BUSINESS NOTICES. wmnA". - Mr Sh Sbe Preserve Her Ileal lb and Beauty n who has long Investigated this subject gives I?Aiilt .sad is happy U MM It touud in SS-a "Best Frleud." It to adapted especially J, i hat great central, all-con; rolling organ, the mb. correcting Its disorders, and curing any ir regularity of the "menses." or "courses." Dr. J Bradfleld's Female Regulator acts like a charm in whites, and in sudden or gradual checking, or in entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from cold, menial trouble, or like causes, by restoring the natural discharge in every Instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting In ulceration, falling of the womb, its action is prompt and decisive, say- VA M - . . . -' ui wo wiuutuuvu iruui uunuKness evils ana premature decay. Prepared by. Dr. J. BradfilL Atlanta, 6a. Price: trial size. 75c; large size, i.ov. m ur mtuo vrjooi aruggisis. Malaria. Chills and Fever, end Billons attacks positively cured with Emory's Htauara Cure Pills miauiDie remedy; never Ian to cure toe most obstinate, long-standing cases; causing no griping or punting: thei. are mild and efficient certain in their action and harmless in all cases; war eneciuauy cieanse tne system, and give new life and tone to the body. Asa household reme dy they are unequaled. For Liver Complaint their equal Is not known: one box v : 1 1 1 1 v u er ful effect on the worst case. Ihfj nit uted. and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywnere. 25 and 60 cent boxes. Bmorrs Lit tle Cathartc Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents Htandard Cure Co., 1 14 Nassau street, New York. ranzi aeoa mw leur 2Vduertlseittctits. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short welgnt, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., ept29 1 08 Weil st. , New York. L'ROY DAVIDSON, Sole Agent, Charlotte, It. C. STRONG FACTS! A great many people are asking what particular troubles BROWN'S Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar -diseases. .Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. ,A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. Iam now using the third bottle and I . sun regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Mart . Brashbar. 173 Prestmanst Kidney Disease Cured. Chris tiansburg, Va., 1881. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. ; A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite And did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. . J. Ktu Montague, Heart Disease. Vine St., Hanisburg, Pa, Dec 3, 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief; Mrs. JsMHtx Hjess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. GOOD HEWS! GOOD HEWS! WHY, that little JULIAN over at Beall A Co's has started a FISH and OYBTJSB Delivery deUvery of B8y8 h WU1 Kaarantee Promptness of FRESH FISH a ad. OYSTERS Jtwt from the Ice Chest io the Kitchen Door, in 15 minutes time and no mistake. He keeps a full ?"PP!y of Kuh and Norfolk Oysters and promises 'Me every body, and all he asks of hiacus ir.M 18 4 Tw7 liberal patronage and prompt pay msnts, and he will grow Men. and they fat. . - . . . j. T, JULIAN. l"8" tor the ringing of the; bell, when you dec7 We are cl0B8 to 'ou read' tot Toa- , NOTICE- I B. hereby given that an application wOl be made it t0 the General Assembly of North Carolina, at " next session, to grant a Charter for a Street "taj company In the city of Charlotte. hov28oawlm - , ' .; Lincoln Reads a Poem. Hone Old Aba Entertains His Cabi net with a Utile Quotation. Now, gentlemen, you ail have more or-leas poetry la yjur souls; listen to this." and Abraham uneoia, tften President, rose from h's chair, in his office in the White House, and read, in tremb lug tones, which indicated his own profound ap probation of it, Dr. a W. Hoimet' "Last Leaf," of which the following are two verses:. . r T , t. v : fThey say that In bis prime, Ere the pruning knife of time Cuts him down; Wot a better mau was found By the crier in his round Through the town. Now the mossy marbles rest On the lips that he had pressed In their bosom; And the names be loved to hear Have been carved for many a year On the tomb." . . . , -vv Mr. Michael Ganfoyie, of Blnghamton, N. T., Is not as old as' the venerable Boston citizen of whom the poet wrote with, such tender pathos, yet he is mora than three -asorce ud ten. "for the past eight of those years." he writes, "I have been a perfect crlople from rheumatism, hobbling about as best I eould with my cane, t took Park ei's Ginger Tonic, and am' now supple and strong M gimoast There la no trace pf the, disease eft about me." -c ' " . Mr. R. w.Mosh-r. wholesale druggist of