f' f VOLUME XXX. OH A K 1 , TTF,. N. C. St NI)ANQVEMBK'.R j. 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTsT To Kmi Our Stock Up. JUST RECEIVED Another lot of Misses' and Children's Itibbed Hose, and Ladies' Fleeced lined Balbrigan Hose. A nice line of Gent's Worsted and Cashmere Half Hose. We wiish to call jour special attention to our Black Cashmeres and Black Silks, as the handsomest god that have ever been shown in this market. A large line of Col red Cafehmeres from 12ic to SI. 50 per yard, and Colored silks from 60c to $1 50 per yard. Colored rnd Black Satins from 6O0 to 2.00 Silk Ottomans, all colors and blacks. Our 6tock of Velvets Velveteens. Plushes and Velvet Ribbons, is very com plete and at L-w prices If you wish a Velvet suit come and see us. A nioe line of Dress Flannels from 75c to $1.50, embracing all the staple and new shades White Nun's Veilings. White Alpacas, &c, 6 Button Kids. vry cheap. A large line of Kids in Mousquetaire, Fouter-Lace and Button, in all the new sha es and prices. Jersey Jackets, from $200 up. embracing some nice ones pleated in black. A lare line of Ladies1 Wraps, embracing Jackets from 2.00 up Ulsters. Pale tot', rellices, circulars, Russian Circulars, etc., etc., at prices to sell. Look at them A heavy 8tock of Blankets, Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear. A specialty in Ladies' Scarlet Vests. Just received pome new Damasks, Doylies and Towels, very cheap. A large stock of Ready-made Clothing and Gent's Uurnishing Goods. The Hercules Shirt the best unlaundried Shirt for $1.00 Our "Adjustable Hip" Coiset is having a big run, and is very popular. Look at it The best 4 4 1 leached I 'omestic at 10 cents. When in need of Ladies or Children's Shoes don't forget to look at our goods from the ceiebratni factory of Eyitt&Brj. A nice line of Turner's hand-sewed Gent's shoes, every pair warranted. Call to see us ,our prices are right, our goods are stylish, and we will be ever so glad to show what we have, or order what we haven't. Special attention to orders. Truly, P. m ! Iie' and Children's M ARRIVAL OF GOODS! This week we will offer a large stock of VELVETS and PLUSHES at much less than their value. j Aho a large stock of DRESS FLAN- Our stock of CASHMERES have been replecished in all grades, from Jlc to $i.ou per yard. Ask to see our new PATENT SHIRT something very desirable. ,, . , ... . . 4.j ' This week we will offer to the trade one of the beat and cheapest stocks of To be found in the State. A big drive in BLANKETS. GOSSAMERS, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Many other goods in stock and arriv ing daily Come and look at our stoek and get prices. T. L. Scigle & Co. FRUIT. FRUIT. :o : :o : Afresh Arrival -OF- BANANAS, ORANGES, APPLES, Q J (Malaga and Concord) LEMONS, RAISINS, FIGS, CITRON AND CURRANTS.' LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Fancy Cakes, Coffee Cakes, BREAD, PIES.&C. D. M. RIGLER. TOtlidtf Elegantly Trimmed Hats Ladies and Chiliren. . We are dlplaylng IYBT DAT the most bean Uful line of all uluds of MlUlaery ever opened la thi.clty . Our loekis complete in every branch and we alwy allr tu piease our menus and oust er. we eat especial attouUoa ol our latro&slothe ractthat MIS3 JENNIE LANEHAUT Is with at again this seasoff and we feel sure she nees no reoomne d iofl as Trimmer from those who nave favored taeT ltb their cua om. Dvn'i forg, that we Have our Opening Every Day Daring tbii Reason, and we consider It a pleasure toshowourg odaat aiH'mea vj ,; 1 ' Tnuitui for jour past pro'ag4 and asking your maix-c ion of our goods before you yurcuaM. etaewb re. we k H peclfully, 'ij t ' MBa 8 4 G NIWCOMB. P. Ji-Ordera from our patrout at a (QataBja 111 ham prompt atbanHoa. I 4 nii, urn in LALIICjo Gossamers at fl.OO. u mm Tu im i Our Patrons For past favors, and tnnt that tbey and many new ons will avail themse ves I the Adraatagps We Offer Them in Oar Large and well ,e.ected gtoc of gQQJS AND SHOES, Which Is now full and crmplete 'n all Hues from the (inert