I D A YT-IXK C M n v "R ia 1 a-- -; 2 wmm nTT I lit (CTmvIcr it GERanrE CURES, c-:l!o Np.uraiaia, hHeumdii"M Leadae,'Toothache llrules. Ullca. ""Tr-TTii push ad n-nts. THE MOST COMPLETE IN TH E STATE. -Is now prepared, by the employment of strictly first-class bakers, to deliver all kinds of Bread. Cakes. Rolls, etc , in nv rmrt of the city. I make a spe cialty of 0m Steam, Vieniia, Rye AM- PLAIN BREADS, which is not excelled by any other baker in the city, baked frehh every day. Iuotonly furnish as good, if nt bft tar, bread than ctm be bought else where, but give the Largest Liaf for the Same Price. I also keep a large variety of Cakes, EollB, Bunns, Pastry and Coffee Cakes. NEW CROP FRUIT Raisins, Figs, Dates. Orangas, Bananas, Grapes, of the finest quality, always on hand in Reason. Also a great variety of Canned Fruits and Vegetables of relia ble brands. A full assortment of AKD FaiMY CIV KIR. I manufacture Pure, Plain and Fancy Can lies; also Taffys, which are sold at wholesale and retail. C ne , See and be Convinced, P. M.R1GLEK. PELLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. From theso sources arise ttnee-fourths o; the diseasiia of tlie human ince. Tlies Bymptoms inUiuate their existence : Ix o: Appetite, Boweli coitlve, Kick Ilead- ache, fallneai after eating, aversion li turiioa 01 uoay or mind, JrucL&tloi Of food, Irritability of temper, Lov ariu, A feeling of hairing neglectt-t me dtitr. Ilzxiues, Fluttc rintf at th Heart, Dots before the eyei. hiskly col ored Urine. COXSTIPATIOX. and dc uiand the use of aremeily thnt acts directi on the l.iver. AsaLiver medicine TDTT'f PI LL8 hare no equal. Their action on th Kuineys ana Skin lsal80 prompt: removint all impanties throueh tiiuse three " cav- eiiEers of the intern." rrolucine anDc tite, sound dieestlon, rcprulur ptools. a cl'nr BkinandaviEorou3bodv. TCTT'S PIJLI ciiuse no nau.sea or grirring nor UiterferL n un aany worK anu are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA HE FEELS LIKE A NEW MAN. "I have had Dyspepsia, with Constipa- iion, two years, anu nave in-i ten unieren kinds of pills, and TUTT'S are the firs that have done me any good, 'lliey havi cleaned me out nicely. M7 appetite i tijiit.n.aia, ioou digests rcaai f anu l now 1 i a nral passages. Ill like a new .1 W. D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. oM er where,2Sc. Office.M Marray St.,X.Y TUTTS HAIR D"E. CjRat Hair or whiskers changed in as c by 1 d by stantly to a Glossy Black by a sinale an plication of this Dtk. Sold by Druggists i kiii uy uipress on receipt or 9 1. Office, 44 Murray Street. New York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FSES. m New!! We have tecufd the senrloog of a flrt class ba ker, from New York, and we present to the ladles of this city a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before oftVred in this dtv.' It Is the leading Btjie and kind no having such a run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try it and jou will be convinced or n du perlontr. in order that you may know our bread our rrl Tate oraad O. K. will be on each loaf. uiuoi rvspecuuuy agK every lady to call o bbuu ana 117 id is O.K. BREAD, IT I NICE. We keep on hand the ment of largest and nicest assort- CAKES CAKKS To be found in the State, and can furnish on the honest n tlcs any quantity for parties or wed dings. Our stook of FANCY GROCERIES nr.fl aiwayr rresn. Famle snn- piied with everythlna tney use. A share of ih. public patronage solicited. Bespeetrully, PHELAN & ROSS. MglMtt CoUoa Seel W JJf W A 0 I TTTT KPE WW f t II H S I $K 1D D D D D D D UDD 'Ufa win pT 18 centt per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton Heed, de liyered at ur mill. AVill pay 18 cents per oushel for ieed delivered at any sta tiot on railroads running to Charlotte, tor var loada of ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. Or we will give one ton of meal hi exeiiSfce fof two tons ofeed. i This exchange ' being 'of great value to the farmer should be taken advantaxe of. one tor of meal being worth much more fo tiding or fertilizing than two U U CHARLOTTE OIL CO., O0Tf Ojirttt . Charlotte, S. O. MEDl Riffler's Bakery Someth tjscnjcr.