;-.. .. THEG : RE FOh rHin. Believes and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE TtffiOAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPRAINS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BVBXS, SCALVS, And nil other bodily aches and pains. FIFT CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by ail Dromists and Dealers. Directions in 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Ca. (Minim to A. TOQ1LU 00.) 4 BalUaar, C. 8. A. potteries. Nw ObllBANB, At gust l, 1883. TO THE PUBLIC! Investigate for l'ourielTcn. Postmaster General Greeham having published a wilful and malicious falsehood In regard to the character of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, the following facts are given to the public to prove his statement, that we are engaged In a fraudulent business, to be false anauntrue: Amount of prizes paid by the Louisiana State Lottery Company from January 1st, 1870, to the present date: Paid to Southern Express Co., Now Orleans, T M Wescoat, manager... $l,86tJ,300 Paid to Louisiana national Bank, Jos H ugleaby, president 463.900 Paid to State National Bank. S H Ken nedy, president 125,100 Paid to Mew Orleans National Bank, A Baldwin, president. 88,500 Paid to Union National Bank, a CharUrooi cashier 64 450 Paid to Citizens' Bank B L Carriere, president 67 .000 Pat to Gennania National Bank Jules Cassard, president 80,000 Paid to Hlbemla National Band chas Pallrey, cashier. . . 37 000 Paid to Canal Bank, ltd Toby, Cashier 13,150 Paid to Mutual National Bank, Jos Mitchell, cashier 8.200 Total paid as above $2,253,650 Paid In sums of under SI, 000 at the various offices of the company throughout the United etates 2,627.410 Total paid by all S4 881,060 For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the iitliccrs of the above Lamed corpor ation, and or our legality and standing to the mayor and officers cf the city of New Orleans, to the State authorities of Louisiana, and also to the U s officials of Louisiana We claim to be legal, uenest and correct in all otir transactions, as much so as any business in the country. Our standing Is conceded ty all who will Investigate, and our stock has for jears been sold at our Beard of Brokers, and owned by many of our best known and respected citizens. M A DaUPHIN, President S3T0APITAL PRIZE, $75,000.3 Tickets only 5. Share in Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Co, "We do hereby ertify that we supervise the at rmngements for a th Monthly and Semi-Annm Drawings of the Louisiana Stale Lottery Company end w person manage and control the Drawing themselves, and that the same are conducted wUt honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward eH par tin, and to authorize the Oompany to use this cerUfi ace. vith facsimiles of our sKmtures attached, n f.iadverti$Hient.'! CoQiniimloneri. Incorporated in 1868 for 26 rears by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of f 1,000.000 to which a reserve fun d of 1550.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular rote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adoDted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The orfly Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. ' IT BXTkB SCALXS OB POSTPONES. ' Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIH A FOBTUriS. BL87KNTH GBaND DRAWING, Class L at New Orleans. Tuesday, Nov 13, 1RJS3. 1824 Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. -AH 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions, In Fifths, In proportion. libt orrtizfefet&t o. ' V 1 CAPITAL PRIZE....... I. i, U .$76,000 l " prize ... . . j.JL rife 2&000 1 PR1ZK 10,000 2 PRIZES OF 86,000.... 12,000 5 PRIZES OF 2,000 ... 10,000 10 PR1ZE8 OF 1,000- 10,000 20 " , 60O...V 10,000 100 M 2004-,,. 20,000 800 " 180 80,000 500 " 50.... 25,000 V0O0 " 25.... 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 9750. 