Y - ' ' 1 '" ' m t in xy jl , p r l'O OO . (KimtBD ATTKS HUKWIOl AT CH4BL0RB, R. 1 . A3 -SitOOWB xabb YUttxb 1 THE RESULT. The election returns which we print this morning leave no doubt as to the result of Tuesday's elections, although there are full returns from few of the States, and but meagre returns from some, but enough is known to leave no doubt as to the result. The Republicans have carried New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massa chusetts, Minnesota and Nebraska, while the Democrats have carried New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and Mississippi. Of these the Democrats hoped to carry New York, while Mas sachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsyl uania, Nebraska and Minnesota, it was conceded would poobably be car ried by the Republicans. In New York the Democrats had a candidate for Secretary of State who was op posed by the liquor interests on ac count of his prohibition record, and seems to have been opposed by num bers of Catholics, for some reason. The Democracy of Pennsylvania was handicapped by a legislature which failed to meet popular expectation, and which has sat in extra session several months doing nothing at an enormous cost to the people. The Republicans were hopeful of carrying Maryland on account of party dissensions among the Demo crats, also New Jersey, and felt quite confident of carrying Virginia where Mahone had all the aid the Washing ton administration could give.' Their disappointment at losing Virginia is great because it retires Mahone from the Senate and puts a Democrat in his place. All in all the Democra cy have nothing to complain at over the result, although we had hoped for a better report from New York, which unfortunately is burdened with John Kelly. SHOOTING IN STAUNTON Tvr Negroes Shot by a White Man, aad a Narrow Escape from a General Raw. Staunton, Va., Nov. 7. Two ne groes were shot here yesterday by a white" man named Croghan. One is dangerously hurt but the other only slightly. There was intse excitement occasioned by the shooting and great erowds of whites and blacks gathered and things looked threatening when the mayor arrived and appealed to the people to disperse quietly. He said that from all he could learn the shoot ing was entirely improvoked and that Croghan be punished to the full ex tent of the law. He asked both races to act peaceable and assured them that there should be no bulldozing about the polls. If any attempts were made to interfere with voters all the power of the city should be exercised to protect every man in his rights. His speech shad a most happy effect and both crowds dispersed. Good feeling was restored and voting pro ceeded quietly. The mayor refused to bail Crogan in any amount and committed him to jail for trial. It is impossible to obtain reliable particu lars of the affair. There was no pre vious difficulty between the men and no angry words were passed. The Democrats claim that the shooting was accidental and those of the op posit party attribute it to drunken ness and the feeling occasioned by the Danville riot. With this exception the day was very quiet and a tre mendous vote polled. Maryland. Democratic, bat Somewhat Uncomfort ably Mixed. Baltimore, Nov. 7. The official majority for McLane in this city 7,923. His estimated majority in the State is 12.000. Roberts, dem., for Attorney-Genei al runs ahead of McLane, and Turner, dem., for comp troller, acout even with McLane. Of 13 Senators, the Democrats elect 2 in the first and third districts of this city and one in Bal timore county. Carroll, . Frederick, Howard, Queen Ann, Washington and Wiconee counties, making nine, and the Republicans elect senators in Anne Arundel, Kent and