' f . -.1., i..'-t,- , ft CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1883. VOL. XXIX. NO. 4 ML AlL PERSONS II Ntf N DUD KBB BBB TTTT KKB DDD IINNNDDB BB T B DD JI NlfH 6 D KB BBB T : E D D II N NN D D B B B T 1 B D D U N NN DDD EEK BBB T EBB DDD TO Pegram Co., Ry Note or Account, AV-I-L-L P-L-E-A-S-E ana MBie. We Ask 'Youl -FOB TBI MONEY BECAUSE W Need and Want It. team k k Jan 11 LOG ROLLING. While Wriillng wUh a Flleu Tree a l.u m bei nia.n Keteirei Cob- qnential Demagr. While on s hunting excursion tn the tr.at coal And wood rr f Ion near CrbondaIe, Pa., the wrller met William Ci II, a .lumberman. Accustomed to Ufn and labor la the forest from early manhood, he w is a t ue Kalgtit of th Axe it&mr a tree had fall a before hU rli glne stokes, and fUets of rafts had borne away to market the sawed products Colt U a character, aid If O.-car Wilde Is rth tin sajlrsthat all mo ements in unhindered labor are gmceful, oar fil-md William, stripped for his ori, hnd attace lng a tree a- Richard I. assault d the heavy doors of Front - de Bceaf's Caatl. must h iv presented an admirable l ie u-e. "One da. btwrrer. buf. let h!m tell the utorj himself, as he tld It t n: ' I was out li the woods, jon know, trjlng to ttart a of down a hill Thlnklns I could Ret a oeiter a purchase on It from toe lower aid, I tackled it there with my log railing hook and ihrw my fcfljlt on the lever. She etarted, she 11J, but as luck would hare It, before I eould get out et the way. the rolled rlyht over rar K it had 't been or a ot of small bs arid brush lying In the load, which lifted her up, she'd a crushed m 0 t As It was I got up without a fcrokea bone, but with ome mighty bad bruises." Then you were all 1ght," saldhls aadltor.. "Not by a blamed sight, stranger. I took eold, rheumatism et, and, It I hadn't heard of BEN SON'S CaPCINK POBOUj PIiABTBRS and used 'em, it's my oalaloa I should never have made an other ehlp fly. But the Car c'm teok hold quick, and I'm 'bout as toed as new. But there's one thlDg yon kin calkliate oik I shall never wrastle with another log unless I have the advantage of the uround. Inr, as I told you before, If It hadn't been for them brushes I'd been I tasked m, you eoula 'a sell me for a door mat" The Caprine Is the thing for rheumatism It doesn't keep yen waiting Thi word CAPCINC Is tut la tht oenter of the genuine. Prtee 25c ABUkT & lOBlNSOH. Jm24w Chemists, Hew Toik. Winding ap the Clock. "When the Wary Wheel were Almost .till, & tmcUy Accideat Kereale the Ieet Kjr. "How long did yoi say you had it T 'Twenty-fffe yeais." ' Whatl a bad cough, with etttslonal attacks of hemorrhage, for twen y-flre jeart Why, maa It's a mercy that there's a dozen pounds leitoT you" Abraham Omer, of K1ghplre. Daaahtn ounty. Pa., stuck to his statement, and when the xcla matlona of wonders eeasad, he add: Exactly. You're right It Is a mercy. But the greatest mercy of all is that, tefoie t actually coughed myself out ot existence, l got hold ot Parker's Ulager Tonic, and a few bettes of It cured me." ., . - . ur d yoaf ftelleved yon, you mean?" "I mean what I .ay; u e irad me," said H. Orner. simply. -"I feel like another man." Please lake especial notlee; Parker's Ginger Tonte U not a intra esseneo or glnaer; n t a men tomacbtc The ordinary preparations of ginger are beneQdal for transient aches, but at tbat pouat their value ends. Parker Ginger Tenle covers far wider and totally different field It attacks and dissipates radical and chronic diseases of lbs Lungs, Kidneys, Liver and Nerves. It Is as da jiclous to the palate as it is prompt and effectlva in operation ? tilnger is only one among many powerful curatives which the. Tonic holds tn com bination. Test Us virtue for that cough of yours, f tor any of the Ills which rnj dre an lnvlgorant zf the wnol systemv.. v i ; nd. above all. do not permit yourself to be tied. . Parker's , Ginger Tonlr stiuids alone. 2; hi. g else is "Just fhe samo or "Just good." rncis &c and ft . Kconomf tn ba.mg th larger lze. .T H15COX CO . hew Toi k 3nl .