- -AILY,H A R , OTTK B S R R V E R : S , T UlTp a t b Ki K m n p gnu Aflurrti. tmcnts THE! PITS-. ' , ----- . . . i z i j x. r i 11,1 r r r. r wm PSUEIER Arrival and Departure of Trains. Absolutely Pure. TWa po der ne r ruMi. A murvei or purii, trength a (l whole-omen ss More neonomtca. n lb o Unary nds, and cmnot be sold ii ompetttto lth tne multitude o' low test, shor elnt, alu or phosphate powdars. dold only n ana. Who ale by 8PBING8 4 lUaWKLI mRr Charo'tp - Richmond and Danville and Air-Lin. No. 50 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond :at l :58 am. Leaves for At lantaat2:08am. No. 51 ArriTes at Charlotte from At lanta at 3.28 a m Leaves for Bichmond at 3:38 a m. No 5a Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12:53 p m. Leaves for At lanta at 1:12 p m. No. 53 Arrives at Charlotte from At lanta at 7.43 p m. Leaves for Richmond at 8:03 pm. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta. Arrives from Columbia at 7:30 p m. Leaves for Columbia at 1:05 p m. C, C. & A. A. T. & O. Division. Arrives from Statesville at 10.30 a m. Leaves for Statesville at 8 p m. Carolina Central. Leaves for Wilmington at 8:15 p m., and for Laurinburg at 7:40 a. m. Arrives from Wilmington at 7:30 a m. and from Laurinburg at 4:40 p m. C. C, Shelby Division. Leaves for Shelby at 8:15 a m. Arrives from Shelby at 5:40 p m. Math. General Delivery opens at 8:00 am.; closes at 6:00 p. m. Money Order Department opens at 9 a.m.; closes at 5 p. m. Index to New Advertisements. C. N. Vance For rent. S. M. Howell Florida oranges, etc. Wittaowsky & Baruch Cloaks, etc. R. B. Alexander Chickens. Two gold rings found. As an invigorani. Hosteler's Stomach Citters has received the rmwt positive endorsement from eminent physicians, and has long oc upied a foremost rank amon proprietary remedies. Its prop erties as an alterative of disordered conditions of the stomach, liver and bowels, and a preventive of malarial diseases are no less renowned, and have been accorded emphatic professional recommendation. For snle by drug gists and dealers, to whom apply for nostettex s Almanac for lS4. A SURE RECIPE for Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immuni ty from complexional blem ishes maybe found in Hasan's .Magnolia Balm. A delicate una harmless article. Sold by druggists everywhere. It imparts the most bril liant end life-like tints, and the closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations, Eruptions, Kin)? Marks under the eyes, Salhmness, Redness, Rough ness, and the flush of fatigue vd excitement are at once dispelled by the Magnolia Balm, It is the one incomparable Cosmetic. DISMAL. SWAMP LOTTERY COMPANY NORFOLK, VA. The franchise of this enterprise is based upon the charter granted by the Legislature of the State to the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and its legality has been fairly tet-ted before the court. The object in view ia the "improve ment and extension" of the canal, and that full opportunity may be given for the purchase of the tickets, of which there are only 23,000, with sse PRIZES The Drawing will take place on the 17TH JANUARY, at which time it will be made in the city of Norfolk, before the public, and un der the supervision of duly authorized commissioners, and in like manner each succeeding month. The previous Drawings have been most successfully and satisfactorily con ducted; the distribution of 413,050 giv ing assurance of the stability and good faith of the I ompany, and now CLASS C is presented with the following Scheme. CAPITAL PRIZE, $5,000. la $,X0 is ,5" H 1 15 10') 200 0 9 0 1 Prize of $."," 0 do l.OtHI d i.'kh) do 5''ti do 2.;0 do .... i'lui do n do 2 do KM) do 50 do i do 5 Approximn'ion of 850 of 30 . of 20 . Id H IS is IH is HI'1.. . . iire . . . are. 1,0011 an .(HX) 1.0 0 51 0 2(0 2(X) 200 200 0(X) "J 50 Indications. South Atlantic -colder, partly cloudy weamer, mint locat rains, northerly winas ana nigner Darometer. LOCAL RIPPLES. The crazv quilt in McSnoith's show window will be raffled at 8:30 this p. m. Mr. Ferrel Hunry, who lives about two miles from the city, went out bird netting last Thursday night and cap tured nmety seven partridges. The train from Richmond, due here yesterday at 1 o'clock, did not arrive unt l 8 o'clock last night. The delay was cau-ed by an accident to a freight train on the Virginia Midland causing a blockaded track. Nobody was hurt. Up to 12 o'clock last night the raf fling and voting at the H. N. R lair were in full bl.