ill mik : i t w a : l l a ... a a a i , a t i .. . m tir ,. - xi- -k.- m i r t i in i v rr i aww j l a i" i i i if a i i a m i -aw- i a -a t r lira i a . I ' , C 11 , 1 ". ' . j j - j f j' i. T j i'-f f I I 1 1 -t i-l r( J -, - - - . 1 '' 1 y-.tJ ?-., ., v , -- r . - rff . A A A ". i t... I YOU ft v .4 -T A PRETTY it OR- s -FUR- AT- :p: &-:c: g i: IT YOU WAST :A PAIE fr fi ? s OF J. GENTS' SLIPPEHS - FOB A CSBISl 1IA J PRIiKNT. Yon Can Find Than at PeraJ.Co's, n 'Sr-i Mi ft j. s SOFT S.. 3. -AL30- Hill a?, liili' k3 '8. decl7 i A' 1 a llWa il 1 .1 V 4 'i 'Ejiiii9iii5nsiiiiii:- IITA'I a : : -v I I 1rfl fi.ia del i ? ryu e&asi"! -s i .-ew 43 JC tr.7-i -wws'a brt)it-rt;. r .3, Christmas Preset PEfiffl UK. STJJTJJ4T fflrf'sPolrCapfor fiD L . taalHaaWJ . . - . " . ' '! Jf ii ? ad 1 Q a - ' v I :ae3a-tr t.zmx I'tl l I V IIF WWt 77 n i ,rt I ft L Heart Ouar FOB i! WHEN WJBftAlT LOOKING POR TfiE StAIJGHTiERINd! GOING ON IN TtTE CITYf CALL N 8KB f If you can't Bad something In our house ctUap enoogh to buy. 9 We do not offer all our Stock at Cost, but will sell jou a great mauf Goods cheap.and If you will COMPABB GOODS and PBIC&S we think we an CONVINCE YOU that ve will rf - t 3 t f t rn rs i p ytri rnnnc ruriD r"OarSteek f TOtLd OOODST is coming i erery day, and whan you want something nan som far a XMAS PAKlrt Oiii hi aa imi Stock an' you " wia flfwf OOD3 ' And PRICKS, BIGHT. Very BesDeetfallr . T. L. Seigle & Co. deci8 ! id or can throat mar: not to i u uiuciL ana, u ivranm.rv otivTuim: , i oinGcineai arw leen f r re which l framtt itmf-4Mg- almk nmtdw has'1 MTeTUMusanda of Urea. PERRT DAVZS PAUT KIUUCR tg Mrttwi MrimMt. Has been before tt A few jsztracta from TOluntary tMHmnyii. read imCoUowb: OtS.'Sy fcynjpyhowhoia mnear fr oL Tpc the pyt twentar-twrm yean, uidWeci llamBvlIla. N. 1 :.haw naetTPi 'AtK ln.TJl ITIrt .'' ndJULkiMnrai Icaoldaand ar roorirad fkimartirtn tot&r frmt rntJAm .tw1'( miotv ina ooniMir tow Paw Ktlijeb sb kiyalahto nmedyv-Ctao. B. JEtxutx, Diokuuos, ore tbrokt, and eonddw roar Paw Ktlijeb aa4 wmcp i nav naa ior lunma Til Ga. I began using- Paw lorn In my family twenty, v. fT?J?r .n4 bare ued it 8Tor since, and ha-r KBdjaomnJaSitta place. B.W. Dxxa, rb?w&oopiTjugbland croup It ia the bet j Yov twanfaMlveeaM i have need Paw Knxn for colda and chairpd Una, and consider it the beat medjlciTjBVTar oaareO.-0oorKa,Wiliniss-iom, . iaa tatBoned! oJd eewrwaaow aufzocd. I waa adviaed to try your Paw ana afta takntak a few doeea waaao ' l WAX iratttie V 'TOT I' ibu m a instance. Xhla fact yon ahonM make known to tbe world. afva. kt.t.wmt TO Hiuw mwIIm w mrm wuMm aickwith dlphOMvia, high f e ADjuy children have died LeallaT physician, and tried lever, aaa coia ad hare. I waa nhralcian. and triad vonr Paw Ha mi takim rm RrindAV. and m Wedaaeday hia thnwt waa rAaar. It waa a woav derail cure, and 1 wish it could be known, ta tbe roar gowera wnqara joainroai tft as equal. iMoietwiinetai Selara are often damreroua. A bottle of Pa Krxxnta the bouse la a safeguard that no family should be without. