r ' : .V- ; inTT "a i '., attp. M w h V K R & AiTU E D A Y, DE OtMBE R 16 ,i- 18 8 2. term mxxltAtt QtesxvfC. . ' SATUBDAYrPEO. 16. a8S2.- Af HO SHALL BE BEHATOIM f wititfeVMNrW tibon the next legislature mjOTf jTB&t. ! Sictadi Aawttesmata vin rrar. on i,nB lauH vis. ! : v r ' .fc' - " m-mm- . : 1 jmw- VlinV.TrVI. vf ni i. . . visMtisr-vn. . l n j aai ucaa v uaam w wat It .frequently nappensin""vr K.MVinwaa entitled tb the that telegrams are received for. the ar-1 geftt ftnd ne neYer had entertained an rest of jrsonsBuspec election. are acted upon, in most instances oy. i The question waspuiL..w. " .v.. ,.itxt- I fVlofmnnt ohnnli he 8 Worn in and It pur officers. JJM we no wunjt uie oia H"r n Tii raf&wtive;144 to- -w a ewwwaa i jan .AAA Hon. 11 WBansom, and the ques- tlon la who srdf tYjBf ' succeed himsoVhall toe1 one tta succeed a candidate for reflection, ana the names of sej so acting, should -be protected by law, and not be made liable for indictment at tfie hands of a criminal so mrrested fotinftsaault Or fatoeimprisoflment. 16, and McLean appeared at thejr ot IJiliMI J5 s. -:o: :o:- 1(' i ff- II flzidleifthei trfciuiy;; Jftefcwis&xJOft bue credit Is so good thafccreditors ask 91 o ebncihnaUiBBauirer Jsifs tfW inanv oornea IXna IilYBr, s pfaEefl'on ihe flooae caiepaan,riyfi "t u, . The House at 1 3 went into commit- y,TT A ST T ATTl? N". CS ieeSthAWholeTjimins.otto CHAlKLiO 1 IJb, u "ftMeHifepn "the I "poatonice ppropri- ,rt.vM . itadi cp twp nours. xn ciobiuk rr oh Bobeson said jmjukuwi, va Trader Street, 1 'i -,V. A UIL1EE & JonnsToii. . a . 1 - ..Mafa TUB UB- I ' KETEB recognizes MfWSJSl iWfflral1 i j. m Totr irm niiiiui aula nKvaa nannnRH uib uuuicia uuw w- - bU . . , . . , . v Tm. la nnan IliUiD IB WW . I employs CO.OOO persona. w -j: w A ; . JV i s-Wm airoiiw-iniw . piihniiiii ik geuUemen hare mea, , g-te. jgatart Mfe5T1fB2 JJB2S5.S and willbeitftM.fleKi BacKeafl7.M- rnnblican Bimpucity. aid in bondinbsidies.a, weW atfin land irrants shall not. exceed 50, per cent W cne amount auoweu uj n wr - StioTf Writhe same service-by-railrods which had: ot , TeceiTed -government jm. Thebm'was thwadbyseottoM fAmendments. In speafcmE lonmB-y there was a nauuiw uMj-7rr. zQii&iMa.i i npr(ta.t hat taid this tax. Thiitexem. J&heteresa, which dimanaea reaocu.oxirvyv ra wa omincp down on jto : t -a.-j i Special ttraGtioiis: &r 16b Holiiai, Season Cry Street, Rlchmead, V. OUR MR. S. A. ,G FBOM THE NOBTHXBM MARKXT3 WlTHial J, Kii v 1 1 vi 1882-1883: 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS DDD BBS in mA hence we hare no War Co make on anj gentleman .who may see fit to I T MethodiaVponf erence will meet aspire to it. C.tM 1?SPCHU &iSfoTVUwayp&j 6 H H C 1 1 whUewebeUevetherearmanymeninl the Democratic party to ,tMs state, wnu mv I LJUOmUli iALlV-r SupeCaJid Entirely 'New; Assortment 0.11 GOO O O G OO o o OmQt ana i hAiiAYB mere ent reasons ttby.l hare the chars make good 6na$ors Senator Biiomwsh6uId'l)e 'rtttitlh'edto the position whiche pwuf les.n We believe In t $M mfiffSi 1a f rotation in office. Dut th(T States TAKES THB LOQ AD HAS ills AI d ftH The. iElouke alter Disposing I'W iLL naanmB r!ni8ide as possible, lntions occ necessary akcest wh ri-vi ana: c topKpewy Uticai rey ft M t en pp. 2( lipri people of the States. Scores of Sena tors served many years, weJ$lcf)eJ oftcr tprm. and continued at the post assigned mflfif VUUf M J ot Other iiW?Aitki Appropriation Bill. UsaptflN" jDec.