-r Raleigh Visitor : On last Sunday, Brit Williams, a colored man. was committed to jail by Justice J. K. Gibson, of Cedar Fork Township, this countv for unmercifully beating a little white child about tour years 01 age, from the effects of which the child died. Farmer & Mechanic : Miss Lisette C Bernheiuiof. Charlotte, has a poem in Demorests Magazine. Very sweet and womanly. Wake county has 76 public schools for whites, with 3,396 children eni olied.69 schools for blacks with 5,685 enrolled, co-1 about $12,000 for each color; or $25,811,13 for both. Dr. W. P. Small, of Great Bar rington, Mass., will remove to Wash ington N. C and the Springfield Republic an says he will be a great loss to Massachusetts. Col. L. L Pclk has gon to Boston to engage in thp manufacture and sale of his Dip- thprin. cure. Mr. Holman, son of the Baptist clergyman bought half inter ,-st in the remedy. Dr. George W. Blacknali has opened a Real estate nl Rrokeratre office in the Tucker House, which he has rented as resi dence for his family. We dare say few of our midern know the Lieg islature authorized the erection or a Monument in the Capitol Square to the memory of Gen. L. 0 Brien Branch, (the only citizen ever author .zed to keep company with George Washinirtoii in the State Plaza, so far as we know): but the havoc of War and Time laid low a large major itv of committee named by the legis lature to erect the monument, no that the pious work was never performed Neics & Observer: Thomas W. Har ris. Jr., whose home is near Littleton, N (' was arrested at Columbia, S. C, a few days ago, on a bench-war rant issued there by Judge Bond, up on a copy of the bdl sent from Ral eigh. Mr. Harris was a registrar in Halitax election cases, at. a is me only party upon whom no writ was ever heretofore serveu. mere was quite ,1 nulliOel 01 ueieiKiuius 111 uii-sf nuu-u eases, two of whom Messrs Brvanand 1 L 1 . - ,1 .... I . . Bell were convicted. Mr. Harris was brought here but the criminal docket Having been conciuueu ana, no wu nesses wrg presei t me case was continued until 1 ext term, flai 1 1.-. giving bond 111 zoVi) for his aiiDearance at that time. At ( oinu.inv Mions. .M0nu.1v. the revenue omct'I s l ui.-t v'J L'ii mu uaiicia 01 n - - .1: .. -- - I '4.. l. 1 . f hiandvma brand new wagon, be lonirintc to an i").:nown man. liu liquor was "blockade." An elegant 01 iior.-M-s wi re attacheu to me wagon and on these were new har n ss. The man lied as the revenue eople approached, leaving his team. whisky and all. The liquor etc.. was taken to Greensboro The loss of the 1 y - , 11 t 1 owner was about nve nunureu uur lars. H" took to the woods and his wheieabouts is not known. tV .NOTES. Henry V. Shaw, who attempted t dispose of a large lot of postage stamps, was arrested at w uianispori. Pa., Tuesdav on suspicion ot having stolen them. Benjamin Brown, a colored waiter has confessed that he robbed the El- iridge mansion, in Nnrfulk. Conn., of $4,000 worth of jewelry and coin on July IS. The Taladeea Alabama Rifles have resolved to disband because of an illeged slight in not being ordered to Biimingham to assist tti dispersing he threatened lynchers. The republican State central com mittee of Arkan:-as Tuesday declared .s. u . jjursev no longer a citizen 01 Arkansas, and recon mended Powell Clayton for the vacacy in the nation