DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. TUESDAY, NO V KM -tt mt 27. 1883 , ' ' . " - ' Ml' - ' r : r -I . a if. ;' 1 V i-;4,.v, THE 6 , he FOR rHin. Believes and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPRAINS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BURNS, SCALDS, And all other bodily aches and paios. FIFT CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Directions In 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (Bucoeuon to A. VOQELER k CO.) Bsltlmors, C. 8. A. THE MOST COMPLETE IN TH E STATE. Is now prepared, by the employment of strictly first-class bakers, to deliver all kinds of Bread, Cakes, Rolls, etc., in any part of the city. I make a spe cialty of Cream, Steam, Vienna, Bye AM)- PLAIN BREADS, which is not excelled by any other baker in the city, baked fresh every day. I not only furnish as good, if not bet ter, bread than can be bought else where, but give tne Largest Loaf for the Same Price. I also keep a large variety of Cakes, Rolls, Bunns, Pastry and Coffee Cakes. NEW CROP FRUITS. Raisins, Figs, Dates, Orangss, Bananas, Grapes, of the finest quality, always on hand in season. Also a great variety of Canned Fruits and Vegetables of relia ble brands. A full assortment of PLAIN LSD F.KCY CBACKEBS. I manufacture Pure, Plain and Fancy Candies; also Taffys, which are sold at wholesale and retail. Come, See and be Convinced, D. M. RIGLER. A Superior Lot -OF- NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES AND SUGAR, DIRECT FROM THE REFINERIES Ol' LOUISIANA, JUST ARRIVED. CALL AND SEE Ml We have secured the services ol a first class ba ker, from New York, and we present to the ladles ot this city a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before offered In this city. It Is the leading style and kind now having such a run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try it and you will be convinced of its su periority. In order that jou may know our bread our pri vate brand 0. K. will be on each loaf. We most respectfully ask every lady to call o send and try this IT I NICE. We keep on hand the largest and nicest assort ment of CAKES CAKES To be found in the 8tate. and can furnish on the nortest notice any quantity for parties or wed dings. Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES Is unsurpassed and always fresh. Families sup plied with everything they use. A share of the public patronage solicited. Bespectfully, PHELAN & ROSS. anglMtt PARTS Burn8 0c- Byron, 50c. Mrs. IVUI Browning, 55c., Campbell, 40c., Chaucer, 60., Coleridge, 60., Cow per, 60.,Dante,50.,Dryden, 50., Goethe, 70c, Goldsmith, 60., Hcmans, 50., Iliad and Odyssey, 70c, Hood, 50c , Ingelow, oOc, Keats, 40c, Meredith, 50c, Milton, 50c, Moore, 60c, Pope, 50c, Poe, 40c, Schiller, 40c, Scott, 50., Tennyson, 60c, Virgil, 45., and others,. Fine cloth binding. Bent for' examination before payment on evidence of good faith. Catalogue free. Not sold by dealers. Joek B. Aldin, Publisher, l8Vesey St., New York. MOORE COlfllTY GRIT" v mm HILLS AND MILLSTONES, 1y . (AixuiaaX BE3TlflTHEW0RLD J ; ftiXPTlg OF MEAL SKIT j IUTR (AROIWA HUTU! CO. - i 1 Rider's 6a Mir, Hum O.K. BREAD, Ite Clvartottjc b$zxvzvt STATE NEWS. The execution of Burt Ellis at Shel by on December 14th will be public. The State meeting of the Women's Christian lemperance Union, will convene in Benbow Hall, Greensboro, to day. Samuel Reed in Fofsyth is a con siderable manufacturer of sorghum molasses. He has made 500 gallons this season. A negro wo nan was riding along in a wagon near Sandy Ridge, Stokes county one day last week, and not noticing whore she was driving, let one wheel strike a dead tree which resulted in the top of the tree falling on her head. Blue Ridge Enterprise: Mr. Frank Hill has a curiosity in the shape of a deer's horn grown fast in an oak sap ling On Thursday night last the dwelling and stabling on the Webb farm, recently bought by Dr. Ander son, three-fourths of a