D- YMlAfBjfcyAiQ'WfeM'iyg-gH AEtPTgDU Y V MA&O H i IOj, t8,8 3.A u , BUSINESS NOTICES. - WO.T1AN. tclamatlon Freedom for Women Wh it is the right of the ballet to a woman com sred with her privilege of enjoying health and aaDDlnesi' in the chcrmed circle or her social and dome'tlc relations? Among the many discover ies tending to promote the happiness and , ad vancement of the human race, nothing is so In timately connected with tne health and happiness or womtsn-the erntre and source of our highest earthly enjoymenta-as the discovery of a remedy -wtUcti meats her peeullir wants, and fits her for tbe enjoyment of lift , and for ministering to the bHppiness of those with whom she is associated m the tender relations of sister, wife and mother This remedy is found In Dr. J. Brad field's Female R6gui"tr "Women's Best Friend " By it woman Is emancipated from the Ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all Irregularities of the ,0,ii b vanish It cores 5 whites," suppression of ae ' menses," and removes uterine obstructions it cures constipation and strengthens the system, braces the nerves and purines the blood, and thus doing, it dfes more for her, and through her, for the whole human family than any discovery of modern times. ' it never fails, as thousands of women win testify. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Oa Price: trial size. 75c; large size, SI. 50. For sale by all druggists. ae of Fair Dealing in (he Deter of Unman f.ife In pome case recently the newspapers are speak lug of equity ruling where the law does not give a n medy-espi daily In the ease of a corporation (corporations are often soulless). The Louisiana rtate Lottery Company a lady complained her ticket (winning one-half of No. 43 718, which drew tbe first prize or $3n,000) bad been fraudu lently obtained; after 111 at Ion the contestants compromised amicably, each taking half A lady residing In New York city had lost ber ticket la the mall, bat en application to H. A. Dauphin, Pr-sldt nt of tho Louisiana State Lottery Company at New Orleans. La , obtained the number, learnt I' had dn-wn 81 0,000 filed a caveat, proved Iw right, and af er a proper delay had her money paid to ber. Hi cb nets matte one think that there ire oases of fair ceallng In the desert of human 11 -o eto.w fi vV V & royal rstwit 2 xl ,1 . Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomenesj More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short walght, aluin or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., sept29 1 00 Wall st , New York. L'ROY DAVIDSON, Bole Ag-ent, Charlotte, iV. O. STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies-and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. I am now using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Mary E. Brashear, 173 Prestmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., 1881. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Kyle Montagus. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec a, 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. M". Jknnih Hsss. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. f e Me die Special Attention of Cur CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GEMEALLT, -TO OUB - New and Carefully Selected Stock of Sss8 8sss 8SS8 H . H H H HHH H H H B OO O O O O O O OO EBJP 88S8 K EE E EHE SSfi Purchased for the SPRING and SUMMER TRADE. We carry a line of LADIES'. GENTS'. ' ISSE and CHILDREN' . . FiNB SHOES. The equal of which Is very seldom to be found, besides h Large ctick of Bit AY GOOB8 of all grades, and are thus prepared- to supply tbe warns of all classes of customers. Please give us a call. L E. IMin & Bro.; ' : '.oh :':&.!") 'f ' NEW JO N3T03 BLOCK, TBYOJt 8TBE1T ,, Opposite the Butord House. t t 8.-Mr. W.k Sritth (formerly of Smith prtg) is with us, and will be plsased to see all national hotel', -. S1LISBUBT, N. (X 1 : , KX HYB'V ;'!. Proprletieiw. T? National Botel. Salisbury. N. C.haa t4en eH-lDened for the accommodation of the trav !"D Public. The ratlooal 1s conveniently locat' Jg- near the center ot the business blosfc Traf t1,a,,nn be consulOf K their Interest by X!. u toto, house, bere they can procure ntnmAmnple rooms.' Xrer one respecU nX"0USUe me a fall. . omnibusat all SaPUr.. Mr, Dr. BE8YIC3. , Index to New Advertisements. AERankm&Bro-Sboes Ao . WUson ft Barwell-Mmeral Waters. BradflelcPs Three Great Remedies-see adr. B X Cochrane To the Stockholders of the