al republican committee caused bv liis removal. El Bien Publico, of Lima, states that the Bolivian commissioners arrived at Santiago. Chili, and arranged a peace, the conditu ns of which would enable both armies to lay down their arms. The 2.000 troops of C'aceres recognize the present government. At a meeting of the A. M. Zion church at Raleigh. N. C, Saturday, Bishop J. . Hood was sustained in his decision made at the Kentucky Conference, whereby Bishop V . II Hillery was silenced and his conduct on that occasion severely criticised and strongly condemned. Some months since a small son of Charles Peitzel, of Buffalo, N. Y., was oitten oy a aoe. Recently ttie boy has exhibited symptoms of hy drophobia, bunday a little brother, wno naa t-eep sieepme with the jne bitten, had a slight attack of the malady, while another, whom he bit in his ravings, is almostasbad as he. L he lives ot two of them are despair ed or. Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Kingston, On tario, tor participating in the balva- tion Army meetings, has been tor mally dismissed from the curacy of St. George's Cathedral. Some of the members of the corgrngation are getting up a petition to the dean of Ontario praying for Dr. Wilson's re instatement, while the other mem bers threaten to leave the church if the Doctor returns. Hunting II me in Missinxippi. About seven hundred land hunters from Illinois lelt that State on the 28th of N vember, via the Illinois Central Railroad, for Mississippi. where they are now seckine homes along thejhneM the railroad. A hearty . . . . . ' ana nospitaoie recention awaited ii d ii . - them in Mississippi. Committees were appointed at all prominent points to meet the excursionists and induce them to stop off and examine ianas. anu mere is a universal re joicing omone the planters, mer chants anu men or every class over the visitors. They will be welcomed everywhere, and will be entertained frfe of charge at every place where a sop is made. '1 he excursionists are aien of means, who appreciate the advantages presented by the rich but exceedingly cheap lands in Mississip pi. A Terns I.luMtra'ion. Uowiton Post, Ind. The reading "ut of the Democratic party ot the great papers of Texas by a small, snapping rice around the corner, reminds us of the story of the big school bully who tackled a quiet ooy ana got a tremendous thrashing. h inding that he was used up. he sud denly stopped righting, and said in a lordly manner to his astounded an tagonist "There, now, take that; that'll do for this time, but if you ever give me any jaw again I'll break every bone in your body." Tone up the system by the use of Ayer's .-tarsaparilla. It will make you feel like a new person. Thousands have fouud health and relief from suffering by the ue of this great blood puritiei when all other means failed. I" 111 I UM- nlalv aUa-nil. w T L T Prof, lrvfng B. Sfriith, of Pile, N. Y., makes the following statement: . "8a marttan Nervine has entirely cured me or epiieptw fits. - CJiv fcp bjr"Dactrs. "Is it possible that, Mr. Godfrey ii up and at work,' and cdred bf so simple a remedy? "I assure you it is true that he is" en tirely mred and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago nis doc tors gave him up and saio he must die. Well-day: mate remaraaDiei x will go this day and get noine for my poor ueorge I know hops are good." CHAPTER II. Maiden. Mass.. Feb. 1, 1880. Gentlemen: I suffered with attacks of t-ick headache. Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure me until I used Hop Bitter-. The first bottle Nearly cured me;" The 6ecoud made me as well and strong as when a child. 