DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. A T U R D AY ; DhCE MfTr 2 , l 883 IS in nz Cfcarlotte bserxicr FIVE MORNING'S NEWS WITH THE BY TELEGRAPH. The dry goods store of P. M. Harrison at Paris, Texas, was burned yesterday. P. E. Sazzarin's factory burued at New Orleans. . The McEnery faction captured the Louisiana State convention. A neero in Vicksburg, who killed a ,w, man. while being conveyed io jail was taken from the officers by era n rr rf necrroes and lynched. Fire yesterday in the insane asylum on Ward's Mand. New York In the Democratic convention of Lou iana vestenlay a resolution was iutro duoed denouncing the Louisiana Lot tery, and a heated discussion touk place over the adoption of a plattorm. ThB colored committee in session at Washington yesterday denounced- the freedmen's bank swindle and the com mission app linted to wind ii up. A freight train on the Chicago, Bur lington and Quincy railroad yesterday telescoped a Pullman car on a passenger train, which caught fire and burned up One person instantly killed and several injured. Ten men chargedwith being eDgaged in the dynamite conspiracy in Glangow, Scotland, were convicted and sentenced yesterday. The chief officer of the ship Regina. wrecked at sea was rescued by a Briti-h bark. The remainder of the crew are missing. The Czar of Russia had his shoulder injur-d by being thrown from a sledge A broken rail on ,he Alabama and Great Southern railroad, near Acron Ala., yesterday threw the sleeper down an embankment and injured Jos. Lynch, of Cincinnati. Thirty eight men were left on the Spanish steamer St. Augustine, which was burned on the Bay of Biscay, and it is thought they were all lost. Fourteen thousand hands in the Lan cash ire cotton mills are idle in conse quence of a strike. A. report has reached London that the French forces have captured Sontay. Admiral Courbet reports his loss in the battle at Sontay a; 3 officers and 67 men killed and 1U officers and 170 men wounded. It is reported that some pretty hard fighting was done at points about Son tay the French carrying some of them with the bayonet For his victories in Tonquin Admiral Courbet has been gazetted as a grand officer of the Legion of Honor. LOCAL. A very bold attempt was made in King s Mountain night before last by nine masked men to kidnap a latiily ot children Four of the man were cap tured and jailed. Great excitement pre vailed. The whereabouts of Mr. Grayson, who is wanted on charge of forgery, are still unknown. A young eon of Mr. M. L. Harris found a turkey and a colt too rnucn to manage at one time Santa Claus bade the reporter good bye last night Mrs. Langtry is coming. The Hornets' Nest fair resulted suc cessfully. &c. Board of Management at NewOrleans, and which we are informed has already met with so much favor in Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia, be adopted by our State authorities, so that we may obtain complete and comprehensive exhibit of all the resources of the State by- counties its minerals, soils, manu facturing and agricultural pro ducts. Let a generous rivalry be stimulated between the various coun ties as to their exhibits. Let the far mers try which can raite, the ensuing year, the best crops of every kind Let the manufacturers vie with each other in the quality of their goods, and let our mining friends come to the front and show the value of their properties by exhaustive ex hibits. The State of South Carolina has just appropriated $10,000 to make an exhibit of the resources o that State and while th South and the whole Union is to be congratulated upon the successful