98,750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500. 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2.250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to - $268,500 Application for rates' to clubs should only be mads to the office of the company in New Orleans. For fuctJhejr.fnformattoB write clearly, giving full address. Make P. O. Money orders payable and ad ) dress Registered tetters to i NEW ORLEANS NATfONA L BANK, New Orleans, L.a Postal Notes and ordinary tetters by Mall or Ex press (all jums of t5 and upwards by express at our exognsei to. - M. A. DAUPHIN, nklfrfitint. Orleans. La. : j , 607 Seventh afreet, Washington. D. C. $30,000 FOR $2. 3d BKGTJLAB MONTHLY DRAWING WILL take place! In the Masonic Hall, Masonic Building, In Louisville, Ky , Thursday, NoTember 29th, 1883. A lawful Lottery and fair drawings, chartered by the Legislature of Ky., and twice declared, legal by the highest court In the State. Bond; given to Henry county In the sum of $100,000 for the prsmpt payment f li prizes sola, . -A RsVOIfUf ION IN INGLE 'NUMBER DRAW INGS. : ttJV Every ticket holder his own supervisor, can call out the number on his ticket and see the cor responding number on the tag placed in the wheel In his presence. These drawings will occur oa the last Thursday of every month. Read Qie magnificent NOVEJJIBER scHEine. 1 PMs.. 980,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 sT tt 1 Prize, 2 Prizes. 12.500 each. 5 Prizes, 1, COO each, HIV wh;u, UylAU 60t)sen.....r lOOOO 100 each 10,000 Mi mzes, 100 Prises, 200 Prizes, 500 Prizes, lOOOPtlze. 60 each 10,000 20 each, ... lO.OOO" ' 10 aaca.. imk :lta,0QQ Prizes, taOOsach, Approximation Prizes 82,7 9 Prizes, 300 "t'a A T. ( 1AA .... ' V 1,881 fST.xX H.T li I I II oo 9XVQ, , uoeof Bank V express,- bon'T 8: 3KND BT fJKR OR POSTOFFICS ORniCtt. nnMl fnrtho.' uuuud. viuoiD m so ana ders of 55 and upward, by Express, I ft par txpense. Address all orders to 7 . . . I . itJJ DOUG LAS, eon oe ssnt septl Louismie, Ky. TTrae TTarf Oil. bsptdd, bom parents to the merest infant, ars srflcted wfth Malignant Sores, scrofulous or other wise. Salt Rheum or scald Head,' Bums, Wounds, po matter now severe, or of how Kmc staodlncTor -wom wnasever cause produced, send and set a tsntliole rtiitlr.oiL, and wV guarantee a flnre ornd lay. ftures before other remedies Ma to act It U equally applicable to all the Dmsts st Bores, or lanamed tnrtaees of all do fleswselmaU. stlMTthlna4 tbat moves on 'the TarLMOoe or two sppucaUons are all that U nee eaarrto netsrallze the aettoa of ths vims and . Beal the TJlcer. It arrests at ones tbs progreee-ol For sale bj all drorglats and country storeV. Ask tor tne "Ton uu HpelUng-Bsok and itMmAtrf ariut nrttflts-of life? l.i7TleeU Letterier'send DAiJY NEWS NOTES. Three shocks of earthquake were felt at Gibraltar on Saturday. The trichonisis appears to be in creasing in parts of Saxony. The Viceroy of Canton objects foreigners traversing the streets to of that city. The totals of the Ohio vote for Governor were Foraker 347,064 HoatJ ly 359,593. "Rfmorts are circulating in the inte rior of China of a threatened war against all foreigners. Governor-elect Hoadly, of Ohio, is in Philadelphia, under medical treat ment. At Rapids, N. Y., Saturday, John Kelly murdered Jacob LiUtz wnue asleep and wounded Lutz's son. The motive was to steal ten dollars. The White river has risen rapidly during the last four days, inundating 12,000 acres of corn and cotton in the White river valley, Arkansas. Two Montreal men claim to have invented a motor for steamers that will reduce the voyage across the Atlantic to three days. The French government has deter mined to oppose the dejaand that is to be made in the Chamber of Depu ties for the expulsion of the Orleans princes. Patrick Egan, late treasurer of the Irish Land League, has filed his de claration of intention to