BlBg h ampson, writes Messrs . HISCOX t CO.. of New York-proprietors of the Tonic-certifying to Mr. Uneolo, tften Preside "umeil RMturnr arista? from an tmftnm atafa 6f the blOOd Of Uanarfan a i . i T- T-Tr . . ... .., ail f fa ini mytroubies, Bronchitis, and common oougbs and tem!iTinl8B M Us wuch. Prices, 60c and f I a -".vKar biz the cheaper. r - . owing au lbs properties 01 any preparation Ktagw, Parker's Ginger Tonic Is remedy of in- ira rnii nnwnr. It cures ail ulSr Sfoej Charlotte Qto&zxvuiv. flndex to Ne w Advertisements. J T. Julian -Mi friends take warning. Happy MeSmlth - 6.000 Children Wanted. Santa Claus Headquarters at the Variety Store. HOME BRIEFS. I3T There were seventy-nine arrivals at the Central Wednesday. -. ty Mr. J A Robinson, of the Win ston Leader, is in the city, and is stop ping at the Buford House. - tCol. Wm. Johnston returned to the city yesterJay from a business trip to Washington City and New York. EiT Santa Claus' mail box was chock full of letters last night, but our eager young friends must wait until to-mor row to see their wants in type. I"Mi83 Bettie Sawyer, who lived on North Tryon street, died yesterday al 1 p m. The funeral will take place from Tryon street church to-day at p m. VST Mary Caldwell and Harry Pern berton for an affray were fined $5 each by the Mayor yesterday morning". J, W. Houston, for being drunk and down, was fined $2.50 and costs. The china store of Messrs. J Brook field & Co, is making an especial effort to capture the Christmas trade, (jo and see tneir store, and let your eyes gaze on the magnificent stock of silver plated goods and china ware. The city police were last night given an excellent supper at the may ors residence. Mr. Eccles will give them a dinner at the Central, Christmas day, and this treat will be followed by dinners at the. Buford House and Charlotte Hotel. The policeman's lot is a happy one, sometimes. t"A remarkable change in the con duct of porters at the depot has been noticed since the recent passage of the ordinance requiring the arrest of all who speak in a tone above ordinary conversational standard, and as pas sengers alight they are impressed with A.1 J 4 -m m m . . ... : tne race mac it loots more like a funeral than anything else. The effect a prospective $5 fine will have upon the mouth of the average porter is truly wonderful. Holiday Amusements. A grand -masquerade ball will be given by the Herma Vista club at the Central Hotel, on Thursday evening of next week. The young people are al ready getting up their costumes and the event will be a most brilliant one. The Herma Vista will also give a ger man on the evening of Tuesday, 2d January. A Big Transaction in Pork. At Wadsworth's stables, yesterday evening, a big trade in hogs was made between Messrs Jones and Tulley, and Mr Settles, the sheriff of Cleveland county. The two droves of hog 3 brought to this city from eastern Tennessee, by Jones & Tulley, numbering 179 heads, were sold to Sheriff Settles for $4,000. The hogs weighed 48,000 pounds, and $4,000 is considered only a moderately fair price for them. Accident to Old Baldy. Old Baldy, the driver of the Central's big 'bus, was, raked ; from his seat by the limbs of a tree, last night and pret ty badly bruised up. Baldy thinks that "sathin inside's hurt." He will not be able to drive his team to-day. Fre quently old Baldy has dozed off in his seat on top of the 'bus and waked up to find himself on the ground, but. this is the first instance in the old veteran's life of his having been raked from his seat by a limb. Bar Keepers and the License Tax. At the late meeting of the board of county commissioners, sixteen licenses to parties to sell liquors in this city were granted, but so far only a few have walked up to the sheriff's office aid taken out the necessary paper?. The names of those who have paid their $120 license tax are: J. C. Springs J. D. Northey, McD. Arledge, M. A. McCoy, J. C. Long & Co., Elliott and Bemley and Scoville Brothers. All the other bar keepers in the city are under the penalty of the law. Tne Tourists. Mestayer's "Tourists in the Palace Car," were greeted last night by a crowded house, and the ; most uproari ously jolly one that has been gathered in the opera house this season. Some idea of the way the play took with the audience may be imagined from the fact that almost everything was encored two or three times and the many repetitions caused the play to be prolonged until after 11 o'clock. It is a funny group of travelers and they cer tainly made a big hit last night. There's fun in "The Tourists," and the next ; time they come a crowd larger even than that of last night will greet them. Destructive