"DAILY CHARLOTTK OBSKRVlR;WEPNR8DA DECFMBER 19. 1 883. ll HI !" 'OTI IS. iVICe IU JloHHTS. ,ri.ru liWwru.. lit -i,d b'.'kt-n of 'our ,f .., SlCk ! .1 .fl-.ll It H triu RWl'h pi . u i-.- K t-t-'l.? t i . e d M ..i.w Hid W-r -.t Mi ""ii'ina f up'o cm a rrniehnu lis vh u 3 Inc Iciiumw It will rr ltVr l- r l.i.- ft r-il...u "it-ly l"l n uii.i it mo hers i trr I n m-ti- au' I' . .i..i.n i n (tlMiiioe.. MtuLte- tn ... ...i, h.i i, i i. a .i,d I -oifr-tn-he i . r. v in i h ii ... - i m. U- tn I- cnnihlnii mnii. fnr -h'l.lie Ih6 f)'n In li:faailt i It' il ll I1H ' ll-T- I'MI ' V-'O "I Li .....i . o.t him h -Van him! 'Mir- s n i"t (1 tilit-s. illil Is '"rs It- ll iliiuruii n-w boutttn- "rl- -rice Sc txitue. TH oio?ir. Index to New Advertisement. R. H. Jordan & Co Holiday goods, Rev. M. L Wood Trinity College. M. A. Dauphin Louisiana Lottery. M. Lichteustein Wanted. Barringer & Trotter Cheap Roods. J D. Bron Charlotte Hotel Bar. Buford House Bar Hot lorn and Jerry. SANTA AND THE REPORTER in i lir Wlie Vit-r Comes. Winter cmes with coughs and colds. and Benson's Caiine Porus Plasters come to cure them. 25c. ileiu Arucrtt em rut-. ? K ROYAL 2k J judication. South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, local rains, wn.ds shirting to colder northeasterly, rising barometer. LOCAL RIPPLES. - fin of the feature" of the freight triin from Statesville yesterday was a Western North Carolina car. aiviueu in to an upper aDd a lower story, both of which were nuea vtun iui&cjo. Christmas birds were being snipped to points down the Air Line roaa. A nartv of men, women and chil- .iron tn rh niimDer Ol LV aiincu iu the city yesterday morning from Anson county, and left on the Air Line train for Texas. ine womeu an uu cry before the train moved off ana tnougn the men tried their Dest to De uueenui, it was a blue lo- king crowd. -Mr. H. C. Cowles. clerk of the Fed eral court, is not nly an efficient officer and popu ar man. but wins i he good ill of all by his accommodating aisposiuon. Few public othcers are possessed 01 nis genuine spirit of accommodation, and t ere are but very few more pleasantto deal with This is voicing the senti ment of the jurors, witnesses and all who had businecs with the court. PGPB Absolutely Pure. Uls .mivV'I: .i.'vrf VHlltiB. A .li.ive. ui L."if; e ami w.'Mlf s(imeni-8i Mure -conomlc- .hi de orrtliiiii'j - inds and cannot be sold muetltlo'i wlih Lhe multitude ot .ow test, tin- - ii hImmi or pnnstabate powders doldonb -n, Whoif-ale by SPt'NHS 4 UHWKLI 'it ' (h.iro'tp Lincoln Pays Her Siate Taxe. J F. Reinhardt. Esq. .the tax collector for Lincoln county, was in the city yes terday. and deposited in the First Na t onal Bank rf4 740 73. beina the amount oi State taxe due for the county of Lin coln for this ear. Taking Lincoln as at) average county . th- State tax this year wi l amount to about a half million ot dollars. jSTETTEfi't A II os Killine Item. Mr. A. G. Neel. of Steele Creek town ship th s c uutv. gives us an item for publication for the encouragement of the younii farmers of the county, an the show tl' m wnat cau be done in the way of pork raising in Mecklenburg Mr. N'-el nays that on the 18th iu.-c. he killed one hog about t o years old, which weighed about five hundred 11 i : 1- pou'nis; one o monttis oia.wnicn weign- rd21. Ibswnd two seven montns oiu weighing 169 and 15 51bs respectively. Tin- Fun rti Ward Wedding. When the Ob-EKVEB drift- into matri monial probabilities it does so with the intention never to disappoint anyone. and ycste da the fourth ward prediciion was verified The occasion re errea u as the marriage of Mr W R lemple ton. of Rock Hill. South C irolina. to Mis Ella Prather. The ceremony was o . i n T rfl tnn...x.M on4 I' j w hortly afterwards the newly wed. tea l.