v Oik VOL. XXVIII. ' - .. - ' : . 1 1 - ' -- ' ' -- - ' ' - ' ' - r - , - . -- ,-,-!- ' - --. - YOU A PRETTY 1 1 la, on- S ILK HAT, FOR -AT :c: IP YOU WANT A FBETTY PAIS OF GENTS' SLIPPERS r FOB A CHBIS1 MA3 PRESENT, Ion Can Find Them at ftp. & Cft A FULL LINE OF j, SOFT I STIFF HATS! ' ALSO - Child's Polo Caps for Christmas, PEGMH1 & (O S. decl7 We Take IN ANNOUNCING TO -zOUR FRIENDS-- THAT THIS HOUSE Will Continue Business. :a: A-tut- OUR stock ot Goods have been GREATLY RE IIPCJ by the; OTERHADLING LOBlCES made to our customers during the last 80 days. The forced sale of Goods commenced then will continue 80 DATs LONGER 'that w nfayte enJ abled this spring to present an entire new and one of the most attractive stocks ever brought to Char lotte. WB MEAN EXACTLY WHAT AY This stock must be. sola, and; If maUngrigesi any Inducement to buy, our Mends will find that oors will be tower than eyer jSmSY3.jf? earnestly request oar friends and the pnUcr geiF-f all who -need , ' t. DRY- GOODS, H r0- Call i SeeftrTffieniselvj, 1 1 i : : AS THESE REMNANTS MUStBElCLOSED OUT. '. Chris as Present PEGRAI & CD'S Pleasure uloMngr Hats or Carpels, v : - i - . -..... timet f LildiU Beat Quar ers FOE Xmas Goods ! WHEN YCU ARE OUT LOOKING FOR THE SLAUGHTERING GOING ON IN THE CITY, CALL IN AND 8BE - ff you can't find something in our house cheap enough to buy. We do not offer all our Stock at Cost, but will sell you a great many Goods cheap.and If yon will COM PARK GOODS and PRICES we think we can CONVINCE TOO that we will SELL GOODS CHEAP. f- Our Stock ef XMAS GOODS Is coming In every day, And when you want something hand some for a XMAS PRESENT. Call and see our Stock and you will find GOODS And PRICES RIGHT. Very Respectfully, T. L. Seigle & Co. dec8 A cold .r son throat mar seem to f 1 1 w y attended ect Is often imiuwou oj coiisnntption or iphtheria. ni) meoicme nas ever oeen ivered which lJXLSS1? "H awel y In such cases as PERRY DAVIS' .PAIS Ktt.tSh prompt tae of this imtaiuabU rtrntdv has laved thousands ot lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Is net an experiment. It has been before the 5S5 EVSSiSwT 411(1 T086 Talued A few extracts from voluntary- testimonials read follows: iFSfSiS8?.?7 household remedy far aids lor the past twenty-seven years, andhave Cuookkb, WiilianiBTlUo, N. Y. thirty years I have used Paiji Ktixer, and roand it a never-f alllngr remedy for colds and sore throat Baktox Sxamas ' Have receivad immediate relief from eolds and ore throat, and consider your Path Killeb an to valuable remedy. Gso. B. EvBasTTDicklason, j.vajtist reoprered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. Jf could get no relief until I tried your Pijf Killkr, which reueTed me Immediately.- I will never again be wiOKHK it -a O. roiSi, LowndeS gI. w " 5V r1 m my iamny ror rorty fi have sever known it to faiL-RAMsoM Lfwia, Waynesboro, Ga. I began rating Pain Ktt.t.to In my family twenty five yeaxe age and bare used it ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. bTw. Dtbb. Druggist Oneida, N. Y. " l or whooping-cowrh ' and eromj It la the Nwt itton made. We would not be without it 17TS, liberty Mflla, Va. mntv-nvA t mm I m T hnv. nnil Pin Ttr.T.n for colds and chapped hps, and consider it the bast mncucme ever oserea UEO.iiooF:uWium>on. iwaeetifferingjaerelywia JoiK4iitis, an4 my throat was mo mfiaeaectl ooulaeoarcely swaUow any food. I was advised to try your Paiit Killbb, and isfter taking; a few doses was