Fire in the Country. . , About three o'clock yesterday morn ing Ythe printers going home, from The Pbsebvk office saw a bright light in the skies about the direction of Biddle Institute, and they knew at once that there was somebody's house being burrled up in: the country. The first person from that neighborhood who came into the city yesterday .morning brought the news that the fire occurred on the farm of Mr Addison Frazier, the weir known grower of the; Frazier apples. ;,Mr Frazier had I been :. killing hogs the evening previous.and had used his meat house for slaughtering and cleaning the hogs. ; Sometime during the nigEt .hp flret whiffy had been kept up under the kettle, communicated to. the house, which was soon enveloped. in flames. The, fire communicated from the meat house to Mr Fraziert resi dence and kitchen, and all were con sumed with their contents. All of Mr FrazieVs household and kitchen goods were, burned, and every building on the premises, except the'barh, was burned. ibir JFra.zIer;io8t, among other things, ISO bushels of apples, which he had con tracted ; to. deliver Ia Charlotte ; this week; and six dressed' hogs. His total loss will be fully $2000. f There was not a cent of insurance on any bt, the prop-, rty. t. - , 7."! ily Bsvck In HowJWelVA. : 'Tntois whatlfrl ciotlgn,of !Lowell, Mass., was happy to say after his wife had given him a good rubbing wit Pewy pavhr" Pain Killer, and ad ministered a doss 'inwardly. For four years he had been crippled with rheumatism, and suffered eeoayln his tack.; After using Pain Killer, he w6Dt to his business with comfort, and la now as wellA ever., v'rv-llp-'f. ; - Xady. render you skin wUtewWn. Coiden a f ut pUeTWhache Diops cure In pnettunute. ' ' ,;' SANTA CLAUS AGAIN. The Reporter Once More Chaperoned Iit tha HnnJ tA Man and Shown fe8opie b tte Prlettt Things Offefed lor th Hdlidays ljChrlote Jnerenanw. The reporter was just getting ready to go and see "the Tourists' last night, when he was halted by .the familiar tinkle of Santa Claus sleigh bells and immediately thereafter was confronted by the merry old man. Icicles were .hanging to his nose, and a smile that reached from ear to ear was frozen to "his face. "Pretty cold where you came from; wasn't it Mr. Santa?", the repor ter enquired as the old . man bean scrouging up to the stove to thaw but. "Oh, don't speak of it," he replied, Mpnly a balmy sort of an April day where I came from, but to change the subject are vou readv to co around with' me and see some pretty things to-night V "We are at vour service." replied; the reporter and forthwith took his good companion's arm and strolled forth. Our first halting place was at the brown stone front of ELI AS & COHEN, and Santa was just starting to pick the lock when a voice from the inside was heard exclaiming: "Ah! you purglars, I vas wadebine for you on dis bresent ocxasion und you haf been gatched, dot's dolerably cerdain der bed on." "Is that you, Landecker ?" asked San ta, as he pushed open the door and walked in. "Dot's me, if I knows mine self," was the reply, "und now mine ba- triarchigal looking old frient, if you havs somedings to identify yourself mit, you will oplige me by handing but your card, und at der same dime, gon sider myself under arrest." "All right,' said Santa, as he handed the watchful clerk one of the same cards which he gave the reporter on the occasion of his first visit to this office, and the look of astonishment winch came over the face of Mr. Landecker was painful to behold. He made a thousand apologies for his ungracious reception of the old Saint, all of which were kindly accept ed, and then Santa and Mr. Landecker proceeded to show the reporter what may be found at this well known house lor the Christmas trade. The disp&y of gents furnishing goods is a splendid one, while there is shown a lovely line of silk handkerchiefs and hosiery. The cloaks and lace neckwear for the ladies are simply elegant. An attractive feat ure of the Christmas display is the line of table damasks and covers, zephyr shawls and ladies and gentlemen's fine satchels and valises. "This is one of the best places to come to in Charlotte for Christmas presents," said Santa. and a lovelier display of goods cannot be found in this city. Now if Mr. Lan decker will release us from arrest, we will go across the street to a perfect gem of a Christmas house, EDDINS' BOOK STORE. Here you see a hundred things at once that you want to have," our good companion said after we were once in side the store. "Look at those beauti ful brackets, pictures and picture frames. Those plaques are the, latest things out and are as pretty as can be made. Never was