BUSINESS NOTICES. WOMAN. proclamation Freedom for Women. w"hat is tbe right of the ballot to a woman com- Cd with her privilege of enjoying health and lnes in the chcrmed circle of her social and domestic relations? -Among the many discover lea tending to promote the happiness and .ad vancement of the human race, nothing Is so In timately connected with the health and happiness of woman-the oeatre and source of our highest earthly enjoyments as the discovery of a remedy wbloh mets her peculiar wants, and fits her for tbe enjoyment of Uf( and for ministering to the happiness of those with whom she is associated in tbe tender relations of sister, wife and mother This remedy s found In Dr. J. Bradneld's Vemale Regulator, "Women's Best Friend " By It woman is emancipated from the Ills peculiar to her sex. Before Its magic power all Irregularities of tbe omb vanish It cures ! 'whites," suppression of iie menses," and removes uterine obstructions, it cure constipation and strengthens the system, braces the nerves and purifies tbe blood, and thus doing. It does more for her, and through her, for the whole human family than any discovery of modern tiroes. It never falls, as thousands of women will testify. Preond by Dr. J. Bradfleld, Atlanta, 6a Prhr- .rial size. 75c; large size, $1.50. For sale by all druggists. Hale's Honey of Horen jund and Tar will arrest every aliment of the lungs, throat or chest, Pike's Toothache Drops cure la one minute. For the skin Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Absolutely Pure. ThU powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness More economical than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short w light, alum or pbospbate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., sepf29 1 Ort Wall at , New York. No IV his key! Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Cin.,0.,Nov. 16, 18S1. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief. e Inyitc (he Special Attention of Cur CUSTOMERS AHD THE PUBLIC GEUEBALLY, TO OUp Ntw and Carefully Selected Stock of ssss 8ss8 H H H H OO ERX B EE E JEEK O O HHH O O H H O O 8ss8 H H OO ! u ch; std for the i PBIKGand SUM HER TRADE. We carry a line of LADIES'. GENTS', I8E and iHlLDRKNH FiNS 8HOE3. The equal of which Is very seldom to be found, besides a Large -tck of HKAVY G'X)BS of all grades, and aru thus prepared to supply the wants of all classes of customers. Please give us a call. A. E. Rankin ft Bro. NEV jo N3TON B-OCK, TBTON STREET Opposite the Buford House. P. S Mr. W. M Smith (formerly of Smith & Forbes) Ik wltn us, and will be plwsed to see all of bis od friends and customers. . nwrio A. K RANKIN & BRO. NATIONAL HOTEL, SlLIflBUBY.N.C. ' Mrs. Dr. RE&YBfl. . Proprietress. THE National Hotel, Salisbury J NIC, has been re-opened for the accommodation of the trav eling public. Tbe National Is conveniently jocat ed. near ihe center or ihe buslwes bloek. Trav eling salesmen wl:I be consulilog tbelr luterest by f topping at this bouse, where they can procure commodious sample rooms. Even one respect fully solicited to give me a call. Omnibus at all rains. Respectfully, Mrs. Dr. BE EVE 3. an!6 Bag . i-. R bom mr ,!3: PA3TIUE REMEDY i uid others who wuttt at and Physical Dbll. ft! 3 " '"y KlooT ooneq"nJr !. ur-' tiuicdr ml radieallr cured. The Rtmetf 1 put up W W.-. 1 (Iratlnf a month), SS, '.t(Doa;liio twt eu.-v; t.i.lemi In wvcreeuM,) S6) '. rtlngt!inxinRn!, H- ' ! mall In plain vntppora. DlrMtlaa.ror IMn"":'!"" rnt)t lint. rampMt4eH - Mag this dlca and iJu it! cure W-..1 Kale on applinannSj BELlilBiESELF-CUREi: A. fmvrvrit .Mf'lBf fori' 4T Ofl -Ol file ' BUMtaoted and ijuTestul ApocialtaU In the V. 8. now f Hi rod ) for tbnetira of Kmrvof DebUitu, f Jnnd, irefcttM aul IKumu. Sent , wpUlasealedeavelopcree. Druggists can flU lb ., fill . Wrtss DR. WARD A. CO., UuUIsnt, Mo. Index to New Advertisements. ' Apron Fair To-night See adv. HOME BRIEFS. 