r- - - -- ... . , DA 1 L Y CHAR L OT TEOBSKRY E R FRIBaYD E C K MJE R 7 1883 GEnt.iANR-EMEpt B,?HEB BOOILt PA 1X9 iKD AUIES. Riglers Bakery TIIK MOST COM PLET E IN TH E STATE. Is now prepared, by the employment of strictly first-class bakers, to deliver all kinds of Bread, Cakes, Rolls, etc., in any part of the city. I make a spe cialty of Cream, Steam, Vienna, Bye AND- PLAIN BREADS, which is not excelled by any other baker in the city, baked fresh every day. I not only furnish as good, if not bet ter, bread than can be bought else where, but give the Largest Loaf for the Same Price. I also keep a large variety of Cakes, Rolls, Bunns, Pastry and Coffee Cakes. NEW CROP FRUITS Raisins, Figs, Dates. Orangas, Bananas. Grapes, of the finest quality, always on Viand in season. Also a great variety of Canned Fruits and Vegetables of relia ble brands. A full assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. I manufacture Pure, Plain and Fancy Candies; also Taffys, which are sold at wholesale and retail. Come, See and be Convinced, D. AI. RIGLER. A Superior Lot -OF- NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES AlSn SUGAR, DIRECT FROM THE REFINERIES OK LOUISIANA, JUST ARRIVED CALL AND SEE J, We have secured the services of a first claes ba ker, from New York, and we present to tbe ladles of this cttj a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before offered In this city. It Is the leading style and kind now having such a run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try It and you will be convinced of Its su perlonty. In order that you may know our bread our prl vate brand O. K will be on each loaf. ..WHe.mSs.t re.9P'ully ask every lady to call o send and try this O.K. IT I NICE. mentor91 00 hand the large8t ani nlc68t assort- CAKES CAKES To be found in the State, and can furnish on the snortett no ace any Quantity for parties or wed dings. Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES Is ansnrp&Med and always fresh. Families sup Plied with everything tbey use. A share of the public patronage solicited. Respectfully, PHELAN & ROSS. oglMtt WW WW A A ii A E P D ra n . . . tl " " I KB T ft AAA It MM a a a mm IS D D T KEK DDD S We will par 18 cents per bushel of 80 Bounds for good sound cotton seed, de yeredatour mill. Will pay 18 cents per oushel for seed delivered at any sta tion on railroads running to Charlotte for Tar loads of ten tons and above we payng freight on same. ' Or we will give one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange being of great value to the farmer should be taken advantage of, one ton of meal being worth much more for feeding or fertilizing than two tens of eed. CHARLOTTE OIL 00., ntfWaawtf Charlotte, N f . Something ui BREAD Cotton Seec Jit Cfraylgttt Sbzvvzv. j i ST ATE NEWS. Peter Adams, aged 82 years, died in Greensboro on the evening of the Uh. T.ir.r.lor.rm Tnrlp.r- Mr. Kenned v. of Wilmine-ton. Delaware, has been here the past week, and is preparing to saw nicnory iiniDer. The Winston Pilot says that Mr. Bud Conrad, of Lewisville accident ally shot himself through the hand last Saturday t morning with a shot gun. Leaksvillo Gazette: For disturbing public worship Judge McRae last Tuesday sentenced a man to jail for six months. We hope that this case will be a warning to others. Raleigh News & Observer: A lum ber of improvements are being made at Yarboro. Mr. Raney is very ear nest in his work of putting the hotel in good shape. Very few old bonds come into the State treasury for ex change nowaday s. Yesterday $8,000 of them were received. Asheboro Courier: Mr. Seth Cran" ford, one of New Hope township's best citizens died last Wednesday morning. He was betwen seventy and eighty years of age, and will be missed in his con.muniay. Work on the new Fayetteville fc Winston R. R. is progressing rapidly. Nearly all the grading is completed to Ran dleman. About 75 men are at work leveling