DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1883. dvv A . I. HOa writes: PURIFIES After a thorough trial of the IRON TONIC, 1 taise pleasure LDQB in stating tnat x nave ueeu c-reatlv benentea oy its use. ministers and Pub lie Speakers -will find it of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, possessing1 un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. jMUiscuie, Ay., va. i, ism. TO itf- . FEEPA2ED B7 THS DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 213 . KJUH ST., ST. LOUIS. Dr- L & ! I& Indian Blood Syrup Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in healing the it to be the Best Kemedy Known to man. TRADK MARK. A GENTS WA NT ED. -JEi DRUGGISTS DowuMOsniLK, N. C, July 8th, 188l.-Dr. Clask benented me for Liver Complaint. Jol'22 AGENTS! TO SBXiIi AMERICAN FARMERS' CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE-STdC W A A HnmnlAte STOCK DOCTOR! fcbria Hon-.. Cattle. Sheep, S wii Poultry Bh, and ST: t-v. ti D.i tiTI i..(r,l.h1 VetrinrT I nrui.i . am lms to tock of Farm both in 1 1661 mSfrisl "?afoTa- two oha'rtS for tiling Spi of HorVSi .nd Cattle , 726 Engraved- Contain 11 . oo lmpena locia yo ik . F clear SlOO a month. Act now. Exclusive f MSSS,MfllmMHl CO.. ".. 8t and Broadway, New York. pabliBbed. Inw and ptiscellaneotts. in 5 AND still BAEKER lives, and is doing a lively busi ness in Hunteksville, and will keep for sale a large stock FERTILIZERS, This season, and respectfully invites all his old friends, and as many new ones as will be pleased to do so, to call before buying. No one shall undersell me. With thanks for past favors, I am, Respectfully, R. H.W. Barker. anl6 d&w tf WILL KITHEB Cure, or Greatly Relieve DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, Incipient Consumption, C1IRONIC BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC PNEUMONIA, &c. feb8 Henry M. Crowell, MERCHANT CLOTHIER, (fluccessor to B. 8. Gould, Jr.,) NEWARK, N. J , LONG and favorably known as making the most Fashionable Clothing ever sent to Charlotte, takes this method to announce to his friends that he will be happy to see them at the Central Hotel, for a few days. He has with him a handsome line of Spring and Summer Samples, which he guarantees to have made up In the most approved style, febl tf HARRIS REftlEQy CUni. . Arf. tnnrsr inniiim nifiTii i r nntrnu 'l (Minie Urn :iui mhiTS wlio Buffer I from .L-rwu ami Ptisiea) Debil !iiy, 1 re mature tixhaasUon and their mtnr gloom conequeiioea, arc quiealv anl radieallr eured. Tb VtemeAy U put up Id boxes. Oatiog a mooth), fJL II. S (enoufh t tfffeat a uure, hhIchh in severe ai,) 9 1 Ho. S (last Lb f three month), f-t . Kcul by iukII In plain wrappers. DArveftloni for tln( arroaipany arh Itux. Fampkltrt descrl Uos Lkii dine a4 aui m(l of cure kcbi nrlf ou apDlio&tioa VESTERN N. C. RAILROAD Oma Gkn'l Passknokb aoknt. Ballsbury.N. C, October l'th. 1882 schedule: EAST. Paaseng'r Train No. 2. lirlve 6.45 p m " 4 28 p m 8.09 pm " 2.10 p m " 12.R4pm " 11.50 am " 10.08 am " .02 a m Leave 6.00 am " 6.00 am WEST. BTAT10N8. Passeng'r Train No. 1. . . balisbury. . ...8tatesvllle.. Newton . ... Hickory. . -.Morganton. Marlon Leave 6. 10 a m Arrive 7.28 a m " 8.49 a m " 9.25 am " 10.43 am " 11.49 am " 1.53 d m Black Mountain ... Ashevllle.... Warm Springs ..Pigeon River. " 8 00 p m " 5.44 p m " 5.45 p m Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. & D. R. R. from all points North and 8outh and from Raleigh. Con nect at 8tatesville with A., T. & O. Division of C, C. A A. R. B. Connects at Warm Springs with E. Tenn , Va. & Ga. R. B., for Morrlstown and points south-west. Train No. 2 Connects at Warm Springs with E. T., V. & Ga. R. B. from Morrlstown and the South-west, Connects at Btatesvllle with A.. T. & O. Division of C, C. & A. B. B., and at Salisbury with B. & D. B. B for all points North and East and for Balelgh. Through Tickets on sale at Salisbury, Statesvllle, Ashevllle and the warm cpruigs mi uu principal ernes. J. R. RlacITIVRDO, OCt25 Auditor, G. F. 4 P, Agent BLANKS. THE following BLANKS are kept In stock In Thk Obbebtkb Office, on Tryon street. No. 2 Granite Bow: Marriage Licenses, Summary Pro ceeding to recover possession of land from tenants who hold over, Transcript Judgments, Search Warrants, State Warrants, Peace Warrants, Capias Bonds, Appearance Bonds, Magistrates' Execu tions, Magistrates' 8ummons, Proceedings in At tachment, Bastardy Warrants, Warrants for Ar rest and Ball. Masonic Dlmlt Cards. Any BLANKS not on hand will be printed at short notice. anlQ I)rs. A. W. k C. L Alexander, SURGEON DENTISTS Offioe ovr the West Corner of Trade and Tryon Streets. Ofnoe hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. dec6 War Texas WUH A combination of &ro toxiila of Iron, Peruvian Mark and Phosphorus in a palatable form, For Debility, Loss of Appe tite, Prostration of Vita Powers it is indispensa- ble. REV. J. L. TOWNEB, Industry, 111., says: ' "I consider it a most excellent remedy for the debilitated vital forces. JOHNSON'S above diseases, and pronounce Laboratory 77 West 3rd st eet, New York City, IT. Johnson :-Your Indian Blood Syrup has ; greatly ,J1Jl'1 THI-I PICTORIAL I Doc By Hon. J. Termm EdUor in chief prairie Sairceon and writer. Covers every snrjjen periaij lib. it Vn.nmiioMtmii Clhoiinast