- l s' f 'a ao am. a ci i'a i .:'5r V a m a y o ai o.i at n 6- V . 1 1 a t DJ&ZJ JO H A3 tOTT E O B S E R VB RlSlPyFFE B BJJ CT3Eg3 ftflte n inl n . r J-''"' - . - - - - - ' 1 ill. -.1 J i .' , , , : x ' " 1 1 .... . . . . : ' - -i ; - . ... r i i In i. I ii. t. l in. i I i . r f r 1 i i I In : ; -v 5 j I I- V, J.3 F 5'- : )' Z in 'MS It rift - ?- rir 14 lis? ) f i t -ft. mm xT7ir a T HORR3 Writei. PURIFIES After a tbonraffh trial of the IRON TOStlO. 1 ute pibmb" In statinar that I have reen, greatly benefited by. um. jflniaters and Pa, ita Ue Speakers will find it of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. b-X::iaf raPABB) il THS DR. HARTEB, MEDICINE CO., 13 H. KAIH ST., ST. Mm Indian IBlobd Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in healing the above diseases, and pronounce i ) y to be the Uest jsemkdt jotown to jjciam. A Guaranteed - r AGENTS WANTED -Si TRADE HARK. DowsMGsnia H. C July 8th, I881.-Dr. Claak benefited me tor Liver Complaint. Jol22 AGENTS! TO BBIiIi AMERICAN FARMERS' CYCLOPEDIA OF iLAnd Complete STOCK DOCTOBU. rrrSJwtwSTSSl. ab-lJrPoultrT, Bm and Doc Br Hon. J. Perlam, Editor to . a t- a h ti jMiIn,idMd Vrtiriiun Wa'eToVpTat.; li;600 ld 4,d Jaxmere clear IriU)yr For Confidential Termi tc, ddre N. D. TH0MP80N & CO., abltahod. Uonllq l Juo ''' l,-". -"o 1 no a month. Act now. Exclnsivs War TftYflsr in 3 AND still BARKER lives, and is doing a lively busi ness in Hunters ville, and 1 ViiUU will tPAn fnr aalf a larcrp atnnk Maastrual Function as to regulate all the derange Wlll Keep IOr Sale a ld.rge BIOw. menta inreguiarlUes of Woman's FERTILIZERS, This season, and respectfully invites all his old friends, and as many new ones as will be pleased to do so, to call before buying. No one shall undersell me. With thanks for past favors, I am, Respectfully, R.H.W. Barker. anl6 d&w tf WILL E1T iEB Cure, or Greatly Relieve DYSPEPSIA, ; Indigestion, Incipient Consumption, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC PNEUMONIA) &c feb8 BUST'S GARDEN SEED. WE HAVE JD8T RECEIVED One Bmidred Thousand Papers OF THE ABOVE POPULAR SEED, Which we offer to the Trade at HIS PRICES Wilson t Bnrwell, DRUGQIStS, TRADE STREET. 3 anil WESTERN II. C. RAILROAD Omd GWi, Passxhsxb Acnmr, Salisbury, K. &. October ,12th. 1882. schedule: .. 8oi m Garden EAST. :S , -WEST. ' ' Passeng'r Trnln wahoot. Passeng'r Train . 'No; 2. No. 1. Jbtlve 5.45 p m Salisbury.... Leave 6.10am , 4 28 p m ..JBtatesyille.... Arrive 7.28 a m 8.09pm .-..Newton ... " 8.49am "i B-lQpro ..Hickory.... 925 am 12.64 pm -Jlorganton... 1 0.44 a m . 110 am ...Marion..... : " 11.40am ' - r 5i 10.08 a m Black Mountain " 168 p m . 9.02am .. AshevlUe..... " 8.00pm Leave 6.00 am Warm Springs - " 6.44 p m . " 6.00 am ..Pigeon Hlver.. " 6.45 pm - Timla Km. 1 ConneoU at Salisbury with B. ft D. B. B. from all Points North and South and from halelch. Con- 5fe at StatesvtUe with A.T. & o. Division of C, US1.R.R. (VWIDMtl 1 Vim IMnn rih 1 for Morristown and points . i -.... TrsUn flo Si,.', Connects at Warm Springs with E. T, 1 T jr ".wo.aMUieBouth-west. Connects at BtatewiUe with A-, T. ft o. Division oi c Oft ,ak.Bh ana at eausDory with R. ft D, B. R. lor mu puuiiB nucui hn iu xor wneign, '' ' f TfcrMsrH crickets ' ; '( ,, m sale at Ballsbttry. BtaUivUle, AshevQla and the - warm opniics nv au ynooitNu nasi. ; 4, U. nacBHTRDO, - Xodltor.G.F. ftP, Agent oct25 flrs. A. W. . & C. L ilexander tsciiciJBOjf DEinrursV ' s .rn- im Offlc over the West Corner of Trade, and Tryon n Streets. ' Office houri from 8 m, to6 p. m. -1 bv potttlr fmir tot tb abovy Its tu itonudi ot mm ot tta want k4 ion u4ttc bsr lm tmnA. ladMd.M "ronjr Uiny Tltl m Ita miXnMtrr. that I arUl sand TWO BOTTLES FRKii. to- fbr irrtk VAXUA.BLS TMAkTlRH a thi d !, o 0 SOIfamr. Utr JUpreM n r. w. iarn. sanSl 4w JL combination orJprOm toaeide of Iron, I'truvian Hark and. Phosphorus in a palatable form' For Debility, JjOss of -Appetite, Prostration of Fife rowers it it indispensa ble. BEV.J.L.TOWHER, j Industry, ILL, says: ' x consider it most excellent remedy Xor ebilitatedjntal forces.- to Cure Dyspepsia. Laboratory 77 West 8rd sfeet, New York Citf, Johnson :-Your Indian Blood PyniP h" M" JULlA A SJllla-1 : 'A'H M PICTORIAL LIVE-ST chief 'Prairie sorseon una wraer. wrvom u i, w OMAN HER BEST FRIEND) DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. THIS Famous lemedy most happily meets the demand or the age for woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. It Is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and lor ONS SPECIAL CLASS of her dls en up a Tt is a sbeclfie for certain diseased condi tions of the womb, and proposes to so control the , aiON rnx,i: SIQKW ESS. Its proprietor claims for It ho other medical property; and to doubt the face that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regu lating powers Is simply to discredit the Tolnntary testimony of thousands of living witnesses who are to-day exulting in their restoration to sound health and happiness. Bradfield's Female Regulator Is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is the pro duct of medical science and practical experience