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors Providence, R. I. eptdiw sept k ocl. THfi GREATEST VARIETY ,W.i, Of SUIIABLK UB WHOLK STOCK HAS BEEN OPHNKD im and Averrt hliur la now. on. exhibition an Ak wlU oe oOeied TOraaabiav -We nave ' E Good f Stlit Everybody. CALL BSTOBB t?0BHASLSw; BLSBWHES - " ' AHD sis' -l ' IlliU EVER MAPI IN CHABLOTTE. Wi. .Hit In BftrHflnktr. la tlm Irtrtrat iinfl ItiWtilaomest.ia Fancy C: ONZE3,rfl48a' If I ! ofrsria J. JrooMeld & Co.; j,2iatfianl!f i fant 1-s rswn ttian A? lylqTonta Mlei- 1 r -ihi in a wide ran8 cf Ci rocic disc ,- l of w men r.itf icrir. lec t jUt'w tsilef aad two 4 too fciMwna. Wt-ar to tusUtex. nwamtmerr a 4 AOA-JamATOA S CHBfjpC,JIBDNpB7TmS0BOrr I -CHB0NI0 DIABBHOEA AND DTSENTEBX nl f -tiijrv raw tejoa WH'l " j leanta, Btwingtvwntanj 1NMC:eMav;ia,r f VlalMMaVyflQaa all ,tf.;ta,wnoapiJaJ( sae aeeapttoa )lfl4iiaaeb e;PiaBL3tlI'jijU J8;oauitv J-iJ bos wol fav ."'ASM oq Wedpa. r ?i t .-ft :'t. h.i FL, LI iujMii i"" 1 k r ilecl2 tdmdw ..uw 1 Xmas Goods Ttrr Hfnt cold. ;. aoma urn, i coma m no St yyti&.a.n.LKmv.wnin v sxuutsai tlanin for fortr v jLULljca, &.iMeBr i fJi. r , :l am mrt a vm-" naih aa- l IT THMDfiAl4& 0 . , " j i PMTAHE BINA BB 4 1 vftf ua IIU I TIT i ft ftl bi!aiftiunw)oj tfwri Washington,. . 8.249 , -a 2,3JJ . tiXuMhJl&A.l atjLijiilj! . - . . i Wilson' ! . i4mu a 12 SO fiwmtii haawnoHiw-rfHia OuMwaralr I Yadkin. . m.-.L- .vlkii ataisl i - j it . ' 12 pc. l, I BaffimiM eaenif erbnf Ndrar--- . . i a i"tt " t tT" yLir Carolina, last year, . - 859,000 -' I jtf i . i iiumnN nnnDEuui in nw v 1.1 : :I1IV I ' . .1.1. ' . COTTON .GHOPiFOR '8283 THIS YEAR'S 'TAPIE AS COM- TiL Pati-afd at 6.367.186 BAlis, Va u AwraiWM jiaa Eattaaates, : brGtta Mea, ffwin Wrne-Teats of llie Twrilort,a WMcJi;it lfl irowa in tae southern states, f 'iWe-are indebted to Messrs XfthMti, 'Alexander & CJo". lfeeH WPptpJxjiSr Bioa Merchants, Not 18 Wail 8tree;Niw: YorK;;foi'fI:stnplileti,,T whlcfe j is containe&aB estitBate'o-tKet iBcofbifi; troducing the reader to the work, they ' W are induced to toadertake th great labor and iocor the expetose tendatit upon tbe making of o detailed a report, primarily by a wished furnish trustworthy and early ioforroatioa to oarcustomers, and further, by a4e3re to comply with the numeroiis xedQets thUt nate been made us to Issue a crop stimate this year-requests called forth by the general appreciation of our Iawtirjara-reD6rt. - : ' , To attain the result-arrived at in tbia report, we pursuM. tmuthasarrie methods this y earaa last. We addressed letters to prominentlrjdttxmr" ineir an evrj.cQuntKJtuaCpriVM thkn four hundred bales of cotton, and asked them to send us their -estimate of th increase or decreaaeia the yield of cptr ion m meir section or country tnis year as compared with last? &tao their stf rjiate of this year's total crorvr re quested that great care should betaken ift making these estimates, as lastt ye;ar some persons, influenced by the general speculative feelinc that then irajdlid. anctfcy their own interest in the market hwere led to report a too heavy percetit- MTs of, increase or