OOOK W OMAN HER BEST FRIEND ! DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. THIS Famous lemedy most happily meets the demand ot the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions It Is a remedy tor WUHAN ON LY, and tor OMR SPECIAL CLAtS or tier dls bpsps Itisasoeclnc for certain diseased condi tions nf the womb, and oronoses to so control the Munstrual Function as to resuiate all the derange ments and lrregu, amies oi woman's JIOJJfHLY SICKNESS, Its proprietor claims for It no other medical nrnwrtv: and to doubt the faci that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regu lating powers Is simply to discredit the voluntary testimony of thousands of UvlDg witnesses wno are to-day exulting in their restoration to souna health and happiness. Bradfield'a Female Regulator Is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is the pro- duct of medical science and practical experience dlrec'ed towards the benefit or SUFFERINGS WOMAN. It Is the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose soeclnlty was WOMAN, and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of his won deiful success In the treatment and cure of female complaints THE REGULATOR Is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and richly de serves Its name: WOMAN'S UET FRIEND, Because It controls a class of functions the various dt-rangements of which cause more 111 hf alth than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embit ter her life, and prematurely eni her existence. Oh, what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to Its charming effects! WOMAN! take to your confidence this Precious Roon ef Health. It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your sex! Rely upon It as your sale- guard for health, happiness and long lite. PREPARED ONLY BY Dr. J.Bra&field, Atlanta, Ga. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. nJ?.V I Small size 75 cents r-Kii f Large sUe 51.50 nov25 Invalids, broken down In health and spirits by cnronlc dyspepsia, or suffering from the terrible exhaustion tnat follows the attacks of acute dis ease, the testimony of thousands who hate been raised as by a miracle from a similar state of pros tration by Hostettrs Stomach Bitters, is a sure guarantee that by the same means you, too, may be strengthened and restored. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. rebi Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin la within; Its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the causk must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE Is es tabllshed on just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and restorer, and, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary -Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of Imposters, imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer?. U, II. WARNER & CO., i Rochester, N. Y 1 aprl5 MINEKAL LAND FOR SALE. A BARGAIN Is offered In a tract of land In Mc! DOWell COuntv. ltlno- nn tha mart f.nnI u,,.Vw. lordton to Marlon, and about 1 2 miles from Ruth erf ordton. It lies directly on the Vein Mountain strata, which has developed some good paying mines. No development has been attempted, but several pieces of gold weighing from 8 pwts down have been found in the branches on it. The tract contains 100 acres and will be sold cheap 1 PPlJ to CHAS. B. JONES, au!6 Charlotte, N. C. Book Binder Wanted. A GOOD Book Binder (one with a fair knowledge of the printing business preferred,) can find a permanent situation at the OBSERVER OFFICE, dec23 i Charlotte, N. C. SBi CURE fist t)t dt)axlottt bBtn.tr. WASHINGTON LETTER. Scales and Bob Vance on the Tariff- Personal Accountability in the Na tional Beer Garden Bayard's Little Idea How Unequally !he Pension Laws Work, and How a Western Woman Makes Places lor her Hus band and the U. S. Mail. Correspondence Charlotte Observer. Washington, Feb. 14. To-day the House went immediately into consider ation of the tariff bill, after the reading of the journal. Gen Vance offered an amendment to schedule C, which em- SfSHrUT cent ad valorem, lien Vance opposed S& 3 Der cent, and to a greatly increased rate JlTA south, particularly in North Carolina. All lolU tnat oisi-o ou wuuuu " in 1S82 66 cotton mills and 9 woolen mills, with a largely increased numDer of looms and spindles. He contended that it was wrong to raise the duty on machinery formating cotton gooasana at the same time to reduce the duty on goods made by the machinery, ine people of the South, while denjingthe right or congress 10 iax ti iui mo ueue fitof B, were quite willing that there should be a reasonable tariff, as they prefer a tariff to direct taxation, isuc rhpv wish a tariff for revenue.one which does not prohibit the introduction of foreign goods, ana tliU3 tax me peopie alone for the benefit of manufacturers. ThH iniDort duties ot the bouth ougnt to be fostered and not oppressed, if gen tlemen wished to create a protective party in the South. (jen scales spote in ueuan uj. ujj.au t industries. He would not increase du ties but would instead reduce taxes; American machinery was better than foreign, and this superiority would give all the protection needed, mis suouia be the test. He was glad to Dear ine gentleman from Kansas.when the ques tion of quinine