BUINKMH NOTICES. Lom and Gain, j CHAFFER I. . 1 "I was taken sick a year ago Wit;n bilious fever." uMy doctor pronounced me cured, but I got tick again, "with terrible pains in ray back and aides, and I got so bad I Could not move! I shrunk! From 228 lbs to 120! Ihad been doc, toring for my liver, but it did . me no good. I did not exiect to . live more than three months. 1 began to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as if by magic, and after using several bottles lam not only as sound as a sovereign but weigh more than I did before. To Hot Bitters I owe my life. R. FlTZPATRICK. Dublin, June 6. '81. How to Get Sick -Expose yourself day and night: eat .too: much without exerci-e: work too hard without rest; doctor all the time: take all the vile nos trums advertised, and -then you will want to know bow to get icell. which is answered in three words Take Hop Bitters! -m mi Charlotte, N. C, Oct SO, 1888. Messrs. Brown, Weddington & Co.: Gets: I find on trial that the Mc Sherry Grain and Fertilizer Dr Jl bought of you succeeds in putting in winter oats admirably and I am very much pleased with it. Very respectfully. BEN T. PRTCE. The above is from one of the best young farmers in Mecklenburg and is pos-itive pi oof that the McSherry Drill is the one for the farmers to buy. We guarantee them to sow all kinds of grain. Send us your orders. BROWN, WEDDINGTON, & CO. Jtxxi Atirrtiicrottits. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A. marvel of portti itrength and wholesomenrst More eoonomtoal '.ban th ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in aoia petition with the multitude of low test, abort weight, alum or pnoapnate powders. Sold only Id Viba. Wholesale by 8 P RING 9 & BUBWSLr nwyl Cnanotte r C. Though shaken in every joint and fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remit tent, the system may yet be freed from the malignant virus with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Protect the system against it: Vf ith i this beneficent anti spasmodic, which is furthermore a su preme remedy for liver complaint, con stipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheuma tism, kidney troubles and oti er ail ments. For sale by all Dreggists an dealers generally. Policy of insurance ' AGAHTST Accidents BEST BEST which is to say, Perry Davis's Pain Killer Captain Cbas. Allen, of Worcester (Mass.) Fire Department, says: " After the doctor aet the broken bone. I uzed Pain Killer aa a lini ment, and it cured we in a snort tune." Captain D. 8. Goodell, Jr., of Scargport, Maine, Bays: " For bruises, spraina rnd cnts, I know of no medicine that ia more effective." avid Pierce. TTHca. K. T.. esvr-; "For ctrta. bruises, bnrni cad spraine, it has never failed w cueci a cure." An accident may happen to-morrow. Buy Peeiiy Davis's Paix KtrAmi to-day of any Druggist a A SURE REOJPE For Fine Cppkions. Positive relief and Immuni ty from complexional blem ishes may be found in Hasan' Magnolia Balm. A delieatel and harmless article. Sold by druggists everywhere. It imparts the most tail Hant and life-like tints, and the closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations, Eruptions, Bing Harks; under the eyesJi Sallowness. Bedness, Rough ' ness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement ' are at once dispelled by the Hagnolia Balm, --yy -y . It Is the one incomparable Cosmetic. . 1 3. BOAKI) WAiNTKD, - BJ" young man. Private fami' y pri- "vu. Aaaress. stating: terms noT8dlt H. L. B.,' Ulwenrtr Ofct. ' , TOMH IS Arnyal ana Departo of Irfe RICHMOND AHD DAN VLLK 1 Lre Atr Line Depot 8.30 a m and 4,30 m,' AirlTs 1.60 a m- and 1-60 p. m. A1BLINB. Ls&vs 2.20 a. m. and 2 1 0 p m. ArrlTS 8 20 a. m, ana 410 n. CHABLOTTB, COLUMBIA AND ArfiUflTA. 