Me- chans' B. 4 L. association. HOME BRIEFS. W It's Wiggins', and we wish he would take it away. tSF" There are five book agents stop ping at the Charlotte Hotel. tW There was no city court yester day, on account of the indisposition of the in ay or. tST The register of deeds is no w kept busy recording the chattel 'mortgages, which are coming in by the hundreds. tWCol W P Buckley, of New York, J ay Gould's director in the Missouri Pacific, was registered at the Central yesterday. Tbe handsome monument being put up by Mr. Berryhill. is for Mr A A Brooks, a nephew to Rev A A Brook's of Launnburg. tW Rev N M Wood, pastor of the 2nd Presbyterian church has returned toi the city and will occupy his pulpit as usual to-mOrrow. Mr John T Butler yesterday had displayed in his show window a basket of fine ripe tomatoes. They were sent tcfhlm from Newborn. IST Felix Wilson, who was convict ed in the Superior court last week, of the murder of Mose Rendleman, will be brought before Judge MacRae to day, to receive his sentence of death. I3T Mr Albert Stewart, a young far mer of Sharon township, died of con sumption last Thursday morning. He was a son of Mr Wm Stewart, and leaves a wife and four children. Mr. Jas. Garibaldi, a working man at Wilkes' foundry, yesterday did a neat job of repairing on our gas en gine, replacing a broken throttle valve by one equal in finish to the old one. It was a skillful piece of workmanship and reflects credit upon young Gari baldi. Night before last a colored wo man who cooks for Mr. M. P. Pegram, got after Mr. Jno. Irwin's cook with a butcher knife and pursued her into Mrs. Irwin's hous9. Policeman Boyte captured the irate females and they will answer before the mayor this morning. Wiggins' storm to the contrary, the german last evening was as well attended as if it had been on a soft moonlight night. The german was given complimentary to Miss Lola Spencer, and was led by Mr Ed Bailey and Miss Spencer. It was a really pleasant affair. X3T The only news we could get out of Sheriff Alexander yesterday is the fact that city delinquent taxpayers are going to hear something drop in a few days. The sheriff has exhausted his in genuity in endeavoring to collect the taxes and yet some leaves in the tax books are untouched. He's going to advertise 'em. -tMessrs. A. E. Rankin & Bro. an nounce to our readers this morning that they have just opened out a large and elegant assortment of shoes. Their stock is a splendid one and they can suit any and everybody. Mr. W. Mc Snaitb, an experienced and well-known shoe man, is with this firm. He has been in the business so long in Char lotte that he thoroughly understands the trade and will be glad to see his friends. See their advertisement. Well, Ves. ; Yesterday's Monroe Enquirer con tains the following explanation : "The Charlotte Observer says that the audience which assembled in the opera house on Tuesday evening to hear Dr Talmage was the largest, most critical and most refined that ever assembled in Charlotte. This is easily accounted for; a large crowd was there from Mon roe." Snow and Sleet Down the Carolina Central. The tops of the cars that came in on the Carolina Central Railroad last night, were covered with snow and sleet. They had a regular old midwin ter storm about Laurinburg day before yesterday, and it is thought the outlook forfruit in this section next summer is apt as bright as a gold dollar. The peo ple 11 seem disposed to lay it up to Wiggins. The DateofEas er. About this season of the year many people are asking what it is that deter mines the date of Easter. The answer is the moon in March, which Tennyson calls "the roaring moon of daffodills." The old rule is that Easter shall fall on the Sunday after the full moon which comes after the vernal equinox. That brings Easter this year on the 25th of March. In 1818 it fell on the 22d of March, the earliest date possible. It will not fall upon that day again in this or the following century. Fnrmshin the New Baptist Church. Mr J M Brown.of Philadelphia,to yes terday had on exhibition at the Central Hotel a sample of the style of chairs to be placed m the Baptist church, the style adopted last summer and describ ed in the Observer at the time, hav ing been subsequently rejected. The chairs are of an elegant pattern, com fortable, finely finished and provided with racks for hals, books, etc. The new church is being rapidly put in shape for use, and it will not be many dlays before the