dlrec'ed towards the benefit of SUFFERING WOT1A.N. It Is the studied DreserlDtiori of a learned oh? slctan whose SDecialty was WOMAN, and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of his wonderful success In the treatment ana cure of female commatnts. THE REGULATOR Is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and richly de serves Its name: WOMIN'S BEST FRIEND, Because It controls a class of functions the various derangements of which cause more 111 health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which sorely embit ter her Hie. and prematurely end ner existence. Oh. what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to its charming effects! WOMAN! take to jour coandence this Precious boon of Health. It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints peculiar to your sex! Belyupon it as your safe guard for health, happiness and long lire. PBEPABED ONLY BY Dr. J. Bradfield, ' Atlanfa, Ga. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. rKIUK- f Large size S1.60 nov25 Invalids, broken down In health and spirits by chronic dyspepsia, or suffering from the terrible exhaustion that follows the attacks of acute dis ease, the testimony of thousands who. have been raised as by a miracle from a similar state of pros tration Dy Hostellers stomach Bitters, is a sure guarantee that by. the same means you, too, may dc sirenginenea ana restorea. For sale by all Druggists and , Dealers generally, febl : U Tt. Disease Is an effect, not a eanse,' Its, origin - within; its manifestations without. ; Hence", to cure the disease the. gacsc must be removed, and in no other way ean a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE la es tablished on just this principle. It realizes that 95 PEH CJ-NT . j of all diseases arise from deranged' kidneys and Uver, and it strikes at onoe.at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it ti composed act directly upon these treat organs,- both as a toon and hbtobh, and, by placing them id a healthy condition, drive -disease and pain from the sys tem. " ' ' "'"' 1 Yor the Innumerable tronblmi muitrf tw m. healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs: fo the distressing Disorders of Women; lor Malaria: ana tor pnysicai derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal,.. Be ware of lm posters. imitations ana eonooeuons said to be lust as good. For Diabetes, ask tor WARNER'S 8 AE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealers, U, H, WARNEB ft CO., Rochester, W. r MINEltAt, LAND FOR&AUE. A BARGAIN Is offered In a tract of land to He DOWAll MVITttf 11n Am snail fWim IfcntrtA. lordton to Marion, and about 12 miles from Ruth erf ordton. It Uesdlreetlyvon the Vein Mountain trata, wmch has developed some good paying mines. Ho development has htmi attAmoted. but event pieces ot gold weighing f iom 8 pwts down, have been found , in the -branches on it The tract oonuuua xuu acres ana will be sold cheap. aul6 , . - Charlotte, N.A Book, Binder Wanted. A GOOD Book Binder (one with a fair knowledge J. A Ine pnnUDg business preferred,) can find i4atmM ''n - Qiarlotte,H,C. u 9Lt)t ijaxbitt b0ntr. NEWS NOTES. ' The President has approved the act providing for the erection- of ? a monu ment to toe memory or tne tfaron ue Sam aelj Medill. maD agin ar editor of the Chicago Tribune, died ., at . Quincp, lila-Tuesday. v Workioemen in France have protest ed against the , political instability of the nation. . ' , It is rerorted that the English go v- erninent will open in DubJinjCastle an inquiry Into a new conspiracy. ' ' An altercation took place at Gaives ton Texas. Monday, between Charles McDonald, son of the postmaster, and Henrv Turner, and tne latter was snot in the abdomen, while , McDonald was Beriously. beaten with an iron poker: j Mrs Matilda Paulitscb, a profession al singer, recovered a verdict in the New York Superior court Tuesday for 912,500 damages, with $500 extra allow ance, from tne ri e w " i ore uenti ai ana Hudson Kiver railroad, for injuries sne sustained by an accident on the road which necessitated the amputation 01 her foot. Very large claims 'have been made upon'the United States government by Canadian exporters of hay, who were obliged to pay double duty for several years before it was discovered tnat an error had been made by the custom Of ficers on the border in interpreting the tariff law. The secretary of tire American Iron and Steel Association reports that the total production of iron and steel rails last year was 1,683,79 net tons, oemg a falling off as compared with 1881 of 153,303 tons. Ho rails were made dur ing the year in New Jersey, Virginia and Georgia, all of which States - made rails in 1881. " 'V Bv the exDlD8iorrt)f a kerosene lamp in a farmhouse on Preiidi creek, near Brackett, Tenn., four children, of ages from two to seven, were burned, to death, and their mother, Mrs Michael McDonald, who was alone in the house with them, was compelled to witness the scene, the flames having cut -her off from the children's room. As the Texas express train on the Iron Mountain Railroad was turning a Bharp curve into Poplar street, St Louis on Monday nlehL the engine left the track and dashed into the stove foun dry of Bridge, Beach & Co., breaking a m . - - . . 