4 it - 1 rf -s, . 1 ! , 1 4 HA A It if (3 it A RL gVT 03 ti & S Ifi it V Jfi K ; TUB ESP AY. N.Q.YE MB E k B . ii 83 . - - - i ; j- ... THEG "Tr; FOhrSm. 4 Believes and cores RHEUMATISM, i ; Neuralgia, ".. r Solatica, Lumbago, ' BACKACHE, - EEADaCHB, TOOTHAdU, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLTNOa iriuna, . Soreness, CuU, Brakes, FKOBTBrTES, ' BURNS, ICAISS) ad all other bodHy aches and pains. FIFT' CENTS A BOTTLL Sold by ail Drocgtetaaad ten. xnracuona ui u The Charles A. Voosler Co. A,V0OIUttaO0.) KklUmra, It, C. . 4. To PAEHJNTS L. Bnwsifu k Brother. THE SEASON IS HERE AND SO ARE WE, AS USUAL, WITH OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF BOYV MID CHILDREN'S BOYS' DRESS SUITS AND SCHOOL suns. The Largest Stock IN THE STATE. For the last a'x years we hive sold the best Beady made CLOTHING, And we still continue to do so, and at prtoes that deiy competition. WE CAN SHOW THIS LARGEST AND M03T COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S CLOTHING In this market. The reputation or our makes being so well established we de-m It unnecessary to make any runner claims, we are ready to meet me requirements oi mese appreciating FIRST-CLASS. HONESTLY MADE CLOTHING All we ask is a Cose inap'cflon bafore purchas ing elsewhere. Very respectfully, L BERWANGER k BRO. LEADING CL0THIIB8 and TAILORS. N. B. Clothing made to order at short notice. $30,000 FOR $2. Q 1 REGULAR MONTHLY DRA.WLN0 WILL (1 take place In the Masonic Hall, HasonM UU BolldlrifctaLoalaTllle,Ky, Tbindart rljiveiafcer 294b, 1883. A lawful Lottery aad fair drawings, chartered by the legislature ol Ky., and twice declared legUbytne highest court In the state. Bond gtren to Henry cooBty In the stun of $i 00,000 lor the prompt payment f - prizes soid. A REVOLUTION IN ' INQLC NUUBK t DRAW- fcftT" Every ticket holder his own sapenrlaor, can call out the number on bis t'eket and see tne cor responding number oq the tag placed In the wheel In his presence. These drawings will occur on the last Thursday of erery month. Bead the magnificent ROrEJlBEU 8CHE9IG. PlU9 m mmm mi 1 Prl,. 1 Prize, 2 Prlzes,2.600eaeli......... 5 Prizes, 1,000 each, ....... 20 Prize, 600 eaea,... 100 Prizes,. 100 each,... a 00 Prizes, 60 each;... 590 Prizes, 20 each, . ...... 1000 Prizes.. 10 ash.....,;... 0 Prtzea, aaOOjaaeh, ADprexUnatton 0 Prizea, 200 " " 0 Prlzea, 100 " L " .... 180,000 .... 10,000 R,000 6.00C 6,000 .... lO.OOt .... lO.OOt .... 10,000 10,00b .... 10,000 Prizes 12.700 " 1300 " 000 1,857 Prtzee..! I. ...$11040C Whote Tickets-. f2; Half Tickets, Si; 27 Tickev 50; 65 Tickets, f 100. . Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or seno by Kipresa. - DON'T SCMD BY R(iISTKRRE LTTKR OB PDSTOmCX ORDXB, nnUl farther notice. Order of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders to t. 3. 1. DOUGLAft. 01 Lonhrrllle, Ky. " We have secord the serrlees of a first elass ba ker, from New York, and we present to the ladls of this city a note! and delicious Loaf of Bread. i. . - ' ' ' something entirely new and never before offered In this ctrjr. Is the leading style and kind now having such a run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try ttud jot 1U be convinced of lU so pfrlorftf. ' . ; . In order that yon may know our bread oar prl vate brand ax. will be on each tost , We most respectfully ask. every lady to call o send and try this , f j , . 