DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: THURSD AY, OCTOBER 25, 1883 .. Hi ' KMTSBXB at thb Pobt-Offici at Chabixjtm, N. C, AS 8OOND -CLASS UATTZB.1 A SENSIBLE VIEW OF IT. There is a colored man in Wash ington named Lee Nance, who in a letter to Gen. Eosecrans on the civil rights decision "by the Supreme court recently, says: ;' - , "Speaking for myself, I would say that I am bothered more about where and how I can get ? enough money with which to pay for a good square meal than I am about where I shall eat it. I want money. I will take it, if you please, in the shape of bright silver dollars and yellow gold eagles. So reason, as I firmly believe, the people who are . behind Douglass, Langston and other able men. -They aro concerned about ther questions questions of great tn'oment, which now lurk not far in the dark, and which must inevitably come out and be discussed from top to bottom, and down and up again. Among them is this one, whether or not a ' people should be heavily taxed taxed to their great detriment for the sole benefit of alarmingly powerful indus trial enterprises and vast private fin ancial concerns in which 'they hare not a reverting interest." He goes on further to say that the interests of the races are identical, and that the colored people instead of bothering their heads over absurd struggles over social rights which will regulate themselves ought to look after their naternal welfare and assert themselves as white men do at the ballot boxes for the protection of their property and their houses against the encroachments of corporation, power and political corruption. He talks like a level-headed, practical man. In the city of Cincinnati, last Sat urday night there was a meeting of colored citizens held, in whichireso lutions were passed acquiescing in the decision of the Supreme court. In Washington city, Monday night, a meeting was held engineered by colored and white Republican poli ticians, which was addressed by col ored and white politicians, to protest against that dt cision. Fred Douglass said the "event was neither common nor trivial, and was surpassed in mag nitude, significance and importance by few such events in the nation's history." Bob Ingersoll, Judge Shel labarger and others chipped in in pretty much the same strain. The result was resolutions were passed declaring it the duty of the colored people to ally themselves with the party which would redeem the pledges to protect colored people in their rights. The milk in the cocoanut shows it self in these resolutions, the motive being to hold the colored people solid with the Republican party, as the champion of the rights alleged to be assailed by this decision, forgetful of the fact that it was a Republican court which pronounced and a. Re publican judge who drafted the opin ion. The men who are trying to work up an agitatian on this question are politicians all,: actuated by' political motives, and care as little for the real advancement of the colored people as they do for the naked blacks in the jungles of Africa. Ex-Senator Gwinn, of California, says that State is red hot for Tilden and Hendricks, and that if nomina ted they will "sweep the country like a whirlwind." He thinks Blaine will be the Republican nominee and that he "will be backed by incredible sums of money." - .. . . , . m -i. A sensible colored man in Wash ington writes in reference to the civil rights decision that he is much more interested in getting something to eat than where to eat it. THE MAIL BAGS. What It' Costs Uncle San te Carry . Them, Washington, Oct. 24 .Ther Second Assistant Postmaster General has submitted his annual report to the Postmaster General. The total cost of transportation by all methods of conveyance is set down at $19,234,899, an increase over thei preceding year of $353,847. The increase inr railway service alone was $1;004, 616 ; in steam boat service $33, 602,' The decrease in the cost of the star route service was $814,371. The paving, consequently, was wholly at' the expense of the much abused star routes. The Second Assistant makes some important, if practicable,' suggestions concerning the restrictions of sub-letting star route service, and, estimate cost of this service' for the next .year at $5, 600,000. He suggests that the Post master General be slothed with the power to exclude bidders for "other cause', besides those now enumerated in the. law. The. estimate for railroad service for the next rear is put at $13,735,21&, . , . ii ,. . u . Fire in St. Louis. St. Lotfis, Oct. 23. The medicine factory, packing house and offices of Dr. J. H iMcLean, and the Buxton House adjoining, were destroyed by fire last night. An agricultural im plement warehouse and some other smaller buildings in ttte vicinity were also consumed, s: The aggregate loss is estimated at $250,000, on which there is a partial insurance. Dr. McLean lost the working models of his famous cannons, the "Pulver izer," "Annihilator," "Peacemaker" uu juaay jncijean. He Only Wanted to Frighten Her. Brook5ltiOcL 24.