DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. FRIDAY, N O V EM B E R 23 . 1883 : j, i ' ' I - , -J ' " . - " i - I i . . THEG RE FOfi rain. Believes and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPRAINS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BURNS, SCALDS, And all other bodily aches and pains. FIFT CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by ail Drtwgista and Dealers. Directions In 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (Sucottaon to A. YOOELXB k CO.) Baltiaora, Id., 1. 8. A. Rifler's Bakery THE MOST COMPLETE IN TH E STATE. Is now prepared, by the employment of strictly first-class bakers, to deliver all kinds of Bread, Cakes, Rolls, etc., in any part of the city. I make a spe cialty of Cream, Steam, Vienna. Rye -AND- PLAIN BREADS, which is not excelled by any other baker in the city, baked fresh every day. I not only furnish as good, if not bet ter, bread than can be bought else where, but give the Largest Loaf for the Same Price. I also keep a large variety of Cakes, Rolls, Bunns, Pastry and Coffee Cakes. NEW CROP FRUITS, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, of the finest quality, always on hand in season. Also a great variety of Canned Fruits and Vegetables of relia ble brands. A full assortment of PLAIN IAD FANCY CRACKERS. I manufacture Pure, Plain and Fancy Candies; also Taffys, which are sold at wholesale and retail. Come, See and 1e Convinced, D. M.RIGLER. A Superior Lot -OF- NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES a:i sugar, direct from THE REFOER1ES Ol' LOUISIANA, JUST ARRIVED. CALL AND SEE We hare secured the services of a first ria tvn. ker, from New York, and we present to the ladles ui mis ciij a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before nfrrrt m thU dry. It Is the leading style and kind now ' run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try It and you will be convinced of Its so. In order that you may know our bread our pri vate brand 0. K. will be on each loaf. senanWu.11788 e Iad' to o O.K. BREAD, IT I? NICE, nZ!otf9eD 0n hand tlie Jargest and nicest assort- CAKES CAKES To be found in the State, and can f nrnlsh on tht ..7 J luaniur ror parties or wed- dings. Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES nTemhlD8 UM- A ! Of the publle patronage solicited. BespeotfullT, PHELAN & BOSS POETS !Um9' 50c-Byron, 50c. Mrs. "Bro wning, 55c., Campbell, Chaucer, 60., Coleridge, 60., Cow! oAi50"611' Goethe, 70c., Goldsmith, 50., Hemans, 50., Iliad and Odyssey 70c., Hood, 50c , Ingelow, S' fit8' Meredith, 50c., fiilton gUr. Scott, 50., Tennyson, 60c., SSSft., .Law other8'- Fine cloth binding. Bent for examination before gaymenfr on evidence of good faith, atalogue free. Not sold by dealers. JOHN B. Aldin, Publisher, 18 Vesey St., - NflwYork "MOORE COUNTY BRir wm MILLS AND MILLSTONES, WORLD - aWaaM a - bbT lARptiM jiutran 10. A- I M. Miller, Somethinff Sew!! I : NEWS NOTES. In Philadelphia Tuesday Wm. G. Coxey, of Lancaster. Pa., was con victed of charging illegal fees in pro curing pensions. He was fined $50 and sentenced to. pay the cost of prosecution. The fiftieth anniversary of the ordi nation Cardinal McCloskey, of New York, will be celebrated on January 12 by a grand service in the Cathe dral, a dinner, and the presentation of a pursue and an address. James J. Brooks, chief of the se cret service division of the treasury, reports that the only dangerous counterfeit coin put in circulation during the last fiscal year- was tlat of the standard silver dollar. Hon. John F. Dezendorf, of Vir ginia, in an interview Tuesday de nounced the charges in Mahone's recent address as unfounded, and said he did not know a single North ern man in Virginia who is not op posed.to Mahone and his methods. H. II. Shapely, Fred. Erby, James H. Cook and B. Frank Moore, who represented Little Havana. Henry College, Kentucky