1ST St Patrick's day in the morning. t-Tha "apron fair" to-night Don't forget it. The fair will be supplement ed by an excellent supper. EFThe congregation of the Catholic church yesterday purchased a fine pipe organ from McSnftth for their churgh. E3FSixty car loads of steel rails for the Georgia Pacific road passed through the city yesterday afternoon on the way to their destination. tW Bill Newman, the engineer who used to run the "wild horse," on the Air Line, has been made boss machinist of the Georgia Pacific road. The police last night run in Jim Wilson, a South Carolina darkey who was threatening to carve np a colored woman named Josephine Cook. Dr Archie, formerly of China Grove, Rowan county, has moved to Concord for the practice of his profes sion, and is installed in the office di rectly opposite the postoffice. t3PRev. Henry E. Brown, of New York, secretary of the International Committee of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, arrived in the city yesterday and stopped at the Central. E"Capt. T. S. Clarkson, a popular conductor on the Charlotte, Columbia & Auguata road, is detained in Edge field, S. C, as a witness in some railroad suit. Capt. DeSaussure is running his train pro tern. t3TMr. Edward P. Halstead, who has established an infirmary for the treat ment of sick or diseased horses, mules, &c, in Charlotte, will, when required, visit Concord. Address him here for the present. t3FMajor J. G. Harris, of the firm of Alexander & Harris, and Captain T. L. Seigle have returned from the North ern markets, and promise to make things lively in the dry goods line in Charlotte this season. CMr David Cannon, a prominent merchant of Concord, fell seriously ill while in New York making purchases. His brother, James Cannon, was called to his bedside in New York by tele graph, and left Concord Tuesday even ing. Jt3F"A young white boy named Jas. Collier, while walking on the North Carolina railroad yesterday, fell and struck his arm on a cross-tie with pain ful results, the arm being very badly broken. Dr. Bratton attended the case and left the boy in a comfortable con dition. Death of Mrs Hill. Mrs Mary Elizabeth Hill, wife of Ar chibald Hill, of Long Creek township, this county, died at her residence night before last. The burial will take place at Trinity church to-day, at 3 p m. Mrs Hill was iu her 74th year, having been born in 1809, and resided in this city up to 1859. She was the mother of Mr Henry Hill, of the city police force, and was a most excellent lady, loved and respected by all who knew her. Drew $6,000 in the Lottery. It seems that one of our citizens struck the Louisiana Lottery for a right good pile this time. Mr Charles E Propst, a young man who clerks at Mr Chas S Holton's grocery store, on reading the numbers published in The Observer yesterday morning, found that the ticket he held was a lucky one. It is numbered 91,172 and calls for $6, 000. TliiT numbers as printed in The Observer were official and Mr Propts's ticket is a true bill. He expects to get his money in a few days. New Cotton Platform. The Carolina Central Ralroad com pany yesterday purchased from Messrs McAden and Hutchison, about K an acre of the vacant lot between the cot ton com prf"s and the terminus of 4th street, and will cover the ground with a coton platform. The price paid for the lot wa3 $2,000. The Carolina Cen tral appreciated the necessity for more platform room, and with its character istic enterprise goes right ahead to meet the demand. Say what you please about the Carolina Central company, it is an enterprising, progressive one. : Exercises at the Graded School To-Day Those of our citizens who witnessed the Longfellow anniversary celebra tion by the pupils of the graded school sometime since, will be glad that an op portunity is offered them to witness a similar entertainment to-day. The pu pils will observe to-day as the Bryan memorial and the exercises will com mence at 12 o'clock noon. The pro gramme, a copy of which is before us, is a most interesting one. All visitors will be cordialjy welcomed, and we know all will feel amply repaired for their walk to