0 . li; BREAD, .':a"Ji J " IT If NICE. -... t t Ws keep on hand the largest end nicest assort meniei CAKES - CAKES To be rttand In the State, and can furnish on the shortest nedst any aoantltf for parties or wed. , ' dings. . Our stock of . . " w 7 si wa. v t m r - m i i wm www w wreg-v is onsnrpasred aad always fresh. ; f unfiles sm rued with ercrthtng tuej use, Jl share of the - Hbiie DAimnaM solicited. Besneetfally. i PdELAn C ROSS.5 I mportant fall 11 VI! r ''i 0ri Stte CPU ittflortle 'Qbiztifix STATE news. i Winainn J Salflm. Oreensborn Dur ham and Reidsville. are waiting for the burglar bnd. I V " (Jen' A. M. Scales has been elected an honorarv member of the N. Y. Chamber of Commerce. Wfl are elad to see that the Winston ladder has dromied tfcat new f angled styleof paragraphing and is its old self again. firAAnshorn Pnt.rifit: Quite an inter ftfttinir rovival has lust closed at Buf falo Presbyterian church, near this city, ana on ounaay uiiietecu juiucu the church upon a profession of taitn. Tha Pnwnn Kohnal Times, is the name of a small monthly published in Salisbury by the Rowan county teach ers association. Mr. J. M. Hill is edi tor. It is devoted to schools ana edu cation. Winston Leader: Police Bahnson returned from Scottsburg, Va., Sat urday noon with one of of the negroes implicated in the murder of Ander son McConnell. Three of the parties to this affair are now in jail Abra ham Watkins, Albert Davis and Thos. Lee. A committee composed of Messrs J. U. Uarr, U. U. Dodson ana N. M. Jurney, have issued "An Ap peal asking for funds to erect a mon ument in memory of the late Rev. Dr. Braxton Craven, the founder of Trinity College. These gentlemen are acting lor the Trustees audAlumni or the College. Newborn Journal: Why don't you buy your apples from the fruit grow ers in w estern in orin tjarouna t asKea a Journal reporter of a leading con fectioner and fruit dealer yesterday. "Because," said he, I can get them ut down here from New York for ess money than from Western North Carolina the freight are so much less. It has been determinod to have en tertainments in the New Berne Thea tre on the 26th and 29th of Novem ber in aid of the Pender Monument Fund, to consist of readings, recita tions and music. It is a pleasure to note that the A. & N. C. Raili oad is doing much business now from both ends of the line. The Inland Coasting company, under the super vision of Maj. W. A. Hearne is begin ning to forward freights from More- head City by runninga line of boats up Boeue sound to White Oak and New rivers, and the Midland road the Smithfieldbrailch has proven an excellent feeder this fall. Asheboro Courier: There were 85 conversions the recent revival at Back Creek under Mrs. Moon The Franklin ville factory with, its new improvements is doing good work and alwavs sells its good readily. Mr. Benj. Moffitt, the Chesterfield of the river, and one of the front men of county, guides its course noiselessly but attentively. Ten new looms were started up last week. Mr. James H Free returned last week from S C. where he had carried a two-horse load of Plaids, &c, with 1,140 lbs. of wool, 900 lbs. hides, 117 lbs. beeswax and 9 sheep skins amounting to $400, The wagon trade from this county to the South is quite extensive. The above figures indicate that is is a pay ing business. flfiWS HOTES. The whaling bark Louise, of New ceaiora, mass., was loscoepj. in the Arctic ocean by strilcmg ice. Six men perished. Mary Churchill, who mysteriously disappeared from her home in St. Louis several months ago," and who was discovered in Indianapolis Sun day, reached St Louis Monday in kcharge of her father. She refused to say why she leit home. The suit of the heirs orSthe Kerr estate against the Chicago South Park commissioners for the value of 111 acres of land in the Chicago parks, which has teen in the courts for thir teen years, was decided Monday in favor of the heirs, the verdict being ior over $ eou,uuu Fossils ia Alabama. Sdma Timts. Judge Lawrence Johnson, of the United States Geological Survey, was in the city yesterday, having return ed from his investigation of the fossil deposits lately