- l5.-Pendleton aaSP1 memorial of Sertebaooo bo4-tradeXinxinj, 3 . lllTit MM rrT T i " . T - . in. .- -B t Uil fiminijbMnt&n1 il if I i 1 w "T a . -'-JrTs-.Tsi me Butler presentea a iuemuiiai ui Charleston, board of health. Ref errea asagreea.to. .and - :?-V.V&ll , ' ' :i ? ';. "'1" ., ') ' s-.- sV'.-Att ! ;-,!-:....;. jl-uiVi :P S33to., Etc., - . ' . . . : . - (SraiD,iaggiDg Ulotmng, uais, Giving his penonal attention to the purchase ot same from 1 TS gtnl in the Markets adding oali tooor nptNSl STOCK, and as goods can always be boosht cues I1 0 O D 87s 5 - DO D D BB8a o o r d a 2 OO DDD "SB8 AND per auer tup u vi vtd, to u 'f)F- muuwuidiii ewn Durera ennr at 0LSAUK or KKTAIU recaironiy sayxo-oar mwmia ana me vmw KsHertltf that It tktn tn mm moneT. It will not eost anruung to examine oar tuoek beBM Bttrtn. JU iht thfth , WHi A want ' find that the plaoe to Buy wiu no sept20 atttteoldestabuhedb,oiueof ' " : ELIAS & COHEN. mm. U "I e Dlacine them on Pheirloewx attaracttve style tax irom cowiwrm : ,i;,-llJr!!f-x. .iT . - :li,ast Detr-OLtue cuiuihawpd ii - ..... .. - - &ZkVl!Kalnt nMTjd-li i . d " 'ii.V-inr !-J Jaentre; '""Nfcl-". -.-..II .IT 4,,,- Heavy Groceries. rep, on -2-Yrr;.fr?,fra?edfan amend the "Stiirflr ftK 9iio.nob. Afloi Kobinson, or xaaa Jot! a one wilSWir tnrhd- nfilissBi'ai MejtateiiftOTw, po -jVl. U3J litical Trevoiuuons tunuwt There! extrao and mm cessfulS vice are useful. " Uo opponi say that he is tct r has not made he has not Korth iCarol from ft custom t: States have ao: - to make placefor X. mau, though tbr.t be deserving of tc titled to honor? proved untrue the confidence of hutonstituents, hone would be more speedy in condemnation than we nonoosODoct ooHMftUi urOUKUb BUUU aaoriia)Mttfw' rdiiarybJfiweTC rK teVrr.tmfia to nlaKl a 2!i'4' howt) ta I lSteristo furnish telatert OdfuL t r"A- r!:M:'7M information in Tsposseraionbf y t a r ,v. v-. ' lyBureaayoi MvMtmua., 'TriT' Bdji-cf C: y technigaj educa; -n'laTtno uwj t- kcttar lilt. at - - . f . 7 bee - 1 li . . . it 5 "ttm .:..L-j:.-'.:'ti-- r : zay r- -som edin rr . rfeited Was'' oSimb; factarW cshail jaot iliKlatr'nd Bbiii4ftefed resdut.whiehW. om.r.HmfiTit to this ameiidmenv&xing (the !TJncnjSpPMaMW5 lJoiL?ino!cowyw3A IIV- itt ftnndment:l!naMieu.oiierfia a resoiuwoirowu tVwaSSLbte: ftbailfewhoifirfiaa 8 beeh-ftMitnat virtino- that tne report oi me com u w- .M.iciiftii.nii TTinnim mi taftf i imi y 4f ! t hMnnnntMtAf Anatoms aii :e lees xrom Mgwut .!r. at Aaidoiiectors axe-ifi mo v ters-aT?d 5oxporawops, w.wf thaynVhrn1tt(e on ways auu uio"o- to inquire into the truth of these lle- cations; Aj0OjecuVis