outlook of this World's Exposition, no State in the Union can make a better showing of its resour ces than North Carolina, if she will but take the matter earnestly in hand at once. That she will do so we have no doubt if proper efforts be made, and nothing shall be lacking in our part. ' PASSED I II K SENATE. In the Senate of South Carolina yesterday, after an animated debate, the House bill limiting the power of the railroad commission, to which reference has been made in these col umns, was passed by a vote of seven teen for to sixteen against. Thus the legislature has wisely modified an act which in its arbitrary provisions was doing the State an incalcul .ble amount of damage. LOUISIAft DEMOCKACY. WORLD'S f.X POSITION AT NEW OKLEAN8 After procuring a charter from the National Congresg, more comprehen sive than that granted to the centen nial of 76, the National Cotton Plan ters' Association of America, on the 24th of last April located the World's Exposition and (Jotton Centennial in the city of New Orleans, under a pledge from fifteen hundred of its citizens, that the sum of $500,000 would be raised to insure its success. The citizens of New Orleans, under the leadership of men of ability and prominence, have gone bravely in o the enterprise and have subscribed the $500,000 required by their pledge, but not content with this the capital stock has been increased to $1,000,000, and this additional stock is now being rapdly taken. During this time, the city government ot JNew Orleans has not been idle, having made a direct ap propriation of $100,000 for the pur pose of erecting a Horticultura' Hall, besides having granted many munic ipal franchises of great value. When we remember that only about $100, 000 was subscribed to the Atlanta Exposition, and what that accom plished, we get a faint idea of what may be expected of this truly World's Exposition. From Commissioner-General More head, who is now making a tour of the States, North and South; confer ring with the Governors and other State officials for the purpose of se curing comprehensive State exhibits, and who is now on a visit to his kinsman, Col. John L. Morehead, of this city, we have gained much in formation, of a most gratifying char acter, concerning this mammoth un dertaking. The plan of the main bulding has just been decided uponand itis most picturesque and beautiful in style of architecture, and huge in di mensions, covering no less than twenty-eight acres of ground, and being six acres larger than the main building of the centennial. It w ill be located in a grand park of one hun dred and fifty acres bordering the great Mississippi river for nearly a -mile, and within fifteen minutes ride of the centre of New Orleans. The park is approached by eight streets and one steam city rail way, be sides its access by water. A union track for the accomoda tion of eight trunk lines of railway will run into a Grand Union depot on the grounds to facilitate freight and passenger traffic. It is an assrred fact that railway charges for freight will be less than ever granted to any previous exposition. Now that the success of this great national and international enterprise is assured, and all the States of the Union, as well as all the civilized na tions of the world have been invited by the President of the United States to participate through collective ex hibits, it behooves the people of North Carolina and the officials in charge of their destiny to be up and doing, lest the laurels so recently won at Boston be taken from us. If North Carolina made the best exhibit at Boston ever made by any state of