developed in Bogue Chitto Creek, Dallas county. He called at the Times office to report his discoveries. , In answef to an in quiry on the subject he said: VI found no phosphatic bed on Bogue Chitto, a3 rumored. The assemblage of mam malia bones and teeth ia very inter esting, however. Besides the elephant, the ancient American horse, and the mastodon are well represented. In the run of the creek are alsa found bones of deer and a fewlfragmehts of human bones. -' These may not belong to the ame matrix as the others. In from the appearance of .the selection it ia fimrRAlv.-rtmhfl.hlA f.hott.hAir aa And here lies:the ;tlifficulty45That mainx, er Dea or way ana nme, from which the true f ossil remains areie rived, ' has "noti beeri-f satisfactorily niade out.iLEverytbinghas been much disguised by changes in the bed of the creek and by the unmense; influx of sand, which generaUyf covers every thing, except at the.few points where the water naa cut dnwn tVi tha nt.tn limestone. -.When .lhe clar marl is found which contains these bones, it will ATJrobablv' nrnv vn.1ltn.hTa aa a local manure.? . Southern Iron. Chattanooga Timet - One experienced iron master, now in charge of a furnace in this county, uays u iron goes Deio w an average of io per -ton for ' all grades, half or more of the Southern f urnices will blow, out or blow their owners into the bankrupt courts. There mav be locations so fortunately, situated for the production of pig iron m the South that it can be produced for $9 per ton, but no. such place has yet been found; it practical results are to be taken as proof. The talk about the Alabama district making iron for $8 is suf ficiently answered when we point to the fact that with the average price of iron at $17 M on the furnace bank, several of . the finest stacks - in the world, located near Birmingham, have lain, idle for, months. Do the drawing room and sanctum iron mas ters wart us to believe that the own ers of those plants are such . fools as to allow investments of - hundreds of thousands) to remain 'unemployed when their product could be turned over at a profit of 300 per cent- per annum. Kilbarn Gets a Verdict fer $60,000. Washington, Nov. 7. The jury in the case of Jtilbourn against ex-Ser-geant-at-arms Thompson-.for $350,000 for false imprisonment rendered a ver dict for $60,000 for the plaintiff. The defense moved for a new trial. , t ; Hundreds of letters from those using Ayer's Hair Vigor attest its as a re storer of gray hair to its natural color, As a stimulant and tonic,t preventidg and often curinir. baldness, . and cleans ing and Bootbintt he. scalp, its use can not De.teojBtroDsiy recooamended. -Ir. , f -Si Depending 'on the Kno Tortt m Cornssmdenet, , Jf ! Leonard Case, a millionaire old bach elor, r i charitable andT l eccentric.' died in Qevelandcity wvi'years ago, leaving: beside a handsome leg- acy ior a bcpoqi oi appuea science which bears his name, a large prop erty for his heirs and next of., kin to quarrel over in the courts' One of the suits now. pending in - the Ohio Supreme Court, the court of last . re1 sost, binges upon the appearence of the letter ':s" in $he statutes.! The: other descendants of Leonard Case's mother claim a share m the estate; The statutes provide that under cer-, tain contingencies the estate' , of a deceased person shall , pass to the estate of a deceased perspn shall pass to the next of km of the blood ot, ancestors from whom - the estate came. If the word "ancestors" is to be construed in its full force, the descendants of Mrs, Case can obtain full share. On the other hand, it is claimed that the letter "s" at the end of "ancestor" crept into the statutes through toe carelessnees of some printer or' proof-reader. The case will be heard in the Supreme