I J . r. -I a ' T " " .' c.M,h .r th rTorialk aad Great 1 DORSET AND GARFIELD.; . There are many men who have pass ed into history as great men, and are ted to the livine as models-for imitation, who if known to history as to their intimate , associates, would dwarf into microscopic proportions. It is not so long since the assassinated President Garfield passed from a bed of pain; and friends and foes alike unit- - CHtSrB. JONES, Editor and rrop'tor. ' -tKBTSBSD kJTBM POOT-OFFIOB AT CHABLflTTB, N. " FRIDAY. PEC. 22. 1882. The Washington i monument bas f 1 reached a height f 886 feet six inches.. I f Daring the, past; year 160,000)00 lbs. ed in doing honor to the memory of one t ; L i ;.il..'finAl tlOTA hlAT1 maat I . ' ' . i iji anwlMl nT narneu wuo nn was dt common cuuoouu a conspicuous place among tne illustri ous patriots and statesmen ; who had served thejr country well and died to be honored for that service. Among all the mUlions in this land none was found to asperse that jfoOd name or question its right to be recorded among the good and the pure. It remained for the members of thfr same political household to which Mr Garfield belonged and who had been in timate with him in life, to make the first attacks upon his memory, and try to prove him a man of .ordinary clay after all, and not the devoted, unselfish patriot and hero, that he was claimed to be. Mr Dorsey m the puoiication oi his correspondenc with Mr Garfield and other leading Republicans in the cam paign of two years age, produces letters that for the memory of the ueaa rresi dent had better not have seen the light, for they show him to have been in full sympathy with the men who are now denounced for the things they did then with his approval, and endorsing the questionable modes then in use to achieve a party triumph and his own election. If the dead liarneia couia "save me rD0IN6S mXOKGRESS. THE SENATE HOT ANXIOUS FOR A Eaiurags "in the United States. 1 k -NT w Orleans f ruifcdealer sajs he ships annually $1,000 cocoanut shells . to TSTew'York to be grouna ujj oi mixed wlth?black pePP6 - A Georgia man'sTeci'pe for curing the chills is "six red Ingyuns and a pint of cSrn whiskey" to be taken just as you begin to shake. They say now'that Jay Hubbell had no-authority to issue his assessment drcnlars, but did it on his own respon 532? Going back on Jay after this fashion is downright mean. " If anybody apprenenuo whiskey in this country, his feara ; w ill v.. hnn he learns that there are now1 84.000)00 gallons in bonded warehouses. The donations tStoe Oxford Orphan Asylum for the week ending the 17th inst amount in the 123 20. which sum includes $500, donat ed by the MasonicGrahdLodge. Gov. Blackburn, of Kentucky is the champion pardoner, it is. 81111 8 he miht well exclaim ... rAnrinn his term of office paraoneu f " A amittAd fineS irOIUUljr iixcuuo, 1,500 criminals nu amounting in the aggregate to $2,000. 000. . m jr. ii oaanrts that if a Troiessor xyuuoi - player on an accordeon Happens to strike the right cord. can render a Ustener temporarily insane." We have heard players on the accordeon who could make their hearers insane with- out striking on any parucmi wiv. Washington Post: Gould's defense of grain cornering and eulogy of bucket shops are really eioqueuu. when a hungry mob shall have hanged a brace or two of grain gamblers, there will be less alacrity on the part of Mr. Gould in defending that class of con spiratars. The Republican civil service reform ers are making scape-goats out of Dor sey and Jay Hubbell, and yet Dorsey and Jay Hubbell are not a whit more to be condemned than the virtuous gen tlemen who now denounce the methods they approved but a short while ago. Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, having been charged by a Pittsburg clergyman with plagiarism, said in his pulpit last Sun day night that he would give $1,000 to be distributed among the poor, if any one could convict him of it. Couldn't the reverend gentleman give the $1,000 and take the chances on conviction t Maurice Burgen.of Monroe, La., had mn. .frnn rr Q TVrPRftntilTlflllt that hlS DJ Dbiuug earthly course was almost run, that several months ago he made a betwith a friend for a suit of clothes against a coffin that he would be dead before De cember, 1. He won the bet, and was handsomely buried a fortnight ago. The Supreme court, in the Curtis case, has affirmed the constitutionality ot the anti-political assessment law under which Curtis was convicted in the court below. Thus the Supreme bench comes to the aid of civil service reform with a timely and well-considered opinion prepared by the Chief Justice. In four internal revenue collection districts in Illinois the amount of con tributions to the revenue is $26,410,931 ; in four districts of Ohio the amount is $16,785,231, and in three districts of Kentucky it is $9,184,843. In Kentucky a considerable portion of this revenue is from tobacco, but in Illinois and Ohio nearly all of it is collected from distilled spirits. The following, from the Denver Tribune, is among the mysteries which the Philadelphia Press cannot solve: "The Philadelphia Press is just at present engaged in the laudable busi ness of detecting and bringing to Jus tice the ghouls who have been robbing Philadelphia graveyards for dissecting purposes.- Proceed, Mr Press, and per haps after awhile you'll be in a way to tell us when, and where, and why old man Frelingbnysen was dug up." THE DUTY ON COTTON TIES MORE THAN DOUBLED. The recommendation of the tariff commission, that the tax on cotton ties be changed from 35 per cent ad valo rem, the duty now paid, to 1.4-10 cents per pound, will more than double the tax, if the recommendation becomes a law. The Charleston News and Courier, commenting on the recommendation of the commission, remarks: At the first glance it was supposed that there was to be only aninconsid erable change, but examination 4hows that what is nrono8ed is more than double the duty now imposed. This can be illustrated by actual ex perience in this city. A large dealer in cotton ties received a short time ago 9,500 bundles of foreign cotton ties upon which he paid a duty of $3,000, being exactly 85 per cent on their value in Europe, or at the rate of 32 cents a bun dle. The tariff commission now pro poses to make the duty 1 410 cents per pound. A bundle of ties weighs 55 pounds that the new tariff if adopted will be 77 cents a bundle against 32 cents, the present rate. This illustration, we have no doubt, is a fair sample of the work of the tariff commission. The more their bill is examined the more unequal are its recommendations found to be, and the more illusory are its promises of sub stantial relief to the people. AGREEING TO A REBATE. We are reliably informed by a gen tleman just returned from Washington that in view of the injury already done, and likely to be done, to the tobacco in terests by the agitation of the reduc tion of tax, an arrangement has been entered into between the members of Congress to allow a rebate to the amount of tax reduction that may be decided upon. There bas been no an nouncement of this in the press des patches, but if such an agreement has been entered into it will restore conn dence and business may be resumed, for manufacturers and dealers can see their way and know what they are da ing. Letters and telegrams have been pouring in to the Senators and Repre sentatives urging prompt action and .a rebate in case the tax be reduced, and we suppose that in deference to their ap. peals the action to which we refer was taken. Louisville Courier "Journal: This Congress will do a good thing if it re duces letter postage to two cents. Great Britain acted thus wisely forty years ago, and letter-writing has in creased enormously 100.000,000 let ters sent through the mails in a popu lation of about 85.000,000. We have a population of ' 51,000,000V and we sent between 800.000,000 and 900,000,000 let ters last year at three cents the half ounce. Drop the postage to two cents, and we would soon beat England. Jim Keene thinks dealing in futures essential to carrying on the business of the country. - Here is a sample of his testimony; The bucket shop system was de