j, -(V 55 KAit Y C H ARE 6 T T 0 flu BBER ISTTN t A Y, DE CE1LBE B 31 1882. -1 1 ,9 1 ; V ..- .'.1- .. i.-n ' 't .'!".. ...V .. '-Ml 111 if r 'V 1 s ; of rHAS.R. JOW ES Edi tor and Proptor. i ffwvu in iS a flvcniro Class MaTTKB 1 w AT TBI KWMOTICT AT CHARLOTT. N. SUNDAY, DEC. 31, 1862. a Tfltt RANSOM'S YOtESPl ? 3 There is not one, of SenatOBaaspm s .opponents yh6 flehiesUial fi, la a inan of surpassing ability, oi tare gifts, and that ha is zealously devoted to the in terest of North Carolina. i The Oppo sition tn him is based UDOH tWO rounds,neither of hich,?according to , our -way of thinking,, is well taken. 'First, it is 'that having served nearly r twelve years he should retire and make room for some other gentleman who is desirous of serving his country in tne capacity of Senator. They argue that rotation in .office is Democratic doc- 'trine. Theoretically it is, Dut prac k tieally .it has never been carried, put in ihe cbxjosingf Senators' ihel members thfl Honsab-lore tne war mucn ieaa Grover Cleveland, Governor-elect of New York, will be inaugurated to-morrow. - Some sharpers roped Oscar Wilde in to a bunko den, in New York, just be fore his v departure for Europe, and fleeced him. ; I Gen Pitz Hugh Lee has been cor dially invited by the ex-Federal sol diers of Bangor. Maine, to deliver his lecture on the battle of Chancellors- villein that city. ' ? , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. r; AXifft'i ' prwT . -iu gin u 'i UUu, ituu uu Col Jlosby was not far from tne mark when he said : "I regard Mahone as the most vindictive, unscrupulous and meanest , tyrant that ever figured in American politics." A story comes from Washington that Mahone would not let Riddleber- ger fight Page McCarthy .because rage is a dead shot, and Mahone didn't want a senatorial vacancy from his State about this time. ' Gen Sherman remarked to Gath that ttCywas';hell upon eartn. t impossible that he pon to become a Senators from other I1, '' after term, and the idea of applyinghe rotation doctrine to them never occux ;s!red to any one. In the old Whig party ahd'iri the JJepublica party the same course has been pursued, and , their. Sen , i vatorS were retained f or- leng - periods. In fact, it was the rule, rather than- the exception, to retain the old Senators rwho had proved able and won distinc tion. Arid this rule prevailed even to a greater extent in the South than it did in the North, and to this is attributed the fact that the representation of the South previous to the war was superior - to?tha't" from the North.where there was more of a scramble for place,and-w jaere nolitics were followed, not so much as a science, regardless of pay, but as - a means of.supp6rt, and of accumulating wealth. Southern men, as a rule, spent ' more money in Washington than they made, for they generally had a compe tence independent of their salaries ancf gave their services to their country, and felt themselve repaid by the honor con ferred upon tem in being chosen to represent their people. Why there should be a departure now from this almost universal rule of the past is not quite apparent to us. As far as the objection to Senator Ransom's Totes goes we do not think kr- : It Holds a Brief Session amd Adjourns r Until Tuesdar. 7 , TtiC!TmrA'AH, Time 40. .HOtTSE.-M)n motion of Kasson of Iowa, the billsr of the Seriate to reform civil service ana to prevent official i assessments were taken frpm the epeajcer a t laoie. xwr ferred to the committee on civu Bery reform and leave granted to that com mittAA tA mnnrt them back at any time. Manning, of Mississippi offered the following preamble and resolution: tfWHE&EAS, It is alleged that one Jas B Chalmers has been, appointed by the Attorney-General as assistant District Attorney for, the District, Court of the United States for - the. Northern district of Mississippi without any pub lic reason or necessity lor sucn appomi. ment, Resolved, . that the Attorney nnrfti htk and