congregation will be worshipping in it. " ' Off tor Raleigh. , I Special officers L. F. Osborne, George Harrington and S. M. Bigham left la?t riight via the Carolina Central railroad fir Raleigh, having in charge the fol lowing prisoners sentenced to the pen itentiary.by tbe late Inferior and Supe rior courts: pFrom the Superior court, Bpb Jones, for the felonious slaj ing of Spencer Phillips in Union county, sen tenced to two years; Austin Howerton, white, mule stealing, i six years .; Wal lace Irwin, rape, fifteen years? Charles Mo5re banjo thief, ;twa:yearsVPink "Caldwell, horstflhlef, five years. , . From the Inferior rt: TEllaell, the famous Queen , of ; tbe'old 'time Pints " goes to the penitentiary for her third time to serve ateroof; two years ; Ann Allen, her parth.eroes fot one year; "ohn Williams, escape rCQavlpt, sentenced to ten years. THE RAILROAD WINS. Injunction Ordered Acainst the Coil ec ' tion of State and Conntr Taxes from the A., T. & O. R. R. Yesterdays Work f the.Snperior Court. In the Superior court yesterday the case of the A, T. & O. Railroad vs Sher iff Alexander and the commissioners of the county came on4o be heard upon the judgment of the Superior court therein, rendered at the fall term, 1882, ana duly certified to this court, and, be ing so ordered; adjudged and decreed by the court that the defendants, M. E Alexander, sheriff, and the board of county commissioners of Mecklenburg county, they and their successors in of fice be and they are hereby perpetually enjoined from collecting, or in any wise proceeding or attempting to collect, from the plaintiff the tax heretofore levied by said board of commissioners, for State and county purposes, upon the road bed of the plaintiff company. It is further ordered, adjudged and de creed ty the court that so much of tbe prayers of the complaint as prays an injunction restraining the defendants from collecting the taxheretofore lev ied by the said board of commissioners on the franchise of the plaintiff com pany, be and the same is hereby refused. It is further ordered, adjudged and de creed by tbe court that the plaintiff do recover of the defendants the costs of this action, to be taxed by the clerk of the court The following cases were disposed of during the day : W. A. Gribble vs. L. M. McLendon, continued. Lewis J. Kirk vs. A. & C. A. L. R. R., continued. Wm. Johnston vs. S. P. Smith, con tinued. Geo. C. Chambers vs. J. N. Alexander, order of removal stricken out, and the cause will stand for trial. The arguments of the counsel in the case of Jeuning C. Cherry vs. John Morrison closed late in the evening, and the jury had not returned with their verdict up to a late hour last night. Mrs. Murtishaw was granted a di vorce a mensa et thora from her hus band. Hotel Arrivals. Central Hotel. H. E. Weiaiger Maj. W. H. Green, Ricbmoud, Va.; W. L. Crouse, Lincolton ; R. G. Phil pot, Nashyilie, Tenn. ; S. C. Townsend, W. T. Linton, Joseph A. Allison, Ralti more ; J. F. Adams, F. S. Kid well, New York ; N. E, McBee and family, Salis bury ; H. W. Taylor, Philadelphia ; Rev. A. L. Stough, Shelby, N. C. ; W. E. Yountz, Pineville ; Capt, J. P. Moore, Asheville ; F. S. Green, Statesville ; H. P. Cole, Concord. Charlotte Hotel. W. D. Harris and bride, J. M. Morrison, State3ville ; H. B. Parks, Pioneer Mills ; L. A Ford, D. L. Latta, Gastonia ; Samuel Rope, Monroe; Rev. J. W. Randall, M. C; L. B. Davis, J. T. Gray, Wadesboro, L. J. Leroy, T. P. Serome, Atlanta ; G.L.Stuart, Union, S. C; W. G. Rut ledge, Brevards, N. C; T. E. Gray, Cumberland, N. C; J. Phillips, Taxa- haw, S. C; Miss Jennie Legg, Edge field, S. C.;D. P. Hicks, Catawba, N. C; E. G. Heager, Harrisburg, Pa.; J. M. Robertson. Keinersville : L. B El lis, Central ; G. W. ' Pierce, Blackville, SVC; W. O. Henkle, Longtown, Mo.; J. Owen, S. C; J. R. Pickett, High Point ; J. J. Boyer, L. D. Halkins, Va. ; E.Logan, N. C; A. D. Childs, Ruther ford College ; G. L. Gordon, Kuox ville, Tenn.; J. J Kajm, Chester, S. C. Something About Hantersvilie. Under date of the 8th inst. a friend from Huntersville writes us as follows about that town and the people: "Hun tersville is the happiest little town in Western North Carolina; she has two churches, well attended, with ministers second to none in the State, viz: Rev. W. M. Orr, of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian, and the Rev. A. M. Wat sou, late of Lexington, N. C, stated supply, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. Dr. J. F. Latimore, and