbe jetvrdedr .J distinction irf thB1 war with- ttmWatii !was bnfie'laltfup iA 'Wall-Tffiilt jrrauce.wittt-a' severe axwtcxtjr sciatKn& jri 1. -.ki....j tvivt i;r.1.ii ltru avlti jLujJU xlBUUolloU waii evu vwn uuts a iur WUfllO US lUUCU. -nuw mumu,-aMj ing oeen .nimseii -mjiuir, kkiu"uih terest tnHbeffi'asei UldlMw 1 ;bim.the retire; wtacn-; in' tnisinsraBcev! jsucedinliatelp.a and wjuen A:ani oou. w Be6Q9wn,.Ai is-at-anyrate-ao simple as lawoxm a larss ahan.,.smalL. and: Doii:4t JUona rested witn tee watatia vi.i hnrn .t-.r.i-'-.t ft.fora:.r-rVKf teas r .i9;taK3i ia,sr 7,..- .k. 1- ir, -.-""i .iij2-13 1 quires to be - contlnued-f or as 'lenir twu or three dava. tint n-t.ri Krw!iftr longer time it baa never failed tob 1 Bsnamm liim ivn inn j-ajr- ' ' uw wu iu.1,1' juac oeuw mora bji Jnstthe uunn uhjkhit x 1 nm nnT iwm Just the thins Trnnr'nnk hum" m m fenersi. Sold "-t"'-- - - - Srtw. reduced one haltT J majll tf aaaBaaaaaaa- a aaj ToallVbo dlserettons of yoath1. hemns -wtess, sj1jie! f2?l 1O88.0f nJahhoodfXe j Iiaui Jseeaiai itxlMi thatwlU eoMjyoii YKU jBRCHABeiUhir. i remedy was dlsepteml1 by atJsaMkrto 1 ajQteaMcf&il to thA Rit. JMm 41 lwi r.H W.ni . V t -JifcW.. Wi tl rat. I 4 1 . . , . ..ai v B Oaear 'Ptl - W aui ;-aa . . J V Jrlifur I, ia 1 a. t -s-a-ja, 1T5 -,;;"""'w;H;wWf Tt(f : Unittd Stat, who harv suralvitd lt iro irua rear-rna ijuxr it tuk . nvrv . .1 T " - j n,; niiyfcn.jm y-J ST fYi i h.Mn Til .-J.fll " auiu. Bbt I I hm 1 'ruTruVTri jajAjCaLA remgements for aU mMonikV' .......v. watimi ana mama arw lamatiam VM honesty,jimtBa, and is good faith UnxCrdahpar ties, andwe uutTurlze tJu Vompmy ton OA oertifr ,wWj,fiuyghnasf our tlgnetura attached, to MWiMCTUagHerHS. i . Commissioner. UFPBBCKDINTED ITTBACTIOHI " ( OVka HALF A MILLION CISTEIBUTIlA inoorDoraed1i ittfh'h n9R tan. ha tka Tinli Br an'WBTwhelinln ncmalar vntav Ita ffnchlar r wa mue a pan oi me present state Contltaaon-i- ItS 6BANU RDiftl.K VTIVBmi n-aartna 'mm 4 hub bhwb mgoBiii. ....... BCTJ5.Vr postpones, ijook hi iae na- i AWt IttaMfeAPB CONCERT, ' !4irlat.aiit4li: mblmvia-T Amd lSltlCirtlttb1alidtM t TTJrai4batcrifaFR ;iai l$&Eia Under the persbiiatBTOerTUloa and n&oagement oi Gen. G. T. BBATJRkaABP. of Louisiana, and Oan JTTRaT." "S!ar.T:tVlTlnla. " r -vi.y.-iiM . T7-, - , . . Noiics Tickets lare' Ten Dollars only.' Halyea,S3. ntthsji Tenths, $1, i cAPiTio. FBizsof vioO,obQsiod,eoaf 1 BRAND - BO.OOO.. 60.000 1 GRAND ' -20,000i. .? 80,000? ; A IARuK P&LLEB 01 1U.UOU.- . ZU,UUU 4 " " 6.000.. 20,000 20PHIZK3 0I 1,000.. 20,000 ;20 M 600.. 25,000 dUVW 2M r- 100 " . 80kr.2 reoo .loo i... ,aooo; 10,000 f . j ; 10. : i .n nyai wi a Av.y . ; c Approximation raxeftpif auu.,.. fau, Arwiroxlmatlon Prizes of 100". . "10.1 -.-s.-.; :.5iil Hnj fif fi'i r.o- 11 I ' ..-r.-l. 11ft70 Prima. anunntms to.. ...... 2822.609 ' ATmltefttlon for rates CO ehiba 'Shoold bfli V'i made to the offiieof the eompanii)ef oaoanA 5 ti I-" 'M0OalMaM,Ia.CA N. B.-Orders addressed to Now Orleant wm rt. oelve prompt attention; PrnitiPi attention j i'uiniii i3at- no14 iaiM ti31 Ji 1 B ATURDA i! . p!EC AiMBjglt auth. 1882. Xneao drw1igvor.ontur jB).ander prortatons at ah At ot thf tWs i iaiv uuuou cwwwaw wmwamBaif inn in ir in i irr" - ' " --j-i. . 