1 1 "1 J T noie id reec square in tne uuiiuiug. w in Smith, the fireman, had his arm broken and .Richard Gawey, a boy, who bad jumped on one of the cars, was fatally wounded. Circulation ot Nations. Boston Post . ' ' A correspondent's question prompts us to give an approximation estimate ,1L. - 1 A Tf 41 - 1 oi ice circmauun vi txie priuciput uuui mercial nations at the end of , October last. We therefore copy one from a re cent issue of the .London iJuiliorj.wnich is usually verv accurate in fieures Here is the estimate: The United States, population, 50,155,783 ; gold,112,- 726,291 ; silver, lull tender, 25,U04,9oi; silver, limited, 16,085,716; paper, 158, 614.976: total circulation, 313,331,934 Great Britain and Ireland, population, 36,000,000; gold, 118,400,000; silver, lim ited tender, 18,520.000; paper, 40.738,- 600; total circulation, 177,658,600. France, population, 38.000.000; gold, 190,000,000; silver, full tender, 110, 000,000; silver, limited! 11,600,000; paper, 110,960,000; total circulation, 422,560,000. Belgium, population.6,000, 000; gold 20,600,000; silver, full fender, 10,600,000; silver.imited, 1,265,200; paper, 12,906,000; total circulation, 45,371,200. Austria-Hungary, popula tion, 35339,428; gold, 6.550.309; silver, 10,579,771; paperk59,818,227 ; total cir culation. 76,948,307. Netherlands,pop ulation, 4,061,580 ; gold,5,860.944; silver. 11.297,710; paper, 17.021,519; total cir culation, 32.780,174. Germany, popu lation, 4534,061; gold, 77.428,748 ; sil ver, full legal tender, 23,800.000; silver, limited. 20,329,767; paper, 42,224,492; toUl circulation, 163,783,007. It will be seen that the circulation of France is maae up or 45 per cent gold, 29 per cent silver, and 25 per cent paper; that of the United States is made up of 50 per cent of paper, 35 per cent of gold, and only 14 per cent ot silver The silver circulation in France amounts to as much as 3 5 per head. that of the United States does not amount to 16s 5d per head. England uses silver to ine extent ot 8s 5d per head, the Belgians nearly 2 ahead.the Germans about 1 per head, and the Dutch as much as 3 103 per head. The Wood Palp Swindle. Detroit Free Press. The wood pulp industry of the coun try is connned within about as narrow limits as the quinine monopoly used to be. Half a dozen- makers control the whole product, which amounts, accord mg to the testimony before the tariff commission, to about 1,000,000 tons a year. For the benefit of these half doz en makers a duty of 20 per cent, has been imposed on foreign wood - pulp m !. a . t a. T xnisia aDsoiuteiy promontory, scarce ly a dollar is brought into the United States treasury byjt. The entire sum in 1880 was Sl.001.50. The 'manufactu rers are enabled lo add to the cost of the foreign article, or what it would cost laid down in tius'country. the full amount of this duty, and despite the sentimental theories about philanthrop ic manufacturers tney do add it. ' The consumer and eventually the1 public, wnichls the great consumer. Davs it.- "Ataa as thepulp eati be made at a fair prone Atjtnecostaere or the foreign product the'monbpily is'enabled to add :PfcAitt.ir6fi. It would seem as 4f.even.JJie protection organs mignc join neartiiy . in the warfare against this' rnohopoly. The wood; pulp duty is a more direct and onerous tax upon the dissemination of knowledge. n A it. ; . i 1 emu vsyviuty u yuu 1 uf Hisaeuuuauou among tne 'masses, tnan tne duty on books which the Senate struck off. The pressof the country ought to be a unit on this mattery not on its own account alone, but in the public interest, which is inseparably linked to the interest of. me press. i - The Civil Service Relornkersj ' Washington Feb. 20. The Presi dent sent the following nominations to the Senate to-day i To be ciyilBervice commissioners., uormani u, Eaton, of New York ; John" M. Gregofyr of Illi nois; Leroy ir. Thoman, of Ohio, Mr. Dorm an B Eaton is well-known as a writer noon the anbiect of civil RRrvIra reform: Dr Gregory is a native of New Xoxk, and was graduated at Union Col lege lit 1848 at the head of li is class. In 1858 he was erected by the Keptiblicans of Michigan -State superintendent of public Instruction, jand , served three terms; iUff also served three years as president of : Kalamazoo College. For a long time ne ' nas Deen! president of the Illinois State State Industrial JJni vereity.vHeserved .as a judge at the centennial JSxposiUon in Philadelphia. ,He is now president of the State board of health of Illinois. Mr Thoman, of YouDgstdwn, Ohio, is a lawyer in ac tive practice, and is 38 or 40 years of age; For .marry years hd;waa probate judge of Mahoning county, Ohio, and was formerly ; editor of the Toungs- town - Vindicator. Tn nnllMna beenjto active Democrat&d In .881 he, n ao uciuio mo convenuon as candidate for Governor of Ohkii : - i u i'U." ' ' m--aa--ta)aa, .gjg. rjmJDr. 