-u-t. a- d lots of fun was being had. Mi-s Murray won the cake: Mr. Charles Adams the set ot Rilver knives and forks, and Mr. Tom Frank lin the china set. Other prizes will be published to-morrow. The rates of travel during the holi days next week, have been reduced to 4 cents per mile round trip, on the Air Line, and m i first clan fare to any point and return on the Chrlotte. Columbia x Augusta ro; d This is supplemental to the North Carolina and Richmond & Danville rates announced yesterday. Personal Mention. Miss Carrie Murray, of Raleieh. is vis iting the city and is ihe guest of Miss Lil lier Miller. M iss Mary 0-borne daughter of Rev. E. A. Os orne is spending the holidays with friends in the city. Presents by the School Children. Prof. T. J. Mitchell, supe.intendent of the Charlotte Graded Schools, re- ceivea a very pieaant surprise yester day morning at the hands of the pupils of the white graded school, who pre sented him with a beautiful clock, bav in a rotary pendulum and costing 3?15. This is quite a handsome testimonial of the esteem in which Prof. Mitchell is held by the pupils, and attests his pop ularity and success as a superintendent. Mr. L. E Quin one of the teachers, was presented with a complete set of Shakespeare s works, handsomely bound and printed, by the scholars of his class. The Tour Completed and Onr Escort Bids q. Farewell lor Another Year. fancvhtw Tnyoua,'ound - a11 the xancy establishments in the citv " was Santo a salutation as he walked into oul 25rtS? Dighl- "lI have h you anM1,1?8 pretty 111 the wav ot presents, and I believe your readers have profited v a n d Whlch hQy re ly, and 111 which was pointed out to annmnHLnly U the and mo SOTS?4? of every cliaracter mviu my naaquarters in Char lotte are supplied this year, but the places at which they were to be found. ? m8'? e BhPPers agreat deal of trouble, besides giving them a clear idea of what to buy. It has been a task, to be sure, but if we have succeeded in our aims we ought to be satisfied. Now we will take the path once more to night and our duty will be done. " The reporter accompanied the tireless old sa nt and first halted at the establish ment of R. B. ALEXANDER, whose stock of Christmas goods appears to be well-nigh inexhaustible. He has full and general supply of plain and groceries, candies canned goods .,auu can rurnisn the condiments for the biggest kind of a Christmas din ner. J. M. SIMS was next visited, and his snlAnHii of groceries was carefully inspected. Nothing that one could expect to find in a really first class establishment was missing, and a eood manv thincn seen that one would not atiwh to ftr,A Sims has every thin? that can be called for in his line, and at prices that suit the times. BARNETT & ALEXANDER'S store was found to contain the same or- aer or goods. Ihey have a very tempt ing array of candies, plain and heavy groceries and Christmas novelties ftor auu young, unristmas shoppeis will find their house a most desiraKla estaDiisnment to visit and anything that can be called for in the fancy gro cery line will be forthcoming. MBS. J. B HARRINGTON. "And now," said the patron saint, "there is one place we have overlooked, and one which the ladies of Charl -tte would never forgive us for neglecting, and that the establishment of Mrs. J. B. Harrington, on Trade street. Mrs H. does amitic stamping that will not rub or blur on any material, and she keep, ribbon, plush, chenille and Aracane embroidery just the thing for the la diesand about which gentlemen are expected to know little, or nothing Inis paragraph," said Santa, "is for ladies only.'' Throw King's Jttoontain Into a Great State of ExcitementNine Marked Men Attempt to Kidnap Mr. Geo. Cooledre's Children, bat "Hi!