-is- 4 irinKHi notices. Loss and Gain. CHAPTER I. "I was taken sick a year ago With bilious fever." "My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible pains in my b .ck and sides, and I got so bad I Could not move! I shrunk! From 228 lbs to 120! I had been doc toring for my liver, but it did me no good. I did not expect to live more than three moDths. 1 began to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite returned my pains Jeft me, my entire system seemed renewed as if by magic, and after using several bottles I am not only as sound as a aovere gn but weigh more than I did before. To Ho Bitters I owe my life. R. FlTZPATRlCK. Dublin, June 6. '81. now to uet sick Expose yourseli day and nigut: eat too much without exerci-e: work too hard without rest: doctor all the time: take all the vile nos tiums advertised, and then you will want to know how to get well, which i9 answerei in three words Take Hop Bitters! Charlotte, N. C, Oct 30, 1888. Messrs. Brown, Weddington & Co.: Gents: I find on trial that the Mc Sherry Grain and Fertilizer Dr.ll bought of you succeeds in putting in winter oats admirably and I am verv much pleased with it. Very respectfully, BEN T PRTCE. The above is from one of the bet young farmers in Mecklenburg and is po-itive pioof that the McSherry Drill is the one tor the farmers to buy. W guarantee them to sow all kinds ol grnia. Send us your orders. BROWN, WEDDINGTON, & CO. Zzr to -v n o. k k v K k : SUMAY N O VE M B E It feiM THREE K1LI.KD INSTANTLY, Hcui At) vtietnmts. PE09EB Arrival and Departure of Trains. RICHMOND AND DAN VILLI. Level Line Depot 3.30 a m. and 4.80 m. Arrive 150 a m and 1.60 p. m. A1B LINK. Lttave 2.20 ft. m. and 2 'Op m. arrive 8 20 a. m, ana 4 10 p m. CHABLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA Lttn 2.10 p m., and arrive 4 23 p. m. C. C. & A A TAG. DIVISION. Leave 4.50 p. m.. aod arrive at 10.00 &. m. CAROLINA JK.TR1L. Leave 8. i 5 p. m and 7 40 a. m Arrive 7 8i a. m. an j 4 40 p. m. C. Q SHELBY DIVPION. Leave 8. 1 6 a. m., and arrive 645 p. m. MAILS ZNBKAL DEITIM OpfDS 8 00 a m. i tfose Qui u Ho iki BDKH Department - Opens 9 00 a n I' 8 S 01 1 p. HI. - -- . 1 I 'fUL. THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. Yotjno Men's Christian Association Devotional exercises at 5 o'clock p. m. Li theran Church Rev. T. S. Brown, pastor. Regular services at 11 a m. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Baptist Church Rev. O. F. Gregory, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday school at 9 1-2 a. m. Associatb Rkfokmed Church Rev. W. T. Waller, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Regular service at 11 a. m. and 7 1 2p m. Fikst Presbyterian Dr. a. W. Mil ler pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p m. Sunda7 school at b -2 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. S-cond Pkesryterian Rev. Neander M. Woods pastor. Services in the morn ing at 11 a. m. and evening at 7:30 p m. Sunday school in the afternoon at four o'clock. St. Peter's Episc pal Rev. J. B. Cheshire, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Sunday school at 4 p. m. TRYO i Street Methodi-t Rov J. T Bagwell, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 4 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7$ o'clock. !t Phter's Catholic Rev Father Wright, pastor. Mass at 11 a. m. Sunday School 3 p. m. Daily macs 7 a. m. alvary Mi won Kev. J. W. Wheeler, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. aw .ou p iu. ounaay scnooi at; y a. m and class meeting at 4 p. m. Colored Presbyterian Rev. Mr vvycne, pastor. Services at 3 and 7:30 p. m Sunday school a 11 a. nx. i OTHERS WOUNDED, SOME MORTAIAY. Fearral IltJcal Blot ia Dan. Tille Blood Plowing ln the Streets and the Whole Popn. lace