is herebv reauested to inform the House whatnecessity exists for said appointment,whether the same was made on the recommendation or the judge and attorney of said court, or either of them, and if not, whether it was made on the application of said Chalmers and others, and also the com nftnsat.inn and nerioa of aDDOihtment. And the said Attorney General is farther directed to submit with his re-' port copies of all correspondence re ceived by him in regard to said ap pointment. Hiscock, of New York,objected to its present consideration, and it was re ferred to the committee on the judici- VINANOAL. y KBW TOBK Kxcbanca, i t : : : : Gwemment strong and blgher. New flvea, t j - j -,-: . : -J Four and s half per easts, : j Four pr cents, j : : t Money, : - : -: i j- s State Bonds generally without feature, Sab-treasury balances Gold, : " . " Currency, : : ruiosea offered at 4. Stocis Dull and Irregular, and In the main weak: 85 86 100 87 184 WLtBtzTJmiztmB. 4.70 I a' VAZXBBKUS. 103 1.18 1.20 P. K. FBXLiX $115,140 5,186 : Alabama Class A, 2 to 5. Alabama Class A, small, Alabama-Class B, 6's, : Aiabama Class C 4's. : Chicago and NmthwnRtem. Chicago and Northwestern, preferred, js, : : : j : East Tennessee. : : : Illinois Central, :::::: Lake Shore, :;:::: LoulSTllle and Nashville, : : : : Memphis and Charleston, : : : Nashville and Chattanooga, : : i new xorK Central, : : : : : Pittsburg, : : s i : : i Richmond and Allegheny, : : : Hlchmond and OanvlUe, : : : i KocK Island, :::::: Sooth Carolina Brown Consols, t : West Point Terminal, : : : : Wabash, Ht Louis and PaclOc, : : Wabash, 8t Loots and Pacific, preferred, Western Union. : : : : : Vnlted (States 8's, : : : : : New Goods! New Fim! -:BAKERy,- GeO0DeS, -:o: :o:- OUR MR. S1JC CdHEN WectioBery, tody Itannficturers, I ---JIDSTT -Elf iMIE ttrrrrr cwftfirT Dharleston has abolished the license of 10 a wees: im posed upon drummers from other pla ces selling goods by sample or other-; wise in that city. Great difficulty was. experienced in collecting the license and hence the abolition. ary. Ms . Justice Field has decided in the case 'ot San Mateo ' county, Cal against the ISouthern Pacific Railroad company, that corporations, as artificial persons, are under the protection of , the 14th amendment, the same as citizens iborn" or "naturalized" in-the United States. Superintendent Goodwin, of the Le high Valley Railroad, in Pennsylvania, has civen orders to his enemeers not to blow their locomotive whistles any louder, longer, or oftener than is abso lutely necessary, and to blow off steam -only when necessary, an example which might be followedT7; superintendents generally. . - Ransom or Dortchl Idltor Charlotte Obserrer: In the name of the rank and file of the Democratic party of Rowan county, of the Seventh Contrressional district, and as I believe, of the entire State, I desire to thank the Observer for its open stand for the re-election of Senator Ransom. His defeat would be most it has any better grounds than the first, j damaging to the party to which he has W hnlrf fhal, a man chosen to tne men I ",u",v" J and responsible position of Senator or Representative should exercise his own judgment, and having given the ques tions upon which he is called upon to rote full investigation, cast his vote according to the dictates of his own judgment and convictions. If this is not to be his guide of action how is he to determine how to vote, when a bill is presented, discussed and forced to a vote perhaps within a week. But even if it should hang for weeks or months, how is he to ascertain popular senti ment upon leading questions and learn what the wish of the people really is? Is he to leave his seat in the Senate or House, make a canvass of the State, personally consult his constituents and inquire how each individual stands? Or must a poll be had and a test taken before he votes? All this would place representatives in a queer predicament, and would make them mere' automa