fqh vv& lr $Tbe Howl,heh, St JE:6d pjn, "ad lonrned nnffi p-mry . jf j j Tjfceeect Staple;;;- ';;;; WARHmrSrj DwC--IB Th cUtbn- returns xnaiied-to - the Depar ment bf Agriculture Dec. ? first re late to the product in comparison with the production of , last -year.. There will bei one more return at the close or f ha torfann ARt.imatini? the actual num- ber of ; bales and acres of b.a ptesent flraaet-tofCWeffigs ' :v .,;;:1J-, x?,-i.J ; ; s-u.. ii.tr . ..j. . an amehdmenain?tirrUr2 nriisarv and SDeeiaj. mail lMiuiws Consignments solicited and prompt pay. mlttod. Very respeetfolly, L"oet7- . . MILLXB, ft JOHNSTOIT. . SAVE TOUR DOLLARS ! ODOR CASKS, wouk Boxsa f v MAIL TOILETS, - ' FLUSH JUKSOBS, i J Jrm "rA -i:' " BURGESS WBDUESAIJI IIS BXTHL DSAIKB TM liffltt - a j i..-tf- ! A TOLL UNI 01 CHEAP B EDS TOO t, : I LOUNGES, . PASLOB and CHAMBER SUITS. 007 TINS of all kinds on hand. No.1 Trade street. cnanoaa, ,1 Jj Ol I . .. - u , ,V lT ITffE I..nOE9TVABIDTT. AD.KEEPYOnEHOMfflTHES ,'JiliisiiJiiiivi ( , a a mV s- - TT. iCpugresenteicr eoUeam MorgaLjrssdwhlih '.ioMnn tsrenoiiionxivw r Terr.' continued hia AteoL an extenslTe ;ilne of LOW PMCXD, aitteles suitable for presents. , complete Mne of CELLULOID G00D8, In great Tarletj'of new style cases, - decl2 , ' . ". BT BITING IUUB A mosl4mentousaracter,acting deeply the purity of otJt govefhmentai adminiatratiost, and even -.threatening uaKit nt nnr institntions. It Dro- " -I . . . V. ,. .j! WIO DWU".; r- 3 A port someoffiemfflrhompfft-wueveu pose9 to overtnrow tne aangeruuB hetter. hut hehas done none oi BerviJ-bill. remariM-pegnjteida "Last monththe returns of jthe KiTtiMr.-- ratamost important iyei" i.ir. m uh . rhA r xba" -W.r-?iirv1- Pflmber reoxrt vtnafcBsine aggregate ap- thingai-4n the contfef, his devo to histate ana peopie nave maxkeBa unceasingieglecting no ins anUUinff everytmiag ne cou foster their interests and promote tl welf arfcrilisSiatttiUlents, splendi nratrtri. aWi&lra? manners, and -fin T-Wb triven him a rank isthe ShnAe, an'd a prestige' the gjSnmnt departments which perhaps no otheJ Soutnern Senator has attamOTmdU2 thihilehe h Bwervfed-bneMta fro hTpo! princifle nor iesitwed one momenVj to strtfiW lufcrJ blowsi for -is p whenjbecaoydemaed. othehi alwava dbneulu in spirit wnn xrhiiA it rnmrhandfidffhfl admiration of his noiitical fla3ciatea)mmanded also the aU&o4ad rekct of his aflw, sariesfA v Forthise. and othei reasons whi( xnighCwmentionedigiiile we belie andassUroud to record it, tnat tm are mani gentlemen W the Democral 5Tnn?trs75tem-which badorita motto tmm Mm 1U w. w.w B & : - .