uouix before long. The property involved is valued at f 1,000,000. . ---- . No More Tobacco ior CoBTicts. The use of tobacco among the in mates of Moyamensing prison, Phila- delphia, was abolished by the ppara of directors six months ago. ine prison physician watched the. effeqt- upon the men caretuiiy, ana reports their general health improved, with no evil effects from the deprivation. The experiment has proved 80 suc cessful that it has been decided not tf use tobacco in the place any more. Therefore the board has askea for an appropriation of $200 for the improve ment of the library instead of the usual $800 for the weed. Josh Billings Henrd From. Nfweobt, It. I., Aug, 11, 1880. ; Dear Bitters I am here trying to breathe in all the salt air of the ocean. and having been a sufferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was induced to mix Hop Bitters with the sea gale, and have found the tinc ture a glorious result. I have been greatly helped by the bitters, and am not afraid to say so. Yours without a struggle. JOSH BILLINGS. FOR SALE, Cotton Seed Meal for feeding or fertilizing, in quantities to suit purchasers. The best feed for cattle ever sold, being worth twice as much as corn meal. For sale by W. W Ward & Co. nov6dtf CHARLOTTE OIL CO. of the continned use of mercury and potash for the treatment of blood and skin diseases they never cure, and nearly always injure or totally ruin the general health. A WIXL-KOW DRUGGIST, My drug store was the first to sell Swift's Specific. It was then put up in quart bottles which sold for $5.00 each. I have seen a great many cases cured by its use, and some who had tried all sorts of treatment. In fact, I have never known it to fail when taken properly. I sell a large quantity Of it, and for all diseases that are dependent on blood poison or skin humor. It cures pimples and blotches on the skin, and makes the complexion fair and rosy. As for blood taint, there is no sucn word as fail. It cures cases that have long withstood other sorts of .treatment, and without any of those recurring troubles that generally follow mercurial and other so-called cures. T. L. MASSENBTJRGr, Macon, Ga. DRV TETTER. ; Epr years I was afflicted with Dry Tetter of the most obstinate type. Was treated by many of the best physicians; took quantities of mercury, potash aud arsenic, which, instead of curing the tetter, crippled me up with mineral pOisonUnd rheumatism. The tetter con tmned to crow worse, and the itchinc JjjTrnost made me crazy. In this condi- tionJveaS induced to take swift's ope cific,anti."tbe result was as astonishing s it was gratifying, in a few months the tetter was eeufrely well, the mer curial poisoning all out of my system and I was a well man and due only to Swift's Specific. All like sufferers should take it. JAMES DUNNING, Louisville, Ky. What a Physician Says. Cypress Ridge, Monroe CoM Ark., July 23, 1883. I have a bright little daughter who will be two years old next month. She has been troubled nearly ever since her birth with a skin disease, which I first diagnosed chicken-pox , but later found it to be some sort of eczema; at any rate it resisted very stubbornly all the different treatments. I procured one bottle of Swift's Specific and gave it to her in small doses three times a day, and in a short while had the satisfac tion to see that she was entirely well I am so well pleased with its effect on her that I shall not only ne it in my prac tice, but I shall administer it to my other children and take it myself. W. E. Bronte, M. D. Our treatise on -blood and skin dis eases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State of -AND J B . W WWW K fj J HE WW WW.