a more' superb as sortment of books opened out in this city, and as you see there are unlimited numbers of dainty presents like ink stands, morrocco wallets, gold pens, hymn books, prayer books, games and the latest tricks of all sorts. From this stock of goods you can find a present to suit everybody and I want you to ad vise all particularly, to call at Eddins' store to select their Christmas pres ents." dr. j. n. mcaden's. The reporter following the lead of his chaperone next found himself in the drug store of Dr. J. H. McAden, where there is the finest display of Perkins & House's patent nickle plated and libra ry lamps, ever brought to Charlotte. The two large show Windows are filled with them and elegant presents they make, too. Besides these, there is a splendid assortment of colognes, ex tracts, cut glass cologne bottles, Amer ican and French toilet soaps, combs and many other goods suitable for Christmas presents." Santa next car ried us to one of the best known estab lishments in the city, THE MCSMITH MUSIC HOUSE, and after pausing to look at the beauti ful show windows, we went in and took a look at the organs and pianos, vio lins, harmonicas, prguinettes, harps, music boxes, flutes, horns, base viols, trombones and every variety of musi cal instruments. After looking at the instruments, Santa showed us over the .large and complete assortment of sheet music. "McSmith has dead loads of presents for the people of all ages and classes, and his music house must not be skipped by my friends who are in searcbof presents." NAZARENUS & CO, Our chaperone then conducted us across the street to the new store of Nazarenus & Co, where the newest and latest novelties for Christmas are dis played. We were shown a thousand and-one toys for the children, and then Santa tpok us through the bakery, where the cakes and bread are baked, and showed us some of the most hand somely ornamented cakes and the pret tiest breads ever seen in Charlotte. "This house will be my headquarters to morrow," said our companion, "and I wan you . tp tell your readers that I wilt be here to attend to their wants in person. Now to-morrow night I will call fot you again, and will take you around and show you some things that you have never dreamed of." So say ing, Santa bade us goodnjght, and van ished from sight. MRS. STERLING'S TVILL The Supreme Court Sustains J odge Bennett's Decision and Mrs. Horah ; Gain8 tlje SuitEnd oi an Interest-: ing Law Suit. The Supreme Court in session at Bal eigh Wednesday made an important do cision and one that is of considerable local interest, being the suit of Samuel Knox and, others against Mrs. Frank Horah for the recovery of some valua ble real estate willed to Mrs. Horah by Mrs. Sterling. ?.The circumstances of the case; are about fas , follows: Mrs. Sterling, an fold. ladJ who is well re membered in Charlotte f or, her eccen tric traits and. who was generally re garded as'si crazy4 woman, died in 1877. Several months previous ta. her death, she made herilh assigning aWof er f persinat ppgrtyxan4 real estate jto Mrs. Frank Horah. The p.-operty iru-, led r lies on Trade street, opposite the J first -Presbyterian ghutch, and extends from the old Stnifeobe to Creswell building, on the corner of Poplar and TradestTeets.7 Samuel Knox and oth ers, the next of kin and heirs to the de ceased lady, contested the will upon the grounds of the insanity ;of the'. -testatrix. The case came up for trial before Judge Bennett at the special term of Mecklenburg.Superior court last Janu ary, and was decided in favor of Mrs. HorabA An .appeal was taken to the Supreme court and the case was argued by counsel: before - that body some weeks ago. . Last Wednesday the court filed its opinion sustaining Judge Ben nett's decision, upon the grounds that at the time the c will was made, Mrs. Sterling was perfectly sane and knew what she was doing; Messrs E K P Os borne, W S Bynum, W H Baileyand.W O Maxwell, were counsel for Mrs. Ho- rah, and Messrs Jones & Johnston, Wilson & Son, John E Brown. C E Grier,.C Dpwd, and Burwell & Walker. counsel fpr linox etal. The property is valued at $8,000. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH - DSCSMBXB 21, 1882" ' DOMESTIC. NAVAL STORES. ;CHiaiJB8TOK-SpiritsTurpentIne steady, sales at 48o. Bosln, unchanged ; strained and tood strain- WITJflNtmJn ODHIIS- TtUTJAntlnA firm AQ Bosln qnlet. at 81.85 tor strained; SlAO for mod strained Tar steaay, at Ji.80. Crude Tuipen- uu sveou, t uu ivi uara; lor yeUOW PEODUCK. Baltmori irooN Floor, aulet and Howard street and Western super 3.l5fflsa Hfi' extra $3,7584.50; family 4.6205 75; Cltv Mills super. 