IV V:f.-. A PRETTY" o Si -ORr-iV 2:1 tt w T7 '-tnr i. - in I I i l ? I1 7V I FOR :p: Sb:o: 5iS il ETTT-PAIB IF I0U VANT Jl ' i (life ."'' - 1 V ' " X .' .' vm iuiiuuu,' i i vuvu i GENTS' SLr:FPER&FT01 VOB A CBBIS1 MA.9 PBXSXNT, You Can Rna Them at Pegjam & Co's. SOFT i STIFF HATS, ALSO Child's Polo Caps for Christmasr at PEGRAM & CO'S. dee!7 fe Tale Great Pleasure IH ANNOUNCING TO -iOUR FRIENDS-- THAT THIS HOUSE Will Continue Business. QDB stock oi Goods haw, teea GBilTtif BS4 DDCED by the 0VEBHAULINO LOW PBICBS mM9 10 ottt eostomeni ttrSf the last SO 4ay& The forcee gale ot QWmeWMm continue 80 DAT3 LONGER .that we may be en- m to Prentahen&rBnand.one ot the most attractire ttocas ever brought to Char- lotte- wmban mmt:flii. Tbta 8tock Qt be sold, and if 'making prleea Is VtodQcementto buy. ear Mends will fin. 1- Wrs lower than efer for 80 DAT! ifr Wnwstlj request ow MeB0Xari3ifl:i"lWtegen- U7 who need ' w' DRY GOODS. S '. " ' fall ! See for Theasclv i ' A3 TB1S1 HZMKAHra mm MUST BE CLDSEdIul: ,;i"ttna(r- 4 Cloiiyliltt A I .2 $ . . te'm -"1 I -. -; sit ,ii . , li VIOOH qlS,"VWAlUlim 'ellll l I Jla- " v,w i n a. j aj ar i . . : BV$ Iotfcitrj, U AO rl I In 0 m Ann FOB i WHEN -YCUARE OUT LflfllflNfii or Twe" . JiT!. A TTi-. TTmnTn V3JurijvjrJaXJlrLL4lT . j -v r . . ... -ivl Ar.vrfX LTm zr'f Vf J-' 4 J- Ji-a ! Vti -t ' v : ' : ; M . CALL EN AKO SEE - i; . s J Kwn'cjuj.'tJjnd iofaethDft. In Iiouse cheap we do not offer all our Stock at Cost, will tell yoy a oreat many Goods eheab.and will COM PARK GOODS and PBICBS p think oan covtNCB YOO that we will I SELL GOODS CHEAP. mrOttritocHM iMAS OOOD3 lJ comlntf to Ui ,1 dayj and wften jot jwant something hand lomefdia XMAS PKBqST Call ind see our Stock and you wlU flod GOOD3 PBICHS BJGHT. Vejpecjfully r , "r f t. Siiffle V: & Co. dec - : -! ' A eold or sotk threat may :not aeem to f?, b cured ; but neglect is often l???- eon"pUin or diphtheria. Noaiedleln haa rer bfn rifviwirTwi thih U KILWCR. The taouaands ot ttVeff ? WOF DAVI8 PATW trTT.T.irn io ftotan xprimeMt. It has been befhrw th , KS tVffi and la taost rained xAtetuZlrSB hoeJii remedy for - thirty yera 1 hare used Paw Knm, and luliT Immediate-Hllef from olds md fJi fei conrider your Pact Knusam y - ' Which I h(iT9 had foe r severe cold, Could get no rUef until I tried your Paw -wnica LTUT? rnr JUJt m my family for forty fl SS-'S KjLr,?Jn r family twenty nre yean ago and havuad it evetr aiiice and havn &und no roedlcina to taketo ph jb?w DrngVist. Oneida. N. V. " i'xaa. piBrHni. and croup it ta the beat ) Without itr- Tdc colds am rJSrKS u S? oaeider it the best X0.H0OPxa'H'ilmliitoii4 ' nfl'erln? was ao eaiad.-'P. Vn.nK Dr. Walton wrltee from Coahooton: Tour Paw gMarea diphtheria aadiwra throat ao alariv Jagiy jMvalant here, and has not bean known to; faa toa ainKie instance. Thia tact yon should make known to the world. dmjojxMRUAsqif.writee: My sen was taken W mvMKua uu uini yut Jj Ue waa . taken on Bunds.