to he h avirst We .,ff-r y u cholo good -i of the very bast ma es, guarantee satis rac tlou, and will ee to it that y a get lajs The Worth of Your Money W cordially Invl'e Ml to call, examine and sup- tnemBelve8 with all that may he netld In our Tine. . R. RASKIN & BR0 OUR nil 1 11T' 1 au ana w inter STOCK OF HAT Trunks and Valises, Is now complete, and waa Manufictured (o Oar Order fir RETAIL TRADE. WJS have tb bt and moit tty'lsh makes of Ladi.' Mlsse-' and htlurtn's, Suoes and Slippers all klaus and prices G'-ntV. B.iys' and Youths' Boots and Shoes, to fit and suit all clt ses of the iraue. Gents' Silk Ha's a Sp ciilfy. Men's, Boys' and Youth' Hats, k'nds Trunks and Valises, all prcas Sbawl and Truck t-t a..s Blajklngj, BUJcltii Brtucei and a hoe Dressings. COME AND SEE US. FEGRAIS & CO., Firt IVatloaa.1 Bank Butldiiay snap si idifif AND Cow Feed, A LARGE LOT JU8T RECEIVED And far csie by J. M. Milk L-3 COR TRADE AND COLLEGE STS CAR LOAD SALT, IN WHITE SACKS oots Sloes 1 I I . BT CHAS. R. JOKES, Ed. aid Proprietor. ' " 1 " ' mi TEttMl OF nl'WKUHlPlltilf. DAILY. Per copy q.. One month (by mall) 7 s Thru u'onths (D mall) 12.00 tx months " 4 on One year " " g.00 WUSLY. yT. : 3200 8tx months 00 Invariably Im AdraaeFrM nf Poui ae tm all Paru off tb XI. n, pecimen copies aent ree on application fcubscrihrs desiring the ud lres of their tatier chang d will pieae atate l i their oommu ..ledUon b ta tuc old and new address One aeuare ne time. 00; each additional lnseniou, 60c ; two weeks, $F 00; una month 8 00 a s h' dule of rates for longer periods furnished 1 appilc itioa. Remit b draft on New York or Charlotte and hy Post -mae Money Order or ttegistered Letter a .ar rsk. if sft' t I'ttierws' we wii not be reapon ibiefer miscarriages Address R, JONKH. rfaartoue N C MAKE IT TOO HOT. Fred Douglass was imported into Maryland to help bring the colored voters up to the Republican rack on election day, and made a speech at Denton last Wednesday. His re marks were addressed exclusively to his colored hearers, urging them to stand by the Republican party and to give no ear to the men of their race who advised them to act inde pendently in politics. Not satisfied with giving this advice he went fur ther and urged them to "make it too hot" for any of their race who went wrong, that is any who refused to vote the Republican ticket. In that same speech he denounced the deci sion of the Supreme court on the civil rights bill. Is it not on of the ne gro's civil rights to vote in accordance with the dictates of his judgment, and act with any political party he sees fit, or independtnt of any if he deems it best? But Douglass ignores his civil rights in this respect and advises his friends 10 make it "too hot" for any negro who dares to ex ercise his civil rights to the extent of voting as he st es fit. If they took his advice they would probably en gage in more business than they couJd well attend to, for that system of bulldozing would not be long permit ted to go unchallenged and unre bukeo. Fred in his old age is not proving himself the most competent adviser for his people. A if EGLlfl VIEW OF'lT. The following letter from Sir Lyon Play fair, an eminent English scientist, who is visiting the Boston exposition, to Mr. P. M. Wilson, secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, shows how the North Carolina exhibit is ap preciated by those-who see it from at home and abroad : Boston, Mass., Oct. 26, 1883. Dear Fir: As the only living man ager of the great exhibition of 1851, and as one who has taken part in al most every hiuropean international exhibition since that date, you may like to have from me a few words of appreciation of the North Carolina contribution to the exhibition now open in Boston. I have twice visited the exhibition, but have had only eyes for the North Carolina section. Your exhibit is admirably arranged, and fully illustrates the resources of tht State. Trere is as much science as technical skill shown in the selection of objects and in their arrangement. I