completely cured- T. WiLKrmoir. - ( Dr. Walton writes froBi Coehociom : Yflrcr Pats Kn.T.sra oures diphtheria and sore throat so alarm ingly prevalent here,- and has not been known to fan in a stogie instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellxh b. Masom writes: My son was taken iotently aick with diphtheria, high Mver, and cold cblna. Bo many children have died here, I wae afraid to afl a phyaician, and tried your Pik. Kn.i.n He was taken on Bonday, and' on Wednesday his throat was dear.; It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many hfMnmi. For Chins and Fever PAIN KILLER has' no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous A bottle ot Pain KnxiBta the house is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sen it at 3c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept djtw sept & oct it 7 7 THE WORST " ISM " TO-DAY IS Rheumatism ' T RHEUMATISM IN Tffe BACK Cured by J , PER Ft Y DA VS'S PAIH KILLER, : RHEUM A T I Silt' IN THU KNEES PERRrDA7ISPS7N KILLER. fcH - $ EUHA2pMliJgE MUSCLES Cured! by I , , . PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER, j RHEUMATISM OF LONGSTANDING Cured bx RHEUMATIC SUFFERS;Wyof Ferry Davis's Pain Killer BlIDRE-r-AND -hAFJl Elsctrlc Appliances are sent an 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, JfOUNQ- DSlOLD; W"HO are sofraring'nfriyA Kncvotrs Dxbujtt, Lost Vitaijtt,' Licit or) Nsbvk Tobom xxtt Tioob, Wasting Wbaknxssss, aad all those diseases' of a Personal Kattjrb resulting frofti:AhttSM and Othsk Causes. Speedy relief and complete resto- Stion of Health, Vioob, and MAimeeji (i8ABAjrrgg.. i grandest discdvery of the Sineteentn Century.' Btnd&t eeee for Ulwtrated Panpolet free. Ajidrem YdLTAlSlttTt'O., MAB8rtAtt,lHlCrn r fli Blood, Skin and . toae Kervons IN-blUty, ASeeUana peetaj treated, tia?. P'it'Vtf !? - iBUHW o aerfiru: ttb afe and warTt"etHn. CM o M " H l ttont as ke Bshrend i Um eMrlds eWatamt by sad. ArranoMiBSerlng frox Rnpiora aMMatBfl UwhrMVy mni kwra MDirldliia; t t Uoi r adrantaf. lti oitUUM.f mtOmmM, DR. BUTTS. 1 M. BU. Bt,, SjU loU, a. y ff AJtxjsnEAjgmT, y, Yeak. ' inc., n, ntvto p. OfQce over the Westtrnef TREES I DEI dVRto!AaienC dellvertt entuMI nee. on Tmn stree betweiSthmt lote(Srs Plants J 'YleweraajutYloeTe Diphtheria. ISMS 1BI m . ranUalldf ithL At ttna BeeULon! inmsiBiaeiUsii short notice. WASHINGTON LETTER. FORMING THE LINES FOR SPEAKERSHIP. . THE Senator Vance Wants the Collectors and (iaagers Examinea Before Ap pointmentThe Shenandoah's Com manderCongressman Shackelford's Illness The Speakership Conflict Begun. Correspondence of the Charlotte Observer. Washington, Dec 27. Pending the long debate of Saturday on the reform or the civil service, Goy. Vane ottered an amendment to the Pendleton bill providing for examination of collectors and others employed in the collection of the internal revenue. He made a strong statement in favor of his propoj. sition, citing the case of the 6th district or .North Carolina. Ueing interrupted by llepubHcan Senators, he said his amendment could not interfere where there are few officers, as the bill itself only applied to offices in which there were as many as fifty persons em- Dloved. The amendment was barely rejected, and by a strict party vote, the ayes hav ing been 23 ana tne noes 24. In the same discussion Gen. Ransom came to the assistance of Mr. Garland, in a remark on the effect of a Supreme court decision on the Curtis assessment case. ; As it happened