4 Lssto 2.10 p m., and arrire 4.20 p. m. - v C. C. 4 A. A T . DIYI3ION. Lea7 430 p. m.. and utIts at 10.00 a. m. CAROLINA CBKTBAL. Lasts R. i 5 p. m and 7 40 am. ' ' Arrire 7 80.8. m. and 4 40 p. m. C. CL 8HRLBT DITI8I01J. Leave 8. 15 a. m., and arrive 5.40 p. m. 1 MAILS i xmkral Dklitskt. Opens 8 00 a m.: clef e 6 0i p . MONIT iKDKB D PABTMINT Openi 9 00 ft. K l se fi on i). m. -- Index to New Advertisements ., - - Charlotte Oil Co Cctton seed wanted Robert Steele rare chance sfor in vestment. '- 1 Charlotte Oil Co Cotton seed meal for sale. .. , Indications: South Atlantic States, slightly warmer generally fair weather, east to south winds, lower barometer followed by local rains. LUC AX RIPPLE. The blow of the cotton compress is now heard without intermission, day or night. The handsome display of delivery wagons on our streets reoeived an ad dition yesterday in Mr. D. M. Rigler's bread wagon, brand new from the fac tory in New Jersey. It is a stylisk look ing rig. The stables about the city are being filled with Texas mustangs. The drover sold 18 yest-rday and has other sales in soak for to-day None of the ponies are tra'ned and they are priced at from $45 to $65. Elijah Connor and Horace Jones, had a fighi with rocks in a colored gambling den on College street yesterday morn ing. They were arraigned before the aayor. who heard what they had jo say and them fined them 812.50 each. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, of Wi -mington, is to deliver his popular ad dress on " he Cemetery of the Sea," next Monday night at the Lutheran church in this city. The proceeds of the lecture are to go towards the liqui dation c f the parsonage debt. Mr. Ro. Chambers, of the firm of Chambers & Co., has gone ea6t to pur chase some fine vehicles, and amongst them will be as fine a hearse as ever run in North Carol'na. On his return he will go west and put in a new supply of horses, and will have their stables second to none. Mr. Geo. Murr, of Joncord created a ripple, on the .streets yesterday with his team of cream horses, which he drove two in the lead and one in the shafts. The horses are the property of Warren C. Coleman, and he has been offered $250 apiece for them. They will be exhibited at the colored people's fair in Raleigh next week. -Mr. G. W.' Caldwell, of Query's Posto trice this county, came in ester day with the prize beet It is an im mense vegetable, of the Henderson Pineapple variety, and when Mr. Cald well pulled it. a hole laree enough for a fence post was left in the ground. Don't Bay we lie the beet is to be seen at the Observer office. A Dennv catcher has been onened in one of Col. Brown's new storp rmmn opposite the Charlotte Hotel, in the -hape of an art exhibit Among the things shown is a view of a Swiss vil lage. with the people . going about the streets as in everv dav life. Small bovs blocked the pavement last ciht waiting ior me snow to open. A test of th new nrocosa of throw- ing water was made with the Hornet engine yesterday afternoon and resulted most satisfactorily. The engine is placed -ome distance from the plug and a line oi nose is run irom tne plug to the engine and another line from the engine to the fire. This plan relieves the pressure on two-thirds of the hese and throws a stronge and more reliable siream. The horse attached to Mr. Ed Rin- tels' dray wagon came tearing up Tryon street in a wild runaway yesterday, but was stopped in front of the Buford House by the daring and dash of Jim mie Newcomb, the Western Union mes senger boy, who leaped upon the wagon, and gathering up the reins, checked the horse. This would have won Jim a medal in New York. A Talented Y nng Composer. Miss Lucy Wrision, a young lady of this city aed only 12 years, whose re markable developmem of musical talent has won her many compliments from musical critics in Charlotte, has further surprised them by composing a piece of music of real beauty and of undoubted excellence