become an American citizen. The funeral of the late Gen. James B. Steedman took place at To'edo, Ohio, Monday. Ten thousand persons were present. A carload of flowers was sent by friends in New Orleans. At Middleville, Mich., Sunday, S. B. Smith, Chas. Bundy and a boy named Welch were crushed by a wall during a fire and their bodies con sumed. The directors of the Kentucky Cen tral Railroad Monday accepted the resignation of President M. E. In stalls. Vice-President Briggs S. Cun ningham was elected President. John Philirjs. of Philadelphia, was arrested in that city Saturday at the instance of his brother, who charges him with embezzlement. In Chicago Friday night A. J. Mason shot and killed W. H. Pad dock. Paddock was trying to hae an interview with his wile, Mason s sister, who lived apart from her husband. At Riddick's Station, Fla., Friday, Ross Gibson and Alexander Clough, two clerks, quarreled about the mer its of their respective stores and Gib son shot and killed Clough, The Presbyterian Synod of Penn sylvania, in session at Pittsburg, Saturday, adopted resolutions in; fa vor of liquor prohibition, and declar ing the manufacture and sale of alco holic liquors as a beverage to be crim inal. W. Kline, under indictment for the murder of Maior Stubs, of Polk city, Pa., was shot and morally wounded at Clyde, Pa., Saturday bhis brother-in-law, John Cools, who objected to his presence on his farm. Hie democratic State central com mittee of Massachusetts, at Boston, Srturdav nominated S. A. B. Abbott for Lieutenant Governor, in place of lir. Prince, who declined. Me is son of Judge Abbott, and is favor ably known in Boston. Judge Gray in the Chicago Superi or Court Saturday, decided that the ordinance bv which the city of Chicago sought to'collect $150 annual lv from the wholesale liquor dealers was void, because it partook of the nature of a tax. Thirty cases of typhoid fever and dipblheria have been received at the general hospital in Montreal during the past three days. Nearly all have been subjected to bad sanitary condi tions in their homes. The assessment rolls of one hun tired and fifty-five counties of Texas show an increase in taxable values of over ninety -five million dollars above last year, with fifteen coun ties to hear fro n. which will doubt less make a total increase of one hun dred minion dollars. Archbisop Lynch, of Tronto, Ont., is reported to have written a letter to the Dublin Poor-Law Guardians, who asked him to provide for girls from their workhouse,- saying that Canada is well supplied with help, ana that Jae would not-advise -any more to come over tins winter, Two voung men. giving their name as H. C. Thomas and W. R. Don- avan, were arrested at the Park Theatre.,.;; Boston -Saturday night biu'ftedwith.trvinjr to steal the play of ' 'Young .MiTS-.Wintrop," of which they had taken nearly complete sr ort hand notes. They were dichargedon Burrendermg their, note books. The total kssessiriMit 'of nersona property ih'the'DJst'rict of Columbia by the new .assessor , has just been tooted up as follows. Washington, $9,912,815; Georgetown. $793,80; country, $281,3681 total, $10,957,443. This is an increase in the personal property, assessment, the assessment 'of 187$ having been, $9,028.812 . Amos H. Madera, a bachelor, aged 62, committed suicide by ' shooting himself in -bi stable- at Fleetwood, Pa. , Sunday night. ' Mr. Madera was worth $25,000. He was an active hurch worker, and in a note .which he1 left he gives $500 to the church to 'Which he belonged. ; i J ! The iron steamship Heimdohl, from Christiansand, arrived at New 'York quarantine Monday on fire. There were 303 steerage and 8 cabin passengers and a crew of 60 men on board, "who were safely taken off. The'steamer was rtmupon ' the mud on Bedloes Island, ' and' efforts ,' made tp; put ' .out the fire, which' is supposed to nave started among notches in the