while the two congregations, name ly, Huntersville and Ramah, profound ly regretted the withdrawal ot Dr. Lat imore, yet they, with one accord, con gratulate themselves on having secured the services of one so eminently quali fied to fill his place. We have two flourishing schools, one an academy or high school, under the supervision of the Rev. W. Orr, with an average attendance of about sixty scholars; the other a free school, with about forty scholars, under th8 control of Miss Anna, daughter of the Rev. A. M. Wat son above named. We have street car?, propelled by locomotive power. t Our board of council, in connection with the finance committee, have been busily engaged for over five weeks making up an ordinance for the protection of drummers and guano agents. They ex expect to finish their work by the first of June, at which. time your humble servant hopes to be heard through the columns of your much esteemed paper." Ternon has the Best oi the Bargain. An incontrollable desire to get him self locked up in the guard house seems to have come over Vernon Asbury of late. No sooner than he gets through a small job of breaking rock and is giv en his liberty, than he goes off and lays down in the street and puts the police men to the trouble of toting him back to the old quarters. Yesterday morn ing at daylight, he was found by officer Irwin lying in the . street and was almost frozen. During his last furlough from thejrock pile, Vernon took occa sion to file his comolaint against uncle John Bartlett, the janitor, for not hav ing enough blankets on hand to keep him warm. He fared badly because he was deprived of his pipe, and his first act on getting out was to buy a piece of plug tobacco and two clay pipes and take them to the friends left behind him on the rock pile, and While they filled .their pipes, Vernon kindly crack ed rocks for thenu .Vernon is not skill ed in the use of the hammer, but can break about a hatful of rocks in a hard day's work. By a careful calculation, it is found that the city loses J83 cents for each day Vernon is kept at work, and boarded. It is a losing business, but while the authorities may get tired of Vernon, he shows no sign of getting tired of them. -Vernon is a sort of an 'old man of the sea" around, the neck of our city government, and won't shake off. V Every one has a will and a mind to think for himself, yet many will go about hacking and coughing until a friend recommends Dr. Bull a cough syrup for thai ecu h. II fou watntj.to ameke a, (rood CI far call for "One ! th Tineai" 5 ceat Cigars, for sale G, B. Nasearenna & Co. A Candid Confession. ' . The cultivated critic of the Jour nal," if called upon to lecture, could find no more prolificjtheme than that of the conscious cur who yelps whenever a whip is raised in his neighborhood unless perhaps, he should select as his topic the danger of monkeying with a buzz saw ournal. - The Journal smarts as it deserves to do, over the Talmage criticism, and it is to be congratulated on its candid confession. "Chickens come home to roost" sometimes. More Platform Wanted. It was thought that the addition to he cotton platform made recently would prove sufficient for a time at least, but the many blockades that have occurred lately must undeceive our business men. It is now almost im possible to make room for another bale on the platform, as things are al ready crowded there like sardines in a box. It is evident that to keep up with the growing trade of our market, more platform must be added, and it cannot be done too soon. All the space between the two depots being occupied, it is suggested that the plat form be extended over that area once known as "the Pints." The Coming Storm. There is something peculiar by fearful and disquieting in the storm, which ac cording to the Canadian Wiggins, it is to roar over the country on the 11th of this month. The prophet takes all the responsibility. He has crossed the streamiand burned the bridge behind him. He has utted the prediction in the most solemn manner and again and again placed himself on record in such a way as to stand or fall with the prophecy. We say it is to be a peculiar dis tnrbance. All ordinary storms are sup. posed to originate on the earth and in its atmosphere. But this is to be phase of astronomical pertubation. It is to be a supermundane storm. "A great storm will strike this planet on the 9th of March," is the way the oracle reads, and