-..Am. y. :-.' .. - ;.:.. . -I". Harris rmmo HTi LOO!?.. Muawuju. i TjrrrsVF! AT tiM.t-t.sii4 81. Tnw't W i "iiw:, rminHjuiin r Jul i LLC blblui froia itt'cnli sa4 tfcytleal DbU , tntahua KxliAUtio u4 itr lutir nur rlootay eoMSQj TTi - . r auiiT awr raawaiir '" tftZtK ta I (lalr a micDth), J Cti.7 M "" '. ! la MTort saM,) I S "T5LfIV!?,?V,,' ' Bwt fcj aisil la plata wiappst 'mStksli!TfUimfmn,m Pra i. Pmntlteri. "' a4 ad ( cms wat fa'tffnatmvOt r auily sod ruisally grg CSgoAa, Clothing, k.. we arb'jost through taking stock, AND HATB MARKED DOWN SKVXBAI. 1MW OP SEASONABLE GOODS, And for the next 30 days we will cflr Splendid Bargains in Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS, &C. If you wuat a BABOAlIf In a LADIES' WBAP, we have a few tbat will be c'osed out at remark-ib :y low figures. Give us a call and we will convince you that we are i fferlng UOOO BAEG kIN3. ' Respectfully, T. I. Seigle & Co. 3 an 7 dw WORTH OF WORTH OF WATCOBEs, SILVER and PJ.ATED TO BS HOLD - WITHOUf REGARD TO COST, -AT- J. T. Butler s Jewelry Store. dec 16 DR. DYES BEFORE AND AFTER Electric Appliances are sent en 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNO OR OLD, r HO are suffering from Nkrtous Dibujtt, VV Lost Vitalitt, Lack or Naava Force axd Vigor, Wasting Wk assessed, and all those diseases of a Personal Nature resulting- from Abcsbs and Other Causes. Bpaedy relief an-i complete resto ration of IIealth, Viaoaand Manhood Guaranteed. Tho grandest discovery of tho Nineteenth Ceptnry Send at. once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VfllfAie BEIT CO., MARSHAL!, MICH. ROCKBRIDGE, VA., ALUM WATER, LOR more than half a eentnry nas grown steadl Jl ly In renute as a medicinal agent In a wide range of Chronic diseases. Multitude, of ; women can testify to Its nirrarpa4ed efficacy In the re let and cure of those ailments peculiar, te their sex. -DI8PIP3IA- In Its varied and most distressing forms Is cored. CHRONIC. BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AND DTSENTKBT. yield most rapidly, and permanent ewes result Bottled In its natural state, direct from th Spring, whleb are toeautlfully located In Bock bridge county, Ta, and are peo for the reception of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guests. . Cor sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Me ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH. Charlotte, M. & F5narl2 Ir H.-.-i D0BB1 NS SI ARCH POLISH. An important (lis covery by which every family -maj. give their lineti that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work, Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. FOB SALE BY J. w, XPEKCER A CO mta riEI.DS nuos,, Oh.rloUo, - Educoted and practical growers now. assent to 'on motto MThat I he farther North Seeds slt cr.wn the earlier their -predwet will JpJ'.X tu'x.ffM- thia takv a fnll Una of standard Potatoes. L trn. to same, grown m dry upland ; Bootck Fyfe an ,4 Blue Stem WnI;mteBnian Oats: EtampesGab. Norfli 8tT6Uow,DentConitaie.tS.TeiAat& vtr aisii n tt mnnai wrm nriinr uian hbti v lurt : uur 1 for fodder Uequal to any; of onlow.aeed. tomatoes. eiiirrc, peas, ko., ko. iiH line and Urge cropt ia Xaoi psam khon oar own farms. Wild Bice for li always on hind lor &T?JigJCTTlf?? aBnual Oataioirua. fro. FIET( A or onus , h-Jb Annual i fcirower liBporteroWobbert ittA auVZ 15.000 ocks,Jewelry, fati 4W NOON. DISPATCHES- BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. On His H ay Back tm Tanaessee Price Skipped Oat, Is If afcbed 4gain. San Antonio, Jan. 12 U S Marshal Gosling, left here this morning by tbe Sunset train with Marshall T Polk, the; defaulting treasurer of Tennessee. Ht .will contey him to Nashville and there turn him over to the proper authori tie. Capt John Price, the detective who- made tbe bargain to conduct Polk safe-; l a. m 3 t ; t ly io Mexico, ana receivea ins unoe skipped out of San Antonio last night, bat was captured at San Marius and brought