'Ami I have been so to this day." My husband was an invalid for twen ty years with a serious Kidney liver and urinary complaint, " Pronounced by Boston's best physi cians Incurable'."' Seven bottles of your bitters cured him and 1 know of the Lives of eirht persons'' In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many more are using them with great benefit 'The almost "Do miracles "' Mrs. E. D. Slack "orty years experience in every clime on earth, has proved Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to be the most reliable remedy for olds, coughs and all lung diseases. Neleted cold often become incurable ailments. Deal with them in time, and nrsvp.it their becoming deereated in - - -' the system. I.v 10 O-t Sick.-Expose your self day and night, eat too much with out exercise, work too h-trd without rest doctor all the time, take ad the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know How i i 1 W-l Which is an swered in three words Take Hop Bit ters. 4. i.s?5S?5- mi; giii;.t ik. iio i.i:wbs. llix Outnpoken 0luln. The verv marked testimonials from College proiessors. respectable physi cians, ana other gentlemen ui luitm pence and char cter to ihe value of Warner s SAt b Uure. nuonsnea in tne editorial columns of our best new-pa pers, have greatly surprised me. Many of these gentlemen I know, and reading their testimony I was impelled to pur chase some bottles of Warner "s SAFE dire ami andlvze it. Besides, I took some, swallowing three times the pre scribed quantity. I am satisfied the mcdii ine l not injurious and will frankly add that if 1 fo nd myself the victim of a serious Kidney trouoie i should use this preparation. The truth is. the medical proiession stands uazea and heluless in the d eseuce of more than one kidney malidy. while the tes tiruonv of hundreds of intelligent and very reputable gentlemen hardly leaves J . r . i i . TI I T IT room to flOUDI l iat .ir. XI. xi. naiuci has f illen unon one of those happy dis coveries men occasionally v-iug neip ii 1 : 1 1 to suffering humanity. Words Fail-- ii vii uw i niu tude.. gayg Mr sklby Cabtbb, of Nashville, Tenn.. "for the benefits derived from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Having been afflicted all my life with Scrof ula, my system seemed saturated with it. It came out in Blotches, Ulcers, and Mattery Sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter states that he was entirely cured by the use ot Ayek's Saiisaparilla, and since discon tinuing Its use, eight months ago, he has had no return of the scrofulous symptoms. ah baneful infections of the blood are promptly removed by this unequalled altera- tire. fBEPABED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drupp'sts; ?1, six bottles for Z6. YARBORO HOUSE RALEIGH, N. C. I'nder New Mann ffeiuAnt. " Rates: E3J50to $3.00 Pet Day. Tlx? t?JF4ll Clrg$8 per djit,' dWl R. II. KANUV, Prop'r. A- Of H-A-T-S. to 1 i S s ? v ' ffl S s m i S 1 5 CJ S ; i h ffl IPS 8 I ' a to BOOTS. All Rail Route D.iy From now udi Dec. 25th to all points in North Carolina and South Carolina to rceet the demands of our customers and the Trade who desire goods quick for the Holiday Season such as Fire Crackers, Fire Works, Roman Candles. Sky Rockets, Balloons, Lan terns, Flags, Christmas Tree Candles, (all colors) Fancy Candies, Plain Can dies, Prize Candies, Prize Goods, Suwar Toys, Crackers, Cakes, Nuts, Raisins, Canned Goods, and a full and complete stock of Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, &c. Do not fail to call and see us. JlAYI R -V ROSS. Wholesale Grocers, Charlotte, N. C. 11 WILL PaY YwU TO READ This Adveiliwot I will sell you o grown oni Kens ior 91.00 G three-fourths grown Chickens 1.00 8 half-grown Chickens 1.00 4 dozen eggs 1.00 1 bushel White Rose Potatoes 1.00 1 bushel Red Onions 1.00 15 Mess Market el 1.00 10 lbs Granulated Sugar for 1.00 12 lbs White