augur much of a State that knows so well how to apply science to prac tice. Mr. Dabney's knowledge of mineralogy and chemistry is con spicuous in the arrangement and labelling of the specimens. An international exhibition of food Eroducts will be held next year in ondon, and I would be glad to see a contribution to it made by the same board of agriculture, which has shown such an enlightened superintendence of the general exhibit on the present occasion. I am, dear sir, yours sincerely, Lyon Playfair. P. M. Wilson, Esq., Secretary. ' There is good metal in Mary An derson. the Blue Grass girl, who is now playing in England. When playing Pauline a few nights ago, the Prince and Princess of Wales were among her auditors. The Princess was so pleased with her acting that she called for the manager and re quested him tD send Mary to her box, as she desired to be introduced to her. Mary sent back word that she could not go till the piece was closed as it was against her rule to see peo ple off the stage during a perform ance. The Princess became a little miffed at this and said that she and the Prince never waited after a per formance, but she did wait, saw Mary and complimented her very highly on her acting. Mr. Talmage, the statistician of the Milwaukee chamber of commerce, has compiled from official and "trust worthy private" sources, the figures of the corn yield of 1883. He puts the crop at 1,621,100,000 bushels, making it, with one exception; the largest in ihe history of the country. From the table we learn that Kansas and Missouri are neck and neck at the head of the list, each producing 190,000,000 bushels, or together near ly one quarter of the entire crop. The product of Georgia is estimated at 36, 000,000 bushels. The Democrats of Virginia have put on their working harness this time, and are going to make a determined effort to route the Mahonites next Tuesday. In Ricmond and nearly all tbft nther cities and towns in the State Democratic merchants hare re solved to close their stores on election dav to rive their employees an oppor tunity to work for the success of the ticket. This spirit wins. : i During Thursday the' remains of eio-ht vintirtiB. one white and ' seven colored, were found in the ruins of the SvmaJi firw. Henry Irving, the English actor, bangs his hair. Gen. Roberc Toombs, of Georgia, has joined the Methodist church. It was annouoced that Mrs. Lang try would not be followed by Geb hardt in her present professional tour, but he still continues to play poodle. In Mississippi they arrest Mormon missionaries as vagrants. Two re cently arrested have plenty of money and they will make their arresters show before the courts where the va grant comes in. The Savannah News says that three hundred and twelve houses were burned in the recent fire and 1,278 people, nearly all of the poorer labor ing class left houseless. There are no houses to be found for them to move into, an 1 the 7 must depend upon such temporary shelter as can be improvised for them. The internal revenue officials are the chief reliance and mainstay of the Administration in trying to carry out its anti-Bourbon Coalition pro gramme It is not the tax on liquors, but the bossing and overbearing in solence of many officials ol this bu reau that makes it so unpopular in the South. Capt. T. C. Evans found running two papers too much and has dis posed of a half interest in the Reids ville Times to Dr. W. C. Staples, who becomes the political editor and man ager, Captain Evans continuing in charge of the local department. There is no readier writer nor more industrious worker on the pre s of the State than Tom Evans, and he deserves to succeed. If the administration has any re spect for the civil service laws it will show it by proceeding at once against Col. Young, collector of the 4th dis trict, for his arbitrary removal of Deputy Dudley, at the dictation of O'Hara, M. C. Young's le:ter to Dudley furnishes all the evidence necessary to convict him of gross vio lation of the civil service act. BiKhop