-, and on JMnaaday his throat waa clear. It was a woij oarful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mother who are loeln- so many ckildrea. For anus ana Fever paih kixjler h&s no equal It cmwten everything else falls. rDalayi are men dangerous. A bottle of " 5fnrKjrexx4n thehoB 13 aaafletmard that no family should be without. t iindrugjrtotoeeU It ax !5o., soci, and S1X)0 per bottle. yJu.j PlilRY DAVIS A SON, PmpHctor,, Providence, R. I. wpttwseptftocc - Wintry Blasts WINTRY BLASTS BRING COUGHS COLDS .:. CONSUMPTION -BRONCHITIS ' RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Perry Davis's Pain Kilter ... CURES ' .l5rONSU MPtio N BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM? NEURALGIA ! PrQYide.again the evil'effects of WnJ T1 A T1Cc- T a f.T XT' w t iTflr GOOD VBttGGlST KEEPS IT. ire rafforisy from' Ntsf-c ' VRAurr. Lack o fct a PaaspVAX. hIiwek .ijeanitUtfXrbm Asvsxs and OthbaCausis. opedy- relief and boraplete resfaK. ration OI HKAT.TTT Vinnm aiiilHl miuh Itt . . WMTHA WUrM.rtA . Xbe erandest dlscoverr of the Ninfimt.h fkmtnw" asodatonaefoFluastratadPamphlftfroe. Address VOITAIC EEIT CD MACSHAttj W1CHJ - art - " QOTrK '23!LXffiw7S t snirjtrwfec watfo princifK I 7wlttr?:r 1 onrarMl st thi aCorbic Iria Rnpturcbwiia MadtMaar.V1 i i ... l m . " av J:--. ItiUlfTTk 11 a.' ll k.L.lk,h ! Office oferlbe West Corner 0: ade iana Tryon ttveeM. uaK noun Irom dec6- -. . , . h. . Mft8,! arenow ready 'or dellTer epposlte -Mr. Allen Crouse'a residence, on Tron etree Deiween 01a ana out" a nne lot or Trees, fla&ts Flowers aad Jflower Beed on hand for sale. Asa 4iUuik m uj uue uu utsiieu urc snore nonce. .Charlotte:1 j i Xmasi Goods! -if - i Drohtiieria, ' A. . tv. til m 4 11 1 I l S5Ui ill . WHMfHaa h m h a" . 17 r i - Bit f liEPn'MwaH-OUi ;T.,?.,..ty IVER . t . .. i AUUOW C I HOVf PitoMGOOLE was RUINED. a nriiuant Virginia Statesman and - , r T - iLis JLale's Mistake. ' rfl -w-v " - 'I . . uromgoole, in 1835, wa one oi lae aoiest men m Congtes&brit his fault was dissipation. Remorse for a,8iagift aeyef folljy-4a f 011 then faah lontAletomofig the chiYalrlM him to uiuBipauon. ne naa a mend, a class mace at college, from whoifc ha nearly inseparable. If not a blood was re lation ne was at least connected-with Gen. Dromgoole's familj byihismar Jiajye. The two friends had a slight uiLuuuii-jf, m wmcn me lie was siren and the result was a challenge to the field of (so-called) honor. the first lire job cnaiienger fell t pierced by: the bailor Dromgoole's pistol, a lifeless corpse. From the moment George G. uruwgooie saw nis rnena weltering in his wood he knew no peace of, mind. 1 bid in tne fc cmw h& tovlsVaaVB ks brf lat dead-murdered ; and night aterilight nis oreams tne auel woaid De re- peated, and it was only when tie drank deep that he could find rest from the r,4Jwrr phantom. The Tictim lefta.wife iwtt.feywal'j IkAaUbUdfea' tin; re- comfortable circuaist&HeeS himself; jLromeooie aarea not offr foUAf h. cause be way the thurdereroff thewid-: BUM' Tvnrl.ifi'k uiu wnerai uromgoole, and althouirh some might guess yet never knew the loaauu, unm arter his dea h it was: iouna inatall he possessed as given. i? thf TOrao.f his unfortuna e mend. ' 10 leave it in monev miVKt. feared,- cause those to whom it was bi ueathed. 