up the road bed. Farmer & Mechaic : Gen. D. H. Hill is in protracted feeblenes of health. Corn is quoted at 50 cents a bush el in Ashe and Pasquotank counties, near neighbors to old Currituck and Cherokee. Extremes meet in the jug? Nashville (Tenn.) American learns that Maj. W. W. Rollins, of Madison county, N. C, (near Warm Springs) will this year clear $28,000 on his crop of tobacco. There would seem to be some grounds for belief that the Ridgeway & Richmond R, R. will really be built. A stone mason says the masonry of the piers for the bridge over Roanoke River is thoroughly built A young man named Harry Jasper was arrested last wt ek, charged with abstracting money from the pockets of Wallace Bachelder, of Nash, while the latter slumbered and slept, the two being room-mates at a hotel. - pending the sessions of Federal court. Jasper swallowed a 5 gold piece, (to get it out of sight), but was forced to swal low an emetic, which restored the gold to circulation, and stopped his: the police putting him in banque. NEWS INOTES. Gen. Roger A. Pryor has asked United States Minister Lowell to ap ply for a respite for O'Donnell. The conference of delegates of the Australian Legislature have declared in favor of annexing the South Sea Islands to Australia. A man, giving his name as John Kolb, was arrested in Philadelphia Monday on his own information that he had murdered a girl at New Bruns wick, N. J. He lsevidentiv dement ed. In Norfolk, last night, Howard B. Hinds, youngest brother of Detective Sergeant Wm. Hinds.who committed suicide a few months ago,fatally shot himself through the head while in company with a young woman in a wine-room. The $12,000 worth of diamonds stolen at Simcoe, Ont., were return ed Tuesday, except -100 worth, by Mr. Jackson, counsel for Almond and Lawler, who were arrested for the burglary and the former of whom was acquitted. Birmingham, Ala.. is excited over the presence of State military order ed there by the Governor to protect Wesley Posey, colored, who outraged a week ago a white girl, nine years old, named Doyle. An effort was made to lynch him Monday night. Several weeks ago Isaac Rubinson, colored, abducted Ella Redmond, a young white girl, daughter of a Char lotte county Ya. farmer. Saturday Robinson and the girl were found living with a colored family in Ap pomattox county. The girl was ta ken home and the man arrested. At a meeting of the shareholders of the Exchange Bank of Montreal Tuesday the institution was reported insolvent, in consequence of the speculations of the president, Thom as Craig. The loss is $809,533. Craig is said to have absconded. He is the second manager of the bank who has brought it of grief. It is said a Boston firm has loaned about $10,000 in various sums to pen sioners, whose certificates have been taken as collateral. The commis sioner of pensions is issuing dupli cates to such soldiers and the original certificates become void The right to issue duplicates will be contested. The suit of Charles D. Gilmour, formerly of Washington, against CarlSchurz for $300,000 damages, has been removed from the Supreme Court of New York to the United States court. Gilmour was prohib ited from practicing in the depart ments of the Interior by Mr. Schurz when Secretary, and the plaintiff says he lost a practice of $150,000 a year by the prohibition. Hired a Man toJMarrvJHer. An Erie Pa. telegram to the Pitts burg Dispatch states that parties giv ing their names as Amelia A Royse, of Cincinnati, and Charles Traynor, of Utica, N. Y., were married in Erie Saturday morning by Judge Freeman. The bride was lelegantly dressed and evidently well educated, while the groom was quite the re verse in both particulars. She dis missed him immediately on the per formance of the ceremony, and in formed the Judge after the husband's departure that she had hired the man to marry her to avoid saying '-Yes" to the man it would please and