8. W, Hunter. Balttmore, 1 Maryland-. Tim' i-J 5TtoP gco ramUIar wlthColden's H?i?S?mJ? i,ake Pleasure in recorameBoV rog U & afl exeeUent preparation, combining as It does both food and - tonto in a remarkable way. and producing good blood, healUi and stres(rtb7n Semember' the- name, Colden'stake no other.! qrugglBts. ijt M-u:, - lJ Boni lafl W ee U X, CBO WXLL at Matthewr, fC a. before yw boy f oor firtilizkbs ana get (he best Goods atiatr prloev?Trj for the $75 00 prtzs. A big enpply jost nwl JfL a redncfjg AGES Of PEOPLE WHO MARRY. Interesting "Statistic - Concerning the , Matrimonial Crop pi 182. f 7, 1 Accordinfftd the figures compiled by the clerks of the Bureau of Vital Sta tistics. in 204 out of the total number of 11,085 marriages in : 1882,: the bride grooms were ; under, twenty , years of age. The number or Dnoes under tnas age was 2,651. i5The" bridegrooms be4 tween twenty and twenty-fiveyears of age numbered -3,922, : the brides 4,662. There were 382 men married who were between twenty-nv ana thirty years old, and 2,121 women between the same ages. The bridegrooms oetween thirty and thirty-nve years pi age were 1,635 in number, ana ine unaes m. But 880 men and 435 women married Who were between thirty-five and forty years of age. The old bachelors who became benedicts, between lorty ana forty-five years of age numbered 447, and the women who when married confessed to the same age were 205 in number. There were 276 men and 109 women married between the ages of 45 and 50, and 150 men and 59 women be? tween 50 and 55. seventy men ana 20 women were married who wereover 65 and under 60. The bridegrooms over 60 years of age and under 65 numbered 45, and the brides 8. ! The bridegrooms over 65 and under 70 numbered 10, and the brides 2. Fourteen men married between the ages of 70 and 80, but no bride acknowledged herself over three score years and ten. One bridegroom was between 80 and 90 years or age. Forty-five men and 68 women refused or railed to state their ages. Tne re cord does not indicate which of the contracting parties in the above list were married for the secona time. The Senate Passes Its Tariff Bill. Baltimore Sun. The Senate has passed the tariff bill, and it now goes to the House little im proved by the tinkering undergone within the last few days at the hands of Mr. John Sherman. The Senatqr from Ohio was able to secure some Id crease of the tax on iron and steel, as he so ardently desired, but after he has done bis worst there is still an estima ted reduction of some' 820.000.000 in the tariff tax and of some 830,000,000 in the internal revenue tax. This falls short of the reduction recommended in the. report of the Secretary of the Treasury by $24,000,000, and some $50,000,000 short of the reduction urged by most tariff reformers. What real reduction there is in the tariff burden is owing almost altogether to the persistent zeal and ability of Senator Beck, of Ken tucky, seconded by Vance, of North Carolina, Morgan, of Alabama, and Maxey, of Texas. The protracted de bate in the Senate, as also in the House, has bad important results in the field of politics. It has identified the leading Democratic congressmen "with the pop ular policy of low tariff duties, and. the leading Republicans with the policy of 'protection or high taxes. The two parties have thus been placed in wide contrast, with whit results the cam paign of 1S84 will make evident. Awaiting Justice. Alamance Gleaner. A negro named Jerome Holt, the same who was confined in the county jail two months or more prior to last court, on a charge of breaking into a defenseless woman's house, and for a fiendish purpose, no doubt, is again in jail. He escaped last time for want of sufficient proof as to his identity. This time he is in for attempting to accom plish an abhorrent crime. Last Friday night, between midnight and day,. he went to the house of "Bud ierml. living in this county near Gibsouville, for the avowed purpose of committing the crime above signified. He entered the house of Terrell with whom he be came involved in a melee. Terrel broke an old musket over the fiend's head, and it took the whole household to deter him from the purpose of his midnight visit. In the struggle that occurred a ten year-old son of Terrell was stricken a blow on the hend making a frightful wound, from which it was reported he had died, but later news contradicts the report. The law should deal out speedy justice to such vile of fenders. The Tennessee, Iron Mountain and N. C. Railroad. Asheviile Citizen. At a meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Asheville Board of Trade, held on Friday night last, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That we learn with pleas ure of the steps now being taken to wards the building of a railroad from Lexington or London. Ks.,via Pound Gap to Jonesboro, Tenn., and thence to some point on the North Carolina line ; and that it is the purpose of the Ten nessee, Iron Mountain and North Car olina Railroad Company to come to Asheville if the route be practicable, through Yancey and Buncombe via Weaverville; And, Resolved, further. That luch movement shall meet with our hearty support and approval, and that we will lend all tire assistance in our power to wards accomplishing the ends