and Lousiana State lotteries as agents, were con victed in Chicago Tuesday under the law forbiding the sending of circu lars or lottery tickets through the mails. A report made to the combined city charities of Ottawa points out the terribly destitute cohditfcri.'iGC the poor Irish emigrant families in that city. The Toronto Globe asks why the imperial government should not be called upon to refund what the people of,Torontoiand other Canadi an cities may have to pay for the support of these immigrants. . A suit involving $20,000,000 was commenced in San Francisco Tues day, the widow and heirs of John Bowie Gray bringing suit against the Quicksilver Mining Company, of New Almaden, Cal. The action is based upon the alleged fraudulent administration of the property by Robt J. Walker, formerly Secretary of the Treasury, who had been a partner of,the deceased. The Havana Official Gazette has published a royal decree ordering that all doubts concerning the appli cation of any part of the law of grad ual abolition of slavery shall always be resolved in a senso of the widest latitude for the liberty of the slave or patrocmado and that owners of patrocinados, when the latter have acquired their freedom, shall not compel them to pay indemnities for their children. The Hackensack N. J. Republican publishes an inter'iew wiih Wm. Walter Phelps, member-elect of the next Congress, in which he says he gives evpression to a general wish among republicans members of the next House that ex-Speaker Keifer should refuse to be a candidate for renomination. Mr. Phelps has writ ten to Mr. Keifer at the suggestion of members in different parts of the country, who believe their party will be strengthened by taking a new de parture in the selection of new names. The Facts Against (Jen. Mahone. liichmond Dispatch. The table we publish this morning puts an extinguisher upon General Mahone. There were 271,830 votes cast in the recent elections in Vir ginia, of which 144,885 were Demo cratic and 126,951 were Coalitionist. The largest vote ever cast in the State at any previous election was in 187C, when Tilden received 139,070 votes, and Hayes 95,55S in all 235,228, as against 271,830 this year. The whole number of the voters in the State, white and black, is about 334,000, ac cording to the census of 1880. Last year the whole vote cast for John S. Wise and John E. Massev candidates for congressman at large was 196.607. Wise got only 101,232 votes, Massey only 95,375. This year, we repeat, the whole vote was 271,836. It will be seen that even in 1876 when, as now, no capitation tax qualification of voters was required the total number of votes cast, nresi dential election though it was, fell far oeiow the total number polled this year. In 1880 the total vote of the State was only about 221,000, though tnis was also a presidential election Contrast these with 271,836 in 1883. There are about 206, 000 white voters in Virginia. The Democrats lacked 62,000 of voting the whole white vote, assuming all their votes to be white, (there were a- few thousand negroes votea wren tne uemocrate). . . : There are about 128,000 negro votes in Virginia. The Coalitionists; proba- bly got between ninety and a hundred thousand of them. The rest of their voters were white. -f ;Jr Of course, wo do not know to acer tainty how many negroes voted either for the Democratic or foe the Coali tion candidates. .-.,"' .- .