3.60ffiS4.00: extra SSO&.Sd7 Bio Brands 95 EQ. Wheafr-Sonthern stead - West em a shade better and closing dull; Southern wuisi.w; imoer 1.UWEIS1.15: No. 1 marjiana 91.UWZSI 10: wo 2 western winter red spot, Sl.07tt.0714. Coro-Southem steady; BnnthAM whit-A coa a . .niiA nrr- 1 Baltimore night Oats, dull; Southern 45ffi49: vama 46CP4W. Provisions-easier and oniAt? mess Pork. X flPK. Rnllc mal hniilr1r ar.A clear rib sides : cKed, 814010. Bacon-shonld- ers iuja; wear rib sides 12V4; hams 14&15. uara rennea izv coffee nrm; Bio eargoes ominarj to lair 714-814. 8uar quiet; A soft p. wnisney-quiet, at 1.18SS1.18Vi. FrelghU ui nirerpooi uncnangea ana ami. CDICINKATT Flonr. nnlAt and iniAfianed. fnmllv f. iuuimw; iancy 54.vt)ia.aD. w neat ami: o. rea winter W5&9tf for soot: 95 bid for Jan- nary. Corn stronger, at 5514 for spot; 551465514 for; December: 50U bid for Januarv. Oats stroiger, at 40 for spot; 401441 for De cember. Pork-doll and nominal, at S17.50. lard-easler. at Sio 2fift)Sin.8n. Rnitr mxatii easier; snomaer e; clear ribs 9. Bacon in lair demand; shoulders 814; clear ribs 11; clear 1114 Whiskey steady and firm, atSl. 18. Sugar urmer ami noi auotuDiT nitrnr: mraa uabrauiu New Orleans Qik&lVi. Hocs-steadr: common and light S5 852B.20: rjacklnst and butchera B.1US$0.45. CsnoAeo Flour, steady and nnchaneed: common to choice BDrinr wheats S3 R0f7)S5 RO: common to fancy Minnesota S4.onftH.00: Patents art Knfli. 9i.w, winter wneat S4b05.50. Wheat-duil aid a shade lower; Regular, 9214 for December; S292?s for January; No. 2 red winter 9-314; No. 2 Chicago spring 9282; No. 8 Chicago SPrlDg 78. Com In fair demand and lownr. at oaw ior cssn bdyRWbism ior uecemoer; oouia 5m for January. Oats strong and higher, at avvi iorcasn: ior December; 80U ior Jan uary; 85 for February. Flax seed steady and uncnangea. Dressed Hoes easier, at SR.7fift). 87.00. Pork in fair demand and easier, at S1710S17.1B for cash: Sl7.22Uff.9S17.2fi for January. Lard in fair demand and firm, nt 81 0.80 lor casn;10.S0aSl0.82Wor December; 9lv otniu9iv.u ior January. juik meais stronger; shoulders S8.6U: short rib Sfl.Oo: short dear 89 25. Whis-ey steady and unchanged, at SI-18. The Board of Trade voted to-daT to ad journ irum xnaay 10 xaesaay, Dec aotn. COTTON. eiXVBSTOH EtS7: middling 10c: low nilddlln sw: gooa orainary mic; net receipts afiii; gross s,78U; sales 2,060; stock 122,258; exports to ooascwise : ureal Britain : to nn. unent ; to France : to channel NOHTOLK Dull: micdllna 9 13-lRc: net rw1nt 5,17o; ross 5,175; "toes 67,688; sxports eoast- wist- J5.081 ; saieu 533; exports to ttreat Britain ; to continent . BaIiTTmoks Duu i middling lCSbo: low mid dling 9c; xnod ordinary 9c; net receipts ; gross 1,497 sales 200. stock 14.182: exDorts coastwise ; spinners : exports to Brest Britain i.vts i ; (o oonttneni Boston Steady: middling 10Ua: low middnna 10c: trood ordinary BUie: net remfnu l 919- jtom a,M3; saies . stocs ,910: exporsto rfii nntain ; to France . Whjonstoh Dull, miodlm. SSie: low mid- dllng 9 5 16c: good ordinary 3 7-1 6c; net receipts 1.453; gross 1,483; sales ; stock 23.916: ex ports coastwise ; to ureal Britain to continent . Philadelphia Quiet: mlddllna lCi&c: low mid dling iujc: irooa orainary yie. reoeints aet bil; gross 671; sales ; swck 8,104; ex t ort ureat Britain ; to continent . Savakhah Dull: mlddllna 9Ma: low mlddlfnsr W4c; Kuua raiaair e8o; net receipts b.loo; cross 5.185: sales 2.K0f: stock 121 ORS: amort t eoastwlse 1.505; to Great Britain : to ranee ; to continent 1,380. Slf ORLKANS-Easv: mlddllna' QTbc: low mid. dling 9c; good ordinary 914c; net receipts 10.822:oss 1 1 ,87S:sales 1 1 000: stock 287.241 : exports to Great Britain 10 361 : to France 4u5; coastwise ; to continent 2.800: to chan nel . MOBIL- Quiet: middling QUc: low mlddllna J; good ordinary 914c; net receipts 4,386; gross 4.3B0; saies 5IXJ. stock U5 335: exports eoastwlse l 1 10; to France -; to Great Britain ; to continent . Mimphb Lower to seU. mlddllna 934: low mid. dling tiiMi: good ordinary 9c: net reoauns 4 2aA: gross 4 681; shipments 4.103; sales 2.7C0; stock AUGUSTA Dull: mlddllna 93b-!: low middling 91fec; good ordinary 81fcc rtjeipu 1,220; shlp- maaw : sales SMI. CHARLkSTOH- Uulei : middling flTSio: low mid. dling 9c; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 2,818; gross 2,818 tales 1,000; stock 107.868; exports ooastwue hhu. to Great Bntam 4.89: to conti nent : to France : to channel ST. LOUIS - Dull and easv: middling Q 11.1 Ac low middling 9 5-1 6c: eood ordinary 8 18 16c: net receipts 2.829; gross 80,652 ; shipments 2,168 ; saies 04; swck 41.6BO. Nxw Tobk Dull: sales 814 bales: middling uplands 10 5-1 6c; middling Orleans 1014c: con solidated net receipts 88,003; exports to Great Britain 18.593: to France : to continent 6, 125; coastwise 4,350. FUTUBI3. NiwYOBK Net receipts 759: gross S.flfli. Future closed dull but steady; sales 41,000 bales. Decern fter. 10.21 0.00 January- 10 2500 February 10.85.88 March.. 