hurt her most to marry the only man she loved. She said she wished the widest publicity given to the mar riage, and consequently requested the magistrated to send a paper con taining the announcement to the Baltmore Sun. She paid $20 for the performance of the ceremony, and left without explaining particularly why she was so anxious to place herself beyond the reach of the only man she would care to marry. She assured the Judge, however, that "there was nothing wrong about the matter ; no crime, no despair, no bro ken hearts, nothing tragic." When Winter Comet. Winter comes with couiths and colds, and Benson's Capcine Porus Plasters come to cure them. 25c. Given Up by lloclor. "Is it possible that Mr. Oodfrey ij up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?" "I assure you it U true that he is en tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and -only ten days ago his doc tors gave him up and said he must die!' 'Well-day! That's remarkable! I will go this day and get some for my poor George I know hops are good." ThfeSiaje. A well-know actor and manager in New York estimates that 4086 actors have started out from that city for various destinations "on the road." These 4080 people pay about $1,221,000 annually for car lares, and for ac commodations at the hotels about $2,800,000, or, as the New York Her ald remarks, its equivalent in trunks. To pay all these people will require $8,500,000, with incidentals in the way of express charges and transporta tion amounting to some $560,000 ad ditional. Thus it will be seen that a little over $13,000,000 must be taken in at the box-office before anything in the way of profit can be thought of. Sl i 1 1 s Purge out the lurking distemper that undermines health, and the constitu tional vigor will return. Those who suffer from an enfeebled and disordered state of the system, should take Ayer's Sarsaparilla to cleanse the blood, and restore vitality. THE GREAT DK. lIO I-I.WIM. His Outspoken Opinion. The very marked testimonials from College professors, respectable physi cians, and other gentlemen of intelli gence and character to the value of Warner's SAFE Cure, published in the editorial columns of our best newspa pers, have greatly surprised me. Many of these gentlemen I know, and reading their testimony I was impelled to pur chase some bottles of Warner's SAFE Cpre and analyze it. Besides, I took some, swallowing three times the pre scribed quantity. I am satisfied the medicine is not injurious and will frankly add that if I found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble I should use this preparation. The truth is, the medical profession stands dazed and helpless in the presence of more than one kidney malady, while the tes timony of hundreds of intelligent and very reputable gentlemen hardly leaves room to doubt that Mr. H. H. Warner has fillen upon one of those happy dis coveries hich occasionally bring help to suffering humanitv. TUTTS PULLS TORPID BOWELS, DJSORDERCP LIVER and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human mce. These symptoms indicate their existence : Loss ol Appetite, itowel costive, Kick Head, ache, fullness arter eating, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation Of food, Irritability of temper, Iw pirib, feeling of having neglected .me dty, Dlziluess, Flattering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, hlfililv col ored Tjrlu., tOSSTIPATIox and de m:ir.i the use of a romeUy ,jlllt nttB djrooty on tho Liver. .Abtil.lr'iJr rne;li.-ine TVTT'S 11 1.-1.8 have no equal. Their action on the hi 1 "leys, and kin is also prompt; removing ell impurities throujrlj thcec three " scav engers of the system," producing appe tite, -wind digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous bodv. TTTT'S PILLS came no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. UE mtLIU LIKE A JVEW WAN. "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TTTT'S are the first that have done me any good. They have cleaned mo out nicely. My appetite is "!t-idid, food digests rcadi' r and I now ' 'j.' 3 rx?i Passagres. Ill like a new Y, V. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. SoMevs . ,where,S5c. Offlce, Murray St.,K.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Haib ob Whiskers changed in stantly to a GLOS8T Black by a single ap plication of this Dre. gold by Druggists, or sent by express on reoeipt of f 1. Office, U Murray Street, New York. TUTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. ?0 T CD o W c 5 I 0 I?' H b o o S3 CD S3 6 or sr Q p CO CD S3 ft ST M 0 0 ft ft) w o C3 O o S3 a b- o B S3 CD so Bt B B Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I n i no " O""7111". 0hl. Sep-10. J882. tULUSt " Having been subject to a bron chial affection, with frequent eolda, for a number of yean, I hereby cer tify that Ayer's cheery Pectoral give me prompt relief, and is the most effectlv Wmedy I have ever tried. James a. Hamilton, Editor of The Crescent." ftflitnue " Mt' Gilead 0hl-June 1882 uUUuHSi " 1 tare used Ater's Cherry Pectoral this spring for a se vere congh and Ions trouble with food effect, UtA I tm pleased to recommend It to Boy one similarly affected. HARVEY BAUOHXAir, Proprietor Qlope HoteV PREPARED BY ' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SoldPTftUProggists. Limited Express ! All Rail Route Daily From now until Dec. 25th to all points in North Carolina and South Carolina to meet the demands of our customers and the Trade who desire goods quick for the Holiday Season such as Fire Crackers, Fire Works, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, Balloons, Lan terns, Flags, Christmas Tree Candles, (all colors) Fancy Candies, Plain Can dies, Prize Candies, Prize Goods, Sugar Toys, Crackers, Cakes, Nuts, Raisins, Canned Goods, and a full and complete stock of Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, &c. Do not fail to call and see us. MAYER ROSS. Wholesale Grocers, Charlotte, N. C. Wilson Bros. We are now displaying the most ele gant line of Novelties consisting of: Celluloid and Diatite Dressing Cases, cf various styles, both in Leather and Plush. Ladies' and Gent's Travelling CaFeS. Ladies' Work $oes, Gent's Shaving Cases. Odor Cases of various styles. Jewelry Boxes. Toilet Requisites. Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Card Cases. !Staud Mirrors, in Plush. Folding Tri plicate Mirrors, Hand Mirrors, Plain Glass Mirrors. Whisks and Whisk Holders. Celluloid Nail Setts. Watch Stands, Puff Boxes, Glove and Handkeechief Cases. Travel ing Drinking ups. Traveling Drinking Glasses. Infant Toilet Cases. A handsome line of Cut Glass Bottles, Wicker Cologne Bottles. Celluloid Combs and Brushes, Smoker's Setts, English, French and Americap Har Brushes, Buffalo Horn and Rubber Dressing Combs Fine Tooth Combs, English Tooth Brnshes, (soft, medium and hard) Nail Brushes, Cloth Brushes, English. French and American Handkerchief Extracts. German and American Co lognes, Imported Bay Rum, English, French and American Soaps. Very Respectfully, WILSON BROS, DRUGGISTS. MINI!" WITHOUT A TEACHER ! II U l Soper'3 Instantaneous Guide to Keys of Piano and Organ. Price 81. Will teach any person to play 20 pieces of music in one day. You couldn't learn it from a teacher in a month for $20. Try it and be convinced. Sample copy will be mailed to any ad dress on receipt of 25onts in stamps by Hearne & Co., Pnblishers, P. O. Box 1487, New York, I CURE FITS! Wben I Bay car I do not rassn merely to stop tfaem for s time sod then hare them return syin. I mesa a rmdir&l cure. I h-re made the diaesseof i ITS, EPI LEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS slifeJoacstodj. I warrant mj remedy to cure the wortt cues. Because others bare failed is bo reason for not now rsceivisc a ears. Send at one for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Gire