' ' """J5JI! '.' """"r '' ' ' ' - J" ,"' ;tiMijw WABW4i...uiwri J! '.',"" ''Jt.!. M'l J.'. !.'.. .. !. '..' 'V 1 "! nr ' ' i mi - in' . , , tr i f.urt ni HIM jTirr'-aTit -i, ,' i ,;xm- '"' ' 11 "HI ' 1 I ill I I ill I i iii ill, ii I - - ...... i. .. - . - - . . . 85S;-.:,'.. BUSINESS NOTICES. ! ' WOJIAIf. Proclamation Freedom for Women. What tB tbe right of the ballot to a woman ct m a red with her prlrllege ol enjoying health and fcappiaes la the cheraed circle of her social and domestic relations? Among the many diacorer les tending to promote the happiness and d ranofmehtof the homan raoe. nothing is so In Omaleiy connected with the health and happiness of women - the centre aod source ot ear highest earthly enJojment-M the discovery of a remedy which meets her peculiar wants, and Ota ber for tbe eojoyment ot Utr, and for ministering to the happiness of those with whom she is associated in the tender relations ot sister, wife and mother This remedy is found In Dr. J. BradHeld's Female Begulator, "Women's Best Friend " By tt woman Is emancipated from the Ills peoullar to her sex. Before Its magic power all Irregularities of the womb vanish tt cores 'whites suppression of M ' menses," and removes uterine abstractions tt care eoosttpatlon and strengthens the system, braces the nerves and purines the blood, and thus doing, tt does more for her, and through her, for the whole human family than any discovery of modern times. ' tt never falls, as thousands of women will testify. Prennred by Dr. 3. Bradfleld, Atlanta, G Prlc-- ami size. 76c; large size, fl.lffl. For sale by all druggists. . .Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A. marvel of purity strength and wholesomeEes More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In ocmpetltlon with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans BOYAL BAKING POWDKB CO, sept20 - 106 Wall st. New York. LMIOY DAVIDSON, bole Agent, Charloite, HC. fJo Whiskey J Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Cin,, O., Nov. 1 6, 1881. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity ; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relieC e btite lie Special Attention of Our CUSTOMERS AHD THE PUBLIO GEITEEALLT, TO OUR - New and Carefully Selected Stock of S H H O O H8Sa HBH O O 8H H H OO ERS BSSg E EB s, 8SSS H H O O EBB "SB i Put Chased for the EPBIKO and SUMMER TBADX. We carry a line of . LADIES'. GENTS'. I8SS and IHILDBKNM i TINS SHOES. The equal of which Is very seldom to be found, besides a Large etock of HIAYX OOOBS of all grades, and are thus prepared to supply the wants of all elasses of customers. Please give us a call, A. E. Mm & Bro.,i NEW JO NdTON BtXCK TBYON 8TBKIT Opposite the Buford House. ; i. P. 8 Mr, W. M: Smith (fonnerly of fimlth Forbes) l with us. and will be plwsed to see all of his o d friends and cusiomers, ' - . mnrlO A.IB RANKIN &BBO. NATIONAL -HOTEL, SALUBUBTN.uh I Mrs. Dr. BXrTEfl,r.. Proprietress. THX National Hotel. Sansbury. N. has been re-opened for the accommodation of the trav ellng public. The hatlooal Is conveniently loeat ed. near the Center ot the business Woeli Trav ellng salesmen will beconsulilug their interest by J&PPtog at this house, where they can procure Fjoodlous sample rooms. Kvery one reapect 'Si'.Wted to j5e me, a tall.-OranUwaataH wepoW. ' Mrs. Dr. REKVEi. BEUKuLEEiF-Qjiic.' : moat BOti-l rnl Mt .nul v.t.-?t .hi ii- r. . (now iwtinKl tJritt nt, .l x '.'.:., lnpUtnaeJi-tivvlii ,-rrrr4 I'r.-K -- Addren DR. WARD Kn ifi ---,"i' -. it wliiw who wSar :.. r. , tWYj tuA tfltflnlDmiUU , '' j'4 t ii...iw - SMk w eSret m Aft, nblcM ta m mm,) ft JU.S -r-rn bobum), ifem br mU in Ma tnmn,; - 1 ; 7" "- '-Tfurimtni'tf in irtHniswsL Index to Jlew AArertuemeBts. J.iT. Williams 6kaang Bmk Be opened. 