'rendered tM foiioMna oecuoons : vsfr A p1'1 any na now on maw ajagp iusw. i t,jsisEi!RwwwSfflH:i5l Jaii' 10 Priass, f 1.00O een,...i-.rf tJVtWi 20 Prises, 6OQ-W1, , , l5,QO0f 1 9 t ann Prima. 90 mrifliirn 12.000 flOOOTPrteesr- 10 aeh,... ........... 10.000 JPrttes. S800 eoett, Apprrlni stlon fmrngaoo WhcxstKcaBss: rvtiuts,si;nnesaa Bendt Honey or Bank Draft th Xivof sonf LOB 5 ajsWOBwaML TlTTB If . 11,11 . 1 ..I.J a.T !f.i:f ?ii.l- tT- Y'fAUBU(maT9(rCft t JlIM Tin . . . . i. -V .. -r Ta-"ivu I . b 1 ! AUii r h r rJ spcwsn t aV ' at i ak r 1 B aVlill I : 1 1 ; I i , . I,..,. ffi r TV r: AVt j , ' 1 " w .'w uai. i iMT-.T-rnLiTar i-; w - . i iscacio- rauef i i .-; j. i mm ar ir rv tt i . --x - - -'Bati ii' :av rii" aaaarr r orni . m. t ft,,..! -- : : ' ---- a - ii. - rawtaawM at c amaw-t-fmaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaai i . : ijajiiJi ins loai&yoi) e Jt t f.' I WT"VTTJ QDTOT' "W XT WT lirrTCTJ. B 4 iciiOiA oij eaVV i-i i v &! sirjiaiiffftaf Adj loon " law aa - - - AfiariT n x ircf ,V4. h"w5w dw fcSifliMi,-: ' -fvv 7 -vt,b-p n .1 .. i x 2 .!-. 4. WJ2 U U1KG ..Utu ,t.r ures r iannetoiuidoy-33ii JA St uasii j,icottftiroiiffl3 (Wntifh nmmia aaiiDes.vaomanandaoiBeiuaiauiM2BAafa -wwi m witwi b juTinos roa uw we aire a kook tnaisaonot M J.?-.a5;,3J0U 51) -3? ..f jr a , - rand, M Ani.Betan BtooV m oa adf iiiiaJiiftra 3i XSSffir J fiiMJujnsi JM fiolfeioiX 1 .5o"saii(A ioaw ngwTt b V IidgiYii9a il-O iX-'-q unTisvoa tau lo vJima s 1 i 1 ) 11 k1 it 101 ti!j!. t . .! ay a a ifui t aa i ''4 m.azau-nj?iM . fJJ' ; .a s" Inri TH JioVoiu Z S O a .. aaaamtiay 4J-;i 5 M - aa.. , . BV w ' i j i-'jfcfi ;v afsxi.ro ley -'i.i4l fVTT5jfthrt. V aavUanjrl ' ' !L!'imt: 4 id Vb99CS W4M -'V.S f!,.Bfr iS-Otrl S;uk ir'; f.j."t- t,- ; lets I , icniMflli 1 -W -' 'wsaw t 14.7 3'-L. ; :?;u-aai,)ii,Y( tiL7 Ir. If Yd .T.u.-,-V, 11 'pawaatawaf "I ftp" 0 9 ! tpCPi xa ni ffi irf lag 5io) sll SmSS it g'attl ll Hw. -td -v . ' . . .car .X3 ; 'r " . v . w i i . i i. i- ' Hamaaa T K . a T I ! .-wamavi aa. fOI3 b0&fj3ta S01g)lKi dJ in nlij,n.3&t rrt I sn to i3 i3irrcr lU;fl I-7f! -S i 5 Ite fcstwboi ibas , H.a a HO BiBT am BH BB. -Baaaaaal aBaa BaaaW. BH aawS Si Waam iZ TlWifcag; JO n I I- LUJI All 14 J 1 , 11 K O BTt ftJlalii t i 1 11V.M " --Jsssai-eirt- - r - 1 .ri 1 riu fin or ir:hr T1D ciosara.Yf Jtl .uoH 1- 1 iftSTj.tf,miA t a 9tijj iCr?.?i-3iJq fiU3ilTj.,rf!&asoo?U -to!d3S lh t - 2M2 r-aoosj jy - MAUui ?5o' Sfc.SiS5Tu odw .9i3a f . ai -2!?". rltJiUd) Bit tt I nmiiM n wr-aSa aaaw aamBVi . - u BKvrf-ai ay a CJ am iril 11 aLT r. ' J. ) , rJT ijtii -hi aoi;,io', i rii ' pifJ Jo di..?'. . ' xes-f xajpa J-fif-tuo titi ' -" " a I ..mm - . . - fiSOB eatUMi mtoMss&im dds can m . . . 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I WO'fkT n i3aj5iCr " " j-af ia--,;s5i ,. -. ... - ,'aaa as; mm; in tl I Ii I 15 I I tSV i BBU III CI ill -.. a,,. avaa v-m- arsias aaBBB"l BaataSBWaAaW-t "TF"-tTT Ilxl. 7 -'V, B--aawa-wamBW5' --aw nasaw'-was.' . -. . -v amy n--t.j: ft 4 'MlCiJl v; eld 6;! 3S 5Ci isrt ixif rd&??,T . - 1-(."VS. It (V"-J-v 7 iJ rr.a v. f J,lly.v .a.-a2t-wJ!to . - " 1 " ' ' , r7.-Sv"r,c;5....tr i.'ij:f f!.r-r?, er.-,;, A;.; " !'r" i , , .-V,.,,.,, iOf. Mil ; . f -c;jsr. ,""r..,....n..;.,;i j'j t7 t M:towod jcentjonfBll grades. U 1 r - 1 ' " TJLl ' . f '., tv.t ' 1 - 6i 1 a :

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