cargo. , ' ' ' - ni.7!he Huguenot Society of America mpiM Mew, York,, $fo$&jt & , was idqcjde&to hold; three meetings .year ly. am on, the ISfch of ApriL; thp. date it of. the edict . at Nantes j another on .the Sh ox August, the aAniyersary of the. massacce of St! Bartholomew, andthe third on lhe U2ot October the date of x he ' revocation of the edictkrf NftttfesJ ilU-mMi !: !. i u l.lrely'.riVsterk Ciimsitei uumWPlW, i Ptogin.. our climate are. puzzle and a j torment. STi rftlrosajyftit J&s, Jorth- fljaye &m anontajnereaiter, -so .much) a nearer. to w inter j . the anftrcury a on f the i 8&x i of nOctober marks thai joffyau pummer dayuid vn the! inigbt was so warm that "it rniiht i texterrjaed favorable "corn mghtas-the1 mercury at 1Q ;17 last rightf-reglstered the extraitiar heat7Jf rjifdeg Qur. climate does certaiiykeT?ejy as CHARLOTTE Q To Adopt Standard Time. A conference of the officers of the signal service oh duty at Washing ton was held Monday witn a view to adopting the new time standard, and Gen. nazen states tnat tne new stan dard will undoubtedly be adopted in the signal service. Mayor Edson, of New York city, having also express ed himself as decidedly in favor ofB changing the local time of that city ' to conform to standard time, and stated that on Wednesday of next week an ordinance to that effect will be introduced in the board of alder men, it is seen that the new standard is popular, and will probably soon be in use all over the country. SmnggliniT Monkeys. On Monday a man in New York was arrested for srruggling fifteen monkeys into that port. We cannot imagine Low ne did it unless ne dressed them in dude costume and passed them off as a partyl of Fifth avenuejyouths just returned from a European trip with their preceptor. (Jau. SETH GREEK, What the Great FUli CnltarUt Says: Last v.1 iter I went to Florida and while there ntrac ed Malaria In a very severe form. When 1 returned home I want to bed ana remained thr until sprint?. My symptoms were terrible. I had null, aching pains In my head, limbs and around mr hack My appetite was wholly gone, and I felt a lack of energ such as I bad often heard described but had never experienced. Any one who has ever had a severe attack of Malarl can appreciate my condition. As I failed to get aoy betw-r 1 determined to try a remedy made by a gentleman In wbom Ihad the greatest confidence. i am nappy to say u effected Dermannnt miinf and that I am well to-day through tbe Influence of Warner's SAFE Cure. After such an experi ence I can most heartily recommend It to all suf ferer?. TUTT'S I L L TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, tand MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the fcuinan race. These symptoms indicate their existence : rss ot Appetite, Bowels costive, Slclt Ilead ache, fullnes after eating, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation osl food, Irritability of temper. r,ow Wjirits, a feJiS of bavin neglected mednty, JMzzioess, Flattering at tbe Heart, rot8 before the eyes, highly col ored Uriue, CONSTIPATION, aid de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly ontneLIver. As aLiver medicine TTJTT'S PI t,La have no equal. Their action on the Ki lneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through those three scav engers of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear s km and a vigorous body. TTJTT'S PIXI.S cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily -work and are a perfect ANTIPOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEELS LIKE A MEW MAW. "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TTJTT'S are the first that have done me any good. They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetite Is epleididrtfood digests ready y, and I now ' IT : a Passages. I i like a new i A W.t. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. 6oldeTS.