desired. Plantine .Irish Potatoes. Robert Buist, Jr., Philadelphia, PaM says of Irish potatoes that "if you wish large, well formed tubers, do not plant small ones; select the best, cut them Into four or six pieces, according to the size,preserving as many eyes on each as possible, xou win then have strong, healthy tops and roots. If small tubers are planted whole; the result In geoeral is a quantity of small' tops, followed with an over proportion Df small bota toesr Many cultivators in the vicinity of Philadelphia select good formed tu bers and plant them whole. This ' may be an advantage should the season be very dry, but," proceeds Mr Buist, "I iook. upon ii, as a great waste Binoe me product from such a crop is ho better than that grown from well formed tu bers cut into sts "... j, . ., v ' , , . ' ' A New Railroad Project Ashvme citizen, ; ' I A mong ithe - new railroad, projects now. engaging; the attention of the public, is that of a line from Ashville via Weavervillei Forks of Ivy, Little, Ivy Gap, and down Cane or Toe tlvef to the State line, where it will connect with the Tennessee Iron Mountain line' and thence go to, Jonesboro, and pass through Pond Gap in the Cumberland mountains.' This is a much needed line. 'It would . contribute largely to the de velopment of Yancy, Mltchel and South eastern part of Madison counties. Mr.( Byrd, of Yancy, we understand, is pres sing the project upon the attention of General Afisembly. A charter, will doubtless, be received ; and we mayyetr hope to see Mr.'Byrd's projectet con summated. :A Cure for Corn s.; . The Scientific .American, - gives the following recipe as a sure cure for corns. As the remedy is very simple, if any of our readers are afflicted with corns it would probably be well for them to give it atrial : Take one fourth cup of strong vinegar; crumble into it some bread. Let it stand half an hour Or until it softens into- a good poultice. Then apply on retiring at niAL iJ;In the morning the soreness will be gone and the corn -can be picked put. If the corn is a very obstinate one,' it may re quire two or more applications to effect a care. " . : u . i. vv " ; . ToqFnaillliTo lt iron want it. II your druggist or grocer does hot- uiv new a.uevan von ere m reacn or ran or water oommunleatlon. forward 91.no oy pottoffloe rooney order and I will send by express, or other metDOd. ehara-MTf niWltaldL tttVM Knf laa id.llaa UenSLBl3i for $a.60. IB Mettee, Proprietor. . iua w. Jvayene street Baltimore, MO, n sMy. .Tnere are something soft and tender In the fall or a single anow-aakeviut It always reminds us to look after our botUa of Dr. Bull's oougu syror. our old stand by to the days ot eonbjiand 5d tor we have always foond U reUadtab. a ---.--- - - - f. nJf.Jl! "PnurBoap . e iao4 -reliablfl rmj ner of the skin in the market. ; T7v . . Pie's loothache Drop euro in one minule. ATjJtpPt, FLAVORS.1 t : JEXTRAOTSf.- ; Prtsporpd from th choicest friifts, with otrf coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artiSc ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impuritim Hare gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual- ity. Admitted by all who hare usea tnem as the most delicate, grateful and natural flaror for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. MANUFACTURED BT STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, HL, and St. Louis, 2Io., aUkanaftamlta Taut 6 m, Br. PrtecH Crtmi BaUaff - Pwdar, u4 Dr. Frio', Data. fnAuMl. WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE COODS. TUTT'S Wt.CTORflHT ' mWmWMmWmWMmmWmWmmVmWmWmWmmM Is eomposad of Herbal and Mucilaginous prod ucts, which pcrmeavt the abaUtBee- of the XiWaage. expeetoratea the averiil matter that ooilsots iu ths Bronohlal Tubes, ana forms a soothing; coating;, which relieves the Ir ritation that eausea the cough. It cleanses theltamnof all Impurities, strengthens them When enXeebled br dlseaao, luvigor tes the elrsulaUon of the blood, and braces the nervous system. Blight colds often end In eonansnpUon. It is dangerous to neglect them. Apply the remedy promptly A teatof twenty years warrants the assertion that no remedy ha ever been round that Is a prompt In itaeffeots as TUTT'S MPECTORAJIT. A Single dose raises the phlegm, aubuuea inflammation, aad its use speedily oures the roott obstinate oough. A pi easant cordial , chil dren take tt readily. For Croup It Is Invaluable and ahould he fn every family. : ; In atte. and 01 Pottles. rnj aee mrn si ' """pTlls f CT DIRECTLYl?ri'fTiTlVEr?! Cures Chills and fever, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious Colic .Constipa tion, Rheumatism, JBUec, Palpitation of the Heart, Dlsztneas, Torpid XJver, and Female Irregularities. li you do not tfeel very well," a single piU stimulates the stomach, restores the appetite, imparts vigor to tie system. A NOTED DIVINE SAYSi Da.TcTX: Dear Sirt For ten ytars I have been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and 1'iles. Last spring your pills were reeonimtixltd. to me; I used them (but -with little faith). I am now a -well man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, pil- gone, and I