-lt for Rock Hill, their lutuie home. Two more ueddings are docketed to come off in thn ity t-day. Cntina the Round and Look at Some Very Desirable Preeau aad Tell Where they are to be Found lor the Bearfit ol the Observer's Readers. Santa Claus turned up all right last night having met with no mianap but aid he had spent a bad day suffering with ear ach,, cause.) by a drop of mo lasses getting into it the night previous. Otherwise he waa in fine spirits and danced a jig while th - reporter was geiung on nis overcoat preparatory to going out with him The first place at which Santa and the reporter drew up was at the boot and shoe store of PEQBA.M AND CO., where is alwayskepta large lineof chice presents and very suitable ones at that. In addition to their well selected stock of fine shoes for men and women, boys and girls, they have a full stock of ele gant slippers, in alligator skin. kid. pat en leather handsomely finished and em broiuered thwt were ordered expressly for presents. Hie silk hats.Santa thought wou d make as good presents as any youug or old man could .iesire. They nave aiso a good line or trunks, valises, handb igs, shaVls traps, etc From Peg ram's we were conducted to the centre room in Johnston's block, where A E. RANKIS AND BBO. , hold f rth. Here we were shown an elegant line of ladies' and childrens' shoes boxtoe i and every style, ranging from the ordinary to the very finest baud made. S mta t'.ok down a lot of slippers and showed us a nu uber that would make beautiful presents We were then shown through the men's fine shoe department, which is complete and rtocked with the very best makes. "'For a friend wanting to travel,'" said Santa, 'commend me to those trunks, valises, satchels and handbags for presents. Better ones could not be found." Inti mating that there werejother places of this sort to visit Santa nurri-d the re porter around to the boot and shoe store of GRAY AND BROTHER This is a newly established house and everything in it looked bright as a new pin and it was as much as Santa could do to make his way behind the counters for the number of pre ents piled about on all sides. Sant-i looked over a lot of very pre ty shoes of all styles and makes, ranging in size from a shoe that would scarcely cover hi- thumb to one that would hold a busnel of corn. rays line i- complete and one could find any thing wanted in the way of a shoe. He also has a full stock of trunks, etc. His goods are all new and are marked down low. MOVER AND HIRSHINGER te l-'Bt but not least of Santa's head quarters in this line was next visit d At this establishment Santa enumerated presents by the dray load. They have a heavy stock of boots shoes, hats and general furnishing goods. They have a line of mrn's shoes that are especially suitable for presents. The Christmas shopper- should not fail to give them a call before laying in their presents, for they will be sure t see here something thex want. The Exchange ot Stamps. Postmastr Jenkins has received official notification from W. Q. Gftes ham postmaster general, in regard to the redemptionof stamps. The in structions are that no stamps or en velopes must be received for exchange but those of the three and six-cent de nominations. Stamps, stamped en velopes. or postal cards may be given in exchange for the three and six cent stamps and envelopes. Under no circumstances must money be given in exchange for stamps or en velopes. Postage-stamps will be ex changed at their face value ; stamped enve opes at full current rates as shown in the schedule of January 1, 1883, to be found on pages 798 and 799, United States Umcial Jfostal tfuide tor Jan uary, 1883. Where stamped envelopes are exchanged in small or irregular quantities, their exact value must be determined as nearly as may be prac ticable; but postmasters are not ex pected to lose the fractions of a cent, either in receiving or giving envel opes in exchange. Stamped envelopes bearing printed cards or special requests, as well us ordinary stamped envelopes are to be exchanged; also stamped envelopes that bear printed addresses. In mak ing exchanges of either stamps or en velopes no limitation as to number is prescribed ; they mf-y be exchanged noma'ter in what quantities offered. Postmasters must not exchange stamps that are cancelled, mutilated, or defaced, or from which the gum has been removed, or that are so damaged in any way as to bear the appearance as having been used Stamped envelopes must also be in a perfect condition to warrant their exchange. Ureal care is to be exer cised in this matter. Doubtful cases, especially where la ge amounts are involved, should be referred for de cision to the Third Assistant Postmas ter General. MARRIED. In this city, December 6th, by the Rev. J. T. Bagwell. Mr. William O. Bagwell, of ELkin. to Miss Annie L. Hawkins, of Charlotte Mav peace attend their future hours. And tortune strew tneir patu flowers. I R. H. JORDAN & CO. (fl) TF with Headquarter- of the Green mountain Roys. Burlington. Vt. Mr. L S. Drew, the popular landlord of the American Ho tel, certifies to the wonderful curative uualities of the world-renowned St. Jacobs Oil. Joiah Davls'f) Trouble. Josiah Davis. ISO. Middletown, Ky., writes: "I am now using a box of your Henry's Carbolic Salve upon an ulcer, which, for the past ten days, has given me great pain This salve is the only remedy I have found that has given me any ease, my uicer was uuku uj varicose veins, and was pronounced in curable by my medical doctors. I find, however, that Henry's Carbolic Salve is affecting a cure. Ashbubnham. Mass.. Jan 14. 