-here,35c. Office, Murray St.,N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. urat hair or Whiskers changed in stantly to a Glossy Black by a single ap plication of this Dte. Sold by Druggists or sent by express on receiptor fl. Office, 44 Murray Street, New Yorh. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBES. A REAL REMEDY. Neither Iy atlcal nor Indian In Origin but Scientific and Specific. A REMEDY of over Twenty-Five years standing. A KEnDI more popular at home, and where best known. uuau tui umcr neuieaies or lis Kinu. A RE7IEUV enaorsea Dy me Dest Physicians and Druggets at isi noma. A HE TIED V tnat air. u. w. o'NeUl, Good water, Ala , sajs rais ed his wife from an Invalid's bed, and he believes savea ner uie. A HEJIEDV of which a prominent Atlanta merchant said. would have given 1500 as soon as sooa n I would a nickel for what two bottles of your medicine did ior my aaugnter." A REMEDY In regard to which 8. J. Cas3els, M.D. Druggist, of Thomas ville, Ga .sajs: "I can recall instances in wnicn it anoraed reuet alter all the usual reme dies had f ai ed " A REMEDY. about which Dr. w. B Ferrell, La Grange, Ga.. writes: "I have used for the last 20 years the medicine you are putting up, and consider it the best combination ever gotten together for the di seases ior wnicn it is recommended." A REMEDY of which Dr. Joel Bran ham, Atlanta, said : have examined tbe recipe, and have no hesita tion in advising its use, and confidently recom mend It." A REMEDY whleh the Bev. H. B. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga. Bays he has used in his family with -the utmost satisfaction," and recommended it to the families "who found It to be lust what it is recommended A REMEDY of which Femberton, Iverson & Denlson say: ' We have been selling It lor many years, with con stantly increasing sales. The article la a staple wun us, ana one or aosoiute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin & Lamar say: "We sold 50 gross In four months, and never sold it m any place but what it was wanted again " REMEDY by which Dr. aigh, of LaGrange, Ga,. says: "I cured one of tne most obstinate cases of Vicari ous Menstruation that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles." A REMEDY ef which Dr. J. 0. Huss, Notasulga, Ala , says: "I am fully convinced that it is unrivalled for that class of diseases which It claims to core." A REMEDY about which MaJ. Jno. C. Whltner, of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United states as a General Insurance Agent says: "I used this Remedy, before the war, on a large plantation o a great numtt tiof cases, and alway with absolute success." ... .. A REMEDY about which J. W. Strange, of Cartersvllle, Ga , certifies that one bottle cured two members of his family of menstrual irregularity of many years standing. A REMEDY that IB CHAPRB THAN ANT OTHER MEDICINE Of its kind in the world, -because owe or two bottles W1LL CUBE TBS MOST OBSTINATE CASE. A REMEDY In re'tf ard to whose unfailing, unrivalled curative propnetlves I have many hundreds of testimo nials. L iTHTS OREAT. POPULAR REMEDY 18 BRAD- field's RxouLATORv woman's Best Friend) For sain bv all Drufffiists. Price: Small size 75 cents. Large size 31.50. bale tTDBHfltar sma-manoiaeiurer, J. BBADFIBLD, ,,!'"Bro.r08'a Prror stfaet Atlanta, Ga. T7I7 in VoRos Fail i i word iau to . . - express my grati tudeL" says Mr. 14, fELRTf ,, Carter, of Nasi he benefits derived frpn lrter, of Nashvillef Tehn., "tor ts derived frpm. Ay;tfA Sjsaparilla. , Having been AiBlcted all my life'wlth Scrof ) lJMfij iystom eemtd saturated with it. , It . came.ont in Blotclit 34 Ulcers, Had Mattery ". Soreaalrr any Wi', Jlrj. Carter states tlnit lie was entirely cured" by the use of , Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and .sine dtaoon ' tinumg its us'e,'eigtit mbhihs' agoyb, fcaf ,h4 ' no return- of the ScWfuTout isymptoma. , I' (..' " ' ". -., . r All baneful .infeotiona of tt"p;ti promptly removed by-tMBW'f tive. , .njin :i .i;-;WAII:W:-.TM'' P Jg &E R,V E K : T H 1 QllElRlVlElCl8lHl(jlilllR0lB!l The only known specific for Epileptic FIts.