L) A 1L -pQ?h&BtM($ Pft R V: & :v $ g P D A Y JiACARY 18,, 1883. Hi 'SIN ESS NOTICES. ,r than lUo. Hmlle of King. Tobrintf 1 u ii.isslon tv fora which i oral ,iBe"'iSk""olD9tenll' rnffcarice. WhHtearthly bene- inpar with one wbkh proteits irom factl n ca'i . h iive- ease lor rln, Joy for sorrow, smiles hm the roes of health for the palior of dls ,or " ih- Ugh elastic step tor draught weariiess, eft'm .ffott repose for heavy hours of tossing "u,i,:-". boundlng-vigor for languishing dull r" ' iie .weiiin lines of full grown beauty for tne f aud w thcred form of emaciation, a long or merit!, i nyslcal, social and domestic en i.iyine ii's lor a few raidatsor pain and gioom, ending la an early (rm? Sucn l the mission, suchHr the re-nits of Dr J Brsdfleld's Female KegniHtor. wrnVb Is bene truly and appropriately Htjid -Woman's Best Friend." Whites " Rni al those Irregularities of the womb so destructive to the haattb. b'-tpplness and beauty or women, disappear like Kiaglc before a sing e bot1 le of this wonderful compound Ph' si clans precrH It. Prepared by Dr J. Branfield, Atlanta Ga. Price: trial mIz. 75c; large size, SI.BO. Kor sale by nil dn pglts. Absolutely Pure. T hi powder never varif s. A maryel of purity tre.igth and whoiesomei es i More economical th tu the ordinary Kinds aal cannot be sold in . oiupetltlon wi!h the muliliude of low test, short w Itrht filum or phospnate powders. Sold only In .-.n KOYAL B A KINO POWDER CO., wptiv lOrt Wall st. New York. iROY DAVIDSON, A nl, Charlotte, W. C STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking -what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease.. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism when 1 commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. I amnow using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to alL 1 cannot say too much in praise of it. Mis. Mary E. Brashear, 173 Prestmanst Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., 1881. Suffering .from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Kvlb Montague. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec 2, 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jennie Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. BUFORD HOUSE Charlotte, N. C. A NEW HOTEL HANDSOMELY FURNISHED. All Modem I STRICTLY FIRST-CUSS. Smille Bros., ..... Pmp's. W Also Proprietors Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga.; the celebrated Suwr.ee Sulphur Spilngs, the erf at Eai.ltarlt tn for SLfferera from rheumatism and other diseases of the blood ;-the Arlington and Norvell House, Lynchburg. Ya. gec24 - : . j-r'. ' M ttnrri...... 1 .rt,. diMM af th. HloL Skill Utd lSfc-Nervou lHM.!tjr. JnotK!y Urgaulo KfkaeM. U.Mttkcik feTDttMUIe Mercurial H?tHi. eiwciiUiv treated oo-lt Bf .jjr lwm. nd rare rm-diM. Cull or write tot LUt of Que to h v . .iml.lnff freatmODt DV BUU. rftnmMferiMrrao Hnulc.re.boaM rm br oiWrwoA Irmra ... .--i.. almUm it b mm tnu.M UJLISUKl OViCII 'IUIMTX VAJU. THE. VILLAGE HOUSE. I rTKi08 Pned a flnfrclass Boarding House lWii . "opmmodatlon of transient guests, at H 4 nil f ROYAL ttVSil J J mprovements lftn1vA.,.,, " d Piensed to see my ineaas. Index to New Advertisements. B B. Lavercemba-Dog Strayed or St .ten. Tlddy - Chamber of Chamber HOME BRIEFS. Both the skating rinks were in full blast Ust night. tW Venuor predicts that to-d-ty we will have "moderate aud mild weather generally, with light rains." tT Mr George F. Bison, a promi nent lawyer of Gaston county, a regular prince among good fellows, was at the Central yesterday. t3FThe two o'clock and fifteen min utes train from the north yesterday was delayed an hour by slipping wheels, caused by ice on the track. tSPThere are 45 people in Gorman's Church Choir Company, which is to play here on the 25tb, and the troupe is said to be one of the very best on the road. E3 The bill to incorporate the Char lotte street railway company, was in troduced in the House Tuesday by Mi. VV. H. Bailey, and passed its several readings. VW Messrs Kendrick & Bixby have rearranged the interior of their saloon, and now a regular Fifth Avenue Palace is fitted up.