tons, and not representatives on whose good sense and sound judgment the people who chose them relied. The vote for the confirmation of Stan ley Matthews to a place on the Supreme Court bench is one of the votes that is now; severely criticized, though at the time it was cast there was but little said about it. Senator Lamar, of Mis sissippi, also voted lor his confirmation notwithstanding the fact that a resolu tion of the legislature, which was then in session, instructed him to the con trary. He denied the right of the legislature to dictate to him how he should vote upon that or any other question, and held that he,as the chosen representative of his State, should ex ercise his own judgment, which he boldly and honestly did. And yet Lamar was triumphantly re-elected to the position which he filled with so much independence, with so much dis tinction to himself and credit to his State. Ransom did not go as far as Lamar, for he was not instructed, but , he did what Lamar did, and that was to do what he thought best under the circumstances, as any Senator with suf ficient individuality and independence to be a representative would have done. He is censured, also, for his vote in support of the River and Harbor bill, when to have voted against it would have defeated the appropriations to all the improvements contemplated or in progress in North Carolina. It is one of the evils complained of.iind that justly, that bills of this kind are sent in in bulk, containing, with thjp good and . meritorious features, muoti that Is not good, and yet to get the good the bill must pass as a whole. This is no new thing, it is the old style of doing, and there never was a bill of that kind passed that did not contain in it much to be condemned. Senator Ransom voted for it, as many other Southern Senators and members of the House did, because thus only could they se cure the appropriations asked for their own States. Had he not done so the cause of complaint would be much more just? Had he not done so the probabilities are that they who art now denouncing him for it would be de nouncing him more loudly for failing to properly look after the interests en trusted to him. of ty abilities, his kniehtlv couraze. and by his splen did and untiring efforts in its behalf. The movement for supplanting him comes not from the people, for it is not their desire, but was inaugurated by personal letters, written in his own be half by the rival aspirant, of whom, un til he started his own boom, no one had thought in connection with the Sena torship. And such letters I Not con tent with announcing his own candi dacy, he must needs reiterate every stale Republican fling at Ransom. If these things are so damaging and damn ing to Ransom now ; lr tney constitute absolute disqualifications for his re election, whv was he allowed to main tain the fore-front of the receut great fight of the party? Why did this doughty aspirant remain quietly at home and allow it, without coming to the rescue himself, and without enter ing his protest against such a man be ing allowed to represent the party as its highest and most eloquent expo nent? These things come with bad grace from gentlemen whose voices were never heard,whose busy pens were still, whose honest ( ?) indignation was never aroused, while Ransom, the gallant and gifted, was electrifying every county in North Carolina by his eloquence, rousing our people to their duty, and working beyond his strength for Ben nett and for the party. Not even the glorious Bennett contributed more than he to save the party from the defeat which for so long seemed inevitable. And vet. with his manly eloquence still ringing in their ears, with the effects of his speeches seen in the result in half the counties in the State, with the record of his honorable service in Con gress open before them, with the vol untary tributes of the leading men and Eapers of the country to his abilities, is conservatism and his great