was up, say that Powers and Weightman, of Philadelphia, suc cessfully competed with the foreign manufacturers, because ot the nign quality of the article they made.and that too after the duty had been taken off. The protection which strong arms and the ability God has given brings is the protection which ewes independence and stability to industry without legis lative interference. Instead of this, con cluded Gen Scales, Congress is asked to dole out bounties to one class at the cost of the others. Reduce this tax on ma chinery used in cotton manufacturing, and the president oi ine tarin commis sion says the Southern manufacturer can compete in cotton goods with the world. There were good.meaty short speeches spoken in a running debate, when no one is permitted to occupy the floor for more than five minutes. The revelations of Foster so upset the Republicans they had further in vestigation into New England's closet stopped at once. The skeleton, it not safe trom public suspicion ano partial knowledge, is at least snugly snut on for a season from the public gaze. What 1 wrote was all right, speer has got his reward the District Attor nevshio. Emery and Spears are both hardsubstances.but when you join them to make a Georgia independent, you have got something truly too hard even fur the Republican party, as it win una. While pensioning the well-oil wives of dead Presidents at the rate of 3,000 a year.Congress tinds that the utmost it can do for the only surviving grand child of the man who was greater than them all is to agree to give her i50 a month, although the lady in question, Mr3 Septimia Randolph Meikleham a Randolph and Jellerson is in needy circumstances and of advanced age. But this is not the only inequality in the pension business. Naval officers' widows receive SoO a month, alter their husbands have drawn from 3,000 to $6,000 yearly for very slight service during many years; but the widows of soldiers killed in battle have to be con tent with S8 a month, although as to that their "better halves" got only a lit tle more for their arduous and perilous labors in behalf of the country. Tris sort of Republican simplicity needs a smoothing iron. One of the witnesses m the intermin able and generally uninteresting star route trial was a lady postmistress out West. She sent the mail in a gum boot leg, locked. Her way of getting rid of the contractor was unique. She had her husband to write for her a letter of complaint to the department. She swore to it before her husband, who was a justice of the peace. Shortly af ter, her husband was promoted from sub, to chief contractor. So much for wifely devotion and departmental pli ancy, gilding the sepulchral gloom of star route i ascality with the radiance that shines from out Home, Sweet Home." Such is the stony glare of the average protectionist when mention is made of anything going on the free list, that it has taken days and weeks and much palaver in the committees and much rising to remark on the floors, and the like circumlocution, to have a hill pas sed admitting a statue of General Wash ington without duty. The society of the Cincinnati wanted it and the friends of the measure conjured in the sacred name of George, but it required some fixing to get the "statoo" set up on any basis compatible with the alleged rights of American, struggling, infan ile labor. That was an utterly ridiculous scene in the House Tuesday, when long Has kell, with his voice of prairie thunder, rose to denounce some statement of little Dick Townshend, and was met by the very sensitive Richard with an in quiry whether the gentleman who used words directly charging falsehood, meant anything personal. Townshend very properly exposed lobby influence in tariff legislation, but there he might have stopped or made Haskell stop. Most, the murderous socialist, was here yesterday, and was entertained by some of his friends last night. He left on the evening train for New York. Senator Ferry is getting a running fire of criticism, affecting his business fidelity as well as polical fortunes. He backs himself up against the wall and shows numerous telegrams intended to exculpate him. The body of John Howard Payne will reach here about one month from now, and will be immediately interred in Oakwook cemetery. The ceremony will not, however, take place until June 9, the anniversary of the poet's birth day. Senator Van Wyck, this afternoon, in explaining his resolution of inquiry concerning attorney's fees, says that though the lawyers employed by the government to prosecute the star route conspirators, are included, he does not aim at them particularly. Large sums throughout the country are paid for special counsel, and he wants the Sen ate to be informed of the necessity for such expenditures. Mr Bayard and other special friends of the book publishing interest are de termined, to use Ingalls phrase, to put a tax on knowledge, for they refused to-day to let stand the decision of the Senate the other day, that books and other printed matter imported, should come in free of duty. By a named vote of 33 to 31, the Senate disagreed to its former action, taken as in committee of the whole, and thu3 decided to tax books. This suits the American put lishers, but not the much more numer ous clan of booksellers and