decrease in t yieidV Luem reportea carelessly on ta peint$ as they did not know tnat ifieiR esti? mates would be printed. This year we have good reason to believe that all es timates have been carefully prepared, a it was generally known that; they were to be published. We received S.133 answers, of an average date 6f. 1st December, from 481 counties that pro duce about nine-tenths of all the cotton that is raised in the United Statess Th& names of the Arms that . answered and their estimates are jtiveti on the follow? ing pages, and are a guarantee of the value and trustworthiness of this; re pork ; Everyanswer hjatiW.asiuteliigH ble has been embodied iu it: aDaeiow- ever, could not be published on aeeouhf or tne unintentional omiasxorr hy the writers of their residence or naine, and in some instances of both. Since the report was closed we have received, too. late to De included in lt.a iaree number of letters. Their insertion would1 not have materially altered the result, bjut, a compilation of them shows a Tfedijo tlon in crop estimates compared 'with tiiose in the report. , r. . ! ! The counties from which no answers were,received oroduce only abouvbne thth of the crop; we have calculated their production this vear on the basis :0f the average of increase or decrease m proauction tn the rest of , the State. We submit ah estimate of the total crop based upon the production by counties; an estimate of the totalirop based upon the averaee treneral increase or decrease in yield throughout : the States, disregarding county, reports: and an estimate of the total crop based solely upon the individual opinion of each correspondent We would call special attention to the very slight dif ference in these three estimates, each made in a different way ; a closeness in results that tends, we think, to estab lish the probability that the average of lheJthl.rr6.MZa8aieafcwlllnot vary materially from the actual total crop of the United Skates for 1884-3.- ; 'tfatessfWortnation in "regard to the crop be sought from the firms whose answers are given in this report, there is no other means by which it can be obtained ; for, exclusive of these firms and individuals, there are not a thous and others in the South who are con nected with cotton ; and if the informa tion thas obtained from 2,133 of the most intelligent and responsible firms and business men in the cotton-raising States be not of value, then there is no possible way to make an estimate of the cotton crop with even a shadow of accuracy. ; At least, the average of the estimates made by; them is certainly more valuable tnan'the mere opinion of any banker, cotton commission mer chant or cotton broker living in New York or Liverpool, hundreds or thous ands of miles distant from the cotton region,1 and whose opinion is formed through the medium of ordinary busi ness correspondence. The following is the estimated report for North Carolina, by counties : 5 8 a 5 51 3-1 - as 8 53$ OSS' ao ee COUNTTKS. sis A V M Ml lis BB 3 S R.1 Z a o " 85 JO,HJ 24 13.492 5,108 BerUe. 6,70 24 Bladen. .. Brunswick, Burke, - .. Cabariua... Caldwell, . 