- . - 1 asMr weosierBaiu uyiuu w nRt.w the mlbUc oflices created by tff-Annlft for tiie common good and treated the defeated party, often one of Al&ferican popieas unwuriui articiWte PTitne goYoraowui. i coimtty. Ti. .i Georgrfxead ah extracfclrom a report rade bya(lhouTi to the Senate l83o. -Mng forth tojmjungm g irom ine ftuusea.oj. uuhm fu- ronage, tonarrqm juu hu d the Worcester cblvention in 1832 to the e enecw i --i i . haaa'-wviiA had continuecUxo grow Mat lasjrthe people had tiredof them t,omdd taflicar-tefarm. s demand w!tsiiadeln no;0pubtful tindecstana tne meaning bs-ww cent popular trpneBvaimufcue uiuu indeed? The Ddmpcratic party at least ought net ana coma noj: resist wio Will If iyDOaymagineu uii. tired or iiepUDUcan coriup- ronigacy, overuuniwjvuo ixt- tyanerelv tq givajne uem- t. a thA nnrtVrtnnitVZIO nxacuce tue e methoday he was mostseriously iiepUDucan Denawre Hoeiuou a i people: a andD atVP) nrn-rimattner 6.700.000 bales. It IS not presentedhs statisticians estimate of the crop, but the result of a careful revis ion and consolidation of county esti mates. The influence of December upon the views of correspondents may somewhat increaseor may decrease this figurei The" estimatedinjorease in Fibrida is 8 pgr cent, or-In round num hr9 fvsnon bales. MissisDui S or 961,- OOOn North CaroiinaJOor 421,00o"Alv bama 10 or 760,600, Georgia Iftor 885,000i Louisiana 20 or 5T1.000, Tennessee 22 or 880000, South,, Carolina. 28 or 625.000, Texas 62 or l,322,ouu, ArKansaa ou or South Carolina, Texas and Arkan sas last year's product was greatly re ddoed, which accounts for the large per oentage of increase. Virginia, Mis souri, Indian . Territory and other dis tricts mav make 66.000 bales. Serious injury"!' justly appreciated from the lateness, and-Vigor of growth did not rACCUT. ion .-. . Killing frosts were everywhere later flhan usual A loss Of immature bolls in some oisxricts is esumatea at iu r tJent. resulted in parts of north arolina,' 'Tennessee, 'Arkansas and rthern Texas and m a less aegree in idr States of. the. cotton. ..belt In northern -Mississippi frost was report ed twenty to -thirty 4ay: later than in average years. The2 weather has been generally ravoraoie ior picking. At many points exceptionably good. The reverse has been true in portions of Louisiana and Jfforthem. Texas. In some counties of Arjeansas ana otner arts of the Southwest have suffered from continued wet weather. Losses from, the boll worm continue to be re- Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags DOBBISS1 STAjF iiTr'VmXYfU 1 Ir Ilk -JJB . . I An Important dis eoTerjr, by which i - i I eVery famfl; may gire their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. AND .IT.TTSl!?.; i- :..:; , lilt"!. TtiAf ? GRIP SACKS, -LARGHar STOCK-: FROM GENERlfiiEaCBANDISE H. W. Rontm Bn, FOB 8AI.E RV J. , SPENCER CO and FIELOS BOS Crlo, N. C r- d . aaiaaa,, R:-'!'4.lv-..l.-j,,,. r 5-1 1 v aaaas nva iviw ., , - OrJOTB PBIvCi'TO THE TKADK, marls it ETT x 1 ..(P IT FOR RENT. THE two stores, and eight finished rooms up stairs suitable for bed rooms, at the AirUiie depot, jost finished by Mr L decl5 lw 1 RICH9IOND, TA tW We Manataetore the best das ef Goods In our line and guarantee to duplicate Northern prices. Bend for Trade List H. W. BjOUNTBII ft BRO, OCt7 tl 1 an bkUm Hehmond, Ts frn? T!TTnnrafjiTiii the neoDle'8nmeaning, party of thoSUdawhwithexrrience, I aSaJiewaSLgladJo see tiie chaage that would grace the