the Union, let it be doubled for the World's Exposition at New Orleans.for there the competition will perhaps bo ten-fold what it was at Boston. Let the plan of local county expo- The most delicate persons eniov tak ing Einor l.iulf i'aiharilc I. 11, give a wholesome appetite, put fiftion societies recommended by the cents. Denouncing Ibe Lottery---A Lively Squnbble Over the Adoption ol a Plat form. New ' rleaxs. Dec. 21. A special to the Picayune from Baton Rouge says: lne committee on resolutions of the Democratic State convention submitted majority and minority re ports. Among the resolutions ot the minority is one declaring that the Louisiana Lottery company is cor rupting the morals of the people and a disturbing element in the politics of the State. It favors the adoption of a constitutional amendment abolish ing and prohibiting all lotteries in the tate forever. Mr. Boatner offered a substitute, which was adopted, declaring hostili ty to tne entire principle of lottery dealing-; that the constitution de clares gambling to be a vice, yet it encourages vice in its worst "form; that lotteries are not only inviting the breaching of faith and embezzle ment, but are demoralizing societj , i orrupting politics and impeding leg islation, and concludes by demanding that the Legislature to be chosen at the ensuing election shall enact such legal measurss as are necessary for their suppression. The platform adopted refers to the deplorable condition of the State under reconstruction, congratulates the people upon their present pros perous condition under the progres sive policy of Democratic; administra tion, asserts that the public schools of the State demand the fostering care of the government, and that, though much has been achieved for their promotion, a great deal more must be done to render them efficient so as to confer the benefits of education equal ly upon me cnuaren ot every race, and opposes monopolies of all kinds. After the adoution of Boat.ner's amendment, given above, Marston. of Red River, demanded an opportu nity to offer other amendments to the platform, which being denied, he said he would not ac-ept such a platform, and withdrew from the hall in dis gust. The majority report on platform with amendment was adopted by a vote mainly of the McEnery fa tion ayes 236, nays 91, blank 06. An acriminous discussion preceded the adoption of the platform. Mr. Stone, of East Felciania, attacked the ma jority repcrt, commenting severely on certain acts of the Democratic ad ministration, such as land grabs, nen- ltentiary lease, feeing lawyers em ployed by the State. &c. Col Breaux and Maj. Burke replied to Mr. Stone, the f riner explaining his connection with the land cases before the United States Supreme court and the latter seeking to vindicate the McEnery ad ministration against the charges made. 'J he convention adjourned sine die. MARKETS Rf TELEGRAPH. DECEMBER 21, 1S83. Produce. Baltimore. Nuon. Flour easy; Howar.i Street aDd Weptern Superfine 83 00a$3 50. Extra S?3.76a$4.75; Family $5 00hJ5 75; City Mills S iperfine 3 00a $3.75: do. Extra $4.00a$6.25: Rio branus $5 75aS6,00; Patapsco Family $6.50; Su perlative Patent &7 00 Wheat South ern stedy; Western lower. Southern red $1.0931.13; do. amber $1.10a$1.14; No. 1 Maryland $1.12a$1.14; No. 2 Western winter red spot SI 08a&1.08i. Corn Southern stea&y; Western dull. Southern white 54 59i; yellow 55a60 Baltimore Night. Oats dull: Southern 38a43: Western white 40a42; mixed 38a39; Pennsylvania 38a42. Pro visionsdull; mess pork $15.50. Bulk meats shot. lders aod clear rib sides packed 7aSi. Bacon shoulders 7$: clear rib sides 9i: hams 14 al5. Lard refined 10. 