the Institute building. The Hanging Postponed. Those who anticipated the excite ment of a hanging in this city next month are doomed to disappointment, for that entertainment, in which ielix Wilson, the murderer of Mose Rendle- man, was to figure, has been postponed The prisoner's counsel yesterday prayed for and was granted an appeal in forma pauperis to the Supreme court. This will give Wilson at least a few more months to live. None who heard the testimony in tbe case have any idea that the decision of the Superior court will be reversed, or set aside, and there is a decided feeling that Wilson ought to swing on the day.set by Judge Mc Rae. Hotel Arrivals. The following were among the arri vals at the Central and Buford yester day : Central-E W Eversfield. Balti more; J W Cobb.C W Bo3hamer,Ya; Hon Risden T Bennett, W E Cox, C E Smith, M E Rudisil, A A Springs, J M Allen, J Black, M L Davis, C L Hutch ison, J H Finch, N C;R L Bruner, Ark; Mrs F H Kennedy, Miss M Ber ry, Miss E Kennedy, F 'Kennedy, Md; Chas R Johnson. Atlanta: C R Carring ton, Jas Gale, NY. Buford Julian H Young, Ro H Hall, Albert Edelen, Md; H T Enge.M D, W F Day, N Y; W C Ritchie, Phil adelphia: Louis Fouche, Massachu setts- L C Crump, Jr, Richmond; G S v-wt t . i . - m sv J - Til n Air ran Jciiey, j&aieigu ; jars , uguou and four daughters, Trenton, N J. M '- g- -" nMi - . -; -" i Governor of South Carolina: "Sir. the best reme dy m the world is Dr. Bull's cough syrup" ana tne latter seconaeame aweruou. CLOSING OF THE COURT. Report of the Grand Jury Judgments Signed. The Superior Court yesterday morn ing took np the case of Cherry vs. Al exander, and after, hearing the testi mony and the arguments the jury found in favor of Alexander. The grand jury then submitted its report and was discharged, and the petit "jury was also dismissed. Tbe following is the report of the grand jury, signed by R. M. Miller,-Jr., foreman : Your grand jury for the Spring Term j of the Superior Court beg leave to sub mit the following report: We have carefully examined and in spected all the public buildings of the the county and find them in compara tively good condition. POOB house. J We can but fully endorse the report of the last Inferior Court as regards the general condition of the poor house. The management seems to be efficient, the buildings comfortable, and tbe in mates apparently receiving due care and attention. We would suggest how ever the immediate roofing of the sta ble, kitchen and lumber room, as these buildings are badly exposed and unless soon repaired will become worthless and add the additional expense of new houses entirely to the county. JAIL. The jail was also examined and found in very good order, the prisoners were provided with food and were healthy.the building and cells neat and clean. The ventilation of the building is defective, the supply of water insufficient, and consequently an unhealthy stench and odor arises, which should be remedied as early as practicable as it is calcu lated to impair the health of the pris oners. court house. After a thorough examination of the present court house, we are of the opinion that it is totally unfit for the the proper transaction of the business of the county, which is increasing an nually. We would therefore, unani mously, offer the following suggestions for improvement: We would provide for the addition of two large rooms, joined to the rear of the present build ing, and in connection with these rooms a vault be placed, of sufficient size and strength for depositing and preserving in safety all the important and valua ble documents and records of the coun ty. We also suggest the replacing or repairing of the brick flooring, through the passage-way of the building, as it is now in a very bad condition. All of which is respectfully submit ted. The balance of the day was occupied in signing judgments and hearing mo tions. The following judgments were signed: Erwin vs Hartis ; judgment for the plaintiff. P C Wilson vs Louis Cook manufac turing company; judgment