and merit Her musical achievements are really wonderful in one so young. The piece which she has composed is so h ghly thought of as a musical production that Dr. Bidez has expressed his intention of setting it to music and having it published. Death of an Aged Lady. Mrs. Sarah D. Craice. one of the old est, Isuiieft of Manklnnburc r.ountv. died O T at the residence of her son-in-law. Mr. A G. Reid. in Providence township last Sunday. Mrs. Craige was in her 83rd year For more than fifty years past she has been an earnest and devoted member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. She was a good old lady and has m ny friends in Mecklenburg-county and in South Carolina, who will be grieved to learn tnat sne is no more. ales of Real Estate. There were two sales of real estate at the court house door yesterday and it is infanutina aa s h win c thrt difference in the value of land near to and distant from the city. A tract of three acres, Known as the Sam'l. L. Grose property , located Ontral Railroad near the city, wan sold by Col. Jno L. Brown and brought $4UU. xne nom? eieau Sam 1 Knox, deceased, located in Steele Creek townshiD and comprising 121 acres was sold for - about $1,000. The 'a Anxoar yvf AO tkf.TPA WAS SOld for $540 and the remaining 61 acre was sold at $16.50 per acre. - For Parents of the Graded Scnool Boys. Mr. John Hall, yardmaster, of tho Richmond and Danville road and who hai charge of the switching of train from one side of the city to the other, has been greatly annoyed lately by the i a ..knni Wsvna wVirka- rvnrnifitenCV in jumping on the moving trains ana "cwttinir ft ride." is being carried to a UnnaTe ..nf Vfr. Hall has driven them from his cars repeatedly but tney pay no attention to him; ana ne asxe u to appeal to their parents to keepthenx r jfwnA it-hm ara: Tt is an'exCeed ingly dangerous : practice arid ? parents are sure that this article calling trieir attention to the matter is all .thattwiUj k Arm.n-t nfc THrhmond aaVB thaif jhmbnd says thaKif r.rtfl win tAkA a bath 'in' hot- whiskey rjr'r-:r- . . ii... ii4ii.'i:tnnre reuei. 'Wu !-rr'.7ZT and took salt twice , a - yewf knA HorAh ' m TTntil fr'T has tried thii , new remedy M'MfeIiit to le ay: otio to tne oia Bull's cough syrup ,"; and reliable Dr COUHTY AFFAIRS. .rryr. oijuommUMOners Juwmn Appointed. Etc y CThe board of county commiasionen m regular monthly session yester day. -4 Present, Chairman a rdrey and Commissioners Oates. Whitley. Brown, and Moms. The following names were drawn to serve as jurors for the Inferior courti tQ bo held on the third Monday in November, 17th day: i -M. L. avis, D. W. Campbell,' W. M. YT!? J J- Sims, B. Brown, H. A. Walker, D. T. Campbell" H.' M. Cashion, W. H. Goodrum, Jn; W:tC Alexander, J.F. Alexander, J: H. Bie-V,-. McAlexahdar, M. A. Alexan der, S. M; Asbury, E. V. Starnes. C P. Elliott, R. F.- Simpson, M. B Swann. Henry Hunter, J..M. Berry hill, W. r!" Jons, pavid Norman, J. B. Hayes, C. A. Riglor R, C. Alexander, R. L. Querv , J. B. Thomasson. J. F.. Grady, A washam. v 1 ; J. A. Wilson, P, J Sample and W. B. Pai ks, school committee in District No. 47, Long Creek Township, reported that an election -was held in said district (white race) on October 6th, 1883, for the purpose pf levying an additional tax for school purposes under a recent act of the Legislature, at which election said measure was defeated. . Tlie board ordered that the trustee of Clear Creek Township? bo authorized to assign handstand keep in repair the road leading from Henderson & Bon's Store to Flow s gin house !T J. Harvey Tay lor , J.R. Baker andW. Houston Taylor were appointed a com mittee to let out to the lowest bidder and superintend the erection of abridge over the- creek on . the Lawyer's road, near Wils n Wallace, and report their action to the board with ot of erection. School District No. 