10 reject it. and havino- a fin opinion of Ohio and of her prosperity ,he invest ?to' it in lands in the counties Of i'lCK.awav and Scioto, whsra hn vtrna certain it Would riseln'aluei ' i : What Goes witl a Farm. When a farm is bought or sold, ques tions often arise: as te what goes with it, and disputes mav ofte'n ho iVisifirt if farmers fcayw Justr.wbat their farm deeds include. Iu briefs says Mr. Haigh, or the Detroit bar, in the American Agriculturist, : vliere rto reservations are made in the deed, the conveyance includes the land, the ' h nil rim en', nnnn it, and all such chattels or articles as have become soattaohed or fixed to the soil or to the buildings as to becdme what i3 known in law as fixtures." wuac consututes a nature; depends largely on the intention of the owner iu putting it there, and- also upon the uirtuuer in wiiicn it lar affixed. Any thing: so affixed to the soil or the build ings, that it cannot be removed without -injury, nearly always goes jwith the farm ; and anything' of : a permanent nature, nttea ror permanent use, and annexea tnereto y the owner with that intention, generally goes' with the land, though, it might be severed with out any injury, as tbe following exam- pies win illustrate: All fences on the farm go with it, 'but not fencing ma terials, as rails, etc., if boughtlse where and piled upon the farm, and not yet builtinto a fence; they have never yet timoer standing on the farm and piled up fox future .use, go with itf-their original annexauon is not severed by Deing cnangea from standing trees to rails, it, however, they were cut with the intention of using them Jelsewhere than on the farm, they would then be personal property, and would not oass The bare intention in the mind of the owner in this instance makes the dif ference between real estate and Der sonal larcperty. .Hop poles, if they have oeen once usea upon tne rarm, are re garded as a part of it; though at the time of sale they arerstored wav for iuture use, : iqose scanoia poles, how ever. iaia across tne Deamsor a barn, have been held-not to be a part of the realty, standing trees, of coarse, are part of the f arm : so are trees cut Qr blown down, if left where they fall, but not, lr coraed up tor sale; the wood has then become.persohal property. California Farms. The statistics given by the Los An geles, California, Daily Commercial, as to the immense farms of that State, are doubtless correct but they are astonish ing. It quotes a list of a dozen large camornia sarins, ana aaas the toiiow- ing in the southern part of the . State: The late Dan. Murphy, of Santa Clara, with his 16.000,000 acres ; Haggin & Carr. with 300,000-acres, Miller & Lux, 600.000 acres ; Gen. iieale, with 200,000 acres: H. M. Newhall, with 48,000 acres ; Lan-- Kershim as uo., 56,ooo acres ; jb. f. & ti. iEorter. 36,000 acres j Moffit & Maclay, I4f7yW W t AAA AV,WV CAVA CO J.&L.Bixby 30.000 acres; J.. Irvine, 48,000 acres; John u. Downey, 75,000 acres; L W, Hellman, 25,000 acres; Richard Gird, 30,000 acres; J. S. Flood, 137.000 acres; Thomas it. Bard, 50,000 acres ; U. Freeman, 50,000 acres, and numerous other - farmers and stock growers whose farms extend into tens of thousand of acres. This is a great country and it does all lie in Colusa. , A I.iftlA Npw' Fnplnnd Fnmllv. -The New 'England Medical Monthly records the following case r Among the fpapers of the late