here to day, and imprisoned, in default of, $1,000 bail. The Inmates of the Nevrhall Honse. Milwaukee, Jan. 12 There were 110 gad 67 employees in the Newhall House. Of these 20 hare beeu identi fied among the dead; missing, 48; and 67 known to be saved, leaving 42 unac counted for and supposed to be in the ruins. VTindm Slominated by the Minnesota Caucus. St Paul, Jan. 12 The Republican senatorial caucus, lasi night nominated Wrn Windom, by 61 to 1 for Governor Davis and 1 for Gordon E Cole. Fifty Republicans staid out of the caucus. Windom's friends claim that 12 more will vote for him in the legislature. It will take 76 to elect. The Michigan Seaatorship. Detroit, Jan. 12. The union mem bers, Democrats and Greenbackers, of the Legislature held a caucus last even ing and. after adopting the three quar ters rule, balloted for a candidate for United States Senator. Ob the seventh ballot Bryan G Stout, of Pontiac, was nominated by 41 votes out of 43. Gov. Cullom Nominated tor Senator. Springfield, Ills, Jan. 12 The Republican joint caucus last night nominated Gov S M Cullom for United States Senator on the fifth ballot. An Earthquake in Illinois. Chicago, Jan 12 Dispatches from the auulhr-au part of the State say an earthquake was generally felt all over that st-cuon on yesterday' morning. It extended into Kentucky. A $200,000 Fire. Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 12 A fire broke out in Conigaky's notion store last night, and extended to Clapp's block, involving a loss ot $200,000. THE PENDLETON BILL. Some of the Good Results now Expect ed from it. Washlng.on Special twte .New Yoik Herald. The Pendleton ivil Service lleform bill pa&sed the House to day by every body's surprise and to the disgust of a good many members of both parties, who, nevertheless, voted for it, and. who are this evening gro'weling over what they declare to. be a piece of con demned foolishness. Some of the dis gruntled Democratic bretbern assert that it will take the heart out of the Democratic canvass in 1884, and some of the Republican bretheru regard it as a fatal stab at their own prodominance That part of Congress which believes that "it is the hay at the end of the pole which makes the horse pull," are in a state of unmitigated disgust. Some of them, however, beleive that "it will ail blow over" and that when the bill be comes a law all public interest will die out in the reform. These people are not without reasju in their belief, and the friends of civil service reform may as well make up their ruiuds that their work is not done, but that it will Biill need watchfulness on their part to see that the law is observed. The Presi dent, foitunately, is entirely friendly to it. His experience in tbe Customhouse showed him tbe necessity of perma nence in the lower grades of civil ser viceand he not only made much lewer removals while he was collector than his predecessors for many years, but he made changes only for cause. The real friends of the civil service reform will do well to remember this, be cause a set - and persistent effort has been made by partisan opponents of the President to spread abroad the impression that he is a bitter opponent of this reform. He needs the support of public opinion against the real ene mies of civil serviee reform, who are those members of Congress who, hav ing little ability to recommend them to the people, retain their seats by the use of "patronagb" and by the help of Jay Hubbellism. m One of the best results of this bill, if it is effectually carried out, will be the speedy disappearance from Congrets of a good many men whose only hold on their districts lias beed the skillul dis pensation of patronage and the use of public money in the shape of liver and harbor and public building jobbing ap prouriations. "The passage of this bill and the exposure of the river and har bor j bs by Secretary Lincoln will do very much, or at least ought to do much, to drive out of public life a set of men who are too ignorant