in Arms The Firt Shot Fired by a IVegro, Etc. Special to The Observer. Daitvtlle, Nov. 3. While the Dem ocrats were assembled this evening at 3 o'clock, in Pace's Opera House, dis cussing matters pertaining to the campaign, a, large crowd of negroes near by on Main street created a row, first commencing in a fisticuff, which soon led, to the drawing of pistols by both sides, when a negro placed a pis tol at Walter Holland and fired wounding him supposed mortally. Then a general fire opened killing three negroes dead and many others, some mortality, great excitement exists especially near the Western suburbs of the town. One white man was fired upon while pa trolling in that vicinity which woun ded him and his horse. A squad has been sent to that quarter. The entire white population is under arms. Gatton Noprrir Court. The lawyers all returned home yes terday from Dallas where the fail term of Gaston court has be n in session the past week On last Friday the civil docket was taken up, and it will be re turned on Monday morning, when the second wek of th court begins. One of the most interesting cases that will come up ill be the motion for a re straining injunction against the Line bergtr factories, recently purchased by Mr. Hall. It is probable that a motion will be entered to set aside the sale of the Woodlawn factories. Solicitor Os borne goes back Monday to try a couple of State cases that were continued from last week. Index to New Advertisements. Wittkowfky & Baruch Silks. R. H Jordan & Co Lamns. etc. Hargraven & Alexander-New goods. T I ITT - 1 . w j.. a. wnson Attention Hornets. Indications. South Atlantic States, slightly warnif t fair weather, variable winds, lower oarorueter. LOCAL, BiPFL.ES. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel oi porn strength and wholesomen ss More economical than the ordinary kinds. nd cannot be sold a. competition with the multitude of low test, shof weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only tr eans. Wholesale by SP3INGS 4 URWKLr raaJl Chanotte r c. e STOMACH . a y fa u u YThoueh shaken in every joint and fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remit tent, the sy-tem may yet be fieed from jhe malignant virus with Hostetter's tonanch Bitters. Protect the system gainst it with this beneficent anti- pasmodic. which is furthermore a su- remK remedy for liver complaint, con stipation. ity8ppfiia. debility, rheuma- i l, 1. : , i i i , -1 &iuiiey jn uoies ana ot er au- tDieDtS. For Ral hv all flrpcroict. arJ jdealers generally. Monday is the regular meeting day of the county commissioners. vr-i. - . ... nui, a great aeai oi staple was put u me market yebteraay.but prices held hi iu. at ten cents lor tne best. The streets were thronged yesterday and the merchants were kept busy, here were more people in thecitv than in any day since the ciicus. Mrs Emma Reinhart, wife of Prof. J. Reinhart,of Richmond, Va., isona visis to the family of Mr. J. Vogel on Poplar street. J. H. Monroe. Wm. Monrnn anrl Clarke Hall, were all arraigned before the mayor yesterday morning on charges of drunk and disorderly con duct and were fined 5 each, making $15 for the graded school. Mr. Williams, of New York, the new superintendent of the city water work, has arrived and taken charge of his office Mr. Craige, who resigned goes to Athens, Qa , t take charge of the water works there. i The street parade of Davis' 810,000 brass band attraoted big crowds yester day. The band is undoubtedly a good one, and its uniform is gay and gaudy enough to please anybody. The drum major was a good pattern for MtSmith to go by. BEST BEST BEST rPolicy of Insurance AGAX2TST Accidents 13 which is to say, Perry Davis's Pain Killer Cartem Chss. Allen, cf Worcester (Hara.) I":re Denancicat, Bay: "Aftor tho doctor Bet tuo broken bone. I v.rA PAn Killer aa allnl mcijt, and it cured ine in a ehort time." Captain D. S. Ooodell, Jr., of Srcrsriort. Fcrbru.i es. sprcins cod cr.t?. inecave." jyiame, ivy: I know cf uo medicine tiiat is more e: David Pierce, Tjlica, T. Y.. tey-: " For cntx pn iinen. tarrn rnd tpraiue, it liiti never failed to effect a cure." All yesterday afternoon there was a perfect jam around Butler s show win dows, where Mr. Chas. L. Davis' dia monds were on exhibition. It was the finest display of jewels our people have ever seen. Regular paralyzers, those big diamonds were. The ladies of the Second Presby terian cnurch have sue e-ded in their efforts to purchase a carpet for the church, and were yesterday busily en gaged in putting it down It is of a very pretty pattern, and adds greatly to the comfortable looks of the interior of the church. The "beef shoot" took place at Har risburg yesterday according to pro trrauime, and the boyine was won by Mr. John P. Morri. Tere were twelve guns in the contest, and t"e distance to the target was 50 yards. The beef was "stake.!" by Mr. J. N. D Wil.son, and all the boys who wanted to shoot for it would p.y him one dollar and blaze away. Opening the Season with Big Ones. The season for big sweet potatoes has open: d up livJy. Yesterday marning early a man was seen trying to get into t ie Observer office door with an im mense potatoe. but who had to secure the aid of a couple of colored men with crowbars before he succeeded It wa-. Mr C L. Hutchison, of Mount Holly. Gast'-n county, and the potato was raised by him on his farm. A short while alter that another disturbance was raised at our door, and a man came lumbering in with a tremendous tuber from Dr. E. Nye Hutchison. They are bustering big potatoes, and would last an ordinary family two weeks. Now, all that is lacking to complete our happimess is a possum, bomebody send us a fine specimen of that vegetable, and we will be able to laugh starvation to scorn. Exploit of Cotton Thieves. Two negroes, Pcott Rankin and Sam Williams, wre committed to jail in Concord a day or so ago, the first on charge of stealing cotton and the latter for receiving it. It seems that on last Monday night Dick Sloan and Scott Rankin made a raid on Mr. Dcrton's pi ntation and succeeded fn carrying off a lot of cotton. Thev hired a. netrro named Boger to haul it away for them. oger worfced for Jdr. Joe White, and ttefore the load was disposed of daylight came and B--ger was seen by Mr. White unhitching the team at his barn. He suspected something wrong, and on questioning Boger tnat individual be came frightened and confessed that he .bad hauled the cotton for the two men to a shanty on Mr. Alfred Cooks plan tation. where it was received bv Sam Williams. Justices Jack Alexander and W. J. Hill investigated the case and sent Williams and Rankin to jail Sloan succeeded in eluding arrest, and is now at large. SOME ROUqH WORK. A Pary of Nrth Carvllaa Nerree O int Heath Canrilaa, Arm" with Uuun astf JK Mires an Aiteaipt im itescne a Prisoner. inere 1 considerable excitement among the people la Robeson county, jjxim state, ana marion county, a. U., over the outrageous conduct of a mob of negroes from the farmer county ia attempting to rescue a prisoner from an officer in the latter county. A colored gm named rannie Williams wan ar rested by Mr. Elias Norton on the charge luuuiujf me resiaence oi B0.ua Cathe rine rnest, an aged maiden lady of Marion, ine girl confessed to having wuunnwu wJt) roDeery, out tue consta ble had to keep her under arrest over mgnt lor trial next day. What follow ea is teid ny a corre- pondent of the narieston News and Courier: Aparty of some twenty five black ruffians or ganized at a church in North