have gained forty ponnda solid Ccsi. Ther are Toith their weight in geld. EEV. E. Lu SIMPSON", LctrirriHe, Kj-. Ofllee, Tt!i Mnrrar St.. 3Tei-Tor. TCTT'X MASXiL or I scftll Kcccipts FB on appUratlcs. potteries. The Pjbilc Is requested c&rehiuy to rotve the now and enlarged ecaedule to be orawa VdntaJT. EST" CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. SI Xickete oniy 5. Miarea in Proprtien Louisiana State Lottery Co. "We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar rangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings f the Louisiana State lattery Company, and in pernon manage ard control the Drawings themselves and that the same are conducted vnth honesty fairness and in goud faith toward all par- lies, ana toe amnorue ine company 10 use ira cernji cole, an fae evnues of our signatures auacnea, its advertisemenLn CeuamiMiionera. Incorw rated In 1888 for 26 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 to which a reserve fund of S560,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was mane a pan or tne present state Constitution aoomeo uecemDer za. a u. ictu. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by be people of any state. IT H1VKB .CALKS OB POSTPOMXS. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMB IB Drawings will take olac monthly. A 8PLKNDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE THIRD GRAND DBA WING, Class Cat New Orleans, Toeiday, March J.3 n, 1SS3. V154th MONTHXY DRAWING CAPITAL, PRIZE, 175 OOO. 100,000 Ticket at Five Dollar Each. Fractions In Fifths in proportion. . LETT or prices: 1 CAPITAL PBIZK...... .S7R.000 . 25000 1 ii 1 . 1 2 5 . 1(1. 1 KM. fbizks of e.000 12,000 2.000 10,000 10 20 100 800 600 1000 1,000 10,000 500. 10.000 - 200 25 20,000 8'.0O0 25 000 25.000 APPBOXIMATION PRIZKa 0 Approximation Prizes of $750 ,. : 6 750 Approximation Prizes of oa. 4.500 Approximation jfrizds of 250. 2.250 1,967 Prtzes, amounting to..... 26.500 Application for rates to clubs should only he made to the office of the company tn New Orlsarts. For further information write clearly, giving full aaaress. eeuapraers Dy Express, tteguierea uev ter or Money oraer. apareaseg omy to M. A. DAUPHIN, " " ' 1 iNew Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington. 3X C N."B.- Irrthff TxtraeMtnary 8emI-AnnuI Draw ing of next June the Capital Prize , will be $160,- ouo. febl 3 $30,000 FOR $2. -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OP THbV i (In the eityof Louisville, on , - Wednctday February 28ita, 1SS3. These Drawings occur on the last day of each month (Sundays excepted). Repeated adjudlca- uon oy reaerat ana caaie couns nave piacecums company beyond tbe controversy of the law. To this company bewngi the sole honor ot having. inaugurated ine omy pran oy wnicn their drawings are proven honest and fair beyond question. s N. B The company has now on hand a large eapuai ana reserve runa. ueaa careiauy tne ust oi prizes lor tne " MBBUABY iBAwme.1 , . , 1 Prtxe,..... f30,000 10,000 1 Prize ; 6,000 ' ; 10 Prtaee, $1,000 each,..w....t, 10,000 , .. ao.Prtzea,- ;600 each,..,......... 10,000 lOOPtizee,' 100 each,.!..,.'..v;.... 10,000 200 Pdtes, n: 60eaeh,M..MM.... 10,000 . tlOO Prizes, 20 each........ . 12,000 '1000 Prizes, 10 eaohw.j.w....v 10,000 9 Prizes, $800 each, Approximation Prices $2,700 Prizes, 200 . . . , too Pnxea, .100 J u "17 j ?i,rt 900 1,960 Prlxea,....;. ..UiliSJu$lia,400 Whole Tickets. $2: Half Tldcets, $1; 27 Tickets : fiemlt Moriey or BarA Draft In Letter, or send by Kxpress. DONT SEND Bf . BBGISTKBXD urxjas ok taxoriricx ORDIR. t orders of $6 and upward, by Kxprees, ean be sent atourex- peaae. aaareas au oraers to .k 1 BBS& Tne f alio wlnsT' Sen edule svre Cor rected by the RallrosWI Official a, end tnay hBeIlexanaar Accurate: RlCHTslOUD & DANVILLE R.R. PASSEHGEB DEPAETMENT. gr On and after Jan. 3rd. 1883, the passen ger train service on me Atlanta x unariotte Alr Llne Division of, this road will be as follower Mall and xpre8s. No. 60. WXSTWABD. Uau. No, 62. Leave Charlotte. M.. 1.00 am 2.09 a m L81 am 5.59 a m 7.43 am 9.18 am 10 OO a m 10.87 a m 11.06am Arrive Gastonla, L ........ Arrive Spartanburg, K. . . . Arrive ureenviae, tx. Arrive Seneca, G. ..... .. .... Arrive Toccoa, F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula,B...... Arrive Gainesville... .... Arrive Atlanta..... 1.80 p mi Mail anxs ! yxpresa ' Man. No. 61. ro.63. XaSTWABD. Leave Atlanta,'.. ...... Arrive Gainesville........... Arrive Lula, ............. 