too late in the session or Saturday to be included in the letter of that date, I make note here of the passage through the Senate of the House bill removing the political disa bilities of James Iredell Waddell, com mander of the Confederate iron-clad, J oueuanaoan. xne om passed tne House near the close of the long session. It will doubtless receive the signature of the President. Although I've never had the pleasure of her gallant Captain's acquaintance, I saw the famous ship he commanded in the harbor of Liverpool, in the winter of l865-'6. just after she had been turn ed over to the United States. Unfet tered by this act of Congress, Captain Waddell can now give the eountry the advantage of his valuable services. Mr. Shackelford has been ill for sev eral dajs. Now let us turn to matters not exclu sively or principally of interest to Car olinians. The Senate will probably pass the civil service bill to-morrow and send it to the other wing. There will be nothing done in the House. Con gress will adjourn over until Saturday, and then make a third adjournment over of three days, or Dossiblv one of two days only. The appropriation com mittee adjourned until the 2nd proximo. The ways and means committee held no meetine to day. Although it is nearly a year before the votes will-be available, unless there should be an exira session, the vanou candidates for the Speakership of th 4SLh Congress are busily canvassing.and the campaign may belaid tq have open ed. These candidates are not merely Messrs Carlisle and Randall. There are a number of Richmonds in the field. Who will be victor of Bosworth I can not say. The candidacy of Blackburn. owing to his personal popularity, crip ples Carlisle. The friends of the latter are greatly worried with Blackburn. They are saying that the latter received the cordial support of Carlisle at the time of the great contest between Ran dall and Blackburn four years ago, and that after the declaration of Carlisle's candidacy it was ungracious, as well as injudicious, for the other Kentuckian to advance his claims. While this con tention is merely personal, and affects the fortunes of two able gentlemen, there is an aspect of thecontest which is far more serious. As tne matter stands neither Blackburn nor Carlisle can be chosen. Both propose to be pos itive representatives of the strict reve nue reform element in the Democratic party, that element which cannot bear Mr Samuel Randall or any eastern can didate. Well, Mr. Randall derives his chief comfort at present from the division which, neutralizes Kentucky and paralyzes so much of the free trade column. Besides, it is not Mr Randall only who is to be feared. Ex-Senator Eatoh, of Connecticut, proposes to take a hand in the conflict. If .Carlisle and Blackburn continue rivals, and the rev enue reformers cannot be induced to go to Morrison or Tucker, or ome such man, their, strength will be frittered away,-and either Randall or Eaton will walk off with the mutton. Tne pros pect is not pleasing to reformers, who embrace nearly the whole party on call of the roll. "Sunset" Cox is once more a candvi date. It would be a funny fact if he were not. Sunset is the only man pos sibly, in, the United States whose wit destroys his political opportunities. He ii as more man ouDie-a.ne LaieiiL aiiu Douularitv-iiecessarv. no. not necessary. since Keif er, but desirable for a Speak r of the House , of Representative. But he jests and rdmps,as yrelLas argues and electrifies.