Sugar 1 00 13 lb Bpwn Sugar for 1.00 7 lbs Choice Rio Coffee for 1.00 12 lbs Rice for 1.00 28 lbs Hominy for 1.00 h lbs full Cream White Cheese 1 00 2 lbs Lorrilard Snuff 100 23 Rars capital Soap 1.00 30 Bars Ki'k s Indian Blue Soap ' 00 10 lbs tJuckw h-at t lour 1.00 IS lbs vanilla and Cocoanut Cakes 100 I have just received 50 dozen 3 lbs can of Standard Tomatoes, and will sell you 1 dozen cans for $1 30 1.00 1.50 6 cans condensed milk 2 bushels of cow feed I wdl sell pure Leaf Lard in buckets. at 10 cents a jound. Ii.taihave Corn Meal, Wheat Bran, and m; ny oth -r articles not mentioned, at the same greatly reduced price. These prices are for CASH, and when goods are bought in liberal quantities win pe delivered free. Respectfully, It. II. tLi:ADF.R. CD ft c CD ss CD an 2 h C S ft H M d w O o 0 0 CD B P- 0 S o on & B B CD Th Time is Short ! BEFORE the 1st of January we must dispose or the remnant of our stock. Jome and look and you can find many valuable goods at Your Own Price, The goods MUST be dold, ana price will be no object. (Jome soon and get lots of goods for little money. They Are Going Fast ! Respectfully, dec 5 BARRINGER ft TROTTER. WE HAVE RECEIVED A handsome line of Plater! and Tvorv Table Knives, Butter Knives. Pickle Forks, Carvers, French C--ok Knives, and children sets, in cases or by the piece, all suitable for Holiday presents. we have also a large stock of Roller orates, of all sizes, to be sold cheap. we have a very handsome stock of ruciei knives, aoid the most fastidious can oe suited. Brown, Weiiton 6 k CA W I.' S"thetics- (4 designs). Some rn "K lQ- mailed on re- lo . K n f,ntB n stampB. Hbaenb & Co. . v. w, I)V, . X. (CONQUEROR.) A SPEOHTO FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS, CONVULSIONS, WILING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOUSH, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY 6L000 DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK 8EADAGRE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVEKESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AKD IRREGULARITIES. $y $1.50 per bottle at druggists. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med., Co., Prop'rs. St. 9osep3a ItuTo. (1) Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials and oirculars send stamp. C. X. CB1TTEXT0S, Agent, Xcw Tork. A REAL RE.dnDY. Xeiiber IVIi tlcail nor Indian In Oriylst bat Scientific ma 4 pectfic of over Twerjty-Kle years atandlug. more pupulr at home and where best known, ihau ml other Uemedie of it kind. KKthV endorsed bj ihe bet Pnjs claua and Druggets ai 1st hi uie. A HElKIIV that Mr. C. W O Nelil (i.i.xlaier, Ala . sais nU ed bit w t- nom ctu Invail i s ted, and he believes saved her ale A RKUfDV of which a Dromtn nt AU inc-t xierchant snld. would u-tve k vt-n ioou aa soon an so-'ii no I woo Hi ulckel tor what two ou ties of i our oiedlulue did for mj dauKhter 4 KK.T1F.UV la 'erard to which d J aHseH. M D Drugjrlst. of Tbomivtll, (is . s-tis: "1 can lecail lio-inuces Id Mhlcb it uSordeo rei' after au the usiuu rta.e dies hewi iaI ed about which Dr W. B Fer ell. ta Grans. O . tr.tt-s: "ihaveuatKi or the last in eui the u -dlci e ou are putting up. m.d conrl ier tt he De-t O'lDDIuiii' ii i-vt-r ttoitou toin-tber for the di SrASos f f WQUh it is M um hdfd." A HllllKliy of h)ch Dr Joel Broouaia. -iilanta, HaloL. "I ua examined toe recipe. nd bv. no besi a- uon In advistOK lit uj hi d confldent j recom mend U." A ns-.Yifr:iv wblcti the Bev H B John-oii near Marle'ta. d)s h nas iiei I bis tauilly lb'thr ufosi stifac l. a. ' and rrcummeodeu It to the taui lies ho I unci it io b- iiini hit 1 1 reco uniciided 4 UUIDV of which Pem ert.i iveion k tx-nl-ton sav: Wr Drtve been seumii ti or mu ),ais with mn sututlj lucreAsing saies I