Express and Postoffioe. It costs yon no thin for s trial, and 1 will enre yoo. Address Dr. U. O. BOOT, 183 Pearl St., New York. THIEVES "PROFESSIONAL THIEVES ui tit DETECTlYr A wonderf nl book of Detective Sketches, by Axulw FRiKEBTOV. Collected from hia Private Records, with sketch of his own life. Illustrated with 88 thrillinc plo tursm, Fold only by our agent. Many agents are making $30 per week. One agent has sola 7QUI) copies) another agent has paid for two farms. It sella like wild, fire. We want 1000 more agents. Ifvfm want a yrnfit tbla agency vrite for circular and special term. vEiraiii. Aokktb can seen re Extra Terms. AddreM G. W. CAKLETON CO.. Publishers, New York. "MOORE COUNTY GRIT" .4 I. CORN MILLS AND MILLSTONES. (AU, SIZES). BESTINTHEWORLD sJUHPLtS Or MEAL SECT OH AjrUCATIOH. ID1TH CABntllA milCTnit en f, Branch Office, Charlotte, N. C. dec5daw4w I'lUlp JEsthetics, (4 designs). Some t ! t i thing good. Mailed on re ccipt of 6 cents in stamps. Hearxe&Co. P. O. Box, 1487, N. Y The Time is Short ! BEFORE the 1st of January we must dispose of the remnant of our stock. Come and look and you can find many valuable goods at Your Own Price, The goods Mu6T be Sold, and price will be no object. Come soon and get lots of goods for little money. They Are Going Fast ! Respectfully, dec 5 BARBINQER & TROTTER. WE HAVE RECEIVED A handsome line of Plated and Ivory Table Knives, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Carvers, French Cook Knives, and children sets, in cases or by the piece, all suitable for Holiday presents. Wa have also a large stock of Roller Skates, of all sizes, to be sold cheap. We have a very handsome stock of Pocket Knives, and the most fastidious can be suited. YARBORO HOUSE RALEIGH, N. C. Iiiler lieW Management. J&sps: 4$M toT 3.bJ ei Day. ; . K"r -' ' ' ' ' The Press andClergy $2 per, day. d5dlw K. li. RAXEY; Frop'r. 1 Browo, Weiofftoii Co. mm (CONQUEROR.) A SPECIFIC FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS. CONVULSIONS. FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVEKESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. Dy$1.50 per bottle at druggists.-O The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med., Co., Prop'rs. St. Toseplx. 2o. (1) Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials nod circulars send stamp. C. X. CRITTESTOX, Agent, New Tork. A REAL REiHDY. Neither iTIiaaicsl nor Indicts In Origin bat Scientific avud Specific. A K-. IHV of over Twenty-Fivt! years standing. more popular at borne, and where best known, inaa all other Hemediei of lln kind. a HKqisDV endorsed by the best Pays clans and Drugg-eta at 1st home. A. REHF.rtY tbat Mr. C. W () Nclll. Goodwater, Ala . sajg rais ed qu w troni J.11 invail l & ueU, and ne believes saved tier are A HIiniDV of wbleh a pruinln -nt atUntt merchant said. "I would uve e ven 5()0 as sjoii h so u as I would a nickel tor wh.ti iwj oo ties of jour medicine did for my daugbitrr " Ht-.T1F.I It) regard to wblcb 6 J i aieii. M D. Druggist, ol TBOmasvlllf, lid , s: "I can ec-H! Intauoes In ulcu U afl iMfi ro.lci afwr ail tbe usual reme dies baa fal r u " Kl VK,,V, about which Dr W. b Ferrell. La (iranee. On,, nr.trg: "thaveuMHi 'T tu last j.) ears tbe mwi lct e you are puuiiig up, ai d enl Je It ibe bei coiubiiMimn rvr-r Kotten toge ibt-r for the dl siigjs f ji wUkh it Is rcoumm-iKifd." A h t t t HV of which Dr. Joel Bi u ham, itlanta, said- "I have examined (ne recipe, nnd h-ivo no besl'a ih n In advising In u e ai d conBJenty recom mend 'J A ti-:n-:fi which tbt? Hv H B .twhnwn neur Marietta. sas be nas u-ed ! bis tarully w lib "tbe utuoet satlffdc ii n. ' atid reouwmended U to the fam-lles hu I unu 11 10 t lust ht t is recommended. Ht.TM of hlcb Pem irt n. iveron 4 Uenlion say: ' We have bt en selling it tor man) witrj coii- tamly in.resl. g a'es Tns ar Icie U a staple vt'h us, a id 111 ut 'SJlute meili." oflilch