1 2-56 D m 6.06 p m ft Bo p m 6.11 pm 6.48 p m 8.07 pm 10.06 pm 11.40 pm 2.01 am 8.26am Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, P.... Arrive Seneea, G.. ..,..:. Arrive Greenville. H. ...... Arrive Spananburg, K . . ... . Arrive uastonia, L Arrive Charlotte, M ' CONNECTIONS. A with arrtvlnK trains of Georela Central and A W. P Railroads. - B with arnvlns trams of Sootola Central. A. A W. P. and W 41 Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad B with Northeastern Railroad of aeorsla to and from Athens, Ga. jr witn itiberton Alr-Llne to and from Klberton. Georgia. wiut Columbia and Greenville to and from Colombia and Charleston, & C H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. U X. with ti Dart an bunt and Asheville. and Snartan- burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and AshevlUe, and Alston and Columbia. Li with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Harare ro and from Dallas ana Chester. U with C. C. ft A, C. C B. ft D. and -u. a. a O. for atl polnte West. North and Xast, . , . : L ranman sieepina-car semes on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without chance between Atlanta and New York. M. SLAUGHTER, vr uoiai iroBavuKer auu xicae amir. T. M. B. Tauxmt, General Manager. i L Y. 8AGK, Snperlntendent, North Carolina Railroad. OORDEHSED 80HEDirLE8. TEAIKS eOQie KA8T. Date, Jan. 3rd, 18r3 No 51 DaUy. No 58 Dally. Leave Charlotte, ... " Salisbury, ... " High Point,.. Arrive Greensboro,. Leave wreensboro, . Arrive HUlsboro, Arrive Durham,. Arrive Balelgn, 410am 6.06 a m 7.28 a m 8.iuam 4 85 p m 6.26 p m 7.60 p m 8.83 pm 9.1Upm 1 1.28 D m 112 08 am i 1 25 a m ieave uaieign.. 130am Arrive Goldsboro', j Na 15 DaUy exeept Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . ..8 30 a m Arrive at Raleigh.. . ..2.45 p m Arrive at Goldsboro,. .K.00 p m Re. 61 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At 8a lsbury with W. N. C. R R. for ail points in Western North Carellna. He. M Daily at Greensboro with B.1D.BB. for ail points North, Bast and West, and for all points on the W. ft W. R. R. tbaqts some WIST. Date, Jan. 3rd, 1883. No. 50 No. 52 DaUy. Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. 1 0.00 am Arrive Raleigh, 12.15 pm.. Leave Raleigh, 415 pm Arrive Durham. 5-32 pm Arrive Hlilsooro, :. 6.1 1 pm Arrive Greensboro, 8.30 pm Leave Greensboro, UlSpmlOilam Arrive High Pointy 9.50 p m 10.50 a m Arrive lsbory - 11.12 pm 12 15pm Arrive Charlotte 1.10am 2.15 pm No. 16-Da0y except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro,.. 4.40 a m Arrive at Raleigh, . . &3 9 a m Leave Raleigh. 9.10 am Arrive Greensboro, 5.45 p m No. 50-Connects at Charlotte with It C. Air Line for all points in the South and eoathwest. Na 62 Connects at Charioae with C, C ft A. B. R. for all points South and Southeast Tt. W. ft. C RAILBOAD. 60UIO WIST. NO. 60 Dally. Leave Greensboro. 9.25 p m Arrive Kemersville 10.41 pm Arrive Salem 11.10 pm NO. 52 DaUy, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.25 a n An Ive Kemersville 1 1 .85 a m Arrive Salem. 12.09 p m some east! NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 6.20 am Arrive Kemersville 6.46 a m Arrive Greensboro , 7.45 a m NO. 53 DaUy. Leave Balem 6.15 p m Arrive Kemersville 6.45 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 P m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No. 1, Daily GOING NORTH. ex 8unday. Leave Chapel Hill. Arrive University 7.80 8 82 a m a m No. 2, Daly ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Lave University... Arrive Chapel Hill,. 5.40 P m 6 42 P m rattan MM Cars Witat'CtMe On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville. . On Train Na 62, Richmond and Danville and Washington and Augusta. Ga , via Danville. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Balelgn, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest, West, North and Bast. 9 1 r Emigrant Bates, to Louisiana, Tex as. Arkansas and the Southwest, address, ' M SLAUGHTER, General passenger Agent. Richmond, Va. .0., C. & A. R. JR. GO. Orncx Gksxkai. Passjshgxr Agxnt. Schedule In effect, January Bid. 1883. fft ' soorawAED. No. 52 daily mall and ex l$ave euuesvuie,. S 80 a hi 00 a m .. .. 8 80pm 1 00 o m Arrive at Charrotte. tf : Leave Charlotte, (c) . ... . ... Arrive at Columbia, (b) . . . . . Leave Columbia, o) Arrive at Augusta,.. ; m 67 p m ii isp Na 20 dally, except Sundays. ' Leave Charlotte ,. ,. 415pra Arrive at Columbia,:.... ..........12 86 a m No. 18 runs dalty except Sundafs. With passen ger coach atiHched, . i Leave Charlotte,... ... feDOam Arrive at columcjia, .-. 4 05 p ra HOBTHWABD. , , ' - t No. 53 dally mall an " expre ai' " . Leave Augusta, (a) ............. Ti. .' J 85 a m Arrive Coiunihla, (b).....,..y.,.f..,.iii89 a m Leave Columbia, (b) ....T 48 a m Arrive at Charlotte, iC),.!.., ....;....;, 18 p i Leave Charlotte,.. .. I. . M,V.W .. 600 p i Arl'I'V Ut UWUVOOVUrai 8 80 p m No. 19 dally, except Sundays ! , . Leave Columbia, ivS. ... ..-880pm Arrive at Charlotte, . . . . , . .i., w. t . 12 , 16 a to No. 17. freight, with , passenger coach attached. Runs daily except Sandays. 4 ' I f Leave" Coratnbia, i.. . jaw 5 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte,. 8 42pm ! ;:coifnrcTiOKS. w fi v (a). With all lines to and from Savannah, Flori da, and the South and Atlanta, Macon and the Southwest. . .. - . .. (b with South Carolina Banroad to and from Charleston i ' . . i j (c) With Richmond ft Danville Railroad to and from all points North and Carolina Central Ball road. ',. '.' . r"-fi-, J Pullman Sleeping Cars run on "Trains No. 52 and 53 between Washington, D. c, and Augusta, j la DanyiUe, ; tynchburg ;and Charlottesville. Also, on Trains No. 52 and 63 between Charlotte andBlehmond. -t h - . " ' , Above schedule Washington time. ' j . For farther Information, addreseio j f " ft- ?v T.?Jli Sapertatendent, M. SLAUGHTER, Genl Pass. Agt, . Assistant Geal Pass. AgH, - J ' Columbia, 8 C ' FINE SPORT. INNOCENT AMTJSE .... ... MENT. - ,. Commodious IlilL Polite Attendants. I i TREASONABLE PRICES. : ohthlt and season"1 Octets'- for sale. jiply tw manager at the rink, or a. i Perry, agent- -Kv, a t. T. .WILLIAMS. NOTICE.