Somerset, all these being Repub lican gains, and consequently Demo cratic loss. The Democrats gained Senators in Frederick and Washing ton counties. This with five Demo cratic and eight Republican Senators holding over will make the Senate stand 14 Democrats and 11 Republi cans with Calvert county from which no returns have been received, yet to be heard from. The House of delegates will be Democratic by probably 20 or more majority. MAHONE 8 II ELY ED. Tirtiaia's Democratic Majority 18,000 Richmoaa Wild with Delight. Richmond, Va., Oct. 7. Prominent Readjusters here have given up the contest. There is no doubt but that the Democrats have elected a majority in both branches of the Legislature. They now claim a majority of three in the Senate and of twenty in the House, which will give them a majority of 23 on joint raFot. This insures election of Democratic United States Senator as successor of Ma hone. If Democratic gains continue to increase at the same rate as those already received, the Democratic popular majority will reach 18,000. The wildest excitement prevails here. The scene in front of the Dis patch office this afternoon was the most remarkable ever witnessed in Richmond. The street was blocked with an immense mass of people, and business was almost entirely suspend ed. Speaker after speaker was called upon, who responded in congratula tory and stirring : addresses, which created unbounded enthusiasm. This went on for several hours. Coldi yield to onion, like magic, but Dr. Bull s cough syrup is still , better and ty far more-agreeable means of axing a cold or cough You can bny a Donie for 25 eents at .any drug store, and. we are sure it will da the work ev ery time. Latest From itew Jersey Trkntow, N. J., Nov 7.-FuUer re turns from various counties arear ' riving this morning but many of the interior counties can as , yet only be estimated. Abbett s majority appears Jo be steadily increasing. : The Tren ton Times in a carefully prepared ta ble of actual and " estimated returns rives ' Abbett ..t 5,600 majority. The Republicans will have three majority in the 'Senate ' and ;the -Democrats seven in the house, this will give the Democrats - a majority . of four on joint ballot. . - -v; J r v i. doctor at Richmond says, that if people will take a bath in hot whiskey &Prock salt twice a year they wifl wrercatch a cold. UntU;somebody has tried this new ffnjwewovto St' Stick to the old and reliable Dr. CaMiusbiynzp. v ' 7 - W ' X,-.,tl-- O'DON NELL'S COUNSEL. The Tkaaaerer Don't Think America Coaasel can appear la the cast - - London, October 7. The Turn s dis cussing the proposal to allow Ameri can counsel to defend O'DonnelL says to give audience to foreign counsel is novelty in England, and that no ground has been shown for making an exception in this case. It may be said without disparaging che ability of the American lawyers who offer their services, that the prisoner's case will not suffer in the hands of his English counsel. It is not probable that Gen. Prior will be debarred from giving to O'Donnell all possible assis tance short of taking public part in the conduct of the case. More than this cannot be permitted consistently with the principles of our legal system, which in this respect resembles that of most of the American States. New Orleans Cotton Statement. New Orleans, Nov. 7. The report oi the National Cotton Exchange for the month of October, made up by C. H. Parker, Secretary, is as fol lows: Port receipts, this year, 1,382,526; last year, 1,293,578. Total overland, this year, 13,340; last year, 120 288. To mills, this year, 95,585 ; last year, 57 441. To ports, this year, 18,723 ; last year, 44 649. In Transit, this year, 19,032; last year, 18,198. To