10.4849 April 10.60 61 May 1072.78 June. 10.840.85 July , 10.95.9 August 11.05.08 September October November The Evening Post's Cotton Report says: Future deliveries are in slight demand and fluctuations triflisg. At the third call December sold at 10.22; March .48; April .60. showing an advance of 1 point on December, and .a decline of 1 point on later months since yesterday. 'FINANCIAL. NEW TOBK ' Exchango. : : : : : : 4.801A Governments weak and 16 lower, : New fives, : : : : : : : 1.0314 Four and a half per cents, : : : 1.18 Four per cents, : : : : : 1.2014 Monev. ::::::: flf24 State Bonds dall and unchanged, : Sub-treasury balances-Gold, : : $114,121 " -currency, : : 4,773 tClosed offered at . Nxw Tobk 11 a. m. The stock market opened doll and In the main a small fraction below yes terday's closing prices. During the nact hour the market has been very dull and without feature. At 1 1 o'clock a decline of 1& per cent was re corded, led by Louisville & Nashville and Dela ware, Lackawana s western. Stocks Dull and generally heavy : Alabama Class A. 2 to 5. : : : fiHt Alabama Class A, small, : : : 85 Alabama Class B, 6's, : : : : j 02 . Alabama Class u, 4's, : ; : : 87 Chicago and Northwestern. : : : 1.884 Chicago and Northwestern. Dref erred. 1.5S Erie, : : : : : ,: : : 89 least Tennessee, : : : : : 991 Illinois Central, : : : ; j 1 1.45 Lake snore, : : : : : : 1.171s Louisville and Nashville, 1 : : : 54 Memphis and Charleston. : t : 45 NashvlUe and Chattanooga, .: : . : , t (I New York Central, : ; : 1 9 Pittsburg, : t : : :-. t , :tltf Richmond and Allegheny, :; : : 14 Richmond ana Danviue, : : : : 55. Bock Island. t- : "r : : : 1.2814 bouw uarouna Brown vonsois, : : : l.un west Point Terminal, t : ; : : z Wabash. 8L Louis and PaciOc : : 3 84' waoasn. bc AiOou ana racmc, preierrea, 64t Western Union, t : : : : : 814 UnUed 8tates 8's, : : : : , : 1.C314 Georgia 6's, : : ? s f, X 51.07 Georgia Ts. mortgage, : r ; . : 1.071 Georgia gold, : : t : . : : 1.14 Louisiana Consols, : t i : , : : 6814 flortn fjaroima s, : 1 ' : ; , : . ; a North Carolina's, new; t .' s ' : : 15 North Carolina's, funding; 4 . : : : 10 r North Carolina's, special tax, ; : . .: &14 Tennessee 6's, : v i : ; r. 45 Tennessee, new, t ; - t 441 Virginia 6s. : : ; 1 -i t : - j. 86 Virginia, consolidated. . ; : , : ; , 6l Virginia, deferred,,, : : : - " 12i Adams' Express, 'Ts i j: : 184, American Express, s s " 7 J : : : 91 Chesapeake and Ohio, " t; : - r' 23 ' Chicago andAltorY -t 1 1.84 Chicago, St Louis and New Orleans,- : 79 ConsolCoal, : : : : : r t 29 Delaware and Lackawana, : 11.8014 Fort Wayne, : : : : ; : : 1 83 uaiuuuu auu oh .UDcyu, ; ; ; 140 Harlem, t -: . :. s t : : : n.98 Houston and Texas, t : : : 78 Manhattan Elevated, t : : : : 44 Metropolitan Elevated, : : : : 88 Michigan Central, : . : : : 1.08 Mobile and Ohio, : : : : : 18 New Jersey Central, : : : : 7214 aoaoiK ana western, preierrea. : : ou New York Elevated. : : : : : 90 Ohio and Mississippi, : : : : 8814 unw moa Mississippi; preierrea, : : Pacific M&ll, , : T : : 43 Panama, :::::: : 1.67 Qalcksilver, : : : : : : 814 vusuwr, preierrea, : : : ; 4t toiifitfflnf. ....... - e.M. (..... St Louis and San Francisco, : : : 84 ob lioois, preierrea, : : : : 544 ok uuuiB a. oan. x riwciHco. i st nmrnrran. vx St Paul. : : : : : : : 1.074 St Paul, preferred, : : : : : 1.21W Texas Paciflc, : : : : : : 4M4 Union Paclflc, ::::: l.OSu TTnf.i a. tr . . .vna weus'jrargo, :::::: 180 Bid. tLast bid. SOffd. I Ex. Div. xAsked. FOREIGN. OOTTOir. LrVKBPOOL HOOM-Dull and easier? nlddltns an. lands 5a; middling Orleans 6d; sales 8,000; speculation and exports 1,000; receipts 7,750; American 7.85a DDlands low middling ian. December delivery fi 51-64d5 50 64d; Decembi r ttuu January oou-oa; January and Febnury 550-64d; February and March 651-64d; March and April 5 52 64d; April and May 5 55 64d: May and Jun 559 84dffl5R8-ft4d: Juna and JniT 5 62 64d; July and August 0 2-644; August and ocjiuuuuer o D-04O. anturea na& Lmxpooav l.SO r. it SaiM a 6 300 Middling uplands 5 18-16d; low middling 54fed; good ordinary 51d; ordinary 5d. Middling Orleans 6d; low middling 5d; good ordinary 5 11 16d: ordinary fUd. Va ands low middiiBo clause: February and Marchdellvery 5 50-rt4L LrVKRPOOL-5P. K.-rTn1andalnwTnldd11nlBnu. January and February delivery 5 49 64d. Futures flat CITY COTTON MARKET. Omci ot Thx Obsxbvxb, Chablottx, Decembei 22. 1882. 