. I . - ; : --.--- mm s! - n r n 1 1 -l i." as 11 r .. i. r -w . DAILY CM AXiL,V 1 1 H. Krnz n ktivii w K I JN K IIJ A-Yt L UK M 15 E R 1883 A.. FREEMAN, Agont, SEWS NOTES. 19 I J . - I ' T ........ . . JS3 u 4)iffl Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Toothache. Lumbago. B,',1,.iprnln..Brl.e. Bare Tbrot. rroal UHee. Barns. .,. akd it'll is. AID IL "'" "'rT.br.. fifty Cenue belli.. TUTT PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER anH MALARIA. WIIU . . . . - . 4 1 nnrnd II E"K(' t hi Oe-ffWlTTllfl OI .iionuH of tne human nice. Hiese svmDtoms uulioato their existence : toss ol J . id riutitii. Kick Head- -chi, uUncn after eating, aversion (o Kertion 01 ooay r "'" . r..itahiiirtf nf fpmner. Lon OS lOUUf . j ' UrlU. A frelinK f ha-vlng neglectrd JTne daiy. f luttering at the Heart, Dots mo j juK.wj "red trine, tOSSTIPAUOfll, end do muna mouse vi "" , VrrVf rr i on the Liver. As a Liver medicine TUTT ! PI LLS have no caual. Thoir action on the Ki'liievsiindSKin isiiiso uiuuipi, .cu.....,.. Hil 1 III J Hi 1 'I 'I uiivufju .... - - v cutters of the system," producing appe a, tit sound digestion, regular PtooU, , clear skin and a rigorous douv. i , ' cause no nausea or griptn? nor interfere vrlln dally worn mm on; i r"" ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. tmn niTif s T IUE A HF.W SI AN. a ... a x j . j " J - - - . i i nnnnein with PnnaMna. 1 nave uu upucrai . X- tion.two years, ana nave iri-u lcuuiucichi kinds of pUls, and TCTT'S I aro -the first that have done me any good. TheyTiave -j : .1 t- TU-v O nnt't 1 1 1 lu cieaneu ure wuu un."j. , splendid, food digests readl and I now r if imu uttssuKto. -- . t w IS En.VABDS.flinvTa.O. er. here,a5c. Offi-e,44 Murray 3t.,X.Y. TIITTS HAIR DYE. UllA K "All. vi ; f m olication of this Un:. Sold by Drugffisia or sent by express on receiptor $i. r.rtw ii Mnrrnv Street. New Vonc. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBES. Killer's Bakery THE JIoaT COMPLETE IN TH E STATE. m la now prepared, by the employment of utrictly firot-clasfl bakers, to deliver all kinds of Bread. Cakes, Rolls, etc. in any part of the city. I make a spe cialty of Cream, Steam, Vienna, Bye AND PLAIN BREADS, which is not excelled by any other baker in the city, baked fresh every day. I not only furnish as good, if nt bet tr. bread than Chn be bought else where, but give the Largest Loaf for the Same Pric I also keep a large variety nf Cnkea. Bolls, Bunns, Pastry and Coffee Cakes. KEYI CROP FiiUITs Raisins. Figs. Dates. Oranges. Bananas. Grapes, of the finest qunlity. always on hnd in season. A.lso a 'great variety of Ctnned Fruits and Vegetables of relia ble brands. A full assortment of PLAIN AND FuNiY CR MRS. I manufacture Pure. Plain ann Fancy Candies: also Taffys, which are sold at wholesale and retail. Come, See and be Convinced, P.M.KIGLRR. W has secur d the arnicas of a 0rt clag bH Iwr, from Now lord, and we present to the lidi. of this cttj a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread something entirely new and never before ffTi-dlii this city It is the lendliig gtyie ami kind ri" haTlng uch a run at SrHtoga and Long Branch hotel-.. Try It and you win De co.jviuced ot l. u P tority Id order that you may know our bread our trl ate braad O. K will be on -ach loaf We mjst respectfully tst erery lady to call o send and try this O.K. BRE4D, IT I PirCE. mentot11 00 hand the lar88t nicest assort CAKES CAKES To be kmad in the State, and can furnish on the honest nolo any quantity for parties or wed dings. Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES l.n8nrpaMd H' rt aIwa freBn Fam.ile- sup Piled wuh everythlni? tney use. A share of th. publlc patronage solicited Bespectrully, PHELAN & RUSS. atsjiMii CONSUHPTION. sUnd$Sn? bt5e tl wt kiBd d itj f lth i IlTri.rvC?,?1-Indeed, fo stronjr is my ttii difVl. Wltl1 V AiOABLK TREATISE on ?lrpllrer. Give express snd P. O. Cotton to W W W A TWW 4A inf h TTTT FEE D1)T T K D D T EE D D 4 V rv n " vr a a P ID ltl T BRB DOO r?nH7i 18 cente P61- bushel f 30 ?f good B,und cotton seed, de SrshHlT milK Wil1 Pay 1 cents rallm rd dlered at any sta ?lcSsVUDDiDg K Charlotte. Jn frti V? ten tnald above, we axe--. V ,ve one ton of meal in reh:; lwo- tons of seed. ' This "onia fJrfJPet value 10 -aonld I be token advantage the of nre f, fZdi". orth much as o 2r,nor 'rtditing than two CHAfiL'JTTE Oil CO i k During a drunken quarrel at Read- ing, ra., bunaay, jawu i iuwuv fatally staoDea koukiuucii. Charles L. Perry, of Boston High lands, Mass., was found dead in his house Sunday, and is.thought to have been murdered. Edward Henderson, a teamster, was arretted on a charge of murder. a r, ofFr.,-f. i hoincr made ill Boston to enforce the law prohibiting the employment of children under four- teen ana women iu iji ca iuui than sixty hours a week. The fine is $50 tor eacn ortense. t. pioiodpinliin Saturday. Judee Ludlow overrul d the motion for a new trial in the case of Dr. Albert J . T. Goersen, convicted of poisoning his wife, and sentenced him to be hanged. nf Brooklyn. N Y., who shot and killed his wife in October, has been sentenced to State prison lor Hie. lie is iar gone in con sumption. An nnUnwn wo "fill, somewhat Xl.ll uit..w - , - , .. ,1 ottirDli idvancea m years mm iu-ui,, . ndav in Brooklyn I11CU Vi v ' -J T-Tff hiuiv was re- 111 itSUftl -ai iA- j7 moved to the morgue and has not bee- mdentinea. Ti,n Dvami'npr nf nensions in Phila delphia Saturday sent a warrant to Lancaster, Pa., to be lodged as a de tainer against Rev. John A. Moore, alias JeilKS WHO lias ueai there, and is charged with swindling pensioners. a f TTrmcrnn Tpyjis Saturday night a shanty occupied by an old man named Uarmicnaei was uumeu. terthe fire Carmichael's charred re mains were found. Amelia Kamona h,.u hwti nrrested On suspicion of murdering him. Carmichael was for merly a wealthy planter in Alabama. Vfomnrinl sorvifPS for the lost fish- hpld at Gloucester, Mass., Sunday me services we e deeply impressive, iwomuic ;n ..,-Aa if nmvfid to be lost. Will swell the number of vessels lost to twelve, with probably laumen. ine number ot lives lost during um jc will not fall much short of 200. . At. Norristown. Pa.. Saturday. James Jacks was acquitted of the charge of murdering ins w lie, -ft no was touncl last juiy BiiaiW;iu death in her bed. Alfred Harvey, who had been drinking heavily at Jack's house on the niglrt of the mur der and was arrestee, on buspitwu ji being connected with the crime, com mitted suicide a lew uays unci m prison. Sundav watchman Harrington, at ,uxTr Vt T tnrnedo Station. smelled gas escaping from the cellar .,nii tho Hhrarv He entered the cellar with a lighted lantern, when an explosion occurreu, wuiuusenuus ly injured Harrington, and caused a fire which damaged the library building and many valuable books. Gv Builei's Opinions. Gov Butler, of Massachusetts, who was in New York Thursday, expressed the opinion that the prospects for the democrats electing the next President are good. He does not think the democrats in Congress will do any thing to fritter away the party 8 strength. He s-ays there are but two questions on which the parties can divideone is the sectional issue, the renewal of the right between the North and the South, where the re publicans are making the otner is the isfue upon a reduction of the tariff, which the democrats are making. Gov. Butler says he stands squarely on the platform of the democratic convention of Massachusetts, and insist that it is the duty of the nation al govei nincnt to raie only so much revenue as is absolutely needed for the economical carrying on of the government; that this amount of revvnue should be raised by means of a tariff, and that in It vying that tariff, American enterprise and American industry should be incidentally pro tected. In other words, the necessi ties of the government to be met by taxation should be made as light as possible, and th taxation should be s judiciously distiibuted as to