--Four Captured and Committed 10 Jail. Intimations of a very exciting at tempt at kidnapping m the town of King's Mountain, night before last, reached the city yesterday, and last night's mail brought us the following particulars in regard to the affair: "Our usually quiet town was thrown into a fever of excitement last night by an attempt on the part of a gang of villainous looking men to kidnap the children of Cant a edge, superintendent of the King's Mountain gold mine. It will be re membered that Capt. Cooledge has a suit pending in the courts against H.mma D. Cooledge, his wife, for di vuiue, ana some time ago in a suit for the custody of the children, tried before Judge Gilmer at Chambers in the city of Charlotte, the Judge gave the children to Capt. Cooledge, and it is presumed that our town is indebted to Mrs, C. for the trouble of last night, as she has been making every effort in her power for some time past to get possession of the children. But be that as it may, last night as the north bound express was nearing King's Mountain, the cars from some cause or other became detached from the engine about two hundred yards below the deDot. and a party of eight or nine men in rub ber overcoats, left the train and pro ceeded in a body up town and in the uirection 01 tne house of Mrs. Cool idge. The alarm was instantly given and quite a number of our citizens were detailed by the marshal as special police. The house of Mrs, Cooledge was soon afterward sur rounded and four of the gang cap tured. The others, we suppose, gave "leg bail." A preliminary trial was had to day before A. V. Falls Esq., and one of the party gave evidence for the State. His name is C. A. Kimbrell and hails from Spartanburg. The other 3 were bound over to appear at the iioAu term 01 tne .superior court, m a A Loai'lana Convention.- A Negro Lynched by Negroes for Killing a nntie nan. New Orleans, Dec. 21.-At the Lemocratic convention at Baton Rouge yesterday, Warren Eaton, of iew urieans, was nominated for Su perintendent Of Public EdllPfltinn All the nominees except Cunningham for Attorney General, belong to the oiitnaiery taction. A Picayune Vicksburg special says the negro named Howard, who killed o L y near SklPworth on the 18th mst., while being conveyed to jau yesterday, was taken from the sheriff by negroes and is believed to oe lyncnea. it is the first case on record where a negro was lynched by negroes ior Killing a white man. Fire ia an Insane Asvlnm. aew York, Dec. 21. A dispatch was received at police headquarters lUiS morning rrom ward s island an nouncing one ol the wings of the lunatic asylum in flames. Another aispatcn received a few minutes later irom office ot commissioner's chari ties and corrections stated that ihe nre was a very large one. The police wav aim punce reserves were order ed to the scene, and also two fire ooats ana hre ene-ines fmm nittr The following dispatch was receiv- au yunue ueaaquarters at noon. xne nremen are working vigorously upon me nre ana nave succeeded in getting the names under control. No lives lost. Basinets Failures. New York, Dec. 21. The business failures of last week as reported to it. ix. JLmn At uo., mercantile agency numoer tor the United States 281, and ior Canada and the provinces 42; total. 323, compared with 325 for the previous week. The bulkxrf the fail ures or sixty per cent, of the whole. occur rea in tne western and South em States, the Eastern and Middle States not showing any great increase over average. FRED C, MUNZLER, 4D WHOLESALE LAGER BEES DEALER HOTTLER, Charlotte, N, C. ERCrit8 tWO of the larSe8 LAGER HiLt R Breweries in the United States. The Bergnrr& Engd Breuing 'o., of Philadelphia, and the F. & M. SchaffVr Wrewlnjj Co., of iiiiMU iiSlAtSLlSHMENT IN THE CITY. wruen. Kolicifctl. All nr.r, promptly filled and delivered free of uarge to any part of the citv. 22 1 8 8 3 mm FOR KENT. A Dwellinz Hoiirb. , 1 . . . " 1 " -" T VU Obl CC L . witnin three Klrwlra tj . OEO. H. BROCKENBROUGH. dec20dlw By Express To-day the latest novelties in Mosc Attractive NECKWEAR NEW FIRM ELESMTSCARFS PUT UP IN SINGLE BOXES. New Goods. Dry Goods House Bnrned. LrALVESTON, 'TEXAS. A Special to the JNewa from Barn's Texas, savs: P. M. Harrison's drv eoods store wns jiiJV,iivji VVU1 Ui Cl -i , J heavy bond each, and having neither aestroyea by hre yesterday morning ; the security nor the funds necessarv .loss- $19,000; insurance $7, 500.