- People say, fAAvhder f ul man--flO shrewd, so brilliant, so versatile, but" Yes,' that is what is the matter with SunseX. i It. he would threw a joke by the tail into the arena, just once in a while, and firerOff his rockets only now and then, say when the ship has reached mid-ocean and crosses the bow of, a vessel going the opposite way all would be well; and if he would be as solemn in countenance and staid in manner as our, Vance, the people would accept him- at once as both a humorist and a statesman. But i i-C&XtWfll be-all things at Once,will wear motley under his toga ; and bir ereatnessK while it mar humor, which has a literary flayor dig-; tin ct from that of.the sawdust ring. ' " " ; -" j f H. A GOOD REJOI A DER. An Architect Who Knew, all About the JS'J: Tower ! Babel. .;. ThTlate Ur.4' Alxander, the eminent architect, was under cross-examination at Mafdstone, by Sergeant, afterward Karin Ylarrow. who wished to detract -from the:. weights Of his testimony, and after asking mm wnat (was nis name, proceeded: -,J' Yon ara a builder. I bslievo, ' ''i, MiT6, sir, I am not a brjilderj-Iam aniJ arehstect.' I "They are much the same, I strp--posef j r -JX beg your pardon, sir ; 4. cannot ad mit that; I consider them lo be, totally Mnfferent.'' .".Oh, indeed I perhaps you F1U.8J2 wiiereiai tirtalgreaterence exists r "An architect, sir," replied.Mr. Alex andet; coneerves the design;, prepares the planraws oitt;the specifications, in short, supplies the m&id ; the builder is merely the bricklayfeij (sj: thjs carpen ter. Theibaflder, v in-if acti is the ma chine, the architect, the power that puts the machine togethetJiBd;Bets it going "Oh, ery well, Mr. Architect, that wiflw)!. I And Vbm 'titter your yery in genious distinction Ntftbout a differ enee, perbapsyou: can, inform the court who was the architect of the Tower of Babel rT: " " ' 11 ; V;,The ieplfor promptness and wit, is not tobe rivalled lahe wholebistory; of rejoinder: .., i -t. : i . "Thflrfi was -no arcniteot,' sir, ana VM AX.-. a.UraniM ftf APIMn HsbbUCsbsi CO: TIM BDIlndrt . ttls.assa aBd .reUahletjtwat. Alwajs nse U ao- lcorKfothedirecuo.Bapa nnufw.www Bonf evrd1 Acid plussvksvta . .tiDOLPBtf OTT.N-wTo; sajsmosed it for sickness, among the passengers, daring a .RBJwasaews -illaarn the prorallty of hanctedze thsidlseasfc gtow to ateaUh- MMm of we fnncaonmrred." Raleffhews and Observer; i)tniel Coog&n, who wis stabbed f ours times in a row . Saturdaj . sight, Jatdnrijti Terr welL: .i-ui, . iil Deputy Revenne Collector iJohn W. Bettsa day or two ago captored tii a smokehouse an Illicit distillery belone- ing wj ioaav vuumu, in uranytiM county. .f . r r . . i Prof. W. JMjTT is spending the holi days here. He has closed his work at Jiristoi,. xenii, uuwi next spring, and nis neaaquujA n.ei now at Washinff' ton. TL it). ! Mr. qorge W. Dean, of Selma, ir.C-wril-known ' in. tais citv. WM tnrmA dead iffled at toe former place yester day. e cause -of death was hemor rhage of the lungs. j 2Th Supreme uoun met October 2nd and adjourned- December S2nd. it heard arguments during the term in 140 cases, ana uou vcieu opinions in 134 cases., xae .coum wm next meet the first of ternary. One thousanti' dollars Was tmamt. in adorning theT altar vof St. Matthew's R. yj.) cnurcu, tt naiwu, m With cat ttowers; doc, uvwar tire supervision of Mrs. Benawr uce, Airs,? Uen.Sher man ana otners on tinnstmas. i.: -i. ... Barney bnenaan,- jtoner- cutter. whose home was; m