- It is one of the finest bars ever opened in this city. E3T" There will be a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at their old rooms to night, and as it is to be a busi ness meeting, all the members will find it to their interest to attend. B3P The"0. B." Club yesterday pre sented Mr. John F. Itudisill and bride with an elegant sett of parlor furniture. The happy couple were the recipients of many fine gifts from other sources. ElFOnly about )4 of the merchants of the city have made their purchase tax returns to the register of deeds. The time fur the returns to be made has expired and the delinquents need not be surprised to receive a visit from the sheriff within the next few days. Yesterday was a day when theright- eju?, as well as sinners, stood in slip pery places, aud the frequency with which many of citizens sat down upon ths pavement was remarkable. Ice hung to the trees and telegraph wires until after 12 o'clock when a thaw set in and it fast lost it grips and soon dis appeared. By the Ailing up of the road be tween the cdtton platform and the gas house, and a ridiculously small culvert being made for the escape of water, a small sized mill pjnd has been formed in that locality. Ducks were swim ming on it yesterday, and the cotton platform men have petitioned themay- or to permit them to stock it with Ger man carp TheThea rical Outlook. It seems that all the best troupes have held themselves back and will come along as the amusement season nears its end. After the Gorman Church Choir, we will have Gus Wil liams, in "One of the Finest," and fol lowing Gus comes John T Raymond, the great comedian. Mr Frederick Warde, the celebrated tragedian, comes after Ra mond. Literary Notes Fr m the Century Co. The problem of self-help among wo men is the theme of Mr. Howell's story, 4A Woman's Reason," begun in the February Century. The name "Caste was lire given to Mr. Lloweli s new Story wnicn will De begun in tneeD- ruary Century. It was latt r altered to A Sea Change," and finally to "A Wo man's Reason." i o Knights Templar in Charlotte. Eminent Commander Sir Knight A, G. Brenizer, Charlotte Commandery No. 2, has made application for and re ceived a dispensation for the election and installation of the officers of the Commandery for the ensuing Masonic term. He has appointed to-night-Thursday for that purpose. Sir Knights, members of the Commandery, will please be on hand. Personal Items. Among the arrivals at the Central yesteiday, we noticed Capt SS Kirk- land, Spartanburg ; V W Dygart, Rut land, Vt; J C Bunn, Gold Hill; P H Haines, Winston ; B H Land, A Sin clair, New York; L N Cox, J McD Stafford, G D Wagner, Edward Snow den, E N Wilcox, and W A Slater, Bal timore; C A Hamner, N C; Gaston A Robbins. Miss Mary L Robbins, Ala; Capt W A Hoke, Lincolnton ; George P Cotchitt, Wilmington, Scattered by a Shitins Engine. The Carolina Central shifting engine came along yesterday evening just as a drove of cattle were crossing the track on Tryon street. It "pied" the drove, to use printers parlance and the festive kine, throwing their knotted tails aloft, scampered away in a dozen different directions. The owner of the drove was still galloping through the streets late last night, collecting the stray cows, and doing a good deal of whip popping and hard cussing in the prosecution of the laudable enterprise. List of Letters Remaining in the post office at Char lotte for the week ending Jan. 15th : Wm Atchison, H B Alexander, Eliz abeth Avery, Chas A Barrett, Josie Burket, Mrs Maggie Beunger, Nora Bissell. R E Battie, W H Cathey, Will C Cameron,M J Clark,J H or J R Dunn J F Davidson, Edward Frazier, T O Frazter, J A Ferris, Thomas Gaither, Sarah Good wine, C L Gibson, Mrs Albina Gorrtll, Mrs Caroline Graham, col, Mrs D P Hunter, Frank Heder&e, Emma Hall, Charley P Hehdeison, Jas Henderson, S S Herron, Thos Haskes, W H Jordan, Richard Jeffries, Mis Mary Jackson, Geo A Keizer, Marion Kinlarch, W A Little, J F Long, Mon roe Leeper, Mrs -Lizzie Linsie, Harry Lyon, B L Lamb 2, William Martin, Robert Martin col, Amzia Massy, Mrs Crecy Maban, E 0 McLelland & Son, A E Martin -& Co, Jhas H McBee John W Met arver, Tatlor- Meansi Nancy McLellan, col, Mrs M McCauly, W H Orchard, MrsM E Pettus,W A Rabiaris, Mrs J P Ross, Henrie Rollins, A A. Sumat,Dafney Sadlier.E G Springs, Wm Springs, W H Sorns, J R Smith, Wm Tharton, Vashti Terry, S Eli Todd, Robt.Veart; Maggie