influ ence as a Senator, the .people are now told by a gentleman who selfishly, but naturally enough, perhaps, desires his place, that Ransom is unworthy of their confidence, and unfit to represent themloneer in the Senate! God save Our majority in the recent election was but, a meagre one, and of it many a vote Was cast for our candidates be cause, as the people were everywhere told, iti was a vote for Ransom. Let our politi ians beware how they trifle with the will of the people. Self-seeking combinations may defeat Ransom, but theeffect will be to disgust and alienate maiiy an honest, home-spun Demo cratic voter. more, perhaps, than con stituted our majority in the recent election. Rowan. Salisbury, Dec. 30th, 1882. annmg also offered a resolution callincr on the Commissioner of Inter nal; Revenue for information : as to what necessity existed for the employ ment of A T Wimberly and E A West as special agents of that bureau in the State of Mississippi prior to Nov 7th, 1882. Referred to the committee on expenditures in the department of jus tice. The Speaker announced the appoint ment of Calkins, of Indiana, as a mem ber of the committee on civil service reform. Adjourned until Tuesday. Death of Miss Meeker. Washington, December 80. Miss Josephine C Meeker, daughter- of the late N C Meeker; who was tortured and killed by the Ute Indians in the mas arro of 1829. died here this morning of Dneumonia. She was a clerk in the of fice of the Secretary of thelnterior, and was held in high esteem for her person al qualities. Miss Meeker ; and her mother war nrisoners in the bands or the Ute Indians for some time, and were finally rescued by Gen Adams. . Weather. Washington, Dec. so. Middle At lantic and South Atlantic,f air and clear ing weather, northwest to east winds, higher barometer, stationary or slight fall in temoerature. Gulf States, fair weather, followed in western portions by local rains or light snow, north to east winds, generally higher barometer, stationary or lower temperature, and on Sunday night colder weather. Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, cold er, partly cloudy weather, occasional light snow, northeast to northwest winds, stationary or higher barometer. 1.421 1.121 68 45 671 1.25 1.80 14 54 1-25 105 24 84 64 811 1.18 : 1.071 1.07 J 1.14 69 : 29 15 t 9 6 : 41 , 40 : 86i 2 : 12 180 : 91 22 : 1.881a 79 : 27 tl.28 : 1.96 73 T80X THX HOBTHXBK MARKXTS WITH AM 33ZSPISEr03Iri3 v .STOCK og Georgia 6's. Georgia 7's, mortgage, Georgia, gold, : : Lioouiana t onsols, : : : : : North Carolina's, : : i : ' Norib Carolina's, new, : : : : North Carolina's, funding, : : : North Carolina's, special tax, : : : Tennessee 6's, : : : : I Tennessee, new, : i : : : Virginia 6 s. : : : i : - : Virginia, consolidated, i : : : Virginia, deferred, : ; : : dams' Express. : : -. : : ' American Bxpress, : s : : Chesapeake and Ohio, t : . : t Chicago and Alton, : i t -hlcago. St Louis and New Orleans, t ConsolCoal, : : : : : : Delaware and Lackawana, t : : Fort warne, ; : : ; t Hannibal and St Joseph, : : s Harlem. : : : : : t : - Houston and Texnst: : 1 I Manhattan Elevated. : : : : ! 62Vl Metropolitan Elevated, : : : : Michigan Central, : : : : I 97 Mobile and Ohio, : i 17 New Jersey Central, j t - : 69 Norfolk and Western, preferred. : : 47 New York Elevated, ; : : : 96 Ohio and Mississippi : : : : t30 Ohio and Mlaslwtlonl. nmfarred. : : 90 Pacific Matt, : i : : 41 Panama, : : " t t : t - : l.67 8uloksller, : : i j i : 9 uicfcsUver, preferred, i : : : 35 Heading, :::::: 53 BL Louis and San Francisco. : $ : 82 8t Louis, preferred, : : : : 51 fit. Louia Sc. Han Frannlueo. 1st nref erred. 