24, lear Creek, was divided as follows: Commencing at the ford of the branch near J. WT Swearingen's . house and running to the ford of Clear Creek at A C Flows. E. H. Williams, J. E. Lemonds and M. A. DulirT, committee for District No. 24. J.D. Helms, G. W. Flow a id R. E. Biggera. committee for District No. 90. The school committee of District Jo. 58, Morning Star Township, having re ported that they are unable to obtain a school house site for the colored race, either by .gift, pnrchase or otherwise, the board ordered that Richard Forbes, J. vv. Hood and J. W Morris be. a com mittee to condemn not more than one acre of ununprovectland in said district and assess the "cash value thereof and report their action to the board on the first Monday in December next; ' Ei vy . Lyies tendered his resignation as school committeeman in District No. 78, Charlotte Township, arid R. B. Trot ter was appointed in his stead. The following payments were ordered to be made by the county treasurer: H.; J. NorriB, building bridge Over Suga, creek near Pitieville, $200; J.'RvErwin', clerk Superior court, - for stationery for office to date, $16 25; J. K. Erwin, clerk Superior court, on account of cost in the case of the State vs. Felix Wilson, for murder,. Spring Term Superior court, 1883, $115; Elias & Cohen, for ticking, plaids and sheeting, furnished f or nse of inmates at poor house to date, $16.59; J. H. McClintock. Superintendent Pub lie Instruction, for 3 days office, work and 3 days public examination during the month of October, $12; T. R. Magill, for provisions furnished inmates at poor house for September and October, $63.63. Thos. Black, for making two coffins for paupers, Francis Rea and Bella Phifer, coloied paupers, October, 1883, $4; Thos. Johnston, on account of capitation tax erroneously listed against him in Crab Orchard Township. 18-3, $i.72; Wittkowsky & Baruch, for 36 pair of blankets for jail, September, 1883, $S1- Wittkowsky & Baruch, for 40 yards shirting and 47 yards plaids for inmates at poor house, $5.94; R. A. Grier, for 650 feet post eak plank for public road, $7 86; A. F. Yandle, for hire of labor at poor house du ing the month of October $12 40, and 74 pounds beef 35.55 $17.9; D. A. Johnston, for 20 cords of wood for poor house, $30: Plummer & Bennett, for 70 lbs beef for poor house, $4.90; H C. Eccles, proprie tor Central Hotel, for feeding jury in the Shields' trial, as per order Judge Gil mer, fc97 50; H. C Eccles, proprietor Central Hotel, for feeding jury in the Washam case, as per order Judge Gil mer, $26; M. E. Alexander, for sum monsing 72 regular jurors, Fall Term Superior court, $62.60; R. D Whitlev for W. B. Parks, for 1,047 feet oak lum berfor Beattie's Ford road, $13.11; S. Craig, for pipe, elbow, plumming, c for jail water supply, $1.74; J. P, Strong, editor Home and Democrat, for adver tising $5; M E. Alexander, sheriff, for feeding prisoners in county jail for Oct, 1883. $211 10; Brown & Weddington, for hardware and tinware for jail, $10.05. Brown & Weddington, for seal for coum v commissioners and tools for cleaning court house yard, $16.35;' Jas. Harty. broom for court nouse, otc : L,. Berwanger & Bro clothing for prison ers in jail, $4.50; Brown & Weddington, hardware for poor house, $16.82. Two New Engines Wrecked. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad Company purchased two new engines and put them on the road ' last week. Friday evening tney made tneir first trip, and a disastrous one it was, too. By some blunder, ene of tne en gines was left standing on the main track at a point near the Gulf, and the other engine pulling a train of cars came along and crashed into it. Nobody was hurt, but the two engines wore seriously broken and battered up. Bad luck, for the C. F., & Y. V. R R.. but it may prove a good lesson to the company in the future. SOME UMBRELLA. X Proposition to Protect the City ol Baenos Ajeru, Tirr darman mfifihanieal ensrineers haTe sent to the municipality of Bue nna Avrs the following proposal to cover the city with an umbrella: "Mr. Intendent Aware oime spir it of rjreeress of the Intendent of the Municipality of Buneos Ayres, we propose to construct with all undoubt edly be a convei.ience an umurtjua to cover this hon- orable capital, with the object of pro tecting iu UUriUg IUO liuu ou uiu hrAlla of every nrofit ito t-and that will make this city the most remarkable in the universe. npha hoBo nr foot of the umbrella will be placed in the Piazza de Lorea and tnencen wiuiiiiu poo"oi vxj the pier, westward to Almagro, north ward to faiermo ana suuiuwaiu w the Plaze Constitution. ..... , n i ua f.t. nr hflnfi of the said um brella will be 670 feet in diameter arid have the height of 1,500 feet; the ribs will be cast iron ana ox muues ux w cumference and be placed eight feet apart. It will hoist upwara uppn tne ; yt :i..;i!K,ii.n Thai n. system oi .aariiicui"o" w. ;n i aA nf wrought iron one and one-half inches thick, of the best make that is, oi tne iroo. uxmi u3 . a -.;woriob-in of Prussia. ; xterr jxi - ... "When hoisted, the umbrella wjU. . nnA a half wide iana- around it will be a canal communica- ting with tne, ruyer x away the water that might inundate e ppo44nte, Mrs7w, Bourn- hoter ana j out i- , jr-r" - "f nir.-r' ftava ... J it bver reaay . to &xPU'ir "Fiaua. Ohio, aavi: laarked Pinf . la deciaeoiy oenencuu. .; - rtUu..J.y dm y without HS:1T- ' it is impruucuK i ' jv, z cobs Oil, lot pain Nine Jfecroes Dead the Wonaded Im proving and All Qniet Latest Re ports from the Seene of the Distmb- ances."- '' t :-y . ....It ' -. -: The riot that orjenrred In TSanvtiia Saturday afternoon, mention of which 8EEVEB, was even more serious than at first jrenorted. Threo dead in the street; and it was known tnat - several " others were mnrtn.t i wounded. but itwiu nnt morning that the real loss 6t life was soiuTrii. razaeaa negroes n trmnA various parts of thacitv. tnnVino- total killed nm& -Twenty-eight were wounded: Mr. ; Walters Holland, the young white man who received the aist bullet fired., is the son of Mr. C! n tti. land, one of the weplihieat mnn in no. ville, He was shot in? the head, and though nis condition is still critical, he was y ester dav rerjorted to ha nlio-htiv improved. All Saturday night the Dan- viUe Grays guarded the city, and men were to be found at every street corner with (runs in their hand. Tha noA.. had made threats of burning the town, and great uneasiness prevailed, some of the citizens even fearing la massacre-of tne wnites it was a wrv mM .imi. i ny, i;ui ids peopie acted coolly and wiMi greac aecermination. All the stores were locked ud and th themselves and prepared to defend their 1 T- .11 - nwmes. uanvnie s escape from the torch that night was entirely due to the de termined preparations of the citizens for defending the city. The negroes all witnarew irom tne streets, and not a. ne-le one was to be seen the balancA nf the nieht. It was ascertained tlia nm-rt. morning that all through the night the , m . juKru remamea Danaea togetner. and were several times on the point of mak ing war upon the city with knife and torch, but their courare. fortnn&tAlv for them, rwas not strong enough to bear il - ' imem out in une undertaking. On the train that arrived At t)anvi11 from Richmond Saturday night were the Governor's Horse Guards, of At- lanta. on their return hnm from t.hA Richmond fair, and the captain of the uuuiouj uucreu iiicir Bcr vioca to ine city, but the offer was thankfully de clined, as it was not thought that they would be needed. o INCIDENTS OF THE SKJEMISH. When the neero shofc Mrl "Rnl land th Democrats who wereihoTflrnir n. moaftner in the theatre heard there Was a conflict on the streets and came - rushinar down 1 1L. .J ' 't.L l - '.