Thos. Atwater, of New Haven, Conn., the following; memoranda were recently round: ..".Mra. Mabie, No.. 100 Twenty-ninth street, New York, of the' flrm of -Top ping & Co., has been married forty- July 24th, 1858, had.. f Julj 30th,a859i.j " March 29th, 1860," .. March th,' 1801, . . &T Eeb. 13th, 1862, - ?. . .1 child. ..2 children. .2 u .3 .4 u but soire was taken, and no miser hoir ZJZ. Tuu1 U you his resources with more of "T Prieec 6T6ry we tried harder to increase his wiakb and: kS;i.W. i xo piace it on ftnk- -v,ri.,i;-i -i rjvr? bt,"k ub eiwcinc- iL , Total.......... , II " "These children 111 in thru sf onrl 12 were all born wltn In three years and seven months, and -are all livinz and ;. healthy. This is a -eopy f rom a memorandum given bj the father, Mr. Jiabie. '. J ...f 'f UJaeral Giver. . Mr. John, B. Stetson, a prominent hat manufacturer Of Philadelphia, issajd; mis year to have spent 20.ooo in maK- ing Christmas eifts to his 700 em- "blovvst not conntincr some1 other such trines as tnree twentv-vear stu.uuoiue insurance policies and ahundradaharea er DimaiQs ana-.iaan association stoct. The drifts incltided 23f 'gold watches, 3 sealskin . gacquesf 15 fur-lined. ,cloaks and. several hundred pairs ofikid gloves. In return Mr. Stetson received a superb bronze- ebimiag4lockworth $350, and " some other choice mementpes. roa ensionr. W;LLyPeq.j3p:f-W T SutM New Ktvcr uallroad Company, con- rrkfcir1vAitarf1awitih - A R -phrhinA Of a i.- Bt ( A . A a A iailr cMQt Wriirnsf Hl to-Pvtriekr O a, a distance of 32 miles. ;, ; . ' ' ' i ,- iaat if ' , :.; 1 ; PETE3iSBtxK.GV"A Dec! SO-f A'snow BtortnT nas prevailed nere since nine 1astffighV-Tbe snow Is bUII falling veryrapiaij?. xn grouna as, cqyereq to the deoth of several inches. -3 T 1 1 mm m r r " ".c.- . ...... 4, .v:Pbo, AI)OLPH OTT.New To, saysrI used If for sickness, among tne passengers, daring; a passsge across f he itlantla In me plurality of cues, I saw tbe violent symptoms yield, which characterize that disease, and gtvv way to a nealth ful action of tne functions lmpalred.H -:-,. Storias ClectricitV ' CldTeland W) ;Ciresmdeace icaiioag a :tnter ei ' Several months ago your coxresoon aent .temrtmjoa, that , Processor Charles I Brush, of thia city, had neatly competed hwi - intention forjijtorine electricittMr Brash tvdav nrUntrt,,..- tfeafcharfeKorta haTt-been crowned with! success,- and that he has- secured it patent on the apnlianie. in Ani hehas accoaplished what the' most fa moos 'eletftjlciarM of the-wolrld hare tried in yainto do.! ' batterj, as tfie in?etionj will tVcallech a 'square-bocbntafnitfaftfliis! f of wh.teh:ate twp.cast lead plates: The fiaiuiwvniivinivifu; MCaiiVU IjlL. H TEffffX' JTvirc I j u tuc places uuiauK, ana is cailea drogen plate while tlfe Otherjii tailed for electricity, .tbeyareirtable, i&a can be packed and. shipped as- any other : merchpdise. . They ean "be T bandied without .danger, and can hA any- size red uired. so, that thwriM theoretical limit tohe' amoniit of elec tricity thafi cm be atbred. Phinr05. H a otert' depends upon thVhumber of .celisaaudi of thenrfa, -i?tX y.knwuvi awujl VUiikl WW III I'nTITQin' icy is comparatively small, and that any required- amount of lftt,ri.iW , ,wl accunAlatednd afterward either Kiuoni, uiujoo aouDt tne principal use coao-win bemad of ab teries will hn r.n fr.frti.h-v.ri age bat- mcanoes.cent, Tamps, in whig rent of electrinitv - . m. -a a, AAU WU ents for the-cuK: through- the.Carhfiin m an air-tiirrif trHniin,V- ing a beautiful liaht 'SfS- combus tion tliere is no deteri6ratijrn Of atmosphere in tiio frtArii Jk .light is used, thus it Win be n .