-Mrs. Mary J iTuung4wno was snot by her hus- uana, xpomaa j. t Ypung,, & tho .rem. aence or ner rhpther. Mrs. Coles, 'died ixum raeMenects offher wound this morning. Mrs. Young in her dying statement protested thai Her husband uwx irequentiy 'threatened to take C1! 7oun admits this, and that he shot his wifelbiitMw "mXi ner. - - ference reecftiHnendgthAt1iiiiiiWd h. reckoned.,' Onlyjne wayWrom .-west i '-lie. BjMm.m Statement j PTiOfWrfWW jcrwaitors is aenioa. Then li' titatf nif Wdlt person Uvfnl bat is sometimes tumbled with kidney, dlffloaltr, which .to the nt proiila and dartre us eauseef au disease. There is no sort of need to have but form of kidney c Urinary trouble if Hon titters THE EPISCOPAI CONVENTION . Reports and Recommendations of Com mittees. Philadelphia, October 24. Itev. George Hills, D. D., of New Jersey, presented the report of the committee on the state of the church, especially recommending a clergymen's retiring fund society and church temperance society, and commending the enrich ed prayer book. The report closed with a resolution asking tnat a view on the state of the church be trans mitted to the House of Bishops and that they prepare pastoral letters to all the people. The committee of expenses report ed on Dr. McVicker's resolution offered yesterday. This resolution provides that each diocese shall bear the expenses of its own deputies to the general convention, and that no parish or place of meeting shall be expected to provide entertainment for a ' convention. Dr. McVicker offered a substitute that the money be raised by diocesan assessments. The order of the day was suspended to give way to a discussion on the expenses of the convention. Rev. Dr. Dix, from the committee for the observance of the Centennial of the American church, submitted a report setting forth that partial ar rangements have been made for the celebration of the anniversary of the consecration of Bisbop Seabury on November 14, 1784, and asked to be continued, which was agreed to. Rer. Dr. Huntington mentioned that there had been some dissatisfaction as to the result of the vote upon the resolutions offered by Judge Sheffri, of Virginia, Judge Wilder of Min nesota and himself. A long discussion then took place and Mr. Prince moved to lay the reso lutions upon the table and held that it was the only way out of the diffi culty. After the resolutions had been laid upon the table greater progress was made on the report of the joint com inittee ' on the ' enrichment of the prayer book. ' The motion was de feated and the discussion was continued. THE LOTTERY W AR. Attorney General Brewster Backs P.M. General Gresham. Washington, Oct., 22. Attorney General Brewster has sent a circular letter to all district attorneys direct ing them to cordially co-operate with the officers of the post office depart ment in enforcing the statute which declares that no letter or circular concerning lotteries shall be carried in the mails. This letter was sent at the request of Postmaster General Gresham who after quoting the law referred to (Sec. 3894 new statute) says: "It is very difficult for Lottery Co's. to conduct their business with any degree of succe3 without violating this statute. I have reason to believe that it is violated daily, by persons engaged in conducting lotteries. All such offenders should be indicted and punished." Germany and the Vatican. London, Oct 22. Cardinal Man ning in an extended conversation with the representative of the United Press yesterday, expressed his belief that anything like a diplomatic inter course between England and the Vati can was extremely improbable and he was disposed to regard it as im possible. He, however, did not dis pair for a change for the better,both ;of France .and Germany toward this holy see. His Holiness, Pope Leo, had shown a thorough willing ness to meet Prince Bismarck's ad vances and those of the German Gov ernment, everywhere as far as he could do in consideration of the principles of the church which had been very liberally contrued. Card inal Manning believed that Prince Bismarck is