Hoed To th Editor of the Observer: A news item which appeared in Thursday's issue of the Observer is calculated to do injustice to Bishop Hood it uncorrected. That Bishop Hood was justified in his action in reference to Bishop Hillery will be shown by the following extract from the proceedings or the meeting or the Board of Bishops, A. M. E. Zion church, held at Salisbury, N. C, Sep tember 26th, 1883, as announced in the official circular, issued for the in formation of ministers and members of the church : "In executive session the board considered the case of Bishop Wm. H. Hillery, which had been investi gated at the Kentucky conference, which met in Henderson, K.y., Sep tember 5th, 1883, and which case had been referred to the ensuing general conference. The presiding officer ot the said conference, Bishop J. W. Hood, stated the case in detail and showed the groun. s upon which Bishop Hillery was 6ilenced. The board unanimously sustained the ac tion of the presiding officer ia the case, and thereby declared that Bishop Hillery was suspended at the Kentucky conference, and they no longer recognized him as a member of the board. They directed the editor of the Star of Zion to publish the fact immediately, that the public might know the nature of the case." Bishon Hood is not onlv in eood standing, but is now on the Pacific coast, laboring zealously for God's ministry. Respectfully, K. S. xuVES. A QursUoa About Drafts. Ar. I Journal of Commerce. Mobile, Ala., Oct. 6, 1883. Editor Journal of Commerce: A question of commercial law has arise t in the course of my business upon which authorities widely differ. Knowing that your valuable journal discusses such questions for the bene fit of your subscribers, 1 take the liberty of submitting it, and ask your kind attention: A is employed to pack and ship goods belonging to B. Having had previous transaction with B, wherein he proved himself very slow pay, A draws at sight on B favor of banker C, with bill of 'lading at tached to order of shipper, also bill of charges. B accepts draft, signing B & Co., upon which C surrenders pa P' rs and Railroad, D, delivers goods. A's domicil is in Alabama, and B and C are domiciled in Mississippi. A's instructions to C were "collect for my account." Draft was returned, not protested "payment refused." Is not C liable? A. G. Reply. The United States Supreme Court in an elaborate opinion review ing the authorities on this question (Nat. Bank v. Mer. Bank, 91 U. S., 92) held that a bill of lading attached to a time draft forwarded for collec tion without any other instructions, may be surrendered to the drawee on his acceptance of the draft, and it is not the duty of the collecting agent to retain the bill after such accept ance. The court also held that a sight draft, where it is entitled to grace, as in the case before us, stands on the same footing as a time draft. The parties here being residents of differ ent States, and therefore entitled to go into the Federal courts, this deci sion will control, and the banker C. therefore, incurred n liability by the surrender of the draft. Rheumatism, and similar diseases, ausad by a low state of the systena, ara cured y using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tolnatary Coatribatieat. Sew TorkSun (Jnd ) Go to any custom house, postoffice or internal revenue office in any State in which there is to be any election this fall, and they will find that every government employe there has been called upon to contribute to the cam paign fund. If he refuses it is at his peril. The contributioM is as volun tary as that of a man who gives up his purse to a polite road agent. Colds yield to onions like mafic, but Dr. Bull 'b cough syrup is still better and ty far more agreeable- mea&s of caring a cold or coogb You' caa buy a bottle for 35 cents at any drugstore, ana we are sure it will de the work ev er NOO TELEGRAMS. Tennessee fleg-rea on the Civil Rights Decision. Memphis, Oct. 3. A large meeting of prominent colored citizens, held last