'offee firm: Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair. lOialU- Sugar lower; A soft 8; copper refined quiet at 14ia 14J- Whiskey-steady at $l.l8a$l.l8i. Freights dull. Chicago. Night. Flour du'l. Reg ular wheat dull and lower; December 97a98 Janu.ry 9Sa98. N . 2 Chicago Spring 97a97; No 2 red winter 98a 1.02. Corn closed 4ac under yester day: cash 61a61i; December 61614; January 6Ha)t. Oats in fair demand but lower; casn 84ad4s;january maJ4. Pork closed tame at $14 00a$14 121 for old $14 50a$14 671 for old, cash. $14 60 a8l4.621 for January. Lard in fair de mand and easy at $8.85a$8 90 for cash; :8.924aS9.05 for January. Bulk meats in fair demand; shoulders $6.25; short rib $7.55; short clear $7.75. IVavnl Stores. Wilmington. Spirits turpentine firm at 3H- Rosin farm: strained Sei.io: good do. $1 20 Crude turpentine steady; hard $1 15: yellow dip and virgin $2.00. Tar firm at $140. Charleston. Turpentine firm at 3li Rosin quiet; strained and good do. ?1.15. Savannah Turpentine quiet at 32: sales 350 bam Is. Rosin firm: strained d good strained $1.171.25;. sales 150 barrels. I-'inant'ial. NEW YORK. THE KKEEUM E.VS H ANK. Tip Colored Committee on the Bank Swiudle aud the Hyena CummikKimi. Washlvgton, Dec. 21. The Color ed National Convention met this morning and appointed delegates to a convention to Oe held at Richmond, Va., in July next. Each Congres sional district was allowed two dele gates and each territory one repre sentative. Fred Douglass, B. K Bruce, of the District of Columbia and William Merrill of Maryland were elected members of the National convention from the country at large. The committee on the Freedmen's bank made a final report memorali zmg Congress to reimburse tne de positors and denouncing the former act of Congress in creating aco...mis sion at $5,u00 a year to each member to settle tne affairs of the institution. In support of the adoption, Merrili said ttiao the Freedmen's Bank was tie most disgraceful swindle that ever stained the earth or shocked high heaven. The commission ap pointed at $5,000 a year each was like the hyena devouring carcass, and then like the lion smashing the bones and sucking marrow therefrom and further more the Republican Con gress made the committee pall bear ers, of the same carcass. The com mittee adjourned to meet in Chicago, June 2nd., next. A Sleeper Telettcoperi -One Life Lost aud N-verul Persout.Iuj.ired. Burlington, Iowa Dec. 21 Pas senger train No. 1, of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy R. R. ran into the rear end of a passenger train No 5 at Gladstone, 111., last evening tele scoping a Pullman car which took fire and was destroyed. Richard Sommers, superintendent of the dining car service of the road, was instantly killed, and his body burned almost beyond recognition. Six passengers were injured but none of them it is thought fatally. Two coaches were consumed. Loss is about 50, 000 The Engineer of train No 1 did not see the rear light on train No. 5. Exchange 4.81 Money 2 Su i treas balances Gol d $1 1 6 775 Currency 6,751 Governments- strong. Four and a half per cents 1.14J Four pr cents 1.241 1 hree per cents l.Ul State Bonds dull. A labama Class A, 2 to 5 821 Alabama Class A, small 83 Alabama Class B. 5's 1.00 Alabama Class C. 4's 821 Georgia 6's t 03 eoria 7 s. mortgages "1 Oo Georgia. Gold Jl .2 Louisiana Consols 75 North Carolina 4"s. J and J 82 X82i North Carolina 6's ...1.091 Jl 09 S. C. Brown Consuls 1.04 Tennessee 6's 38 Tennessee. New 38 Virginia 6's 37 Virginia 'onsols 39 Virginia. Deferred 9 Adams' Express 1.29 Americ n Express 91 Chesapeake and Ohio 14 Chir.Hgoand Alton 1 82 Chicago and Northwestern.... 