-8i 4S-Also for Spasms and Falling SlCkBess."iE Nervons Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever.- 63"Ncutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds. js-Permanently and promptly cures paralysip. yes, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing caube. tST" Routs biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxative." It drives Sick Headache like the wind.-gSft. "Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it.-6 Restores life-giving properties to the blood.- Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. "65ft "Reliable when all opiates fail.-gai Refreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. -ga tT'Endorsed in writing by over fifty thousand Leading physicians in U. S. and Europe.-. Leading clergymen in TJ. S. and Europe.- Diseases of the blood own it a cohqneror.-ga. For sale by all leading druggists. $1.90. "a Tne Dr. S. A Richmond Medical Co., Props. St. Joseph, Mo. (2) For testimonials and circulars send stamp. C. N. Crittcnton, Agent, New i'ork. Gray k Brother, We are now Opening up a very Large and Complete Stock of Fall and Winter Our goods have been carefully selected from the rery best shoe manufacturers In lhe country ani we c'aim to have one of the handsomest stocks of Gents', Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' FINE SHOES That has ever been offered to ths ret ill trade of Charlotte. WE GUARANTEE PRiCES- As well as quality, and cordially invite all that need a pair of shoes of any kind to see our goods before buying. rjRAY& BRO Oct 8 1888 Something lew!! We have secured the services of a fir t class ba ker, from New York, and we present to the ladies of this city a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before offered In this city. It ts the leading style and kind now having such a run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try It and you will be convinced of Its su periority. In order that you may know our bread our pri vate brand O. K. will be on each loaf. We most respectfully ask every lady to call 0 end and try this O.K. BREAD, IT I NICE We keep cn hand ment of CAKES the largest and nicest assort- CAKES To be found In the State, and can furnish on tne snortest nonce any quantity for parties or wed dings. Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES is unsurpassed and alway? fresh. Families sup plied with everything they use. A share of the pablic patronage solicited. Respectfully, PHELAN & ROSS. augiedti Now Ikeira TH1 LARGEST STOCK OF THE FOL LOWING GOODS TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Rubber nnd leather B ltlnr, Old H cuory Wagons, MeSneery Grain Drills, Pittsburg Steel Plow, Wcodn Ware. Geneial Hardware ,. . and Cutlery. Walkers and Juniata Horse and Vote Shoes, Sa Je, Snowden and baranas Horse Nails, Axes, Handles, Irn, Nalte, and Everything in the Hardware Line made ot Steel, Iron or Wood. ORDERS SOLICITED. BROWN, WEDDING TON A CO. sept80dtf THE GEO WOODS' PIANOS AND ORGANS. Are the finest in Tone, Are the finest in Design, v Are the flusst in Workmanship. Send for catalogue with music free. GEO. WOODS' COMPANY, 603 Washington ft. Boston, Mass, oct5d4t fPMJIllNGFOnM DISEASES OF TIIM mint rt fatr.ti.gfywwii an cetM2w ' A. HALES. fttidSFttWaf ; M IDeiferla WAICHK3, CLOCKS 1 IEWELBT. SMC 'Inaaad nfrflmu vm.b... .. . - BOOTS i SHOES. We are 11 promptly doaaW waTf UR S D A Y, OCTOBER 25, 1883. I SALEM ALMANACS. 20 Gross OF THE OLD RELIABLE SALEM ALMANACS, For 1884, JUST RECEIVED Wilson Bros. SOLE AGENTS. or THB TATE EPSOM SPRHfi Water. WILL FURNISH IT IN BARRELS Ott LESS QUANTITY AT SPRINGS PRICES, A Fresh Stock CONSTANTLY ON BAND. H H. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. To Merchants -AN- THE RETAIL TRADE. -OUR STOCK OF Plain and Fancy Candies, PRIZE GOODS, CHEWING GUM, kc, 4C. Is now about complete. It was manufactured or bought by us with a view to meet the demands of common as well as fine trade. To the Merchants we guarantee PRICES AS LOW As any market for same quantities, and to the Re tail purchasers would say that we have a line uf goods that Will Please the Most Fastidious. JUST RECEIVED, A LOT OF EEAJNim (New crop:) Baldwin &&, 4c , Ai. Apples, New Raisins, Figs, H. DDLS I d A THE Dismal Swamp Lottery Coupy, OF NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. The franchise of this enterprise u based upon the charter granted by the Legislature ef the State to the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and its legality has been fairly tes ed before tbe court . The ooject in view is the "improvement and extension of ths canal, and that full opportunity my be given for the purchase of the tickets, of wuwu mere are umy 35,900 with ?5 Prizes. The Drawing has been fixed for the 22nd of November, 1883. at which time, without postponement, it will be made in the city of NorfoU, before the public.ana under tbe supervision of a committee of reliable citizens, and la ilka manner each succeeding month. IVTIckets bearing date September 20th hold good for the Drawing of 22d November. SCHEME: Capital Prize, 95,000, 1 Prize of.... .$5,000 is 85,000 1 do 1,500 13 1,500 is 1,000 do 1,00 do 500 do 200 do 200 do 200 do 200 do 100 do 50 do 10 do . ... 5 Approximation of $50 . of 30 . of.. 20 . 13 is is is. .... . is are are are are Prizes. 500 200 200 200 200 600 750 1,000 1,000 6 15 100 200 9 9 9 .$450 . 270 . 180 356 Prizes, distributing. $13,050 TICKETS ONLY SI. Plan ef tne Lottery. Plan of Lottery similar to that of Louisiana company. J P. HOBBAOH, ... Manager, Application lor club rates, or for Information opon any other business, should be plainly writ ten. tiring State, ceunty and town of writer. Remittances should be sent by express rather untnby P. O. money orders or registered letters ''Express charges upon S5 aid larger soma will s paw by tae company. ; .AddMM plainly, . , J. f. HORBACH, ;7f VTT -'"' ' ' orfolk,Ya. Agents tot sale of tickets required throughout the state. Address applications as above. dJeBlMitt'j;.-! I. : -J,,.' :,'. .(! ' rrr iTJWjBECBafrnfBRiT" 'A : CAiAsWfc'il-i-i v- I, . OAXTLkX r SLEAS S&jiT We are Apis Br ant Scheme Iti-'rf; Old and Only "As we walk through the street, how often we meet som Poor old man, whose life is naught but voe With age his form is bent, in his pocket not 'a cent And for shelter do not know where to eo. With relations by the score, who keepTiim from the door And meeting on the street they pass them by If you ask them why it's done, they will answer you and sav We're poor, we're old, and only in the way ! y'" "There was a time 1 hear, when the young were not so queer But since that time there's comB an awful hna. H ' Young men in health and might, their old parents they will And it happens every day ; it's nothing strange. Take this poor wreck of toil, his children him do spurn For death I'm sure he oftentimes does pray Himself and faithful wife, after toiling all their life When old, they find that they are in the way !" "My little song, I'm sure, is tor rich as well as poor, For take a rich man when he's growing old ; His friends will shake his hand, his relations round him stand Awaiting him to die, they want his sold. Then let us from this hour do all that's in our power To make the road for .old folks light and gay; And if they trouble on us cast, why let this be our last To say, that they are old, and in the way. So let us cheer them on, They won't be with us long, Don't let us sneer because they're old and gray ; And remember while we're young Tbe days to us may come, When we will be old and only in the way i" New Sheet M-usic. MUSIC B00ES AND EVERYTHING MHrlCAl. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Best Bargains Ever Offered the Papas and Mammas -AT MeSmith Music-House Come and see me everybody, you're in the way. Send for Catalogues and prices. Ja21dtf Now is the time to Buy Furniture As I have marked many of my things down to JNT1'T COST To make room for.Fall Stock. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. iEo Mo ,&mfflnr3w& NEW FIRM! Mew Goods -AND- LOW PRICES ! ! ! "1T7E WOULD INFORM THS PUBLIC THAT v T we have formed name and style of copartners p under tbe (6 jror the j. Fancy 6 the purpose of conducting the Retail and business at the old stand of rocery LeRoy Davidson. Mr. BARNETT. who has charge of the business, has Just returned from the Northern Mark ets where he purchased one of the best lines of GROCERIES Ever opened In this city. We are now opening a full line and In a few days our stock will be complete. It Is our intention tb make our stock second to none in the State. OUR RULING MOTTO WILL BE The Best Goofs and the Lowest Prices, The public is invited to call and inspect our stock and see for ltseir that we mean business when we say that we intend always to keep en hand t very thing to be found in a stricUy first' lass HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY. Yery res ectfully, B W. BARNETT, W. C ALEXANDER, septl 6dtf BATTLE of the BOOKS. 500,000 VOLUMES, the choicest literature of the world One hundred page catalogue free. Lowest prices ever known. Not sold by dealers. Sent for ex amination before payment, on evidence of good faith. J0HN B, ALDEN. Publisher, 18 Yeefy St. New York. Rft Bra 12 ieTOtfr FROM Heck's Coal Creek Mines. -:o: :o:- "D ARTIES wishing to purchase the very best OAL for domestic use. or steam or JL LUMP COAL DiacKsmua uoai, mu nna u to tneir advantage by sending their orders to the mine or to Mr. H. B. PETERS, at Greensboro, N. C We guarantee our Coal to weigh eighty pounds to the bushel, and will contract to deliver by ear load lots at aa rea sonable rates as good Coal can be delivered at any point in North or South Carolina. BT Correspondence solicited, either to Beck's Mine, Coal Creelt,Tenn.or to EL B. PETERS, ang80d2m Soliciting Agent, Greensboro, N. a For Ladies and Gentlemen. I take pleasure In announcing that my Lunch Room, next door to Andrews-fumUure store is now open rarme coming season, and that Hah. Oisbraiand all'the delicacies of the laner man Barnett Alexander Tennessee Coal in the Way. strike THE The older you are th H. McSMITM CHARLOT I F, . c. NEW FALL STYLES! We are now receiving our new Fall Styles cf MILLINERY, H418, BONNETS, FLOWER, FEATHERS, PLtTiTIES, SATIN., SILK RIBBON, PLUSH, Ac. Will have our stock complete and w 11 open our patterns of HATB ana BONNETS on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wl 1 show the largest plete stock of and most cim- FINE 1IIJ UUKV We have ever shown. Also all the Novelt'es In, HOSIERY. GlOYEd, NECKWEAR, NOTIONS and Fancy G-OD3, for Ladles, Misses and Chil dren, ZEPHYR. TARNS, &0 We have engaged an experienced Milliner, Miss KEMP, from Baltimore, as an as lttxni, and are prepared to furniih anything in the Millinery line and at PRICES AS LOW As anywhere In this country. Don't forget ever ONE HUNDRED fine ratterns HATS and BONNETS will be opei ed TUEeDiY. OCTOBER 2D. MRS. P. QUERY. iimBttnoiin o G Not such as peddlers carry, but FINE COODS, "Which I will continue to sell all this year. Sale Every Night At Batffrpaat wewa, aU oiMeweli, V t r i .wv,-- PUBCXLL.LADD , f tiU ijc- 1 Soid "by ail Druggjts; "fl, six bottles for 5. PAT-FOB-WHAT-Yj QTj-EAT-PLAN. mm trooinot w coia.1. t hofi :a BestocttaHjy' -flAWl!"-'1'1 n imnooLU .lainift . i -t :iria J. T. BUTLER'S. MJ 4ltV' t1 nttl-MJU MUll 19010 tH irj.-r ...-iS- mf'l . in 7T- r.'i 1

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