best foster American interests. As to the possible democratic can didates for President and Vice-President, Gov. Butler declined to talk, but he conceded that the "old ticket" had a great deal of strength through out the country. In regard to the re publican candidates. Gov. Butler said in his judgment the selection of Presi dent Arthur to head he ticket would be the wisest course for the republi can convention to pursue. CiyiI Service Reform in Washington. Sati 4tal if publican. There is a bald-headed man, with mutton chop whiskers, who at pres ent holds a comfortable position in the Senate wing of the capitol, ,who has lately become a most enthusiastic advocate of civil service r form Last evening he was descanting in elo quent terms upon the probability of certain eastern Republican "enators taking high grounds in this direction with regard to the changes in the force of subordinates under the Senate officers. A meek-looking Republican, who has just been bounced by the House officials, interrupted his high flown speech and said- '"That's a most commendable frame of mind for you to crawl into my son, but don't you bank on it. I'm on the war path myself, and have spent the, day in working up my application for your place. After I get it, call on me, and you'll find me full of civil service reform from boots to skull." Tone up the system by the use of Ayer's .-larsaparilla. It will make you feel like a new person Thousands have fouuii health and relief from suffering by the u-e of this great blood purihei when all other means failed. The Railroad Bill. Columbia, S. C. hrgMcr. The House Fridav, b1 a close vote fifty seven to fifty refused to strike out the enacting words of the bill to restore to the railroads the power of fixing rates. On its second reading it was further amended, and it is still doubtful if it will pass the House of Representatives as it stands, the vote of Friday by no means indicating that all who voted against striking out the enacting clause favor the bill in its present shape. Both sides contested every inch of ground and the argu ments pro. and con., were many of them exceedingly able. The railroads may be said to have won the prelimi nary skirmish, but the matter i not yet determined and we still hope to see such power retained by the peo ple, through the agem-y ot the Com mission, as will be a sure guarantee against any oppression. Forty years experience in every clime on earth,- has proved Ayer's Charry Pectoral to be the moat reliable remedy for olds, coughs, and all lung diseases. KegWcted colds often become incurable ailments. Deal with thm in tim. and prevent their becoming deepceated iu Mtengratea. . , THE Gttfr;AT lK. OIO His Outspoken Opinion. The very marked testimonials from College proiessors, respectable physi cians, and other gentlemen of intelli crence and char cter to the value of Warner s OA.rrj urtj, jjuuhbubu i" editorial columns of our best newspa pers, have greatly surprised me. Many nf tK oca ipntlempn I know, and readin&r their testimony I was impelled to pur i .1 a TIT 471 ? -M chase some Dutties or warner s oarr, Cure and analyze it. Besides, I took some, swallowing three times ine pre scribed quantity. I am satisfied the medicine is not injurious and will frankly add that it 1 to na myseii ine victim of a serious kidney trouble I should use this preparation. The truth is. the medical profession stands dazed and helpless in the p esence of more than one kidney maUdy, while the tes timony of hundreds of intelligent and very reputable gentlemen hardly leaves room to doubt that Mr. H. H. Warner has f illen upon one of those happy dis coveries hich occasionally bring help to suffering humanity. FOR SALE. A 70-acre Farm with a five roomed house and within ten minutes walk of the town boundary. This place pocsess es a large amount of bottom land in proportion to its size, and is well adapt ed to a dairy. A portion of it is finely wooded In addition to its more soliu advantages, the Landscape