$7S But the figures clearly prove!? that mere could not possibly -have been any intimidation of the negroes. Never before did they poll anything line so many votes, mey tame out in their strength. The few hundred who failed to vote in Danville were. it is supposed, told by the Mahoneites to abstain from voting. Will the Cincinnati Commercial let its readers know the truth? Is it not patent that it is totally inexcusable to talk of bulldozing and intimidation having resulted in a total vote of 271,836 in 1883, when last year the total vote was only about 196,607? ' What will the northern people think of General Mahone's manifesto now? Let it be read in the light wnicn tnese ngures throw upon it. The Oldest Horse in America. New York. Times. Old lurk, the eauine nensinnpr nf Kicnmond county, still lives and oc cupies a stall rin the barn at Staten island's Aim House. He is the oldest in JNew iork State, or in America in all probability, as his age can be re liably fixed at forty-two years, and ex-county treasurer James R. Robin son. TlflW HOtront ir-fkTtm tranfa 1A n: , ...... " . . . 1' mimes ne can reliably trace Jiim back to forty five years. The animal is quite a curiosity, particularly to vet enarians, who are anxious to see hnw long the veteran will live, and thus settle the mooted question of equine longevity, uriginallv iron erav in color. Old Turk's coat is now rtiow white. He is toothless and has to ha led on "soft food." Mr. Robinson says he knew Old Turk twenty-five years ago, when he was a "crack" trotter, owned, he believed, by Capt. Jacob H. Vanderbilt, and known as Guy Scuytis. From Xmintnt W L Almon. Dies dent medial co lege. Halliax; H. ti. ' Colueu's Liquid Beef Toiilcls invaluable for fevtr, indigestion and weakness, and Is unsurpassed for lemalectm plauits. (Take no other.) Of drugglsu, If people troubled with colds, would!' take Ayr's Cherry Pectoral kef ore go' ingto church or places of entertain, ment, they would avoid couehine. greatly to the comfort of both speaker, and hearers. , Public speaker and sing era find that the Pectoral wonderfally increases the nower and flexibility of the VOiOer --n n ' ! a ..! ; . i ' Warning a Bride. ChteatfoKewt. It is currently 'reported that Miss Sadie Jewett, a rich young lady of Erie, Penn., is going to marry Ham iltoa McCormick, of Chicago. We deem it our solemn duty to inform the bride that her prospective hus band is the inventor of a threshing machine. IM Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers It: Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, eo at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon It : there Is no mistake about It There is not a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic It Is perfectly sale to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 2f cents a bottle. 85 S. Clark St., Opp. Court House, CHICAGO. A reeHlar-smidtiate. IKhThanM.., anA.in., in the United States, whose E loko experience, perfect taethod and pure medicine insure SPEEDY and permanent cubes of all Private. Chronio and Nervous Diseases. Affections of the Blood, SIctn, Kidneys, Bladder, Eruptions, Ulcera, Old1 Sores, Swelling; nf the Glands, Sore Uoutb, Throat, Bone Pains, permanently cured and eradicated from the system for life, IJ C DUn 1 1 C Impotenetj,8emintd II Salt lUUw Losses, Sexual Decay, Mental and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Development, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., from excesses or any cause, speedily, safely and privately Cured. S-Youn(f, Middle-Aged and Old men, and all who need medical skill and experience, consult Dr. Bate at ones. His opinion costs nothing, and may save future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines eaa be sent everywhere by mail or express Tree from obser vation, arg-It is self-evident that a physician who ftives his whole attention to a class of diseases at tains great skill, and physicians throughout the country, knowinethis, frequently recommenddifficult cases to the Oldest Specialist, by whom every known rood remedy is used. jferDr. Bate's Ace and Experience make his opinion of su preme Importance. 