Lam.ir. HT'kn 4 La nar gay -We sold 5; g oss in Kur Miouihi anu never sold It in any 1 lace but hi It was wmted again ' by which Dr. aijti, or Latirange. Ga., says- "I cured one nf tne most obstinate 1 ases of Vicaki- knowledge, 1 b a few bott es." w aiimaiavjiiuin liitu ever came wultm iny a Hkniny of which Dr. J. O. Hdss, Noia; lg . la . says: "I am fu ly convl-c.'d tbat It U w, rivalled for that ciasj of dlsass. ihloh It elai nt t cure." A Hvs..v about wb eb Maj J. 10. Wt.Cnf-r. f Atlanta, well and favorably k. own all over ih- Uuited dtates as a General Insurance gni ss: I us-d this laemtdv. oetoie ihf w;.r on a la'gw p am-Hon o a gT.-at nurr- . i-.T ca-s, xnd altj wtia absolute ucc ss ." A RE.vlEDY Hb'iut dhlcb J w ,-trang, of C; r ersvllle. Ga , eriifles thai one bott e cured two mMin'v-rs of bis iHintit of uin.vru tl irregularity of many years stHndin. 4 ItRTiKnY h d Is CHAPKK THkX ANT OTHER MITICI?TK Of 1W ktlld In Hie w irj 1 M ' r two buttles W.LL crRK THK MOST OBSTINATE CASS. 4 K..Tl-fV in ivgarti to wbo.-e unfailing u rival ed proyrlrtivt I nave many bundr-di ot nlais This orkat popdlar ksmktit curative t-stlrov 18 Brad- ftkid's Rbgulator. (Woman's Bst Krtend ) For saie by nil Drnglits. Hric: Kma l slz 75 cent. I. rge ftze 81.50. Sole Proprletui and Manuf ietu'-r. J B ADKIBLD, N. KHS Pi orSrer-i Atlanta. Gv $30,000 TOR $2. I KEUULAH MOXTHLt DHlWlNH WILL 4 h Uike place la tbe Masor.lc IZ all. Masonic 111 In LouUvil e, Ky , Ihurkdsy, Decuslwr '27 U, 1X83. 4 lawful Lottery and ttr drawings, chartered bT the Legislature of Ky , and twice doolared ieg-ti by the highest court la the state. Bond given to Henry county lu thtf sum of Su'tl.OOO lor ibe prompt payment f pnzissoiU. AB&T JLDTIOX IN IXULK iDMBE i DBAW- mt Every t cket hol ier bis own supervisor, can call out the numDer ou his t ckel and see tne cor resoondlng numDer on the tag piaceu In tbe wheel In his presence These drawi ii?s will i ccurou ihe last Thursday ol eveiy luo.ith Bead the magnificent DF.CF.71 UK. M ill HE. I fnae J30.0OO 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize - S.0OO 2 Prlr.es. 2 5. Mi 5,000 6 Prizes, t.' ) each, 6,000 20 Prizes, 500 eacu 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 eftcn 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 5J0 Prizes. iO e?-cii 10,000 1000 rViies, 10 each.. 10,000 9 Prizes, (WoOeacu, Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes. 200 " 1.800 9 Prtzes. 100 " 900 1.857 frwM fliO.400 Wnole Tickeu S2; Half TIckp's. 1 ; 27 Tickets tf50, 56 Tickets. 8 1 00. Bemlt Honey or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Jtxpress. DON'T a END Bi BKHJ9TKRRD LitTTHK On PuSTOKKICK OKDKH, until further notice. Orders 01 85 nn4 upward, by Kx press, can be sm at ou j pensf tddrs all orders to J J. DOUGLAS. septl Louisville, Ky. Christmas Merchants wishing to replenish their stocks for Christinas, will do well be fore purchasing to examine our mam moth line of CAINDIE8, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, CRACKERS, PRIZE GOODS, CHEWING GUM, PEANUTS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. Cakfs, Bread & Pastries Of all varieties in stock or made to order. Facilities Unsurpassed. jsj. t B. DULS I CO., Mn'fg Confectioners and Bakers. Goods ! Ri . Jordan & Co., DRUGGISTS. We have just received a complete stock of FINE LAMPS of all kinds; also the best FIRE-PROOF Lamp Chimneys. Hue Valentine' ImproTed Tar Drop for CoiisIih and Cold. lr. DenninN Certain Cure Tor RheumatUm,and Hair's AMhmu. Cure. flora x and Oatmeal. Iear'f30 Per Ont, Glycerine and 47.11 Rose Toilet Soap. Whale Oil Soap. Nelson' and Cox's Gelatine. Eagle and Swiss Brands Con densed Milk, Fresh Stock, at B. H. JORDAN & CO, DRUGGISTS. low in Store! 