beauty of the spot would be an attraction to many The view from the house commands a beautifully diversified tretch of meadow and woodland and opeii fields. An excellent location for a fish pond is also upon it. Supplied with never fail' ing springs. Nothing but jdebt forces the owner to sell, litle guaranteed. Terms easy. Apply to ' decl3d2t - F. I. IRWIN. Auction Sale ot MULES At the Court House, on Saturday next, 22nd. CHAS F. HARRISON, declSdawlt Auctioneer. $30,000 FOR $2. I 1 RKG0LAH MONTHLY DSiWlNH WILL i h take place In the Masoi.lc Hal, Masonic I'll In Lonlsvll e, Ky , linr.da), li-n mbr i7 b, 1S83 A lawful Loiterj aud ia:r drawings. cn-iNtr-d Di tne LreUUiure 'f Ky . a d iwiue declared iBtfiloslliM u iQii court lu lilt- .-tue Bond tven to H-ur iuut in IhJ sum 'f 3;tu,(RIC oi he ytouipl p-ijineui i pns io so u. A B IV JL.UTlO.1 IN INilL .x JJlBK t UKA v Kvt-ry t ck"t bol nr his own supei visor, cai rail out me nuinDer on Dis t CKel nJ i-ee lue oir r-.iuulii iiumtx-r oa iho p.uajd in the wtier iii his nivsauee rhe-e drtwi dll ecu o- he :mi Tuurday ut every mouth. Btrud ibt magnificent nCGinBEK SCHKJlK. I flam - tau,vu l Prize IO.Ooi 1 Prize n-UO 2 Prizes 2 5hj tMh 5,OU- 6 Prizes, i.s.-'.'u eacn, 6,"1H 20 frizes 500 eacu 10,0Oi 100 Prizes. 100 each, lO.OOi iOv Prizes. .50 each 10.001 BOO Prizes. 20 each lO.OOi iOOO Prizes. 10 each 10.0OU U Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 Prizes. 200 " ' 1,800 -t Prizes. 100 " " " " BOO I 857 rruem. J110.4CM Whoi TlCKflls. 82; Half Ttckett. SI ; 37 Tlcsew S50. 56 Tickets. 1100 aemlt Honey ot Bank Draft lit Letter, or sent Or BxDress. DON'T SEND BY UK'USTKHKl L.-TTEB On POSTOKFICE ORIiKH, unill funhei notice. Orders oi $.- and upward. t Kxprr,. can be sent at our expense ddr; !' ordprn i J J. DOI'Gi AS septl Louisville. Ky. A-T-S. (0 o 4 4 3 i a. to i h3 t o 0 v e-f- s a rr- CO P IT w p bd Pi 0 CT5 if a 0 M x w 0 H J ft o 9) to Words Fail "Words faU to express ray gratW t nil ' ' uv. ILTw Oklbt Caeteb, of Naishvine, Tena., "lor the benefits derived from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. , Having been afflicted all my life with Scrof ula, my system seemed saturated with it. It came out in Blotches, Ulcers, and Mattery Sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter states that he was entirely eared by the nse ol Ayeb's Sarsapabilla," and, alnje dtocon tinningtits use, eight months goj he has had ; no return of the scrofulous ayraptome. AU baneful lnfeettoas 0f the blood cr -) ptonptly removed by ials aneaanedelteair tlve. ' '- : rtXBtixes n- . r Or.J.C.AyePoCo.L6wellf Mast. Sold by all Drnggfsts; 1, six bottlel for fQ. Ail Rail Route Daily Prom now until Dec. 25th to all points in North Carolina and South Carolina to meet the demands of our customers and the Trade who desire goods quick for the Holiday Season such as Fire Crackers, Fire Works, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, Balloons, Lan terns, Flags. Christmas Tree Candles, (all colors) Fancy Candies. Plain Can dies, Prize Candies. Prize Goods. Su.ar Toys, Crackers, Cakes, Nuts, Raisins, Canned Goods, and a full and complete stock of Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour. &c. Do not fail to call and see us. 9IAYI.R -V ROSS. Wholesale Grocers, Charlotte, N. C. VV e U ave Canned Gooods, every variety. Pickles, Saur K aut, Kaiins. Currants, Citron, Cocoanuts, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Prunes Dates, Figs. Oandie, Nuts, Coined Bt-ef, Pjgs Feet, Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Lard, Goshen Butter, Dried Beef Hams, Sugar, Coffee Tea, Molasses, Buckwheat Oake Syrups, Flour. Meal, Qatme d, Buckwheat, Rice, Hominy, Gr.ts, Crackers and ake of Every Kind and Everything to be Found in a First -clat-s Grocery. CALL and EXAMINE Our stock before buying your CHRISTMAS 1 RICKS, Respectfully, BIRSUTUIFXINDER THIEVES "PROFESSIONAL THIEVES u&tbs DET .TrVr A wonderful book of Deteetire Sketches, by AlXjJX 1 1-k KitT' N. ioUfctea