1880. I have been very s ck ove two years. They all gave me up as past cure I tried the most skillful physicians, but they did not reach the worst part. The lungs and heart would fill up every night and distress me, and my throat was very bad. I told my children 1 never should die in peace until I had tried Hop Bitters. I have taken two bottles. They have helped me verv much indeed. I am now well Therfi was a lot of sick folks here wl o have seen how they helped me, and they used them and are cured, and feel as thankful as I do that there is so valuable a medicine made MRS JULIA G. CUSHING. DRUGGISTS. Have on Hand a Full Stock of 1 HOLIDAY GOODS CALL 6ARLY, -Also- XII B FIMST STOCK OF 5 AND 10 CENT CIGARS Are now in strong demand, because prudent men are now taction against the cold weather proYidini such pro- SOON SURE TO COME ! There is no earthly reason why a gentleman, however particular about hts clothes, should p y Custom Tailor's prices for such a garment as an overcoat, when those we have are equal in style, fini-h and tit to anything mde to onler, and the variety to elect from is al uost bewil lering. In this particular stock we have always maintained a pre-eminence over auy house in the State. In the Market for Trade. the Retail R. H. JORDAN k CO., Overcoats For Boys and Children AS WELL, IN UNLIMITED ASSORMMEN7 . As an invigor .nt. Hoste' ter's Stomach Bitters has received the most positive end'is-mHiit from eminent phy-icians. am) has lone occupied a oremost rank amoni nroi.rietarv remedies. Its prop erties as an alterative ol disordered nnnii itinnH of the stomach, liver and bowels, and a preventive of malarial HisPAses are no less renowne 1 and have been accorded emphatic professional recommendation. For s-de by drug cists and dealers, to w hora apply for HoRtetter 's in 11 ck-ry. mon-h the ' itizens DiU'i'E Hi.d mm? On the 27th of this of Hickory are to give a cmplimentary flintier and entertainment to the execu tiv and general officers of the Char lotte. Columba & Augusta Railroad Company, officers and empl'-yee- of the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge Rail road and to the officers and emploees of the Western North Carolina Railroad The Obsebver returns thanks for an in vitation. The names of all the mer chntnand business men of the town are attached to th-i invitation cards ana notable one Almanac tor l4. the (iay doubtless be a for Hick ry A SURE REC!PE Fop Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immuni ty from coniplexional blem ishes may be found in Ilac-an's Magnolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by druggists everywhere. It imparts the irost bril liant and life-like tints, and the closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations, Eruptions, Ring Marks under the eyes, Sallowness, Redness, Forgh aess, and the flush of fatigue nd exciterr.ent are at cneo dispelled ty the llagnolia Calm. It is t!:e cno incomparable Cosmetic. ClITUSTMAS rilKSENTS AT- JllitS HARTY'S. Th Hi.lidavB are coming and James Harty has just received. and is now dis playing the largest and besi selected utock of Fancy Goods Suitable for Christmas Presents eyer h. .,i.ul,t to Charlotte. Presents suitable little girls and boys'. Oui stock cusibts i" P't of hite ainl ue orai' u ' e aw Sets. Mottoed Cups and Saucers. Mus tache ('nun nd Sauc rs. Mush and Milk S ts. Epertnes. Water Seis. De unters. Majolica Waie in great variety. Si yer Plated Wa:. Cnthry. Woik Stands. Baskets Tovs Dolls, a laige assortment ol Tin Tov timi.peis. Wagons. Arim als on Wheels Plates S-ts for ladies and children plates with a variety ol views of Coney Island. Of every description and many other :i t.,, men nis to mention. Oau and -examine th- stock, we aiderit no trouble to show our goods, and we are determined