mile from town, were entirely destroyed by fire. Beaufort Telephone: The schoonor Charles will be about the only vessel loaded in Beaufort in season with rice. She Avill take a cargo to Char leston, S. C. We presume our far mers have discovered that the rice crop does not pay, as the falling off in the amount raised has grown by de grees beautifully less until we have no rice harvest. Tarboro Guide: Since the inspection of the State Guard by Col. Cameron, the number of companies has been reduced from forty to between twenty and twenty-five. It is said thet the troopsjare now in better condition to serve the Stats then ever before. It is our painful duty to have to an nounce the death of Dr. James R. Staton, who departed th s life at his residence, in this place, on last Friday morning. Wilmington Star: There are now in this port 41 large vessels, including 29 barques, 5 brigs and 10 schooners. The work of recovering the steel rails from the sunken flat near Point Peter, which was snagged at that point a week or so ago, while in tow of th steamer Wave, was commenc ed yesterday, the first rail having been brought to the surface by half past 12 o'clock. At a meeting of the Wilmington rights ville cv Unslow Railroad company, held in Raleigh, a tew days ago, Kev. J . C. Price re signed the Presidency and L H r isher of Lenior, war; elected President m his stead. The matter of employing convicts on the road was postponed until next meeting. A resolution was past requesting all stockholders and others favorable to the enter prise, to aid and assist i by money and otherwise) in the completion of the road. Raleigh News & Obseruer: The re ceipts of cotton here for the week end ing Thursday were 1,680 bales, against 3,030 bales for the corresponding week last year : a decrease in the receipts for the week this year of 1.350 bales. Mr. T. B. Roberts, known of all men as a veteran Democrat, tried and true, sent up sky rockets lf.st even ing, as an outward and visible sign of his rejoicing at Skinner's victory in the First district. It appears that among the party of Bostonians who will arrive here next Tuesday even ing, will be some men of much promi nence and wealth. Raleigh will give them a warm and hospital reception. Twelve months ago the endow ment lund of Wake Forrest College was $53,000. It is now $70,174,25. About $19,000 have been pledged, to be paid by January 1st, 1884, provid ed that the whole amount necessary to give the college $100,000 be actu ally subscribed bv Christmas. In accordance with notice given, the ex amination oi applicants tor positions in the civil sei vice, in the depart ments in Washington, began yester day morning at ten o'clock, in the United States court room. Hon. Dorman B. Eaton, one of the civil service commissioners, was in charge. Messrs. II C. Thompson, John Nich ols, W. C. Kerr and J. C. Gorman as sisted him as examiners, Mr. Thomp son acting as secretary. There were thirty-four applications made for the examination by candidates, but only twenty-three appeared yesterday. Of these ten applied for lower grade po sitions, and thirteen for high grades. There were seven ladies among the appliccants. A LITTLE LEVITY. Professor in chemistry ' 'The sub stance you see in this rial is the most deadly of all poisons. A single drop placed on the tongue of a cat is enough to kill the strongest man." Personal. John, come back, all is forgiven. Pa kicked the wrong man. He did not know it was you. Stella. Dealers in sauekraut announce that the national German dish is likely to become as popular in Ameri ca as the German national beverage. Professor, looking at his watch : As we have afew minutes, I shall be glad to answer any question that any one may wish to ask." Student: What time is it, please?" Miss oniitkins And you ve come to see the sights of London, have you, William?" William: "Yes, avrt; so I thought I'd call on you?" And he never could make out why Miss S. did not ask him to stay