031 228 388 6.883 42 20 9,778 14 ;t. 12 Camden, Carteret, Casweu, Catawba, Chatham, Craven... Cumberland, Curritnok, r 78 W85 1,856 20 1,486 6.699 7,059 772 5,171 3,888 5.401 24 5,830 8,600 12 8 oare 8 Davidson, 1,432 23 g 1,781 ,44 -.A5fi 28, 17.34! 10 jfranaun, . Gaston... 11.876 14. 43301 4.864 8 20 10 rim iX.1 ne 12; Guilford,.. Halifax,... Harnett. .. 106 16 122 10,266 1S.806 3,844 Henderson,... 4 20 4,090 Iredell Jackson, Johnston,. . ...... Lincoln,... ........ McDowell, Madison, Marun, 4.294 6 13.915 10 14.81 ft 8 K iv': 122 2,716 9 -4 5.881 2.68J 15 AiecKienbui .jarr raavl 49 ( B3 'MOB! fHMl 2,208 1 .-; Nash. 11,534 New Hanover, . . Northampton, . . Onslow, mange, Pamlico, . . 02 12.508 1 4rftnl 20 2.i 2,068 1.000 raaauotanK, 15 'end 'era aiAjs.w 10 2,306 Person, 18,716 13,442: Polk. 884 fiamW-WUWW: 11.766 ia 13,166 aVaTTCBSMVUaf a Bobeson, . . Bocklngham, . Bowan, . . . Butherford, , Stanley, . . 8,155! 81 4.030! 21 4.887 2.493 .4.18i 1,18 6.667 2,288 Dtuawi 7 ifflacJ tie m- ' v.or xoanv, . cv i 1 d Uawtfcpoe, a-j leaf,-11'". I caroUna, uus year, 878,8341 BE) T Ml: a Warrea. .. . . .1 r in 1 8.144 J r 3ftf pita wing estimate ;tor,.the In turning crop. fcytjiusensof' Charlotte will be read with Interest by readeis. xne queswuuo ao&eu.were:; - 1st What is y.our; estimate of ' tb; yield oi: cowou , am. - j wu, dwuoh ipis year as compared with last?. Wftat percent increase or -uecrease? f 9A wiratis vtmristtmateof thetrtba cotton ctop irr balee'f or the year 1882- ear - j The following named parties answer ed, as will, be3Xottpd T)elow. hone re porting a 'deereasej, - -".- Increase. , - i.-A tirSt.- larCenb"r-3aleB.i AvCli i&enjteerv caihier. ? 80 vrV25i21 J. C; Burroughs1 .W? " S3 ;C50tMX R. M. MiUer &Sohs : . . . . 20 623,plfr teareheM-Trrrr.-j mW- 6,372.66ft 1 Al, P. Per ram. cashier v.v 75 - 6,838,000 J. G. Shannoiihduse ..... 25 6500,000 J. S. Spencer & Co....... 35 6,652,! Springs &.irweUoa... 100 6,0l2,o87 John VanLandingham.. 62 6,000,000 Harrison-watt,........ 0 6,6J5,000 : AccorditQ this Uble the igP estimate by Charlotte dealers is-.$4TQ,T 499, Mr; VanLandingham beinglhe Sonljr CarlOtteanlioUestimates the total crop as low as 6,000,000 bales. JAY GOULD ON SPECULATION. The View of a Railroad Man on Tari- rons SajectevEfreotol ; crjie Niwi'TOKxi DieVThe BBnate ribmnafttee on 1.0011166 1 again to day at the MetroporitanHoteli Jay Gould was examinedi' and said that he was in- the railwar business ai a inanai fcerf railwayfc andhad been uch fof entJBarsx;; iwriWiiiarnwitli pperatln3Jlnstacl3,btl6t with grain, whiAbf he naerl- iini fnriihk awn nrin. ttfitM YatlllHaa'ttlimait-l aeahngietfutureiHtoekTh roads 1 am interested in," Said neare those w QiCfl Teaen - tei : produeinr Ttbstr 1 cts Our road-run throtree? Twfiia.rthin,fai,iffif dhf -bdufarmton & MpdMiitk Illinois, .pbjai jluwjvs auo cuocb voi; auaaingt. comers 00 transportation is to mage an oneven .trasaoirQktiaTi; Corners; , aw . made every UtUe. while, but! cinaotLremem oer the iasi; ooev The system; of mat jug vuiucra uuea