tiaieigh, was run over iy-a train near Weldon; Tuesday morning, and instantly killed, hi bodw beipg terribly mutilated. Hfej age was aoout 40 yeiurB, huu no naa-jiq relations here. He worked on the postqffice some years aeo. , He boarded white in ni. eigh with Mr. John Johnson,! a .Norwe gian, xiis uouy was prougnt here Tues- Wilmington star: jsterday there were iQ large vessels in port, of which ij-were jorwegianJ Dargues, 3 British barqtoes, 6 German barques, 1 Swedish Dsrqne ana 3 uanisn barcfues;; 1 Italian ana i juanisn ongi i . isritish' and 11 American schooners, and,2'steam8hips; This does not include small, coasting, ouuuuuerp, river steamers, tugs ngnters, etc. j we regret to learn that Mr.W. Ti w enzei, or this city, is dangerously sick in New York. It was rumored VfvrtA. day morning that a telegram! had beetf receivea to. tne etrect that Mnj Wensel was dead, but the report was subset quently denTed by his friends, who; however, seen prepared for the worst. Salisbury Watchman: The colored people of Rowan will celebrate em an. cipation day. January 1st, 1883, in this I town, wun banners, a procession and speeches. The neero who insulted Mr. RlVan- aerrord and whom he knocked lown with a rock, died on last Wednesday night. ' It is a clear case of accidental killing. Dr. Jas Wilkms is erecting buildings na putting machinery on the North tate Copper Comoanv s Drooertv. in V..j.j" . - uuiuora county. - Messrs. D. Petty and A. Holden have opened a copper, vein, 5 feet wide;mear -i ubu jtLiii, ztanaoipn county, irros pects are good for a paying mine. Wm. Fresh vilie. the present suoerin tendent of- Hoover Hill mine, Randolph.' county, nas just cut a ricn vein on tne property. The hew management have spent all their time and money in de veloping the property, and we chronicle this "fiind" with pleasure. Rowdyism in Salisbury. Watchman. The town ordinances were practi cally suspended on Christmas day, for: the purpose of allowing the small boy the pleasure of popping his holiday cracker. But the streets were crowded with grown up colored men and boys, who were drinking deeply. These were armed with guns, pistols and fire crack ers, and proceeded to make the, day hideous with noise and loud profanity. At times ladies were forced to take shelter in stores to escape the 'flood of profanity from half drunk men on the streets. It was a shame and a disgrace to the town. As might be expected there were fights occasionally. Mr: Rosco Vanderford was insulted by a negro, whom he promptly knocked down, when he was only rescued from probable death by a citizen and' the town constable, who were compelled to guard him through the streets with drawn, pistols, so- furious were these drunken colored men. : t It is due the better class of colored people-those who have applied them selves and have attained a knowledge of things of "good and evir--to-aay that they kept in doors and were well. behaved. A great many negroes came 1 in from the country to get drunk ami' have a big time, and to these probably most of the blame should be giteto. 