Wilson, Eliz Wal lace, J Y Whittet, M C Watts, Mattie Wright r When calling for the above please say advertised. ; . - A DEAD TRAVELER. Captain Jim McCool, in Collecting Fares, Comes Across a Passenger Sitting Bolt Upright in a Seat, Dead Ulelancholr Death of Judge Owens. Shortly after the Air-Line train which reached here yesterday morning had pulled out from Atlanta, Captain Jim McCool, the conductor, passed through the cars collecting fares. A mm whom he recognized as J.udge Owens, wa3 sitting in a seat by himself to all appearances sound asleep. The conductor Bhook him, but could not wake him, and passed on through the car, expecting to collect the sleeping man's fare as h9 came back through. At this time the train was just five miles out from Atlanta. Judge Owens was accompanied by a friend named Hayden, and Capt. McCool told Hayden to wake the Judge and he would be back directly to get his ticket. Capt. McCool went to a forward car and had been there but a few minutes when Hayden came rushing up to him with the information that the Judge was not sleeping, but was dead. Capt. Mc Cool, who is a doctor as well as a con ductor, hastened to the scene and found that it was even so. The Judge was sitting bolt upright in the seat, his chin resting on his breast, stone dead. Just before the train left Atlanta, Capt. McCool saw Judge Owens stand ing on the platform at the depot and had a long conversation with him. He appeared to be in excellent health and told Capt. McCool that he was just on his way home to Gainesville, Ga from a trip to Alabama, where himself and friend Hayden had been to purchase some lands. Tickets for himself and Mr. Hayden to Gainesville were found in his pocket, besides a large amount of money in gold, silver and green backs. The body was laid out in the baggage car and a telegram was sent to Gainesville notifying his family of his death, and on the arrival of the train at that place the body was met by a large party of sympathizing friends. Judge Owens leaves a wife and three children. The deceased formerly lived at Belton, Ga., and was postmaster at that place for sometime. He has two brothers living, one of whom is mayor of the town of Edwardsville, Ala., and the other lives near that place. A post mortem examination was held over the remains and it was found that the deceased came to his death from heart disease. a 1 i 1 1 A Dntifnl Fireman Shot At. Henry Sellers, a colord fireman on the Carolina Central Railroad, was sleeping in the cab of his engine, which was standing in the engine house at the Carolina Central depot, Wednesday night, and was awakened by a noise on the tender. He looked around and saw a negro man stealing wood, but very quickly drove the intruder away, and then went off to sleep again. In a short time be was once more waked up, to find the same party again on the tender. He drove the thief away the second time, and was shortly afterwards hail ed and requested to poke his head out of the window. The fireman did so, and immediately the flash of a pistol blinded him and the bullet passing by bis bead, lodged in the root or the car bouse. The party who fired the shot struck out down the road in the direc tion of Matthews, and has not since been heard of. A Mail Ag nt Arrested for Robbery. George W. Wheeler, a mail agent run ning between Greensboro and Salens, was arrested last Tuesday by a mem ber of Capt. Frey's cori s of postoffice detectives, on a charge of robbing the mails. A dispatch from Salem to the Atlanta Constitution in regard to the matter says that "the case was intelli gently worked by one of the shrewdest and most careful men in the service, and the developments which he has brought atout furnish racy reading. The culprit is a brother of Dr. William H. Wheeler, ex collector of internal revenue, of the fifth North Carolina district, and is about fifty years of age. For about fifteen years he has been dis sipated, and twelve years ago married a woman of unsavory reputation, who has lately added to her general bad character a very dark spot. During Dr. Wheeler's term of office George Wheel er was appointed a deputy collector, but did not attend to his duties and charges of crookedness were made against him." Police Arrests Yesterday. The weak-in-the-flesh are