moralizing, inasmuch as there was no pretense to deliver provisions sold. It was simply; gambling and should be suppressed. Dealings in futures, though bought outright, are not simply samblinff transactions. Speculation is the real cWilizerof the country. It " jjuilt up the West and has benefitted ihe; whole peopled .Corners do not af fect the public They do not last long 1 enough. Nor do thejr affect transpor " tattoo 1ttf f mlkntieeiconse- TAX REDUCTION. Several bills have been introduced in each House of Congress for the aboli tion of Internal Revenue taxes, but while there is a probability of the abo lition of the tax on nearly all the arti cles now so taxed there is little doubt that the tax on spirits and tobacco will be continued though reduced in amount. No serious objection comes to this from any quarter that we know of, for it is generally conceded that these arti cles can stand taxation with as little burden on the public as any article that enters into general use, but if the tax is to be retained some method should be devised of getting rid of the present odious and expensive system of collec tions. It is this, more than of the tax, that the people, especially in this sec tion of country complain. Tke Seaate Passes the Africaltaral BUI, aad taa House the Army Appro priatioB Bill; , ' wartitnoton. i: Dec.r 21. Senate. Petitions were presented by Jir bner man. by Mr Miller, of New York, and by Mr Mitchell, for the passage of the bill to give increased pensions to one armed and one-legged soldiers. - Pendleton presented petitions for the allowance of a rebate equal to any re-, duction that may be made in the tax on tobacco, and Davis a memorial pray-: ing for the repeal of all taxes on tor bacco ;- v; :"- i Pendleton stated that he had received a telegraphic communication from rtaaiftm i n whiskev. asking for immediate action upon the bonded whiskey bill. ' Sherman said he also had received several communications by telegraph in relation to the allowance of rebate in case the tobacco tax should ba reduced, ' Brown offered a resolution, .which, was agreed to, directing the Secretary, of War to inform the Senate of the progress made with the -work of im provement of the mouth of tha Sa van- nan ana xruns wic. 1100, mo yuu itures made, and the amount that can be profitably expended during tha. next fiscal year, whether the suspension of, work would not prove very detrimental to the public interests by leaving the in an innnmnleta state: also what amount is necessary to be appropriated at this session to conduct the work as it should be conducted in each harbor during the next nscai year; a w i Or nish a similar statement in relation to each of the rivers in Georgia for which appropriations were made at the last 8eOnmotion of Morgan, the reselution before agreed to was amended so as to apply also to the harbor of Mobile. At the close of the morning hour Hale called up the resolution for a holi- Garland offered an amendment giv ing the consent of the Senate to the House taking the proposed recess. The House, he said, thought it could afford to adjourn for so long a time, but the Senate, in his opinion, could not. The resolution was discussed at length. Garland's amendment was lost; ayes 17; nays 45. Tne question recurred on uhj resolu tion reported from the committee to take a recess from Dec 22nd to Jan 3rd. On this the vote resulted ayes 25, noes 36. The resolution was declared lost. The civil service bill was then taken up at 2:55, but was subsequently laid aside,and the agricultural bill taken up. Davis stated that this bill appropria ted $25,000 less than the last one. The amendments to the agricultural bill, re ported by the committee, were agreed to, and the bill was passed. The Senate again resumed consider ation of the civil service bill, and at 8:45 p m adjourned, after notice by Pendleton that he would ask to sit out the bill to-morrow. House. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, chairman of the committee on ways and means reported a resolution de claring it to be the sense of the House that in case the internal revenue laws be so amended as to abolish the tax on tobacco, snuff and cigars, or either, pro vision should be made for allowing a rebate of tax paid on the stock on hand at the time such law goes into effect, provided that such stock is stamped and in unbroken packages. Kasson, of Iowa, in behalf of the com mittee reported as a substitute a reso lution declaring that in the judgment of the House no further reduction of taxes on manufacturers of tobacco shall now be made than that provided for in the House bill to reduce internal reve nue taxation now pending in the Sen- Whitthorne, of Tennessee, objected to the present consideration of the sub ject. Tucker, of Virginia, appealed to Whitthorne to withdraw his objtection, as the whole tobacco trade was thrown into great trouble by the proposition to repeal the tax on tobacco, without any provision for rebate. The resolutions were finally referred to the committee of the whole. Kelly gave notice that he would ask their consideration to-day or to-morrow. The House at 12.45 went into com mittee of the whole, with Townsend of Ohio in the chair, on the army appro priation bill which appropriates $24, 681,700. After an explanation of the bill by Butterworth of Ohio, Hewitt, of New York, addressed himself to the consid eration of the provision that for army transportation the land grant roads which have received government aid f taa Korialk aad , . ; western. . , . -.; s - Philadelphia. Dec 21. The; ap fimrimita rmu earninirs of the K or- ioilc and western xmuxow i um ( two weeks of DecemDer were w,dzi 007, -beings an increase aswmpared with the corresponding period of last year oi 93,830. -:o: :o: iteUin est com- v ; P Tli Old and ttoe New near Obu-toiton, belongs t one or tne oj paiea, me wanao. ; pq ..... , -l ,-lA Hgi! opinion. .Capt. John J. Dawson, late of tbe BrttUb limy, nskUiw an Lam street, between MandeTUle ana Spain, tills ettr, says he nsed St Jacobs Oil witn the greatest possible a4?antae , "hen afflicted with , rheamaasm.-Kew Orleans Ttotes-Demo- Formerly of Charlotte, N. a IHLLER&JOHIISTON, Cary StreeC, Richmond, Ta, OUR MR. S. A. COHE has; mm FROM THC NOBTHIHN ILiRKKTS WITH AN Opinion of Eminent Dr. K. a, Stoaurt, Vfwddant Manland Hospital, Baltimore. . ? WaVeuledColSen's TOd BerfTonlofor more than a rear. It eomblnes the Tlrtaesof food and tonle remarkably, ana, I am laasfled. has tared life when any olhei imee would falL Bemember the name, colden'e take no other.) oi? Bddb WHOLESALE DEALEMS WAKTED, A Salesman for a Wholesale aothins business A. to trawl -oath Carolina, None bat experienc ed men and sober need apply. Single man pre- dec21 297 W. Blto. street. Baltimore. ni ii t uiotnm RRB T T 8 B T T n n KKB it 6GO O O O O GO GOO OO ? 8 8 o o OO OO 9 o 9 o o oo s D D DDD Shoes and General Mercy GlTlng his personal attention to the purchase of same from Hinh. Our Mr 1LIAS UnralDf liPaiJ glUff liSE - "ood can a.wa,9 w nnd U Ue puce to bu wm WaTtbc o sept20 AND loose of " ei tin ELIAS & COHRX -:o: o:- "SOMETHING NEWj Heavy Groceries. run , lGHftRlOTTEJOURHftllSf.il BURGESS lOCHOLS WHOLK&4LX AMD BRAIL DXALKB IK -:o: :o: Determined to meet eTery demand of the : public, and In order to keep In the Front . Bank of Modern, ProgresslTe Journalism, : daring the Mohth o Notkkbxb ALL KINDS OF IIRNIfDRI SATE YOUR DOLLARS bedding, &c. ' Hf Consignments solicited and prompt pay ment remitted. Very respectfully, oct7 KILLXB it JOHNSTON. THE OBSERVER! Will send out gratis to Its subscribers, (Dally and Weekly), 1 A FULL LUTE OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PABLOB and CHAMBSB SUITS. COF FINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade street, Charlotte. North Carolina. AHKKEEP TODR MOM ffi mjOOH U BEADTIFDL AMNPAL FDR Ml BT BBTINQ TTJCB Wallace mm& i e,ooo" Statesville, N". C, I 1 Qf this Desirable ALMAJTAO wig 6e Issued.- Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bap iwOFFBR T3BtJS AND- -LARGEST STOCKS :o; :o: tar The Auuvao, while being a desirable relerenoe book, Is Intended as a souvenir which can and will be preserved by our friends and Par-aTbe book will contain Bfty beeallful IJlus- ftn aniwl MhlAfla HlUlAT. BfOrSJl. BClieU. Whitney. Woodward, and other Celebrated Ameri can Artists. This publication will be a worts Fun aht in every iespect. harlng a HaNDSOMB ILxUMINATBD COYXB, the mWe pages printed on fine Tinted Paper with the beat Wood Cut Ink, and the aSTnxi&tiaDrrs will be displayed witn the greatest degree of Typographic Excellence ana TwSttwttibe not merely an auiamao for iDfift tt ni Mwnmfind ltaelt as a One specimen of the Printers' and BngraTers' skill, and as such doubtless be presorted In every household to which It will be sent ,,w---f - Ths AnTnrnszxxirrs will be Interleaved wttb the AUfAHAO matter, which will Impart every month an equal prominence to them. ADYEBTI8EMEHT8 SOLiOITED pnica oi bpao nr na akwdal: gar The business men in Charlotte elseandL where who desire to eecure spaceln the aua , are requested to send In their orders stonce, a the number of pages to be devoted to ad veWslng iHuBlted and the work will be put to press as wnTttmwqulslte quanttty of ertlnghas been received. Let us have your orders for space n if pages. Addra- HE OBSERFEB Mpt26tf Charlotte, N. C. GRIP SACKS, or FROM H. W . Ronntree Bro., RICHMOND, TA We Maaafaoture Che best class of eoeds in our line and guarantee to daplleata Nerthem prices. Send for Trade List eet7 H. W. BOUNTBXX BBO. Wcamoad, Ta, J. A TASTCST Wl B. DAAGB, IB. W. X. WADDT. J. A. YANCEY & CO., The railroad commisgion bill which passed the lower house of the South Carolina legislature soaie time ago, as announced in these columns at the time, passed the Senate Wednesday by a decided majority. , hi v. v. tjuencea are not., far reaching nor dis astrous. jWitnessf was never; engaged, in a corner. IThtf Keene corner," he aunnosed, was called because lie was ", f I te jhtralUgure in the combination. l " fJ f frHE COUNT CONCLUDED. X; I ' T "'Attorfiej-General Kenan, and Sena- ' tors Janies a Battle, and :Tho8. B. Pur- naii: nf ; the State board of canyassers, II - H Sxet?at Baleign on the loth.instant; ; " nnrinantto adjournment, to conclude i the count of the rote, for Congressmen. - Y.areer' whicH wi 'delayed on ao- V " count of the failure of Watauga coonty: - . to send in tar tote' hi time. The vote r , of 7ataujra war found-tor be, for.Ben , Ctt 72 for Dockerj 628, whicmakes v toetoS vote of the State for Bennett An Old Item Resnrrected. Balxioh, N. C Dec. 21.-For a few days past great excitement . bas pre-; vailed at Lihcolnton owing to the riot originating in attack of train hands on paymaster. Town commissioners met, called out the local military company which arrested 80 of the leading rioters out of about 100 engaged in the dis turbance. These were placed . in jail and have been guarded by troops for three nights. Repeated threats were made by the negroes . to . burn the town. Citizens keep un patrol during the day, and constant watch is kept over the town. This 'afternoon the Governor received a telegram stating that trouble had begun , afresh and troops were ordered to the scene by the Adjutant General. This is one of the characteristic hair-lifting dispatches that' the Asso ciated Press so frequently: furnishes from this section, eight out : of ten of which have not a particle of truth' in them. This Lincolnton business was published in The Obsebyeb uat .the time of the occurrence, and after it had been forgotten the enterprising agent of the 'Associated Press at JElalelgb, revives it and sends it off on the wires as something brand new. That young man should be promoted for his energy, and the' superintendents of the. Asso ciated 'Press should read some of the Southern papers, for this might prevent them from .being imposed' upon in this way with stale items sent to them as late occurrences. Ed. Obsebyeb. by loan or guarantee of bonds, shall be allowed compensation of not exceeding 60 per cent, of the amount paid by pri vate parties for the same kind of ser vice. The entire afternoon was con sumed in the discussion of this provis ion. - Without action the committee rose and after granting 25 leaves of absence, the House at 4: 30 p. hl, adjourned. An