1 -IBut the lesson is clear the mayor and board of commissioners must hereafter rule with a strong hand. The laws must be enforced or riot and bloodshed will be the result. , A single pistol shot oh Monday would have been a signal for a general riott and in the town -would have been -a scene of blood hardly less terrible than those in South Carolina. Let the mayor hereafter preserve order, no matter what the cost. , Jast So. Wilmington Star. As long as the North got all or nearly all of; tqe, appropriations -for the im provement of rivers and harbors there : was no indignant bowl over . But just as soon as Senator fRansom and others got a fair alios, for! the neglected thisdefeatellW1 rrs not iis Ltuon8 ortblsentnpja deep groan f of horror thaV stilt Reverberates and. now and 'then an echo is heard in the South. Senator Ransom cannot bp hurt for his share in the worki -' .' 1 ! ' 4- i BfeDTOBD ALtM AMD IBOH 8FKUSS8 WTXB AS Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains 1 twiee aainuch iron ana fifty per eenv more alum-. L tanm than any "alom andU Iran mass" 1 Knoww-i Just the think tor the (spring weakness" now so iorine irBpnng bj all druggists graeraL -soul -brail a Prices reduced one half. off anr stantfng. inaill-tf , ..;.fea;-ol 1 pernor siimy.ieswwr sirwyw env viAdmmeii iM 'o ars ttitd Mi" th most dtl&aieSanrtefut iwd tteturat, war or rvr csstv, fMrvviiym, hw . - S ILaJTOFAdrrjaXD BT m STEELE & j PBICI2, 1 . Chicago, m rtau tIeyntaj jtfa Itadk' Tmrnmi lllb 1 I llJizWs I V7M0 veotnpiSssUsf Btrbaj sacatIajrlU0q pied .G'JOI mm - . .3 i. ?, , ,luit ooUecta ia the Brooohial Ttibea,eIl3iorais a ilJ&M 'V'':V L" 1 'atssitlsasjifamiata . bt imh&; ij & ll 1 m ' - ttrt tAppljr th'n remedy pnAaptly -A vi.i.ii isnvaw yWfiaiS 1 1 l?tll .. . j jranu suae ever Deeuioann utaa is as - .',as:a lU:tA mUuPifmSof fern m9 ltja IVKMAKK NOSICOhpOMOsICOvt Tbere Is great , distress for w&Qtef xood.in Iceland.;.; j Tff fh AraM and bis fellow aafz ror ueyiqn w.edneM tyg 4 j - j ikFrenph commisslo ilt be sent to Torquin with 3.0QQ toois( j : a : The : six hnndredtb -anBiversary ot the House of Hapsburgtislbeing cele brAted in Germany wih gjeat enthusi- , ' The British steajnship Tfiornhill sail ed Wednesday fttMobilel with 4,00fj bales Of tton.tyerpobLi She pas sed through theSq?Cn8araet withonifc uiiacuity, urawing la reet or water. . f The extensive nickel works of Jo seph, Wharton, in Cainden,2J4 are to Suspend operation Jan 1. It is said that the cause is ,inability:to compete- wa6u xoreign manuiactorers v v It is reported : tromOofeiWer Ire land, that the wife of ; Sir JPrincis uEd mund Workman-MaqNpgh rr ' has eloped with an agent for the 1 acartaey estates., , ; .. 1 . Revenue collector, Lewis' jBuckner. Btates that the receipts from the sale of tobacco stamps in LouiaviUe, Ky4 dis trict, have fallen-off about; two-thirds since the discussion of the reduction of taxation began in Congress I -:: u Chief JustieePark ha:leidAl t.hafc thi black ballotsnsed bv the nm. WatS ir the city election at New Ha- tbb, ijonn.,2 are uiegai ana void.; This decision gives the entire! municipal government to the Republicans. v ,:. , xu consequence or tne nign price 01 oats, three oat mills at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Chicago and OrearonJ Hls nshiflr - in the acEtrreirate 20.000 bushels: of oats perdaj, will be shut down iuntil the market assumes a more favorable as- ' During the progress of a trial at At lanta, Ga,Wedne8dayr it wasj discover-; ed that seven record books bad been, stolen from the office 61 the clerk of the Superior court Since Btftutday laat .The authorities haveoffered -a reward of SLSofnr ffia '-rfAf-arfr.ftiii nfthe rWi ' J.r , Tfie bpdV of Chauncey - W.) Huff, the mi8Slntcashieif of "thej Union Steam boat Oompany; was fotrnd-iifc theanai at Buffalo. N. YJ Wednesday, w Whalih-, v. wiuiuiuii. ouiviuc ul j w 114 