1 The market vestardav nlowwl nn flaf .f ft,A following quotations: ' oodMMdllng Q Addling. 9 6-i6a Strict low middling... . 9Ua Low middling o Tinges. 8 18-1 6 8talns clean 814 Lower grades 8 Q EKCKIPT8 SINCa SBFTXKBXB FIB8T. Receipts from September 1st to yesterday, 82,662 Receipts yesterday 285 Total Beceinta tn data ao sot Receipts same date, 1 88 1 I 1 Receipts same date, 1880, 88,233 Charlotte Produce insu-ket. BECEMBEB2I, 1882. BUYING PRICES Cora, per bnsh'l 5055 60865 Whsat. " CKOion Beams, white, per bushel 1.26a2.50 Pkab, Clay, per bush. 60a65 aV. " 85a-90 White. " AR37n Floub family 2.50a2.75 fitra..... - 2.00a2.25 Saner inn Oats, shelled 85a88 dried FKurr Apples, per lb. 4a& Peaches, peeled 7a8 " Unpeeied 6a6 Blackberries hhk Potatoes Sweet, new 50a60 Irish kih7k BUTTEB North Carolina. 25080 Baes, per dozen. 25 Poultbt Chickens 25&30 Spring 1214al8 Ducks 20a25 Turkeys, per DX 8a9 Geese 9Raao Bxhf. per lb., net 8ai n Muttoh, per lb., net Pork, " 8a9 SELLING PRICES WHOLESALE. Bulk Mkais Clear rib sides 11 iaoi o Prime Rio Good 10al2i4 9al0 10J1114 7a9 85ai0 8UQB- White Yellow Molasses Cuba Sugar 8yrup Choice New Orleans... . . Common Bftaen 65 75 4045 Sait- Liverpool fine " coarse l.O0al.25 85al.C0 WHD3KET Cora, per gallon.... Rye. " tl.75a2.00 S2.00a8.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon S2.00aS.00 Wrai, Sec ppemong, per gallon. $1.50 rmui. - .. KV FUl RETAIL. VHEXSX , 20 jlard, perm... 15al 6 Tallow, per lb. 7aS bvoon N. C. hog round Hams, N. C. Hams, canvassed. 15al8 17al8 17al8 9al0 8.25a3.50 8.00 Rice Fruit Apples, Northern, per bbl . " Mountain. Fish Mackerel No. 1 " No. 2 -no. a Codfish 1.2S 1.00 90 15 5 Cabbage, per To. letrj Axlucrttsemcuts jyjY Fi leads take warning. A stitch In time saves nine. Don't forget that Christmas comes next to Sunday, and be sure to send in your eiders on Saturday, so I can have them all arranged for early delivery on Monday Christmas day. Can supply you at from SI to $2 per gallon. Be sure to State the kind voa want In vonr ord.r Wishing you all a Happy Christmas, I am, your ob't servant, aec22 J. T. JULIAN. HEADQUARTERS Dkfabtuxnt of North Caroliha. Charlotte, N. C, Deo 22d, 1882. SPECIAL ORDER, I no. 1. ) All legal subjects and good little Children, whe hare for any cawe failed to make their Xmas pur chases are heresy specially Instructed that at the TjLRIETT stoke, Uader Traders' National Bank, they will find a few TOTS left, such as Ten Fins, Teol Chests Work Boxes, Express Wagons, Train of Cars, Steam Beats, A. a C. Blocks, Singing Bird, Per forming Bear, large and small Dolls, &, &c, 4c. Also, Fine Silk Handkerchiefs, THESE GOODS ABE FOB SALE. r A word to the wise Is sufficient. By order of . SANTA CLAUS & Don't mistake the place. dcc22 POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No Hobse win die of CoLia. bots or Lmr Fa- tkb. If Fontrt Powders are toed in time. ontz's fowdere win core and prevent Hoe Cbouii. route's Powder will prevent Gaps, iw Fowls. Footz's Powders will Increase the Quantity of milk and ere am twenty per cent, and make the batter firm and sweet. Footzfe Powdera will rant nr nrevent almost imT D18XASK to which Horses and Cattle are abject. rouTZ's rowsiM will errs SAXurAoxioir -Sold everywhere.- w : DAVID E. POTTT2. proprietor. ' BALTIMORE. 1CD. - Ho! For I TAKE the present oooaslon to extend my grata fol acknowledgments for past favors, and ask for a continuance of the same. RBEAD, CAKES anal CAN DIE, J I, nave fees kvxbt DAT of the best nnalirv. 1 HT CALL ASS 8XB B. J t W.'M". dec20 lw.-; ' FOR RENTi rpHE two stores, and eight finished rooms up JL stairs suitable for bed rooms, at the Air Line depot, Just finished by Mr. M. ' P. Pegram. - Apply to E f ' r- - W. H. GLOTE3. Agent ?3l5 lw : 4. A it! Christmas Oys WCi&ttllnutovis. mi R. EDDItiS, LEftGER 8 LOW PRID8B, HAS GOT THE HeuST STOCK Of (Roods. In hli Line ever Brought to the City. He has gol the Finest LADIES' WALLETS In the 8tite. W He will show you ten times the variety of any other house In Charlotte of CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKS. He wOl show you POEMS of every descrip tion and style of blndlnr. Hymn Books, Testaments, Psalms and Prayer Books are ea his shelves in Immense Quantities. Ladles' Writing Desks, Gold Pens. Ink Stands and Fine Stationery to with them. W Photograph and Autograph Albums abound Chromos, Picture Frames well, EDDINS can't tell you here ALL THAT HE HAS GOT, but Just come and be convinced ot what he says. deol7 Tiddy & Brother OFFER FOR SALE THI3 SEASON THE Largest and Best Stock -OF- Christmas and Holiday Goods THEY EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF Exhibiting in Charlotte. There is scarcely an article In our Line