-r.r4- vate residences can be lighted indewni aentiy or lighting stations.' MrBrnsfc KK.tL? IMorthe-wbrkinrof., uqucm uis lanrarorv st rtr. riom ainceanTall who TtnfnoaoQi oueu itas in every way a gicdess. Political Education in the South. American Register. . ' : Mr l'attisonthe recentlr elected fiov- ernor of PennsvlTanij. im th mnt youthfnl chief magistrate ,eVer chosen, ""f'lUi j commonweaitn, r we except th late James C Jones, of Tennessee,- who defeated James K Polk twice for this highest office in Tennes see. Jones, when irst chosen, was twenty-nme-years of age. Pqlk,during the heated campaign, always referred w Junes asfmy juvenile competitor.' -ouu, ao ws jonea, is a very band some mau. He is tall, slender, dark. u cApieesion is inclined to be seri ous. Hia features are regnlar, eyes "'a mi. um oxpressire, ngntldg his face when he recognizes and salutes a friend. He is domestic in habits, but jovial and even boyish in company. Hia manner is hearty and sincere on all Occasions. During tbe campaign he mk General Beaver. The latter, being at the city hall, was taken into Mr Pattison's of fice and greeted cordially General Beaver said: We are oppo&ng candi dates for the same office. I hope the campaign win be conducted without personalities." Mr Pattison replied: -It certainly shall be so on my part. After an ueseraj, me people will have to de cide etween us. and thT iwill Ha it r . JOftuu,;s oronatrewng -political uuuwia m me jNortrrara widAiv at. ferent from those practiced in the Souths Prentiss and MfiNntt: add Foote, Jones and Polk, t Jones and Aaron V Brown, Ben Hill ahd Senator Bifown. Sani Honntnn anr wWaii a . drew Johnston and G A Henry, occa pying. positions as rival asKrants for Sameomces. met. on A annlhar fga. to lace ana aiscussed.in the presence of eager throngs, great questions before the country. The example of these as pyants for hiehest- nffipea in . . : 1 oy every canaiaate ,for every political pesition. Each encounters his compet itor at the hustings, and the ablest, though in a partisan minority, often Wins. ThUS it hai-mann ttiaf.cvcn it the percentage" of ifiiteracyih Tennfs- aee ana jnjprtn Carolina b great, the wujujuu peopie were, ana ar at this hour perhaps, the beat informed nhliH. cal, thinkers, takei: as a mass, ifi th United States. Senator Vance has .been perhaps foremost of mob-harargulng pedagogues. - - &em Snerman's Hell on Carta. From Oath's Beport of a Chat. " Now, about .that," said ' Gen. Sher man, "you see I cannot be fool enough to decline what is not offered to me r but what do I want to turn from thta prospect of rest and peace, at last for a penoa 01 years, to tne delusion of four years in an office that is 'just hell? That's what it is.w continued the fun eral emphaticallv: "it ia hell. What