5-Those who call see no one but the Doctor. Consultations free and saeredly confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere, especially solicited. Female Dis eases treated. Call or write. Hours, from 9 to t 6 to 8; Sundays. lO to US. Guide to Health best Free. Address as above. novl8deodaw REUABLE SELF-CUBE A fitvoiite prescription tt)f J3? Inost noted and successful specialists In tbeU.oa (now retired for the core of J in UJD v U JeMIU xou. Bens Eplaln sealed envelope free. Druggists can fill it. Address DR. WARD ft CO., UwsuMt novl8deodaw TORPID BOWELS, EGOF?DERED LIVER and MALARIA. Frcia these sources arise thi-ce-fourtha of the tlideujed of tho Luman mce. These symptoms indicate their existence : Ixs ol Appetite, Bowels costive, Slclt Head ache, fullnesa after eatiug, aversion to exertion of body or inlud, Iractatioit of food, Irritability of temper, iriU, A deling of hnvinp; neglected Atme duty, IMzziuess, Fluttering at the II. -art, Hots bere the eyes, highly col ored Trine, COXSTIPAflOM, and de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. As aLiv-er medicine TCTT'S HI I,I-S have no c,;ual. Their action on the Ki-li:oys:indSkin isalsot prompt; removing nil impurities through these three " scav engers of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, rcgulnr stools, a clenr skin and a vigorous body. TTJTT'S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere vrith daily work and aro a perfect ANTiDOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEELS LIKE A HEW MAN. "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TTJTT'S aro the first that have done me any good. They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetite Is nlendid, food digests ready f , and I now t-r i jrrtl passages. I I like a new i i W. D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. c,Uew. ,-here,agc. Qfflce,-1 Murray St., N'.Y. TUTT8 HAIR DYE. Grat Hair ok Whibkkbs changed In stantly to a Glosst Black by a single ap plication of this DTK. Sold "by Druggists or sent by v xpress ou receipt of $ I. Office, U Murray Street, Sew Yorlx. TUTT3 MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. BEFORE V-AND -f AFTER Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Trial, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WHO are sutferin from Nssvopa Pehility, Lost Vitality. Lack oy Nsrvk Kobce and Vioob, Wasting W eaknessbs. and all those diseases of a Personal Nature resulting from Abuses and Other Causes. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of Health. V iGoitand Manhood Guaranteed. The grandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century. Sendatone. for Illustrated Pamphltifree. Address VOLTAIC BEIT CO., MARSHALL, MI6H. novl8deodaw $30,000 FOR $2. 01 BEGULAB MONTHLY DBA WINS WILL take place In the Masonic Hall, Masonic Ul Building, In Loulsvll e, Ky , Thnndar, November 29.li, 1SS3. A lawful Lottery and fair drawings, chamivd by the Legislature of Ky , and twice declared legal by the highest court In the State. Bond given to Henry couEty in the sum of St 00,000 lor the prompt payment f prtzsssoid. A BRVOLDTION IN IN3L8 NUMBE'l DR1W t3. Every ticket holder his own suDervlsor. can call out the number on bis t'eket and oeetne cor responding number on the idg placed in the wheel la his presence. These drawings will occur on the last Thursday of every month Bead the magnificent AOVEtTIBEK SCHEME. 1 Pruse - 30,0OU 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize, ft, 000 2 Prizes, 82 500 each 5,000 5 Prizes, i ,000 each, 6,000 20 Prizes, 500 eacn lo.OOU 100 Priz:4, 100 each 10,000 O0 Prizes, 50 each i 0.000 5 0 filZM 20 each 10,u00 1000 Piiws, 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes, 800 each. Anoroxlmttioi, Prt7 v..7f in 9 Prizes, a0J " " " 1.800 H Prizes. 100 " ' H00 1.857 Prizes, . !...,..- l 0 J00 Whoie Tlets. 82; Half Tickets. 91 .' 