1.00 Barrels Piedmont Roller Patent. Perfection Roller Patent and White Rock Extra Flour, Hecker's New Buck wheat Flour, self raising or plain. Oatmeal, Grits and Hominy. Dried Sugar Corn, Green and Split Peas, Lima, marrow fat ana V hite Kidney Beans. Large stock of Preserves and Jellies, in 2, 5 and 10 pound pails. Atmores Mince Meat and PLUM FUDGING, Raisins, Currents, Citron, Lemon Peel, ana rrunes. Pickles, in barrels, buckets and bot tles; also Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow, by the quart or gallon. A full line of canned goods, Including Vegetables, Fruits, Meats and Fish. These are all fresh goods, and as I claim to carry as LARGE RETAIL, STOCK AS CAUT BE FOOD I THE CITY, I also claim to sell as cheap for the same quality of goods as ou can buy from any other house in the city. J. M. SIMS. novlldtf NEW FALL STYLES! We are now rectltlng our ne w KM1 1 tjles cf MILLINERY, H'IS, BO WET, fXOlVERv, mrHRKS PI I'nW, ATI, SILK. UIBBU.V, Pl.lSH,&c. Will hh?e our stock complete and 11 open out pntttrns ot BATH ana BOiNNETo on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wl 1 show the largest and most com plete stock or FINE Mil I IMIiV We have ever fbown. Also all the Novelt'es In. HJoIKRY U OVB-), NK KWR.8. OTION3 ana Fancy G OOS, for Ladles, Misses ana Chit dren. ZBPHYkt. YARNS. 4a We have engaged an experienced Milliner, Mls KKMP, from Baltimore, as an as Num. and are p epared to furul n anything In the Millinery line and at PRICES AS LOW As anywhere In this country. Don't feiget ovr ONK HHNnBltD fine patterns HATd and BONNBTS will be opeLed TDKoDaY. OCTOBSB 2nd. MRS. P. OFERY. Springs & Burwe JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER LOUR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, 800 BUSHELS BOLTED 'MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN. SPRINGS k BDRWELL. fpt30dtf IT BR- H. H. kakk, 1 1 .t tba neQaiseer Isms, Dow oBen s lemed ymintoH7 Tut iausatr, mnj sadSSBtZTSg t5Z A Briaflt Scheme! DISMAL SWAMP LOTTERY CO. OF NORFOLK, TA. The franchise of this enterprise is based upon the charter granted by the Legislature of the State to the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and its legality has been fairly tet-ted before the court. The object in view is the "improve ment and extension" of the canal, and that full opportunity may be given for the purchase of the tickets, of which there are only 35, OOO, with 336 PRIZES, The Drawing will take place on the 20TH DECEMBER, at which time it will be made in the city of Norfolk, before the public, and un der the supervision of duly authorized commissioners, and in like manner each succeeding month. The Drawing of 22d November was most successfully and satisfactorily con ducted; the distribution cf $13,050 giv ing assurance of the stability and good faith of the Company, and now CLASS B is presented with the following Scheme. CAPITAL, PHIZFL .t aia 1 PllZsof $5.0.10 l 5p.,(MMi 1 UO 1.5(H) H i,5t. is 1,01 mi is 500 is 200 is 20i is 200 is 200 are. 0x . ure 750 are 1,000 are 1,000 Prizes. $450 2711 180 1 do l.ooo 1 do 500 1 do 200 1 do 200 1 do 200 1 do 200 6 do 100 15 do 50 100 do 10 200 do 5 Approximation 9 of 850 9 of 30 9 of 20 35ft Prizes, distributing $13,(5o Ticket Only SI. Plan of Lottery similar to that of the Louisiana Company. J. P. IIORK4CH, Manager. Application for club rates, or for in formation upon any other business, should be plainly written giving State, county and town of writer. Remittances should be sent bv Ex press rather than by P. O. Money orders or registered letters. Kxprfcss charges upon 85 and larger sum will t paid by the Companv. Address plainly. J. P. HORBAH. Norfolk. Va Agents for sale of tickets required throughout the State. Address applica tions as above. The undersigned supervised the Drawing Class A of the Dismal Swamp Lottery Company, and certify that it was conducted with strict fairness to all interested. GEO. T. ROGERS, CHAS. PICKETT. nov28 Commissioners. Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State of -AND- J KEE WWW EEK L JE WWWWE L J EE WW WW EE L J E WW WW E L RRR T T R R Y Y RRR YY R R Y JJJ EKE W W EEK LLLL R B Y DIAMONDS, Silver and $iT r-PJatfd WARE, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Gold-headed Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which I am selling low for cash. "Watch Glasses only 10 cents. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. J. T. BUTLER, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE Charlotte. N. C. VERY FINE Pulton Market -AT BARNETT k ALEXANDER'S. FOR SALE. Cotton Seed Meal for feeding or fertilizing, in quantities to suit purchasers. The best feed for cattle ever sold, being worth twice as much as corn meal. nov8dtf CHARLOTTE OIL CO. WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMI88ION MKBGBANT, College s.. CliarloM Orders BoUeited and promptly filletf . Goods Watches, Clocks leceivet CORNED BEEF , J. H. MfiilM , v-4-AUVll OFKB3 TO THJC Wholes lie am Retail TRADE A Large Stock of PURE WHITE LKAD?, varnishes, &c. 6 " Als- TWO CAR LOADS J. H. McADEIN. mar 16 DHUGGIfT. rti H tLt A.: rt fits k One of the Best Physicians. I have been using Swift's Specific in my practice for quite a long time, and I regard it the best combination as a blood puritier and tonic. It is entirely vegetable, being composed of tke ex tracts of roots which grow in this sec tion of Georgia. I an familiar with its h story f om the time the formula was obtained from the Indians. It is a cer tain and safe remedy for all kinds of blood poison and skin humor, and in the hundreds of cases in whirh I have used it and seen it used, there has never en a failure to cure. I have cured od taint in THE THIRD GENERATION with it, after I had most signally aiied by the most approved ra-thods of treat ment with mercury and iodide of po tassium These cases have ben cured over fifteen years ago, and have never had any return of the disease in them selves or ib their children. FRED A. TOOMER, M. D.. Perry, Houston Co., Ga. '"It is the best selling remedy in my store, and all classes of people buy it. It has become a household remedy with many of our best citizens. " WALTER A. TAYLOR. Atlanta, Ga. "I sell Swift's Specific often a gross in ten days at retail, and to all classes. Some of Atlanta's best people use it regularly as a tonic and alterative. " JOSIAH BRADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Dii eases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drawer 3, Atlanta. Ga. New Stock Arrived. CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWAKfc HOUSEFURM ISHING GOODS. All the Latest Stiles. We call particular a tentlon to MOSSROSE and GOLD Decoiated I'E A SETS. 44 pieces. S7 50 DECORATED CHAMBER M:T, from $4 00 up. DECORATED DINNER SETS. frm 820(H) up. WHITE CHINA DINNER SET-. t'r,m 810 00 up. STEAK BROILERS, 75 cnts. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, from 86 50 up. A FINK STOCK OF- PLATED WARE, CLOCKS. BHONZS3, AND KANCY OOOVi. Very respectfully, LUDOLK HABTSKIELD Suoc. to J. Brookfleid & Co. DOVE'S True Tiirl Oil. Tl PH?SiniAN3, FABMKB9, LIKBY 6TA BLKKHEPKHH AND KAiLftfMD MEN HaD8 F KMlLIKi: If an, membtr of your tuxwebold from parents to tbe merest Infant. a ifflloteu with Malignant 8ores. scrofulous or 01 tier lse, 3lt Rheum or -cald Head, Burns wounds, no matter now severe, or of now ont standing ' from wnatever cause produced, send and f1 2B-oent bottle of TUKF OIL. arid e piaraniw cure or ne pay It cores before other remedi" begin to act It Is equally apslleable to m Ulcers or -V)res, or InfKmed rurfaces of a; mextlc "nlmali, or amthlnn tbat moTes on Turf. One or two apDlicatlons are all that Is nec essaryto nentrnltze the action of ibe virus sdo bei tbe Dteer It arrests ai once the rrfrf"4 ?L Rryslpeias and removes the lnfUmmailoo in tbe traok4f the rjiseiwe. Fereale braH dnusjlsta m4 country stores. , BT" Ask for tbe -Turf .OU 8pellln(r-BK 4 Beader," with certlflcatee of cures liosd Oil, Co ore

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