did Gen. Harrison eet out of it? "Noth ing but a month of misery. What did uen. xayior get out of. it? Twelve months of misery. What did Grant ret out of it? Do I want to resisrn this competence Congress has bestowed on me for four years of hell?! What , did Hayes sret out of the PresidaneT ? What-. did Garfield get? Take them all within your memory. Nothing but worry. wwuwB auu iniBunuersutnaing. The Dog aad the Wasp. Denver Tribune. Aaog and his tailfell into a disnnte as to which should wag the other. An itinerant wasp passing that way casua , auyremarKea: "peaicing'or Uils, re minds me that I possess one which may possibly be influential enoneh to wair yon both." This fable teaches that fan cents', worth of dynamite i is a bigger man than a church steeplej - Whilt other Baking Powder an largely i adulterated with Alum other ' hurtful has been ieeAt ttnchafiittf (A kftJt nrtainat' -.purity, and strength J.tAe best evidence if ; its safety and effectivenets is the- fact of ' Hs having received the highest testimoni- j ml from the moat eminent chemieta in the . United States, who have analyzed it. from Hs introduction to the present timo. Mo vimr-ppwaere enow so aooa result or mo frw tst-t ATTEST. OFKTHB OVEM. li TT Mfi f fh':Z. ICI3 BWW8 PCVEB r.I Chlaft- Til afl r lT'rfA4i-t!ra ot; nr that, is nt fnnrnm it VaTlZSlZjmtuttl com- drugs, j . 'yl" mm m. m- ; : n TkeToari) of Aadre v Jackiii. v 'X'jijti&t tha Hermitage, a f ew mile as it-Ifaalw Till. Tenneaseft. avirtHf: st nlA - , den js-pprachiec! tnronghl a" lofii roworeedars. In thik hhi.fkM uZJt Fldlnfhthec wooaea copmg in front, reside; Colonel Auuioir i auiuuii. auoDEea mmrtmnn wionerowun n' wire and mother, 1. .'71 ? - . O- --uvii spfflsa: poking jictes, - Mbofrb&5oo "w Dia -iu .me nitre "garaen near the residence, ;jfeaeh teneathT a broad granite ala-nseribedtifi dld-fashioned Bomarf letters kr thk -wnrd 1 hn vfh. are ijwbwi oj. uer aeroxea n us Dana dent for his first terttbutftiTioi Uke uimbc-uu Marcn 4th-lollow ngji The inscription recounts JhefrV rtuea in words forcibl&and thdei,1tn 4 closes: "A being so gentle afrd!tet st rirtu ous, ue slander , might wound, but conid not dishenof . Etetf deith, w heJ w lure nor 1H5 LOB HriW 'rtM tt Mn. Dana, oonld bat, -LxnanArvhpa'..K 1. .:mir. . .- iu, tjouiq on bOsOm wf G6d - y u".fo T -r- -The day of tt fntterM-Jaori, fee- IwtiSl'W walked slowly Behirid the coffin; leaning npon ttlarge otoe he was aecustonied at thjs time to fe4rry about his farm: ' As ' the friends Of the dead catherert ahnn t- fk Innh- the last time upon her face, Gten. Jack son lifted his cane as if appealing to heavihi hd by a look commanding si P. said slowly nd pamfully, and ;with a voice f ull of bitter teaS; I "In the presence of this dar saint t carrani do foTBiii m on a An ? no f Tl.i f tnose vile wretches who havetelandered her must look to God for merby.' -. On of the most beautiful and re deeming traits in all this ruigetf and her 010 nature was, the .unalterable love and devotion he bore his wTfb. For evemieen, years after .her jdeaftrihe memory -of this noble woman mi& cherished, until the sqmmepf wheni he wa? laid to rest, beside the on Jl woman he ever loved loved with romantic