09 8t Paul., : : : : : : ; : 1.05 St. Paul, preferred, : : j j 1.20 Texas Pacific, : j : : : : 89W Union Pacific : i : i : : 1.02 United States Express, : : ) : 60 Wells' Fargo, : i t : ! I 1.24 Bid. tLastbld. lOtfd. Ex Dlv. tasked WEEEXT BANK "STATEMENT. FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH BREAD iW KB T doling, Hals, GGG G G G G GG GGG OO O O O O O O OO OO O O O O O O OO DDD D D D n D D DDD B888 Giving bis personal attention to the polchasXol Our LEFw Shoes faDL;taeral fch trail P MaBufactureii and their IAS Wl bare jut opened, on Tryon street, opposite the Western Union Telegraph Office, and between the Central Hotel and the Boford House, a first-tlass T3 still In the Markets adding aally to our IMMENSE 8TOCK, and as goods can &!. k. . cheaper after the rush of Trade Is over, we can offer special tndaeements to clow Tj? i! wuuiiKoAjjJE or mcTAiij. we eanoniviav to our mends' and the dqdiio mnmn. ,i:."ru want to save money, it will not eoat an nh I nor to examine oar Htoek before burlne. tui ,v . twj ana uuk ue Diaos to dut will do at me old established House or ""i eptao ELI AS & COBB. Bakery and Confeetionery, BUR G E S S N5 1 G A 5' fstimated Redaction fer December. Washington. Dec 30. It is estima ted that the redaction debt for the month of be about $13,000,000. of the public December will Clara Louise Kellogg 1 to reeelve 812 000 fer alnrfnc twenrv nlents in Paris- S600 a night! No wonder she Is in love with Dr. Bu i's cough syrup. the great remedr for coughs and coids, for what would she do without It u she should be attacked suddenly by hoarseness? B. Oscar Harris, Esq., Littleton, N. C, says: Brown's Iron Bitters has given me great relief In ldney complaint " Loans increase 81 .298.800 Specie decrease 1,521.800 Legai tender decrease ni,sw Deposits increase, 814 700 Circulation decrMuw 587.600 Besenre decrease, 1,896,775 sauu now noia, in excess 01 ail legal requirements,. .. 8.875,400 FOREIGN. OOTTOH. Litbrpool To-day is holiday in the cotton mar ket. Monday will also be holiday in that market CITY COTTON MARKET. Omc of Tn Obssbtxb, I Chablotts, Dcoeiabei 81. 1882. i The market yesterday closed very flat, at the following quotations: dood Middling 99 Hiddllng , 9 6-16 Strict low middling... 9 Low middling 9 & Tinges. 81816 Stains clean 8 Lower grades 8 O RECEIPTS 8INOX BXFTBXBXB FIHST. Receipts from September 1st to yesterday, 88,810 ftecetnU vesterdav a Total Receipts to date 88-8i2 Receipts same date, 1881 10.207 Receipts same date, 1 880 87.265 And will keep In addition everything to be found In a FIRST-CLASS Fancy and Family Grocery Stwe, SUCH AS JgREAKFAST B1CON, yTAMS. LARD, INC MEAT, "JARGE and SMALL HOMINY. pAMILT FLOUR, gUCE WHEAT FLOUR, JTK FLOUR, QANNED GOODS, of all kinds, rpEAS, COFFEES and SUGARS ef all grades, rpoiLET and LAUNDRT SOAPS, of various J. brands, gTARCH, SODA, CHOCOLATE. pRUNXS, PRUNE LLES and DATES. Q RANGES, FIGS, BANANAS, 0 , &e. WEDDING PARTY SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. waoLBULi An nt us muuat m ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR and CHAMBER SUITS. COF FINS ml aU kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade street. Charlotte, North Carolina. mm tatesville, 1ST. C, OFFBIi TUB -LARGEST STOCK- OIF Give the New Store a Trial. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OPERA HOUSE. :o: :o: ONE ITIO-HT OIsTLT. :o: Saturday, January 6th,'83. BENEFIT OF THE MONUMENTAL FUND, tTNDKR THE AUSPICES OF THE DECEMBER 80, 1882 DOMESTIC. NAVAL STORES. CHABLSsrroH-8plrlts Turpentine Quiet, sales at 47i048c, Rosin, unchanged; strained and good strained $1.3091.40. whjchotob Spirits Turpentine firm, at 48c. Rosin firm, at 81.80 for strained; $1.85 for good strained Tar firm, at $1.80. Crude Turpen tine steady, at $1.50 for hard; $2.60 for yellow dip. Geo. B. NazareDns & Co. dec29 At Cost! AtCost! At I will sell for the next week such of my GENERAL MERCHANT SET WHrS TTTK MOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND I If COMPETITION W1THU JOBBERS IW THE COUNTRY, THEY WILL, BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE, navoiAnmAiit of Southern industries Cost NEW DRESS, NEW WRITERS NEW ARTI5TS. FULL of NEW Li; V1UUK r- 1383. PRODUCE. A Philadelphia girl has been made deaf by being kissed on the