to Sell Keiorn from a .ttooisniery County Gold Mme. An Observer representative run up yester.ay with Mr. D Lofun ex sheriff oi ilavioson county, who ior months has been working 'he B 1 . og gins gold mine in Montgcmery county. thirty miles soutn or inomasvine. uu the North arolina Railroad He was the custodian of about fifieen hundred pennyweights of gold, whieh he ae- sited in tne U Asuay omoe in citv Tbis was the result ot aDout sev en week's work on a Chi ian mill. He does'nt care for the public to know mat he has made a g-od profit on his labor. He thinks that with a stamp mill and such capital as ought to be used the piofits would be a bit: thing. The Federal Court. Judge Rond held a day's session of the Federal court yesterday, tinisuing up about all the ca-es on the docket, ine follow ing was the business transacted R Y M -Aden against J. W. McMur ray, petition to surpervise order. ause argued and detisiou reserved. In the case of Paul B Means, assignee of Montgomery & Dowd aginst C- G. M'-ntgomery and others, it was ordered that if certain papers missing are not fo ;nd. an order will be given to allow them to be supplied Sibley vs Simonton. Petition of W. P Caldwell to fi e proof oi claim was ordered to be allowed on iiiv ng bond in 8200 for the costs and submitting to the former order ol the court. Paul B. Means, assignee of Montgom ery & Dowd. vs Commercial National Bank. Judgment of district court re-ven-ed and cause remanded to that court. Judgment against the defend ant for costs. W. C Maxwell, assignee of W. t . Cook again t W. F. Cook and others. Both demurreis overruled and judg ment of district court affirmed. Cause remanded to that court with costs. P LorilUrd and others, again -t Wm L. Brown and Ruius D Brown. Decree final according to terms of compromise filed for perpetual injuo tion against the defendants to use ceitain tobacco fair11 traHp mar ks. Ea h party to Ll XJ lug pay their own costs. HAPPY MCSMITH But few of pur tiood little readers are aw are of the fact that old Santa is a mu sician of ihe highe-it order. The re Dorter didn t know it himself until he went into McSmith's music house witu Santa and witnessed a performance tha was better than a whole minstrel show Santa performed the remai kable feat of playing upon a piauo a mouth harp, a base fiddle, an accordeon and a trom bone, all at the same time, beating a drum and rattling a pai"- of bones in ad dition. After giving us "When the Robins Nest Again" by this orchestra. Santa put the instruments back to their places and told us to look around at the array of presents. For the children were toy pianos, minature organs, drums, harps, etc., in the greatest abund ance and foi everybody there were ban j'e violins, accordeons brass band in struments, pia -os ard organs, organ ettes. nusic boxes, sheet music, flutes, bugles, trombones, etc, etc. ""McSmith generally goes crazy about this time of the year. " Santa told us. "and gives away nearly everything that he has. So it is just the time and place for Christ mas presents. Tell all your readers to crowd in on him while the spell lasts, for, like Christinas it comes only once a year.' , C. H. ETHERBpE Santa Clau? and the reporter next found themselves looking at the loads of pres ents in the variety store of Mr. C. M. Etheredze. which the old saint aptly described as a perfect paradise for Christmas shoppeis. The children will see a thousand thing" that they want and the older people will be no less greedy. Etheredges stock of Christmas tricks and fancy articles is simply im mense. Beautiful pre-ents in china ware, dolls, toys of every variety, pre sents useful ornamental st h-h. beauti ful and cheap to suit whole families. We found it the same way at our stop ping place, the fancy goods establish ment ot B. A. FREEMAN, Mr Freeman has a very fine lot of Cht ist mas gifts embracing the late-t novelcies in china are. fancy goons, toys. iamp. bric-a-brac, etc Freeman's will be a popular place for Christmas shoppers. His presents are an eiegant auu aio sum at cheap prices He has a large variety from which selections can De maue. Hotel Aniva's. ' 'entral Hotel M A Cotten, Balti more: Wilson U Lamb. Williamston, N C; John McMasters, Clio, s C; C D Far rar, New York: W A Hinshaw. Clio. S C; Mrs G E Hanner and four children. Greensboro, N C-, Joe C Morrison, Nash ville, Tenn: F B Gibson, W F Gibson