Canada, this year, 4,276; last year, 6,551. Exports to Great Britain, this year, 240,573; last year, 399,338. Exports to France, this year, 103, 143 ;last year, 85,111. Exports to the Continent, this j ear, 244,589; last year, 166,931. Exports to channel ports, this year, 5,125; last year, none. At sea between ports, this year, 46,016; last year, 35,912. Total takings of Northern spinners, this year, 327,408; last year, 228,612. Stock at ports at the close of Oct., this year, 746,741; last year, 560,635. Year before last the total overland for September and October was 113, 983. and during same time spinners takings amounted to 333,469. Alter the Cyclone Rebuilding their Rmned Homes Springfield, Mo., October 7. One death occurred yesterday among the victims of the tornado. Several oth ers are in a very critical condition, and Bome will die. About $2, 500 was raised to-day for the relief of the injured and destitute, and all are being well cared for. The work of rebuild ing has been going on all day. Car penters are repairing the damaged houses and preparing material for new onesin place of those destroyed. About forty families are homeless and destitute and many moro materi ally damaged in their property. Many of those who lost their nouses were employees of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, and Capt. Rogers, general manager of the road, is fur nishing material to all of them to rebuild, giving them their own time in which to make payments. Boiler Silent, Disappointed bat Com placent Boston, Mass., Nov. 7. Gen. But ler, has refused to be intervieved and will make no statement concerning his def dat which he accepts compla cently, although he acknowledges that it was unexpected. The returns in this State are complete wit a the exceptions of one town. Robinson's total vote is 160.161; Butler's total vote is 150,074. Almy, 1,553. Robin son over Butler 10,087. Slain by a Jealous tlanband. Galveston, Texas, October 7. A special to the News from Luling, Tex as, says that 8 miles from here, a daughter of Rev. Mr. Newton was shot and killed by her husband, ht-r heart's blood spurting into bread she was making for him He pretended that his wife had committed suicide, but to-day confessed that he killed her. Jealousy was the cause of the murder. The Freneb in Tcnquin. Paris, Oct 7. It is announced that the French forces have occupied Son tay and Boc-nirh in Tonquin. MARKETS B f TELEGBAf... NOVEMBER 7,188a! Produce. Baltimore. If von. FJour steady; Howard Street and Western Superfine $3. 50a 83 75; Extra 3.7&a$4.75; Family $5 00b5 75; City Mill S iperflne S3. 00a $1.75: do. Extra S4.00aS8.25; Rio bran us $5 75a$f ,00. Wheat Southern firmer and active: Western hither; Southern red Sl.10atl.13; do. amber $1.1251.17; No. 1 Maryland SLUiaSl. 4i; No. 2 Western winter red spot and NoTember Sl.07iaS108 Corn Southern higher; Western higher closing dull. Southern white 55a57t; do yellow new 45a60. Baltimore. Night. Oat Stead y ; Southern 8Sa37; Western white SaS7; mixed t3a34; Pennsylvania 84a37. Pro visions steady ; mesa pork $13.50. Bulk meats shoulders aad clear rib tides paeked 6a7f. Bacon shoulders 61: clear rib sides ftt; hams 15al6. Lard refined t. Coffee nom'l; Bio cargoes, ordinary to fair. Ilial2. Sugar quiet; soft 81; copper refined quiet at 141a 14. Whisker-steady at 91.18afl.18i. Freights dull. Chicago. iVigftf. Flour steady. Reg ular wheat irregular, excited and higher at 971 for November. Corn unsettled and higher 49)a49 forcash and Novem ber. Oats firm and a shade higher at 281 for cash, 284 for No ember. Pork unsettled but generally higher at Sll.10 for cash, $10.00 for November. Lard irregular and higher at $7 52a$7.5S for cash and November. Nornl Store. Wilmington. Spirits turpentine st'dy at 84. Rosin dull : strained SI- 071 ; good do. $1.12. Crude turpentine steady; hard SI 00; yellow dip and virgin $2.00. Tar firm at 81.60. Charleston. Turpentine nominal at 851c. Rosin dull; strained and good do. $1.15. FImlh1a1. NEW YORK. Exchange .