for the plaintiff. G W Chalk vs Traders' National Bank ; referred to C N G Butt and A G Brenizer to state account. W J Goer & Son vs LeRoy Davidson ; judgment for the plaintiffs in the sum Of $414.68. Preston, Cummings & Co vs LeRoy Davidson; judgment for the plaintiffs in the sum of $304 45. Norwood, Giles & Co vs LeRoy Da vidson; judgment for the plaintiffs in the sum of $360.30. James Cushion vs W B Parks; judg ment for plaintiff for $8 $7 principal and $1 interest. J A Reynolds vs J H Welsh and oth ers; judgment tor the piaintiQ. J C Smathers vs Smith & Forbes; judgment vs plaintiff for costs. W A Gribble vs L A McLendon ; judgment vs plaintiff for costs. J M B Reynolds vs J C Smathers; judgment for plaintiff according to certificate of the Supreme Couat. Johnson, Clark & Co vs D G Maxwell and J T Butler; judgment for plaintiffs according to certificate of the Supreme Court. E D Latta vs W P Williams and oth ers; judgment ior puintiir according to the certificate of the Supreme Court. C A Hoover vs E M Crowell; judg ment for plaintiff for $912. To day will be motion day in the court house. Court will adjourn sine die this afternoon and Judge MacRae will leave on the Carolina Central, train on the way to Bladen county, vt here he opens court Monday. Bnrwell Johnston Breathes the Air of Freedom. After repining in jail for nearly a year, Rev. Burwell Johnston is once more permitted to breathe the air of freedom, having succeeded at last in giving his bond. He was convicted of larceny at the fall term of the Superior court, and sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary, but took an appeal to the Supreme court. He ha3 since been con finedln jail on account of his inability to give a bond for his appearance at the next term of the court. Yesterday the coveted bond was forthcoming in the sum of $100, with Dr. J, H. McAden as security, and Burwell came out to let the sunlight absorb some of the prison mould with which his system was per meated. He wants to establish a church and go right straight to preach ing. Col. Wheeler's Reminiscences of North Carolina. We have been informed that Mr. Joseph Shillington, the veteran Book seller and Stationer of Washington City, will publish the manuscript upon which Col. Wheeler spent so many hours days years, under the above title. The manuscript is very volum inous, and arranged in counties, as was the History of North Carolina, pub lished in 1861, by Col. Wheeler. By those who have gone into it, we are informed that it bears all the evidences of research, industry and accuracy for which the lamented author was noted. The prospectus shows that the work will be issued in sections of about 100 pages each, four sections in all, and the pages will be quarto size. The edition will be limited to the aptual subscrip tion lists. ; A opy of this -. prospectus has been forwarded to each clerk of the Superior courts, and nearly every postmaster in the State, who, we be lieve, will forward v all orders, if re quested " v-Vi- V' . - Mr. Shillington deserves to be pat ronized by all interested in North Car olina history, and we bespeak for him a prompt and ample subscription list, -- A WILD RUNAWAY. Sad Accident in the Country A Little Boy Dangling from the Traces of a Runaway Mule A frightful accident occurred yester day about noon to a little twelve year old son of Judge Stansill, who lives four miles from the city, on the Caro lina Central Railroad, which will in all probability result in the death of the little victim. Mr. Stansill had been ploughing in his field, and at dinner time took the mule out of the plough and placed his little son on the animal's back to ride to the house. On reaching the railroad track the mole became frightened from some cause and bolted off down the railroad at a terrible rate Of course the little boy was thrown off, but in falling his foot caught in the trace chain and he was dragged about twenty yards along the track, his body being knocked from one side to the ofheras it struck the