8. Watson Beld and-others To Contractors. HOSTB BRIEFS . , t3TCharlotte Commandery Ho. 2, K T, to-nighfc Masonic HalUa Is The skating rink reopens this evening for the balance of the - season. fSTThere will be a meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce in their new quarters this evening. i C9"Xhe Buford House got twenty six passengers from the Kichmond and Danville train Tuesday night. Gf J udge Mackey, of South Care Una, passed through the city yesterday on his way home in Chester, from Washington city. t3T Mr Frank Devereux, a work man at Llddell's machine 7 shops, was painfully hurt yesterday by a heavy piece of machinery falling on his foot. EJT A second skating carnival is to be given at the rink for the benefit of the McSmith band, and the first Tues day evening after Lent, is the time set for It. "Mr Jack Myers one of the able members of tbe House from this coun ty, returned home yesteiday morniag. Mr Bailey has been detained in Raleigh by sickness. B3F" Father Wright, pastor of the Catholic church in this city returned home yesterday afternoon from Charles ton,, where he had been to attend Bish op Northrop's installation. tW A man named Hargraves was killed by a freight train on the North Carolina Railroad, between High Point and Lexington Tuesday.' His body was taken to High Point, his home. We could not get at the particulars. JSTCol. L. C. Jones, superintendent, accompanied by Ma. J. C. Winder and Capt J. M. Robinson, passed up the Carolina Central road in a special car to Shelby yesterday afternoon. They will be in Charlotte to-day. B3P The new iron stairway along the side of Dr. T. C. Smith's, drug store, is quite an impiovement on the old one. It is only twenty inches wide, and it is not every man in town that can go up the steps. W The Patrick suit vs the Rich mond & Danville Railroad, was by con sent of both parties continued until the next term of the Superior court Col Andrews and party left the city at four o'clock yesterday morning, return ing to their homes. tW Mr Otto G Gorter, who made many friends in this city during his stay among us in 1881, was accidentally shot in Baltimore about the last of February, and died a few days since from the wound. Mr. Otto superin tended tbe erection of the machinery at the Hopewell mine. IMr. J. E. Wofford and Mr. M. L. Fuir, of Cabarrus county, while camping in Carson's back lot, night be fore last, were bombarded with brick bats by some unknown parties. They are indignant at their treatment, and are very desirous of finding out who tbe bombarders were. ; CSPThe wrangle about the Baptist church bell, as reported in The Ob server last Sunday, has been settled. Mr. Smith, the junk dealer to whom it was sold, agreed to let them have it back, only asking to be reimbursed for the slight expense entailed in moving the bell to his shop. ESpErnest Henderson, colored, was before the mayor yesterday on charge of beatiug a little white boy named Will Murry. The mayor fined him $5, but let him off with tbe costs on condi tion that his father give him a good flogging, which condition was fully complied with. tSTMr. W. I. Eddins, the veteran mail agent who was transferred from the Carolina Central Railroad to the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road, has been put back on tbe Carolina Cen tral. The colored man who was put in his place on the Carolina Central, has been transferred to the C C & A, and peace once more reigns. t3T The board of aldermen recently passed an ordinance requiring that all gates in the city should be changed so as to open on the inside, and a great many have accordingly been changed. There are many that still swing open across the pavement, and this is a time ly suggestion to the owners that they lay themselves liable to a heavy penalty. Better change them. 1ST" If that party of young men did have an uncomfortable time riding home night before last without a stir rup to their saddles, they 'stood around the street corners yesterday-afternoon, and had a good laugh among them selves. The practical joker who played the trick on them, had to fork over 812 to the livery stable man for the missing stirrups. "He laughs best who laughs last." Pnrim Ball. Arrangements are being made to give a grand Purim ball in this city, on the 26th day of this month. The ball will be given at the Pleasure Club's rooms. It will be given for charitable purposes and tickets of admission will.be sold at 02 each. ; Dead by the Track . The engineer of the Charlotte bound freight train No. 20, when -near Salis bury day before yesterday,.: discovered jtfie