1.171 Chicago and Northweiern prefd...l 42 Chicago St Loui-i and N. Orleans... 81 Consolidated Coal 22 Del. and Lackawana 1.16f Denver and Rio Grande 251 Erie 29i hast Tennessee 6j Fort Wayne 1 33 Hannibal and St. Joseph 381 Harlem 1.90 Houston and Texas 50 Illinois Central 1.33 Lake Shore 99 Louisville and Nashville 44j Manhattan hlevated 41 Memphis and Charleston 34 Metropolitan Elevate' 90 Michigan Central 901 Mobile and Ohio 101 Nashville and Chattanooga 54 New Jersey Central 84 New Orleans Pacific, lsts 89 New York Central.. 1.131 new xorK elevated 1.10 JMortom and Western preferred...- 421 iNortnern racinc common 26 Northern Pacific preferred 55 Ohi and Mississippi 251 umo ana Mississippi, preferred... 901 Pacific Mail 4 nusDurg 1.33 Quicksilver , 5 Quicksilver, preferred 25 Reading 55 rticnmona ana Allegheny 3 Richmond and Danville 53 Richmond and West P t Terminal- 28 rcocu island 1.18 t Liouis and ban Francisco 25 at Liouis and 8. F , preferred 411 St Louis and S. F., 1st preferred.... 87 St Paul 945 St. Paul preferred 1.15 Texas Pacific .'. 20 Union Pacific 761 United States Express 56 Wabash Pacific ."'1 19 Wabash Pacific pr ferred ......... 32i JWells Fargo 1.13 Western Union 761 Bid. tLasc bid. Offered! " "tAsked. fll OKI. Galveston St 'dy; middling 9 13 16; low middling 91; good ordinary 9- net receipts 1.557; ross receipts 1.557; sales 3,445: stock 120 440, exports coastwise . to France ; Great Britain : continent . Weekly net receipts 21 430; gross 22.164; sales 10.419; export" coastwise 12,B06; to Great Britain 5.633; to conti nent 1,165; to France 3 84?; to channel Norfolk St'dy; middling 9 13-16: low middling , net receipts 4 537; grons receipts 4.537; stock 8. ,778; -alos ; exports coastwise , to Great Bri tain ; to continent . Weekly-net rec'ts 33.796; gross 33,796 sales 10.727; exports coast wibe 16.758 Great Britain 16,656; France ; con tinent . Baltimore Quiet; middling 10i; low middling 9 13 16; goo 1 oidinary 9i; net receipts 250. gro-s 504; sales ; t-tock 23.754; expoits coastwise ; to Great Britain ; spinners . Weekly-net receipts 3505; gross 6,794. sales 500; spinneis 25; extorts to Great Britain 2,8l ; coastwise 829; con tinent 1,915; France . Boston Quiet; Diddling 101; low middling 10t; good ordinary 91; net re ceipts 1,114; gross 2,890; sales ; btock 6,185; exports to Great Britain . Weekly -net rec'ts S,405; gross 19 211; sales ; ex porta to Great Britain . Wilmington Steady; middling 9; low middling 9; good ordinary 8; net receipts 274; gross 274; sales ; stock 18,824; exports coast wise ; Great Britain ; channel Weekly net receipts 2369; gross 2369 sales ; exports coastwise 780: to Great Britain 2,850; continent . Philadelphia- Easy; middling 10 ; low middling 10: good ordinary 9: net receipts 40 . gross 868: stock 11,174 exports to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 555; gross 4.254; Btock ; expts to Great Britain3,486; to continent . Savannah Steady; middling 9j: low middling 9 7-16; good ordinary 9 1-16: net receipts 4.717; gross 4,717; aale 2 400; stock 120,86J; exports to continent ; channel -; coast wise : Great Britain . Weekly -net rec'ts 80 575; gross 80.758 Rale 11.600; exports coastwise 11.086: Frame ; continent 4,586; Great Britain 9,088. New Oblbans Steady; mid'ng 9J: low middling 91: good ordinary 9i; nee receipts 13 838; gross 14.669: RHles 10.750; stock 447,487; exports to (treat Britain continent ; coastwise : France . Weekly net rec-ipts 95 590; gross 102.882; sales 46 000; exports to Great