crossties. After being jerked along in this perilous con dition for a short distance one of the little fellow's legs became caught under the iron rail, and the same jerk that re leased his foot from the trace chain broke his leg badly just above the ankle. The father, who distractedly witnessed the whole proceeding, ran up and found his little boy, a bloody, bruised and apparently lifeless mass. The boy was carried to the house and a messenger was dispatched to town for Dr Wilder, but five hours elapsed before medical aid could possibly reach the sufferer. Dr Wilder, assisted by Drs Hunter and Van Bell, examined the wounds and found them to be of a very grave char acter. The leg was badly fractured, and all over the head were deep and painful cuts. The body was one mass of bruises, Dr Wilder stating that he had never seen a more badly bruised body in all of his experience as a phy sician. The fractured limb was set and the cuts and bruises dressed, but the doctors fear that their skill will avail little. The boy was still insensible when Dr Wilder left and showed no signs ot improvement. It was a terri ble experience and the wonder is that the little fellow was not killed out right. What frightened the mule is not known. The first Mr. Stansill knew of it he saw the mule darting down the railroad track, with his little boy dang ling from the chain. The work of a Villain. As Captain Jim McCool's Charlotte bound train on the Air Line road was spinning along by Thickety, a station four miles this side of Cowpeas, yester day morning before day break, the en gine struck two iron rails that had been placed on the track by some diabolical scoundrel. Engineer Henry Dunlap saw the rails just before the pilot struck them. They were laid on the track with their ends together, in this .shape - the point being towards the ap proaching train. The rails were not fastened down, or a bad wreck would have been the result, as the train was going at a speed of about 30 miles an hour when the rails were struck. As it was, the pilot knocked the rails from the track, with but little damage, ex cept a slight battering to the forepart of the engine. The old iron is being taken up along the Air Line and replaced with steel rails, and the iron rails that were put on the track, were taken from a pile that was lying near by. A Considerable Fight. Night before last a crowd of twelve negro women got together in a house near the colored cemetery, and a party of men soon joining them, the cotillion opened. Emma Reed was the leader, and somebody stepped on her toes. She flew at Amy Fulen wider, and then the whole crowd got to fighting. One of the male participants had his skull cracked and several others were cut and badly used up. The whole par ty were before the mayor yesterday morning, but all were released except Emma and Amy. The former was sentenced to thirty days imprisonment in the county jail, and the latter was fined $10. The other ten females were discharged with a warning. The negro man who had his head peeled, belongs to the gravel train on the Richmond & Danville road. Dr McCombs attended his ca3e and patch ed up hi3 cranium. The house in which the fracas occurred belongs to Mr J K Purefoy, and every window light in it wa3 broken. List of Letters Remaining in the post office, for the week ending March 12: Mrs M B Andrews, Lindsay Alexan der, John H Alexander, James L Allen, John W Ansley, W Lee Allen, John U Ansley, Raney Bedony, Nancy Brown, Boston Brown, G F Brown, Mrs Cora Bell, Wm Canada, W Bryce Cochrane, R H Cochrane, Maggie Caldwell, Henry Casion, D M Crenshaw, Anne Carson, Margaret J Davidson, Netty Daniels, John L Dixon, Joseph Davis, Joe Da vidson, Robert Ellis, Lelia Frazier, Wm Grey, Amanda Grey, Raphael Holman, P J Harnit, Mary C Hutchison,' Mollie Hungerford, Laurenia Hunter, Harvey Hutchison, Katie Hudson, John T Hunter, Frank Harty, colored, Frank lin Jones, J H Johnson, J T Jewett, Richard Lambkins, Laura Linkham, Geo Locke, Abner E Torrence, Willie Marin g, Mrs V C Morris, Mrs T