oe ar Icle l.i a staple ilu us. auu uur ui muiuie meru. K r. n D or wnicn Lamar, n-oikiu a Lauiar sir: "We so o o g oss in lour hiohiq. ami uer auid Ii in an t.iaur ooi nu u was wnied again l(t.ilDY brwhicnur. aijn.of Lirrtne. Ga.. sats: -I ured uim . r tur most o'stlnate a)teMof Vicabi us ti juivrsuATion iriai ever came wiihin in. Kuowieag-i. i nil lew outiies. o' which Dr J 1 . Huss. Notaitlgi. Ala . says: -1 am 'u i) convi cd ttiatlt li ui. rivalled tor ihat eiass oi dismasts Dlca ii cmi ns to euro A HevtKIIV boutwhCb yini Joo . Wlil'ner. of itlantx u and taviimblr ic-own 11 over th-- United -UuVs u Hf n-ral lnMiran-e sgt-m 'ass: I u-d this n mra. oeiore th- war ou alaigepiau- tlo o tgr-Htnum. . iof ca-g. and alaj wi:h absolute VUOCrSS A KKTIF.nV d -nt which J w -trvgH. of Ortewvlile. Qa . ertme- tout one bolt e cured two m-ncx-rs of his Nmll of m-iis:ruil irreeuUrttv of mini iear SIHUIIIUK. s- vi v hat Is CHAPIR THAJt ANT OTHKR KmiCINS of - mililOil'i r. tM., rti,. hk R TWo B-lTTUS W U, CURS THE MOST OBSTINATB CAS - VI -V in rgai-d to wno-e unraiiiog u , rivaled curative pp'i'i1'-t,v I have mi riu'.dr-d o1 ti-silni-- nU S THIS 8RKAT POPULAR HKKKDT 18 MRAD- Hli D 8 HKOULATi.R ( Wwtu tu's B-sl Krleod ) Kor Pflo: hmail stZ" 75 cents. L rge Klje $I.R0 -)oie rroprieiur acq aanui,i0lUf-r, x J B iADFIRLD, No 108 S. Prior 8. reel ALanta, G k $30,000 FOR $2. I I KEUDLAH MOSTfl LY OfUWINM WILL n t"ke place In the Hdsordc Ba l. Masonic 1 11 in Loul.ivll e, Kr , lburdar, lcr,tfr -if. b, A lawful Loiter) ai.d "air drawings ch-trttrd bi the Lt-elslAlure of Jtf . aod iwice declared lextl oy tUfi bightt court In the ctate. Boud iciveu to Ueurj count lu the; sum . f $no,ouU .ot the prompt pAjuiem i 'i'iw u. A BV JlUTION IN INtiLS MUMBB:t DHAW- Kverr t ck-l bol 'er bis own supervisor, can call out tue number ou bis t cKei and ee lue cor responding numOt-r on ihe lag p.aced In the wheel in his orraunce t he se drawi kS will coui on be iatl Thursday of ever uiouth. Bead ibe magnificent Ot CK.VI BEtt 1 Vm 1 Prize 1 Prtie 2 PtUs. Ha filO each.. 6 Prizes, i,lM each, au.ooi I0,oot ft.ixn 5.00t 6.UO0 20 Prizes. 500 each,. lo.om. 1 00 Prizes. 100 each 10.00C 400 Prizes, 60 each 10,000 BOO Prizes. 20 each 10.000 1OO0 Prizes, 10 eaoh 10.000 9 Prizes, WOOaaoh. Approxlmatlor Prize a,700 Prizes. 'iOO " " 1.8U0 a Prizes. 100 " Ot' 1.8R7 yrunm. SI! 0 401 Vhoie TlcKeta. 92 ; Half Tickets. 91 ; '47 Ticket RO. fifi Ttckeu. SI 00 Bemlt Honey ot Bank Draft In Letter, or seno D IlDTOSa. DON T oKND BY BJCHioTKKKD LKTTEB Ob POflTOKFICB OBDXB, until further notice, orders ot an and upward, b) Kxpreea, ean be sent at our ex pense. iddreu ai orders to J J. DOrGI.A septl Louisville. Ky. Christmas Goods ! Merchants wishing to replenish their stocks for Christmas, will do well be fore purchasing to examine our mam moth line of CANDIKS, FOREIGN AND DOMETIC FRUITS, NUTS, CRACKERS, PRIZE GOODS, CHEWING GUM, PEANUTS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. Oakj-s, Brea " & Pastries Of 11 varieties in stock or made to order. Facilities ITKBrRP assed. C. H. DHLS & a. Mnfg Ckmfeotioners End Bakers. I !R: H; Jordattife Co. DRUGGISTS. We have just received a complete stock or FINR LAMPS of all kinds; also the best FIRE-PROOF Lamp Chimneys. Use V.alentlne'n Impi-ored Tar Drop for Coughs and Goldn. Dr. Drniiln's Certain Cure for Rheamaiism,and HaiKe Awlhinit Cure. Rorax and Oatmeal. PearSSO I"-r Obi, trilrr rin and 47.11 Bone Toilet Hoap. Whale Oil Soap. Ielson and Cox's Gelatine. Kugle and Swkw Brands Con denied irlilk, Fresh Mto-k, at R. B. JORDAN d CO., DRUGGISTS. low in Ste ! 