111" was uerea is nqi.xppwn..; , Tni hasdisar pearea at intervals , or .; bix years several times before. toi seven J-.j ,L'jf-71 Serreant Ruf lis: fdrhleMr nf lha sixth United StalM avalf vV tbAmitted aul-' ideat Fort JUoweAl. Arizona! ;Wednes-' pay, oy shooting himself with a carbine in the presence of bis eemoanv. He was a graduate of West Point, and for merly a lieutenant in the sixth cavalry, but was compelled tiy resurn bn account Of drunkenness and misconduct. His suicide is attributed to drink. The State treasurer of Delaware has just issued his annua report; which makes a gratifying showing; The total State debtvOnTah If 1883. warbe 8r5i 7o0-$7itt0e0 e Whicels injlvpcent. bonds. , Tiiei-lutal vStateiavestnarerrts foot up 8 1.168.789. showintf a iaree siir- plus of assets over liabilities. " This re ceipts otthe. jState . for j the past year have been 8141238 19, and.tlie disburse ments S84.25924. . . Costlveness, Sick Headache, Orcjnle Dlax rboe, Janitdtc, Xwrufrtty o( tbe Ioo4,rerexapd MfMaUlU,' amd an Dlseaaes rejaajemeat oTXlrer, Bowels andKldweys. 8TMPTOMS O"1 A TiTSEASEJ) UTEB. Bad Breath; Pain in the Side, sometimes the win. iifclt BBfcr the hoalder-blad mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite; Bowels generally. CPtTJcapetime alt enuring with lax ; the head is troubled with pain," i dull1 an hur-. with considerable loss of memory J accompanied with a painful sensation of leavingimdone something wnicnougnt to nave been dope; a ilignt, lrycougn , and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption,' "the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, feasSjr -startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a packly seesation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exeroselrould Te bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon Hip fortitude to try it a fcet, disttvsts every remedy - Sereral of the above symptoms'attend the disease, but cases hare occurred waen.butfcar ef them existed, yet examination after, death has showil the liver to have been extensiyely deranged, It should ho tised by sOl persons, old and young;, whenever any of the above ! - symptom appear.' ' ' ' ' '.Mil. Persona Traveling or' Urlm in : TJn heaJthy TxtesOltles. br takins- a dose occasion ally to kct tae liter in healthy action, win stoM all Madarla.'BUioas attacks, Diaxiaess, Nau-f f Wm VlUWSliKUi ilAVtUSlUB I OI a3 .will mrifforate like a glass of wine. 1 mo Int. , . Xf jfou have eaten anyiblns; . sard of . digestion,' or feel heavy after meals, or sleep-'1 lose at night,' take a dose and you will be relieved - .... . . ; ' ' ' - ' ' ' "J ' .Time and Jotors'. BUls Trill bo saved by always keeping- the Regulator - j." r.oix:aiaK,ift.tr-. 1 For. whatever the ailment aaay he,'i)uiyiib saie pru-g&siT.,' avisermuTe and tome can neves be ont of placei The leasedv is haoruless and doe. not interfere with 4b4es fprl "Trrr .. : yjs.i 1 l;ln.vsi IX IS YUBJEL.-Y VKGKTAJfLK I 00itl Simmons Liver Regulator has been in 1 amily Ibr some rhne, 'and 1 ami amtia6d U IsJbT vali uabts-adctition to the raealcal - : . 