position, we know oiad ome over tne spins ot matuu. none whwomdtobthOT weU as Hon. MW-Bansom, andhence ?JiiTdwM we beltoye mi JSSSa Pas has for rttrerye, years jredjrimro SiiSds 5isMAentai weie d&fended as a? iustifla- lae Tiniean if gaining ;nd;Tetining DOWerr Dull now wio .ouw iVfu""" seemed to be that political asaessmanta werer'a' enme or even worse In; the VbUttictBiicte4ifMrio?a blunder ana? .1 jna 5 me .41 mvuvyvir WITH PATTERN FOB JANUiBT 1883 BecelredTo Day.at TIPDY & BRXys. decl5 . POSITIVELY THE BEST .CIGARS : IN TOWN FOB 6 C11NTB, at Wilder's Drag Store. TRY THEM. octl8 x. a. TAJiqsT ym b. duaos, fa. w. at. waddt. J. A. YANCEY & CO., -WHOLESALE IMMENSE .STOCK OF ; 'I .-; .,. rr. r "! !,', T1) K-ft BooftjEaMlnst For the most reriaWbopcls aniihe LowesttBSv. Eeceived .Div.ir 2ivaq yv : , f GO..TOS" STATIONERS BINDERS II signal abiiity, wlt& c8Uch icao: people, f;. ffcM .PQ ABOUT, THE ABttlSTOFUUaK Th earafnl reader bf Tea JOassvina .-..- trfKS WHhVinaTv 4-iit'Hkb-: riirht -0f conauest, ww HTiTiiia lau uj luituuo . Tisiai irwiai--Ti w : wmww - - r ' - - . - . r ' rr" SJIraiSAii WfWi-ifioW L waiTnoe "aure means oi retaining UU1UB iuiiiiff,yywTw.vy -r - ; Condensed Press Dispatches. The Central and South American tel eefaDh comnanv sives notice that dis patches, sent "via uaiveston" win re ceive prompt attention. ; f A1 ere In Hickman, Jiy., yesterday, de stroyed three blocks in the business partotthetown. Loss 942,000. ;' t Setiator' Jones, of Florida, took the in debate Fair Association. TBIRX wltl be a meeting of the Carolina Fair Association, at the Court House In Charlotte, uii...i TVvmhAT 20th. nt 1 9 O'ClOCK ML. for i the puroose of discussing the propriety of holding an Industrial Exposition In Charlotte next FalL all the old members and dt zens generally ate expected and reqaeste to ;NI)EB : Chas. B. Joiom, President. ', -i feecretary.i, . decl2 tdm w ttw. i j rencn sponauon ciaims, mat tne conflnad tmsaecaonTor -oi, P?1"0" asse?SmInalf -JS ists5 Spanish claimants should not be exclu seenisO havebaome generaL -When I CJoteress on thefbayot tiu session dS :;.v v .'... Va i in- I and: by tneir presiaeiwi b opcouj we sej about to m a reason wefre in- Qf a faw pretenjf them from evitabjy led to ttjeonclusion that one jpfing into sidll waXfikff the case nfttiai main Anw -which lean nip to I rf criminal in dailVTDrVuiticBjbt crime f,-imiirtrtMnf4irime is ffikt the Usklng that a lafr MxM 3e jssedto JUU V - ------------- -mrmm- -mw-m - - v . " . a a BEYOND lillTD H1T7C11 1UU i.UVJJl.1 Away Across Ii miaalsslppl 1 Hel ; ' ConVlMclna; ConTerjsaUloai. law,f the land areSt enforced. . AJ Jete'r Thomasrcbi'd, "was hanged aV sfiiansaeia, La, yesterday, tor tne mur- VI mr ef Tlfnfr "RHffVi-aim Mlnrail T.auva tA V;rUmlto8iloiver Produced. and my exfierlenoe teneetl to- he nnnB aC'.tra game time oi uia wn w teU you sir, that they are one of the neatest 1133 main Street, Rlchnsend, Vsw LKXBF IN STOCK BILL HEADS, LETTEE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF Printers Stationery, AND QAUBaNTU TO SILL Development of Southern lnduies! T X air?