which we have not got. KV Our Goods are well worth looking at and an Invitation Is extended to all to come and see them whether purchases are made or not decl7 We will move our store JANUARY 1st, to the newly fitted up WHITE FRONT STORE, four doors above the Court House, where we will continue to keep the Largest and Finest 8tock of MILLINERY and FANCY DRY GOODS in the State. We are now ottering a Great Variety of Christmas Goods at Low Prices, to reduce our stock before moving. dec21 C l Dels t Co's HOLIDAY NOTICE. PUBLIC attention Is respectfully invited to our stock of CONFBCTIONERTKSTFRUITS. tots and FANCY GROCERIES, of which we have laid In a full supply for the HOLIDAY TRADE, con sisting in part of a large variety of PLAIN and FANCY CANDIES, SUGAR FRUITS, and TOYS, NUTS. MALAGA GRAPE3, FIGS, ORANGES, APPLES, LEMONS, ' RAISINS, CITRON, COCOANUTS, CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, ETC., ETC. tyFBSSa HOME MADS TAFFY AND COCO AN UT CANDY.. TPiYS PBPto Babies and Per? AVlO forming Bears are novelties to be found nowhere else In Charlotte. C A "IT TT CM.We have unsurpassed facta- VAlV.ilJ Um for Rnkinv nt Orris. wcumn uwn pu won noaoe, Avisuweuunx will repay visitors. Our speelalttes are i CANDIES, plain and fancy. PEANUTS; raw and .roasted. CHE WINS GUM. &,Co., ' KanutacPittng ConfecUoners and Bakers. ' ' deel7 lw l-iV. ' r i r , ' - " " ' ' ' t (Christmas ISMS THE WORST-ISM " TO-DAY IS urn RHEUMATISM IM THE BACK PERRY DAVIS'S MM KILLER. RHEUMATISM III THE KM EES Cundbf PERRY DAVIS'S PAIM KILLER. RHEUMATISM IM THE MUSCLES Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIM KILLER. RHEUMATISM OF LONG STAMDIMO Cur$db PERRY DAVIS'S PAIM KILLER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buyf any Dtugght Perry Davis' s Pam Killer WORTH OF W0BTH0F- WATCHES, SILVER and PLATED WAR E TO BE SOLD- WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, -AT- -boston- METALLURGICAL WORK 83 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MAS?. Metallurgists, Assay ers and Analytical Chemists GOLD SUid SILVER REFINERS, Practical Mill-Bans of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards REFRACTORY ORES TREATED Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketehe and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Famished. MANAGERS OT He New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SMELTED ON RETURNS r PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. TEOHAS BINNS,: .METALLCBeiBT. A. H EJIY,. Mnmrft Xhcdtsd JOHN HOLUDAY, .....Pao. marS tf First Winter Meeting AT TlU LAFAYETTE COURSE, OPUUXCXJTQ TITESDAT, DEO. 3TIf9 1883, AT AUGUSTA, GA., and continuing four days. CoL T. fl.-BlBBETT,....: CoLC H.PHINIZY....... Mr. J. P. DOUGHTY...... -i,... President .Yiee-Preside&c .8ecy and Treas. DIRECTORS i NEWT. HEQ3IE. THOMAS MURRAY. J.J. DOUGHTY. G. EL EERNAGHAR. SYANS H EGG IE. W. H. CHSWdfe s w -r Running Imm tn tut .wmj t m, aa.-.i. Jockey Club Rules. .Trotting and Pacing by the NaUonai Association Bales. Half rates on Ball roads. H. MADDEN. KlMmr. deeie lw ' " NOTICE IS Hereby given that an application wOl be made tO the General Assembly at North flamllna mi A South Carolina at their runt MMHinn. ta mni ebarter for a Toll-Bridge across the Catawba River, at L J. Price's eld ferry imng UVT4V W 1883. HARPER'S Y0UI1G PEOPLE. AN ILLU8TRATED WIXEXT-1 0 PAGU3. Sotted to Boys and GtrU from six to sixteen yean of Age. ToL IT. commented November 7th, 1882.13 THE YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first sueceesful beyond anticipation. New York Evening Post. -. It has a distinct purpose, to which it steadily ad Bcra-iflsi, wuneiri oi suppianong tne vicioaa papers for the young with h paper more attractive, as welt as more wholesome Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of enernvrn. and wm. teuta generally, it is unsurpassea by any public Uon 01 the kind yet brought to our notice. Pitts' TBRnriL HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, .... Hi Kn Per Year, Postage Prepaid,.... f LW single numoers, jroor Lnu eacn. Specimen copy sent on receipt ot Three Cents, The Volumes ef HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE for 1881 and 1882, handsomely bound in Illumi nated Cloth, will be sent by mail, posts prepaid, 00 receiptor $3 each. Cover for YOUNG PEO PLE for 1882, 85 cents; postage, 19 eenu add tlonaL - - ' . ;-. - - ... Bemlttanees should be made by Postofnee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ef loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adTerase"ii without the express order ot Harper A Ft HARPER EIiOTI B0T23 ii Kiie atism $1510 ocks,Jewelry, J. T. Butler's Jewelry Store. dec 16