from dis rnvate Keooros, wita sketch of his own lite. Illustrated with 36 thrllUnc pio turea. h'Ud only frv wr afftntt. H&ny seotsara nukinf S:iiMrwMk. One inot has sold TCUOeooim: another agent has paid fur two farms. It sells like wild fire. We want 1000 n. re agenta. If you want a vnfitr mate aomey wn re jot circular ava paai irma. Wfsfhai. A oekts raa secure Kxtra Terms. Addnaa ii. W. UA-aLtl-UJK CO.. rabnsbeTS,ew Xora. DO YOU "WISH TO BUILD? IF SO, CONSULT 3BX1.X70ZI ct MOZl.Oia.lr, AnfrlllTCnTC ATLANTA HUWIIIIfcUl g qAi. Accurate Plans, Speciflcatlonj, and Detailed Drawings furnished for Public and Private Build ings in any part oi tne couatry. - MtTTHEaUl WOBK A SPECIALTY I CURE FITS. When I say core I do not mean merely to stop than tnea kiws them retora arain, imesn a Mili'-aJ ear. I h rm m ore. Ill n made the disease of ITU, JSfl. LKPSY OR FALLING SrCKNRSSahfe-loiurstady. 1 warrant mt reaaedv to care therworal ftsaes Becaaaf others bavef ailed is no reason far not now receiving- a Mir. Knrl at OfiM far a Treatiae and a Frpa Bottle of my infallible remedy. Grre Express and Postomoa. U costs yon Dntuofl I or a uul ana L will cnxe yoa. Address Da. H. Q. ROOT, 18S Pearl Bl. , N w York. tfDPD.rFDTlT aii iimauing ana speeay cure iur NerVmu iMbility and Wiaknca, Lost nf Vitality and Vigor, or any evil result or indiscretion, excess, overwork, tie., (over forty thou, I sand positive cures.) jyr S nd 16c for postage on trial box ot 100 pills. Address, Dr-M. W-flAGOH. cor. nark St Dd Ca&oaa Place. Caicoo, Ivl. novl8dev)daw OPIUM U A BIT rR. H. h'. kakk. ISHDI I of Ibe rwQuiocry C pi mil Uouie, aow onen a Rvaiedj wtarehT sbt one me rare klBatf mt km. .-I..t I- 1 palnlvaalr. For ImtiiiMnlal., and nlirHiuiu, a-uert Iron cmliKut BKIcal aq ,m a fall SeMrlpcloa erf tlx Iraatawat, novlbdeodaw MOORE COUNTY GRIT" a. COKNWILLS AND MILLSTONES, (ALL SU)tSt. BEaSTInTKEWORLO AjfPLis op wtAL sstnr OH APfUCATIOH. 1UTM BABUIIA HltlSTOK en r Branch Office, Charlotte, N. C deo5daw4w "I FREE! vREUABLEStlF-OHRE ""si a faTorlta mvaerlottou f one of th taoata low n taotew and noeaasfut speciaJlata In the 17. H. r retired) for the cure of 3r Mfumtt VaaC rf..fc..J it-ii allin i aa aiMl Hess. 6Q B ylaln r"mnrf"' f Dmgsislsvan flll Address DR. WARO CO.. Udsitaa Mo, novlbdeodaw HAVE RECEIVED 1 A handsome line of Plated and Ivory Table Knives, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Carvers, French Ciok Knives, and children sets, in cases or by the piece, all suitable for Holiday presents. We have also a large stock of Roller Skates, of all sizes, to be sold cheap. We have a very handsome stock of Pocket Knives, and the most fastidious can be suited. Brown, Winiiton (S On. liomi Canvassers ft aoled. We offer rare inducements to good agents- Every reader of thia paper wh desires permanent work and large pay. with a fine pare gold watch presented free, should send at once for our large bundle of particulars. Large supply of samples sent free. Address WaCHIMK Manckactuking Co.. Charlotte Mich. "Red Setter DOG. Answers j to the iteme of Pat Had on collar marked H. H. Tate, Greenslori. N XJ. T E. SMITH, declldlw Harruburg, 14. 0. IMI 1. J TiUI Mil a (KERlVlE) A SPECIPIO FOR ai EPILEPSY, SPASMS. CONVULSIONS, FILLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOUSfJ, OPIUM EATIRG, SYPHILL1S, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY 6L00O DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK BEiftGJE, RHEUMATISM, NERYQUS VEA0ESS, NERVOUS PBOSTRATICN, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. 33$!. 50 per bottle at druggists.