much more inclined to fee friendly to us than he has been heretofore and that he will accede to any measures which will be likely to lead to a peaceful solution of the dif ferences wfiictt have recently existed. A Red Hot Fight. Youngstown, O, Oct 24. While one hundred i Italians were grading some land for the - Pittsburg, Cleve land and Toledo Railroad here yes terday, they were assaulted by as many laborers employed by the Eagle Furnace company in which it is claimed the attacking party bore red hot tongs; iron bars , and clubs. A fierce hand to hand fight ensued in which the Italians were defeated, several were seriotisly beaten and a number knocked insensible and bad ly cut, two fatally. The tools of the graders were thrown into the river or carried away in triumph. Win. Penn'sOld House. Philadelphia, Oct 24. The formal ceremonies connected with the pre sentation to the Park commissioners by the committee of citizens who have had the matter in charge of the old residence of Wm Penn, so long a landmark of the city of Philadelphia, and erected on Letitia street, took place this afternoon in Fairmount Park in the presence of the Park commissioners, the committee of citi zens and a number of public officials. Lima Evacuated. Washington, Oct. 24. A cable dispatch was received at the State Department to-day stating that the Chilian troops evacuated Lima yes terday. An elastic step, buoyant spirits, and clear complexion, are among the many desirable results of pure blood. The. possessor of healthy blood has his fac ulties at command, and enjoys a clear and quick perception, which is impos sible when the blood is heavy and slug gish with impurities. Ayer's Sarsapa rilla is the best blood purifier and vital izer known. Consolidating Cable Companies. London, Oct 24. It is stated in well informed financial circles that the two ' new cable companies of which Alderman Hadley Jand James Gordon Bennett are' respectively the promoters, are ' about to be united ana mat xne tnree new caoie compa nies ill be laid jointly by a single corporation. The King of Denmark is truly a lenuu ?mnarcn. inoing tn& during the recent severe weather the royal foot guards were suffering greatly' f roto colds and cooghs, this good old'jrentli- - - ' ' - 1. . "Wf . ..m man ordered a supply of Dr. Bullfs cough .syrup for-them ana now the sen tries rehappyH .-. . FrotefetwR- Against Irince Alexander. ! OosarANTiNbPLE, 'October1 SC-tfbb Porte has issued a not to th power; bignat6ry;bf the treaty V rKn, pro- wug agamsi, ine conurmea recoanii tidif ef Prince Alexander ks .' thflS?. ereign pf. Bulgaria. , , ,; , ' . y The brfastelVsalutermy esxi f i ) Its cheerful tones ring loud and. clear. For me it used to sound in vain, So great was nay dyspeptic pain. Pain Killer came, to my relief i And banished toy dTtroentlc cri . Pain Killer made me strong and well, i And now I'm flad toliear the breakfast - peu. '--. , -i. Drugjriats sell Perry Davis's Pain Killer! ROOM A nice front room for rent, on second floor of Democrat office building good for an office or bed room an office ten ant preferren. Apply at Home and Democrat office. oct24d2t WANTED. At the Conrad Hill Mine, Davidson county, N. C.an experienced book keeper and store clerk. Must be capa ble and reliable. Salary.$800Jper year. Apply by mail to JOHN F. McKEE McKee P. O , Davidson Co., N. C. oct25d2t ri -STOCK OF- Gimries, CooffetioDeries and FANCY GOODS, Can be found at A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. AT REASONABLE PRICES. One of the Best Pliysicians. I have been using Swift's Specific in my practice for quite a long time, and I regard it the best combination as a blood purifier and tonic. It is entirely vegetable, being composed of tke ex tracts of roots which grow in this sec tion of Georgia. I art familiar with its history from the time the formula was obtained from the Indians. It is a cer tain and safe remedy for all kinds of blood poison and skin humor, and in the hundreds of cases in which I have used it and seen it used, there has never been a failure to cure. I have cured blood taint in THE THIRD GENERATION with it, after I had most signally failed by the most approved methods of treat ment with mercury and iodide of po tassium These cases have been cured over fifteen years ago, and have never had any return of the disease in them selves or in their children. FRED A. TOOMER, M. D.. Perry, Houston Co., Ga. '"It is the best selling remedy in my store, and all classes of people buy it. It has become a household remedy with many of our best