no6!JfliarircriuijpoTa' tfon Interest -,aa it makealarize markLsr 0,16 .wboe.X thin.k it helps. .JU gives- men who make the ieoff&era lose The consumer mav nav ffinre.'1 sftriohthci; speeulatori suffer., eioorBfej ifeig neerea lQUtucatSOrsomeutwoyearstago tareTSkellj hey uiud ,-wun -luouejr.i; "riftjrii;riiroao8 were ootmatieTiallT -affe fed "one wrv orthejbthr, JTh dealrteut rigard to ificijpuiiwalKsportatioBj "1 recollect a reeeatcomteTinjr transaction id stocks h6':PaflnislBntl oslsiih; It re-. M Sl.tiS sasWuaiy 't to t ne nn ,:wbo made itr for when be got through-with his corner he found he bad lost ' his for tune. I was interested in the Chicago and Northwestern corner. It was sell ingat75 or80. I thought it cheap at that price, and my brokers had orders to Duy all tnat was sold, and when it goJt short the price ran up. It resulted in carrying tne price up high to 250 and then fell back again to 80. -I think 1 was induced to part with some at 250. do not think: this corner had the slightest effect upon the community in general, although it may-have hurt the private fortunes-of individuals. The road was not affected in the least 1 cannot recall any other corner. The "Harlem corner" was before my time. The effect of dealing in futures of stock upon tne general welfare is insignifi cant, owing to the fact that few op tions are dealt in. 1 think that specu lation tends to do good, as it brines money to this country. The freer your markets are the more freedom you give to capital. I would be very careful what restrictions 1 put either on stocks or grain for the reasons mentioned. The men who speculate are not those who plow the soil or produce the strain. The men who speculate do so for the reason that it is their legitimate busi ness. "If the Legislature were to say that dealing in futures was gambling it would be gambling, but until such time as legislation says it is gambling I shall not believe it so to be. Supply and demand should govern these specu lations. I think that large exportatiddf j ui. gi.iuu iiuus bo mureauttTiuiiuigrauuu, .4 l .J i 3 X 1 iuu uivrewwu luiuiigiauou lucreases the production. I do not think that any transaction which draws capital from every centre in Europe here can be said to be illegal, I dont know whether I would designate the system of bucket shops a publ&evii. People will speculate, from , your minister, barber, and baker down People want to deal in ehance. I don't think there is the amount of gambHug done ihi this ,city which iormeriy existed... 1 am sure thittt the speculatldst tn gin.eBefits tne nome producer, ltcreates maritets all ever the world. - ! "Instances have occurred where cor ners have been made in the money market Such-eorners soon regulate themselves, although while they last the market is depressed.' I do not think3. that trade is mnch affected by it. Of course business men become more, cir cumspect in their dealings. Money was" very tight here three weeas ago. noia certificates were used on that occasion. ,Gcirnera in the monev market are not always produced by capitalists ; locking ud their moner. At tne rail 01 me vear there is always a scarcity, of . jnoney. ; J a. ill SA1 " 4.1 jji am not iamuiac-wiui corners, owner ;iu tne on or cotton traoe. 