and inca pable for efficient or useful work in Congress, who. even if they are per sonally honest, as almost all Congress men are, still keep their seats only by their creation and perpetuation of dis trict machines. The Pendleton bill will really open tbe door to an abler set of men to come to Congress. A Land Grant Swindle. PbHidelph'a Press. If tbe present Republican Congress is half as thorough in its retrenchments and reforms as the people are watchful of the record it will leave behiud, it will not fail to see and check such in famous swindles as the "Backbone Land Grant," which was set on foot during the last hours of tbe Forty first Congress. It is a public robbery which grows in magnitude as tbe fertile land along the Mississippi increases in alue; and if it prospers it will be a greater wrong acentury hence than now. One of the provisions of the Texas Pacific bill, which was signed by Presi dent Grant, March 3, 1871, ceded i;492 000 acres of land to the New Orleans.1 Baton Rouge and Vicksburg RailroarV to aid in lis construction, onuonditiou tbat the road, 318 miles in length from; KT.in Hrlaana tn KhrAVpniirl, Rimilld Tad finished iD five years. If the railroad was not completed in tbat time, name ly by March 3, 1876, the land was for feited The road was not finished; it was not ev'eu begun.,1 Its charter wss obtained as a matter.of form from the State of Louisiana, and a map of its proposed route was hang in the Inte rior D. partmeh,t at Washington. The incorporators put themselves to no ex pense beyond this point. Nothing was heard of tbe road, nothing was ever done, either to carry, out or to annul the provision of Congress for ten years. Tn -iVniiarv 183T . ' in Nw York, one of vne most: remaraauie uuauuiai uaussv. tiohs eyer known was undertaken, thai incorporators of & railroad whieh had , never. laid a mile of track, .and stock--1 holdelrswhotadnevetpaid a penny fnr ihAir jitrirlr: met antf transferred, bv uanimous vote, all the ,f ranchiseeroi-- perty and "lands or-me-ew uriean ltn JJotige and Vicksburg Railroad which bad "never existed, to the New Orleans Paelfio Railroad, thQ compensa-' tion being one-third of. the 2new bonds; of the -New Orleans and 'Pacific Rail toad: which 1 were to be issoed on the basis of its new possession. The scheme ; was thus to' regain, without the expen diture of a dollar, the forfeited, rights of a defunct corporation, and to seize 1,492.000 acres of public land a clear steal nf 82.000.000. Thus, in the name of the Land Grant Act, and under a wise law which has done more than anything else to culti vate and J people the Southern and Western States, a monstrous swindle has ' grown up, but is not, happily, en tirely accomplished. The transfer, un-i der this extraordinary agreement, of lands which were never earned, lacks the signature of the &ecretary of the Interior, and the approval of the Presi dent; neither of which, we have faith to believe, will ever be given under a misapprehension of justice to the pos sessors of worthless and fraudulent stock. Horford' Acid Phoephate, promotes slerp when the nervous system is over worked or worried by care and anxiety. A CARD. To a'l who are suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manh.KKl, 4e. 1 mil send a recipe that will core you, FttM F CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in auth America. Send a aeir-addresaed envelope to the Ear. Josim T. Dmam, Station D, New fork City. . Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar overpowers the most troublesome cough. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one minute, Glenn's SuJphur Soap cures skin diseases. IfraT John H sr. 01 Harriers, N. C. sais: i u ed Brown's Iroi excellent tffott" Bitters lor kidney disease with Mrs. Marearet Tllghman, N. C, says: "I have received a great deal of relief from the use of Brown's Iron Bitters." For Dyspepsia, Chronic Diar rhoea, Jaundice, Imparity of the Blood, Fever and Ague, Malaria, and all Diseases caused by De rangement of Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LITER. Bad Breath ; Pain in the Side, sometimes the pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of appetite ; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disaase, but case, have occurred when but few of tkem existed, yet examination after death has shown the liver to have been extensi W deranged. It should be used by .11 persons, old and yoanf, whenever any of the above symptoms vpear. Persons TrareUne or Living In Un healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion ally to keep the liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression ef Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, bat is no in toxicating beverage. If Ton have eaten anything hard ot digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator in the House I For, whatever the ailment may be, a" thoroughly safe purgative, alterative and tonic can never le out of place. The remedy is harmless and does not Interfere with business or pleasure. IT IS PTJBEI.T VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony. Simmon. Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says: Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. "The only Thing that never fails to Relieve." I have used many remedies, for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. , I seat from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and wouU aeadurtber for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as h seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jannkt, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Mason aayst From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. Take only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. H..ZEIXIN CO. uR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Wintry Blasts WitiTRY BLASTS BRING COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Perry Davis's Pain Killer CURES caucHs COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Provide against the evil effects of Win ' try Blasts by procuring Perry Davis's Pain Killer. EVERY GOOD DRUGGIST KEEPS IT. Vlfhih other Baking Powders are largely eduHeraied with -Alum and other hurtful drugs, has beeji ieptlmehanged in ali its original. - purity and strength. . tbe besteridence of nsvanxy ana yjivcTirenvn is ium vi : Hs baring received the highest testimoni-. , os from tho most eminent chemists in tho' $ United ' ateswno hare analyzed H, from :inrodonj(rojres9nt time. No .other powder show 00 good result by tho true tethe TE& OP THEhvEN. I IT ISi PURE FRUIT ACID B&K1HG POVER STEELE vERJCE, Chicago, XiLj-and BC lK)ula, M.Q.,7 r .rTi f fcgpajia tmm !, or. rmn fltwrlH kxte.sU, aa an rne-. vbim r .WANTED. a -Tew Mntlemen can ba accommodated with i. smod Tablx Board, in a crtvate family, a short dlstanee from -the square, at reasonable jates.' AppMat; iAjan2t .- THIS OFFICE. a i r. rUXLAJI New Goods! New Firm! -:BAKERY,:- Confectioiierr, Candy Manufacturers, in- FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH BREAD JESl WKth- J,.8t oPed, on Tryon strte' opposite the Western Union Telegraph ofcee and CeDlral 110161 "d rd House, Bakery and Confectionery, And wlL keep In addition everything to be found In a Fitter CLASS Fancy and Family Grocery Ste, SWCH A3 Jg BE AX VAST BACOIT, JJAM8, LARD, JW 1 MjUT. JABI aad SIA.'uL HOillM, JpaMILI FLODE, JgUCrWHFAT FLOUB, rLowa, QANNID GOOD3 of all kinds, rpKAS, CoFTESS and SUQAS3 ef alltTa-ies, rjX)ILBT and LADNDBY SOAPS, of var oos X brands, gTABCH. SO OA, CHOCOLATE, pBUAEl, PIiUAXLLES and DATES. QANQE3, FIGS, BANAXAS, kt , k. WEDDINS PABTT 5-WPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Givs the New Store a Trial. Geo. B. NazareDtii & Co. des29 Garden M, BUM'S GARDEN SEED. WE HAVE JUfaT RBCEIVKD One Hundred Thousand Papers OF THE ABOVE POPULAB SEED, Which we titer to the Trade at HIS PBICE3. Wilson ft Ikwell, DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET. janll NOTICE. JN connection with my Large