already be ginning to forget their New Year's pledges and busimsi in police circles is picking up. Yesterday evening two policemen pacing College street near the gas house, f.;uud a man lying beast ly drunk in the middle of the street. Tbey helped him up and after shaking him awhile, got him awake, when he gave his name as Dennis Melley, and wanted to know "phat are ye goin to do widmeV" "We are going to do you like Pat did the drum," cheerily re sponded one of the officers. "How's that?" enquired Dennis. "Give you a divil of a good bating," the officers answered as they took a good grip under his shoulders and com menced shoving him along to the guard house. Shortly after Dennis had been assign ed to his room, the doors were again swung open and the police came in sup porting a white voman who was mis erably drunk, and who was swearing at a terrible rate. Her name was Maiy Leonard and she had been invading the College street dens in search of her wayward daughter, and creating big disturbance on not being auie to una h r. Ac lored woman named Mary Brown went ;o the chief of police to complain of some one having stolen her shawl. The chief recognized her as an old of fender who had run off to escape pay ing a fine, and ordered her to the guard house. While the officers were taking her there, she was met by a colored woman who charged her with stealing a lot of clothing. The officers made Mary quicken her steps to the guard house. We bare heard bo h Democrats and Republicans say that there is nothing better for a cough thw Dr. Bu i's cough syrup; this old reliable rem. df nsTer falls to cure a cough or cold at once and may be pbtalned at any drug store for 25c a boUle. Ilorfcford'a Acid Fbotpbah-, ' For Wkefnlnei..- Dr Wm. P. Clothier,: Buffalo, N. T. fays: 'JL prescribed it for a Catholic priest, who was a hard student, for wakefulness, extreme nervousness, eta, and he reports It has been of great benefit to Mecklenburg's Taxes. Sheriff M. E. Alexander Bent a check for $20,663 03 to State Treasurer J. M. Worth, last Tuesday, being the amount of taxes due the State from Mecklen burg county for the year 1SS2. The Sheriff yesterday received Uncle Jona than's acknowledgement of the receipt of the money, signedealed and marked O. K. Adjudged Insane. Yesterday afternoon Sheriff Alexan der summoned a jury dd lunatico inquirendo to sit upon the case of Mr. Wm.; Smith, of Steel Creek township, and after investigating the case, the Jury returned a verdict of non compos mentis, which, in plain English, is that Mr Smith is not of sound mind. He is owner of considerable property, and this action was brought by his children to prevent him from trading off his lands. Gone by the Coast Line. Princess Loaise and the Marquis of Lome left Richmond yesterday even ing by the Coast Line for Charleston. The ill health of the Princess caused a change to be made in the programme and it was not thought expedient to stop in Charlotte as contemplated. The vice regal party were quartered in a Pullman sleeper and consisted of His Excellency the Marquis of Lome, Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise Miss Hervey, Miss McNeil, Colonel Tourtelotte (United States Arm), Col onel F. DeWinton, Captain Honorable W. Begot, and Dr. Burnet. That Adventure with Muskrats. The papers generally are disposed to make light of the adventure of Mr. Charlie Fox with the muskrats, on the streets of this city some time ago, duly recorded in these columns, as witness this expression of incredulity from the Charleston News & Courier: "The Charlotte papers tell a tough story about a young man who was attacked by three muskrats at his own gate on the principal street of the city, when going home about 12 o'clock on Satur day night. He called the police and two officers came to his assistance, and the three men succeeded in killing one of the rats and driving off the other two. Snakes and monkeys are the usual as sailants of young men who go home late on Saturday night. But rats, and only three, that is something unusual." OBITUARY. Died, en the 13 in Inst , J. H. Head, from Geor gia, brother of W. R. Bead. Three years ago he was the foreman ina carpenter shop at MUledge vlile. Ga., in good nealth and prosperity, tth his family. Two years ago his wife was tasen with lung disease. -Is child soon oied. It has not been a year since she dleu, an t now he's gone the way of all the earth with the same disease. How soon a promising family has lei t this world. He left strong evidence that be was reigned to the will or the Lord In full tilumpn of faith. Spring .