J Mc Carver, Mrs L Maring, Hester Mors, George McFenan, Alex McDonald, Abram McLemon, colored, J F Moody, Mrs T G Northey, JB. M Norment, Richard Peltham, E Pigitt, Mrs R E Reed, J W Reedy, L Rhea, Jonas Hush ing, Millie K Smalley, Mary F Slade, Hope Stewart, S J Thornburg, Walter L Wallace, Mrs Minnie Ward, A J Wootton, Annie Whitcutt. When calling for the above, please say advertised. W. W Jenkins, Postmaster How the hearts of a crowd swell and throb with pitiless hatred agdlnst the man who coughs dur ing the performance at a theatre, when they know he la too stingy to Invest twenty Are cents in a bot tle of Dr. Bull's cough syrap. After Twenty retire. Memphis, Tenn., April 13, 1881. H H Warner ft Co Sire Your Safe Kldny and Liver Cure, In my case, cured a conn mtd sickness of twenty years. I believe it to oe ti,e remedy for all female disorders, and can cheerfully recom mend It. MSS. & N. BOLTON. Ia Lumber Gamp In Winter. The men who cut and haul lumber are fearfully exposea In severe weather, and, although, hardy and rugged, ere sometimes laid aside from outy. Mr. Bandail, of Augusta, Maine, who Is extensively engaged in the lumbering business, writes that one ot hl! men was attacaed with a terrible sore throat, sore throat, so that they thought he would die. They administered FBBBY DtYfSS P4.IN KILLER, both internally and externally. In an hour the sufferer was relieved, and the next day he was at work es usuaL , ,. - Mr. W. X. Kads, Warrentown.- N. CL. says: "I have taken Brown's Iron Bitters and find them to be a first-class tonic." , Add Pbvaphaue. The Wando Phosphate Company of Charleston, manufacture high grade of Acid Phosphate. Bee adv. A cooper who lives In Des Moines, Pressed hard on a hoop where It lotos, The hoop ?t sew back And rut him a whack, Bat Et Jacobs OU eared his loins. Jaat Received, Metner caae mt "Oae f the Flneat" 5 cent ClgmrVart G.B. Nanrenua Ac C'e. FAIR To-Night Ur 1st tattnl Bilk Doors open at 7Vt o'clock. Admittance 10 cents. Refreshments In the greatest abundance and variety, maris s SKATING. THE SKATING RINK In the Hall of the Johnston Building, WILL BB OPKXBB THURSDAY NIGHT For the Remainder ot the season. The public Is cordial y Invited. Admission for all 10c; Skating 25c for to night, after to night: Ladles' admsslon and skating free when band Is not In attendace. JOHN F. WILLIAMS, Manager. maris Mineral Waters -:w: :b: gUFFALO LITHIl, JOCXBBIDOX ALUM, JJATH0BN SPRINGS, QONGRE3S SPRINGS, JRIEDRICKSHALL BITTER, Q.BTTVSBUBG, jyjE3SEQ00I SPRINGS, POLLINARIS, TTUNYADI JAN03, at Wilson & Bur well's Drug Store. mar 10 THE Tremendous Rush ! ! , Still Continues, We have convinced the people that we are actually SELLING OUT, And if you want BARGAINS in advance of the season call soon for they are going fast. t3f No Goods taken back. No samples sent A specialty-of DRESS GOODS this week. Respectfully, Barringer k Trotter. maris MUSTS GARDEN SEID. IJTJST RECEIVED, A LOT OF Joist's Warrantee FRESH Garden Seed, Which we offer at very low prices, to both Tie Wholesale and Mail Trade, -AT- Jl DRUG STORE. feblS Skm Engine for Sale. I WILL Sen at a bargain t7 Horse Power 8TBAM ENGINE and BOILER with which I lately run tbe printing presses In Tbm Obsxhtkb establishment. The engine is pronounced by ma chinists to be almost as good as new, and the boiler has lately been filled with copper flues, making that pan better than It was when it eame from the shop ot the maker. It was manufactur ed by the Erie City Iron Works, and la ot tbe best pattern for a stationary engine. . It is large enough to run a 50 saw cotton gin, a mall wood working machine shop, or any eatab usnmentrquirlnc not more than seven horse power. Teuas to auttputthaser. ' t . . . A - , ... CHAS B. JONES, anl4 -" - - v Charlotte, N. C. All arlor Skating Rink Md M0YER& Hflf 11, Previous to receiving their Xxienshe Of all Kinds, at Greatly Reduced Prices. It Will Pay You to Call PURCHASES ELSEWHERE. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. feb2 H3 CS IE H S WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, THE FINEST LOT EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. ALSO, THE CELEBRATED MMittU No Lady will ever use any other after using these. anu r nau uozen papers oi neecues. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. - n - o - t DUPQ f "M1 Qr INDEBTED TO US WILL PLE ASE CALL AT ONCE and arrange their ac Jl XLJAO KJ iri Oa count. The time has come to buy new goods, and WI MUST HAVJt MONET. ALBXAHBBR & KARRIS. PERSONS desiring Strawberry Plants can have all they want of the "Finest in the World." ty leaving orders and cash at the Store until 12 M. Saturday. ALaXaNDER & HARRIS. feb!5 u IX. C HCCXj11S9 Proprietor. THE CENTRAL Is situated on Independence Square, in the Business Center of the City, and in close proximity to the Banks, Express and Telegraph Omces. The Proprietor will be pleased to welcome his friends and the traveling public, assuring them first-class accommodations. feb!7 BTJUUIES. New and Improved Stock Coming. W. A. Wholesale and ENGLISH COTTAE GIGS. mar4 lm J. A. YAXCXT WM. B. ISAACS, JB. W. V. WADDT. Yancey, Waddy & Co., -WHOLESALE I S 1135 irialnlStreetRlchmond, Va. KEEP IN STOCK BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, EITVEL0PES! AND ALL KINDS OF Printers Stationery, AND GAUgANTEE TO SELL To Printers and Dealers as cheap as New Tork, Philadelphia Baltimore. A trial order solicited. i Yancey, Waddy & Co., 1135 Slain Street, Richmond, Va. oct7 To Mining Companies and Mine Owners. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase ores of GOLD, SILVEtt, LEAD, COPPER, and SULPHUR, also -Complex and Salpbnret Ores, mineral to be delivered at nearest railway station. Terms: CASH or three months draft. RICHARDS, POwEK 4 CO., London and Swansea England. All communications should be a dressed to M. PRRV GMJ88BT, Thomasvflle, Davidson County, N. C Sole Agent for tbe United States. f e28tf. All Healing Springs' SANITARIUM. is O W open for winter patients. Patients trea ed By letter, address . Kings' Mountain. The firm of Drs. Gatchell & pugh is dissolved. -nl8tt STATIOMS&B NDERS SPRING STOCK offer for cash, on ns Before Making Your O OF SCISSORS MEDDLES. Erery Lady should have a pair of these Scissors, - i - c - e: V CARRIAGES. And Two Wheel Phaetons. HUFFMAN, Retail, Charlotte, N. C. CORTLAND WAGONS. At Cost ! At cost ! At Cost ! I will sell for the next week such of my Toys, Ms pi Christmas Goods A-T- -U-O-S-T.- 'tie, lot of MEN'S and BOYS' HATS.', C. M. ffieredge, Variety Store, under Traders' National Bank. dec20 Edward P. Halstead, VETERINARY SURGEON, LATE Olf HEREIrrRD ENGLAND, begs to In form the public that he has opened a VETER INARY IitFiRllARY lu Charlotte, for the treat ment of lame and sick horses, mules, Ac. Horses examined as to soundness All letters addressed to Postoffice Box No. 2A4, Charlotte N. C, receive prompt attention. May be seen personally at the Buford Hons TESTIMONIAL; The undersigned having had considerable ex perience f tha ability ot Mr. E. P. Halstead, in the Veterinary Art cheerfully recommends him to all who may need his sen Ices. WlbLlAM BURNS, Melville Stock Farm, Haw River, marO tf Alamanoe county, N. C. NOTICE. - TO THE GAS CONSUMERS OT TBM CHARLOTTE GAS LIGHT COMPANY: FROM February 1st. 1883. the price of gas per 1,000 will oe S4. with the following discount on any gas bill that is paid by the 10th of each month: A consumption of 10.000 eetormore per month, a discount of 20 per cent; from 5,000 to 10,O(K) feet. 16 per eent; all under 6,000 feet per month a discount of 10 per cent. j Yours respectfully, -marS tf SB LINTON," Supt. P. LASNE fate! Haier, Jeweler, GMer.j Plateiv Trade st, opposite 1 stIPresbjterlah Church. ALL kinds ot Watches IcIocfs. Jewelry repair ed care uliy and warrantee for one rear Re pa ring a specialty. ; . ,--. All work left In my store over three months will be sold for.cost of repairs. feb7 A COKYlNnCNT 8TiBLK - Ippiy b letter to- -r . veterinary Sumon. ' ; ffl&r9St

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