37 T.cs,&tf 50; 55 Tickets, 3 100 Bemit Money or Bnnk nntrt in i .ttu, u, by arpress. DON'T 9 END STi BRtiiHTKHSD liBTTB Oft POSTOIfFICE OkDKH. until furthaf notice. Order! or SR and mmM. nv Tyt,isu can be sent at onr pense -rtip orrs to J . DODtiLAH . . , Loulsvilia, Ky. TT AT T 'fil VEGETABLE JLXaCLuJu D sictlian , .':'!. lit- i-,- ..... .i Hair Renewer. The Best Is the Cheapest. , , , Safety t Economy!! Certalnry of Good Results! !! These qnallHes are of prime importance' in the election of fptepaion forth hair Dto hot; . 9meBMrldi veWiemtioiwtrhM toy dev4 3laEra rather thaa good; but profit bytbebw jterlence Of others. Bay and ttse with perfect U confidence an article which everybody know' ' : tobegood. HAXL'aHACtSiBairttlriUiVrt1" I a it - .. i it. 1. 1 PSfiPABKO Vt IT J US . f DR. f . J.H. OFFERS TO THE Wholesale and Retail TRADE A Large Stock of PURE WHITE LEADS, Linseed Oil, Colors, VARNISHES, &C. -AlSO TWO CAR LOADS J. H. McADEN. marie DRUGGI3T. diamond Dyes. A OF ALL COLORS AT WILSON BROS' DRUG STORE. OF Groceries To be Sold at Cost! I mean what I Bay and respectfully invite all who wish to save money in purchasing their goods, both wholesale and retail, to call and satisfy themselves. I will keep on hand a general stock and you can be accommodated to anything you want in my line FOR CASH! All who are indebted to me by note or open cccount will please call and settle at once as I mean to settle up all my accounts by the first of January. COMEONEjVND all and pay your bill aacL buy goods cheap er jfftey' werever soln'thifl plaee befotie.v.w a. '' ; ' Oral . Jiamond Dm kiiiliMnt $510 forth 8ETU GREEN, What Ue Greavt Fiu Cultariat Saytt: -jS'ff f w.enf w FlorWa n whUe there ,,.u ,.in,w m a ory severe lorm. When I rehirned home I went to bed and remained there ,. " . u...vu.D lomuiQ. i ruin r", "t' wa wnoiiy gone, and I felt A laAlr nf saY, t j . desorlbedbut hd8never exrien'ny one mrero vluiok oi naian can appreciate my condition. Aa I failed toeetanv better I determined to try a remedy M bi I h?.,ILW1,0ai bAi tne 2reate8t confidence wrV;a."S "Bjr "i?. mriueuce fl1.1 can m09t heartUy remmeLd It to all su" A REAL REMEDY. Neither Myktlcal nor Indian ia Origin but Scientific and Specific. a rexHisdv of over Twenty-Five years standing. S2?.M!r.a' 0: ???.."her best known, w wMc UC1UOUI09 Ol IIS Kino. endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggets at A RfSTIEDV that Mr. C W O'Keni , i. - - . Mwunnici, , aaja rais ed bis wif a from an Invalid's bed, and he believes A RETIEDV oi wnicn a prominent Atlanta merchant said "I would have given 500 as soon as som as I would a nickel ror what two bottles of your medicine did A Rrmnnv in regard to which S. J. Cassels, M.D. Druggist of ThomasvlHe, Oa , savs: "I can recall instances In Which It afforded reiiei after all the usual reme- U103 UW1 UU CU A RRmnnv. about which Dr. W. B Ferreli, La Grange Ga. writes: "1 have used ror the last 20 years the medicine you are putting up, and consider It the ucoi cuiuumauuu cor Kuiusn logeiner lor the dl lUiUUQH fi afhlfmh ,f la n . . . i t. Ji. II . VI nuu,u lb 13 ICWUlUltlllUCU, A HE1TIKDV oiwnicnt)r. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said: "I nave examined tne recipe, and have no hesl'a Uon In advising its use, and confidently recom A liriiriiv which the Rbv TT a .Inh " u.a, iuailClUk ITt. says he has used In his family with -the utmost miuovuvu, .uu lowiuujQuuiHi ii to ine lamuies iuuuu i. lu juai wuaii 11 is recommended A KETlEDy of which Pemterton, Iverson Denlson say: ''We uave ueeo seuing u ior many years, with con stantly increasing sales. The article Is a staple A HEJ1EDV of which Lamar, Rankin 4 Lamar say: "We sum ou gross in tuur dodui. and never sold It win wiicm. it niu wouicu again A It KM ED V by which Dr. aijh.of LaGrange, Ga.. says: "I cureo one oi me most obstinate cases of Vicabi- niMsiaviiiua iiiiu ever came within my Mivitimgo, wiiii a lew uumes. of wh1tfh Hr J C nrraa Mnt.d, i. it . am fully convinced that It Is unrivalled tor that wb vi uusosc. wuicu it. claims 10 cure. A uKmarnv ahont whlnh Mn1 Jnn n gdki,,a r , . i . , . " ' v' " vii.iv