-..4.S li Honey 21a3 Sub-treas balances Gold ..$116,197 4 " Cmrrency t,203 Governments irregular. Four aad a half per cents.... -1.141 Four per cents 1 211 Three per cents ......1.W1 State Bonds steady. Alabama Class A, 2 toe... ... 82 Alabama Class A, small. - 8S Alabama Class B, 5's ..1.00 Alabama Class C, 4's 82 Georgia S's..... - .Jl.Q2l Georgia 7's, mortgages,.. ; ......1.0I Georgia, Gold.' $1.15 Louisiana Consols -.. 731 . U. urown jonsuis .wl.t4 Tennessee 8's......... S3 IQUfttssc Ncr 85 Virginia 38 Virginia Consols. 45 iVirginia, Deferred.............;... 8 'Adams1 Express ...........,., ......i.8i American Express ............ M 311 Chesapeake and Ohio 1$ Eti00 .... -a 83 Chicago and Northwestern.,,... 1 24 Chicago and Northweoiern nref 'd"l4il Chicago St Louis and N. OriSms 88 Consolidated CoaJL . vnan-, , Denver and fcio Orande. ;..... .;..... 24 Erie.......... J..rt 281 last Tennessee..................... 61 Fort Wavne...... 1.82 Hannibal and St Joseph............. 881 Harlem...... ......... ...... ..42 00 Houston and Texas......... ... 48 Illinois Central.. ...1.81 Lake Shore Ml Louisville and Nashville: '.491 Manhattan 'Elerated .... 421 Memphis and Charleston 41 Metropolitan Elevatel... 93 Michigan Central ' til Mobile and Ohio.... 11 Nashville and Chattanooga. - 54 New Jersey Central 841 New Orleans Pacific, lsts M 86 New York Central. . 1,161 New York Elevated. 95 Norfolk and Western preferred...- 42 Northern Pacific common... r 28f Northern Pacific preferred 63f Ohio and Mississippi- ........ 271 Ohio and Mississippi, preferred... 190 Pacific Mail 39 Pittsburg -.1.34 Quicksilver 6 Quicksilver, preferred 301 Reading Ji Richmond and Allegheny 8 Richmond and Danville S7 Richmond and West P't Terminal- 28 Rock Island 1.21 Ft Louis and San Francisco 251 St Louis and S. F , preferred 451 St Louis and S. F., 1st preferred.... 88 St. Paul. 981 St. Paul preferred 1.17 Texas Pacific 2if Union Pacific 881 United States Express 68 Wabash Pacific 20f Wabash Pacific preferred 8" 1 X Wells Farge 1.131 Western Union m 78J Bid. tLastbid. f Offered. J Asked. Coll. New York Dull; sales 180; mid dling uplands 10ic; Orleans 10; consolidated netreceipts 72791 ; exports to Great Britain 16,791; to France 6,902; to continent . Galveston W.eak; middling 10 1-16; low middling fi: good ordinary 91: net receipts 5.563; ro8 receipts 5.563; sales 1,100: stock 94,731; exports coastwise 8,727; to France ; Great Britain ; eontinent . Norfolk Quiet; middling 10 1-16; middling ; net receipts 5.759; gross receipts 5.759; stock 48.934; talos 1.452; exports coastwise 1.051; to Great Bri tain ; to continent . Baltimore Quiet; middling 101; low middling 10; good ordinary 91; net receipts ; gross 685: sales : stock 17.593; exports coastwise ; to Great Britaia ; spinners 380. Boston Steady; iddling 101; low middling 101; good ordinary 91; net re ceipts ; gross 2 404; sales ; stoek 8,485; exports to Great Britain . WnJCNOTON Stead v: mirlrilino- QJ- low middling 91; good ordinary 81; net receipts 1.092; gross 1,092; sales ; stock 21.444; exports coast wise ; Great Britain . Philadelphia Dull; middling 101; iow middling iut: good ordinary tl; net receipts 159; grow 750; stock 10,298; exports to ureat Britain . Savannah Firm; middling 91; iow middling v; good ordinary 9i; net receipts 699: rrou 6.020! sales 4,200; stock 100,61; exports to euuunem : ; cnannel ; coast wise 3,550; Great Britain 6,870. New Orleans Easier; middling 