- boals, N. ., Jan I6.h. 1883. After aU the arguments about cheapness and quality H appears that Dr Ball's cougn yrup Is the best remedy for the cure of cough and colds ever offered to te public The pi Ice is only 25c a bottle and every druggist In the land sells and re commends It. A man U wiser for his learning, aid the sooner he learns that the onlv proper way to cure a cough or coid. is to use Dr. Bull's cough syrup, the better he is off. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation, lufiamatlon. all Kidney and Urinary Complaints, cured by "B ichu-palb." Hi, GeimiD Katnit and Acid Pboapbate F r these two articles ppply to the Wando Pho phaie company. Charleston, 3- U. See adv. Te be or not to be -without nt. Jrcods Oil Is not the question; I must always have it with ut It I'd be miserable lost; with it, I am happy In my safety MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JUsUAHY. 17. 1K83 DOMESTIC. NAVAL STORES. Charleston - Spirits Turpentine quiet, at 49c. Rosin, s eady ; strained and good strained $1 35. wnjoMUTOs Spirits Turpenune steady 491A Rosin firm, at 81 80 for strained; 81.3716 for good strained Tar firm, at SI 80 Ci'ide Turpen tine Irm, at $1.50 for hard; 82.50 for yellow dip. PROLUOF. Baltimohkkooh Flour, firm; Howard Street and Western super 83 I5ffi3.o0: extra 83.75- 84.50. family $i.75a$5 75: City Mills super. $H.fOSS4.0; extra 84 2nffi$5.85 Bio Brands 85 6238" 87. Wheat Southern tctrca and firm; Western h aher; Southern "d 81.0a8l.l3 am ber 8l.12S8l.16. No 1 Maryland 81.16S1 17; No 2 Western winter red spot. $( Corn Southern ttiedy; Western higner; Soutnerq white 62S65; yellow 62365. Baltimore ki&ht Oats, very firm and higher; rSoutheru 47S50; Western white 4y50; mixed 464'; Pennsylvania 4759. Provision higher; mess port, 88 50 8 75. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides eked. 8aillA Bacon shoulders 94; clear rib sl.des 1 U4; hams 13ai4lA Lari refined 2 Coffee--quiet ; Hio vkoob ordlnarj to fair 6 8. usrar-quiet; A soft 8: Whiskey- quiet and steady, at 81.17 81 17 Freights to Liverpool quiet. Cincinnati mow. strong and h'gher family Si 6 0845; fancy 85.00a85.50. Wheat-active and fl m at 81 02$1 OS. Cora-spot slow. r.,t futures stroag, at 64a54i4 for spot; 54 for Februa'y Oats strong, at 4i42 for spot Pork steady and firm, at 8.7.5' 8l7 7o. Lard -quiet, at $10 506810.65 Bulk meats steady and with a fair demand; shoulders 6; clear rib 9Vfe Bcen -steady and with a fair demand; shoulders clear rib 10; clear 11. Wniske -steady at $ i . 1 3. ;ugar-8iedy and unchanged Hog -steady and firm common and light 85.50 so 40; packing and butchtr $6.3oa$tf 75. Receipts 7.3 lo. lhicago-FIout. in good demand and tending upward; com mo a to choice spring 83 60ts8475; B-d higher; Bsguiar. 8I.OOV4 for Jnuarj; 81 01 Sl.OItt for February. Corn -wronger and higher, at 65 for cish and January 6rtS6654 for February, oats -In fair demand and pnees hlKher, at 37te tor cash; 87 for Januan and Kebru.iry Poi & fairly active and a shade h'gh-r at 817.85817 40 cash; 7.52fcfMl7 56 for K bmary Lard active and a shade higher at I0 70 for cash; 8iO.77a810.8O -or February. Balk meatssteady and unchanged; shoulders 86.60; short rib $9.o5; short clear $9.30. Whlikey steady and unchanged, at $1.16 COTTON. eALTBSTOH Dull; middling 9c; low middling qafoo Hood ordinary 8j net ecetpts 2,118; cross 2,172; sales 600; itock 136 000; exports to ooastwie ; ret Britain 979; to conti nent ; te France $27 to channel 1,666. Nokfoli Steady ; modUim 9c; ue .ecelpta l,62t); 1.820; tocls 70,20 1 exports ooast- 2,670; a 539. exports to Sreat Britain 6,700; continent . Baltimore Steady middling 10c; iov mid dling 9Vfcc: o'wi ordinary 8c; net f-celoi? 1,313; grow 1.8i5 aiei stock 24.791; ooastwlse 101 spinners 170: exports lo rt Britain ; continent . Boston Steady; audnmx io-j. tow midxn'.. 