bookbuy ers. Jesse Lindsay, Esq., and daughters, of Greensboro, and also Col John N Staples, of the same city, are now in Washington. H. List, maiden, though you're keen of wit. And though of many charms possesed, You'll never, never make a hit Unless with pearly teeth you're blest. Unless upon your toilet stand, Your SOZODONT 's kept close to hand. RALEIGH LETTER. ECHOES FROM THE OAKS. CITY OF Chat About an Extra SessionSchool B'l's and Road jLaws Revising tbe Code Te Railroad Commission Probably a FizzleSale of the C.F. and Y. V. --Representative Myers. Correspondence of The Observer. Raleigh, N. C, February 15 There are but seventeen more days to the end of the session and enough work to do to All out twice the length of time. Meanwhile members are speculating as to the probabilities. Some say the law meant sixty working days; one young man fainted while trying to suggest the propriety of an extra ses sion, and a few who have been here before and know exactly how itis.have quietly settled down to remaining and paying their own expenses. But occa sionally a solider type is met whose patriotism is not so gushing. We para graphed one of this kind to-day, as meeting him on the street we asked his intentions in the matter. "No, sir," said he, "not a day longer than this session lasts; I'm not going to work here all the session and then stay over and pay my expenses." "Oh, you are only pulling my leg on that," said your reporter, smiling in quisitively at him. "No, sir, not a bit of it. I was never more in earnest. Let the Governor call an extra session if there ain't time enough. I'm not here to give away my time and my monev to the State, and I don't believe the people expect it of me. The State's no more a pauper than I'm a Vauderbilt." Well, now, there was good rock bot tom in that reasoning, and the State would be better off in legislation to day if there were fewer calves before her altars and more oxen working at her wheels. No school bill has yet been passed nor brought in. Mr. Dortch s bill that pro vides local assessments for the public schools has passed the Senate and gone to the House, ana Mr. Pemberton has followed in hi3 wake with an assess ment bill for establishing graded schools in the State. These bills hinge on the principle ot a dual government; the two races voting to themselves and using their own muiiey as provided in the assessment to be collected from each Mr. Dortch, I hear, says that to levy and collect taxes in such way would be unconstitutional, but as an assessment it is not; possibly taking his cue from a recent decision of Chief Justice Smith in the case of Cain vs Davie county, where the assessment was made under the stock law for building a new fence, and Cain tested its constitutionality on the grounds that it was not left to u vote of the people The chief justice held that the county had the right to levy the assessment for the protection of the land and for other purposes, so a school assessment when asked for by either race for the bentrit of its children only differs in that it is left to the vote ot such race as may ask it. But there is a variety of opinion on the constitutionality of this measure though they say the schools of Golds boro have been run under this plan for two years, and so they have at Dur ham, and now the same applies to btatesville. It may be coustitutiona as drawn on by an extra tine sight bu it evidently lacks the fair and generous spirit that should give to the school laws a kindliness and healLhf ulness with the people. Your excellent Sena tor, Mr. Alexander, farmer though he be, is of opinion with the lights before him that it is unconstitutional. Mr Watson of Forsyth has introduc ed a road law in the Senate but it has been delayed on account of his sickness at home. It provides an alternative method for keeping in repair the public roads in Forsyth. It consti tutes each township a road dis trict with a supervisor for each district to be appointed by the county commis sioners at a sum for his services not to exceed two dollars a day for every full day he is employed. It sections out every two miles of road to the lowest bidder who becomes the overseer. The road tax levied on the county is seven tenths of a mill on the dollar which on a million dollars would amount to sev enty dollars. Now Mr Alexander has a road bill which you know the workings of your county and the system is so elastic as to fit every section of the State. It makes the Magistrates the Board of Trustees and divides their townships into suitable road districts with one supervisor over each road dis trict. The road levy is from one to five mills on the dollar which applies to the entire county including incorporated towns. Mr Alexander has been reques ed to offer his system as a general road law for the State. The committees on revising the code are steadily engaged every night in the Senate chamber, but they have not fin ished more than one third of their work. It stands in as much need of a good proof reader for its pages as it does for the committee of astute law yers who are so cleverly uniforming and shaping its phraseology. You know there are few good proof readers even among editors, and a lawyer is very apt to read over a dozen lines containing a many typhographical errors and never