to dinner. Madame, who is of great embon point asks her husband in waht char acter she shall attend the masquer ade. "As a captive balloon, he said. "How must I dress for that character?" "Simply by trying a string to your foot!" was the reply. It was the close of the wedding breakfast. One of the guests arose and glass in hand, said: "I drmk to the neaitn or the groom. May he see many days like this." The 'intention was good, but the bride looked as if something had displeased her. Dr. Mary Walker Defends Herself. Washington Critic. As Dr. Mary Walker was passing through one or the nans or the In terior Department building Wednes day an impudent clerk blew tke smoke from his cigarette into her face. The smell of tobacco irritates the Doctor very much, and the clerk. it seems, knew it. At his first offence the Doctor called his attention to the fact. The second offense on the part ot the clerk was met by a square blow in the face with such force as to stagger him. Upon learning of the incident the Secretary directed that the name of the offending clerk to be reported to him. Cast of Does An Iowa man has figured out - that the does of that State eat enough an nually to feed 100,000 workmen, and cost 18,000,000, counting the sheep they kill. The education of the child ren of the Stat costs $130,000,000. from Eminent w L Almon. Dres'dent medical college, Halifax; N. S.i'Colaen's Liquid Beef Tonic n lavaiuaois ior lever, indigestion ana weakness, and it unsarpassed for fen and is unsamassed emale com- jrtamts, (Take no other.) Of druggists. A RED GIANT'S TOMB. An ethnologist Makes a valuable dis covery in the Kanawha Country. from the Charleston Call Professor Norris, the ethnologist, who has been examining the mounds in this section of West Virginia for several months, the other day opened the big mound on Colonel B. H. Smith's farm, six'orkeight miles below here. This is the largest mound in the valley and proved a rich store house. The mound is fifty feet high and they dug down to the bottom. It was evidently the burial-place or a noted chief, who had been interred with unusual honors. At the bottom they found the bones of a human being, measuring seven feet in length and nineteen inches across the shoul ders. He was lying flat, and at either side, lying at an angle of about forty- -i " , 1 .1 A. - J 1 nve degrees, witn tueir iei poinicu towards their chief, w( re pother men on one side two and on the other three. At the head of the chief lay another man, with his hands extend ed before him, and bearing two bracelets of copper. On each side of the chief'swrists were six copper bracelets, while a looking glass of mica lay at his shoulder and a gorget or copper rested on ins breast, n our copper bracelets were under his head with an arrow in the centre A house twelve feet in diameter and ten feet high, with a ridge-pole one foot in diameter, has been erected over them, and the whole covered by the dirt that formed the mound. Each of the men buried there had been en closed in a bark coffin. Turgeniefl's Enormous B aio. From the Pall Mall Gazette. The brain of Turgenieff is said to have weighed 2,012 grammes. The average weight or the human brain is 1,390 grammes. Turgeniff's is said to be the heaviest which has yet been weighed. Cuvier's brain is said to have weighed l,oo grammes, mere are many cases in which an extraordi nary intellect has accompanied a heavy brain, but men whose mental superiority is undoubted by both friend and foe had often brains under the average weight. The cast of Raphael s skull shows that it was smaller than the average British skull; Cardinal Mezzofanti's head was but of the average size : Charles Dickens's head was rather smaller than the average: Lord Byron's head was remarkably small Charles did not come up to theLamb's average'weight ; and it is'well known that at the death ot (jrambetta his brain was found to be smaller than that of an ordinary Parisian ouv- rier. If people troubled with colds, would take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before go ing to church or places of entertain ment, they would avoid coughing, greatly to the comfort of both speakers and hearers. Public speakers and sing ers find that the Pectoral wonderfally increases the power and flexibility of the voice. 