Britain 39.106; coastwise 6,438; conti nent 8519; France 12,799. Mobile Steady; middling 9; low middling 91; good ordinary 9; net rc s 1.458; gross 1,458: sales 1,000; stocfc bi 927; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain - . Weekly net receipts 13.927; gross 14.271; sales 7 500; exports coastwise 8,479; Great Britain 8.5- 0. Memphis Firm; middling 9; low middling 91; good ordinary 9; net re ceipts 3,757; gross 4,051; sales 1,359: shipments 2.400. stock 111.347. Weekly net rec'ts 28,046; gross 29.706 shipments 16,000; sales ; spinners Augusta Steady; middling 9i; low middling 9f ood ordinary ; net receipts 747: gross : sales 662 Weekly net receipts 5098; shipments 4170 sales 4207: spinners ; stock 25,344. Charleston Firm; middling 10: low middling 9; good ordinary 9i: netrec'ts 2,540; gross 2.540: sales 500. stock 83.317; exports to continent : coastwise ; Great Britain ; France . Weekly net receipts 13,845; gross 13 845; sale8 5,000; exports coastwise 4,671; continent 7,900; Great Britain 0.437: France 1,030. New York- Quiet: sales 304; mi t oling uplands 10c; Orleans lOfc; consolidated net receipts ; exports to Great Britain ; France ; to continent . Weekly-net rec'ts 11.181; gross 51.345 sales 2.144; exports to France 2 351; continent 2,286; Great Britain 8,021; channel ; stock 259,378. Piilnrrg. New York Net receipts 771; gross 3,109. Futures closed steady with sales of 112.000 bales. December 10 3a.33 January 10 41a.42 February 10 59a 60 March 10.74a.75 April 10 88a. 00 May 11 03. 04 June H.i7a 18 July 11 28a 29 August 11.87:1.38 September 11.05a 07 October November RECEIPTS AT ALL PORTS. New York The following are the total net rect-ipts of cotton at all ports j oiuL-e oepiemDer 1st, 1000: A VERY BUSY PUMP. Your heart; if you please. It is pumping pumping, pUmp;n? time, day and night, winter and summer, hot days and cold d and sunshine, pump, pump, pump goes that industrious orwn 3yS' St0Tm What is the heart pumping? It is m pumpinsr vour YA t- minutes, at the outside, every drop of blood in your bodv L J that wonderful pump. From the heart the blood is sent ouTrT Tt arteries. These are fcr-c tub-s branching c Ti trough the goes through them it reWfroi As the blood are bellows, and they are working all the t"S taS YUr lun ing out the breath which is laden with the SbTood "h S back m its journey home to the heart by way of he vwL br0U2ht What is this blood that is pumped? ' It is your life. Your vital fluid. Let it run nut povensh it, and vou become WMu ...fun Vt- a.nd you die. Im poverish it, and you become weak. ar,r? , " a,na Let it be laden with imnnrihV, anA . r. cU1.u. P. and miserable. Keep it pure, h r m.nd is clear, your digestion is good, and 3 must be iron in the hfand iht enjoyment, for life. Keep it pu firm and elastic, your mind is cl tite natural. There . v llL tlle D,ooa - .Jm., that M it -illS of little when nkred in a W C Z"? ,are 1 smaU that ul , - - . - "V""- m length. Small ;wu3l uc cpi in prime order, or you fa 1. To keen th hlwif 7 if' 1 ey ing thin or impure, Brown's Iron Bitters is tfc?Vv from hecom' builds up the system bv mvW tn t iSLS 5? th!n2 5 nee- This corpuscles 1300 of them as they are, they bility, and indigestion. giving to the blood the onlv& )k ItlllH V Buy it of your druggist. ever successtully made. It is the o-rf r tv.uon 01 iron - J n.a.j,v 11 Ji wpq naco We have kinds for a good assortment of Rubber Garments of all Anollier Raft of Clothing; Thrown on the Inrl WITTKOWSK1 & BARLCIS Have placed their entire wholesale stock of Clothing on their retail counter -is an opportunity that occurs o'ly once