Rev Geo L Cook, N C: W E Youuts Pineville, N C. C G Terry, Rockingham. n C; G W Falls Gastonia. N C; C E Mc Donald. NC.Oli Clarse. Dav dson Col lege; E Morgan, N C, W M Fowler, Company Shops N C; C G Parker. King's Mountain, N C; W H Faulkner, i: PL Hoffman, Dallas. N C; Pulaski Cowper, Raleigh, N C: J C Buxton, Winston, N C; N Dumont. Frank Rob inson, Lowell, NC; R T Causler, Gas tonia. N C; Fred Nims. Fort Mill, S C; J T James Virginia; Col H Kellogg. Nor walk Ohio; E B Drake, P C Carlton. C A Carlton, Statesvi le, N C: Jas McD Stafford, T J Renfrow, Jas Robertson. B & N C ine; J D Stovall .Augusta. Ga J Y Templeton. Mooreswlle, N C; J W Long and son. Catawba county, NC; A Theis and wife. Concord. N C; W H t.r .y, Newbern, N C; J Y Bryce. N C. Davi 1 Loftin, F R Loftin. Lexington. N C: Sam R Trogden. Greens oro, N C; C F B st. Statesville, N C; VV C Benedict. New York; J F Reinha't, Iron Station. N C. Maj H D Lee. Mielby, N C; J vV Blanton, S C; A F Brevard Lincoln county, N C: R D McCoy. Richmond, Vu E B Sloan. Davidson College, NC; E P Kingsley, Baltimore; H Ratteree. Rock Hill, S C. Frank P Smith. Spartaubur,-. S C; R H Fulp Laudsford. :S C; S H Terres. J T Terres. White Oaki. SC; Wm Ellison. Richmond. Va: John Forest, J R torest, Hendersonville. S C; M B Moorman, Nashville. Tenn; Col Jas R Crenshaw, Richmond, V ; Adolphus Cooke, Baltimore; Jas R Lewis. C A Thornburg, Dallas N C; M C Freeman, J P Huston, R D Odom, King's Moun tain, N C; Coi S S Kirkland, Hillsboro, N C; S J Welshman. Monroe N C. Buford Ho se. J M Archer, Rich mond Va: Pride Jones Hillsb ro, N C; J M Bailey. Richmond, Va; Miss Jessie Ricke- Geo S Cassin, Atlanta; H B Ew bank. New York City: R L Dilworth. Corinth, Miss: J I) Gardner. Wilming ton, N C J T Blodet, Atlanta; W C Maxwell. J P Rentz N C D A Miumate T P Miller, Atlanta. T G Royster, Ral eigh. N C: D L Wade. Sali-bury, N C; T H Morrow, Richmond, Va; E C Sch ley, Baltimore. J B Cook. Geo W Carr. Waseinirton. D C. H B Wallerstein, N C. G W Hoage, Cnicago; Col. J E Boyd Greensboro. N C; T L Campbell, Mrs L Campbell. Shelby VN C; E R Tabor, Charleston, S C. WEYetfnts. Pineville. N C: Maj A L Anderson, Balt moie; W C'Buffington, Philadelphia; T P Ricaud Jr. Wilmington, N C; W Chatterton Baltim- re T W West. Richmond, Va; J B Dunlap, Atlanta; T B McDowell N C; L A Kimball. N Y: H G Mcllwain. Columbia.SC FM Maddux New York T J !- icker. Atlanta; W CZell. Dodfour. Tex: W M Francis Atlanta; Wm Allen, Augusta. Ga; London Lon. Peters burg, Va; S W Smith. Pineville, N C CHAPTER II. Maiden, Mass.. Feb. 1, 1880. Gentlemen: I suffered with attacks of sick headache. Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure me until I used Hop Bit ters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me;'' The second made me as well and strong as when a child. "And I have been so to this day." My husband was an invalid for twen ty years with a serious "Kidney liver and urinary complaint. "Pronounced by Boston's best physi cians "Incurable!" Seven bottles of vour bitters cured him and 1 know of the "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saed by your bitters. And many more are using them with great benefit. "Thev almost "Do miracles'." Mrs. E. D. Slack Tryon Street. OPLRA HOUoE. December 26tb, 1S83. HAVHttTS MINSTBELS, J. H. HAVF.RLY, KIT. CLARKE, - Proprietor. Manager. The strongest argument in favor of our Clothing is that we cheerfully refund the money paid if a rusiomer thinks he has chosen u.iwi-ely In the interest o' those who have Clothing to buy for business and laboring purposes we refer them particularly to our Soecial December Sale. THE BLACKBIRDS OF A NATION! A'o Played-Out Dreary Features ! ! 3 ACTS AT O:CE. ."VotliinK MAUe It. No medicine has ever been known so effectual in the cure of all those dis eases arising from an impure condition of the blood as Soovill's Sarsaparilla. or Blood and Liver Syrup, for the cure of Scrofula. White Swellings, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, eruptions, venereal sores and diseases, consumption, goitre, boils, cancers and all kinds of diseases. No better means of securing a beautiful complexion can be obtained than by using Soovill's Blood and Livei Syrup, which cleanses the blood and gives beauty to the skin. A Fair OflVr. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Voltaic Belt and Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men. voune or old, afflicted with ner vous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles." See advertisement in this paper. !i PEDESTAL CLOGGISTS I 10 VERSATILE VOCALISTS, COMICAL COMEDIANS. 4 8 10 llarrelou' Mid-Mr Somersault Haverly's $10,000 Acting Dogs! The Great Model Troupe! The Glory of the Minstrel Stage ! Prices as Usual. Sale at decl8 Reserved Seats now on Usual Places. ladies, by decorated The Colored dec2tf W CA H. JAMES HARTY. Fashionable hVidy ?i A Tn ereate-t variety. iut arrived at the China Palace oi Ludo f & Ha t fi Id China IInnrr&T. I,rll Chnmberlrti, Fine WV FHfur. HuhrmLin CSla ware, A J.el,iier Ha..ket-, I mlAHS Sc IMUel. IirilHI m. THE LAHOE3T STCK OF FINE- SILV IIP AtED WARS in the city. All gooU marked down. Give us a call before Duymif- Op. m Ine ig' f he Pair. Ti.o Hornets1 Nest Riflemen fairopen- H laat niilit in Uates nail, anu uiauo a . Th most SUCCeBSiui bkii k. .liiitrunt ami untiring wor! v, I in ii verv DiettV 81VIO nu H.D . r - - iAa merureens. tne vanouo bw.uu tables being arrangeu rauv ww. f.w nd motti.es and emoiemsiii ij letters meetinii the eye in various uubh .... .1 MTAil is n n i na I e 1 1 u 1 1 in.il o yivma lli'uo . . I. ..i.,olw arranired atlair remaps mo handsomest tniug id u s " fanc taole upon which a numoer oi articles contributed to the lair by our merchants and among the contriDuuouB we noticed a d. U piano aonateu uy i. Mcbmith, io be xoted to the most popu lar girl; an eight day ciocn ny jopi . D.-.w. a t.niit. at bv Wilson Brothers; a smoking jacket by E. D- LattoA ; Bro., a china dinner set Dy iuaoipu , field; a case of knives and forks by Brown, Weddingtonvjo.;aiarge doll by C M Etheredge a dressing case by R. H. Jordan: a silver castor by W H. Far nor: a saaaie oy a w the above articles are to be raffled off. An aitraitiv- feature Of tne evemug , . , 4.1 Dll. DlflAQ nm tha nrir.K nriu dt lu x ui from Pineville,under command of Capt W W. Boyce Tn drill was nneiy ex ecuted, and at its conclusion tne juages, r-o.... T T Anthonv. L.ieut. 1 it- vOU v.(.v. - . . 0 t a it A. .rv anri iirrieriv aerz ant ourivou. ji GIWH " - o , v, Hmeta' Nt Kinemen. awaraea (.O mvw T- - the prize plume to Mr C. E. Ross. The fair will be p mtipued to pight Expre-sions of gratitude on tha part of the public are always impressive and oiomn Tt. ia nWaiint to know that the people are jutjy praisipg the mertP ol Ur- puiiscougn syrup. "vl t-j for cough b, eolds, bronchitis, croup ana sore throat. R. H. JOKDAN AND CO This popular house was next on our 1 . . . . . j e . l : . . 1 r list, vve naa neara oi uien Christmas goods and were not disap pointed in what we saw. l hey nive a beautiful supply of plush goods, em bracing ladies toilet sets, work baskets, perfumery cases, mirrors cologne bot tles in plush, and a great variety of goods in this line, from which the handsomest presents can be selected. WILSON BROTHERS. Here another very fine array of plush good- were shown the reporter, embrac ing all the latest novelties known to i he Christmas trade. The goods are perfect ly elegant any to lxk at them makes one wish that he was Vanderbilt's pri vate secretary. The perfumery oases toilet nets and cologne bottles are especi ally worthy of mention and more desir able presents could not be found. Going up street to DR. J. H. MC ADEN'S the repor-er found pretty much the same line of goods. Dr. McAden's stock of plush goods, while not extrava crantlv larure. is vey choice and embra ces some exceedingly pretty pre-ents for the ladies. He nas a nne une oi lamps, of eleganf shapes and. patterns, anv one of which would make a nice present- nw army .- very tempting and on the whole, the aearchar for presents cannot afford to skip his no'ise Santa aei u pressly recommend mp Christmas trade. i pi ot Worryias Orer i . Danville, Va., De . IS. Th.- Cvlor ed people here have taken no action in relation to the Danville riot. They have held no meeting and have made no report. It is said that Col. Sims, who is now in Washington, will pre pare a report based on the evidence taken in the contest against Col. Hurt for a seat in the Virginia Senate At the convention in Norfolk a few iiari !rn BtAns were taken for the for mation of an imigration society by which homs would be furnished such colored rerso:is as wished to leave Danville. No action n that subject has been taken here. Favorable Report ou Commissioner Kvns--0'her AppoiBtmenis Je HI In Washington, Dec. 18 The Senate finance committee this morning con sidered the charges against Internal Revenue Commissioner Kvans, and agreed to report the nomination fa vorably to the Senate. The 'President to-. lay sent another installment of appointments, made during recess to the Senate, for ap proval. They are under the depart mem of justice and po.