- ER t. R S RRR TT w v J.J B WW WW, E EJUS -; W VW wBBB LLI1 & T DIAMONDS, Silier !aiad SilYfrPIatcd Ware. Gold, Silver Tand Steel Spectacles, Opera Glassest Gold-headed, Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which, I am belling low for cash: ' -' i - rjn -A h'?l 5- - if "J " - -4 Watch -Glasses only 10 cents. " -v- ' - Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired i J. T. BUTLER, C AE0LINA JE WElJEY STORE ' f. - -MA;tr i'-1 Charlotte". HO.? ' Minors Dollars Gooc s Watches, Clocks 'i ' j ' ' . : 1 1 Mi p. V''.' SfciU GUEE.t, - 1 , fVhat t be Ore at Fih Cutiarlvt Ay: lest wlrl Wsnt to FiorWa ;ana wnaetbare' e ntra&ed Mad la a very severe form when l retarued borne I wirt t bed .ini KDMiaedtoere not I serti-. Mj njmutoms were terrible, f had uil, actilnt? nalns la my hd. ItmOs and around m Dactc Mr auDttHw was wn illy rona nnd I felt a lacft of euerg tneti 88 I bad often beat d dseilrdtrot bad never experlencetl. Anyone wbo baa ever bad a severe Attack of Malaili can apprt-eiaie ray eonaitfon. A 1 Iiled to set any b-Ur 1 determined to trv h nmMT nnia h a gentlernan In wi otn Ibad tne greatest cnafldenoe. i am oarD' to pay i etreetaa Dernaanent reitaf and that I urn well to-day trmmgb tbe lnfljence or Warner's Sak ts ire. ifter sncb an experi ence t can most heaittly rcomme: d it to all so. terers. A REAL HE. si ED Y. Neltber Myatlcal nor Indian la Origin bnt Seleatif ic And peciflc of over Twenty-le years Btandlrg. A KSiiiriJBOk more popular at borne, and where best Known, tban all other Kemedie ot Its klod. UEflKUV endorsed by the best Phys clans and Druggets at 1st borne. that Mr. a W. O'NtUl, Goodwater, Ala., sais rais ed hit w fo from an lnvaii l s bed, una tie believes saved ber uie A RKnEDV of which a promln-nt AtUnw n erohant s.:ll. "t would nave gvtn f 5u0 tut s-xia hsso'u as 1 would a nlcKel tor wbai two do ties of our medicine did for my dacgbier " A IttiTlEOV In regard to which 3 J. ( wselt, M D. Druggist, ot Tboniasvillts, tJn.ts: "1 can recitil Instances In which It afloratwi re le; af:er ail the usual reme dies nad f si en " about which Dr W. B Ferrell, La Granee, 6a., writes: i have usea tor me last 20 ears the medlcfrie you are putting ap, and ftMuidertt tbe best combination ever nottoa together for tbe ai seastss for which it Is recjmnwKied." A ttEiTlliUV of which Dr. Joel Bran ham, Atlanta, said: "I bate examined tne recipe, end bav no hesPa tlon In advising its ue, at d confidenfy recom inend it." A REMEDY which the Bev. H B Johnson, near Marietta. Ga. sa)8 ho bas usea lit his family lih "the utmoet satisfaction." and recomineuded H to tbe fauvlles "who found it to be lust what 't is recommended ' A hlMr-UY of which Pem erton, I vers on & Denlson say: ' We bave been selling it for matiy years, with con stanilj increasing sales. Tbe sricle is a staple wiib us, and onV or absolute merit." A HE.tll.DY ofbteb Lamar, Banltin ft Lamar sj: "We sold 6o g-oss in four month and never sold It in any i-lace but bat 11 was wanted again ' by which Dr. aijh. of LaQrange. Ga., sars: "1 cured one of tun most obstinate cases uf Ticabi oua mxkstbcatiiim that ever came wit bin my kuowledg- lba few bott'ea." or which Dr. J. o. Hcrss Notaclgv Ala , sajs: "1 am tu ly convif ced that it Is ui, rivalled for ibat ctass of diseases which It claims to cure." A HfiJIEDY about which Maj Jio t:. wnltner. of Atlanta, well and favorably K..own all over the United abfes as a General Insurance Agent shjs: 1 uvd this Uemedr. before ths war on a latge p'aut-tlnn o igr-at nuinr tiof cases, andalwaj wUh absolute success." A REMEDY sbontwhlchJ W htrangA. of Ci r'orsvUe. Ga . ertlfles that one bott.e cured two im-imrH-rs of his family of mens ru-il irregularity of many years standing. tbat IS CHAPBB THAN ANT OTESB MEPICISS of 1-0 kind in itie wrid oe-8ii-e k tw. bjTTLSs WiIJL CtTBB TEX MOST OBSTTHATX CAS In rr gsrd to wboe unfailing. u.rival'ed euretlve propnePve i nave many buna rr as o' testlm'v nlRIS TBXS GKKAT POPULAR KXXKDT IS BRAD iTKLD's Regulator (Woman's Brst rteud ) Vor saie oy n urugvista. Price: gtnail size 75 cents. L-rge pize SI. 50. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, J. BtADFIKLD, Ko 108 8. Prj or Street Atiautn, G . DO M W W W A WW If WWWW AA NSH WWWW AA RNN WWWW AAA N NS W W A A N K TTTT KEB DDD T 15 D D T EK D D T K D D T EBB DDD S We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, de Iiyered at our mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered at any sta tion on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads of' ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. , Or we will give. one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange -being of great value to the farmer should be taken advantage of. one tonof meal being worthvmuch more forTeeding or fertilizirilfthantwo tons of sees. - CHARLOTTE OIL CO., nov6dawtf Charlotte, N. C. For Ladies "and- Ge.ntleme-o: I take Pleasure In ennonnclne thut mv f nneh Room, i.ext door to Andrews' urnlture store Is 'tow open ior in coming season, and tnt JTian, Oysters and all the oelioac.es of the Inner man an Da nad on the P AT- O 3- W a A T-YOU-E AT-PL A N. Repf ctfufly, W. B. TaYlOB. dv.tf THINK OP IP NOW I - AHbongb much ts said abont the impor tance of a blood-purifying medicine, it may be . possible that the subject has never seriously claimed your attention. . Think of it now! Almost every person has some form of scrof dons poison latent In his reins. When this develops in Scrofolons Sores, tJlcers, or Eruptions, or in the form of Rheumatism, or Organic DIseaaes, the suffering tbat en sues is terrible. Hence the gratitude of those Vbo disoorer, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla ul thoroughly eradicate this evil from the system, As well expect, life without air as health without pure blood. . Cleanse the blood with AxBB's Sabaapartt.t.a. fBEFAXESBT - - Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. SeldbyallJDrng'gists; 91, six bottles fer WITHOUT A TEACHER ! SOUDfir ' B Tnntnnt.ananni Guide to Keys ot Piano and Organ. Price 81. Will teach any person to play 20 pieces of musio n one day. You couldn't learn it from a teacher in a month for $20. Try it and be convinced. Sample copy will be mailed; to any ad dress on receipt of 25o-nts in stamps by Heaknii & Co., Publishers, P. O. Box 14o7, Ne w York, Rnrna. RrWTtirM en. OdyBsey, 7mtS0QlnS 50o., Keats. 40c.: Meredith -Knl T SSKr bir,& ?Vi aJ?4 other-: -Fine cloth SlS-8"1 examation before Joror fi"AfTM Wi dealers. -yra B. Aura, Publisher, 18yesey Sti, i.'-if ' , vr, A ore i of, iiyi CcoiiQUEnon.) ASPECLFIO FOR ''imntV'.'ipitm". CQXYULSIOKS, FaLUKS SICKNESS, ST. VITUS MCE, ALCHOHOLISM, - OPIUM; EATISB, SiTHILLIS, SCBCFUUXIMGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSKESS, SICIC HEADACHE, RHEUL'iTISH, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, rOTfilPBOSTluiTtt BRAIN WORRY, ELCDD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, CCSTIVErJESS, KIDKEY TROUBLES AKD IRREGULARITIES. Sy$1.50 per bottle at driiggists.'SS The Dr. S. L Richmond Red., Co., Prcp'rs. . , et. Toswpai. a-to. (i) Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. " C. H. CBITTINTOS, Agent, Kew York. We are now Opening np a rery Large and Complete Stock of Fall and Winter Oar goods have been carefully selected from tbe very be-t shoe manufacturers in the country an we e aim to have one of the handsomest stocks oi Guts', Ladies', Misses' and Children FINE SHOES That has ever teen off red to tbe retail trade of Charlotte. As we 1 a quality, and cordially invite all that need a pair of shoes of any kind to see our good. befo.e buying. ORAY& BRO. oet. 8 1888 SALEM ALMANACS. 