1 am not en 1 t i v. w: M v... nl . ; 11 Kafccu iu mo jurtuauijj uusiucbd, ' r,, "I do not ttftnVit possible Mevehy, Anmora ha in ot ' i loflriafiiflirt-' and 1 do not think that aujFtiatiOnal 1 gislation is .ractieWTOriu; on is .rafetieWWbiigh f some restrictions migni pepiiv uppn these sbeculatlofisW3iinifc1ft'nnees of tnintrs. : ir tuff T5oara of 'rraue were) to adopt 'tiiiat provide that the, .setting..jmcftahodlol4ffei ni bsuaiaefibrwj tma ,n "fy v 4--. - MrrH- nf tlW",1llt.: L ITlini ,! i In n mill i n .illila Tfln. 1. ..Mill; "nrice. these . e: corners ceuia nwi axu&j-jcraEou xwo kh oi leetn, : : ; ,sio?id s2bj ; i They don shed arms and leg tttenfc Teettiie todlsbensWlar(?f CrftsMrejb two cnances. wnenone n-yjvY?eveji among babies. It preserres the Vdeclaaoos tekji,? and helps to strwgftt tte.ittlntf t nad Brown's Ifon Bttters aftei tK ot ma, lariat fever anWMreauj .' Th. WlflMiii'iiMBBaiW j t Atthe city of New Orleans, 1 n;Toeaaayv Me. laMh. falwBVB Tneadatyiindec tha aetoman- !&Cmentoi uen'iau. x. tfeauregarm eLauav ana w uoai A. aany 01 v a, we .auato unoa juman Bnwinir oc tne iaistanacStacaiUMtenri ana inese nuioncaur iaawnat wiiii an suaw over their own signatures, a itoitiBBiaatahlch la-pub- ; nai A. K. Dixon, an Insaranos: AeentrQf jinnlaVTex ohad oae-nun, as aia ajsoj aumxawefipitma aimer. iMo. 8l . &ina sc., mew xeisflayamongauiers cNo. 88356 drew the second .twJaS2s.O(i0sold in fifuts-r twot (2) to CharieaMawta, aaattar an the achooner "Lhcy Mar." of WawJinri natt , jaaaai and oefirtn-. to rvnariea :oe,nijaawBeynma jsgai nAknr. NkaraOntefei wkiitm York tAtV. Ooa to Herman Toasbera, also In New Easa etiyt Ticket JTo. 88.719 drew thsthtetZS 16.000 two' tintx or aniitn warn nma aw w. t.; brsj Latat aoent ltbS. OUaiatil. TTillkdalnklSi smi ana iicbranail WeldUc No. 1142 Macazta Kaw Or leans.: Tne re were many ueis, dui momqihii want their namesiDabusbalMtttaUaaiuiga to neoiKage.-ouuira. t iusjiekjjij;i : Ass. The anat tonic r aaeraJaa. awst&lna aiwioe m mncairwaaa Frer rrAr-reaiam- mun (nam any rump au-a r r Known. Just the thine for the "f'Imp mfnstm" new aa ist the thing n 4 renerau: eoiji .sr aa js-aaM sbi tagtf?iv PrtceredHed one half, . jjjft v. awi rjufcau nenenusov Lvv j : . . WM U HIS. alaslow, r . As UHaaaflStkm la fCenruvitlT judrail. ain arlll Ply say that she Is a ladv whoro nmmmi nfin. Tears, haa untiringly devoted' her Ume-and lal .nta m - - ' . r . ! . . wiwx cuuunniw ua uaa esDeeuiui -soiaiea mon ana . warns or. uus ntimerou& and, as a result of this effort, and nracUcai 'edge.: obtained in si Ufettnae spenf as jus DhrsldaB. she has eomrjoundnd- aAytfUm Steal l i-aarsa jwr chudreh teething. , It operates lUceTmagto giving test and health, and is moreover; sora to jeealate the bowels. .In eonseouence of this lar- wjp. sua. wmaiow neepmnig worid-renowtted asabeneirother r8; cMaien oaxtahM da rise up and bless her; especlally ls this the ease In thisftyr- Vast Qnantttlestif the Soothing Srrub are .daily :afl:ajKln8ecl: heim:' We Odnk Ma. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by thlsTln wduabhvarttcH and we.slnoeeety :bellae thiua- grave-by Its timely, use, And. that ftUUonJ wra wm -snare ih nanemK -nrMi .nnii mmvassecLY mouier aat nsciarg6d.Der aejj mn3Hg ume one, m our opinion until ne, bfts grrenit the benefMwi3a)ows SoolbW errop. - Tw it, toothers-try It1 now. Ladles1 1 visfe ca.NewTorji aty, Bold by v all' drogglsta 25 j NATORAt,;iljrr.fIAV Prepared, from the choicest Fruits, with. 11 x j - i ,j ... r coloring, poisonous difs,'acfdh or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strenofh. . 1 ' 1 I nir Wavf gamed tfieir reputation from fAeV , perfcet purify, superior strengiA andqucti t. . Mmittdr by ail who hare used them ' at the most deicate, grateful add nature ; . aop for cakes, puddings, creams, stc . ' . laACTirACTOBBD-laT.' I STEELE & BICfi. ' Chicago,' IOsMJfaZir Uo., rewaerk aaa r. Prtoi ValqM twtmmm. ; g MAKE NO SrCOND OWADg OOOD8. patterns The Public it rwuetiedGarAiUn ta and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly CAPITAL, Pit I ZF, 675,000. -93$ Tick: taonfrtS. Hbsre. in Propertlpn Louisiana State Lottery Company. "We do hereby certifu that tot MitMnifa U rmgenunis for aU the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawmm(ff"1he'2kfuiinanaSdte ImUtrv Domnnrnj. wtw pow nianage owf wrirJ t Drwiwigr icthx, ana mat im are conehtctea tenth Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes wlUi a capital of 81,000.0OO-to which a reserve fund of 8550,000 has since been added. ; By. an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Tb njr .Lottery erer voted on and endorsed py the newle of any State. ; : - rXMVEB SCALX3 0B FOSTPONXa " Bs GBANS 8INGLS NUMBXB' Drawings will take place monthly. A 8PLBNDID OPPOBTUHITI TO WIN A FOE TUHJC : ilBST GRAND DBA WING, Class A, at New Orleans, . Tnesday, Javnaary QUa, 1883, taT 152d MOIfTHLt pMAWINQ.aa CAPITA!, PRlZE,.tKh00, 100,000 Ticket at Five Dwllavrs Each. Fractions In Fifths, In proportion. LIST OF PBIZJS3; . 1 CAPfTAL-PRffiiS;. 2 PBizsaof cooo.". :..". 575.000 . 25,000 . 10.00C . 12,000 . 10.000 . 10.000 b " 2.000..... 10 . " 1,000 I 20 u 500..... 10,000 100; M : 200...;.:....,.;...... 20, J.00O 800 " 100:. 80.000 299 " , 60.,. 25.000, 1000 M ' 25 25,000 APPBOXIMAtlOlT FBIZKS. f ; fl Approximation Prizes of 8750 80,750 0 ApproilnuUlanaaje-oS f- 800. 4,600 v a-ppoxunauon razes or , 250.. , , . . , . . 2,2i l,967Prti aniwmting Uy,,.,t 8265,600 Application tor ratea to clubs Ahpuld only ba jo w ne emce or pie company lanew Orleans, f rrrther tnfwrtnnHnrt wra-tirt oiainv fnll f 4Mdres sendoisby lrees.B&Istered Let- ter.urjavueT, wer,woreasea oniy to AUPH1N, Oxfearis.La. rie It A. DAUPHIN: thXi i 607 Seventh street, Wasbingtoo, D, C. decld a-.-- -POPtjlASNTflLtDBA &mmmmi mxfila -at In tha Cltw nt THilawniA. nn a-.e eMdrswirommoMaUyjbBBad aivBept ithettr'ttiaeact''wi'Mart rendered the following dtrtafona: .1 1. 