be the wiser. The railroad commission I think is settling down in -opinion to have been more of novelty than a need. The re sult with the Legislature will about be that the majority report will kill the minority report and their vice versa. Messrs Dortch and Tate have been mentioned as of excellent materal for the commission. Mr Pool's bill for the sale of the States interest in the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad that passed the Senate yesterday was the best the syndicate could do. It provides for the clean sale of the road. The Syndicate overloaded their choice scheme which was to pay about two hundred thousand dollars to the State and have it returned to the compa ny at the completion of the road.by offer ingtoo many spurs to neighboring coun ties in order to enlist their support, and these taking hold with the ardent zeal of new beginners, every man had his amendment to secure the branch to his own section, and thus killed the bill. The syndicate under the Pool bill pays the State eighty-five thousand cash and ninety-six thousand in first mortgage bonds. It will be likely to go through in the House. Allow me to bear testimony to the faithful stewardship of you representa tive, Mr Myers. He is of solid worth as a member. Nomad. Official Salaries. Some figures given in London Truth furnish a comparison of America Bri tish and German official salaries. Our Cabinet officers receive SS,000 a year. In England $25,000 a year is the salary of the seven leading Cabinet Ministers. At Berlin Chancellor of the Empire and Prime Minister receives 814,000 with a house and an additional S5,000 a year to keep it in order. The Secretary of State's salary is $12,500, with a free house. Our Ministers to London, Paris, Berlin and St. Petesburg receive $17,500 each. The British Ambassador at Paris receives $50,000 a year, and the German Ambas sador $30,000, The German Ambassa dor at London and St. Petersburg re ceives $37,500 each. Our Minister to Turkey receives $7,500 the British Min ister $40,000, and the German Minister $30,000. Our Minister at Vienna is paid $12,000 the British Minister $40,000 and the German Minister $30,000. Our Min ister at Rome receives 12 000 the Brit ish Minister $35,000, and the German Minister 25,000. Our Minister at Pfekin receives $12,000, the British Minister $30,000, and the German Minister $15, 000. Our Minister at Stockholm gets $7,500, the British Minister $15,000 and the German Minister $10,000. Our Min ister at Libson gets $5,000 the British Minister gets $20,000 and the German Minister $9,000. Glenn's Sulphur 8oap is the most reliable Dnrt- Pike's Toothache Drop cure In one minute. J While other Baking Powders are large adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drugs, has been kept unchanged in all its original purity and strength. The best evidenee of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its having received the highest testimoni afs from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. No other powders show so good results by the true test the TEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS A PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POVDER MADE BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, HI., and St. Louis, Mo., mimtartarers of Lopalln Tcut Genu, Dr. Prlec't SpacUl Flavoring Extracts, and Dr. Price'. Cnique Perfume. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT Ii composed of Herbal and Mucilaginous prod ucU, which permeate tbe substance of tbe LinngSf expectorates tbe acrid matter that collects in the Bronchial Tubes, an& forms a soothing coating, which relieves the ir ritation that causes the cough. It cleanses the lungs of all impurities, strengthens them when enfeebled by disease, mviyor ates the Circulation of the blood, and braces tho nervous system. Slight colds often end in consumption. It is daneerom to neelect them. Apply the remedy promptly. A test of twenty years warrants the assertion that no remedy has ever been fo nn d that is a s prompt in its effects as TUTT'S EXPECTORANT. A aino-le rlose raises tbe nlilfcm. sulxluts Inflammation, and its use speedily cures themo-t obstinate cough. A. pleasant cordial, chil dren take it readily. For Croup it is invaluable nnd should be in every lamny. In 25c. and $1 Bottles. TUTT'S PILL ACT DIRECTLY ON THE LIVER. Inures tliuil kmu m: cvvi, y p t- ji m i.i , Sick Headache, Bilious Colic, Constipa , . a n tion, Rheumatism, Piles, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizziness, Torpid .Liver, asA Female Irregularities. If you do not ".feel very well," a single pill stimulates the stomach, . , 1 , - . . x - . . L ...... restores uie nppeju1 imparls v ijrur iu intr sit-m. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Dji. Tctt: Dear Sir i For ten years I have been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and l'iles.' Last spring j our pills were recommended tome; I used them (but with little faith). Iam row n 'well man, have good appetite, digestion pcrftct, regular stools, piles gone, and I have pained forty pounds solid flosh. They are worth tiCir vreidht iti pi'U. HEV. II. L. SIMPSON', Louisville, Ky. Office, :t." Murray St., IVew York. 1K. TUTT'S MANUAL, of Useful' Receipts 1'RHE cu application. lotteries. The Public U requested carefully to r.otlce the now and enlarged tcaedule to be tlrawn Monthly. CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. jgj Ticket only S-j. shares in Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Co. "We do hertby certify that ire svirri.e the ar rangeiiurUs for all the Moiithly and Seini-Annmil Drawings f the Louisiana State Lottery CoTiij"iry, arid in jjcrson riumage and control the Drawings ttm)ixelvts. aral that Vie same are conducted n-ith honesty fairness, arid in good faith toiisvd aUjJ'tr ties, aiid ik aut!torir.e the Comnmy to tise thU certifi cate. : ith fac souths of our signatures attached, in us advertisement." m i - Commiftklont r. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature ror juiucationai and cnarttabie purposes- wttn a capital or 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund of 8550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was maae a pan or tne present state constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 187H. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by he people of any State. IT NXVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will lame place mommy. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE THIRD GRAND DRAWING, Class C, at rnew Orleans, Tuekday, March 13b, ISS3. y 154th MONTHLY DRAWING CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000, 100,000 Ticket at Five Dollar Each. Fractions In Fifths In proportion. LIST OF PRICKS: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 575,000 1 " " 25,000 1 " ' 10,000 2 PRIZES of 6,000 12,000 5 " 2.000 10,000 10 " 1,000 10,000 20 " 500 10.000 100 " 200 20,000 800 " 100 Jjn.ooo 500 " 50 25 000 1000 " 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8750 88.750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500.. 4.500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1,987 Prizes, amounting to 8265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to ihe office of the company In New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full aaares. Bena oraers Dy Express, tiegisiered tet ter or money oraer, aaaressea oniy to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Or M. A. DAU JrHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. febl 3 $30,000 FOR $2. -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on Weduesday, February 2Sih, 1SS3. These Drawings occur on the last day of each month (Sunaays excepted) Bepeated adjudica tion by Federal and State Courts have placed this company beyond the controversy of the law. To this company belongs the sole honor of having Inaugurated the only plan by which their drawings are proven honest and fair beyond question. N. B The company has now on hand a large capital and reserve fund. Bead carefully the list of prizes ror tne FEBRUARY DRAWING. 1 Prlxe 1 Prize 1 Prize $30,000 10,000 5,000 1 n fnn 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, . tSJJ ............ A 500 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 100 Prizes, 200 Prizes, 600 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 50 each 10.000 20 each 12,000 10 each 10,000 1000 Prizes, 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 0 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,800 9 Prizet, JOO " " " " 900 1,960 PrUea 91 12.400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 37 Tickets 50; 55 Tickets, 810U. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express, DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at oar ex pense. Aaaress all orders to R- Mr BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Building, wvuiBTuie, ivy. JanSl Tha fnllnurinir Schedules are Cor rected bv the Railroad Officials, and may be Relied on aa Accurate: SoMiijlMRviTLTO". PASSENGER DEPABTMENT. On and after Jan. 3rd, 1883, the passen- ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Division of this road will be as follows: Mall and Express. No. 60. WESTWARD. Mail. No. 52. Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Charlotte, M. Gastonla, L Spartanburg, K Greenville, H Seneca, Q Toceoa, V Rabun Gap Junction,. Lula, E Gainesville Atlanta 1 .00 a m 2.09 a m 4.31 am 5.5f) a m 7.48 a m 0.18 am 10.00 a m 10.37 am 11.06 am 1.80 pm Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Mail and EASTWARD. Express. Mall. No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta, i 2.56 p mi Arrive Gainesville, Arrive Lula, K Arrive Babun Gap Junction, 5.05 p m - 5 do p m 6.11 P m 6.4H p m 8.07 p in 10.06 p m 11.40 p m 2.01 am 3.25 am Arrive roccoa. Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M CONNECTIONS. A with arrlvlne trains of Geonzla Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georela Central. A. & W. P. and W 4 A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georela to and from Athens, Ga. jt witn Eiberton Alr-Llne to and from Elberton. Georgia. G witn U)iumDia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. hi witn uoiumbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. a witn Spartanburg and Ashevllle. and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L witn Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauire to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C. C. & A.. C. C. B. 4 D. and a.. 1. j. O. for ail points West, North and East. Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 dally, witnout change betw-en Atlanta and New York. M. SLAUGHTER, G nerarPassenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott, General Manager. L Y. SAGE, Superintendent North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Jan. 3rd, 1S--3 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4 10am 4 85 p m " Salisbury 6.05 a rn 6.26 p m " High Point 7.28 am 7.50 pm Arrive Greensboro 8. 10 a m 8.83 p m Leave ureensboro 9 10 pm Arrive Hlllnboro, 1 1 28 p m Arrive Durham, 1208am Arrive Raleigh 1 25 a m Leave Raleigh ... i.goain Arrive Goldsboro', 3 50am No. 15-Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro.. Arrive at Hal-hen,. . Arrive at Golosboro, ..6 30 a m -.2.45 p m .8.00 v m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with BAD. It R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan Vllle. At Sa lsbury with W. N. C. R R. for all points In Western North Carolina. fto. 53 Daily at Greensboro with R 4 D. R. R. for all points North, East and West, and lor ali points on the W. & W. H. R. TKAIN8 GOING W1CS1 Date, Jan. 3id, 1883. No. 50 Dailv. No. 52 Daily. Leave Goldsboro, 1 0.00 a m 12.15 pnii.. 4 15 pin; 5 32 p m 6.1 1 pm 8.30 p m 9.15 pm 10 11 a m 9.50 p m 10.60 a in 11.12 p m 12 l5pra 1.10 am! 2.1 fS pm Arrive Raleigh, Leave P-aieigh Arrive Durham Arrive Hillsboro Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point Arrive faiisbury Arrive Charlotte, No. 16-Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro,.. 4.40 a m Arrive at Ralelg h, . . 8. 3 a m Leave Raleigh 9. 1 0 a m Arrive Greensboro,. 5.45 p m No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. fc C. Alr- Llne for all points in the South and Southwest No. o2 Connects at Charlotte with C. C. & A R. R. for all points South and Southeast. . TV. IV. C. HAILKOAI). GOING WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro 9.25 Arrive Kernersvllle 10.41 Arrive 3alein 11.10 p m p m p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.25 a m Ar..ive Kernersville 1 1.35 a m Arrive Salem. 12.09pm GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 6.20 am Arrive Kernersvtle 6.46 a m Arrive Greensboro. 7.45 a m NO. 53-Daily. Leave Salem 6.15 pm Arrive Kernersville H.45 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STA TE I'.MVKKSITV HUI-HOAD. No. 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Dill Arrive University 7. 30 a m 832 am No. 2, Daliy ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Leave University.. Arrive Chapel Hill. 5.40 P m 6 42 p ru Puilmaii Sleeping Cars WitHont Change On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville. On Train No. 52, hlchmond and Danville and Washington and Augu-ta. Ga , via Danville. -Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Raleitih, Goldsboro", Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, southwest. West, North and East, f i r Emigrant Bi tes to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address jl bLiUUnlftK, Genera! i'assenger Agent Richmond, Va. C, C. & A. R. R. CO. Office General Passenger Agent. Schedule In effect January 3rd, 1883. SOUTHWARD. No. 52 dally mall and ex ess. Leave Statesvilie 6 30 a m Arrive at Char.otte 1 0 00 a m Leave Charlotte, (c) 2 30 p m Arrive at Columbia, (b) 7 00 p m Leave Columbia, (b) 7 07 p m Arrive at Augusta, 11 15pm No. 20 daily, except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 415pm Arrive at Columbia 12 35am No. 18 runs daily except Sundays. With passen ger coach attached, Leave Charlotte 5 00 a m Arrivft at ColumDia, 4 05 p m north wakd. No. 53 dally mall an ex pre s. Leave Augusta, (a) 7 35am Arrive Columbia, (b) 1 1 39 a m Leave Columbia, tb) 1 1 46 am Arrive at Charlotte, (c) 413pm L eave Charlotte, . . 5 00 p m Arrlve at Statesvilie 8 30 p m No. 19 daily, except Sundays Leave Columbia, 3 30pm Arrive at Charlotte, 12 15ain No. 17, freight, with passengor coach attached. Runs daily except Sundays. Leave Columbia, . . 5 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, 3 42 p m connections! (a) With all lines to and from Savannah, Flori da, and the South and Atlanta, Micon and the fcouthwest (b With South Carolina Railroad to and from Charleston (c) With Richmond & Danville Railroad to and from all points North and Carolina Central Rail road. Pullman Sleeping Cars run on Trains No. F2 and 53 between Washington, D. C, and Augusta, via Danville, Lynchburg and Charlottesville. Also, on Trains No. 52 and 53 between Charlotte and Richmond. Above schedule Washington time. For further Information, address . R. TALCOTT, Superintendent M. SLAUGHTER, Gen'l Pass Agt, D. Cardwell, Richmond, Va. Assistant Gen'l Pass. Ag't. Columbia. 8 C Skating. Skating, skating. FINE SPORT. INNOCENT AMUSE MENT. Commodious Hall. Polite Attendants. REASONABLE PRICES. Monthly and season tickets for sale. pply to manager at the rink, or S. J Perry, agent. J. T. WILLIAMS. bo a 8 Manager. 2lm &flxtfcrttsetttitus. NOTICE. JN connection with my Large Wholesale nI .