tenderness and strength sur- iwinic iuq uream 01 action. , ; ; . ambetta's Cadition Critical What His Physician Says, Park, Dec. &). The' Elpublique, Gambetta's paper, says the doctor who visited Gambetta yesterday iftj.irnnn ascertained that the inflammation waa I DAiouuiug outwaras toward tbe Skin, and the condition of the lower Intes tines was unchanged.' There was a slight return of fever durine the dav.r President Grevy made inqjuiries re garding the patient last evening. - LONDON. A disnatr.h tn; fhrt Tin. News from Paris, aays the condition of: u.ujuouo ia iiaiuniij. xais rnenas no longer deny that his state is critical. r Bmdiwkd alum awd Iron SPKises Watd ahd ."Asa, The great tonic and alterative contains Iwlce as much iron ahd fifty per cent more alum inum than any "alma-find iron mass" known. Just the thing for jtfie "spring weakness" now se general. Sold by 'all druggists of nystandin& Prleea reduced one half, Tt mayll tf - i ForDyapapaia, Costlveness, SI ok Headache, Obroiile Oi&r. tImm, Jaundice, Imparity of the Blood, Fever and Ague,; Malaria, and an Diseases, caused by De- - rana;mntxf liver; Bowels anil Kidney. SYMPTOMS OF A DISSASED UTEB. Bad Breath ; Pain in the Side, sometimes the pun is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something jo t0 have done"' 'St, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation j , i1"" exiats; P'ri r low and despondent, and although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several ef the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases nave occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the liver to have been extensivty deranged. It should be used by all persons, old and young, whenever any oX the above symptoms Appear Persona Tnwaltnv r i a tt healthy lAoalitles, by taking a dose occasion- ally to keep the Liver in n ealthy action, will avoid all Malaria. BUioum attacks. kt... Drowsiness, IUU jritJ wilf , Acynsaoa oi a bpjnts, etc; It vbutlsnoln- mnzorate nice a viau nr wMHug oeverage. Xon hve anything hard of Ugestlii, or Soel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and yon will be relieved. V ' I . i Time and Doctors' Bills win be saved by always keeping the Regulator in the House I, ;r For, Whatever the ailment may be,! a'uWwighTy safe purgatty. alterative and toole' eu never be out of place The remedy is harmless and does not interfere with business or pleasure,'. '.;-..-., . , . i.1 FTRBXT VKGKTABIL ana nas all the power and efficacy 'of Cakxmel r! c w.witii any m ia- mjunoos alter eilocts. A Governort lssHmbny. biamens liver Regulator has been in use in a nmily for some tin. nA K 'm, ..m.cj u a. - valuable addition to tiie niedtealcienoe. r J. Shotx, Governor of Alai 1 . Hob. Alexander H. Meph.ua, of 6a." ! says: Have derived 6mi benefit from the use of I fj-monv er Regulatot.d wik to give k a r- " ny retaedies fo Dys- T' Affiion and Debility, but rrer Suaaona Lirer Regulator has. I seat fross Mia "?GerKia for it, and would lend further for i j dld,M' wnll advise all who are sim uarry aSected to gnre it a trial as hkeeau the oalv thing that never fails to relieve. j 7 M- Jnonr.laeapoEsnii. JZL: 7;' From actual ex. ES11 tliee of-Siamons Liver