Wholesale Fish an t Oyter Business, I have opened a BL,ACKTI1TH SHOP, Next door to P. G. Wllson'sl lujgy Repository. Having the very best Horse Shoerln Charlotte, I respectfully solicit a trial. t Satisfaction uaranteed or money refund ed. B'spectfuny, J. T. JULIAN. jn7- 1883 Hl'PtR'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WIXKLY-18 PAGES. Suited to Boys and Girls from six to sixteen years of Age, . YoL IT. eommeoA ed November 7th. 1882. THE YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful Tjeyon.l anticipation. New "York Evening Poik It has a distinct purpose, to which it steadily ad heres -that, namely, of supplanting the 'vicious papers for the young with h paper aaore attractive, as welt as more wholesome. Boston, Journal. For neatness, elegance of .negravlng, and cen ts ate generally, It Is unsurpassed by any publica tion of tie Una yet fought to ear notice. Pitts burg Gazette. TERBTft. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, u ,. ll 60 ... 1 Per Year Postage rrepaia, Single numbers, rour ucnts eacn. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cents. The Volumes of HARPER'S YOUSG PEOPLE for 1881 and 1882, handsomely bound In Illumi nated Cloth, will be seat by mall, postage prepaid, on receiptor S3 each. Cover for YOUNG PEO PLS for 1882, 85 cents; yottga, 13 cents addl tlonaL , Remittances should be aiade by PostoOse Hoaey Order or Draft, to avoid chance ef loss. , Newspapers are not to copy this advertise meat without tbe express e-der of Harper Brothers. tAddress - HARPER ft BROTHERS, rv MorJia -. ' ' KewYoik, TBI Law flrna ot Brnnm ft Grler, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .ir:. - . - - , v , . , t W. P. BYNUM, . 1 r jang jt ' " ' C E. esrER. - - . a KAixaasro. I : ' - NOW IS YOUR TIME! . . JTJoT RECEIVED, A l ABQE STOCK OF Ladies', Genis'and Children's Rubbers, ladies' Gossamers and Gents' Roller Coats. We are no closing oat onr stock ot Winter Goods, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AND IF YOU WANT A IEL CS- NOW IS YOUK TIME TO GET IT. oie h.Blaak5t Lldles'. Gents and Children's Undarwear. Flannels ko. Plain Plushes and Velvata very cheap. Our stock '0uucrw,"ir' ,UBMB' - DRESS Is very low In quantity and prices, embracing some very fancy Cashmere DarUrns at hair th.tr in Just received a new lot of Langtry Ties, and Fur Trimming. OafsEe of JackSi Uteter? Ctoaw Ac., is being closed out very cheap. If you want aB ABGAlN In aaythlng tiiat la kept to . ttanrr oodS line come iu and we wUl convince you that we have It tor you. v VTJ wwaa jAIuuam1!" 8Bd Ior Shlris- GlTe wia rtow Janll WE 1ME-MEM ALIL IIP4J If COME DOWN IN PRICES. A.M'UIU REDUCTION F0BT0E I10LliAiS. rpBB Lajgt&t. FlLe.-tifad Pea Ytdei p CXiO'I'HHW'a- j. ircm, kI 8iJ Ktiailfcuch 11 iirfbi t eiuauon havii g cetu icqulrtd by us for selling Jrat cu8 lOltlM, uij n lulLiak. H W lElUt. v. diBtiiut vhh u iLdtrHtfd that ewlilBO Le UECtitoiC) Ij 1 1 5 Ot b 1 e.l m . ml tr u m ot bh ell. ( ur viil-s for the HOI IDA Yg are lm n.ei St tuci itiinul.,iUKnrlHMi HlhlD HM Kht HlKP, tird-ali in the line Lr m r - j ?M- I lr r.ti fnrlh- PilH. SHIRT W. Invito tno Xj. declO IS) Co (ten Or O O f 00 on OO WW 00 Oi 2Z am 1 H H I (JO o o c m CD CD -A. Ox 00 CO GCCO CD CO CD CO o o O -t J tJ ss & o o c d O O W w o o w 3 O o H O o g i'i O W H CP CO o o m o cry AIST HAS A LARGE anO H H RRR tl 5A TTTT AIM lOt A nnnnnnrrE0 T MUUU A. T MUUU V w ' ' u HIU1 XUVU U DOa OOH HR R II S OOO H H B B H B8S8 T 1AHMM A A an a- a a a T M H M A EiOM THE CHEAPEST TCfTHEjTKlY FINMT- --THAT HE IS SELLING; CHEAP-- . r-5 H Our stock ot Fancy an GOODS- dWilhelm, wmm Smith Building, East Trade Street Btd the best Mylrs to Rfle Pnhl'. Woarv.tf nllu Serwanser T3ro.. Leading Clothiers and Tailors CP O O o KM WW 00 55 5 00 K o 3 4U o o A OO aa li S3 Ox o o o SS 1 rtr" DO 5 to at Ox o o Ed 5a 1 H a IrT" 3 E Bl W 0, STOCK OT- .88. OOO OO. oo DDD ' .H8. 5 O O O O Q O D D S " !o O O O Q P "SB. O GO O o o d p A "SB8 k f; i l 9 , 1 - - it 1. f r f :Vil-