- FULL of NEW LI"" NEW DRESS, STT IT Lr I JtS AND VIGOR I iii i ii h a ar' J5 r rc-m . Ilkl a ft , T J ak i II J Vb BEST SOUTHERN Writers. mthcrn VGadciiir.. - I ....r .mmNAt THE THE untr. www-V'"-w. m It expo6 Hi ii u it T iMtfMU ABU VUIUHM." - .1 1 t nfHTT.FTl. fnMt LwritjDr.A.OEirLTO or. ffaEOBXiESON.jUW.i""?,. 1-1 Cf. J. A: subjects in we -73--."rd re fe jiinW 8tte, criminal once m ineciuicnea vi -emtnataid tne pasgage or a lawl3o frequently nftrpages tiv elude iiaij-zhich would aetttSotonly them, theenaltyiforits violation. Wepro-J htsothere err 7 i"5' ue po disks this quaUe g fenaS? (Sown) hereafter, but to-day washo4l; jktm ed to think-tfiefe would be no thaltention of our law4aaler s tT61iej ance for the Democratic party unless Bingle omission of the IlirJfo)theaif ftisotald prbmtoe JLfe meaibers thaapoUs unaer our rresens iaw Miotav"7rj-iJiMr! that thaxiemoerauc nartT was i i r v..u; i.. ; ofting rmeniaaM ! Hew'Tobk. Pec. l5.-The. business anr accomplice, but was respited bv the Governor till further notice. rAne steamer ia.x& jearney was .burnid near Shfeveport. La.; yesterday. and a valuable cargo lost. : She was in 'sored in Cincinnati companies for 810, LToriTi VMnJ AATArAn 4waa hanorMl f. Serle, lla!; 'yesterday fotthelnurder of a colored girl last September.' To Printers and Dealers as cheap as New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. A trial order solicited. J, A, Yacfiej ' & Co., nas o7 Kstfa atnet. Blclsi id. Yaw wftiT a criminal -olIece to escape th oflcarsof thelawc:5 .A, ? 23 the law fiwf itands, a Bberiff, or fVvS Axcent lA special Insbmces, is ndt263horized to frrest a paTty, unless hg laaa warranor such arrjwtw s- Cr. - - iSlebaSirvA- Bri8erable Datuery-pooxy wro Vic-1 4t.,Mlddlft aa 'Pacifia States and .Terrt. r-woerotnavaptraisnea. -r- i i "naWa. ia inA;v V;v vuav '-avacy xuuavaw . avf; Huwaav v&v City 12. Failures bf the week generally are hot bo large in amount of liabilities OBjtso. important ;as tney nare oeen; in vtoiiyuo ww-vo. .i? TKrm.A A r toiescapa Ji BJaid ?OOJC attempts ; such . an, able?ai fSlTwroiii twi aublebt AMo.tlaamamecial-lej iff or other 6 for the arrest ir that the she VUmv. v. . . raoerrovDaay- i an! iidibtfoeht link it! is jlime ir;lsskblyl,to crislation on lh!sT tefeCTam f theisf ofankrM 1$. tnA Lv f 5 ' V raATliUaeolJpf Malae presented toads to ?-sfiiSSa U!cr lizbla.lnXKTw isiissf cf ; ;?efc. - Act )n motion of EeAffietonTthemrBf tton of the bilrwas anWnded so aajo require civil serviee trommissioneraio m 5.1.,X1 Liawes, iromytny-eumiHitvec uu xnuiau au "notice thaf i or as . At s-O-Ohe Senate ad joorned antil rR ltnrobauil coSmit -teen ways andV meansepoxteji Dacx prira if atinir Millies bn toodi kfroduced eaitpf flie Oipfl of Go4 Bfir and it waafpaseil3it DlU'reheves i.Hjm pay ment old uty such goods airnfay be in Dpoarction ditefwaen efEect. : . as a ques- pTivilege the memorial of Jas i$f :rved eat.' arrest w The Bockf- Momit