i . i anauia, wen and favorably known all over the United states as a deneral Insurance Agent sajs; -I us-d this oemeur, Deiore ine war. on a large plantation o a great numf lof cases, and alwaj with absolute TUVVCDO. A RE.TIEDY abont which J W. Strange, of Cartersl!le. Ga , reruiies ma one oon.e cured two members of his family of menstrual Irregularity of many years UlUUUUUjl A RKKIRnT that 18 CHAPXB THAN ANT OTHKR KBT1ICINI of its kind in the world, because onb ob two bottlss ""J" UUM TtUS HOST OBSTINATK CASK. A W a.' W ft. a . V " " - " " .v uuiwiu, UUIlfOIJBU I. Ill (14.1 proprletlvea I have many hundreds of testimo nials. This grkat popular rkmsdi is Brad fibld s Regulator. (Woman's Best Friend ) For IU. Imf.lllna nnHlliu, . .1 Price: Small size 75 cents. Lirge size SI.50. wwi x luyiieiur auu uauuidciurer, J. BBADFIKLD, Ho. 108 a Prior 8treet Atlanta, Gi. JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER FLOUR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN. SPRINGS & -BCBWELL' sept80dtf an infalHbi curt for Pi lea! Prloe ftl. atdiirl. I sent prepaid byjnaflf Sample rw. AO. "ARAKESIs." lakers.Box 2416 JfewYori. w nmumi ,hhbh inioriDauOa efiilVlt DtA,Q.0Un,B02aii01licuo novlSdeodaw , , FREEforTRIAL An unfailing and Speedy cure tn I ThwnrttMdflo route tot i'"TOif ana Weaktun, iAj.jf r wuW ana Vxgor, or any overwork etc, (over forty sand poem cures.) jKSend ioo. iur iwnaoB oa, trial box of 100 pills. AdSreM, . . varaaaciiA, nov!8deodaw OPIUMS IH. H.-H. RAITS, of the rteQuincer a Remedy SU.lefd3r' For tetUimmIal.1 letter, from traatmeDt, Springs & Borwe Dun ph mjiiii trnu ii 7 UPPER E O from Tonthfnl Impradenoa, osnalna SarvOD Debility, Mental and PhysH mm i j ( CCONQUEROR. A SPECIFIC FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS. -W CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCH0HQL1S&!, OPIUM EATING, SYPKILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND JRREGULARITIES. $1.50 per bottle at druggists.-! The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med., Co., Prop'rs. St. Josepli, (1) Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials and circulars Eend stomp. C. N. CBITTEST0K, Agent, Kew Tork. R. H. Jordan & Co., DRUGGISTS. We have just received a complete stock of FINE LAMPS of all kinds; also the best FIRE-PROOF Lamp Chimneys. Use Valentine's Improved Tar Drop for Cougis and Cold. Ir- Dennin's Certain Cure for Rhenmatism,and Hair's Astlima Cnre. Borax and Oatmeal. Pear's 30 Per Cent, Olycerine and 47.11 Kose Xoilet Soap. Whale Oil Soap. IVelson's and Cox's Gelatine. Eagrle and Swiss Brands Con- densed IrliUc, Fresli Stock, at H H. JORDAN ft CO, DRUGGISTS. f It 1 & 1 m mm POSITIVELY CURES Dyspepsia, Liyer mi Kidney Complaints. I have used vour "Life for trt T and Kidnevs" with o-rflat benefit unH for dvSDeDsia. or anv Hfiraiummnnr nf the Liver or kidneys, I regard it as being tvimuui an equal. Jas. J. Osboenb, Att'y at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C. Far superior to any liver pad. Hugh Thomas, Glendale, S. C. Your medicines are valnhl nri splendid remedies. I have sold upwards oi nve gross, ana can recommend them. T 11 i ... x wouia not De witnout tnem. J. S. M. Davidson, Druggist, Charlotte, N. C. "Life for the Liver and Kidnevs" or uiuinure worus line a charm ftnrl sells very fast. A. H. Perkins, Wax Haw, Lancaster county, S. C. In laree 25c. and S1.00 hntf.lpo siri uy uruggists ana aeaiers generally. t i epareu Dy R. HILTON, Glendale, S. C. October 28, dtf. NEW FALL STYLES! We are now receiving our ne.w Fall gtjles of MILLINERY, H4I8, BONNETS, FLOWER', FEATHERS, PElJiTIES, SATIN!?, SILK. RIBBOS, PLUSH, &c. Will have our stock complete and will open our yauciUB oi OAiO and BUNHlSTd on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wlil show the largest and most com- yicLc siocs. or FINE MILLINERY W hflvft Avnr ahnnrn Ala nil ict.ih HMIire