Regulator ia y practice. J have bean and am satisfied to use and prescribe it a. urgane laedSST ; 9&Tkt i only the Genuine wKlk always has. on the Wrapper e. ared Z Trade-Hark and HArnatani f j. h. ZS&tS CO. - &ALE BY ALL BRTJpGISTS. v,iSv;: FECTOnAflT -Js composed of Harbal and Mni wHs, which permeate thttsuii aginoutf prod- XiUxtg:, expeetorateat tlW'i that collect a tha. Bronchial To , cvwuiunusa soothing eoatittg, whjh Ye: ewea the lr- ntatiott that causes the oon Hieasase . the lunira of ail ioawMitiesJatrenarthena se.uurimn . atei the cirealatioa- of the bio emd bracFttthn nervous system. Slight oolds bftrnm jnd la . xonnuapnonymi iiamjrarofaato aeglect them Apply the TemedjT promptly: A testottwey'Teenwsnaatt iki aseert&ia that neremtdybasevereeea fbwiid that tana A. jiliia:Utdoae rAs thrptdeirm, subdues tniuimmnaottaaq turn use Spem ; obstinate cougbr.'- JL pi essau1 dreia, taksit nadilvr'l r cures tbe tnoet i.ctxu- Crow-P- t U , Lavalwable andahou be In. rrauuiy. insseabMr lee. IVjtQ - pi ($i nf MTHtfTlVErt 'ever, Dyspepsia, Cons ChlUa and tvwnacipa tlon, Bhewmattsm, riles, : the Heart, Dixxineason ipltaUos , X4wesvusd : Female arreanalarlUe' Hivoa do not "feel very well,"1 atones pill sthawlates the stomach, restores the appetite,! parts vigwte thesystera. t - iinTrniniiiiiiri AsuM. R UlIlwC OflfdS HD7k.Tvr2ieaeiri Sat threats 1 have) tome; Insedthelbat.wrhbfltlefaith- Jam iws weu man nave goo agpetttediMBtlom vywicc, sTguar -ewoish piles ci ana j. save Kjii"' --jff If! a.t SJ. is M ei acradmatten B . WLarfeStftfeSwn. VJJJ . 50 ULSTERS, - - iiUTe tMl and thi i.amm fpmviMm. . JU,uulJia Rushes for Jaoketo dOisxr ciirSS T&V0 "i?'10 a 4 aotUUlomtlaosyoa that we heastocklhu Sotbe eUe lIcV ISSttZi J.W 3dec8 WE IK COME DOWN IN PRICES. 1 AgSPtCUL BEDtXTIOJj FOB TDE D0L1DATS. THE. Largest. Flnestland Beit M ' X- Irons. Of aT Beta.ll Strek Jn tan IP V-f -OJass ClXrTBT&a anlv at Pftvm n 15 unaersoia Dy ray ciothfng Bcue mense. such 88 Fine SCAB Ft, fclLEapd Ott gtHW .LBJSBJKgS. Ah 1M1 lliMBhfcB Agents for tha PEABL SHIRT, We Invite declO ! HAS A LiBSS o8 11 ItBX B USB. B B TTTT MM Mil A . HA . x at mm MM MJaaI MM A. A ..V -itpM ITHS CHXAPIST 2 2. , g " ' ' x o o ' Z 2 i s, S 8 "8 3 CO E3 5 a-; or , r p , ffiu Ki. 11 - -0,..., .-r. Ky- J f5 ... -...5.,.. O 2 j a-H II i'i c 3 3 bb. S3 3 o fv ;-W. o h I? 9 B" av 5S S I 93 O g w o-M- --; H 3 O ft .O A .-.ia V oj H ' c--f G, . ;i.-.v & Vlaei ;,. papa --THAT HE IS SELLING CHEAP.r- ' a .v t imt are wozin i j , j .1. v. -, , - k v - 1 " V - 1.&(J! TU 820.00. - - .- $5-00 TO $15.00.' " v, yivtvv .W tJIUWUVnef-'!? Mini )T aiitir 11 in Wwar 3mi UTmm r..-n.. - Sith : Buiiaing, East .ttade Street OTHINarHd the b.t itllMtoaab. f? f.V.! AKICIS, we dlstlLttJy Uh It HLdTstrrd fliat ..fniT fiTPOjFlBCOATS at BKDDC1D PB1CJU? the Public B8l)eetfully.,- Leading Clothiers and Tailors. avoctf nii ' " av',--: P nnn .u :A n n t n r H "'8- .-CLW OB-. ... - . GOO po oo pi : - . TOfTHX nIST- '''A I .....c , .. .' r . t . W . v- - - - - . 1 " s5t- V . 7--. . . . . - T. ... ft,.. A" J.1-i . If i -'j ,, - .T.;. !..,-. TT ".- 7, t -; . " rft ..-.!: '.li'ii -." wy :fl.;,rrf-v.-.. i.t. : - : r

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