ear by her sweetheart. He kissed with such vim that he burst the drum of the ear. Girls should take warning from this and not parmit themselves to be kissed upon the ear. If kissing must be done, the top of the head is about the safest place. ,1 1 i Got. O'Neal, of Alabama, has been visiting belligerent Opelika. There are about fifty men in that town that make all the trouble, and the best thing the Governor can do is to have them and the town fenced in. Gov. BtophojiiwjumeTfortj peni tentiary convict loose, in Qeorglaince -uis , inauguration, ana as. a .champion : pardoner iigteppics to the fipnt with remarkable celerity, v ' Condensed Press Dispatches. Gambetta's condition was reported as somewhat improved yesterday, though still critical. The floods in the German rivers are falling. About fifty persons are report ed drowned. The rivers in France are rising, Bowen, a witness in the trial of Dick son, the foreman of the star route jury, failed to put in an appearance at the trial yesterday and his bond was de clared forfeited. Vanderbilt has effected a consolida tion of several Western roads and will have a through line to Cincinnati and St Louis in opposition to the Pennsyl vania road. Snow fell to a depth of seven or eight inches at Kichmond, va., yesterday. A row caused by drunken negroes resisting arrest, at Okonee, Ga., Christ mas day, resulted in the wounding by pistol shots, of three negroes and four white men. In a decision before the United States circuit court at Little Eock, Ark, yesterday, it was held that the holders of State bonds, issued by the State to railroads, had precedence over those holding mortgages on the road subsequently made, notwithstanding that the Supreme court of the State had previously decided that the bonds were illegally issued. Count Von Winpiffen, the Austro Hungarian Ambassador at Paris, com mitted suicide by shooting himself through the head yesterday. The East Tennessee Valley zinc com pany, which organized with a capital of $300,000, has given out contracts for the erection of buildings and furnaces in Knoxville. Baltimore soon Floor, dull and unchanged; Hnwarri street and Western snoer S8.15SS3.50; extra S3.50ttS4.50; family St.500$5 75; City Mills super. S3.50etS4.O0; extra S4.25QiS5.g5 Rio Brands S5.50O85.75. Wheat Southern high er; Western hlgir and active; Southern red S1.033S1-08: amber Sl.10aSl.15; No, 1 Mary land 81.09W2S1.10; Ho 2 Western winter red pot. Sl-08. Com Southern easier; Western easier and acUve; Souther white 50&62; yeUow 530)03. Baltmohb right Oats, dull; Southern 45 48: Western whtte-4748; mixed 44S46; Penn sylvania 45ffi48. Provisions quiet and steady; mess pork, S 19 25. Bulk meats shoulders and clear Db sides i-cked.8ai0i4. Bacon shoulders 9; clear rib sides 1 1; hams 143 15. Lard refined I ity. Coffee quiet; Rio earcoe ordinary to fair 7 814. 8u?ar dull; A soft 8. "his fcev steady, at 81.18ffi81.181. Freights to Liver pool unchanged. era ciitn ati-if lour, dull and nominal; family S4 10384 40; fancy 84.75385 25. Wheat-dull and unchanged; Ho. 2 red winter 959t5 for spot Corn dull, weak and lower, at 48V4 for spot Oats -easier, at 88 for spot. Lard, onlk meats and bacon quiet and unchanged. Whiskey steady at $1.18 dugar firm and unchanged; hards 909A; New Orleans 6i4tt7i4 Hogs-actlve ana firm; common and light So 250)86.30; pack ing and butchers 86.20086.50. cuCAfto-Flour, steady trnd unchanged; common to choice spring wheats 83 50335 50; common to fancy Mloneseta S4 00S6.Ou. Patents 86. 