this implies thb it is to come from abroad perhaps from the sun, perhaps from the insterstellar space, perhaps from goodness knows where. And this is not be its only peculiarity. It will "strike this planet on the 9th of March" in the Northern Pacific Ocean, move Westwardly round the world, re-entering this hemisphere in the Gulf of Mex ico, strike the rocky mountains, re bound and pass back to the -Atlantic, making the trip of 24.000 miles in two days. To do this it will have to travel at the rate of 500 miles an hour, which is beating a West India typhoon five to one. It takes a rattling storm to get over the ground at the rate of 100 miles an hour, but tthis Wiggins commotion will circumnavigate the globe in forty eight hours. It will be accompanied by a tidal wave whose highest eleva tion will be seen probably in the Bay of Bengal. "No vessel," says the pro phecy, "whatever her dimensions, will be safe out of harbor, and none of small tonnage can hope to survive ithe tidal wave and fury ofthe tempest." The components of Dr. Bull's cough syrup are dally prescribed by the abiest physicians, whose success is due to tne specific influence of these components. Tt. Bull's cough syrup skillfully prepared lor Immediate use, Is for sale by all drug gists. Capt. Ban Finney, of the Criminal Court, St. Louis, Mo., write?: "For three winters I suffered torture with rheumatism. St. Jacobs Oil was re commended, and seven or eight applications cured me. Tbe great success of the ieatonthe celebrated ''One of tbe Fineat" 5 cent Cig-ar, for sale by 3. B. Nazarennt & Co., Sole A gen In. After Twenty Year. Memphis, Tenn., April 13, 1881. H H Warner 4 Co Sirs Tour Safe Kldny and Liver Cure, In my case, cured a confirmed sickness of twenty jeajs. I relieve It to oe tne remed for ail female disorders, and cin cheerfully recom mend It. M43. B. N BOLTON. Perwonal. F. B. Hacker. Eiq , president, and JosUh S. Brown, treasurer of the Wando Phosphate Com pany, will b found at tbe company's office, 7 Ex change street. Charleston, 3. C. See adv. w: :&:-:b:-0 JDFFALO LITHis, JOCKBBIDGS ALUM, JJATHOBN SPBINGS, QOSGBB3S SPRINGS, JPH!EDBICKSHALL BITTSB, QETTYSBUBG, jyE3SESQrjOI SPBIKG3, POLLINABIS, JJDNTADI JANOS, at Wilson & Burwell's Drug Store. marlO PRADF1 ELD'S , 3 Gr R BRADFIELD'S FELIALE REGULATOR Is a Spsclal Btmedy for diseases pertaining to THE WOMB, and any. lnte lgent woman can cure1 herself by following the direction!. It Is especial ly efficacious in cases of SUPPRESSED OH PAIN FUL MENSTRUA ION, tbe WHITES, and PAR TIAL PROLAPSUS. It affords immediate relief, and permanently restores the Menstrual Func tions. As a remedy to be nsed during that critical period known as "Change of Life," this invalua ble preparatloa has no rival I HOLMES' LINIMENT Is an INESTIMABLE BOON to all M.'d-bearfng Women, a real blessing to suffering females; a true MOTHER'S FRIEND. When applied a few weeks before confinement It will produce a safe and quick" delivery, contrsl pain, and alleviate the usual dread, agon'zlng Buffering, beyond the power of langnage to express. PRYQR'S OINTMENT Is a sure and speedy cure for Blind or Bleeding Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Tomon, Fistula, Bams, Corns, Felons, Sore Nipples, ete. I effects are simply marvelous, and It Is an Inexpressible bless ing to an afflicted with either of the above com plaints. Try . For circulars, testimonials, and full particulars, address Sole Proprietor amd Manufacturer of these THREE E&T REfilEDIES. J. BEADPIELDj ' No. 108 South-Pryor Street, ATLANTA, GA. marlO lie fa OFFICE Heclimics Perpetual B. & L. Asscciition. STOCKHOLDERS of the above Association are reminded that Saturday nlgbt, between 6 and 8 o'clock, they are requested to pay up their second Instalment ' Subscriber to the stock who have not yet paid for it will please call at the same and place to pay in their weekly dnas, B. B. COCHRANE, marlO It Sec'y and Treas. C. H. DULS A COL, Manufacturing Confectioners, LSD BAKERS. BREAD, CAKES, PASTRIES, CRACKERS, CANDIES, CANNED GOODS, PEANUTS, FRUITS, r .J- AND OIGAB S, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. maJ4 B U FORD HOUSE Charlotte, N. C. A NEW HOTEL All Modern Improvements. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. Scorille Bros., Prop's. EsT Also Proprietors Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga.: the celebrated Suwsnee Sulphur Springs, the great A cliarltm for sufferers from rheumatism a other dl s of the blood; the Arlington and Norvell Bouse, Lynchburg, Ta. dec24 BUI5TS GAR-DEN "SEED. JUST RECEIVED, A LOT OF Buist's Warran FRESH Garden Seed, Ifhlca we offer at very low prices, to both Tie Wholesale and Retail We, -AT- J! mi DRUG STORE. 