10 1-16; low middling 9 15-1: cond ordi nary 9 9 16: net rec'ts4778; gross 11.129; vaiea v uuu; otock Z4U,3Gl; exports to reat Britain 2,490; contineat , eoastwise 4.513; France 6 902 Mobile Weak; middling 10; low middling 9i: good ordinary ; net receipts 1.098; gross 1,098: sales 1,000: stock 30.778; exports coastwise 751. MEMPHIS Quiet: middling 91- lnw middling 9f; good ordinary 91; Met re eeipts 378; gross 4 233; sales 3,461; suipments 4.500; stock 89.259. Adousta Dull ; middling 9 11-16; low Bsiddling 9 9-16- vood ordinary ; net receipts i.wi; gress-; ; sales 284. Charleston Dull; middling 10; low middling f; good ordinary 9f; set rec ts 4,687; gross 4.SS7; sales 1,500: Stock 91.441: exports to continent -: coastwise 1,011; Great Britain. ; France . Future. x aw loitx net receipts 08; gross ,166. futures closed steady with sales of 91,000 bales, November 10 32a. 00 December 10 48a. 49 January 10 63a. 64 February 10. 78a 00 March 10.92a.93 April 11. 05a. 00 May ll.16a.17 June 11.27a 00 Jaly 11 37a ft8 August ll.46a.47 September ll.21a.25 October IJrerpool Cotton Market. LiVERPOOL,November 7. Ai j n. Spot easier; middling uplands 5 15-16d; Or leans 6 l-16d; sales 10,000; speculation 1.000; receipts 87,000; American 17.400 Uplands iow middling clause Novem ber and December delivery 554-64da5 55 64d : December and January 5 53 64da 5 54 64d : January and February 5 53 64da5 54 64d; February and March 5 55-64da5 56-64d: April and May 5 61-64d a6 2-64d. Futures steady. 1.30 P. M. Sales American 8,050: Up lands low middling clause November delivery 5 58-64d; January and Febru ary 5 55 64d; March and April 5 60 64d; May and June 6 2-64d. 5:00 P. M. Uplands low middling clause December and January delivery 6 53-64d; January and February 5 58 64d; May and June 6 l-64d. Futures closed barely steady. City Cotton Market. Office of The Observer, ) Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 8, 1883. f The ciry cotton market yesterday closed very dull at the following quo tations: Gin Cut 9 Low Middling 9 Strict Low Middling 91 Middling 9 n.16 Strict Middling 91 Good Middling 91 RECEIPTS SINCE SEPTEMBER FIRST. Receipts since Sept. 1 to yesterday. 20.030 Receipts yesterday 218 Total receipts to date 20.243 Receipts same date 1882 18.242 Reeeipt8 same date 1881 8J510 SAFES FOK SALE. I have two first-olass safes for sale one Herring and one Miller will be sold cheap for cash. CHAS. R. JONES. dawtf FfcOH THE SOUTH. A Perfect Combination with two Sillent Advantages Why it Concerns Yon. "There is no mistake about it, "re marked Dr. M. F- Flowers, of Gallantin, Missouri, " BENSON'S CAPCINE POR OUS PLASTERS are one of the neatest combinations ever produced. Tbev have two kinds of advantages overall others, which we may call the miner and ma jor. . First, they are clean and . pleasant to nse, never soiling the hands nor the Wen of the wearer. Second, they act quickley and powerfully. I have tried the Capcine Plaster on my .elf for pneu monia, and on my patients for various diseases, such as. Neural Ja,. Muscular Rheumatism. Lnmbsm. ITidnav fmnKla etc., and in all case relief has followed irom core to rony e.ghtn hours." - - Dr. Flower merely voiees the written or oral opinion of thousands in 'his pro fession. BENSON'S CAPCINE POR OUS PLASTERS are the perfect exter nal application. .The genuine have the word CAPCINE nit In - tha v I , MT NEIGHBOR,1 1 THE DIIXJGGIST. What a wonderful miscellany is displayed on the shelves and the , counters of th store which my neigkbor the druggist keeps ! It is a com mentary on human misery and the relief of distress. What at variety of compounds! What wealth of ingenuity has been expended in making them and Infringing them together ! e There are