dead body of a negro man lying by the track. The train was stopped and the body was taken on board and car ried to Salisbury it the i man's name was, or what swai the cause of bis death we have not been able to learn. . Jfo marks wef-e found on his body, so far as the train men knew, to Indicate that he had come to bis death by anv unnatural causes. " . -jf Prince Bismark is in falling health, and suffers much from neuralgia. He is reported as having recently said: "If it werefnot for me,, the world would have seen three great wars lesst and eighty thousand who died i)n their bloom might have lived, and how many Txieents.; ; brothers, sisters- i widows ,wouid niveioeeni spaf e? theirgrief and tears r These men who from am Dition and desire of conquest predpitjate wars j between nations, have , a fearful recoru to face when they stand for final judg ment before the omnipotent judge. J '.-; , , in -; , . S -M-'" The retention of any waste milter in the syitenv nwvliiM- lntnrr. Th enllnetlon Of -Mnhlem".Or diseased mucus In time of cold br throat aflectijn should be promptly removed. Dr.- Bull's cough yrap does U more aulcsuy and eaectuauy than any other eoogh syrup made, . SENATOR D AVIS'! WEDDING. Happily Married - at , Tokay ITJneyard Yesterday His Departure with His Bride for Illinois. , ' rr 1 ' Special to The Obserrer. . - ' i ", The long expected and much talked about wedding of Senator David Davis to Miss Addle Burr, cousin to Captain Wharton J. Green, took place yesterday at Capt Green's residence, Tokay Vine yard, near the town, of Fayetteville. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Huske, of the Presbyterian church, at 11 o'clock in the morning, and directly thereafter, Senator Davis and his newly made bride took the boat for Wilmington. They were to arrive at Wilmington at midnight last night, and take the train for the .Senator's home in Illinois. Dr W C McDuffie was the only citizen of Fayetteville invited to tbe feast. Miss Burr's resi dence is located four miles from Fay etteville and though no invitations were extended except to the relatives, and to a few near and dear friends of the bride, the house during the cere mony, and for several hours previous, presented a novel spectacle. The yard was filled with a curious, eager crowd ail anxious to catch a glimpse of the Senator, but it was not until the cere mony was over and the newly married couple emerged from the house on their way to tbe boat that the curiosity of the crowd was gratified. Boxes were rolled up to windows and as many as could stand on them craned their necks and strained their eyes in the hope of seeing something of what was going on inside. The crowd followed the happy pair to the boat, and did not dis perse until the paddle wheels began to revolve and the boat, with its happy load moved out of sight down the river. Senator Davis arrived in Fayetteville last Saturday night and a swarm of newspaper reporters alighted from the same train and kept him well under cover. Thirteen reporters for as many papers in Chicago and New York, and one special telegraph operator, com posed the crowd that followed the every movement of the old man. They did not leave him even at the end of the ceremony, but went on the boat with him to Wilmington, The attempt to make the wedding a quiet affair was an utter failure. Mon day morning it was given out by the sympathetic friends of the groom that the wedding had been postponed to tbe latter part of the week and would take place in the town of Warren ton, but this only had tbe effect of making the tongue of gossip wag more vigorously. Senator Davis showed himself bat very little, being driven from the depot im mediately on his arrival to the bride's residence, where he remained until after the wedding. He expressed his firm determination to retire to the quietude of his Illinois home and never again to enter public life, of whiefe he has become heartily disgusted. That bis happiest dreams may be fully real ized is The Observer's wish. Our congratulations, David. B; the Associated Press. Raleigh, N. C, March 14. To-day at 11 o'clock, at Tokay, the residence of Hon. Wharton J. Green, four miles from