85 S. Clark St., Opp. Court House, CHICAGO. A repmlar gradn&te. B-The Oldeat 8peln1tt in the United States, whuse life lo.no experience, perfect method and pure medicine insure bpeedy and pebmasent cubes of all Private. Chronic ant Nervous Diseases. Affections of the Blood, Skin, Kidneys, Bladder, Eruptions, Ulcers, Old Throat, Bone Piilns, permanently cared ana eradicated from the system for life. UCDlfnilC Debility Impotfmetj,Srminal II EL 111 UU W Losses, Sexual Dvcay, Mental and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, WeaH Eyes, Stunted Development, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., from excesses or any cause, speedily, safely and privately Cured, aa-Younir. Middle-Aced and Old men. and all who need medical ak.Ul and experience, consult Dr. Bate at once. Hid opinion costs nothing, and may save future misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by mail or express free from obser vation. SEsWt is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class ot diseases at tains treat skill, and Dhvsicians throughout the country, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the Oldest Specialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. srg-Dr. Bate's Age and Experience make his opinion of in. preme Importance. BSP-Those who rail see no one but the Doctor. Consultations free and sacredly confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere, especially solicited. Female Dis eases treated. Call or write. Hours, from O to 4 fl to S; Sundays. lO to la. Guide xo Health sent t REE. Address as above. novlSdeodaw FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE A favorite rjpcwcrlptlon of one ortna tnoat noted nod successful specialists In the U. a. (now retired) tor the cure ofjsi'ww DebilitVt koant STanHooa, IFesJnuw and Deeotf. SenS is plain sealed envelopera. DragglstacaaauiW Address DR. WARD ft CO. Louisiana, MoV novlSdeodaw V. J. Black & Sod, WHOLESALE GROCERS, College Street, Charlotte. N. C. Fall stock always in store Blsheot Dries r.ald tor targe quantities ot wheat ajnu oats juljltfdtl $30,000 FOR $2. f 1 BBGULAB MONTHLY DBAWINfl WILL -( take place' In the Masonic Hall, Masonic UU BulidlDg, In LoulsvU'.e, Ky , Thursday, November 29. b, 1883. A lawful Lottery and fair drawings, chant red by the Legislature of Ky., and twice declared legal by tbe highest court In the 8tate. Bond given to Henry count; In the sum ol $100,000 lor the prompt payment r prizes soia. A BKY0LUTION IN 1HQL5 NUMBK l DRAW- ys? Every ticket holder his own supervisor, can call out tne number on bis t cket and see tne cor responding number on the tag placed In the wheel In his presence. These drawings will occur on the last Thursday of every month Bead the magnificent . ISOVE.TIBEIl SCHEME. 1 Prize $0,U00 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize R.000 2 Prizes. 2 500 each 5.000 5 Prizes, i.i'POeacb 5,000 20 Prizes, 500 eacn lO.OOti 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Frizes, 50 each 10,000 500 frizes. 20 each 10,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes, 8300 each. Approximation Prizes 8a, 700 9 Prizes, VJ00 " " ' " 1.800 9 Prizes. 