medicines to cure disease and there are poisons to kill. There are cosmetics to make the complexion teautiful, and there are pills, and plasters, and potions, and lozenges, and pads, and Ointments, and pomades, and salves, and sundries, and soaps and knick-knacks, and perfumes, and toilet essentials, and, in a word a' most everything that people need to cure their diseases, and a great many things that cannot cure even a sick cat or a debilitated monkey. . My neighbor, the druggist, will not take it as uncomplimentary if the remark 13 made that many of the things he sells for the cure of dyspepsia are of no particular account The fact is that dyspepsia is a very tough disease to wrestle with. , It needs tonics and it needs iron. A good many of the articles offered for the cure of this malady have failed In that the tonics they contain are not the right things, and that the iron is' introduced in such a way as to do more harm than good. Kvtmj neighbor, the druggist, is fortunate in having on his shelves, one medicine which is no failure, but, on the contrary, a sure success. Among all the others it stands pre-eminent. It is B mini's Iron Bitters. Here I see what my dyspeptic friends need. Many a victim of dyspepsia has been helped by it into liberty and life.- Let all the other contents of the drug-shop go, but give me Brown's Iron Bitters for my dyspeptic friend. A dollar a bottle, did you say? Certainly a reasonable enough price. Jlfy neighbor, the druggi i, will tel! you so. We have a good assortment of Rubber Garments of all 1 J uluub ior LADIES AND GENTS, GIRLS AND BOYS Also a full line of Arctic, A It W TTT 01 an size89 lor Men, YVomen ana Unildren, Our . IMPERIAL SHIRT, Ts meeting with great success. ran rnmnarA with ir in min.lir.ir EL1A8 & CHARLOTTE, Nl C. JtJ-T.ttECEtVED AND II 8TO0K A I. A ltE HCPPLT ' Saw mills, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, Steam Engines, The Gregg Reapers, Portable Corn mills, Wheat Mil! Outfits, The Meaaow King Rakes, The Meadow King Mowers, Y heeler and Mrleck Separators, The Gregg (Self Dumping) Rakes, Boilers, both Pi. liable vm.11 sl and ivutr. hit k Pl5d4W For Ladies', Misses' large UDI v,', MISSED ALL GRADES. We have tha very best Flannel Shirt for children to be found in Charlotte. We keep common Flannel Shirts also. Our Black Goods Department is not equalled by any in this city. We will take great pleasure in enowics .the stock of Black Goods at any time. Ask to see our Black Gocds. Abk for Velvet Ribbons and Trimmings, we have all shades. Ask for White Flannels. Ask for Bed Flannels. Don't for get to call for CORSETS. We have a tremendous stock, all grades and size;. Ask for Waterproof Cloth, Ladies' Clothes, Flannels, &c. On-' uy'fMi. Is full cf ,iu-h go! as 1. e JM.-it8, 1 upesTry .sua rsoily Brussels Uarpets, Super, Bxtra uper, Jiigiaiii a:'pjts and all the lower grades. Oocoa Mat ting, & . &u Ak for AP T3f we have plenty of ihem. We are th-j exclusive "gents of Gharlottasvili'o These goods need no recommendation from us. Every Lady knows them to be the best goods in the market. ASK FOR SCISSORS, m We W the very best. Also for the Parabola Needles,. thy beat the world for sewing purposes. Our stock ot lLadiesV Cloaks and f olmans IS L4QOE. CALL FOR THBM. i' wmm Alaska and Rubber Ovev Shoes, ,-m m v -- There is no other D llar Shirt anr1 mita Mll anrl oonfticm COWEIsr. and Stationary. biirrr of all kind Fnmitlied mC abort JOHN WILKES. fort ran and Children, all qualities, Also a very line of TOKEN'S HOMSRY department market wants, vis: Busrs. Door Woolen Mills, HATS! HATS! THE LATEST NOBBY STYLES, EXTREMELY WiUkowsky & Baruch's NEW TILE 17! ETLE5ir.I'S St ITS THE YERY LATEST These Goods are very Nobby, verv Stvlish ami vprr nv :.. . - - - 'WITTKOWSRY & BJItm P. KDMOXb Successor to Ettenger & tdn RICHMOND, VA. BUILDER OF STATIONARY AND SAW miH,!, KlN'r L Couner.