Carolina and came to the house of Mr. Norton cursing, wntoping and orandishing their pistols over and around their neaos, swearing vengeance against Nor ton and demanding that he should at once release t annie Williams and threat ening that if he refused te do so they would turn over every house on his pre- "jiDca auu wreai vengeance on nun. jur. Norton nas an invalid wife and aaugnters who'were greatly shocked Dy iae behavior of the insolent horde who had thus ruthlessly invaded their nomt. cut ne was a man of nerve. He got into bis house, secured his double- barrel gun, came back into his piazza ouu ueuea tne motley crowd to touch tne nouse in which the prisoner wat connnea, and if they did so he would open fire indiscriminately on all who wre in fiis front, rinding that they could not intimidate him they reluc tantly tooK tneir departure, telling Nor vuu in a inrettemncr and boisterous manner that they iwould meet him at inai justice iiariee a omce the next aay with their guns, and that thy wouiu enea eiooa or i eiease the prisoner M.r. JNerton gathered a crowd of the Deat white citizens of the vicinity from both counties, Marion county, S. C. and Robeson, N. C, and at an early hour was at the office of Trial Justice Harllee with the female prisoner, fully pre pared for any emergency that might anno, warrants were at once issued by the trial justice for the parties for not ana attempt to rescue a prisoner, and constables were sent for the parties in different directions. Bv 8 o'clock' n m eight of the gallant braves had been brought in, several f them having been J 1T1 1 . . i euuwreu norsau comoat by being dis armed of pistols which thev carried con cealed upon their persons and a sudden application of bracelets to their limbs "iwuuouui minef! gave ine matter a ti'l and thorough investigation and committed them to jail in defau t of Dan, each and every one of them. Sev eral ef the parties are leading local politicians in the " Old No-th tate." and some of those in South Carolina were leading Republicans prior to 1876. Une of them, Capt Peter McGirt, was always a stalwart, a leader whom the roughest of the rabhle in the darkest days delighted to honor and follow T" : ii. - uuuug tne investigation, or as soon as the trial justice decided to commit them lor court, this redoubtable hero took lea van ana maae nis escape. - - A Colored Shoplifter Jailed. Policemay Joe Orr yesterday arrested a colored man named Nathan Martin, wno, to prepare tor the frost, went into (xray s shoe stoe ond selected a pair of urogans without bothering the clerks to wrap them up for him and change ms money. Mr. liray detected Ma tin s little irregularity and called on police man Orr to overhaul Martin. He waa arrigned before i he mayor who heard nis piea., and thn bound him over te the Inferior court for trial. Martin couia not give bond and was sent to jail. A BLAST EXPLODES Ana Blew Up Twe If enProbably ratal Accident at Cencerd. xrverm Concord they are macadam izing the Btreet from the depot to the town, and a force of colored men are employed at the quarries near by to Diast rock to put in the street. Yester- aay morning two of the men. Din All. nan and Honeycutt, were engaged m vuarKiBg a oiaat, ana naa about com pietea their work, when the blast ex ploded with terrible effect. Aliman. who was nearest the blast, was hurled into the air and fell fully fifty feet dis tant from the scene of the explosion. Honeycutt was not very badly injured, uaving escaped the f ull force of the ex plosion. Aliman was picked up and carried to his home, and meuical assist ance was irami diately summoned. The physician found that no bones had been br iken, but the unfortunate colored man's flvsh was badly lacerated and burned, and he presented a shocking