- The 4-1 1 . ... ' HAYES &B0NNEY, TRADE STREET, Nearly opposite Wittkowsky & Baruch, Have in stock an elegant assortment o STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES, A Bewildering Assortment in DUDE" BOW S- Pnz-s. ,.S45i . 270 - 180 366 Prizes, ''-tributine 813,(5( TirketM Only 81. Plan of Lottery similar to that of the Louisiana Company. J. I. IIOUBAC1I, Manager. Application for club rates, or for in formation upon any other business, should be plainly written giving State, county and town of writer. Remittances should be sent by Ex press rather than by P. O. Money orders or registered letters. Express charges upon $5 and larger sums will be paid by the Company. Address plainly, J. P. HORBATH, Norfolk. Va Agents for sale of tickets required throughout the State. Address applica tions as above. The undersigned svpervieed the Drawing Class B, on 20 December, of the Dismal Swamp Lottery Company, and certify that it was conducted with strict fairness to all interested. GEO. T. ROGERS, CHAS, PICKETT, hov28 Commissioners. FOUND. On Trade street, near Independence Square, two GOLD RINGS. Parties proving property and paying for this advertisement can get them by calling at this office. dec23 Another Enterprise in Prospect. The Lincolnton Press received yester day contains this item that will interest our Charlotte readers: "Prominent among the ft-w enterprises to which the great timber resources of this State have given rise is the spirit-cask manu factory of Mr. G P. Kidder at Moss Neck, Robeson county. Mr. Kidder is not only manufacturing a cask that is pronounced by all judges to be far superior to any made North, but he is making these casks from timber gotten here at home, aud so popular have his casks be-ome that he finds it impossible to keep up w ith his orders. In order to secure better shipping facilities. Mr. Kidder contemplates moving his manu factory o Charlotte. If he does it will open up a new market for such timber as he uses, and will result in inucn zuod to this section." W here is Grayson ! A telegram was recived in the citv yesterday from Ches-iCarley & Oo stat ing mat they would have a man here to day to take charge ol their office Gray son's whereabouts are still uaknown to the officers Tbe Georgia detective who was here working up the case, left yes terday for his home, remarking that there was no use in fooling with this case, any longer. How Grayson irot his information of the contemplated arrest is Btill a mystery. It wan evidently communicated to him by some friend who knew the police had the papers. but how anyone outside of police circles became possessed of such information is the question that bothers. It is certain that Grayson did not leave Charlotte or any of the railroads, and he must have gone through the country and boarded the cars at some neighboring station. That he has gone there can be no doubt. The Georgia authorities will have to set theii trap again and watch and wait for the festive forger. A Tuikr. a Coll and ibe lloy. Major Jim Harris bought a Christmas turkey yesterday. He had a colt and wanting to send both turkey and colt to his farm near the city, pressed his nephew, a lad of about 10 summers into service, with instructions to lead the colt and carry the turkey in his hands as he teared tie turkey might flop its wings and cause the colt to run off and throw the b y. The young fellow start ed off according to directions, but on arriving at the bridge oyer Irwin's creek, he concluded that he would ride the balance of the way and lead ing the colt up to the bandrailing of the bridge, started to mount, when the turkey gave a vigorous flop of its wings. The colt bolted off the turkey flew away and the little fellow was precipitated down the embank men ft the ground below, a dis tance of fully 15 feet. He was tenibly stunned by the fall, being knocked in sensible for a short time, but do bones were broken and he is now rallying from the effects. Why the boy chose the