-t iffice depart ment, and all officers have been for some time discharging their tunc tions. TRINITY COLLEGE. The Spring Term of Trinity College will begin January 1st, 1884. and close the second Thursday in June. Tuition in College course for the term 30. tui tion in preparatory studies, 25; board. including furnished rooms, per month, 88 to 11. The College belongs to the M J. con ference of the M E. Church, South It is located in a Healthy section, five mites from High Point, on the N C. R. R. For particulars address tha President. REV. M L. WOOD. decl9d3t Trinity College, N. C. WANTED. Two sleadv, expert machine operators without encumbrance. Good eye sight and reference required. None others need apply. M. LICHT NSTEIN. decl9dlt Merchant laiior. Poionel. Thousands f persons are poisoned in America by the continued use of mer . .-"j.. nntaaciiim and otner cury, louiuo ' f-""- . menrcurV 'works its wy into the tissues roducYn I rheumatism and decay of the bones The iodine or poiassiuiu eatsaay the coating of the stomach tdries up the gastric juices which ALZ The foW and the patient lingers dJg il f liony' or U glad to die to get ;wa troTW BwiJ Speoiflo is awy TLtiHQte to all poison. It VTnS? merouty from the system, eliminates merouiy Qf rT7nm and bringVback health and CoioX Sedyoufaddress foraeopy TBB Drawer 8, Atlaat, Frnnk J-me Hailed In ta.OOO. KxksvU.Tty. Dec. 18. The crimi court at Gallatine yesterday fixed the bail at $5,000 in the case of Frank James for the rnurdei of Cashier Sheets in 1869 The defense asked that the prisoner be remanded to the custody of his sureties. This the court took under advisement, the prisoner was returned to jail. The Money Vo'ed. Parts Dec. 18. The chamber of deputies to-day voted the supple- mentarv Tonauin credit of twenty million francs for the first six mouths of 1884. The vote was 313 to A minister, in Lowell, Mass. has been obliged to give up preaching on account of trouble in his throat If this rev erend gentleman had taken Dr. Bull's cough syrup h would have been a use ful member of his profession. Prevent sickness by taking occasion ally one of Emory"- Liiib' -nilmr-tW Pill-, a wonderful appetizer, an absolute cure of Biliousness. 15 cents. During the Next Two Weeks We will offer our entire stock of goods at prices that will sell them. We have Flannels, Lindseys, Cassi meres, Clothing, VERY CHEAP. Shawls, Skirts. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Gent s and Ladies' Wool bhirts Table Covers. Window Shades, Boots and Shoes. Trunks Valises, Hats, and Job Lots of Notions, etc., all of which we will sell at SOME PRICE, if you will give us a look. Come and see what we have left and you will save, money, dec 19 BARRINGER & TROTTER. i ' THE rUARLOTFE HOTEL BAR With all fixtures, having been pur chased by J. D. BROWN, has been stocked with the FIN EST LIlIORSandflGtRS, Bergner & E-igels' BEER always on hand Mr. BrtOWN deserves a good patronage and will always be found to welcome his friends in person. Boys, give BRO 'Na call. dec!9dlt I HAVE JUST BOUGHT 350 SACKS Of the Best Patent Flour Ever Brought to ibis Market And will sell you 1 Sack for S3 75 If you den't need the Flour now it will pay you to buy it for an investment Best Family Fiour for $3 00 Country Family Flour for 2 75 Lard in tubs, pure leaf at 10 cts a pound Corn Meal at 80 cts per bushel. Corn Feed at 75 cts per bunel. 30 Bars Kirk's Indian Blue Soap S' 00 25 Bars cuDital Soan 100 28 lbs Hominv for 100 15 lbs Buck heat i lour l.w 15 Mess Mackeiel 100 12 It Light Brown Sugar for 1.00 10 lbs Granulated Sugar for 1 .00 12 lbs Rice for 100 6 lbs Full Cream White Cheese 1 00 2 lbs Lor rilard Snuff 1 00 15 lbs Vanilla and Cocoanut Cakes 100 12 boxes oncentiated Lye 1.00 1 dozen 3-lb cans Standard Toma toes for 1 30 1 bushel White Rose Potatoes 1.00 1 bushel Red Onions 1 00 6 cans condensed milk 1-00 4 dozen eggs 1-00 6 cam of I i-n Baking Powder l.Oii 11 barn of Frank Siddull Soap 1 W I will (-ell y u 1 pound of good Smoking Tobacco at 85 cents. 