-S The Dr. S. A. Richmond Kei, Co., Prcp'rs. St. ToeepS, llo. (1) Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. C. K. CBITTKXT05, Arnt, New Tork. A REAL AiEailaDY. ltber Ifltastcsil nnr Indiaxn in OrlgiD DDI Scleaitiflc avatsl pr.ciric. of over Twenly-Fi-e years standing. more popular at home and where best known .h an ail otber Kemcdie- of its kind endorsed by the best Pnvg.clans and Druggets a isi nme. A REH'IIV that Mr. 0. W O'Neill, tioodwater. Ala . aais raN no hl w f tiom an iuvail l s oed, and he believes savea ner ine A Ht-mnY ot nhtoh a promtD nt AU-int i merchant said. would Dave g vtn 500 a soon us so--n a I would ulckei tor what two bo ties of jour medicine did lot my aaugmer " a Htvjnenv In regard to which S. J "anseli, M D. Druggist, ot Taomasvllle, Ua . sas: "I can reoail lustiinoes in nlch it anorUe'i reile alter an the uauat rt.i.e dle-i n.iu tal ed " tH1KlV. about which Dr W. B Ferreli, La Granire. rilt-8: "i have ui 'or tho last 2o jenrs the ini-dlci e you aie putting up, and collider it be-t cumbtiiitiii-n tvtr KOtten togviher for ihe di 3-8c8 fur wnich it la recumm-nded." A Ml.'lHtV of which Dr Joel BrHiibam. Atlanta, said "i na e ex-uniofd tne recipe, and bnv no hesl a in n In advisln its u-e tu d cuun lent y recum mend iu'' A KrJIrllV which the Bev H B Johnson near Marietta, ti sais be lias used l his tamllr with ihn ntmoMi ctiifactli n. ' and recuramei ded It to the tarn lies "who iiiunu it to bt lust hnt t is reco iu men ded a Kt iTI DV of which Pem' erton. Iveion k uenlson say: W have been selling It for rami) je-ars with CO' stanily mcreasli g sales. Tne ar iole Is a staplt vitu us, uliu uun oi ctosoiuie meni. HtllrUt or wnich Lamar. H-tnkiD A Lamar sm: "Wt so d 6i' g 088 in four Hionih- ano never sold ii u any place Dut wnat It Was wanted again ' . ( ! fJY by whlcn Dr a ijh. of LaHrnne Gh. ssts: ured one f tue most o'silna(e a-.es f Vicabi ous KK8TBUATiiiH U,at eer canie wun.n m kijowleog, Ub a tew bottles." o' which Dr. J. . Rusa Notasi len. Ala . savs: am U!i convii ced mailt In ui. rivaled tor ihat Class of dlseaaes blcb It claims tu euro A HEntny -tbout which Mai. Juo '.. Whltner. of Atlnma. wi and ravorxblr ki own all over the United .-utv8 as 4(iD-ral In sura nee Ageni -hj: I u.--d thU Kemedv. Derore the war on a large pan. tln o gr-M:numi tiof eases, and alwnr with absoluti suecesa " A REOTF.DY but which J W -traruw. of ti rtevill. Oa ertlfle that one bott.e cared two m-mriers of his fmll of menstrual irregularity of uiany eai 3tiuaiuK H T - v hat 18 CHAPKR TBAM ANT OTHKB MKTiTCINK nf I Kino ill U. rp, rw. Mll N KTWO BoTTLKS w LI, CUBS THS MOST OBSTINATK CASK Tl . Y in regard t. bo-e unralltug u .rival ed curative ppi .niiv- i naF ma t huidr.d o' r.stim nia's Tans obkat popular hemkdt is fbad- ni.D S KKGULATliR ( m .d's BVst KrieQ.l ) Fo Hie oy ill DrugitlHts. Prtcx: small si& 7ft cents. lrge -tee $l.fio -uie rruprieur ana nauuTiCiurr. J B A DPI K LP. W- rS Pr or S re"' fanta. G NEW FALL STY LI S! We are now rsctiving our new Kali styles tf MILLINERY, H tt, BvLT, LOW Fit-, Ft-'.A t H EH, PlljriFN, A1I, St IK KIBKO', Pl.lS if, dtr. Will have our stoi-k complete ar.d w II open our p uterus oi HA1.1 aDd BONETr on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wl 1 show lb largest and most oni plete stooa or FlU LIM Itl We hHVe ever nhown. Also all the Novelt'esln, Hjc-IKKY U UTS'. NK KK B. .sUTMNb ami FNt y o 0 . for Ladles. Misses anu Chll iron. ZBehTa YaBNs Ao e have engaged an exp r encji Mil lner. Ml KK.MP, from Baltimore as n n- lt-rn. a' d ie o epnrea to turnl n anjth ng In the Millinery line and at PRICES as LW 4s anywhere in thl country. Don't fe getnv rONlC HHN RKD f ne r atterns HATl and B' 'NNKTb will be opei ed 1 DEcDiT OCTuB&B 2BD. MR. P. OlTRRY. Christmas Goods ! Merchants wishing o replenish their stocks for Christmas, will do well be fore purchasing to examine our mam moth line of CAINDIES, FORKIGN AND DOME -TIC FRUiT NCT8, CRCKERS, PRIZE GOODS, CHEWING GUM, PEANUTS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. CAK'B, BREA & PA8TRIES Of 01 varieties ia stock or madt'to order. sFaCTLITLES UNSTJRaaS8ED. ' f.. I III 15 Ha'fg Oonfeotionero and Bakers. i iu. -1 o Dealer in English an 1 American Breach and Muzzle-Loading Shot Guns. Rifles, Pistols, Cutlery, Ammunition A-,-Jportin;j Ciooiiis of Every Uescriptiou. rilARIiOTTE, IV. C. Headquarters DEPARTMENT of MECKLENBURG , CJiarlotte, Dec. 16rt, 1883. 