1 . i : iji Gn SaoHram. Hob Alexander H. aHoimeoia.' rlj;Hav derived some benefit from the use- Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a .) turther BriaLi ti it1 I . f -j",r Tltlaet' tAaj; evor tafls to t Relieve. r have used maay remedies' for Dys- pepsiy tivAfedtlgii and j)ehuity, but never w aa,isyaDMsat xoe te tne 1 aisspj Simavwis liver Regulator has. j I sent from Mhf S3 frpVI VSffS. ana. woukssena turtneriox would advise all who are aim Uerhnafiec it a trial aatit secnu the only-' thiaglhi iM; 6lorriieve. I vu a. jajTKiT; Mrelrtpait, am. " Pri 1lttes-waaij From kctml aa perieacoJathe JMbf Siamaas livac RegaUtoy in jayjrirtjfa.I Tisvr Wiin' nd am satisned to ttfte it as a numtive nSBdieiac. SJBsTakeopry th Gnnle, which ahraya loo-sppedaZT ' sWfflgmmtttaac t juHi fccrxrirco. it ta7auca Ckilla aoad fcMrer, Dyspepsia, ' Jilek Headache, Btllovj Colle,Camstipav ; ! -Uo,RheraattsTal?ll s, ptottataoaiof s ths Seartt IHsatmeas, irpisl Xivarasd.'. eiatale brntlariUea. Qyo donotttsel ' vprv vail. a ems4a viill atii rolataa the efanBaeh. vigor 1 eyaxeja. have" .-been rsetoIsprpelaCortstipatioa and Tieaii .'Iisst spriagyoucpilai wewreefftowieadtd ;twe .SOW I hhmbv puos gwxy ana , vp 4e4nds are-worth' ft . . T17TT jf.iUJUbi 't'tioi kj ... TBTTtj-Maftajafa or. Qaiisiej tsiithwtsdy of the injurious after effeCttJ - ... A Cferveroort -XettUbnl r"' ? ann not nii v na hhm e sf ae. 1 s t 1 1 m scicskoe. .-1 f t. A : OoveraocTAla" itoai 1' . .resToresumsppeTite. unpen vigor ann :sU fl 41DT tOLli II I QF;SIYS ! -llaTiriT:ieier ten Veara I auasea 3,000 YARDS CASHMERE, at 12J PER YARps ifln'WAT'.irmo-.TAr.'irftTfi . oa aatv 100 CLOAKS, -50 ULSTERS, - Silk and Cicilian Far-lined Circulars, $15.00 to $25.00. CLOTH CIRCULARS, - - - $7.00 TO $10.00. Handsome Dress Patterns, $10,00 to $35.6 ' " wai - -a Dress Flannels, 25c, 33tc, 75cf $!, $!. 25. " U-Yool Caslunm Blaci aai Colors, 45 SOsJ 65c 75c, $l, $U5;$liO. W Terra Cotta Hoaqaiore Kids and the new Kec, the Mrs. Laagtry Tie. naloe all oolors a-kl QuaUUes. some haadsoma Plashes for Jackets and .GUoolara, Oar stock embraeae .ererythlaz new and a call wUl o.wTiaoe 70a that wa hrra a slook that oaonot te exoetlel (or atyles aad low pries. - SdecS WE Wm !IIElSMMi:i m COME DOWN INlPRICEs! j A SPECIAL REDUCTION FOR TOE D0LIDAY8. !r :U 1; rTHS Lararest. Finest and Best Made-on jl. irom, 01 any tterau tsncx in ine tiaie. net Class CLOTH rNO (ml, at POUIT.A R I f)W T-nfmra ti.Hn7ri , uuucrsuiu 07 any viwrnig xiouse, eimer large jroch SCiBJW, HK and LINEN Of, GENTS' 1CKN18H1KG8. IN IMMINSK pf Agents lot the P&lRL SHIRT. We Invite declO m 1 i.5i .1 y H y J i j I jviS v 1 t 'ai fjew M $ ."7,k ' CD g I - b . 'aw- ' 'S3' O HH , - h-ZZ - s i i 5 3 tssS SjJ- II - WW S W 03 .. : P gg basal -e t if;. j . "P" . e. at 4 MimMwmm 7? 6 ! 3 - Sic - o a s W O il - , w : . ir: H - 1-3 o r h tli'' H-i vH r3 tasa. w1" CLI - S. w K g 5S ''' jHMp 3 " it S i-'K O .rr' II o ..ijviTV::..'rfta:f1r 3 O . fl-:, V ;r;C,;. ;,.:.ih,! ; Si - HQ. I V. ' ;ijgf j H W - .1 ;.: f1 :r . . :-r I ; JT . . CD ' - ' ' P$ -HAS A LX&GX STOCK OF- BBS SBR n TBS. T M MM la T M H M .T MUM -FROM THKGHKAFKST -i'mA.T HE -IS SELLING OHEAP.r- .: s ate 17? o f .j ; 'i' ft- ..nufat - eT - .n J . -rf :f J M $1.50 TO $20.00. $5.00 TO.$15.00. Hargraves & Wi helm Smith Building, East Trade Street. st a the best stiles to asle Beputadon havlcK been ulrtd by us tor selling first. idiot wit n t OKderMood that we will no or av ail. OurNveitl for theHOIIDAlSarerm BOBDEBID HiNLKlBCHJIFS, and all in BTOCE OF OVIBCOATS-at BXDDCXS the line FSlCXa. the Pablte. Reapectfally. mu wm. w t 1 pox w - t - - Leading Clothiers and Tailors :s GOO O O O . & o floa OO OO DDD UUL) .".:.--'..;'t TO THE VEST FTSEST-, tzi 10 f'.T I S t 1 1 Si n AA j8 A "SSa, A A "88" ... . - . ; dec2 T. W. EABBOCinBlattPri: 1 .o :a j 1 -J,i l sx- 9.TiiaJ3u;w Ja;