20 Gross OP THE OLD RELIABLE SALEM ALMANACK. For 1884, JUST RECEIVED Wilson Bros. SOLE AGENTS. NEW FAIL STYLES! We are now reeetviDf otr nt w Kail tjles cf MILLINERY, BO.XVbTS, FLOWER!, FKATIIEK, PIUOTES, SATIK9, SILK BIBBOv, PLUS !,&. Will have our stock complete and will open our vwmua wi nara ana avnnsTe on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we. wi:l show the largest and most com plete stock of FINE SIILIIMRY y!uTeJTerlhawn- A,Bo " th Rovelfesln, ?''?i,C?.Ywi OTfti,- NKKWKB, AOT10N8 "ANCY o ODH, for Ladles, Misses and Chll dren, i ZKP&YB, YABNS, Jto W have engaged an exper!enc3d Milliner, Mta kbbip, from Baltimore, as an as ltMni, and are P Pared to fnmUb anrthmir tn Ihn Vtlltnrr Itn and at . " " PRICES AS LOW A anywhere tn this country. ''?? OTAr OHS HTTNOBBB fine r atterns HATtJ apd BONNIT8 will be opol ed tUIbDaY, 'T.IOORE COUNTY GRIT" . AMftai tn ain tr t ATAlffA J WAN ullXd ANU IWIUrOI UftCfe I- (ALLSOXSX, ICESTiriTHEVOnLD 1 SAKFllS OF MXAX tSSt , OA APFUOATKUr. ' O i ismi eAiouiA imisTflM ta Branch OfBce-3iarlotte, H. O.- BOOTS i SHOES I, f fcisitiiiiPttilliiyFiiilii As I have marktid many of my things down to iiT COST To make room for Fall Stock. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY SALE OP THE BELLEVUE HOTEL HIGH POIKT, N. C. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Guilford count, at the Fall Term, 18S3, in the case of ?eorge T. Leach against Clara Barbee and others, I shall -ell at p. blic auction, to the highest bidder, on the premise j at High Point, N. C, on Saturday, December 1, 183, The valuable property situated in said town, known as the UUL.I..I4Vt K HOTEL, containing t wo acres of land on which is situated a hotel, a brick building three stories above ground, with a basement containing 31 rooms, including parlor, dining room and serv ing room the basement containing the kitchen, pantry, tore room, billiard and bar. On the lot in the rear of the hotel is a buildirjg used for laundry and servants. Also an ice-house, wood shed &c. There is also in rear of the hotel a large cistern of the capacity of 10.000 gallons, from which the ho el is sup plied with water, being pumped into a large tank n the third story, and thence distributed throu h ipes, sup plying all the rooms of the house, as well as tbe office, serving room and kitchen, ladies' and gents' closets and bath tubs. Two Large Cookingr Ranges Ar attached to the building; also an Fleetric Enunriator, with wires con ecting with all the rooms. In fact the house is supplied with rast of the modern improvements, and may be styled FIRS8-CLASS for this country. Persons seeking valuable and desira ble "property would do well to examine this. It is immediately i n the Rich mond and Danville Railroad, the great through line rom New York and Wash ington City to Atlanta and New Or leans, in a high, healthy locality, with excellent water and delightful climate, and is a favorite stopping place of sum mer and winter tourists. Tcrnw of Sale One-fourth cash, one-fourth on a credit of six months, and the other ne-half on a ct edit of twelve months, with interest at six per cent, on the deferred payments from the day of sale, purchaser giving bond and good security; and title retained until the purchase r oney is paid. i LEVI M. SCOTT, oct23t"tds Commissioner. TFTFfWI POSITIVELY CURES Dyspepsia, Iiyer and Mey enplane I have used your "life for the LiveT and Kidneys" with great benefit, and for dyspepsia, or any derangement of the liver or kidneys, I rgard it as being without an equal. Jas J. Osborne, Att'v at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C. Far superior to anv liver pad. Hugh Thomas, Glendale, S. C. Your medicines ate valuable and splendid