GLOVSd, TSCKWSAB." WOTION8 na ,muuo, i or LHuies, jmsses ana Lnll- We tlAVA AnirftcpAil an hiuT.n. nr,ni r &.KHF, from Baltimore, as an a ianl, and are kicicu w iuiuiiu auuimg m tne Millinery line PRICES AS LOW As anywhere in this country. TlnTl't farnar Ansa HMV TinWnDWr. a a. Him nnrl ortlUTair'Tiu .nfll Kn n until t, .v npiviispn c MRS- p- OUERY. " www Nlf N NH N mil N NN N NN TTTT EEE I DUD T E SD D T EE D D T B D D T EEB IDDD w w w w WW WW A A A A We wiU uar 18 cents per bushel of SO pounds ior good souna cotton seea, ae- IiyefrerJ at our mill. Will pay 18 cents' per bushel for seed delivered at any sta tion on railroads running to Charlotte, f or.par loads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. Or wwifl give one ton of meal in exchange for T;wo tons of seed. This exchanirri beiher of creat value to tr.o ;iarmer should be taken advantage of , one con of meai nemg wortn much more for feeding o Teftillzing than two ions wr seed. ? 1 CHARLOTTE OIL CO., novfldawtf Charlotte, N. C Cotton M W. KAUFMAN & CO Extraordinary Success of Our Great Mark Down Sale. The verdict of Clothing buyers is that we are leading ail competition matter of low prices, quality of goods and workmanship considpipH i !" reduction of 25 to 50per cent, on our entire stock merit the attention", ,i Ur ing buyers. "We single out for special mentiou the following Ui'' i) i REMARKABLE VALUES 1 IV 01 It PA m M T10. LOT 959. 100 PAIR GASS1MERE PAM s Reduced From $l.oo to 3.75. LOT 873. 100 FAIR CASSIMERE PAN'J", Better Quality, Reduced From $5.00 to ss.oo. LOT 659. 100 PAIR PANTS SUPERIOR Quality, Reduced From $0.00 to $S..0. We are determined to sell our entire remove from the KtnrA wo nnoi rvnnni. J t, , "7, W T i rr T V in making selections. oct!9 SALE OF THE BELLEVUE HITEL high poinix, w. c. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Guilford county, at the Fall Term, 18S3, in the case of George T. Leach against Clara Barbee and others, I shall sell at pi blic auction, to the highest bidder, on the premises at High Point, N. C, on Satnrday, December 1, 1883, Hie valuable property situated in said town, known as the BELLE VI JF. HOTEL, containingtwoacresof land, on which is situated a hotel, a brick building three stories above ground, with a basement containing 31 rooms, including parlor, dining room and serv ing room the basement containing the kitchen, pantry, ttore room, billiard and bar. On the lot in the rear of the hotel is a building used for laundry and servants. Also an ice-house, wood shed, &c. There is also in rear of the hotel a large cistern of the capacity of 10,000 gallons, from which the hotel is sup plied with water, being pumped into a large tank on the third story, and thence distributed throu. h pipes, sup plying all the rooms of the house, as well as the office, serving room and kitchen, ladies' and gents1 closets and bath tubs. Two Large Cooking Ranges Flectric Ennnciator, with wires I con' ecting with all the rooms. In fact i WW 1 W UUUU1UK , OlOU OU I the house is supplied with most of the modern improvements, and may be styled FIRSS-CLASS for this country. Persons seeking: valuable and desira ble property would do well to examine this. It is immediately on the Rich mond and Danville Railroad, the ereat through line from New York and Wash ington City to Atlanta and New Or leans, in a high, healthy locality, with excellent water and delightful climate. and is a favorite stopping place of sum mer and winter tourists. Terms of Sale: One-fourth cash. one-fourth on a credit of six months, and the other one-half on a credit of twelve months, with interest at six per cent, on the deferred payments from the day of sale, purchaser giving bond and good security; and title retained until the purchase n onev is naid. LEVI M. SCOTT, oct23rtds Commissioner. lew Goods Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State of Watches, Clocks AND- J EEE WWW EEB J E W W W W E .1 KR WWWW F!H KER V T K R Y V RRR YY R R Y J J K WW WW E JJJ KEE W W EEE I.T.T.T, R R Y DIAMONDS, Silver and Silvcr-Plated WARE, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Gold-headed Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which I am selling low for cash. Watch Glasses only 10 cents. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. J. T. BUTLER, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE Charlotte. N. C. Notice to Florists. On Thnrsdav. Knvpmor fVia oo-u lo83. Ill Salem. Jr. thft rpcrirtannn late E. Belo. wp will call fv. TnWrt j valuable collection of flowers belong ing to the estate nf - w Aii iv & vx . Among them are many rare and valua ble plants, which were procured at con siderable cost by Mr. Belo, and will be ouivi puuuuiy oy us IOT JAStU This IS by far the largest collection of flowers in North Carolina. Should any party desire to nnrhaso no a ,u. green house, which is complete in all its parts, can be rented for the purpose. J- ij. BUTTON, W. A. LEMLEY, H , Administrators of E. Belo. novl3dtd8 music iIsjs'lTrDe Tnrl Oil. Guide to T?pv f pLTw,ui 20 nieces Of mmn'n J couldn't learn . -fw, TlTil-lJW month fotmltii Sample copy will be mailed 'to to? telbn rZcePt ol Scents WitamJ by JR. 01A11, JU. ; , " ; ' i f J. ii,.. stock before January 1st 1884 as wo t, n infn u i, c , ' . ' u " HI 4. . 1 c lluuso lormeny occupied bv Brp ru & WllD yU' " may a8SI6t ' ou W. KAUFMAN WE HAVE -ADd opened up as fine a lot of CONFECTIONERY as was ever brought to this market fur both the Wholesale and Retail Trade. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nut.i.c., always in stock. Our facilities in the RAKING line are now better than ever, esjiomllv for furnishing Plain anc Ornamented Cabs, BREAD and PASTRIES. Special attention is called to the fact that we are still selling One Full Pound of Bread, II ualily, for FIVE CENTS. Respectfully. 1 1. MLS & oa, Mn'fg Confectioners and Bake rs. 500 150 100 200 Carrels and Sacks Flour, Bags Meal. Barrels Molasses. Packages Lard. !300 Boies Soap. 100 250 Packages Soda. Boxes and Barn Is Cakes aod ( rarkrri 50 125 HO 375 Cases Sardines. Cases Vrsters. Boses Cheese. Boxes Caaor. 5Q Half-Barrels Champagne Cider. Boxes Tobacco. 50,000 asn- Crates Apples. SUGAR, COFFIIl. RICE, TEA, Arc. At Inside Figures. MAYER & ROSS. novldtf New Stock Arrived. CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWAKh HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. All the Latest Styles. We call particular attention to MOSSROSE and GOLD Decorated TEA SETS. 44 pieces. 87 50. DECORATED CHAMBER SETS, from S4.00 up. DECORATED DINNER SETS frwu $20 00 up. WHITE CHINA DINNER SEI?, from ftlOOO nn. STEAK BROILERS, 75 cents. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, -from $6 50 up. -A FINE STOCK 0V- PLATED WARE, CLO Ki. BrtONZSfl. AND KANCY GOODS. Verj respectfully, LUDOLFA H ARTS KIEL. D duoc. to J. Brookfleld 4 -0. DOVE'S HrO Paf8IGIAN3, FARMERS, LIKBY STa 1 BL1 KCKPKBd AND RalLBOAD MIINaM Jos tee AT WHOLESALE BKADB l)F FAMILIES: If anr metnoer or toui bouaebold. from parents to tne merest infant, are afflicted with Malignant Sores, scrofulous or oiDer- lse. Silt RDeum or ticald Head, Burns. 0UB(1; no matter how severe, or of how .on standing-, or from whatever osuse produced, send and gel iS5-oent bottle of TUK OIL. arm e guarle euro or no pay- 11 ct"" before other roinedit' begin to act It Is equally applicable to hi tie Dicers or Sores, or Inflamed surfaces of all qo" mestic animals, or an) thing that moves on tne Turt One or two applications are all that Is nec essarr to neutralise the action of the virus antf heal the Ulcer It arreataat onee the rrogres of Erysipelas and removes tne Inflammation len ur the track: of the disease. Header," with ' t , aj Qiy. Blchmoad, Vs.

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