opectacie. his eyes were destroyed by the powder and he will entirely lose his sigat. nis injuries are very serious and proDaoiy fatal. What caused the ex plosion we have been unable to find out. Tl,: - j . i j-uio awiueni is similar in many re spects to the one that occurred in Con cord not long ago, when two colored men were blown out of a well bv a tr- mature discharge of dynamite receiving '"j"' i iu in wjoicn one aiea ana the other lost his eyes. Opera House Last iipht. T xu our opinion, the best amnanmpnt. tf 4-U . . un,uow4suuwas eiven at tna nnota house la.t night by Mr. Chas. I.. Dav-i- and his excellent company, in the plav v n'iu uusuu. air. uavis, as a matter of course, is the central figure 1 1 1 1 rw . . m mo wnoie piay. ne is an insrenioua actor and his comicalities are of the sort tnat cannot fail to amuse. He ia verv ably supported and in the comnosition of his company a good deal of real tal ent is recognized. The play itself is in teresting, and the 100,000 worth of dia monds and the fine music were side shows. "Alvin Joshn" is good through out and all agree that Mr. Davis and his company deserve good houses wherever they go. Bad Accident at the Roek Hill Fac tory. A very serious accident, reiulrinc in 4.1 Ai ... O tue wwi ueBtruction of the eninne at the Rock Hill cotton factory, occurred umsu uuay eveninr, ana win cause a suspension of business In the factory tor the next ninety davs. The cvlindar head was torn all to pieces by theciank enan wmcn, neing released by the pin dropping out, flew over and not only knocked the cjlinder to pieces, but tore up me engine room in a lively manner. it was a veiy stranee accident, the lik of which ve. y seldom happens. At the time it occurred, the engine was being unven unuer a iuu nead oi steam, and the moment the pin dropped the crank new up, tearmu: out its fasteninc-a and knocking the cylinder to pieces. The accident will necessitate the purchase oi a new engine, and according to fore man weisier 's estimate, a suspension of woric ior vv days. The Kock Hi 1 Man ufacturing Company employs 1 00 hands. who with their families, make a total of 800 people dependent upon it lor their support. The loss in breakage of ma ctnnery, combined with the enforced suspension or work, will be a serious one to the company. air Advertisements Attention, Hornets. An accident may happen to-mcrrow. Buy Pmr.Y "Davis's Paist Killer to-day of any Druggist Mulnal Innnrance. Assessment No 53 first class and 112 second class have just been sent out to Charlotte section 476. of the endowment rank of the Knights of Pythias. These assessments of 2.20 per member pays 81,000 in-u ranee to the families of per sons who have died during September who were members of the rder. A SURE REC.TE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immnni- MT mft Allmnlsvtnnal hlita. K marbefoundinHaffaii's Makolia Balm. A delicate ana harmless article. Sold by druggists eYeryrrhere. , It imparts the most bril liant and life-like tints, ana Vie closest scrutiny cannot letectitsnse. All nnsiehtlr Jjscolorations, Ernpflons, Jung Marks under the eyes, oallowness. Redness. Rough ness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once pelled hy the Magnolia It is the one incomparable Cosmetic. ' Th New lice. Under the new division of the Diocese in this State, Charlotte will still remain under Bi3hop Lyman's administration. Mecklenburg being in the old diocese The counties that will ompose the new diocese are: Currituck. Camden. Pas quotank. Perquima- s. Chowan, Gates, Hertford, Bertie. Martin. Washington;, Tyrrell. Dare, Hyde. Beaufort. Pitt. Green. Pamlico, Craven. Carteret, Jones, Lenoir. Wayne, Sampson, Duplin, On slow, Pender. New Hanover, Bruns wick. Columbus, Bladen, Robeson, Cumberland. PtAhi