- ? "wio mtj parues naa gatnerea.. in a crowd nAar nn.' nf ih ' imru TVia negroes to the number of two, hundred and fifty, it being Saturday evening, formed in a crowd near by. . What fol lowed we -give on the" authority of the iucnmonaxnspatcn: ristola were drawn bv some on hrthh sida a.h'd enmo nt tV. negroes, approaching the whites, called a LiCtLi - j i - uut. onoot, aamn youi we naa as well settle this now aa anv othor timm " Just then the order to fire was given by someDoay in tne crowa,v ine firing com menced on both sides, and the streets were quickly cleared,, , the negroes run ning off in several .directions and some firing as they retiried -The negro. . who shot Walters Holland ran off and Mnanod in the confusion that - ensued, and no arrests were made. All the stores were immediately closed and the people were going about with weapons in their 1 J mi- - , , i 1 1 . . nanus, xne aiarm oeu was rung, tne Grava muaterad tindur armn nnri f.hair tiei-geant (Wood) commanded the people V ' . . 1 Ml " , . in tne name oi tne uommonweaitn to go to their homes. Some said in a loud tone, "We will," and all went but the Grays and some accepted volunteers. The Grays, under Orders of Mayor John Rtrni. n nn dntv mn thnwir.raota mnA a " 1 " J " WW WMN V. number ef volunteers with them, some mounted. Tne negroes in Danville held hicr ment.insra Ravprnl timps rA.nt.lir and have been addressed by several of their orators. An address was made there to thm TiVidav niffht'hir Sims wVii-Vi the whites understood to be very de nunciatory, ine outn Boston anair has also made some impression there. It was plain Saturday morning that trouble was near bv. and nrudent men were at preheusive. Passengers who arrived on tha train yesterday afternoon report all quiet in i- .mi. i , . - ., twuvuie, bu. .ne citizens are sou on imard. Th elct-irn nccnrn thmr t.rt-dav but ne more trouble is anticipated . Hotel Arrival. Btjpoed House. E. Wolf, New York, James Jastrids. Pittsburg, Pa: J. H. James, T. J. Morgan, Salisbury, N; C;R. E. Bragg, Washington, D. U; J. U. Woo- ten, J. W. Grape, F. C. Smith, Cincin nati, U; J. J. rCansom, Atlanta; W. 1. Branch, Kicmnond, va; M. J. Myers, N. C; S. N. Dykeman, E. D. Snew. Atlan ta; Jee P. Myers, N. C; F. A. Gentry, Charlottesville, Va; K. r. Beck. C; Milton S. Brown. Salisbury, N. C; E. H. Lea, T. H. Grubbs, New York; A. Blvthe, Greenville, S. (J: J. A. Gee, Richmond, Va; D. P. Chanlder, Atlanta; John Craig, Montgomery, Ala; John 3t. Bryce, Willis Pegram, T. m. Kankm, U. F. Preston, N, C; J. M. James, Salis bury, N. C; E. F. Young, Winston, rJ. C; John Atwell, N. C; F. R.Sargent Washington. D. C;F. M. Van Pelt, At lanta; John a Klodgett, Atlanta; J. T. Davis. N. C; D. A. Tompkins, Pitts burg, Pa; W. S. Mallory, .Norfolk, Va; Joseph Bishop and wife, Miss A. Epa sin J Lovell, Richmond, Va; V. W. Duval, Washington. D. C; J. A. Black, Black's Station, S. U: L. . leavett,J Gaffneys, S. C; D. A. Shumate. . L. Harris, Atlanta; R. H. Lnvercombe. N. C, W. W. Rankin, Statesville, N. C; R. F. Grier, N. C; J. F. Rogers, Moores- ville, N. C; A. Anderson, J L. WTalthal, Washington, D. C: Pride Jones, Hills- boro, N. G; S W. Owen, Baltimore; P. Pitz. Garabaldi, N; C; W. Gait, S. C. Stovatl, Atlanta; J.' O. Rosseau, N. C: H. B. Wallerstein, F. D. Alexander, Julius Schiff, J. T. Butler, 8. Johnson, N; C. Central Hotel. W. P. McGehee, Raleigh, N. C; E. F. Young, Winston, N. C; J. A. Gleason, Danville, Va.; A. W. Klutz, Salisbury, N. C.; J A. Brown, Greenville, N. C; F C Smith, Cincinnati, O.; John A. Gee. Richmond, Va.: Cnas H. Phifer, Concord, N. C; Col A. T. TJzzle, Raleigh, N. C.; R. A. McLean, Gaston county; J. I. Alder man, Wilmington, N. C. ; D, M. Renne, Wilmington, N.'C; F. Wads worth, S. H. Varbell, Boston; Wm. Powell, South Carolina; J. W. Bulla, Washington, D. C; A. G. Gower, Richmond,; Va. ; J. M. Grier, North Carolina; John R. Hall, Philadelphia; W. J. McDermdtt, Mem- plus, ivnn.; I. u. stoney, augusta, va.; Thos. M. Pittman, North Carolina; J. O. Stewart, South Carolina: J. W. Wins- low, Atlanta, Ga.; W. E. Gibson, wasn ington, D. C.; Thos. G. Collins, Sandy Plains -N.