POBtmaster Ae i s t it 1 due my lodgment to some respect' - "Oh; Idon'tknow,'? responded: the first speak ert friend; with' a little yawn, as though he didn't take much Interest to the subject,) "I have never beeu able to see much difference In those things. They are' a 1 pretty nearly the same size, and made VaUtrttheB8mestuny,' ' ' ' the talfcot which the foregoing U a fragment. took place In Gallatin, Missouri, not long age, m toe snug omce ox vi. -m. r. lowers, wo Vi inkdthB'rihTClctanaof the State. Who followed up Ahe veto n which, had totroduced.lt substan-1 -rr . Vt , SMITH & CO.. "Nonsense that Is the rigmarole or a dot, or ot a roaa who ettner aoesn-s anow. w doasnt dare what he ears. , . Those things, as you call them, an lust as different as the moon is from green chees e. r ew. inamepts t tottpns and tot; merits are very coed In most .eases lot me reuei of pato orlnllahmatlon. But the flrst place the are unclean, v They son; the land4and the Hnen, besides being always oat of leash when tiier are most wanted.1' io:--;f:- ' fttu i,"Weli, my dear Doctor,', sighed the traveler from the North, "what woaVtyoanaveT xms is 4 wretched world arahow, aadv,notWng Is ever at and when tt is wanted, tou can't BOggest aay- iSSto whohsw called upoa.i i iwi r every member cf the ua. Cultnro. . m . .1. n trip ,rEaa;Sw.r; vfcuu VJ wJwy iv rH-prd . u r.u i r sv."lvsrtle In e;. r-7 UlUBtrbUOUsiacT cr-Ga:.M'l'r r:7"' L ii-a. C : r T " dgr . . I'.r German larmer wif"? LSSS. IZZTZZZt. .T-MrfacttTltte coryf iJirw- r (.--ju;b aa a iawiu r r.: 1. 1 . . , -1 1 - rueauas. IJtmtim Hwwn """ r tt. OttANCE JUDDCOi DOvSO 4w Brjaia aureet, JUJuaBd Vau MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEMIES lH anuiBB. i . , L:.L - v. 15 -'XiWf W? iff I d cfr. t jJIsti t VATiw thnmnTna the pSlJ. (chWed wittf r Istereditackajres in his office., waalbTJ touentfcandllvri .aa". tiayevsqUitUd.-The trial, covering Jm Sn dictmentsgainst-'Pennington, con-1 lowed.to froa three te . ""I j1?!? m annieiA. 6iaaVB.;Lr,ST- Wftnta.-irjda. I Iasiemare.piH,wwuo-7;vwr i T--'. l'iLii?rtaj u.iiwmM-aAMtd 1 ;tT.WaiA.fl fACfA0 anil WeaanfttiCff-:-''- aremiat wi aaw.airi., vine f "r-rr'.l .j -i v'v; ; 1i ' ' . J . JilClftlWa IM wWlva OUU II awuuawi;, ' , r . , ... .JI j M:;? - OFAIAXINDi; y, .) OeMaatraetAaa: 1 Bp Lin 1 i rs rm n ,1 1 n.UrTfl ' I hhj AinTiTPQ 1 triiivKi H 1 iirMt ia. 111 in ir.i;i imiii jil ip-l (SIM-iMliiiiilihJ LEET OAR TALK 1 'n. .a Mt tout nw auta s Jatanory, tne oumo Dsb'K geneShy are getting their ? work done tt wkcerttlnty and at moderns prjoes. I'1" 1 --rNTsiaTH..; IT' ,1 t-.ii .... r W awake si Specialty ef I -1 . .i . ' . : Richmond, ve&&r-WM& Jfteed rn Ould-oheof thajnoaf prom vers of Richmond, died at his residence hMeTXTdavrin the 2nd vear of his age. 01 aeuie cpngespon pi ana judjjs-uiwj In tha nan far of th ffennine IS CUT the WOtd nov8fj 'W.aainm liiwaerBi'w and keap to stock the Jost oelehrated Adeaaseiesentativ Weather. , t tm r.A i.t - ar--''rt w frrTTz : Jv-ani t BecondOMreBsipnal hi a i: h- . - ;n rDvn rcur vq rx in vrrvTBBUA. wraran. Miaaie uantio xooiaer. nartiT ciouav i iiJir, ".t.c , , i-w. tnrthst - 1 Stiesbf ssrtalhittstf reeetvsi a fcl rditT" ft I vc:?H5?at at tne special eiec ibrJMmt1 that? Ihb Secretary of 8tate abP'iutely refused to give him the cer Pfr Wtha r oed thatllhe second . t rr.7 1 , .