-. Pktoni r t..i .... . - - ' .'Vi, nuitu UVir B HYDKAULIC iM v-Ks. Panic ilr ata::o 1 e . le i u, on S"end for Ht-t-ngiin ABB EEADT I 0 Of all klals, Ladies'. GeiiUrmen's, - Mines', "M0I EK 4 MiE&iJMM mes ant INCLUDING THE BS3T AND MOST POIULAB M.KKS. We hBve gkea social attention this season to BOYS' and rHILDHTN' BOK of r.bi,- u, o h tve in k in tn. city, and hlch we ca., recomn erd tTr " aWIJtfaDd i?od v tV V. e respectfully iiclt ,our patronage and guarantee satMaeUon In S w?d i ffi Irl! vu j mt. MOYKR & HTRSHIN(tKR. BURGESS NICHOLS WHOLXSAUE A.JTD BKAIL DXAIJiB IB ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &G. A FULL LINK OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR and CHAMBKB SUITS. OOF FINS of aU kinds on aand No. R West rrwio trt hNj-lott North Orollna CENTRAL HOTRL 11 ''be Traveling- Pubtic W I id .1 mil IntprcTem- nu u ( eminri ttatti CnU.ges and I'orhT met all iram. J. H. OFF 33 TO TEE Wholesale m Mn TRADE A Large Stock of PURE W KITE lim, Lioseed Oil, Colors, varnishes, &c. Also TWO CAR LOADS KEROSENE 01 Li, J. H. McADEN 11 A ft ! .Bsthttici, (4 designs). Some. IIU iiUng good. Mailed on re eeipt of Cesati in stamps. HiARpr & Oo it (iZ A MONTH and BOARD for 3 live " youast Men or Ladies. in ,nK tvAUHtw. Add rami P.W. 7tbtitvi a- n f tlll-TllSl. McAden HATS OPINED, AT mm BROADWAY STY LK j - wicy in ar.a ,y !t-5tt PORTABLE KN(.I TS, H, SI I. 41, H A ... J.A.J ' . n . ' r-tlj ' l; ! I" m UUI J" Fh :h- ni.-r.r. mr t FOR THE FALL TB4DK. 3:y'.e8 and Q i jtis of Boys' and I tii'drei.. - CHARLOTTE, IS. C. iift Ik lNt. Mfor -fc.r H C. KCCLES, Proiil tor A Biiiliiiiit kiw. Di m il Sw.rup Uh O mpa y, OF The franchise of this enterprise is based upon the charter by the Legisla ture of the State to the Dismal Swainp Canal ( ompany, and its legality has been fairly tested before the court. The object in view is the '"improve ment aDd extension" of the Canal, and that full, opportunity may be given for the purchase of the Tickets, of which there are on ly A5.)i0 will 356 Prizes, the Drawing has been fixed for the 22nd of Nov. 1883. at which time, WITHOUT POSTPONE MENT, it will be made in the city of Norfolk, before the public, and under the supervision of a committee of relia ble citizens, and in like manner each succeeding month. IgTTickets bearing date September 20th hold good for the Drawing of 22nd November. SCHEME: Capti&i 1 Prize of rias-, $5 000 ?,ooo. is $5,000 18 1,5M) 1 do 1,500 1 do l.OoO 1 do 500 1 do 200 1 do 20O 1 do 200 1 do 200 6 do 100 15 do 50 100 do 10 200 do ..... 5 Approximation 9 of $50 9 of.... 30 9 of 20 IS is. .... . is is is!!!".'. are are are are Prizes. i,oo 5'o 200 200 200 2' i0 600 150 1000 1,000 .8450 . 270 . 180 356 Prizes, distributing $13,050 Ttckets Only $1. Plan of Lottery similar to that of Louisiana. Company . J. P. HO Kb H, - - - - Manage. Special attention is invited to the fol lowing: certified deposit: $l n A I THE ' DI&MaL SWAMP lOsj )J, LOTTERY COMPANY has deposited with Burruss, Son & Co., bakers, Thirteen Thousand and Fifty Dollars to meet the priaef in the draw ing to take plaoe on November 23 1888. Bi RRUSS. SoN & CO. Application for club rates, or for in formation upon any other business, should be olainly written, giving State, oounty and town of writer. press rather than by P. O. money orders - . A A. or registerea tetters. Express charges upon $5 and larger sums will be paid by the company. , v Address plainly v J. P. HORBACH. Norfolk. Va. Arents for sale of tickets required -Tii v.Pu.4 iroueht the bute. Addresi asplica- Splendic J& n 1 1 I: ttons as abere.