8p--Isi Order ) o. 1. f All loval SubtectS of hia T?nval TTirrl.- ness are hereby informed that at the VARIETY STORE. Opposite Gaston's Stove Depot. They will find a large assortment of CHR1TMA (.OOD-, And at prices to suit the times. Call early, before the rush, that you may make your purchases satisfactorily and on Christmas Morn make glad the hearts of all the family. By order of RtlTA CLIO. C. M Ethkredge, Manager. I have wagons, wheel-barrows, shoo flies, tool chests, drums, trunks, ten pins tea sets, work boxes, writing desks, comb and brush cases, furniture 6ets. dolls, in great -variety vas-s ch na goods, smoking sets elegant bisque fig ures, silk handkerchiefs &c, &c. &c. Something to suit parents grandpa rents, brothers, i-isters. uncles, aunts, sweethearts, and all of the dear little ones. Come and see Jumbo. Jr., the walking baby elephant and other novel ties. Respectfully, C. 1. IvTIIEKIvDGE. P. S. All letters for Santa Claus may be left here. Christmas Presents FOR ONE AND ALL CONSISTING OF Fine ;ioil Stand rd Bo h, (In Prose and Poetry), FA Hit GOOD" Photograph and Aulogroph ALBUMS, Writing Dek, Bx l'aper, Gold Pens and Prnrilra, Scrap B ioks, &c, &c. Chistfflis an1 Xtw Xm' Ms In large numbers nnd all quantities. From 1 Oc to 8G.O0. We have a long class of presents which are too numerous and varied to mention, in fa t we carry the largest stock in the South, and have everything pertaiuing to our line, and will be greatly pleased to have all call snd see us. TIII A RRO. Springs Brail. JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER tL UR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORX. SPRINGS & BURWKLL -pU)ndtf To bj Closed Out Having recently purchased the bar and stock of liquors formerly belonging to Katz A Bixby. I intend to close out the sto k by the first day of February. The best KENTUCKY WHPKEY can be bought at my house at SI. 00 less per gallon than the time can be bought at the distillery by the barrel. All other liquors in proportion, tf. J. M. KENDRICK. Niesi! Ceicet!! tei!!! STOCK OF , Watte'. CMs, JbWalry,. k ' Beautiful assortment of Christmas; Gooda now offered t prices that idefy eoniptiton. ; arCa;l and examine, dtf. W. H. F ARMOR. (Successor to JF. lil IIKTER,) A Brillwiit M'hi ffle ! usual vjaip umm en, OF iOFOI.W, V4. The franchise of this enterprise i.s ba ed upon the charte-r granted by the Legi-lature of the State to tiie Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and itsl gality has b-en fairly tet-ted before the court. The object in vievv is the improve ment and extension" of the- canal, and that full opportunity may be given for the purchase of the tickets, of which there are only 35,000, with 3.t Pit izi:!. The Drawing will take pla -e on the 20TH DECEMBER, at which time ir. will be made in the city of Norfolk, before tne public, and un der the supervision of Uul authorized commissioners, and in like manner each succeeding mouth. The Drawing of 22d November was m -sc successful y aud sat sfactorily con ducted; the distribution of 13.050 giv ing assurance of the stability and good faith of the ompany. aud now CLASS B is presented with the following S-ii'iu'. AP,TAI, pit iz i:, g.,ooo? I l' i z . t . . . .S.i o w 1 do 1 5(111 ii 1 do 1 iioij in 1 do 5K) is 1 do 200 is 1 do 2X I do 2oil is 1 do 2'M is t dO 101) 15 do 5ii -,r 1'iO do lu art- 2o0 do 5 arc A pproxiriofioti P. z- s. 9 of $5 9 ,,f m 0 f 2( 1 . Ii " 5' ii' 21 Hi 2i Xi 2 in 2 () 5o l.iUKl 1,000 .