- JNconnectloawith my Large Whoi and Oyster hnslaess, I have opened a BLAG !WTH nnD Next door to P. c. Wilson V Bugg, . Ravin for. - - uurae rnoer in Char art TMTMU,, ....... - cu s trial. Weausfactton naranteed jani . ... -""'ax, Sttai EogielTs I WILL Sell at a barrain tha r esthetra "Inch 1 B 1Z w"L 8 .WHmuZT, boiler haa lateiv JS?? new. i " :.rr Rood as n " u'n'- making that part betteMbaT tt Z ?M fl.i from the shop of tbe mj-ker it heD " m ed by the Erte City Iron wJkt -f,manu' trr patten ifor a stationary oi tt la large enough to ran a r h smell wood working machine sno to. , llshment TrMmlrlng net more than ? . b tower. Terms to sutt purchaser a hcrs9 Real Estate for Salf A GOOD CHANCE FOB MOMEo v A ClTi LOT. the rent from a a mg iz to lb be sold low to the Ing 12 to 16 per eeut on the toi "tv- """n li . ngnt una of g m Hfjhf situated In the 1st Ward, in the a,. U ii "- " ' awaaw SaaB'U Ul ft rUira. L W not over ten minutes walk in mth.i.L'r11'. Tbe best of reasons given fcr nwSrw. A 00MM0HEH8E BMdYT No More. ' UbensnatU. Goal or Nenra..,a, IMMKDIATK RELIEF WARRANTED PERMANf Nr tlRfc GL'AhAM r ju Five years establlbd and r.evr kDownoiii hi a single case, acute or chronic be ter lo 1 p omloent phslclans and drugfeLsu fcr he -uu Ing of sailo dies. uhsims icr ine r-u 8BCRB1: i?rne 0DP. d!S80lTer of tbe Poisonous Uilc Acu StTente tUe Bl00d ! fib-UIUt'CH..dVuS 8ALICTLICA Is known a common hqum remedy, because It strikes directly at the RhmilTlJI.lll.TTl fl' lt ar,i K:-......ii-. . . atl'ollfyenec It has been conceded by emlner t scientists thai outward applications such as rubbing wim oil" ointments liniments, and soothing lotions wu tint prari ratA th... h i . i. . L hf R?i9,.nUl of blood with Uric Acid MAI. II VI 11 1 BAtUa r.. " marvelous enertoo u.i acid and so removes the disorder It inn A" ertea an4 Kurope. Htghest M. dl, d iCii ot Ptrts reports 9 per cent cures In three toj BEjiEnatR that eALlCTUCs is a certain cure torBbrnt asm. Goat and Neuralgia. The mm iLZ pains are subdued almost instant. m funded" atllaL EeUef guhraflto"''monejr. Thousands of testimonial nton a; plicaUon. JIABOX. 6BOXt8totS5. Sent free by mall on receipt of moiwj. ASK YOUR DB GGIST FOE IT. But do net be deluded into taking Imitations or substitutes, or someihii g recommetxitd as Just as good !" Insist on the genuine with the name ol WaSHBURNB ft CO., on each boi.whW his guar anteed chemically pure UDder our sigimiure. au indispenrible requisite to Insure success In the treatment. Take no other, or send to m. WASHBUBNE 4 CO., Proprietors. 287 Broadway, cor Reade St., New York. novl8 daw ly V DR. DYES BEFORE -AND -AFTER Bectrie AppJiances are sent on 30 Dm' V'nl TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, air HO am mffarlnir from Hnvons PnufiT, I VV Lost VrTAUTrTLicx or Nebti Foki un Visor. WAJTUiU WeaKKISSKS. and all those diieua of a Pkrso.vai. Katuks resultinr from Amiu tid Othbb Causes. Speedy relief a.ad complete rato- ration Oi mralth. v iaoaana manhood uuiruMiu The eTandest discororr f tho Nineteenth Cniun fiend atomee tur lUustnited Famphiet free. AOm VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH, F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR flic Bror t Engfl Brewery Companjil (Of Philadelphia, Pa , hbrated lagfr Beer , In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLKP IIEKK . tPI I I tl T. &r Hare Just received a small lot ot HOTTLlj ALE and fUBi jca. wnipn uqvr iu yr ym a reasonab'e pr. . Adfiress vtniiLKli. Lock Box 255, Charlotte, f 1 1 mbr28 AGENTS WANTK1' -r nvcnii m wmim s. rAllnh'n and fii1n 1 ageut In each town within 100 wiles on1 various nUroads running into Charlotts. i ul commlsilon wiU be allowed, dre fl ian27 Charlotte Steam Lauodrf. IKER'S BAISAM A beneficial areinj , -.1. rrfuKi- tVl falling 6f tleJ's.T. m m m An mi)oruiit covery, by wbii! every family ' give their N"! that beautiful H ish peculiar to & I laundry worL Ask your Groc' J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia m ' i 1 i ii - F ' A- l FOB 8AI.E V J. , Jii-sv" - ft Statd FIELDS 8 '(OS., Chariot1'- NATIONAL HOTBt SALISBURY, N. a Hr. Dr. BEEYES,. ....ProP' re THE National Botel, Mtobw, nj re-opened lor the .Mmcdwi ui eung public Tne iioni - bl04,.k. j ed. Sear the center ot ihe bustm ss tfJeV eung salesmen wilt oe consul-1-' --cafl prtrv stopping at this house. &e" '""one commodious sample rooms. Tt,Amnii.u nlta IMra4 aM mm A rail, aKi tratna IbranMtrullr.- Mrs. v an in ism i imc imniT JP a. 11,11.1 RHIIH I w BUILDING LI TIE, sCS'' ,mf, LIBItS, CABBOW1 E oM BCalMIT. IiAfVrW -AJIBT CHEAP. Senator SfflLlCfLfCA. TO& oZZm, rdfiaton m Haoox 0-, N- J-'JA l7jBtr DOBBINS' SlARcTFoB Liiy 'tf 1)0.8; AUaagee,

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