citizens. ' ' WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. "I sell Swift's Specific often a gross in ten days at retail, and to all classes. Some of Atlanta's best people use it regularly as a tonic and alteratiye." JOSIAH BRADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Wittkowsky S Baruch. Boots Shoes. The superior advantages which we possess through our handling enormous quantities of Boots and Shoes, and dealt ing only with manufacturers, enables us to offer to our Retail Trade advant ages not to be found elsewhere. We have just opened an elegant line of LADIES' GuODS OF Superior for Fit, Ease, Style and Com fort to any Boots or Shoes in the world. Our stock of :Cheaper Goods Is very large and embraces everything that can be required in the way of Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Misses or Children. Our stock of Boots and Shoes for Men, Youths and Boys be .1 OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Wittkowsky k Barach. oct21 CHARLOTTE, N. 0. ORERAJHOUSE. Saturday, Oct. 27. One ZtTlslLt Only. First Appearanoe in his native State of North Carolina's Talented Actor, LOUIS H, HAYWOOD, Supported by And, a Superb Comedy Company, in a , Great Double Bill FATHER AND SON, AND Our Country Cousin. One ; Hundred and Fifty Minutes of it Merriment. - - Reserved Seats now on sale at McSmith Music Store and Central Hotel : ; oct2ldtd . -' ; i AYER'S IS WARRANTED to cttr aTl caaefl of ma-, larial disease, bnenaa Feter ktid Ague, Inter mlttent, or ChUl , Fever, Reiifitteflt Fever, . BamV Ague, BiJoa fewer, and Liver Com-! plaint. Ia oageof failure, after due trial, ' dealers; are attfborizedi 'by our circular of ; Jly lsi,462,',td refund the money." i Dp. J C. AteUfcfc; Lowell. Mast. :0, TAKE PARTICULAR HO flCEi 4 ' ; , C.H ABIaOTrE, &QjLi Oct. S&i 1883. AU)eTBmirttaebt9d t AX 'Beall Co. ?nuBt call and pay 'as longer indul TOE ASSORTED i I IJI .U .JL. . I 1 11.'! Celebrated Make mm Cannot Ued Ague Cure genes cannot Do given. ; 't)ctS4d5t J ' -sJ,i A J, M. MDLLEK- The Xady IiOst lier Keys. T. When the 2ady of the houseloses her bunch of keys, there is a stir in " the household. Not a door can be unlocked, not a closet opened, until' those keys are found. They must be looked up at once! What if they are gone? Just suppose somebody has stolen them! That pedler whe was here an hour ago; could he have carried them off? Oh ! where can those keys be? who has carried off my keys? Here! Martha! Maria! Patrick! Bridget! Lazarus! who knows where my keys are? Susan, :-:n right up-stairs, and see if I left them in the second-story front room ! K.t there? Well, they're somewhere; that's certain. Look in all the ether rooma! Oh, bother, where is that bu ich of keys? Patrick, run after the vegetable man, and see if he has got them ! Here ! quick ! Scamper, sir ! Oh. my keys, my keys! .Here!, stop! Comeback! No matter! I've found them! They were right down in the bottom of my pocket, all the time ! I've got the keys ! You needn't look up-str.irs any more ! And so many and many a troubled lady puts herself to great incrn venience to find what she thinks she has lost, but, all the time has close be side her, or might have, if she chose to send to the drufwist's at tiie corntr ; the key to womanly healths, For the want of it, every avenue to health ful happiness seems closed, every door sealed. Easy, plain, and simDle, this key to health is nothing more nor less than Brown's Iron Btiters strengthener, blood-maker, life-giver. No lady need be without it. No lady need suffer from back-ache, dyspepsia, liver-complaint, or that dull and heavy feeling of dragging and weariness which weigrts down so many women and makes them worse than slaves. Unlock the door to health, madam, and joyfully, with light, elastic step, walk into liberty! Don't be despondent! Don't think everything i $ going wrong I Don't think the world is turned -upside down and inside out I Be cheerful, hopeful, triumphant, all of which you can afford to be after making: fair trial of BromC s Iron Bitters. q We have a good assortment of Rubber Garments of all kinds for LADIES AND GENTS, GIRLS AND BOYS Also a full line of Arctic, Alaska and Kubber Over Shoes, of all sizes for Men, Women and Children, Our IMPERIAL SHIRT, Is meeting with gret success. There is no other Dollar Shirt can compare with it in quality and make: Call and see them. JEL1A: & COHEN. enli! JOHN WILEES, Proprietor, CHARLOTTE, N. C. JIT T KE"EJTFD AND fN STOCK A L A U G E JSTCJPPIi Y OF Saw mills, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, Steam Engines, The