--:. - .aiiil ;4 bee wa. tsnmi .- M aSJCS tue XIUUOO w lonel weainer, occasional light snow,' north westerly, .winds andThTgher j barometer. 'r tlri'tth H .Atlantic ' and; filF . l.rt ,?Rpidth!JiAtiahtic and Gulf local northeast to barometer.-2 "tartly 'el6tidTJ vreathw? northwest t winds, hizher 1 S '-'j'Vj'SiT BaUdays, we lr deliver a aVpound boa ot Vrencn; Candi atany Express .Off", tre'ght prepaid, for t&Mta8rrroundfor l,75- AdaressJ;. "ju l t Balalsh.K. C TBTS GTTtAT DXMAJfTJ FOBt BfiBmaH'slN. ! rt'an v- Is aolelr dne to Its lntrtnslo ahiL TbnnKAr 1 cad tt fo-day in oref erenoe to any other and say Wat It destroys and expels worma eueo I ?rFGKau5NT.i; r?--. i-.-m---. KSeB -..i-..'. j-i .TH3 Central Fotel," at Greeasbord, Tt. C-, located JL .la te e8 rt ef the city, Is -llgated' with ga& convex iw.y e.iranr,aa, and tow x s a r r"a.oi tasto'-i.' Spr to-o WhUh are ackiwjiledgdd to b 'the fSveftgaa. Ffcevre ewer , Off ere .-th aaukena JPlauater fr t tJse 'A. -. a i 31 n 11 we make and deaUn,WH SAT TBBXSSt- r3amt C0S31 PO.wxZ3.of au tim . send X5real02ae. EL li 4 CCl , ri:C.ECCLES,P!tOPRIET0R; CHABLOTTB, N, C avHGBoif 2Siera. rFtOorneade and Tff data " JkX bfMs Hotel wtJ complete hVfBTi.' and he i InfSSns made m A87ii rTBXHTBU iba aUuatea 'OO. laaepeBaenc pui hair a mmk on TTajia irrfmr in ui tie ot the city, m eiose proxuanr w oanaa. x- press ana Tiegrapa eciees,-ana onunaiMuna monntato view of more than fifty mllei,' . The lntenuoa 01 uw rropneior ia, noc omy w present 10 tne traveling puoue oneecnennaat Hotel Buildings to the Sooth, but one of the" most namotat and beat eondncted Hotels In aU lta dlf- throughout, tt Is hot Only oa4'elta4 taveiheaoul fu,putna , -h . , - . - a LXADEta ASS) f ALAaB0T:.Vl el the South: the hatne t CeminervlaA, Tcartsts, pleasure seeVera and lesfdeat goests. - ; H. a XCCLX3, PrcrrMor, wm "be ple-ed vf weloome his friends and Ue traveling public, and respectfully solicits a share of pe f-ora all wbo would enjoy and Appreciate a home eombla eVnoa. t""fT r-t eomtort la ail Usap- i -1 J v- C atrrpg . . . . . -M! it A PARTNER WANTED. 7K)B the general practice' faJPhyste: aljol or 4 Manufacture and salVefrerwfj' Jxture, and for other parposee, Tb ' ffl Sand for uus aUxtnre makes )i neo-f -loald be made on a lar mle. n9ant . nov23 oaw 8w CharioW Marttt WW , 1 - a.AavCI v-v auu kh m ' . - - . , fTnu,, In the basement . .SSTSi bW, good supply i wnma iw T mobiPW 33 Orders selletted and costprs PgVW plXL Piemreaea always etfea U vl0 1 attwera. y. fij ' EESBEiLlVB T'TfTieetarehewrf rHJ,S Xiirkr. Alien CrooesV. fTrs-'V iwweriMuiwwwf- -sart Hwfr0S Con- tuaiiy. aectf dt w u . toreeiM.wio, . v

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