1 McA ER I HIRSH Ftwious (0 reoelTlng their Extensive DB(niDtte fmnndfl S1d'idbs Of all Kinds, at Greatly Reduced Prices. It Will Pay You to Call on os Before Making Your PURCHASES ELSEWHERE. SIGN OF THE BIG B O OT feb2 gsi CS H lEU jEI WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, THE FINEST LOT OF SCISSORS y- EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. ALSO, THE CELEBRATED PAMfllU NEEDLES No Lady will ever use any other after using these. Eery Lady should have a pair of these Scissors. and t half dozen papers ot Needles. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. - n - o - t - P F T? SO N ft'KMBTRD TO U8 WILL PIB18! CALL AT ONCE and arrange their ae--- AJilUVi kJcount, The time has come to buy new goods, and WIS MUST HA.VJI MONEY. ALBXANBBR & HARRIS. PERSONS desiring Strawberry Plants can have all they want of the "Finest In the World," ty leaving orders and cash at the Store until 12 M. Saturday. ALBXa.ND.EB & HiRRia XcOlo jjr gp a. C 'MGUM&$ Proprietor. TBE CENTRAL Is situated on Independence Square. In the Business Center of the City, and In close proximity to the Banks, Express and Telegraph Offices. The Proprietor will be pleased to welcome his friends and the traveling public, assuring them first-class accommodations. febl7 BCOeiES. CARRIAGES. New and Improved Stock Coming. And Two Wheel Phaeton. XV. A, HUFFMAN, Wholesale and Retail, Charlotte, N. C ENGLISH COTTAE GIGS. mar4 lm J. A. YANCEY WM B. ISAACS, JB. W. M. WADDY. Yancey, Waddy & Co., WHOLESALE 1125 Main Street,;Rfchmond, Ta KEEP IN 8TOCK BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES! AND ALL KINDS OF Printers Stationery, AND GAUB ANTES TO SELL To Printers and Dealers as fcheap as New York, Philadelphia Baltimore. A trial order solicited. Yancey, Waddy & Co., 1133 Main 8treet, Richmond, Vsu oct7 To Mining Companies and Mine Owners. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase ores of GOLD, SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, r " AND SULPHUR, " -aTso Complex and Sulphnret Ores, Mineral to be delivered at nearest railway station. Terms: CASH or three months draft. , , RICHARDS, POWEti ft CO., London and Swansea .England. All communications-should be a- dressed to ' M. PARRY G08SET, Thorn as vllle, Davidson County , N: C. Sole Agent for the United States. , festf. All Dealing Springs x - SAHITABrOlI. NO W open for'tttnter-patients. Patients trea ed by letter: Address H. P. tfATCHELL, Jr., M.D, '-. Ktngs' Mountain. The firm of Drs. GatcheH ft Pugh is dissolved. VmlStf ea , . .i STATIONERS BINDERS Imm 8P&1NG STOCK offer for ash. i - o - e: - CORTLAND WAGONS. At Cost ! At cost ! At Cost ! I will tell foe (he next week such of my Toys, Ms wi Christmas Goods -A-T- -U-O-S-T.- KWiUto, 1 lot of MEN'S and BOY8' HA.T8. C. E Meredge, Variety Store, under Traders National Bank. dec29 Closiog flit Sale FOR CASH, ' 1st, 1 THE FIRM OP BABRINGER & TROTTER have decided to retire from business. In order to do so we oSer our entire stock, consisting of GENERAL DRY OOOD3, CLOTHING. 8H0E3 HATd, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, TRUNKS, DOMESTICS, ETC , ETC., AT Sacrificing Prices. We Invite the attention of wholesale'and retail buyers to come and Inspect this stock which must beclosedoutby the first of Juna ;f We mean business, and will sell at and below cost. Bespecrfnlly. ' -" ..., BAREINGER ft TROTTEB. feb27tf - 1 ; ; . . .. MOTHERS READ THIS. - '" ' 5 ' Etomt. RjscHa) ui Y. Van Dxttskk Bbob, Dear Bin: Your WORM COmrBCtlUNs have, beeo; invaluable tons. Our little boy, two years old, discharged over thirty worms In a lew days, using .only a few of , your worm tonfeciions.. I am glad to bear testimony to the value of Van Deusen?s WOrm Confections. ,v Yours, t Bev. J. L. MoitAIR. Try them 25e. box! - VAN DEQSSN BROS., Kingston,!!. marl4w f -4 1-.-. : . Paper Cutter for Sale. .'.' i . 'j-.. -.. r IHAVK tt good PlooghEaife Paper Cotter; whlah costs sixty-dollars, food a new except the knife, that I will sell for twenty-five dollars .;?WUl do the work tt aj fsvury newspaper offlce. W , ; C HAS. R.. JONES, Commencing 1 a; 4) 'I v - E Ml r : it l . ' v M 1 ( -1 : ! " ! ti.'. - ?

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