Anarchist Leader Arrested. London, Dec 21. A dispatch to Router's Telegram Company reports Prince La Baporkine arrested at Thon on and brought to Lincoln where be was lodged in jail. Lyons, Dec. 21. Prince La Bapor kine was arrested in consequence of the discovery of important papers dur ing a recent domiciliary visit to his house. He is charged first with belong ing to an association of Frenchmen and foreigners, the object of which is the overthrow or social order by means of pillage and assassination, and sec ond with having been the chief mover of anarchist association in France and with -risitinsr Lvons for the ' nuroose of organizing : conspiracy at secret meet- inzs. Prince La Baporkine and forty- five other anarchists will ibe tried at Lyons early in January before the cor rectional tribunal. STATMERS&BINDERS, Tmn w Tr-. A sin ATWtHAmntsa. ma SO CUsV fewvlavsrinsV it. GENERAL MERCHANDISE 2tHT THEIS STs&TE, 0!f THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND Iff COMPETITION WITH AM JOBBER lit THE COUNTRY. THE Y WILL BE GLAD TO . . QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. msxl8 ly . . . ; IMMENSE STOCK OF ioote and Shoes .hsi Receive! For the most reliable Goods and the Lowest Prices, OO TO J. MOYER'S, r BOO? Development of Southern Industn tomars of lTssrvrlfhoot Iteootslns tZ??St Tree. Mix InTUubft to all. eapeo UUt to M siet Gwdeners. Send for it 1 jSM. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mioh. dec22 w8m DABBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A BaoaeholA Arttele o Ualrvnal VamUylJs. Tor SearUt aad Tjrphotd ts, DipktlMria, 8sOi Tatloa, TJloerated goMThrosvtfSBnan PoK,lCeaslM,aad SesSl2SSd It Mr. Scriet ever beta known to sprad where the Flwa was FWWba cured wi A it affr Uk Vomit bad taken pirn. Tk worst Cams of ApninSrut yicui vo h. TwrMdSloltror. Eradicates".' Namlaatloai Arcvment la the Star .. Rante Cases Begun, v Washikotok, 'Dec 21. Among ths nominations sent to the Senate to-day were W. P. Rowland to be .Consul at Nice, and Geo. P. Masher at Sonnebag. 1 In the Star Route cases Robert: G. Ineersoll commenced the - openint argument Tor Stephen w. ana John. Dorsey. From Soatlt Aaierica Lima,' Dec. 21. Telegrams from Tacua states- that MonterO has been created General of a Division bv the Bolivian . Congress, and Caceres Ve darde and Caneroro brigadiers. It Is further said that' Montenero will con cede Arica and. Tocua to Bolivia if she remains true to the alliance. Monte- nero's return to Ariqnipa jwas fixed fpr the 6th Inst. - ., ' -. 'X--' 'v. ' t- with B48orMprrrn Darbyt Fluid. Yna AlS for Bor Tbrosvt U b a ChnbliOns, Vilas. Chafing. . ' Skawjaadsat ewed. aeAWUto Comptox- v OBStGNdbyIStM BUp scented. To purify e Bro5 ; OtoSAMtbTtt itcaa'tbsntfpwMd -. BrrstpalM tmtA. -, Barns relieved initr- Boars preventea. -' DrsonUry ared. ; WooBdsheskdnpidlx, AaAdoto fcr Ammsl or . VnouMs Poisons, etc SMAXX-FOX rnnxo of small Tot PREVENTED AmemberoTBtyfiun. ' Ilr was, taken with Small-pox. I used th Fluidj tke pationtwM not dalitioas, was not pitted, sad was about tne noose again Is three weeks, and no othen. nsdlfc-J W. Pas tMSOlt, FhilsoVlpiiis.. lia natm stnet, BlckmB Tsw oTXBP IN STOCK BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS. EUVELOPES1 AND ALL KINDS 07 Printera Stationery, AJTD QACBANTXX TO SILL To Printers tad Dealers as 'cheap as Sew To Philadelphia oc BalOpwra, Atrial trder sollstted. J. A. Yansey & Co., NEW DRESS, NEW WRITERS NEWAKTI51S. FULLofUEVr lob.. I - AGRICULT SZSfSte Vol. BEST SOUTHERN Writer. oa-THP CHEAPEST JOURNAL IN THE VVOELE Ga., and Dr. D. A?,9S:Sf-SieJiil Contribute tho temp cf tljeir upeiieLs SbOTKSiI-j"? of Southern TwVTt HOC o7 Mnet, KlcstiBiva'i . . ... t ern id other eenUenicn lntsct- : f - "IN THB ' a obw T1 Tr. with -..t iudncemer.t 3 i iaefew Frv'" , r-,Q,u-.r ORANGE Ho M. SMITH & CO., Maim Street, Rlcbaaasid, Ta wmm mm THE v ProTcated. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN 1 J, Shot ly a Deputy Marshal. f v ; Deoattjb. Al A- Dec 21. Denutr TJ. S. Marshal Goodwin last night attempt ed - to arrest John Wilson at Qadsden for allefred. violation of the revenue lawn. . Wilson fired at Goodwin. And . i fnr Dbkeryf UlWrtnaklng was shot dead by he latter. ; Esnnett's rnajomj , " I B 0scar Esa, Litdetcn. U. & rtr ?arsl 443. Ths three members of the Brarhas'giTea xuegreat reiiei la fcc-ri pre: sst certified to these returns. 1 ldnexcoinpiaiat." . ; The Memphis Avalaaehe to he Solil. . Memphis. Tenn- Dec. 21. By a - de creaof the Chanoery coort, the Dai Mempnis A.vaiancne win do soia at. Doblic auction to the highest bidder on January 18. 1883. This is the result of the recent suit- in tne courts to wind np the partnership of the former com pany. 1 -,n w - . ' '! - - a i T"- -'- ' " ' ' Weather. - -4 Washington, Dec. 21 Indications: Middle Atlantic States, rain, followed by partly cloudy, foggy weather, winds Burning w aontn ana west, using um perature in the ..northern portions, i wwer usuromeier. - - ( " i .,- South Atlantic states, 'nartlv cloudv weather and local raina. variable winds. i stationary or slight fall in temperature. ana in souxnern portions lower barom eter:" - 1 t t ?r i Wr VL IT. TTanrmk. Nnlum. K ft. aars: 'I used Brown's Iron Bitters after an attack ot ma- . srial lerer aaa was snuij banentMa." ' -1 iwed the fluid durit iiuimr affiicdoa wi tMt.re with de- claed advantage. It te IndiipaiiWe ta dM slck- roonj, -. ron,ffile,Ala. ScuktTmr , Irrsias hem nse TJarhvs fluid very " t acoea-iuUy ia tne treat ment of Diphtheria. A. SroixawwamcK. GteeatoorOfAia. Tetter dried ap. . Gnolera preveniea. Uleers purified sad j healed. .i- beMMOfDMthit abookl oenaea aoons Sthe corpse ft. wBl prevent any nnpleas I ant sbmB. STJfS, M. Jt lfew Tnrk. aava: "I an convinced Prof. Darby Prophylactic juiio is a raUiaUcdUinfixtant." randorhO ValTentty, KashTOle, Tens. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darby Prophylactic Fluid. ' As a disinfectant and Jstsrriat it ia both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I ass se -:j .uainted. N.T. Lottoii, Prof. Cheaaistry. -, . - Darbys Tlnld la BeeVHuaiended try -i Hon. AuxAMMn H. Snntn, of Georgia; " Rev. Cas. I". Dnu, DJn Charch of the Strangers, M f.r i- - -", i -t Agrienltoral jmplemeats HIGHEST GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE, CONTAINING POTASH, SOLD IN NORTH CsROLIHa LAST SEAS ... - b.w.i. ,.tis of the different brand- Bend to ut. g.; w. iauaoj, b j ITTli W Li eUalaUU dUhl-elsi- OVDnOCT IMPORTATION, TQB SALI Bf tf ALLinrna. We aaaate sTgeeialty ef fg If sfri' I AJKA& vaaaAaavv m Wando Phcshale Coopany, Charleston, S 1 .. . JrtSUHS.BBO1" TBANCIS B. STACK KB, President. dec20 8m STREET CAB TALK. w CIV V, Itmem hM do TOQ nt 1 Tjuinrirv work Just ever near the gas works. IKDISFEK8ABUI TO KVXBT HOhOE. ' Perfectly sannlese.' Used internally or -. W . ST1? Beast. , ? ; The Tlaid has been thoroughly tested, aad we ; , have abundant evidence that ithas deneeverythina here cUhned.' Per fuller infarnunJoa get of yaur : lJrugsist n inuaphletwaend to the proprietors, , : i ' . 3 sCTtnr a co.; - Msnufactarlp; C3enuss, PHILADSXPHIA.- sad keep ta stock the astli celebrated OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS WiaohareaAKmledgsjdlpbatJai st your nice at Bi M. Smith's Laundry, tne Doatest piaoe ia w Tne "erne' oi toe cwy ana w wewuin gewsrally aregetUng work doo there anyone te vlatt the elaee. Batoanea on! Third trees. -'; .'- ' f ... j. . dec7 J - J " Fresh Mi aMd I Oystef Met Qlwaeteat Wfwm ever aaitshem Plaster or lewsaer ft '' or we make and deal ta WEXAT TTTT.n rsaand HOSSX FOWX23 ot all ktodv end WHITS haa ntMBed a Pish and Oyster Market on Cnureh street near Trade, In the basement tinder StTford Vreeland's grooerVktore, where he wUl do his beat to keep a . Orders solicited and; customers PfomrW sup piled. Prelerenoaalwajs given to Cflf eustom&rs. -.-. li-- j. - aorio im Bntfericks' WITH PATTIBN FOB Received To-Dar. st declS jahuabtI -rnnt tl I if- Ik A. W. SC,Ui( fMflse ever the West Corner of w ' Streets. OfBee hours i"1 j- oeco v rii (VA WW . at TT? nrV-tU. am now ready W S22W wa... Rh anil Ath. Al"'vl..ndllua. Flowers and Flower Seed OtoTja inj Uae ragSsWdgpOW. I i I