9783; nod ordinary um ncelpt 996 ros 2,692; sales tock 4,160: exports o Hfiidtn ; to France Wilkin 8TOH -Fl m uiiddltntt 9o; io mid dling 9183 f00'1 ordinary 83-1 6c; net "etp'.s 447; juoss 447; aies ; uock 1 8,096 "t- .via "Oistwtse 4rt BriiHtn ; to continent ; to channel Phtladklphia Quiet; u.ua iOVc; iowncld- "na tOVs. "od jrulaan 91 1 pts 199; ros? 2 8 sales k 8.956; non Grant Britain : to continent diVANHAB- Steady; middling 93fec; low middling 8 13 16c: ood ominan 813; net iwieipt 2 23.1. arosi 2,800: sales 3 8 0; ntock 95 96J; exports to coastwise 1 ,620 to Grot Britain : to France : to contlnent 3,679 Nxw Orleans Qultt; uiHKtllng 9e; to m'.d ni ngOH iHs orm 'iinarj 8 18 1 60 neo--' s 11.9095 ros 12.9P4 i9c 400 320.29C; etports to Great Britain 1,218 to "'rnnce ; coastwise ; to continent . to char.. nel . Mobile Q net; miudlinx c; tow midonn Oihc; good ordinary 9c; mi receipt 89-: giros 898 sales 1.000. stock 41 398 exports cons' wise 488; to France : to Great Britali ' . ; to continent MSKPB33-Qitet. middling 9c; low mlddllrg 9iae; good ordinary 8StC net reoein's 2.142; (tross 2,627; salen 1112; shipments 1.350; nock 91.857. AoeuSTA Qulst; midditn 91i-i to ralddllr g SSfcn good otuinary 8140 . f.u 724; ship ments. j sales 818 Charlkstoh Qint; mlddUng 9e low mid dling 91e: gooo ,rdlnary .; net -elpts 1,72 '; Mjss '1.722 naies 500; noek 93 749; expor t nent 4,080; to France : to channel w ' ST. Lotus Steady; mldd lng 914c; low middling yiic; good ordinary 8c; net receipts 1,48; cross 2,087; Bhipments 1,647; sates 123; stock 68,217. Nxw Tors steady; sales 402 bales; middling uplands to B-lfic midJUnR Orleans 107 lrtc; cn olliated net r e lpts 25 718; exports to Hrat Britain 20,277: Francs V27; to Continent 7 7-M; toch tunel l,f 65. FUTURE! Srw if oex Net recelDt Future closed firm; sales 53.000 bales. January IDO-VtOfl rebrnary.. lOJOfful Harjh 10VS9 24 Awl! Mm JiL'ie. July August Ssvte ruber. CWSob-r. . . . November . 10 803187 I0 5li 5' 104.5 1077 78 logoff 00 December The Bveclng Post s Cotton Report sas: Future deliveries continues lniCtiv, which wn have had to record for weeks past, without any specuiattre demand. Transactions became lss and less acd fluctuations ar insignificant. The first c ill came off 3 pt ut s lower, the second showed a further decline f i point an 1 the tnlrd call was without changi with sales of January at 10 tS; April .35; August .87. FINANCIAL. HBW TORS. KxchtDg :::::: 4.82 Governments Irregular, New fives, ::::::: 1.02 Four and a half per cents, : : : 1.13 Four per cents, : : : : : l.'ftHj Money. ::;:::: t334l State Bonds neglected. Sub-treasury balanees-Gold, : : $112,402 " " " .nirrency, : : 6,tfl9 tClosed offered at 884 New Yohx -l 1 a. m. 1 hs stock market opened a fraction higher than It oe-sed yesterday. After ihs opening toe market became strong and s ho t ly before 1 1 o'clock recorded an advance of 13 1 per cent, Ud by Canada Southern, Denver St hlo raLde, Bannibal r t. Joe, h and New Jersey. At 1 1 odecs. the general list receded slightly, while Memphis A tharleston and Richmond Danville e ten dropped. Stocks -Gener J y active and strong: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5, : : : 83 Alabama 1 ;lass A, small, : : : 85 , Alauama- Class B, 5's, : : : : 1 00 a aba a Uass o, 4's. : ; : : 85 Chicago and Northwestern, : : : l.Sftls Chicago and Nortnwestern, preferred, 1.4838 Br.e, :::::::: 4u East Tennessee, : : : : : 10 Illinois Central, : : : : : : 1.46 Lake shore, : ; : : : : 1.141 Louisville and Nashville, : : : : 57 Memphis and Charleston, : : : 46 Na.nvUle and Chattanooga, : : : 62 New York. Central, : : : : : 1.2 Pittsburg, ::::::: 1.4 Richmond and Allegheny, : : : 14 alchmond and Oanvhle, : : : : 5813 HocK Island, :::::: 1 26ta South Carolina Brown Consols, : : : 1 OlVi West Point Terminal, : ; : : 2rt Wabash, st LouU and Pacific, : : : 85 Wabash St. Louis anu Pacific, preferred. 5niy Western Union, : : . : : : : 84lfe United .States 3's. : : : : : 1.1 3k Georgia 6's, -. : : : : : : I.07tfe Georgia 7's. mortgage, : : : : l.05iA Georgia gold. Louisiana consols, : : North Carolina's, : . : : North Carolina's, new, : North Carolina's, funding, : North Carolina's, special tax, Tennessee 6's, : : : Tennessee, new, : : Virginia 6's. : : : : Virginia, consolidated, : Virginia, deferred, : : Adams' Express. : : American Express, : : Chesapeake and Ohio, : Chtcaeo arid Alton. : : i a 28 15 10 8 42 35 53 l2Vz 1 34 81 Mi 23 1.M7 Chicago, St Louis and New Orleans. 