100 " " " " 900 1,857 Prizes 8110 400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets. 81 ; 27 ricketo $50; 55 Tickets, 8100 Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or aono by Express. DON'T SEND BY BEttlSTERKD LBTTEB OB P08TOKFICB ORDKb, until further notice, orders oi So and upward, by Express. can bs sent at our ei pense Vd1res all orders to J J. DOUGLAS. septl Louisville, Ky. TIRED OUT. The distress ing feeling of weariness, of exhaustion without effort, which makes life a burden to so many people, is due to the fact that the blood is poor, and the vitality consequently feeble. If you are suffering from such feelings, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is Just what you need, and will do you incal culable good. No other preparation so concentrates and combines blood-purifying, vitalizing, enrich ing, and invigorating qualities as Ayee's Sabsapaiulla. pekpaeed by Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. : " Sold by all Drnggtits ; f 1, sis bottles for f 5, 1 a m .- Mil OFJfEBS TO-THJt and Retail TRADE A Large Stock of PURE WHITE LEADS, VARNISHES, &C. -Also TWO CAR LOADS J. H. IVcADEN. mny18 DBUGGI3T. A- DF ALLCOLOHS -AT WILSON BROS' DRUG STORE. OUR Fall and Winter STOCK OF- loots. Shoes HATS, Trunks and Valises, Is now complete, and was Manufuetured to Our Order for RETAIL TRADE. TT7 E have the bast and most stylish makes of VV Ladtea.' Misses' and children's, Shoes and Slippers, all kinds and prices. Gents'. Bjts' and Youths' Boots and Shoes, to fit and suit all da ses of tbe iraae. ' Gents' Siik Hatj.a Spscialty. M.'n's.'Bojs' and Youths' Hato, ill hlnila Trunks and VulUas. all DTlCSS. Shawl and Truck Straps, Blacking. Blacking Brushes and Shoe Dressings. CdME AND SEE US. PEGRAL1 & CO. Fine National Baak BtUldintf. Linseed Oi rs KEROSENE OIL. Diamond Dyes. Jiamond Dyes Pllll Mill SETH GREEN, What the Great FiU Culturist Says: Last winter I went to Florida and while there ntracted Malaria in a very severe form. Wnen returned home I went to bed and remainvH thorn uotd spring. My symptoms were terrible. I had dull, aching pains In my head, limbs and around my back. My appetite was wholly gone, and I felt a lack of energs such as I had often heard described but had never experienced. Any one who hag ever had a severe attack of Malarl can appreciate my condition. As I failed to get any better l determined to try a remedy miul h & gentleman in wnom Ihad the greatest confidence. 1 am nappy to say li effected permanent relief ana last i am wen to-aay tnrough tbe Influence or warners HAm cure. After such an experi ence I can most heartily recommend it to all suf- 1 ierers. A REAL REMEDY. Neither Mystical nor Indian in Origin bat Scientific and Specific. A REfflKOY of over Twenty-Five years standing. more popular at home, and where best known, than all other Bemedies of its kind. endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggets at ist Dome. . A RET1EDV that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Goodwater, Ala , sajs rais ed his Wifd from an invalid's bed, and he believes savea ner me. A KE,T1EIY of which a prominent Atlanta merchant said, "I wouia nave given ottu as soon as sou as 1 would a nickel for what two bottles of your medicine did for my daughter." A KEIflEDY In regard to which S. J. Cassels, M.D. Druggist, ot XBomasviiie, ua , says: "i can recall Instances in wnicb it asorded relief alter all the usual reme dies had Ial ed " A BKJIEnY. about which Dr. w. B Ferrell, La Grange, Ga., writes: "1 have used for the last 2D tears the medicine you are putting up, and consider it the best combination ever gotten together for the di seases for which it Is recommended." of which Dr. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said: "I have examined the recipe, and have no hesira tion in advising its use, arid confidently recom mend it." A KEiTIEIIV which the Bev. H B Johnson, near Marietta. Ga. says be has used In nls family with "the utmost satisfaction," and recommended it to tbe families "who found It to be lust what it Is recommended A KOtDV of which Pemerton, lverson & Denlson say: ' We have been selling It for many years, with con stantly increasing sales. The article is a staple wnn us, ana one oi aosoiuie menu" A KKJ1KDV of which Lamar, Bankln 4 Lamar say: "We sold ot gross In four months, and never sold It In any place but what it was wanted again '' by which Dr. ai?h, of