-?4nO 27" ; ,si i 3511 P--z". '"I'-iT'Iih' $!:t'5o Tiikcls Only $1. Plan of L.ttety simi ar to that of the Louisiana Comp ny. J. I IIOKHM H. tlsinsi it. Application for lub rates, or for in formation upon any other business, should be plainly w ritten giving State, county and town of writer. Rminauct-8 should be sent by Ex press rather than by P. O. Money orders or registered letters. r xprrss charges upon ?5 and larger sums will be paid by the Company. Address plainly, J. P. HORRA'H. Norfolk. Va Agents for sale of tickets required throughout the Sute. Address applica tions as above. The undersigned supervised the Dr wing Class A of the Dismal Swamp Lottery Company, and ce tify that it was conducted w ith strict fairness to all interested. GEO T ROGERS, CHAS PICKETT, nov28 Commissioners. Goods Coming : vary Day Largest Stock in the State of (II! CS -AND- J FEB WWW FEE L JF WWWWR L J KK W W W W KF, L J J K WW WW B L RRR Y Y R R Y Y RRR YY R R Y JJJ EKR W W KER LI.1X R DIAMONDS, i'ver anil M v r-YhirA WARE, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacle, Opera Glasses, Gold-headed Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which I am selling low for cash. Watch Glasses only 10 cents. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. J. T. BUTLER, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE Charlotte. N. C. J! DRUGGISTS. H WE JUST RECEIVFD Nelson's Gtlatine, Bakr i's Chocolate, Horsfo'dV Br ad Powders, ol man's Engli-h Mustard, He No Tea. Fine Green, Tea, Fine Olive Oil, Ground Sage, Ground Black Pepper, Ground Spices, all kinds, Flavoring Extracts, Cooking Wines, &c., &c. AMI ON BROS, DRUGGISTS New WatcbesLC son Bros. J. H. McAden TRADE L irge trek of umd (111 -Also rWO CAR LOADS li. J. H. McADEN. DRD0QI3T. of the continued use of mercury a:, potash for fie treatment of blood a:i skin diseases -they never cure. vnA nearly always injure or totally ruin the general health H I I IKYOIVX DRI GRIKX. My drug store was the first to sell Swift's Specific. It was then put up in quart bottle which sold for So 00 each. I have seen a great many cases cured by its use. and some who hail tried allsoits of treatment. In fact. I have never known it to fail when taken properly. I sell a large quantity of it. and for all diseases that are dependent on blood poison or skin humor. It cures pimples and blotches on the skin, and makes the comi'l.'xion fair and rosy As for blood taint there is no such wonl as fail. Il cures caes that have lout; wi hbtood other sorts of treatment, ami without any of those recurring trouble that generally follow mercurial anii other ho called cuie. T. L. MASSENKUR1. Macon, Ga. IKY TKTTEK. For years I was afflicted wiih Dry Tetter ol the most obstinate type. W is tie -ted by many of the best physicians took quantities of mercury, potash aud arsenic, which, inntvad of curing th tetier. crippled me up with mineral poison and rheumatism The tetter c n tinued to grow worse, and the itching almost mde me crazy. In this condi tion I wa induced to take Swift's Spe cific, aud the result was as astonishing H8 it was grat fying. In a few months thet tter was entirely well the mer curial poisoning ail ou of my system and I wan a well man aud due only to S-ift's Specific. All like sufferers should take JAMES DUNNING. Louisville. Ky. V liai a Piiyoii ian :iy. Cypress Ridge. Monroe Co.. Ark.. Juh 28. 1883 I have a briht liitle daughter -ho will be two years old next month. She has been troubled nearly ever since her birth with a skin dise ise, which I first diagnosed chicken-pox, but later found it to be some sort of er zema at any rat" it resi ted very stubbqrith all the different treatments. I procured one bot'.le of Swift's Specific and gave it ti? her in small dos s three times a day. and in a short while had the satisfac turn to see that she was entirely well ' am so well pie tsed with it- effect on her that I shall not only n e it in my Prac' tice but I shall admi-ds er it to mj other childi en and take it myself. W E. Bronte. M. D. Our treatise on blood and 6kin dis eases mailed free to applicants THE SWIFT SPECIHC CO , Drawers. Atlanta. Ga FOR SALE. Cotton Seed Meal for feeding or fertilizing, in quantities to suit purchasers The best feed tor cattle ever sold being worth twice a? much as corn meat novOdtf CHARLOTTE OILOO. 'f It. JlAtalLL., WHOLESALE GROCEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, inllfU-HU. t'l'Mirloffs' OKtere BOUcrted and prompt tilled