Fayetteville, N. C, Judge David Davis was married to Miss Addie Burr. It was a quiet wedding with few guests the Rev J C Huske officiating with the Episcopal service. The presents were numerous and costiv. At one o'clock the happy couple left on the steamer Murchison, which had been specially prepared and beautifully decorated, for Wilmington. He was accompanied by Judge Otto, Mr and Mrs Thatcher, Dr and Mrs Cook and Miss Cook. The bride is a native of Massachu setts, but ber parents have resided in Illinois, uer aunt married nrst cap tain Ellery and by him had a daughter. She afterward married Gen Green, of North Carolina, who by a previous marriage had one son, W J Green, who inter-married with Miss Ellery. Miss Burr is a moat accomplished and eleeant lady of 35 and has made her home chiefly with Mr and Mrs Green. The affair was elegant in all its sur roundings. The bridal party will make a tour of the North and West A Little Premature, bat Something Coming. While in this city Col Talcott said nothing about bis rumored change of base from the Richmond & Danville to the Coast Line, and the appointment of Col Rives to be general manager. It was given out as understood, though, that the rumor is correct in some par ticulars, but is a little too previous- Some important developments are ex pected to be made at the meeting of the board of directors shortly to be held in Richmond. Speaking of this rumored change, the Richmond State says that 'about a week ago we published a para graph from the Baltimore Sun, in which it was stated that Col A L Rives, gene ral manager of the Mobile and Ohio road, had been offered the position of general manager of the Virginia Mid land. Paragraphs have since been going the rounds that Col Rives has accepted the position of general manager of the Richmond and Danville system, includ ing the Virginia Midland. Upon in quiry at Richmond and" Dan ville head quarters to-day we learn that the posi tion offered to Col Rives is not that of general manager, but second vice president of the Richmond and Dan ville, which office is now vacant. Should he become second vice-president of the Richmond and Danville railroad he will be made vice-president of each road in the system. His office will be in Richmond!. r, r Worlc oa the City HaIi. ., '! The reporter yesterday v made an in spectioliohe new city hall, which is now being rapidly put in readiness for oewpancy. hA sniall but handsome por tico from the second, story windows' adorns the front of the building, and other little improvements to be added Ijrili greatlyatige outside appearances for the better. The' mayors room will bo the first rooin to the right on enter ingapd ottyho'leftis the office of ihe city clerk d treasurervTbe second story will be used as a fireman's hall on the right,; and; a council chamber; meet ingroonij for the' board of aldermen on J thTB.lefV : Ittiai not j yet been;., decided" ta , what use the third story' will be put. The j rooms and halls have been wainsedtted and evertthingZwill be-fitted rip in -i first class BtyleciIasons are at work'on the brick addition to tbe north aide of the building, to ne used as the bouse for tbe Hook anCJder truckffdon another building in the rear, to , be,' used as an engine house. ;The , cityverapent will Uke chargeof Its ' new. quarters boutthe4st bf Mayi if not before; ii r isoinmehded for headache eooasloned ffc getUon, and whenever there a general fSUj of sluggishness and lack of energy. ' Ssrta . mm m . .... m ... . Branch House Opened in Texas., Mr Walter Liddell has gone to Dallas, Texas, to take charge of a branch man ufacturing house of Liddell & Co, of this city, recently opened there. The shops in Dallas will only turn out wood work for the construction of the "Boss" cotton press, all the iron work necessary being made at the shops here and ship ped to Dallas. The demand for the Boss press out West is so great that the enterprising manufacturers found that the cheapest way to do would be to establish a branch factory in Texas, and make them right in the midst of the people, who can get them without hav ing a big freight bill to pay. Liddell & Co also have a branch factory in Mont