in a life time. Now is the' ' ' time to supply your wants at wholesale prices. CHARLOTTK. V ' PHILADELPHIA! NEWAR Fine Shof a Specialty. We OflVr to Hie LADIES AND GENTS, GIRLS AND BOYS. Aleo a full line of Arctic. Mask anrl RnKw rw ' W V Cl k 1 1 1 1 H-VH GRAY kW BROTHER. A Iter nil Trade I-Ut-t, HTi (OMIM.ETE STOCK OF -4- nil s-. . X m TTT T i5, or .uen, Women and Children. Our IMPERIAL SHIRT, Ts meeting with great success There is no other Dollar Shirt can compare with it in quality and mue. Call and see them. ELIAS & CO HEN. Ladies', In', "ChiMrens and Iii' FHILADZLPHIA CUSTOM-MADE SHOES. MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' uaivfst' n. New Orleans, Mobile. : Savannah. Charleston, Wilmington, v orfolk, : Baltimore, New York, Boston. : Providence, Philadelphia. Wesc Point, Brunswick, Port Royal, Pensacola, "ity Point, Indianola, Total, : : 427 930 : 980.931 : 182.081 : 511.398 : 321.736 : 73.137 : 409.179 : 7,980 : 41.406 : 55.980 : 499 : 6 280 : 130.656 : 6 472 : 8.837 : 16 698 : 2.102 : 7,457 :3,200,709 Mecklenburg Iron forte, JOHN WILKES, COMPARATIVE COTTOv STATEMENT. Net receipts at all U. S. ports during week 247.103 Same time last year- 255 348 Total receipts to this date ..3.200.709 S-tme time last yar ,, 3,125 603 Experts for the week 145.780 Sam, week last year 170.955 Total exports to this date 1.630,809 To same date last year 1,883.679 atock at all U. S. ports 1 249.911 Same time last year t98 s;04 tock at all interior towns ... 221.537 Same time last year 17(1.240 Stock at Liverpool 573 000 Same time last year 556,000 Stock of American afloat for Great Britain 265 000 Same time last year 348,000 Liverpool Cotton Watket. Livekpool, Dec. 21. Noja. Cotton in moderate inquiry which is freely supplied: middling uplands 51; Orleans 5 1o l6d: sales 8.000; speculation and export 500, receipts 9 250; all Amer ican. Uplands low middling clause December delivery 5 49-64d; December and January 5 49 64d; January and Feb ruary 5 51 64da5 50 64d: February and March 5 53 64da5 54 64d: March nnH April 5 56 64da5 57-64d: April and May 5 60 64dao 61-64d. Futures quiet. Sales for the week. 51.000; Amerir-an 3S,000: specula-ion 1 070; export 4 800; actual export 8 700; imports 109,000 American 82.000; stock 573.000; Ameri can 358,000; afloat 315,000; American 265.000 bales. 130 p, m. - Sales American 6.300. Up lands low middling clause December and January delivery 5 50 64d. January and February 5 52 64d; February and March 5 55-64d; April and May 5 62 64d May and June 6 l-64d. a p. m Uplands low middling clause December delivery 5 51-64d: De cember aDd January 5 51-44d; February and March 5 56 64d: March and April KCl OA J . T a ..... . u ..i7-uu, dune ana juiy 0 0 04a. 4pm Uplands low middling clause February and March delivery 5 55 64d: March and April 558-64d. 5p M. Uplands low middling clause January and February delivery 5 51 64d; April and May 5 61-64d. Futures closed easy. t'Hy 4'ottnn Market. Office of The Observer. ) Charlotte. N C, Dec. 22, 1883. ) The ci y cotton market yesterday closed quiet but 6teady at the following quotations: tainR 7 00a8.00 Middling Stains 8 00a8 Middling Tinges 8?a9 Low Middling oa9 1 i Strict Low Middling 9 3 16a9 Middling 949 7.11 Strict Middling 9 9-16a9i Good Middling 9 ll-lfia94 RECEIPTS SINCE SEPTEMBER FIRST. Receiptssince Sept. 1 to yesterday. 31 384 neceipis yesterday 480 Total receipts to date 31 864 Receipts same date 1882 32 900 Receipts same date 188 1 18.460 CHARLOTTE, N. C. TCT RECEIVED AND IN STOCK A UUE StPPLI OF Saw mills, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, Steam Engines, The Gregg Reapers, Portable Corn mills, Wheat Mill Outfits, The Meaaow King Rakes, The Meadow King Mowers, Wheeler and Meleek Separators, rhe Gregg (Self Dumping) Rakes, Boilers, both Portable and Stationary. WU HI UaoUH OU SlMk HrJiln..l .u.