wanted v a youne man. Pr!.i. J. r3dt H. L. B.. u&Zn 7 V WIMW The New Tine. A eood many of our noon I a havn nr idea what sort of time it is we are to have shortly and for their benefit w& submit these explanations by Dr. Pow ell of the naval observatory: "The change of local time for Washington, recommended oythe naval observatory, is in pur-uance of the general plan for uniform time as correlated by hour meridians throughout the civilized world. For many years scientific men have been urging this measure, associa- tions have been organized for the pur pose or securing it and committees appointed by scientific bodies, perhaps in every civilized State. The plan will be of great value in th rollerirt and comparison of scientific observation that depend upon time. From the standard of . scientific research, therefore, it is greatly desired The lo al change in Washington will be advant business men and to all who travel by ! rail. " Upon this indorsement Secretary Teller informed the Secretary of the . Navy that he would be glad to adopt the new time, which is understood to be ' 8 minutes 8 seconds faster than the present local time, and the change will go into effect on November 18. A doctor at Richmond say. that if -people will take a bath in hot whiskey and rook salt twice a year they will never "catch a cold. Until "somebody naa tried this new remedy re would t w: ; Stick to the old and, reliable Pr, Kill I "m ffmoptr ivnvn Via Boise and Twelve Bales of Cottea Bnrned. Mr. Robert W. McDowell, of Steel Creek township, this county, suffered a serious loss Friday afternoon in the des truction oy ore of his em house, to gether with twelve bales of cotton, all his own property. The fire was no doubt accidental. It was a horsepower gin and the hands had been runninsr it f up to 1 1 o'clock a. m., and there was no fire about when they quit work. Two men were working n a wagon within 25 yards of the gin from that time to within a few minutes of the discovery of the hre, and there could have been no possible chance for an incendiary to have approached the building without detection. The fire was first discovered at 3 o 'clock, and so rapid was its spread that the farm hands were able to save only a small quantity of seed cottoa. The gin house, machinery and twelve bales of cotton were destroyed withiu the course ef a few minutes. Mr. Mc Dowell had no insurance on his proper ty and the loss will fa 1 heavily upon him. His total loss is estimated at $1,500. A match in the seed cotton is supposed to have been the cause of the -fire. T'ke AppreaefciB Genet. An astronomical observer caurht a glimpse of the new comet several nights since; but as it was only a few minu es in an opening in the cloudy sky. time wa s not afforded tor measurements of bn ahtuess and dimensions. Prof. Carp maul sayt the nucleu was not well de fined, but a tail was perceptible ap parrntly a few minutes iu length. This comet, which wa- discovered September 5th by Prof. Brooks in thn constellation Drac'-o. is still in the same constellation, but is brighter for its distan e from the ea tli than it was at the same distance during its last appearance in 1812. It is still in the constellation in which it was first noticed, and is making but slow progress across the heavens, and. but flowlv increasing in brightness. Its further path from its present position in the northwest heavens will be across Lyra and Cygnus and Pegasus, till, about the end f January, it disappears beloir the horizon in the sonth. It will reach perihelion, the point in its orbit nearest the sun. on January 25, when it will be about 60.000.000 miles from the earth. It will be visible to the naked eye about the middle of December, and will rapidly increase in brightness af te r the end of