gomery, Ala. Judgment in Favor of Chalk for tl, 073.06. That tough old suit of G. W. Chalk vs the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, went off the docket last night in a victory for the plaintiff. All day long the court heard the wrangling of the lawyers and just before sundown the jury were permitted to retire for deliberation. They hung fire for a cou ple of hours, but about 8:30 o'clock last night they came in with a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $1,073.06, this being what they considered to be the value of the flour destroyed in the fire, and for which the railroad company, in whose depot it was stored, was re sponsible. A good deal of interest was manifested in the progress of the trial, and the verdict of the jury is just about what everybody expected it would be. St. Patrick's Day. The observance of St Patrick's day is becoming more general by the Irish people in the South, since the past few years, and it will be more extensively observed this year than on anj previous time. There will be no public display in this city, but a large party of Irish citizens have arranged to go to St Ma ry s College in Gaston county and cele brate the day in fitting style. The day falls on Saturday the 17th. In Wil mington, as we learn from the Review, there will be no imposing demonstra tion, but in the morning, the Hibernian Benevolent Association will meet at Germania Hall, where they will march in procession, with Mr John W Reilly as chief marshal, to St Thomas' Catho lic church, where they will listen to a sermon appropriate to the occasion. Thence they will return to Germania Hall, and elect the necessary officers for the ensuing year, after which they will adjourn. Marriage Last Night. The parsonage of the Tryon Street Methodist church was last night the scene of a happy occasion, being the wedding of Mr Frederick C Moles, to Mrs Sallie A Murray, widow of tbe late P M Murry. Rev J T Bagwell per formed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends of the groom. Mr Moles i3 a son of Rev Adam Moles, D. D., of Belfast, Ireland, and has been in this country only about two years. Since his stay in this city he has won many friends, all of whom extend their right hand to him in his good luck and wish him endless prosperity and happiness. The wedding as a quiet affair was a great deal more successful than was that of Sehator Davis, and but for the fact that the livery stable man who hired the carriage to Fred, got into the secret he might have gone borne with his bride and no one except the parson and a couple of witnesses would have been any the wiser until this morning. mm i i i i s Disappointment in matters of p.easure l hard te be borne, In matters affecting h aith L becomes cruel. Dr. Bull's cough syrap never disappoints those who use tt for obstinate coughs, colds, irrita tion of throat and longs, etc. Wsiiitto Phoaphate Compaay. Attention Is directed to the; advertisement of this company, whose fertilizers are so favorably known in this State. A big banded sawyer named Shaw, Put his finger too near the buzz-saw. He saw his mistake, Bat each' pain and ache. St. Jacobs OU cured in his paw. A rheumatic old man named Meeker, Was sick a whole year m Topeeker, He there would have died. But St. Jacobs Oir tried. It sent him back eared to Osweeger. Mr. W. X. Bads, Warrentown. N. C says: I have taken Brown's Iron Bitters and find them to be a first-class tonic.!' Juet Received, Mother cae of "On of the Finest" 5 cent Clg-are, su G. B. Naasarenns 4c Co. I A. Smith, Esq., Newberne, N. C, says: "I know Brown's Iron Bitters to be a good remedy for malarial troubles" , .' " " 1 " 1 1 1 " 3 If you want to smoke st good Clg-ar call for Ome of the Fineet 5 cent Cigars, for sale O, . If asarentu 4e Gov I I Hl 'l S 1 : An exchange says: "Man's average life Is 88 If an." Or. Bull's eoogh syrup will always lire. 1 -jvae iAamua,4rawiBt;. . . .... i? : r Pull out your pickets and compare the numbers.' The following is the list of figures that drew the big prizes in the monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery last" Tuesday: No. 8,564 drew $75,000; No. 29,669 drew $25,000; No. 93,395 drew $10,000 ; Nos. M710 and 91,172 drew $6,000 each. Each of the following numbers drew $2,000: 1,745, 884. 