LaGrange, Ga., says: "I cured one of tne most obstinate tasesof Vicabi otjs Menstruation that ever came within my Knowledge, wnn a iew ootties." A K fcUYI . Ik Y of which Dr. J. C. HTJ3S, Notast-lg. Ala , says: "I am fully convinced that it Is unrivalled for that class of dlssases which it claims tocure." A HE 71 EDV about which Mal. Joo. C. Wbltner. of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United fctates as a General insurance Agent sajs: I used this Remedy, set ore the war, on a large piantntlon o a great numt- not cases, and alwar wi.ti absolute success." A KENEDY about which J W. strange, of Ortersvlile. Ga ertifies that one bott.e cured two meinrs ot his family of menstrual Irregularity of many years standing. A REIUEfiY that IS CHAPKR THAN ANT OTHBB XETIICINX of Its kind in the world, because nb rB two bottles WILL CUKK THK MOST OBSTINATE CASK A K Kifl ".! Y in regard to whose unfailing, unrivalled euratlve propnettves l nave many nunareas or testimo nials. This great popular remedy is Bead field's Begulator: (Woman's Best Krlend ) For sale oy all unmlsts. Price: 6 mail size 75 cents. Liree size SI. 50. bole Proprietor and Manuracturtr, J. HH4UF1ELU, No. 1C8 3. Prror Street Atlanta, Gi. Springs & Burwe JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER FLOUR, 'Pfjji EINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN. SPRINGS & BDRWELL eepl3Gdtf FROM THE SOUTH, A Perfect Combination with two Salient Advantages Why it Concerns son. "There is no mistake about it," re marked Dr. M. F. Flowers, of Gallantin, Missouri, " BENSON'S CAPCINE POR OUS PLASTERS are one of the neatest combinations ever produced. They have two kinds of advantages overall others. wmuii wo may omi me miner ana ma jor. First, they are clean and pleasant to use, never soiling the hands nor the linen ef the wearer. Second, they act quickley and powerfully. I have tried the Capcine Plaster on my .elf for pneu monia, and on my patients for various diseases, such as Neuralgia, Muscular Kheumatism, .Lumbago. Kidnev trouble. eto., and in all cases relief has followed m from tnree to fortv-eierhth hours. " Dr. Flower merely voices the written or oral opinion of thousands in his pro- tession. eiiJNaujS'S CAPCINE .FUK- OUS PLASTERS are the nerfect exter nal application. The genuine have the worn o.a.iTui.iN.E; cut in tn cemer. Price 25 cents. (CONQUEROR,) A SPECIFIC FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS, CONVULSIONS, FALUNS SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, ICINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVEHESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. jjS? $1.50 per bottle at druggists.-!! The Dr. S. A. Richmond f.'ei, Co., Prcp'rs. St. Tosepla, 2Co. (1) Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials and circulars send stump. C. K. CR1TTEXT0N, Agent, Sew Tork. R. B. Jordan & DRUGGISTS. We have just received a complete stock of FINE LAMPS of all kinds; also the best FIRE-PROOF Lamp Chimneys. Use "Valentine's Improyrd Tar Drops for Coug-lis and Colds. Dr. Dennin's Certain Cure for Rheumatism, and Hair's Asthma Cure. Borax and Oatmeal. Pear's SO Per Cent, Glycerine and 47.11 Rose Toilet Soup. Whale Oil Soap. Nelson's and Cox" Gelatine. Easrle and Shins Brands Con- densed IHilk., Fresh Stock, at R. H. JORDAN & DRUGGISTS. POSITIVELY CURES Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints. I have used your "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" with great benefit, and for dyspepsia, or any derangement of the liver or kidneys, I regard it as being without an equal. J as. J. Osborne, Att y at Law, Boilston, Henderson county, N. C. Far superior to any liver pad. Hugh Thomas, Glendale, S. C. Your medicines are valuable and splendid remedies. I have sold upwards of hve gross, and can recommend them. I would not be without them. J. S. M. Davidson, Druggist, Charlotte, N. C. "Life for the Liver and Kidneys'" ot 'Chill Cure" works like a charm and sells very fast. A. H. Perkins, Wax Haw, Lancaster county, S. C. In large 25c. and 81.00 bottles. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. Prepared by DR. IIILTOr. Glendale. S. C. October 28, dtf. NEW FALL STYLES! We are now rece,v!ne cr Bew Fai1 styles a MILLINERY, HilS, BOXNETS, FLOWERS FEATHERS PLUMES, SATIN?, SILK RIBBON, PLl)SB,&c. Will have our stock complete and w'll open our patterns ot HATS and BOMNKTd on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wl'.I show the largest and most com plete stock of FINE MILLINERY We have ever shown. Also all the Novel? es In. H3SIKRY. GLOVEd, NECK WE 4 R, MOTIONS and FANCY GrOD3, for Ladles, Misses and Chil dren, ZEPHYR. YARNS, 4c. We have engaged an experienced Milliner, Miss KEMP, from Baltimore, as an as lxtanl, and are p.epared to furnhh anything In the Millinery line and at PRICES AS LOW As anywhere In tfcl : country. Don't feiget ovr ONE HTTNDRED fine patterns HATd and BONNETS will be opened TUEoDaY. OCTOBER 2d. MRS. P. OUERY. www w w w w WW WW WW WW w w NN N NN N N N N N NN N NN TTTT T T T T DUD K no I A A EE d r B EBB id r ddd We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, de fiyeredatour mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered at any sta tion on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. Or we will give one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of Beed. This exchange being of great value to the farmer should be taken advantage of, one ton of meal being worth much more for feeding or fertilizing than two tons of seed. n, CHARLOTTE OIL CO., noTOdawtf Charlotte, N. C. Co., Cotton See( KAUFMAN w. Extraordinary buccess ot Mark Down Sale. rm. nrAi,.t- f niothinir buyers is that matter of low prices, quality of goods reduction of 2o to ou per rem. ing buyers. We'single out for special RE11ARK.4BLS VALUES LOT 959. 100 PAIR CAS SI ME RE P.X Reduced From $I.OO lo LOT 873. 100 PAIR CASSIMERE PAN! Better Quality, Reduced From $..00 to :.!). LOT 659. 100 PAIR PANTS SUPERIOR Quality, Reduced From $0.00 to :..0. We are determined to sell our entire remove from the store we now occupy & McDowell under the Central Hotel. in making selections. SALE OF THE BELL EVUE HOTEL lit OH POIiX, I. C. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Guilford county, at the Fall Term, 1SS3, in the case of George T. Leach against Clara Barbee and others. I shall sell at pi blic auction, to the highest bidder, on the premises at High Point, N. C, on Saturday, December 1, The valuable property situated in said town, known as the BEI.I.EVI K HOTEL, containing two acres of land. on which is situated a hotel, a brick building three stories above ground, with a basement containing 31 rooms, including parlor, dining room and serv ing room the basement containing the kitchen, pantry, ttore room, billiard and bar. On the lot in the rear of the hotel is a buildiDg used for laundry and servants. Also an ice-house, wood shed, &c. There is also in rear of the hotel a large cistern of the capacity of 10,000 gallons, from which the hotel is sup plied with water, being pumped into a laree tank on the third story, ana thence distributed throu h pipes, sup plying all tne rooms ot tne nouse, as well as the omce, serving room ana kitchen, ladies' and gents' closets and bath tubs. Two Large Cooking- lianges Art attached to the building; also an Flectric Enunriator, with wires con ecting with all the rooms. In fact the house is supplied with most of the modern improvements, and may be styled FIRSS-CLASS for this country. Persons seeking valuable and desira ble property would do well to examine this. It is immediately en the Rich mond and Danville Railroad, the great through line l rom New York and Wash ington City to Atlanta and New Or leans, in a high, healthy locality, with excellent water and delightful climate, and is a favorite stopping place of sum mer and winter tourists. Terms of Sale: One-fourth cash, one-fourth