5u 87 00; winter wheat 84 50 SS5.50. Wheat in fair demaad, but lower; Regular, 94 for December; 94i& for January Corn active and lower, at 49 for cash 49ftQ49 for December; 49ty S 49 for January, oats-actlve and lower, at 39 for cash 40fttt41 for December; 36 for Jan uary. Dressed Hogs S6.8087.10. Pork-ln fair demand but lower, at 817 053817 10 for cash and January. Lard active and lower, at 1 0.303$10.82i& for cah; 8 1 0 321& for January. Bulk swats- steady and unchanged; shoulders 80.55; short rib 88 95; short clear 89 25. Whis key steady and unchanged, at 81.16. Charlotte FireI)epartment ToyS) m and mm Spec'.al Engagement of America's Greatest Actress -MISS--zGHARLOTTEz- THOMPSON, SUPPORTED BY A Powerful Dramatic Company, Under the Management of Mr. Wm. W. Ksixt, presenting for the ffrst Ume In the city, "The New Jane Eyre," Which will be produced with new scemlo and me chanical effect. Introducing In Act 2nd, the Most Bkalistic tlBB SCENE Sveb Placid oh this American Stage. 9" No advance In Prices. Seats secured of members of the F.re Department, and also at Mo Smlth Music fctore and Central Hotel cigar stand. dec80 LOST DOG. ON last night a black and tan Setter, answers to the nam of Sam. A liberal reward win be -Z Vol. 48. BEST SOUTHERN Writer. AS ARELEFT, SSrTHE CHEAPEST JOURNAL IN THE -A-T- -C-O-S-T.- ' Also, a lot of MEN'S and BOT8 HATS. . C. M. Etheredge, Variety Store, under Traders' National Bank. dec29 FOUND. A FOLDING KIT, at the court house, Wednes day. The owner can have the key by paying 1. mil Hnmboics. It la a complete firnid It inetrncts and entcrtalna every uiembr dde for Gardening and Fruit Jro-tet, a .? of tb'. and ln.1 01 iwio... - ,,.i,inuroT;cr. . wrltm (ire Dr. A. VYLVt., JT TiixoW r other Soethera writers re Dr. r.ll tun r :; for this advertisement and a the flnaer. Apply at dec29 suitable reward to THIS OFFICE. wbj.ln the Southern SUU wnc , wm trtv Senator IABl Alt tJi " iwl nnoii munccceu b v-. r.i. fWmTn firmer in Toxss and claewhere truousu f r,rT,y t ORANCrXubB CO.; No. 75. Broacnvay, c mt80 4w BOSTON- paid for his return to dec30 it JNO. L. MOBEHEAD. COTTON. AALTSBTOK-HoUday: middling 9c; low middling 9c; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 8.856; gross 8,856; sales ; stock 145.6U4; exports to ooaatwise i.ivii; ureat Britain 43; to con- -; te France OPERA HOUSE. Oneat to channel - A ccrrcjpondentln.theral- - n- .- ,s. h News Daniel A W atch that Didn't Run. Anson Times. An old tar-heel who was "thar" sava that at the battle of Chancellorsville while the fight was raging, (Jen. Rhodes rode up to Gen. Ramseur aad asked him what time it was. - Ramseur, pulling out: his old itime peicel slowly, said, "General, in. neb an emergency as this ny ; old AtcaYtr mns.nx Rhodes . w returned unmronn- ed to Where the gullets vrere "Uckins the seconds, i . . . , . -j., . .' ' - - y " V . ' - - - JW.Ha!WWir'- li V r t syrup." toucan o Iortwent-ftTeeen. NOBrouK-Hollday;aBiddl'g 9 ll-16c; nei receipts 5,002; gross 5,002; stock 72,857; exports coast wise 1,753; sales ; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Baltmom Doll ; middling 10c; low mid dling 9ftc ; good ordinary 9c ; net receipts 742; gross 1,855; sales ; stock 16,218; coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Greet Britain ; to continent . Bostoh Steady; middling 10o; low mlddlin 10c; good ordinary 9Vfs; net receipts 1,669; gross 2,967; sales : stock 2,9 10; exports to ereat Britain : to France . WrumiOTOK Steady; middling 9?4c; low mid dling 9Mic; good ordinary S 7-1 6c, net receipts 283; gross 293; sales ; stock 24,664; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Philadelphia Du' 1 ; middlins 10c; low mid dling IOJ40; Kood oramary V40 rwnaints net 183; poss 405; sales ; stock 14,051; ex ports Great Britain ; to continent . dAVAKHAH-Qulet; middling 9c; low middling Oe; good erdlnarv 8c; net receipts 4,816; cross 4.WZ7; sales b.iuu; siock lzoaoa; exports te coastwise 400. to Great Britain ; to Fraace ; to continent . Hw Orleans-Quiet; middling 9 11-1 So; low middling 9j; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 24,160; gross zb.vvo; saies s.buu: stock 25,176; exports to Great Britain 18,026: to France : coastwise ; to continent 299; to chan nel . Moma Quiet; middling 99 16c; low middling 9 5-16e; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 1,654; gross 1,654; sales 1,500, stock 41,558: exports coastwise 1,691; to