79 ConsoiCoal, ::::::: VlVt Delaware and Lhckawana, : : 128i Fort Wayne, :.::;:: 1.H6 Hannibal and St Joseph, : : : 4514 Harlem. :::::::: 1.16 Houston and Texas, : : : : 79 Manhattan Elevated, : : : : : 49 Metropolitan Elevated, : : : : X3l Mleblgm Central, : : : : : 98) Mobile and Ohio. : : : : : 19 New Jersey Central, : : : : : 75 Norfolk and Western, preferred. : : 49 New York Elevated, : : : : : 1. 3 Ohio and Mississippi : : : : t334 Ohio and Mlsslsslpp', preferred, : : 9K Pacific Mall, : : : : 42ty Panama, :::::: : 1.67 Quicksilver, :::::: 8 Quicksilver, preiernd, : : : : 36 Reading, ::::::: 58 St Louis and San Francisco, : : : 83 St, Louis, preferred, : : : : P4 8' Louts & San Francl-co. I st preferred, P9l St Paul ::::::: 1.07 St Paul, preferred, : : : : : 1.2 ff xa. Pacific. :::::: 42Vs Umon Pacific, :::::: 1.04V& United States Express, 68 Well' Fargo. : ; : 31d tLast bid. JOfTd. 1 25 t Asked. lEx. Dlv. FOREIGIN. COTTON. I Liverpool noon Fair demand freely met at previous prices; tuiudiiog uplands 51; mladllrg -ne.iUf 55d. Mien i2 0X; nptciiauon and ex liorts 2,000; receipt 63.000; American 60 OOt". UoiHiidt. io middling sjiause January delivery 5 38-64i; January and February 688-H4d-5 37-4d;Februan and March 5 3w-64d5 38-64d Vlarch and April 5 41 64d; April and May 5 44 rt4d; May and June 6 49 4d5 48 64d; June a"d July 5 5 64d; July nnd Augu-t 5 57 64d; August and September 5 61-64d. Ku tuivi flat. LrvKBPO l 1.30 p. m. Sales American cotton 9 2 0 U Maoris low middling c ans: July and Aueu t dallveiy 6 56-64d; August and September 5 60 64d. LI7S.BPOOL 5 p. M. Uplards low middling clau-e: J-nuary dslWery 5 37-64d; January and February 6 3S-64d. also 5 37-64d; Aorll nod May 5 45 64d; August and teytemoer 6 61-64d. Fu tures barely steady. CITY COTTON MARKET. Onici of Thx obssbtxb, 1 Chaklotte. N. C . January 18. 1883. i Q lotatlons revised : Good Middling 8 7-163 Midiling 913 irlct Low Middling 8 15-1 6a Low Mlddilns Middling Tir.ges, 8a Middling Stams 8ft Lowest Gradfjt .... 6V4 The miiket yes'.erday c'osed dull, but stead;. KBCKIFT9 SINCE SEPTEMBER FJBST. Bscelpts from oeptember 1st to yesterday, 34,84 Receipts yesterday, 46 Total Receipts to date 34.892 Receipts same date. 1 882 20.037 Receipts same date, 1881 S8.06K Charlotte Produce ITI&rket. JANUARY 18, 18J1 BUYING PRICIB. Cosh, per buah'l 50Q55 Meal, " 55a60 Wheat, " 85890 Beaks, white, per bushel 1.25a2.50 Pxas, Clay, per bnsh eoes Lady, " 85aH White. " .-i 65.71 rums Familv... 2.50a2 60 Extra..... 2.u()a2 25 Super 2 0 Oats, shelled 35a38 DBisn Fkutt Apples, per lb 4a5 Peaches, peeled 7a8 Unpeeled 5afl Blackberries.. 3a5 Fish Mackerel No. 1 1.25 -No. 2 l-oo -No. 8 90 Codfish 15 Cabbase. per Id. 5 Potatoes Sweet, new .' 60a65 Irish 60a75 Bottkb North Carolina. 2025 Kaas, per dozen. 16tcl8 Pooltbt Chickens 20a25 Spring 12tfcal8 Duclw. 20a25 Turkeys, perm Ja Geese 80aa5 Bxkf, per lb., net 8al0 Mutton, per D., net. 0 Poke. " " 8a9 SELLING PRICE3 WHOLESALE Bulk Meats Cleir rip sides Iltial2 Hofkkk Prime Bio lOaini Good 9al0 Salt Liverpool Una I.f0al.25 coarse SSal.OO Corn, per gallon 1.76a2.00 Rye? " $2 00a3.00 HUAVDT Apple, per allon. ..: $2-0Oa8.OO Peach, 2.50 Wink. Scunnernong. per gallon. ) 50 RETAIL. Cheese Labd, per lb 15a 1 6 Tallow, ner lr 7a8 N.C. ho round 1415 nmm n r. . ... 16ai7 Hams, canvassed l6al7 rice 9alO Apples, Northern, per bbl 8.25a3.50 Mountoln. " 8.00 iirvo Aduerttscracttts. Chamber of Commerce f EET3 this (Thared)) evening, xt IVi o'clock if a la its old rooms Important business will be up for const :t ration. anl7 k r. xiuux Dog Strayed or Stolen. T LACK Setter Dog, tlx months o'd. white on xj breast and . toes. Answers to the name 01 "Mack" obeys all emmaods -been missing days. A liberal reward will be paid for Lulorma Uoa leading to ms recovery. . 