on a credit of six months, and the other one-half on a credit of twelve months, with interest at six per cent, on the deferred payments from the day of sale, purchaser giving bond and good security; and title retained until the purchase r. oney is paid. LEVI M. SCOTT, oct23("tds Commissioner. Goods Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State of -AND- EES WWW EEK E W W W W E EE WW WW KE E WW WW K EEE W W EEE L RRR L R R L RRR L R R LLLL R R T Y Y Y YY Y Y j J J J jjj New Watches, Clocks DIAMONDS, Silver and Silver-Plated WARE, Gold, Silver! and Steel Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Gold-headed Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which I am selling low for cash. Watch "Glasses only 10 cents. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. J. T.BUTLER, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE Charlotte. N. C. Notice to Florists. On Thursday, November the 29th, 1883. in Salem, at the residence of the late E. Belo, we will sell the large and "valuable collection of flowers belong ing to the estate of our intestate. Among them are many rare and valua ble plants, which were procured at con siderable cost by Mr. Belo, and will be sold publicly by us for CASH. This is by far the largest collection of flowers in North Carolina. Should any party desire to purchase, as a whole, the green house, which is complete in all its parts, can be rented for the purpose. J. C. BUXTON, W. A. LEMLEY, Administrators of E. Belo. novl3dtds IMIWfr WITHOUT A TEACHER ! " Z S o u p e r ' s . Instantaneous Guide to Keys of Piano and Organ. Jtrice SJl. Will teach any person to play M pieces of musio in one day. You coulda't learn it from a teacher in a month for $20. Try it and be convinced. Sample copy will be mailed to any ad dress on receipt of 25 cents in stamps by Heaenb & Co., Publishers, P. O. Box 1487, New York, rR..MAiL,i,,; WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CoiUeee St,, C&tu-lotte. Orders sol icited and promptly fille. & CO Oui we are leading nil (v-.,,.,,. and workmanship .li: v.l;l "I i . w, , mention the following W OUR I'A V stock before January 1st. 181. a- w into the house formerly ocoupic 1 ,v ;r Bring this list with you. it may asit , VV. KA U KM A X WE HAVE -And opened up as li ih CONFECTIONERY as was ever brought to tlii ma; k both the Wholesale and K tail Tr Foreign and Domestic Fruit. Nn; always in stock. Our fai-iliti'- v BAKING line are now better than for furnishing Plain and Ornamen! BREAD and PASTRIES. Special attention is called to tl that we are still sell'ii? One Full Pound of Itri-aif. ln.lily, for FIVE CENTS. Respectfully. t H. DLLS Mn'fg Confectioners and Bak Li Jus AT WHOLESA 500 'im,s anl' schs Flour, 150 11 gs MfBl' jQQ barrels Mo'as: s. 2QQ Packages Laril. SOO po:lfsSoaP ' 100 'ar,'aSes Sola. i I '2rjQ Boxes and Itarr, Is Cuke aii'i Q Cases Sardines. 1 '23 l6sf 8 (f s"'rs' 140 Boxes f1' i Boxes lanar. Hair-Barrels Champagne Cider. 75 Boxes Tobaceo. 50,000 Crates Apples. IIACO', SI C; A IS, COI'FI I" RICE, TEA, At Inside Figures may i; it & no novldtf New Stock Arrived CHINA, CROCKERY. GLA'VA:; HOUSEFUltNISHIXC. liUOD' All the Latest St If. We call particular a tenlion to MOSSROSE and GOI.O TEA SETS. 41 pieces. sT ' 1 DECORATED CHAM from S4 00 up. DECORATED DINNER ShT 820 00 up. WHITE CHINA DINM from .$10 00 no. STEAK BROILERS. 7". c"1'. CHILDREN'S CAHIMA(;! $6 50 up. A FIN1? dTOv'K i'K- PLATED W-AlU, CLO Ki. B::ON'Z.C3, iND Verj ref pec'.lu'lj', -MRU'. LUDOLK A uce to J tin" DOVE'S True Torf Oi PHVSI 'TAN3 Hail"", , nnl. ' nun.. -, , g,.r nllUiu-' m it r . M..ii.Tniir .sores, sen.-'"' ,,, nv rrora wimicc, y"?; ... ,, p mm y5-cent bottle ol 'iur o"""" :,h,r mi t Turf. One or applica I s J essary 10 "V"r " . onw the I hA. mn iiicci . in 'v- Kryalpe'as ana rem""" the-triK or tne w. . an, MUntrf .tor; ores agists exr- Ak for the "Turt StPWSS1 he 'Sfurf Oil" SpelUM- - .f,X.rfiflitg of cures. 4$ uer, n tVBOOIL,