251625.678 and 2247. . fff Galled Meeting of the County Commis sioners. The board of county commissioners will meet in called session next Monday morning for the purpose of appointing judges and registrars of election for Charlotte. Besides appointing for Charlotte, the board will also appoint judges and registrars for the towns of Pineville, Huntersville, Davidson Col lege and Matthews Station. The board may transact some other business, but the meeting is called for the special purpose stated above. Prizes for the Farmers. Mr M E Crowell, an enterprising merchant of Matthews Statiod.'who advertises extensively in the Weekly Observer, has struck upon the idea of giving premiums to his guano custom ers. A ticket with a number on it is given to every farmer who buys a ton of guano, and when three hundred tons have been sold the drawing takes place. The first distribution of premiums was made this week, and Mr W A Noles, who held No 299, drew a ton of guano. Mr J S Grier, who held No 166, drew a ton of acid. The drawing scheme seems to take well, and Mr Crowell has announced a second distribution of premiums to take place on the 1st of November. rarlorwgKiDK SKATING. THE SKATING RINK In the Hall of the Johnston Building, WILL BB OFBNBQ THURSDAY MIGHT for the Remainder ot the season. Tbe public is cordial y invited. Admission for an 10c; Skating 25c for to night, after to-night: Ladles' admsslen and skating tree when band is not in attendaee. JOHN Jt. WILLIAMS, Mansger. maris TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED Proposals are Invited for the erection of a Church Building in Steel Creek, nine miles Southwest of Charlotte, according to plans and specifications, which may be seen at ThsObsbb vss Office, bids to be opened on 1st May. 8. WATSON KATD. T. P. GBIBB. J. M ST HONS, R. H HARRIS, Wbl McLSLLaND. Building Committee. Charlotte. March 14th, 1888. maris dlt w4t -:w: :b:- gUFirALO LITHIA, JOCKBRIDGB ALUM, JJATHOBN SPRINGS, QONGRE3S SPRINGS. jrjRIEDRICESHALL BITTER, QKTTYSBURG, jyjKSSESQCJOI SPRINGJ, POLLINABIS, JJUNTADI JANOS. at Wilson k Burwell's Drug Store. mar 10 THE Still Continues. We have convinced the people that we are actually SELLING OUT, And If you want BARGAINS In advance of the season call boon for they are going last. No Goods taken back. No samples sent A specialty of DBE3S GOODS this week. Respectful'?, Barringer & Trotter. mar 13 Edward P.Halstead, VETERINARY IVRUEOIT, LATE OF HEREItfRD, ENGLAND, begs to In form the public that he has opened a VBTEB- ihabi ijNi maiAHi in unariotte, tor the treat ment of lame and sick horses, mules, &c Horses examined as to soundness All letters addressed to Postoffice Box No. m Charlotte, N. C , receive prompt attention. May oo sen personally at me uuiora uouse. TESTIMONIAL: The underslened bavlne had considerable ex. nerlence f the ability ot Mr. E. P. Halstead. In the Veterinary Art. cheerfully recommends him to ui wuu uiaj neea ms services. WILLIAM BURNS, Melville Stock Farm, Haw River, mar9 If Alamance county, N. C. rows I SEED. f JUST RECEIVED, A LOT OF FRESH Garden Seed, Which we offer at very low prices, to both The Wholesale and Retail Trade, AT- 11 DRUG STORE. fehlS Sttam Engine for Sale, IWILL8ell at a bargain the-7 Horse Power STEAM ENGINE and BOILER with which I lately run tbe printing presses in Th Obsbbvsb establishment The engine la pronounced by ma chinists to be almost as good as new, and the boiler has lately been filled -with copper flues, making that part better than tt was when tt came from the shop ot tbe maker. It was manufactur ed by the Erie City Iron Works, and is of tbe beat pattern for a stationary engine. It Is large enough to run a BO saw cotton gin, a small wood working machine shop, or any estab lishment requiring not more than a seven horse power. Terms to suit purchaser. - , baAS tt. AMISS, ian!4 Charlotte. N. & WAMTED TO RENT. 