-C; : J. A. - Lillington, States mllfe. N.' C.i Fletcher R. Harris. Hen- aersori: N.' CT; W. L. SherrUl, Dallas, N. C; J. H. MCLelland, Statesville, N C. ; M. Melcher Cabarrus county; k. w. Freeze, Mooresville, N. C.;,J. A. Aber riethy, Mount Holly, N. C. ; J. G Hood, Davidson College; Thos. Grier, North Carelina: Abraham Gruber, New York City: Thos. H. HiU, Philadelphia;, Dr. Reid, W. E. Ardry, Mecklenburgv Wa?t ren Hill. Boston. Mass, ; HyderRatteree, JBook-sHm'S, G4 Mrsv W. H.Houia, jnester, b.-u. ; w. j.wrrv xuunmona, Vav, W B. Jennings, RookrHill,. S C: J. BT. Finch, Atlanta. Ga.; O. M. Webb, Jti: Shelby; N; O. ; Jas. p. Hamlett, Mount Holly, N. 'C.;1 Mr. George-K. Tate and three children, Mountain Is- ;0. it'SL'Ai Yotfng.lJ.. Ifarris, Ruther- fordtoniN. G.; Rev. ueoxge u cooki, co'lege, Hatttsxf tt . Coloeo'tftquidBeef wt-afciwst. rnnt is unsoroaewd Tor tema'.e com. plaints (T&ke no fitter: 01 -drasgtea . K-J-f?,..r.Wlii VMM. v .,. -: Jews out rats, mice,' roaches, flies, arts. bedbugs, ,8xnnut f cnipmunlcs. gophers. X3e. JJrmggista. -t Korth Carolina: ueorgfJCiK.iteao, Au ' ' from KmTnnt lbnon. nrett'dent manual "DIED. . Mrs. Sarah D. Craige, in Providence township, at the residence of her eon-in-law A G. Eeid, Eaq., in the 83r year of her age. She was a member of the As sociate Reformed Presbyterian church for mere than fifty years. , ' N.' C. Presbyterian and Lancaster, a C, papers please copy. gurSoSi W eplxlga wttto Glenn's Mu; Hair and Wkbkr D. Boa.' i , S. duerttsemmts. FOR SALE. Cotton Seed Meal for feeding or fertilizing, in quantities to suit purchasers. The best feed for cattle ever sold, being worth twice as much as corn meal. novSdtf CHARLOTTE OIL CO. . M W W A All US T BEB DDD S We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 80 Eaunds for good sound cotton seed, de yeredatour mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered at any sta tion on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads of ten tons and above; we1 paying freight on same. Or we will give one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange being of great value to the farmer should be taken advantage of. one ton of meal being worth much more for feeding or fertilizing than two tons of seed. CHARLOTTE OIL CO. , novdawtf Charlotte, N. C. A Wm (Mice for iavestment For the purpose of increasing the ma chinery a limited number of shares of the capital stock of the Roberdel Manu facturing Company can be obtained on favorable terms. This is a new mill, favorably situated, near the village of Rockingham, N. C, with fine water power, new machinery, and everything of modern and first-class appointment. The mill will start up an early day.. For further particulars address - t t , ROBERT STEELE. Proprietor, novfidlw Rockingham N. C. FsOM THE StWJTH A Perfect ComblPHtlott with, two Sillent Advantages- Wlhylt Concerns Ton. ". "There is no mistake about it, "re marked Dr. M. F. Flowers, of Gallantiri, Missouri, " BENSON S CAPCINE PORr OTJS PLASTERS are one of the neatest combinations ever produced. Thev have two kinds of advantages overall others,' which we may call the miner arid ma jor. First, they are clean and pleasant to nse, never soiling the hands nor the linen of the wearer. Second, they act quickley and powerfully a 1 have tried tbe Capcine Plaster on my .elf for pneu monia, and on my patients for various diseases, such . as Neural ia, muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, Kidney trouble, etc-, and in all cases relief has followed in from