4 - j . H. LAYERCOMBE, anl8 2t Agent eingei ManTg Co. Notice ITAKE Pleasure in announcing that I have this day en tered into Partnership with Mr. Jat Htrshinger, former ly of Thomasville, Ga., for the Continuance of the Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Business ; thanking for past patronage, I would ask you to kindly transfer the same to the new firm. Respectfully, January 13th, 1883. J. MOYER. :m:- NEW FIRM. In Conlorinity wlft He tim Notice wd EesBeclMly Mm Hus Hew firm TO THE TRIDE and 10 IRE PEOPLE of CHARLOTTE ami SURROVXDIXa COUNTRY. WE ARE DETERMINED TO DO BUSINESS, AND KNOWING THAT "Good Goods and Low Prices' Are the Moving Power to Accomplish It, WE HAVE ADOPTED THAT MOTTO. V WS EH ILL C0FINE OURSILViS TO T3X SAL OF DBcnxiDils flumdl SDdccxbs EXCLUSIVELY, 4 Thus Being Enabled to Devote our Ample Capital and all Our Attention. TO THIS PARTICULAR LINE, m Nil VI I, BE FULLY PREPARED TO MEET, AT ALL TIMES, THE REQUIREMENTS CF THE TRADE. It U our 1 t-jn 1 1 to ooen the SPtilN SKASOS with an entirely Nw STOCK, nnd with this object In view, we pi 000 -e 10 silt all tioo s now on hand at GHEA TLY KEDU ED PHICE3 to make room tor he large S'.o k we intend getting in. CALL EARLY AND CALL OFTEN. fW We will maxe It to your Interest to give us your patronage Respectfully Moyer & Hirshinger. Messra ROBERT E. GRI .R. C. C. HOBTON shail be plewsd 'o have their friends call on them. !$l tsc eUaneaus. lU IS I S GARDEN SEED. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED One Hundred Thousand Papers OF THE ABOVE POPULAR SEED, Wbiah we offer to the Trade at HIS PRICES. DRUGGISTS, Janll TRADE STREET. Steam Engine for Sale. I WILL Pell st a bargain the 7 Horse Power SXsAM ENGIMB and BOILER with which I lately run the printing presses in The Obsebtkb eatabllshme lL The engine Is pronounced by ma chinists to be almost as good as new, and the boiler has lately been filled with copper nues, makine that nan better than it was wnen 11 came from the shoo of the maker. It was manufactur ed t y the Erie City Iron Works, and Is of the best pattern tor a stationary engine. - It is large enough to run a 50 saw cotton gin, a small wood woiking machine shop, or any estab lishment reauiring not more than a seven noree rower. Terms to suit purchaser. I'll AO ffc. O Janl4 Charlotte, N C. NOTICE. TN connection with my Large Wholesale isn JL and Oyster business, I have opened a BLit KniTH SHOP, Next door to P. C. Wilson's Buggy Repository, Having the very best Horse Eboer in Charlotte, I respectfully solicit a trial. BT" Satisfaction ruaranteed or money refund ed. B-spectrally, J. T. JULIAN. Jan7 II dl Estate for Sale. A GOOD CHANCB FOR MON1ED MEN FOR A PROFITABLE INYESTMENT. ACITf LOT. the rent from which Is now pay ing 12 to 1 5 per cebt on the invest mont, will be sold low to the right kind of a purchaser It Is situated In the 1st Ward. In the city of Charlotte, not over ten minutes walk from the public square. Tbe best of reasons glten for selling. Apply for particulars at THIS OFFIC. Janl2 tf LIME, KAIIIIT ft PLASTER BVII.DIK6 E.19IE, AGBItULTTjaAL LIDIE, CABB'MA'IE f lutJlV, EllHlt, LiND PLAS YEK and 714BL.. GOOD FERTILIZERS AND TERT CHEAP. end for Circular. FKENlHt BBOS , Rocky Point, If. C. an2 4w ' X bm.vm k Doaitlv remedy for the alia dlaesae: by Its Bm ttaonrands at eaaee oT tbe wont kind and of I01 tend In: have been enrad. - Indeed, eostroor is tnT telta in tuei leaer, that I will (end TWO BOTTLES FREE, to- retl ber with a, TALUABLB TBBATISB on this dlsness, to iBjsallerer. GlveBx r. ulvo jtxpress sno. Jr. tl. eduress. SB. X, A. IliOOCM. Ml tMrlStjrtwTlb Jang 4w Garden Seed. Wilson Burwell Vt :m: &- :n: :r';- and J, SCHIFF, are connected with our House, and Jan 1 6 JJTisceUaut'CJua O. B KAZIBENUS. P. H. PHFXAK New Goods! New Firm! -BAKERY,- CoDfectionery, Candy Manofactorer?, AN FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH BREAD MORNING. WE have Just opened, on Tryon street, opposite the Western Union Telegraph Office, and between the Central Hotel and the Buford House, a first-class Bakery and Confectionery, And will keep In addition everrtbing to be found la a FIRST-CLASS Fancy and Family Grocery Stere, SUCH JBEAKFAST BACON, J-TAMS, LARD, IINCX MEAT, JARGE and SHALL HOMINY, F A MILT FLOUR, JJUCK WHEAT FLOUR, R YE FLOUR, QANNED GOODS Of all klfldt rpiAS, COFFEES and SUGARS of allgradest rpOILET and LAUNDRY SOAPS, of TUioci X brands, gTARCH, SODA, CHOCOLATE. J3RUNE3, PkUNILLES and DATES. QBANGX3, FIGS, BANANAS, te.tc WEDDING PARTY fcTPPLLES A 8PECIALTY. Give the -New Stare a TrW. Geo. B. Nazarenns Co. Jec29: .-7 . - WW Jenkins, P M,; nun." - r M.

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