-. a . uu uswr Dusmess, I Lave opened a BL.AO S.VIITII SHOP Next door to P. c. Wilson's' Buggy Hep0 ,lor,. saving e very best Horse Shoer in Chan tU., , respectlu Cit a trial. I2T Satisfaction iuaranteed or money reruna- Tk .... cu. spectrally. , ,,,.,, Jan7 Sttam Engine for Sale, lately run the printing presses in ?h5 tnw "'" 1 establishmeLt. The engine is V rononn. h .K,lVKlt chlnlsts to be almost al good , "ftd bf boiler has lately been tilled n-- ' making that part better than It wa" 2 , , from the shop of the ranker. It L , ', ! oa,,! ed l.y the Erie City Iron Works ,u?au ' n pattern for a stationary engine tu' Ust It Is large enough to run a f.'o saw cottnn small wood working machine shop or In? lishment requiring not more than a stven'ii", r rower. Terms to suit purchnser 1 r5e Real Estate for Sale. A GOOD CHANCE FOB MONIED KEN M,r PROFITABLE INVESTMENT." AClTx" LOT. the rent from which u v,-.v , lug 1 2 to 1 5 per cent on the inves m' ,,, '!', be sold low to the right kind of a punhni "1. 1 situated in the 1st Ward, in the city if lIih-i, Vs not over ten minutes walk from the public -, T Tbe best of reasons given for selling a,,,'!,' particulars at THIS CYYi janl2 tf E- BEFORE-AMD -AFTFR Electric Appliancet are sent on 30 Davs1 Tri.i TO MEN ONLY. YOUNG OR 01 n WT1?0 &T?. s"r"'irr from Nkkvous Debility V Lost rr.u.irv, I.a.-k of Nkrvk Fort, k and IliOR. ASTIM. U i:lfM.-Ssrq nnrt nil !,.., - of ft I li:oml .Natl ,:i: lvsoltinjr from AursE and Othkk C-es. S...,. !y .,.:i,.f , C;mpM resi v r:(ti..nof!lr.u.TH.Vi ..tan, Manhood (H aka.vtkki.. 1 tn t:i-a2'. b-rt il:--..v y ..r ii, Ninrti'.'iirh Omnrv Sx-iu: atonro furlllu.-ualud i'.uni.blclfroe. AUiireis V0LTA1S BEIT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. F. C. MUNZLER Afi EMT FOR Tiie Ecrw I lm Brewery Coniieyj tOf Philadelphia, Pa ,) Celebrated lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED liEI.lt A S1M1I IV. Have just received a snwll lot of ROTTLHt ALE and POUTER, which I offer to tbe iitit .lr it a reasonable prico1. Address KtiKD C. MUN.I.KK Look Box 255. Ch.-irlo.tf. C. mbrtH A OOMMOE-SENSE EEMiY. Ko 71 ore. it iicniualissi, Gout or curl,;i.'ii IMMEDIATE RELIEF WARKANTED. FEBMANKNT CI KE .T'.4).4.NTKK.r. Five years establishfd and never ki'uv.n to fall In a single case, acute or chronic, itetci to all p ominent physicians and druggists for the s-t u:i lug of aiicjdica. SECRET: The only dissolver of the Polsonocs V-k lew which exists In the Blood ot Khtii!! :it c and'ioiity Patients. SALICYLICA is krown a crim.ot, seiw remedy, btc uise it stiikes directly at the vww w Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, whi e 5" m;m? so-caiied specifics and supposed panaceas omj treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminer t sclpntists that outward applications such as rubbing wlih oils, ointments, liniments, arid soothing lotions will not eradicate these disease? which are the resu t of the poisoning of tbe blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA woiks with marvelous effect on this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Acad-my of Pi.ris reports 95 per cent cures in three days. ICE.TIETIOEK that SALICYLICA is a certain cure for Rheuma tism. Gout and Neuralgia. The most Intense pains are subdued almost Instantly. Give It a trial. Relief guaranteed or money re funded. Thousands of testimonial sent on application. SI A BOX. 6 BOXES for 5. f nt free by mall on receipt of money. ASK YOUR DR GGIST FOB IT. But do net be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or sonie'hiig recommended as Just ag.oci!" Inslsi on the genuine with the name of WaSBBUBNE 1 O.. on each box, which is guar anteed chemically pure under our signature, an indlspenibie nquislte to Insure success in the treatment Take no other, or send to us. waSHBUHNK Sc CO., Propil' tors. 287 Broadw.iy. cor heade St, New York. novl8 lw ly DOBBINS! STARCH POLISH An UllJH;! I. ill! liis SKINEri covery, by wiiil' every fiiniiy ' ? give their I:" ' that beautiful r'l klipccu!ijrlo; laundry work. Ask your Grocer, J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, P;- FOR SALE II V J. , OPKM'K" A and FIELOS It'fos.. Cuarlofo, j AGENTS WANTED IDES1RS to secure a reliable ?.nd n'-r-"'', agent in each town within 100 ni 1- s ""r r various railroads running into Chxrloite. a not commlsi Ion will be allowed. Address B. N. rMlTii 1an27 Chr-.r'.otte rteam i.-uf!'J- A bcnciiu.il itrc-'i" preferred to sii:.i:jr.;: iclcs because i f it y and rich ierf ,:ine. 1' itestores to (.my liair t liOKt the Youthful Color .v he Youthful Color a: ircvcnts d.indruif ai"- prevents d.u.drutl a:i" tallin of the b or. 60c. I $ '. . Hiicoi A G..V' v. ....... ......... ri..un.p .i.m'i, in richnes.. i vr.T lMting. No odor liko it. Co ure you g. t FLOKt TON Ctlopi., itgnature oi Hiscoi 4 Co., N. Y.,on. label. 5 an.l "i rts., nt drurgnn mn "' I- NATIONAL HOTEL, SALISBUBY, N. C. Mrs. Dr. BE B. YES,. Pr, ' lclrts. rpHE :K NallonC Hotel. Salisbury, N C . I ' e-opened fcrthe accommodation r f re w; public. The rational Is conveniently x re-i C1IU JJCLMIO. nv, " ,o,l,-k ed. near tne center or ins uuiu'" ' t t)y eling salesmen will be corisuhli g their i i.i- (topping at this house, where they cn 1 ' commodious sample rooms. Kvt r ore M fully solicited" to give me a tall. Pn'r.V.L'vv trains. Respectfully, Mrs. ui. anl6 Dm LIME, KAINIT & PLTH BUILDING AOIHO1 K LIME, CARBONATE of 1- KAINIT, LAND PW" TER and MABL. GOOD FERTILIZE AND VKBY CHSAP. Send Tor Circular. FRENCH BROS , UochT po' " JanSl 4w DR. f 1 1 1 SALieiLiei. TTATT? 13 A T.SAMS EAIE B