1 5-cent Cigar for 2i cents, 10 cent box of Blackimj for Scents, And a host of other things The arrangement of Several Counters embracing such go'xlsaa wo have bought recentlv much under price, together with all remnants and small lots culled from our stock and placed on sale in the, following order: FIRST All Wool Suits at $7.50; actual value, $10.00, $11.00, and $l'.2.00 .SECOND Attractive All Wool Business Suits $10.00 actual value, $13.0", $14.00. $15.00, and $ 6.00 THIKD All ot our odds and ends in Overc AT9, rang- ing in value .on to n.uu, nre proving very acceijuiuir treats to ou- customers at $5.00, expecting to pay just double the price for theii WINTER'S TOP COAT, TC. D. Latta te Ero. There came a man to Charlotte town, Into P's and Q's did dive; Win I must, thought he. Git up and git. sling printer's ink, Work well your advertise, and sure enough he quickly found the dumb could sing, the deaf could hear, the blind could see that the Music House Leads the Yan! PIANOS AND ORGANS. 3 TOO CHEAP TO MENTION, ALL F R CASH ! !! Respectfully, LEXAIF.R. i 73 It. B. Don't Forget HOT TOM AND JERRY AT- BITFORD IIOl'SE BAB. OUR H0T 5CJTCHES Are Perfect Daisies. Try Them decl9dlt. Winston. Forsyth Co., N C. Gents I desire to express to you my thanks for your -wonderful Hop Bitters I was troubled with dyspepsia for five years previous to commencing the use of your Hop Bitters some six months ago. My cure has been wonderful. I am pastor of the First Methodist chureh of this place., and my whole coi Krega- ,tion can testify to tne a'pat virtues ai you litters, i Beipecfjully. h REV. H. FEREBBE. Pintoes or Spoiled Ponies. Fresh arrival of Texas Horses at Wadsworth's Stables, including Pintoes or Spotted Poni-s. Prices from 540 up. Come while the opportunity lasts; they ill only be here a iew ujo. That I have now in store a good assort ment of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, and when you use up all the nice things you have bought lor unrietmas, 1 can seiryou something that will be good any time after Christmas. BSST PaTSNT FLOUR, Hams. Breakfast Bacon. Smoked Beef, Corned Beef, Pig's Feet, Tripe. New Mess Mackerel and Cdnsn. A. iun line of C NNKD MEATS AND VEGETABLES, Atmore's Mince Meat, Cranberries, Nuts. Currents and Citron, Frlam and Cream Cheese, Goshen But ter, Olive Oil and Grated Horse Radish. I am still ROASTING COFFEF every week, and will grind and put up any desired mixture. With four years experience in roasting, and a steady in crease in my coffee tiade, I think it some evidence that my coffee gives sat isfaction to my customers. TO MY FRIENDS. Those that have favored me with v,oir Tutrnnurfl the Dast year, one and oil am nflHiired of mV eratitude and ap preciation, -nd I hope to receive a share of your traae auriug me wuiiuf,;----! and" promise my best efforts to please. Very Respectfully, EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE. LOOK OUT! Happy Mc is on the Track. MUSIC ALL MUST HAVE1IT And We do Sell the Best. Write to Is or Come to See U, and You Will Buy From the MeSmith Music House. CHARLOTTE, !. C. dJl8d2t R. JOHNSON. J. M. SIMS. H . wsthetics. (4 designs). Some I 'dUl thinir eood. Mailed on re ceipt of 6 cents in stamps. HKARJfE & CO. P. O. Box, 1487, N. T. ANOTHER LT OF HUSSIAIf CIR CULARS Silk Dolmans and other handsome Wraps, just receded at T. L SEIGLE'S. Call and see them,. decl8dtf City Property for Sale. Choice of two desirable city resi dences, well located, convenient to busi ness, chean to bonafide purchaser.! For furth-r information apply at . lUHWtllVJi. KEROSENE OIL, LUBRICATING OILS. CHESS-CARLEYCO., rHARLOTTK,N. C. dec7eodlm FOK RKiT, The largest Warehouse on College street, in one square of the post 'ffice and one square of the joint railroad freight depot. Possession given 1st January, 1884. Apply to E. NYE HUTCHISON, Corner College and fourth Streets. decl'Mtf A. HALES, Pradicil Wach:kji and Dealer in WTCHR CLOCK JSWKLBY, 8PEO Ti'XlH 48 Ac Kirns and l fflcurt Watch Ba p in a - prcinltT we k Diom aljdoue nud warranted twelve momhu. epc3(Kl.wtf Central Hotel BQiidlnu FOR RENT. The Storeroom next door above the Potofflce, now occupied by W. C. Mor- THE LET -STOCK OF- , Trade at ABORTED gun. CARSON & SANDERS. Groceries, Mtcth n ries End FANCY GOODS Can be foundat l.R.WiBET&BO'S. 1 AT REAB0NABLE.PRICE8 i I' 1 ii 4 .i I