tiireetoforty-e.ghth hours." Dr. Flower merely voices, the written or oral opinion of thousands in his pro fession. BENSON'S CAPCINE POR OUS PLASTERb are the perfect exter nal application. The genuine have the word CALCINE cut in the center. Price 25 cents. Vi l f sthttics, (4 designs). Some. thing good. Mailed on re ceipt of 6 cents in stamps. Hkarnn & Go , P. O. Box, 1487, N. Y. a A MONTH and BOARD for 3 live young Men or Ladies, in each county. Address P.W. Ziegler, & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WITHOUT A TEACHER I Sonper's Instantaneous Guide to Keys of Piano and Organ. Price 81. Will teach any person to play 20 pieces of music in one ; day. You couldn't learn it from a teacher in a month for $20. Try it and be convinced. Sample copy will be mailed to any ad dress on receipt of 2d onts in stamps by Hearne & Co., Pnblishers, P. O. Box 1487, New York, DAI? IV Burns, 50o. Byron. 50c. Mrs I W U 1 it Browning, 55c, Campbell, 40c, Chaucer, 60., Coleridge. 60., Cow per. 60.. Dante, 50., Dryden, 50., Goethe, 70c, Goldsmith, 50.. Hemans, 50., Iliad and Odyssey, 70c, Hood, 50o , Ingelew, OUc , Keats, 40c, Meredith, OUo., Milton, 50c, Moore, 60c, Pope, 50c, Poe, 40c Schiller. 40c. Scott, 50., Tennyson, 60c, Virgil, 45., and others,. Fine cloth binding. Sent for examination before payment on evidence of good faith. Catalogue free. Not sold by dealers. John B. Aliin, Publisher, 18 Yesey St., New York. 15. 16 and 17. '5 AILANTA WMM FESTIVAL ! Five Performances. Change (f Programme Every Tim. CHEAP EXCURSIONS From Charlotte daring the Festival. 350 Musicians on the stage at once! Mam moth Cnorus anu Grand Orchestra Miss Letitia Fritch, the celebrated Prima Donna. Mr. J. Levy, the world-renowned cor net Virtuoso. Miss Bessie Pierce, tke beautiful S prano. ' Alfredo Barili, the eminent Pianist and Composer. , - Carl Sentz, the distinguished Director. Greatest Musical Event that ha Ever Occurred In the South. AUGUST DOEPP, nov2-8-9. Manager. DlSSOLDTiOiN OF COFAHTNMIP. The firm of Sifford & FreelkskirferteTy Ani-nir huainnnn a.t tViA enrttSr at Chnrch vand Trade Btreetfwas dissolved by mu tual consenr on the lat dav or Movent - terlSSSj Mr. J. G. Freeland having- 'bought , the entire stocK oi goods on hand: and assumed all debts due bvthe lat firm ,A1 6bts,due up are payable t : , .... i R.: J SIFFORD& V i '- v" J , Q. FREELAND. - if I' can be found "hereafter in mv new 'store opposite tke Chaiiotte Hotel, where X snail oe juau w see my uiu means ana cuitomers. : j. u. xxuliuxaAjxu. ;n4t4diw.t -, v . , -. ' " c lottOQ '. .. ' J.I '.? . . - " 'K .. . . , .-J AND- LOW Bale id Every lepartment. IEj. X). Laitta fe Bro, KhELY MOTOR m INTO OBLIVION! Ghickering & Son Win the Laurels ! ! ALL THE MUSICALS ABE CRaZY HAPPY AND MMITH'S HDS1C HOUSE CONTROLS, THE MUSICAL MOTOR ! M ...a " TT h "I1?1111 IIIM1'" g C " - a -.I s i . ... , ?i i!f C - I ft " MSN 1 McSmith Music House. Brunch of Ludden Sc Bates. PIANOS AND ORGANS. One Price to All. Easy Everything In. the World that In Mnaical can be Found at McSMITH'S, CHARLOTTE, I. C. "Send fot Catalogues,'lnf ormation and Priees. A FEW Colored Csameret, cUe .p tban rou can boy taea. Buiutlful Dress Goodi at 12 eenU. TIanneU, Waterproofs and Coaklocs. ... - " At TSIMMING "SILK IN COLOUR AT, :HALFFJIICE. ; pf ti; ;!. .V 1- .. - l a many other nalD. at ; , .;. i : , MB;1 3ER & TROTTER'S. ; Cloaks 6. .... , 1 J SBle(Btti(iDnnso PRICES CIIABE.6TTE. If. 9, Terms. Lawest Prices. A. HALES, PraeticdWalctak aad Daalcr ia . WATCH M, CLOCK JCWBLBT. SPtC- Kite add D-ffloult Watch Bs . art g a epectmtr ; worki r5 promBUrclone and warranted ' ifir iMlm nutntlia. Lmmm feptSOdftiftf CSenlriU Hotel Volldin, Trade at. i. x STOCK, J0F Gpeceries, Coiilctionries r ANCY -GOODS; Ul 111 kMUUUM. W Uu U9 OiJ!?'1? w BEST 'X' ' i

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