1.00 Barrels Piedmont Roller Patent. Perfection Roller Patent and White Rock Extra Flour, Hecker's New Buck wheat Flour, self raising or plain. Oatmeal, Grits and Hominv. Dried Sugar Corn. Green and Split Peas, Lima Marrow h&t and v hite Kidney Beans Large stck of Preserves and Jellies, in a, o and 10 pound pails. Atm-ws Mince Meat and PLUM rUDOIKG, Raisins. Currents, and Prunes. Citron, Lemon Peel, Pickles, in barrels, buckets and bot tles; also Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow, by the quart or gallon. A full line of canned goods. Including Vegetables. Fruits. Meats and Msn. These are all fresh goods, and as 1 claim to carry as URGE RETAIL STOCK AS CA3f UK FOI'D I THE CITY, I also claim to sell as cheap for the same quality of goods as ou can buy from aDy other house in the city J. M. SIMS. novlldtf NiW FALL STYLES! We are tow re-iv!ng our new Fall Hjles tf MILLINERY, Hits, BONvtTs ti.owru- FKAIIF.K, PI HI EN, SA1 IMS', MIK RIUBOv, PI lSII.Ae. Will have our stock oomple'e and w U open our patterns ol fcfs (tua BoNKT ou Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wl 1 show the largest and most com. plete stock of KIM MILLINERY We bve ever i-bown. Also all the Novelt'es In, HloIBkY i dVS-i. NK KB R. UT1N.- and FaNcY o Oih. for Ladies. Misses and t-hli dren. ZKt-'bYa. YARNS Aa We have engaged an exrr enoel MU'lner. Ml KEMP, from ttalilmore a an a rn . a'd are D e pa red to turni n anrtnmg in ihe UUllnery line and at PRICES AS LOW As anywhere In thl country. Don't fe'get nv-r tME HrrNr,RFD finerattems HATr) and BoNNKTa will Deope. ed IUK-DaY. OOTuBKK 2n D. MRS. P. OTERY. Springs & Borwell. JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER LOUR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN7. SPRINGS k BORWELL teoUindtf R. R. KAKC the PeQnlMrr IIWMtr w.at,jiiwk. wrt8deodar A-BfilliaDt SrW. niSMiL SWAMP LlflTERi CO, NORFOLK, YA. The franchise' of this enterprise is baed upon the charter granted by the Legislature of the State to the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and its legality has r-en fairly tet-ted before the court. ihe object in view is the "improve ment and extension" of the canal, and that full opportunity may be eiven for the purchase of the tickets, of which there are only 23,000, . with 356 PRIZES, The Drawing will take place on the 20th DECEMBER, at which time it will be made in the citv of Norfolk, before the public, and un der the supervision of duly authorized commissioners, and in like manner each succeeding month. The Drawing of 82d November was ni' 'St successful y and satisfactorily con ducted; the distribution of 918.050 giv ing assurance of the stability and good laiin oi ine i ompany. and now is presented with the following Solium e. CAPITAL 1 i z- .l... ; PKIZE, 85,000, Soo o it. 1 do 1.600 is l do l.ooo is 1 do 500 is 1 do 200 is 1 do 20o is 1 do, 200 is 1 do 200 is 6 do 100 are 15 do 50 are 100 do io are 2o0 do 5 are Apprtiximi'ion Priz-s. 9 of $50 ., 9 of 30 9 of 20 5(H 20O 2oo 20i) 2K 6o. 750 l.ooo 1.000 .S450 . 27n . 180 356 Prizes, 1isrritutine $13,o5i' Ti koiM Only 91. Plan of Lottery similar to that of the Louisiana Company. J. P llKHCII. Manager. Application for club rates, or for in formation upon any other business, should be plainly written giving State, county and town of writer. Remittances should be sent by Ex press rather than by P. O. Money orders or registered letters. f"xpress charges upon $5 and larger I sums win oe paiu oy tne uompany. Address plainly, J. P. HORRATT, Norfolk. Va Agents for sale of tickets required thromghout the State. Address applica tions as above. The undersigned supervised the Drawing Class A of the Dismal Swamp Lottery Company, and certify that it wa- conducted vith strict fairness to all interested. GEO T ROGERS, CHAS PICKETT, nov28 Commissioners. Vow Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State of WatcbesXIocks AND J EES WWW F.EK L RER T T J R WWWW E L R R Y T J EE WWWW EE L RRR Y Y J K WW WW K L R R Y JJJ KKE KER I T.I.I R R DIAMONDS, silver and H y r-Plated WARE. Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacle", Opera Glasses, Gold-headed Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which I am selling low for cash. Watch Glasses only 10 cents. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. J. T. BUTLER, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE Charlotte. N. C. ust Receivec Fulton Market AT- BARNETT k ALFXXXDER'S FOR SALE. Cotton Seed Meal for feeding or, fertilizing. In quantities to suit purchasers . Th best feed for cattle ever sold, being worth twice as much as corn meal. noy6dtf CHARLOTTE OIL CO. , 'PfL IvIAUII.I WHOLESALE GROCEB AND OOMMI88ION MERCHANT, Coll'' flu, 4arlotteu Orion aoUerted and : pranptij filbaf Goods VEKY 1 CORNED F j. e. 0KKKR8 TO THS Wholesale d Retail" TRADE A Large ftock of PV IE. WHITE LEADS, Linseed Oil, fo'ors, varnishes, &c -Also- TWO CAR LOADS m o Li. J. H. McADEN injl8 it One or Ihe 1lnt PhyNlclans. I have been using Swift's Specific in my practice for quite a long time, and I regard it the best combination as a blood puririer and tonic. It is entirely vegetable, being composed of the ex tracts of roots which grow in this sec tion f Georgia. I an familiar with its h story f om the time the formula was obtained from tbe Indians. It is a cer tain -and safe remedy for all kinds of blood poison and skin humor, and in the hundreds of cases in whi-h I have used it and seen it used, there has never erx a failure to cure. I have cured od taint in THE THIRD GENERATION with it. after I had most signally aoe.l by the most approved m thods of treat ment with mercury and iodide of po tassium These cases have ben cured over fifteen years ago, and have never had any return of the disease in them selves or ia their children. FRED A. TOOMER, M. D.. Perry. Houston Co.. Ga. '"It i the bet-t selling remedy in my store, and all classes of people buy it. It has become a household remedy with many of our best citiz-ns. ' ' WALTER A. TAYLOR. Atlanta. Ga. "I Bell Swift's Specific ot ten a groe in ten days at retail, and to all classes. Some of Atlanta 's best people use it regularly as a tonic and alterative." JOSIAH BRADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free to applicants. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta. Ga. NiW Mock irwed. CHIN A, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE HOUSEFURMSHING GOODS. All the Latest Shits. We call particular a tentton to MOSSROSE and GOLD Decorated I'FA NETS. 44 pieces. $7 50 DECORATED CHAMBER SETS, from $4 00 up. DECORATED DINNER SETS frru $20 00 up. WHITE CHINA DINNER SET-, rr.m $10 on up. STEAK KROILERS 75 cnts. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, from $650 up. A FINB STOCK OF- PLATED WARE, CLO K3 BtO.ZS3. AND FANCY GOODS. Ten rsBpeetfu'ilr, LDDOLK 4 HABTSm LP suec to J. BrookBeld A i'o. DOVE'S True Turf Oil. T PHT8ICIAJC3, FARMHR3, LIKBT STA .BLKKi'KP&HH ANO HlLR04D MKN NP BAMS friSILIld: If anf member of four totietiiln from Mreota to tlw airel infant. ar vffllatou with Malign -nit Sores, scrofuloun or oilier toe. (JhII Bneuto or -eakl Heart. Bums o"Dds, n matter how severs or of bow on tn11'., or from whatever exutte prodi.oed, tend and gei VSR-cent btHtle ut TDHK OIL. ai.d e fuamnte minor no par It cores 'before other remedies oegui to net, It is equallf applicable to all (be Uloers or -Kires, or infltmed rurtMt of all do mentte nnlmalK, or anjtlitng that moves on trie Turf. Dm or two spDlteattons ure all tbt Is nee easary to neutralise ibe tctlon ot tbe virus antf heal thr Uler It arrests at onee the rrogrej ot Rryslpe'as aoi removes the inflammation len u the tr of tbe disease. MeAden m