-... . . . i unoa w arniioed at ftfar JOHN WILKES. Boots and Shoos in all Grades, AND. A VARIED ASSORTMENT OF U! NTS' AND LADIKS' TOILET SLIPPERS. Gents' Patent Leather Pumps, LADIES' KID AND WHITE OPERA SLIPPERS, Ve made and carefully placed our orders last surrmer with the best of KKHARK AII CIIII.AIr:i.IIIIA and other reliable Shoe Manufacturers for our Fall and Winter stock of Boot., and Shoes. vlii 1. i now m )lt-. We resriectfi'.lly invite the trade t - cal' and :XA1Ii.E Ol OOIS 1IEFOICE 31 A 14 1. TUKIlt SliLIC. IE HAVE TEE BEST MAKES AND THE VERY LATEST OF STYLES. Gray & Bro. J ULst lie Shoe Rsn tore TIIE LATESf STI LES OF KTIITKO.VS OTHER MAKE IMtM, t164w SEE HERE! SOFT AND STIFF II A IS, Gent's Fine Hand-Sewed Calf Boots. Best stock and LOWEST PRICES in Boy's and Children's Shoes. PLEASE CALL, WE CA.VSLIT VOL. MOYER & HTRSIIINGKR. We Have Just Opened BURESS NICHOLS -A NICE LINE OF- Christmas Goods, And those wishing to make presents will find Some Very Handsome &ood TO SELECT FROM. WE HAVE 0E II M,Ri:i ortE (LESS W1I IT WE HAVE SOLO !)t ltn TJIE WEEK JUST CLOSED) OF THE nOUUJ 1MB BZTAIL DULII a ALL KIN D8 09 BEDDING, &C. A FULL LUTB OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR and CHAHBKB 8DTT8, OOF IN8 ol all kind on bund No. 6 Weil Trade ctreet Charlotte North Carolina. CENTRAL HOTEL- CHARLOTTE, N. C. P v too o3 C2 S3 ? I I I H W 1 ""OD- MARKET. Eve, KU ta , T,7 e . . w fcv kiiouii Reported by T. R. MaCHLL. DECEMBER 12, 1883, Corn per bushel 70a75 Meal 70a75 Wheat " l.OOal.10 Peas, Clay. " 70a75 Lady, " 95al 00 White " 70a80 Peanuts, per bushel -l.25al.75 lour Family 2.45a2.55 .Extra 2.35a2 45 Super .80a2.85 52a55 5a6 8a9 5a6 8a4 45a55 60a75 2a2i 75a80 25a28 we Have a Few Cloaks aoi Dolman Oats, shelled. Dried Fruit Apples, per ft. Peaches, peeled ' unpeeled Blackberi iea. Potatoes -Sweet Irish : Cabbage, per pound- vuions. per bushel , oeeswax. ry . ......... ........... wvmvu Putter 12a20 Chickens Ducks . 18&20 10al7 25a28 Left, which we will close out cheap. Also JERSEY J ACKETS. Our whnlA ofyvb- nf tjrrsj. t , of RiBw. .:.;." 'llULt3r wesa Goods will ho a.i. Maiiio. a usausqmn 1 grnat t " kuoau. asm. iui a iwr Pnbiu win rvm tbi turn vxnruAL BOTBI. kep up wltb U laprTBeat im Cmmtmn &d rue, ud 1 nw. mm fr amn Phi, th Ackawle4r4 Beat BMl Bontlt mt WCummwiFwiMiw tHumttw. M. C tCCUB, ftoprtetot. H. P. EDM.OJNrr, Successor to Ettenger & Edmond, RICHMOND, VA. WOBKl JBSTABLIRHED OCTOBER, 1830. BUILD KB Of STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES. AW BULLS, CRIST HILLS, HILL GEARING) C. HYDRAULIC PRESSES, ' d an Kind. f Ecl.- mm HT4mita Pa.p. ft nmmntmetwt Tkftcc Pftrtlnnla mttmHm n. want can be had cheap. pair 8ia9 Geese Beef. ivr , Mutton, per fc, Wool, washed " 85a40 7a8 8&8 7 UK FtK 80 Ka,per::::;;;;; ALEXANDER & HARRIS. STOCK HOLDEuS' MEETING. Mebchaht ad Farmers' National Bank. Charlotte, N. C, Dec 21, 1883. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Bank will be held at its 1 afftRSSS S!e8day January 8 City Property for Sale, Choice of two desirable city resi dences, well located, convenient to busi ness, cheap to bonafide purchaser. For further information apply at dtf. THIS OFFICE. f A RRC-asthetics, (4 designs). Some VrllllfiQing good Mailed on re decSldtd ceipt of 6 cents in "tXBNK&CO. P. O. Box, 148T J. R. HOLLAND, Cashier.

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