night, adopted resolutions ex pressing regret at the decision of the Supreme court on the civil rights bill, and asking the people of the State to join in petitioning the Legislature to repeal all its acts discriminating against colored people, and in pro testing" against confounding social and civil rights, and in favoring the encouragement of colored people in habits of economy and intellectual culture. They also compliment Judge Harlan. Addresses were made by Cougressman Casey Young and others. The Sharon Scandal. San Francisco, Ndv. i. Miss Aggie Hill, claiming t be Mrs. Sharon, has brought suit in the Superior court against Senator Sharon for divorce, division of common property and ali mony. Her claims are based on wil ful desertion and repeated acts of adultery. She says that when she was married to the Senator he was deeply in debt, and that his propert was only worth $5,000,000. Under thei joint management as man and wife the Senator is now worth $15, 000,000. She asks that an account be taken of all business transactions since their marriage in order that the value of the common property may be determined and equally divided. An Ohio Bank Fails. Cincinnati, Nov. 3. A dispatch to the Commercial Gazette from Clyle. Ohio, says the Clyde bank closed its doors and suspended payment yes-, terday. It had about $60,000 on de posit. D. A. Heffner has. hpan ntu pointed receiver. Hi. Jti. Southland, hardware dealer, has assigned to P. G. Huntley incon sequence of the bank's failure. The assets and liabilities are not known. Rational Gotten Planters' Association. Cincinnati, Nov. 1. President Morehead, of the National Cotton Planters' Association, to day secured half rate fares over the Erlanger sys tem of railroads for ail delegates and members of that Association attend ing the annual convention which is to be held at Vicksburc Nnvpmhr 9ia He says that ail connecting lines will likewise reduce fares. They Don't Like Srpnrate Cars. Galveston. Nov. 3. A News Austin special says Adjutant General King reports that the negroes are dissatis fied with the plan of exclusive cars for their accommodation, and says the train men on the Texas Central, where the system has just been in augurated, have been compelled to take colored people out of cars as signed to whites. Get Through AH Rifht. London, Nov. 3. The journey of the Duke and Dutchess of Connaught, from London to Dover, was accom plished without incident. A New Enterprise at V arm Spring s. As7ieville oitizen. At Warm Springs the large mill for grinding the sulphate of baryta is nearly in readiness for work. This is the largest work of the kind in the United States. It is to be run by water power obtained from Spring creek, a substantial dam having been already built. The power, equal to 150 horse power, is to be applied through two turbine wheels, already on the ground. The grinding is to be effected by eight pairs of burrs. The barytes is obtained both from mines in Madi son, on the French Broad river, and also from a point lower down the river, over tne Tennessee line. The whole property is owned by a com pany from New Haven Conn. CntED My Wifi's Weakness. From Evansville, Ind., the home of our cor respondent, Mr. John R. Patterson, comes the following: "Samaritan Ner rine cured my wife of a cas of female weakness " It's an extract from Mr. Patterson's letter. $1.60. De Lessens' Deep Ditch. Missouri Republican (Dtm.) That is a fine idea of De Lesseps, that the great highways of commerce should not be subject to the political vicissitudes of government, but how does he propose to protect them? Po litical vicissitudes bow to no higher law than might, and commerce is bound to suffer whenever a vicissi tude is on hand. A fine constitution may be broken and ruined by simple neglect. Many bodily ilia result from habitual constipation. There is no medicine equal to Ayer's Pills to correct this evil, and restore the system to natural, regular and healthy action. ust Heceived. New Crop i. 0. Iota, Very Fine 9 Rye Flour, Graham Flour, Sure Raising Buckwheat Flour, -AT- BIRNm l fflUNDEIffi SfiOIk! H ILK., mam WILL OFFER AN ELEGANT XjINI! OF COLORED SILKS! At the Extraordinary Low Price of TOGETHER WITH A RECENT PURCHASE OF BLACK SILKS WHICH WE OFFER FROM 65 CENTS TO $1.25. THESE GOODS CAN NOT BE EQUALLED EITHER NORTH OR SOUTH. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. "We are now showing as fine an assortment of Ladies. "MiRRnn' and niiilnrn' Cloaks as can be desired to select from. dies' Walking Jacket, Ladies' Newmarkets, Ladies' Do mans, in Sa'in, Brocaded Satin, Brocaded. Rhadsime, Corksc ew Diagonal, Whipcord Diagonal and Euglish Be.ver. w th and without Fur Fringe. Now that cold weather has set in ladies large and complete iu Jackets and Knit gins tor Children, hand knit Skirts, Felt Flanuel ai.d Satin Skirts, Merino Under wear for Ladks, Mioes and Children. Scarlet Medicated Wool Underwear for Ladies, Mistes and Children At Bottom Prices CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. KAUFMAN & CO. BtttiDDueirso Extraordinary Success of Our Great Mark Down Sale. The Terdict of Clothing buyers is that matter of low prices, quality of goods and workmanship considered, while our reduction of 25 to 50 per cent, on our entire stock merit the attention of intend ing buyers. We single out for special mention the following REMRKABLS VALUES IN OUR PAiVTS SECTION LOT 959. 100 PAIR CA SSI MERE PANTS Seduced From 4.00 to 9.75. LOT 873. 100 PAIR CASSIMERE PANTS, Better Quality, Reduced.From ftff.OO to $3.00. LOT 659. 100 PAIR Quality, Reduced We are determined to sell our entire remove from the store we now occupy into & McDowell un ier the uentrai Hotel. in making selections. JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER I LOUR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN : THIS MARKET, 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN. SPRINGS 4 BORWELL. Ipt80dtt FOR SALE. ,' . - . . .. k first claw 7-taone power Steam Engine and Boiler. able ot running a fiftr 8w oaOoo glo. or nj other light maehla Ty. A bargaia. Ccub ortir.touIrMa. j oe20tt Obtenrer Offlfe. SSDIks, k MR ON MONDAY Ladies' Circulars. Ladia' iH.tPra to will find our stock of Knit Goods vrv shawls for housewear. Hoods and Letr- & Mice we are leading all competition in the PANTS SUPERIOR From 6.00 to $3.50. stock before January 1st, 1884, as we will the house formerly occupied by Brem Bring this list with you, "it may assist you W. KAUFMAN. New Stock Arrived. CHJNA,3tfCKERY. GLASSWARE HOUSEFtZRNISHING GOODS. All the latest Styles. 4 e e&U particular attention to MOSSROSE and GOLD Decorated PEA SETS. 44 pieces. 87 50. DECORATED CHAMBER SETS, from $4 00 up. DECORATED DINNER SETS, from 820 H up. WHITE CHINA DINNER SETS, fr.)tn 81000 up. STEAK BROILERS, 75cnts. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, from $6 60 up. -AFINI STOCK OV- PLATED WARE, CLOTK3, BBOJZK3, AMD Vi.NCT GOODS. Verj respectfully, LUDOLF ft BABTSmLD. Suoe. to 3. Braokflwtd Co. DOVE'S True farf mi Tl PHT8IOUNS. FABKKBS, L I KBT 8TA BLB K IIPUU AM) UaiLBOAfr MKN AND Hit AOS i VaMILI&S: tf any member of your boaefcoId. froia parantt to tb merest infant, are afflicted with Mai gaunt 8ores. Mrofolous or otbr wise, dlt Boeum or r-cald. Bead, Borus. "ound, no matter now Mrercr. or f new ong gtancUuK, or from whatever eeoae produced, eend. and get a 2&-eent bottle of TUKK OIL. and e guarantee eve or no pay. It corea before other remedies begin (o act. It is equally applicable to ail the doers oritores, or .loflimed eurfeces ot all'do meetlc animals, or art) thing that mores on the Tart One or two applications are all ttwt ta nec essary to neutralize the action -oC the virus and beat the Dicer It arrests at once the progress of jBrjslpeiM and temoves (he Inflammation left In the track of the disease. For sale by all druggists and 000007 stores. Car- Ask for the sTnrt oil Bpelllag-Bjok: and Keader," with certificates of cures. FUBCXLL, L ADD ft CO., May 9 If. Richmond, Tv I u II

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