France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Memphis-Quiet, middling 9 Vic; low middling 914c; good ordinary 8o net receipts 2,254; gross 2,947; shipments 2,730; sales 3,650; stoek 102,116. Acgubta Quiet ; middling 9 5-1 6e; low middling 9c; good ordinary 8Vfeo; receipts 397; ship ments ; sales 425. Chablxstoh-Quiet; middling 9c; low mid dling 9Vbc; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 2,563; gross 2,663 sales 1,000; stock 105,856; exports soaetwiee 17 . to Great Britain ; to conti nent ; to France : to channel Sr. Louis Holiday; mid'g 9 9-l6c; low middling 8JCc; good ordinary 8 11-16c; net receipts One TXTislxt Only. Friday Evtning, January 5th, '83. 1 be Eminent Comedian, METALLURGICAL WORK S3 HAWKINS ST, BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assay ers and Analytical Chemists GOLD suid SILVER BBFINEB8. Practical Mill-Buns of Ores 100 lbs. and pwards BEFBAGTOBT ORBS TREATED Surreys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Bxetche and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Famished. MANAGERS OF B OTJEIO, le New Miki Wefb In his remarkhble char acter creation, SAM'L of posen, THE COMMERCIAL DETJMMEB As played by him 200 NIGHTS 200 IN NKW YORK CITY. Ir- Popular Prices, Reserved seats for sale at the usual places. Box plan now open. decSO WANTED. A SITUATION either as clerk or traveling sales- xx man dt a yoang married references. deceit Address man; can give eity I. H , Observer Office. 2 878; sross 8,720; shipments. 1,072; sales t Raw TOBK--Cotton exchange was toted to5j and will re -open oh Tuesday next: middling uplands lOtko; mlddllp Orleans 10 7-16or cow solidated - net receipts 62,539; - expoits- te Great I rit&ln 13889; to Franca ; to continent r..d ? i ti r -1 v DW -1J VA V"tt''J 1. ' '3 t f 1 .. 1 ' -.w ( 1 f 3, for t is TV 1 I ! Stockholders' Meeting. MKBCHANTS & FARHXB9' NATIONAL BAKE, Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 22d, 1882. i THE annual meeting of the stockholders of this bank will be held at Its Banking House, In this city, on Tuesday.- the 9th of January, 1883, at 12 o'clock M. J. B. HOLLAND, - ee24 UU9';ai s ' Cashier. s GOL.Dt SILTEB, COPPER svnd LBAD ORES 8IIELTED Off RBTTRIVS or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. TEfjKAS BlNNS,i HmiLumms. A.H HKT... .... .Mnrur Bhsotsb JOHN HOLLIDAT ...Po. CnsW saar8 tf m ROYSTER'S CANDY. rsiHE Standard even where for parity and exoei 1 leiee. In order that everybody may supply .tr. .", ,h VMati aiui Pan Candr for the tody st'aiiy Express Office, freight prepaid, for 12.50 ; a 8-pound lf BBO., doc2 lm Balelgh, N. & IMMENSE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes Just BtW For the most tellable Goods and the Lowest , r3-0 TO J. MOYBB'S, THE HIGHEST GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE, CONTAIN . -r -r-w T 'XT IIAftTU niDHI III A T i S 1 bULf xn nun in unnui-iiii t,. n. w rahn JrKatr3Tnjr analysis of tw OOUU sV VI M t wvmwv --w - OF DIKECT IMPORTATION, FOB 8ALE BY Wando Phosphate Company, oft' ruiereDt rjUNCIS B. STACK IB, President dee20 8m CLarlestoi josiaB 1 NOTICE. w- wtr t. avomin asniimnti for teachers' eertll- 1 miM Kt the court house, on Thursday. Friday Buseoiu, iuhI8I riWi at i kowKaevMU tod DtkU- : Iw, fiMulin - XxiuiaMiaa H4 ' .r. mud raifllx Mir4. 1 X cates at me coun nouae. wu lur7i andSatarday, thellth. 12thandl8thofianuary, ' - County 8upt, Publlo IiistntcUoiw r . dec2Sd!tw2t . -iv' " t BiiiBnfer; Waited SPECIAL NOTICE. ffineManufactrirers, MilleK,Distillers. TfTl Call roar ttteotton to wr stock ot Plumb ing. Gas said Steam Fitting Material, Valves, Pumps, Pipe, c Agents for the Blake Steam Pump. Counter resldeioes fitted np with water and gas. . tar Prompt attentioa to all toautriesv itndEsTf - A GOOD Eot Knd Cons wltl a fair knowle XA. oft r - 0 bus. s cx&.nea, J i a :', ... W r Dsve ,.iHiwa 1 Jlix.rj Christmas on Saturday, KJ Meads take M . that aves nine. Don't tors y nexttoSunday.andW' aelcanssT. sc22 1