bridge, the very worst place he could have selected for tr ing his experiment, is one of these questions that are handed down from generation t generation un solved. The hero of this adventure is a son of Mr M. L. Harris, who lately removed to Mecklenburg from Concord, and one time not long ago while riding on a wagon load of corn, be fell off and the wheels ran over him,, but he sur vived. Any one who picks up a stray turkey about this neighborhood should consult with Major Harris. The colt has been caught. Hortford'M Acid Phoitphat. As a Nerve Food. Dr. J. W. Smith. Wellington. Ohio, says: "In impaired nervous supply I have used it to advantage." . HEAVY GROCERIES. "People do not all buy in small lots," remarked Santa, "and at this time of the year, the wise man will be found laying in his supply of subsUntials and good things while prices are cheap. For the benefit cf all such, we will make a rnnall memoranda which will be found advantageous, and without whieh we cannot close our labors. It i- to recom mend them to the following firms, who enn supply them with the necessaries as well as the luxuries of life in any quantity large or small: Mayer & Ross. Springs & Burwell. W. J Black & Son, J. M Miller " and." added Santa with a knowing wink, "Fred C Munsler. The uucuit iB uuw compietea. t 11 not see you again, but I'll be in Charlotte Mon day night on my regular visits to the children Tell them to hang up the biggest stockings they can find, go to bed eai ly and leave the rest to me. " The Jersey Lily Coming. Nat Gray, the city dramatic aeenl and professional bill poster is negotiating with Mrs Langtry with the view of having her stopover here on a Southern trip, and thinks he will succeed. Mrs Langtry will pass through Charlotte cer tainly and probably may top, about tbe 20th of next month. She travels, eats and sleeps in her palace car, a cosy ve hicle, with accomodations for Mrs. Langtry 's two maids, a male cook, a por ter and a waiter. Mrs- Langtry 's parlor is richly and tastelully fitted up. The floor is covered with handsome Axmin ister carpet. Scattered about are costly furB and robes. On the walls are gems of paintings and Indian curiosities. From the top of the salon are suspended two birds in cages and several Japanese lanterns. The furniture is in the latest style. The-e are reception chairs, high ly embroidered, a fancy lounge, lady's writing desk, library filled with books, and a piano. The kitchen occupies one end of a car. It has a range and all utensils for culinary purposes. Two doors in the hall way, which extendsfrom the entrance to the kitchen, keeps the smell of cooking from the salon. Al though compact with no room to t-nare. the house on wheels is very cozy and comfortable. Hotel Arrivals. Bcford House M Foate. Jno Martin, New York City; Miss J McNeill, Thom asville, N C; Jas E Ehrlich, Baltimore, Md; M H Snavely, Oregon county, Pa; J H Hanpa and wife Boston. Mass; Miss ary M Johnson. New York; F H Mor row, Richmond, Va; W M Francis, At lanta. Ga. JFSmith,County; PHarkins, Henry's, Va; W T Charley Memphis, Tenn; S H Clark, Baltimore. Md; J W Robinson Richmond, Va. W Purdue, City; J Keyer, J W Young. New York; R O Palmer, Salisbury, N C; M L Davis, Piueville, N C; 1, B Davis. Concord, N C; Pride Jones, Hillsboro. N C; George S Casein, Atlanta, Ga; W L Lyons. Clio, S C; Miss Louise Morgan, Asheville, N C; J D Gardner, Wilmington N C; H F Hart, Baltimore. Md: ins Carrie Page, Mooresville, N C; W W Rankin. N C; J D Helme, Monroe. N C; L P Hills, Geo P Jennings, Atlanta, Ga; Jno Hirst, N C; H R Quinn. Baltimore, Md. Central Hotel. Mrs Dr Estes. Miss Alice Wilson. Miss Esther Wilson, Cas cade, Va: B P Landers. Pulaski. Va. J H Wyse, Lexington, S C: A M Stack, Trinity College. N C; Miss Mary Griffin, Miss Alice Shute, Monroe, N C: J T Mat thews. N C A C Izard. S C; J H Mer ritt, W J Capps. Fort Mills, S C: Miss C L Mathewsou, Augusta Ga; R H Craw ford, Chicago, 111: R j Patterson, W A Barber, R D Crow, Kings Mountain. N C. H W Davis, J H Finch, Atlanta, Ga; T L Corn well. Kings Mountain, N C; J T James, Richmond, Va;R WTregerant, Columbia, SC; Millard Wood, Danville, Va; J O