'A' roKTONIXNT 8TABTJB. Apply by letter C9 A EDWARD P. HALSTEAD, Veti Surceon. mart at Cars office otTi uDsencb lera fa Tremendous W ! ! GARDE tot s Warranted McA iiiiMi Previous to reoelTtag then- ExtenaiTe Of ail Kinds, at Greatly Reduced Prices. . . " It Will Pay Yon to Call on ns Before Making Yoat PURCHASES ELSEWHERE. SIGN OF THE BIG BOO T . feb2 JH CS H 3 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, THE FINEST LOT OF SCISSORS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET 'ALSO, THE CELEBRATED PAEA1ILA '!HEEHLES.?v No Lady wld ever use any other after using these. E?ery Lady should have a pair of these 8olssors. and hafl dozen papers ot Needles. ' ALEXANDER & HARRIS. - n - o - t PF.T?SON.,5itINI)EBTISI)TOUSWILI'PLEA81t CALL AT ONCE and arrsnge their ac X llllJVil Otcount The time has come to buy new goods, and WE MUST HAVE MONEY. ALBXANBBR & J3j!JRJRS. PERSONS desiring 8trawberry Planto can have all they want of the "Finest in the World." ty leavln orders and cash at the Store until 12 M. Saturday. ALEXANDER & HARRIS, feblo E 3. MCCUM&s Proprietor. THE CENTRAL is situated on Independence Square. In the Business Center of the City, and In close proximity to the Banks, Express and Telegraph Offices. The Proprietor will be pleased to welcome his friends and the traveling public, assuring them first-class accommodations. febl7 BUGGIES. New and Improved Stock Coming. W. A. Wholesale and ENGLISH COTTAGE GIGS. mar4 lm J. A. TAN CUT WH. B. ISAACS, . W. X. WADDT. Yancey, Waddy & Co., WHOLESALE 1135 IKatf nSStreetBlclraiondf Va. KEEP IN STOCK BILL HEADS, LETTEB HEADS, STATEMENTS, EITVEL0PES! AND ALL KINDS OT Printers Stationery, AND OAUR ANTES TO SELL To Printers and Dealers as cheap as New York, Philadelphia Baltimore. A trial order solicited. Yancey, Waddy & Co., 1133 Irlaln Street, Richmond, Tsw eet7 Tq Mining Companies and Bline Owners. Tha nndarstimad are now nmnamrt fo nmnhtu ores of GOLD, SILVER, LiJiiA.iy, uui't'jsii, and SULPHUR, also Complex sulci Snlpbnret Ores, Mineral to be delivered at nearest railway station. Terms: uash or tnree months nrart. RICHARDS, POWER ft CO., London and U wan sea .Eogland. All communications should be sx dressed to ' M. PaRRY GOS8ET, Thomasvllle, Davidson County, N. C Sole Agent for the United States. re28tL All Dealing Springs' SANTTABIDM. "MOW open for winter patients. Patients tree ll ed by letter. Address n, P. UATCHELL, Jr., K. D.. Kings' Mountain. The firm of Drs. Oatchell A Pugh is dlasolved. anl8tf . t - . STATIONERS BINDERS I 11 1-1 V uu , . . -v - " . M . O SPRING STOCK offer for cash, . ; : r r O 3ES - i - c - e: - CARRIAGES. And Two Wheel Phaetons. HUFFMAN, Retail, Charlotte, N. C. CORTLAND WAGONS. At Cost ! At Cost"! It Cost ! I will sell f oy the next week such of my Toys, DslJs pi Christmas Goods A-T- -U-O-S-T.- ;AlS4. 1 lot of MEN'S and BOYS' HATS. C. M. -Etberedge, Variety store, under Traders National Bank. dec29 MOTHERS READ THIS. ' ! 3 pTOMT REDQK, N. Y. Yak Dtobbi Bbos., Dear Sirs : Your WORM CONVECTIONS have been invaluable tons. Our little boy, two years old, discharged ever thirty worms In a few days, using only s few of your Worm Confections. I am glad to bear testimony to the value of Van Deusetfs Worm Confections. , Yours. , . Rev. 1. L. MoMAIR. xry tnem zoc a nos VAN DE-JSENBEOS., Kingston, N. Y. marl 4w LIUE KAII1IT & PLASTER! BUILDING mni AGRictfLTCJRAI. I.iraJE CARBONA-SEof XltrlE, LAI NIT, LAND PA.AS - '": ' TER JUHl iriaRL.. GOOD FERTILIZERS AND VERY CHEAP. Sen for Circular. FRENCH BBOS., Rocky Point, If. C, marl 4w notice; T-nr TO THIS &iScdNStJMERS OVTHS CHARLOTTE . r ,QAS LIGHT COHPANYf, month: A consumption of 10,000 feet or more per month, a discount of 20 per cent; from 6,000 to 10,0iO feet 15 per cent; all under 5,000 feet . per month a discount ot 10 per cent : Yours respectfully, j marS tt . v S LTJRTON, SupX .. 'P. LA'SNEj ; : ,.' falcli Hte Jeweler, Mier ana Plater, Trade st, opposite 1st Presbjterlan Church. A LL kinds oT Watches.Cleclis Jewelry repair A ed oare'uliy and warranted for one year. Re- pa ring a specialty -sj j,'- i - All work left in my store over three months will be sold for cost of repairs," n ejr- -feb7 TTiROMVebruaxy 1st, 1883. thp'rlce.ofieas per X1 1,000 will be S4. with tbe foflowlBg discount on anv saa bill that is DSid by the 10th of each V i ' -i..T . 1 r. .2 ' a T,V ' 4 IA i I