November. Although it will be brighter than at its last appearance, it will not be nearly as prominet an ob ject in the heaveas as the great comets of last year and looi. xne comet reacneu. perihelion September 15, 1812; and the interval between them and January 25, its next perihelion, will be 71 5 years. ' Calculation1 made i 1812 predicted its return in 70.6 years, so that our present elefctial visitor is overdue nearly nine- ' tenths of a year certainly not a very j surprising lameness in a visitor who 1 calls so seldom. Ladlw. beau-rfjyoar cjmplexlon wltaGleae's Ulli Hair and Watelcer Df, SO. Josh Hilling Heard Prem. Nfwpoet, R. L. Aug, 11, 1880 Dear Bitters I am here trying to breathe in all the salt air of the ocean, and having been a sufferer for more than a year with a refractory liver I was induced to mix Hop Bitters with the sea gale, and hare found the tinc ture a glorious result. , 1 hav been greatly helped by the bitters, jind Am. not afraid to say soYouw without aitruggle. - JOSH c Hetel Arrivals. Central Hotel. Robt. Leach, New- bergh N. Y; Arthur Shaw, Baltimore; Chas. C Henderson, Reading, Pa: C. G. Parker. Kings Mouatain, N. C; Millard Wood, Washington, D. C: Miss Nannie Wagstaff J. H. Wagstaff, Garabaldi, IN. o. J. 1. James. Richmond, Va, Le Roy Davidson, Philaie phia: S. H. Lowe, Lowesville, N. C; N R. Johnston, Clear Run, N. C. W. S. Blakely, Chas. S. Johnson, W. C Smith, Davidson Col lege, N. C; Miss C. Swan, Dandridge, Term.; S. C. Thompson. New York; rror. wm. J. Bingham, H. N. Pharr, JuavidKOn Allege, N. C; Robert D. Gra ham, N. C; W. P. McGehee, Raleigh, N C; T. A. Andrews, Shelby, N. C; Horace L. Netherton, Columbia, S. C; uaker if. A Dunn, New York; B. T. McBryde, O L. Clark, Davidson Col lege. N. C; Geo.E. Reab, Augusta. Ga; a. ts. jfewen, Kock Hill, . u; W. J. Boylin, Monroe, N. C; G. M. Webb, Jr, Sh Iby, JN. U; John Harrill. Fairfield, S. C, W. F. Frasier, C A. Smith, Davidson Uoilege, JN. C; Bartlett Shipp, N. U: R. A. McLean. Gastonia. N. C: V. G. Ott. Jas. S. Stokes, W. S Stokes, N. C;ThoF. H. Hill, Philadelphia; John Kerr. Balti more; C. S. Frobt, N. Y;Wm.Smithson, Washington, D. C; D. H. Wilson, Shel by, N. C: W. A. Linchan, Raleigh, N. C. M. L. Stevens, Master Eustaca Stev ens. M. Austin, Monroe, N. C; W. W. Watt. Baltimore; W. S. McLaise, Pitts burg, Pa; W. P. S oan, C. S. Bra' ton, Davidson College; Wilmont Leach, Lex ington. N. C. Prof. J. C. Horton, King's Mountain, N. C; J. K. Jami on. Phila; R. tj- Bet, Baltimore; J. M. Sutton, E. T. Woods, West Virginia; Lee Bar. ett, N. C. Buford House. Geo. E. Bedee, New York; C. A Rose, W. C. Carrington, H. H. H. Danner, Lynchburg, Va. P. M Snider, J. W. Momack, b. H' Morrow, Richmond, Va; S. C. Engled ve, Rich mond. Va; Geo. S. Cassin. Atlanta. Ga; G. B. Saunders, Phi adelhia. Pa: Mrs. Jaue R. Wallace, Cheraw S. C; E. Ever itt W lmington, N. C; N. A. bacharch, Baltirr ore Md; L. C- Dessaussure S C; J. B. Cook, Washington, D. C; N. R. Johnson, Clear Run, N. C; J. D. Phrr, . S. Pharr, County ; J F. Rogers, Mooresville, N. C B. W. Martin, Atlan ta. Ga; Ashby Le Baker. 1. W. Snider, Baltimore, Md;W. R. Owen, Columbia, Ohio, Jno. T Mai ny, Baltimore, Md. ; . W. Moiby, R. G. Joh.-ison, Washing tom, D. C; W-P. Golson, Montgomery; Ala . VV. M. Francis, Atlanta, Ga. , Miss a.udie Williams, City. Chas. L. Davis, Mr. Chas L Davis, W. C. Donaldson, Frank Jordan, Harry C. Hanley, Chaf DeKress, T. T. Rook, Harry C. Wells, Harry Hardy, Nathin Carl, Chas. Love, H. C. Heidleburg, R. A Birch, Geo. Blu menthal John Go wan, Daniel J. Sprague J. M. Hyde, J. P. Harris, L. W. Harper, W. U. Wright. Harry P Palmer, A. A. Stewart, A. J Stockwell, Lewis Forte, Miss Josie Crockor, Miss May Ja kson Miss Florence Charles, Atvin Joslins Comedy Co : C. E. Snyder, Baltimoie, Md.; T. H. Appleton, New York City ; H. McCann. S. D. Adams, L. W. Her ing, Baltimore Md. ; L. F. Rhodes, Win chester, V.;T. C. Stokes, Dayton, Ohio; A. E. Mann, Boston, Mass. ; L. P. Hills, Atlanta, Ga.; T. K. Kane. Wilmington, Delaware; Mason Hamilton, N. C, J. S. Haige, R. W. Naile, Pittsburgh, Pa., T. C. Smith Leroy Springs, North Carolina. A Great Biood Medicine. On e of the kest medicines ever known for the cure of diseases arising from impure blood, no matter from what cause, is Roaadalis. It is a great alterative med icine as well as a blood nurifier. It cures scrofula, swellings, goitre, skin diseases, uver complaint, rheumatism, &c. Read the following letter from a distinguished gentleman in Florida: Lake Irena, Fla.. June 10, 1882. I have been a great sufferer for 15 years, not able to walk, from an iniured leg. Have tried many M.D.'a and their remedies -W( nine purpose I believe Rosadalis will cure me. Send me one dozen by steamer. It was recommended to me be a f riend. - I. have taken 2 bot tles, and find t helping me.. -The drug gists who usually, keep it are out of it. and 1 cannot afford to- wait the BloW ar rival of their supplies'' . JOBS T. BEEK8, Supt. Board of Public taut-ruction. i ou are hereby ordered to assemble at your hall on Monday evening at 3 o clock in full dress uniform for parade 1. M. WilJSON, Foreman. W. Bernstein, Sec'y. nov4dlt DimiiliM OF IWAKINLRSHIR The firm of Sifford & Freeland. latelv doing business at the corner of Church I and Trade Btreet, was dissolved by mu tual consent on the 1st day of Noveau ber, 1883, Mr. J. G. Freeland having oougnt tne entire stock of goods on hand, and assumed all debts due by the late firm. All debts due us are payable . i - to nim. R. J. SIFFORD, J G. FREELAND. T 1 f . t t j. can pe iouna nereaiter in my new store opposite the (Jhai lotte Hotel, where l 6haii be glad to see my old friends and customers. J. (i. FREELAND. nov4dl w R. B. Jordan & Co. DRUGGISTS. We have just received a complete stock of hp um of all kinds; also the best FIRE-PRO OF Lamp Chimneys. Use Talemtine'e Improved Tar Drop lr Ceaffhs hh1 Celds. Or. Den ii in' Certain Cure for BatwaatigBi,aiid Hair's Itlhma Cnrc. Brax and Oatmeal. Pear's SO Jr C-nl, Qlycerine aid 47.11 lone Toilet Soap. Whale Oil Soap. Nelson's and Cox's Gelatine. Eagle and Swiss Brands Con densed milk, Fresh Stock, at Our Stock is Complete: SBleeilfl(n)nDo H B. JORDAN & DRUGGISTS. ft i Ponies for Sale. The undersigned have a car load of ponies for sale at Wadsworth s statues. Call and see us. novSdSt JOHNSTON wihjmdji. -AND- LOW PRICES Male in Every Department. E. D. La tta, fe Bro. I 1 1 ill 1,1 11' Ml 111 t I I 4 1 IX fill Ull lTTlnl Chickering & i m iwiu ucLivium Son Win the Laurels ! ! ALL THE MUSICALS ARE CRAZY HAPPY AND MOT'S MDSIC HOUSE CONTROLS THE MUSICAL MOTOR ! ! i I .-.-i I' ' fold h f? Ik a tip! Branch of L.udden & Bates, MeSmith Music House. CHARLOTTE, If. 9. PIANOS AND ORGANS. One Price to AIL Easy Terms. Lowest Prices. Everything- In the World that Is BInsIcal can be Found at McSMlTH'S, CHARLOTTE, IX. C. GTSend for Catalogues, Information and Prices. A FEW flandsomemls ISi o Colored CUshmere. them. cheaper tnon yon eaa bay BakaUf al Dress Goods at X'Ox eenU. riannels, Waterproofs and Cioaklngs, At Cost! TfilMMING SIL IN" COLORS HAL P PRICE. AT A Good Ki(t Gleteler 59 Ctiis. ad many other lrc&lntat BARMHER & TfiOTf ERi A. HALES Praiticil Watchmikir and Dsak in WATCHS3, CLOCK i, JKWSLBT. TiCLB-i tc.c Viae and D fflsult Watch Be- promrttly done and warranted t fv iweire meauu. bM reptSOdAWtf 4. 11 a Lid. Oeatnl Hotel "uUdtag, irees at. THE BEST ASSORTED -STOCK OF- Groceries Conftttioneries jnd FANCY GOODS, A. R. IHSBET& BRC'S. , AT -REASONABLE PRICESi 11 ) 4 4 , 1 1 - . -. if If.. li t