Gregg Reapers, Portable Corn mills, Wheat Mill Outfits, The Meadow King Rakes, The Meadow King Mowers, Wheeler and Meleck Separators, The Gregg (Self Dumping) Rakes, Boilers, both Portable and Stationary. Call find Examine Our stock- Machinery of all kinds Furnished at Short Notice. apl5dw For Ladies', Misses', and Children, all qualities. Also a very largfe LADIES', HISSES' AND ALL GRADES. We have ths verv best Flannel Shirt for children to h found in Charlotte. We keep uur .DiacK uooas Uepartment is not equalled by any m this city. We will take great pleasure in showing the stock of Black Goods at any time. Ask to see our Black Goods, Ask for Yelvet Ribbons and Trimmings, we have all shades. Ask for White Flannels. Ask for Red Flannels. Don't for get to call for CORSETS. We have a tremendous stock, all grades and sizes. Ask for Waterproof Cloth, Ladies' Clothes, Flannels &c. Onr Carpet Is full of such goods as the market wants, vis: Rugs, Door Mats, Tapestry and Body Brussels Carpets, Super, Extra Super, Ingrain Carpets and all the lower grades. Cocoa Mat ting, &c., &c. Ask for CARPETS, we have plenty of them. We arc the exclusive agents of Charlottesville These goods need no recommendation from us. Every Lady knows them to be the best goods in the market. ASK FOR SCISSORS, We have tlie Veryibest. Als) for the Parabola Needles, they beat the world for sewing urpose; ;;;,)i stock ot Ladies' loiihs si ' 13 li'iitGSS.4 ' fckLL FOR T$ ii , ii fi"J .th . ..i ;? ' ,fJf rz7 T7: . , : , i r7-- --.a- C for i JOHN WILKES. line of CHILDREN'S HOSIERY common Flannel Shirts also. Department Woolen Mills, and ED ol mans 3 EDMOND, Successor to Ettenger & Edmond RICHMOND, VA. WOBK8 ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1850. BUILDER OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, 8W m ILLS, OB18T MILLS, MILL GEARING, AC. Bffissasa ass TMi? i J ffls0 a? cai HYDRAULIC PRESSES, And all Kind of Enflnea and Hydraulic Pnmpi for 7lnnfcinre til Thrrn Particular attention called to oar DOVBL HTDBltllr PUMP for setting Prase e"Pend for Catalogue. ABE BEADY FOB Ml Lines and Or all hlodf!, 8iyles and Q in?lt! -8 of Ladies', Gentlemen Misses', Boys' and Children's Slues, IN JLUD1NG THE BEST AND MOoT POPULAR MAKB8. We have glvea special attention this season to BOY8' and CHILDREN'S cHOE3. of wh!cn we tiaiiu to have th oest stock In tne city, and which we ctn recommend for durability and pood sn vice We lespeciful'y solicit jour patronage and guarantee satMactlon In gotds and trices In everj chss. MOYER & HIRSHINGK.R. BURGESS NICHOLS WHOT.K8AT.lt AND BXTATL DKALKB IB ALL KIND8 OP BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINK OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES. PABLOB and CHAMBER 8DIT9. COF FINS of all kinds on hand No. fi Weet Trade street, Charlotte. North Carolina. CENTRAL HOTEL ec I i i a H 1 1 C2 f R T The Traveling Public Will Find that the FftFlt4L lH.'Ml L k. pn up 1 j all ImprovenientH in Comfort and Fare, and Nrn. ts for i utm r k.i j, Acknowledged Bmt Hoel Minil) of X abli(rinn "Carriages and Porters meet all ualns. H. C. ECCLES, Prct rletcr IPDneDips & 09" East Trade Street, Near College, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WHOLESALE AND HE TAIL DEALERS IN FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, OATS, HAY, BRAN, SHIP Stuff, etc. Large stock and moderate prices. Orders soli ci ed and filled with promptness and dispatch. oc!0eod&w6m j. a OF "ESS TO THB Wholesale and Retai TRADE A Large Stock of PURE WHITE LEADS, kmi Oil, Colors VARNISHES, &C. -Also TWO GAR LOADS fJiH. ftIcADENi' MeAdeo nt OIL, maylB THE FALL TB4 DF. Splendid kortw - CHARLOTf E, N. C 5 si To PA L. Berwanger Brother. THE SEASON IS HERE AND fcO " ARE WE, AS USUAL, WITH OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF BOYS' SND CHILDrUh'S 9 BOYS' DRESS SUITS AM) - SCHOOL suns. The Largest Stock IN THE STATE. For the last s'x rears we haw sold he best Beidy " made CLOTHING, And we still oontlnne to do so, and at price s teat defy competition. WE CAN SHOW THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF j MEN'S CL0TBIM Intbts market The repotatlon ot onr makes belns so well established w Jcm it ttnneoesary to make ay further claims. We- are ready to meet the requirements of these appreciating FIRST-CLASS, , HONESTLY MADE CLOTHING a - All we aik Is a close lnsp c Ion before i urclias lng elsewhere. L BERWANGER UE LXAD1NG CLOTH IX B3 sndTAILOBS luiportaat .. Clothing made Jo order at Bhort:'iioticeTtl,tl " L.

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