remedies. I have sold upwards of five gross, and can recommend them. I would not be without them. J. S. M. Davidson, Druggist, Charlotte, N. C. "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" or "Chill Cure" works like a charm and sells very fast: A. H. Perkins, . "Wax Haw, Lancaster county, S. C. I pronounce it the best liver medicine I have ever used, having used it while in the South during the hottest montho of the present summer putting in our patent 1 "Automatic Fire Extinguishers. ' ' Please send me two dozen of the largest bottles. J. N. Peahce, Providence. R. I. Two bottles of your medicine, called "Life for the Liver and Kidneys," has cured a colored servant who had been bedfast for two years, and whom her physicians had given upand pronounced her case as hopeless. Samuel Jepfeks, Union county, S. C. I must say that since I have been suf fering with kidney complaint, "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" is the only thing that has given me any relief. W. A. Denatjx, C harleston, S. C. Had bad liver complaint for mrre than nine years, with much palpitation of the heart. Consulted several phy sicians, but none did me any good. One said I would have to take calomel all the time. "Life for the Liver and Kid neys" has curea me. I am now Btout and hearty. J. N. Ward, Reidville, S. C. Three months I commenced taking "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" for the headache, with which I had been troubled nearly every day for six months previous. Since taking the med icine I have been entirely free from that complaint. P. C Mehaffee, Glendale, S. C. In large 25c. and SI. 00 bottles. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. Prepared by DR. HILTON. Glendale, S. C. October 28, dtf. AYER'S Ague Cure IS WARRANTED to cure all eases of ma larial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever,' and Liver Com plaint., In case of fail are, rafter due trial, 'dealers are authorized, hy our circular of Jul7 1st, 1882, to refund the money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mas8.! Bold by all Druggists. rjpRl JrlAOILlV WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MiaSCHAlSTT, ; Orders solicited fend , promptly BUea. UiMtik WHOLESALE GnOCEnS. Colie'ee SteeeC Ch&Aatt w"e-v ' ' fall stoek alwararn store Bighest mrloes paid lorlarpjauanatles ot Wheat f a "jmrfcm-. .. f- . " s.r IT sarijtjfFi Sid 1 '9 WK ilAVK JUS -And opened up as fine a let of CGJJCTIONERY as-was eWbrmight to thin market for both the. Wholesale and Retail Trade foreign aild Domestic Fruits. Nut- &c .way8 xu 8tock- 0ur facilities in the BAKING line are now better than ever, espr ei;iv for furnishing Pieia ace Qrnwulfii r, BREAD and PASTRIEF. Special attention is called to the fact that w.e are still 'sell ng One Full Pound of Bread, Itt Quality, for FIVE CENTS. Respeotfully. C. II. MS A i 'J.. Mn'fg Confectioners and Bakers. fQij Barrels and Sacks Flour, 150 100 200 300 100 Bjt-t Meal. Barrels Mo'.asstg. Package) Lard. Boxes Seap. Packages Soda. 2 PjQ Boxes and Bsrr ; Is Cskr s as d rrstkei s. 50 Cases Sardines. 1 2 ?j Cases Oysters. 140 Boxes Chem 2y Boxes ( anaj. 50 Hair-Barrels Champagne Cldrr. ij Boxes Tobacco. 50,000 25 Crates apples. BACOX, SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, TEA, Ac. At Inside Figures. MATEU & ROSS. novldtf Just Receive. New Crop Very Fine, Rye Flour, Graliam Flour, Sure Raisins, Buclrtrbeat Flour, -AT- BARNEIT & ALEXANDER. Fi 0. MUNZLER i i - AoEnrr roe Ke Mm & M Brewerj flnnwi s -i , (Of Phtladeinala, ra j - Cchirated lager Beer, ' . " la aegs and BosHes, v alast reTvVd a small lot of BOTTLED Af?aSa WrST W 1 offer to the public at a reaaoaawe pn i; assw ufmvr.tit. Look Box U, Charlotte, H. C -..bras. . IT WHOLESALE. "Si 'i , - . .