1 iiiU 1st That the Cmmgpweejth Dlatettrntlon Com ?SaaSaVoMtv " ; 5-h (Compwiy Ji naw an hand a large mom g.t-5 .3tlU'iJ.'t 'ty ft Ri Fi-Waax...rwiu.wr.. a- '16 FrJaeSi aitOOO eaotui....... 1 " 20 Prlzea. JIBOO each.;... 1 3RIO rraeai' ov vmntftrs.-i iuy .700 jm rej"- 11 'H. ant .ijtoyprhsM.j. .1 1 ........ ..c.inlioo Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, Sl STlWts i65,Tlcketa8l0a r 1 . Bmntt MQAey oV Fagk Draft ln.Letter, or send .RT&OB POSTOFFlCj; X)BDKB.-jCrders of $5 and upward, by Kxprea. eAnbe sent at ourezr pwAadraea' all orders to f?nT3 t BOAMAW, 'OotiiW Joui-naf Botkmg:ri I)aisTU,Xrwe 80ftBnada.Hew.TBAk. jT decl2 .2'iv!;.1gtyii'..! J 1). -; - .101 Monthly and season fi01 thlyand season M-V,f for sale, pplfta jerat Liorinkior 6. J. Pnr. es?nt,s i a auLbsger lis, gefv , aaa toe atAorize Me Company to u tfils eerti1 cafe, wUK fa&mmUetQf our tigneSura attached, in us wwerwtemena," Commissioners hi um eacuna !rnrRxs nn 000 00a UlLUUUKt UllUVlilS'i IJaIUUILVs- 1 r V - - , r ,'" ii MENT r 2 Vi" 1TI t'i' ,9Ji; siii rf32nf fii s., r 3000 YARDS CASHMERE, at 121 PER YARD. 100 WALKING JACKETS, - $3.00 TO $15.00. 100 CLOAKS, $l,50,TQr$20.00. 50 ULSTERS, $5.00 TO $15.00. Silk and (Soli Fur-liieJ Circulars, $15.00 to ':&f ' CLOTH CIRCULARS, - - - $7.00 TOclllO.OO. DandsoQe Dress Paitrns,;$10.00 to $25.00. Dress, Flannels, 25c, 33ic, 75c, $1, $l.i25. ; ; Jjfiij Wmt Black aai Coto 45iMl65s,i) J$1,1LS0. erermCottaMosqultlre KUds aniithe new Neck, the Mrs. tctagtry Tie! "PUiJhai irilealaM and auaUUes. some handaoma Plashes for Jackets and. Clrcalar. . Oit atodc ambraoM erarrthlm nsw and a call will onvlnoe you that wa h we a stock that cmnot tw ezoatlel for styles and lo. prteas. decS .WE IffilEOlBSiif ILIIIIT. COME DOWN IN PRICES. A SPECIAL REDUCTION FOB TOE HOLIDAYS. STIRS Largest, finest and Beat Made-up jl. irom, ei m class CLOTBINQ only. at jorULAB LOW FBICBS, we dlatlnctly wish ft underitood thai : wairillna be undersold brgny dothlng Bouse, either large Wsttan; OwiovaUlii to" SBXAyS m ta. i8J2& SlJ-J JilSN25P5a?P HAMtKKBCHlBJra, .nd all to"th?un. Of tNT8 f um.aeauu ww , Agents for tha PBARL SHIBT. We Invite Xa. SideclO ;ti'.Ljl J"?. 1 ' " i" . j Jin1. Mi "SJ". 1 u ! r .-if. ar, . 4 r ii- ir ; r 1 The LARGEST and hi Li3 i 0r-r! nS iilfliil ffi 1 ft 0 g .H O t III Kr'.. ' ...j:.,. m . U.v: '" L . W !!!3 w'tibftm! .wrih uiiiu-l, . ' v il s&i ia u,- a.i.: f ?f-ffeUm . Bd gli-.-u ' 1 ' i,H '" ' ' ' ' 1 q t ai r..ia.. . ??ac ..a"- . . rxi vr,,.2ajasvpiLff)jS -Uf.'-h lASff h feS . . aal rT ' i aat saw m lillaH ! a . a . w. . 9 r? in .. ,11' .if,T-i tii. fl iflil i. tV i . - ar. a ' tii'MK'i. I hub wmmT?" ww. Hapgraves & 7 'SltO. 4: ti 5J 4 Smith Building, East fiade : Stresi r-d aia beet itetaa ea aala deputation bavioc been acoulred by ue Car sautnar Heat. B1VA& UJT V UlwAiB ai BJUWCCD FAUCSD. theaPahllc. Respeetfully, Serwaaeer -a Leading Qothlera and Tailors. awA , : li .to.; 45. Wot5Vraofi'ei4 'j! i .'i .""-'Vj' T 4iww;;fcv; S3 eisieti Prettiest . Stock of I .ITU Tl i 4 -t 'ml. Siii mi'k H iewi-eS'wi-1 iWJt'.Vb tlX . ll6I f-11 (U.i iiii'

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