Houston and wife. Salisbury, N C. Reid Russell. Miss Jessie Grey.Rock ingham; Rev J S Black, Wilmington, N C, N E Baker wife and 2 children. Rock ingham; J H Bisaner. Lincolnton, N C; E Pascal Bradley, Kings Mountain. N C, T R Jackson, Cincinnati; J W Robertson wife and son. Miss Belle Robertson, Mikado Mine: W C Stoker, Baltimore and North Carolina Mine; Geo H King, City; Lacy Little, Miss Nannie Little, Richmond County, N C; Miss Hattie Bennett, Wadesboro; Miss Mary LanTerty, W A Nisbet. R N Shelton. Davidson Colleee J H Reid, Iredell; L D Har- grave, W C Maxwell, ity; Wilson G Lamb. Williamston. N C; Jas R Cren shaw, J W Cobb, Richmond, Va; A L Stough Shelby ; Dr T F Costner. Mt Holly. N C; T L Lowe. Newton, N C; F G Irwin, Cabarrus; W E Yount, Pine ville, N C; E BMcGilvay, Davidson Col lege; Jno C Tipton. Lincolnton: O D Price, Rutherford: Miss Lanra Yates, City;E R Watts, Philadelphia; Jno C Mills. Burke County Chas B King. New York; Geo E Reab, Charleston, S C; F M WUkes, S C; Mrs E M Hayes, Morganton, W J McDemott, Memphis; W B Wilson, Jr, Bock Hill; Pringle T Vmimiri rViliimhi. 8 Cl W B DaVIS, New York; R H Biggers, Rock Hill: J L Hicks, Spartanburg, S C; Wm Roller Kidgsport. Tenn; Alex Smith. Church A M Smvre, Gastonia: ARBanks, Shellie Haile. Fort Mills, J H Porter. South Carolina, J McKinnon, Raleign, N U, IS W Barrett, Augusta, Ga. - - . they were escorted to jail at Shelby uy suerirx euiue ana Mr. v. . Mc Guiunis. The names of the men sent up are Frank Burns, J. L. McCall and VV. J. Parks. They are a murderous look ing set and we would advise the peo ple of this country who have recently been burglarized to ero to Shelbv and take a peep at this rogues gallery. If there are any others let them come, we are ready." Haverly'g Mlnstsels. Haverly's Minstrels will play in our opera house the evening alter Christ mas and everybody should save enough money to buy tickets. The show is en dorsed thus by the Elinira Gaz-tte: "When Haverly says a thing he means it, and henceHaverly's Minstrels are the best, the most enjoyabla aud the fresh -est and most vigorous of modern min strel t roups. So much of real original novelty has not been seen here in manv a long day as was heartily enjoyed last night by an audience that w as himply tremendous, the very walls seemed im bued with a spirit of laughter, and ech oed back in high glee the oft expresssd jocund applause of the happy hundreds. The Old 9fallein IMaiil, Grandma's Remedt for Crocp, Whoop ing Codh and Colds. "Having been confined to my bed for several weeks with a severe cough, which all tbe remedies my family phy sician prescribed would not alleviate, he, as a last resort, prescribed your Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and ullein,' the first dose of which gave me instant relief, and prevented what the doctor considered imminent danger of pneumonia. In three days I was per fectly well Five years ago my oldest daughter had measles, leaving her with a cough which followed her up to the first of this year. Nothing would give her any relief until I tried your wonder ful medicine. She is now entirely well. My youDgest child had a severe case of membranous croup and was relieved at once with two doses of the Remedy, and as long as I have a bottln on hand I never feel alarmed about croup. Mrs. S. J. Kiowles, Atlanta, Ga. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein is for sale oy all lead ing druggists at 2oc. and 81 per bottle. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor. Atlanta. Ga., proprietor Taylor's Pre mium Cologne. satsuntues&w. building was owned by Halo & Scott, lawyers, wnose loss, including then- library, is $15,000; no insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. A Railroad Accident. Acron, Ala., Dec. 21. The north bound INew Orleans express train on the Alabama and Great Southern j a 1 1 idiuuau bixuck a oronen rail near here last night and was derailed. The Pullman sleeper rolled down the em bankment. Mr. Jas. Lvnch, of Cin cinbati was badly injured. " -s- Soma v Reported Captured. London, Dec. 21. A Hong Kong dispatch dated to-day to Reuters tele gram company states that it is re ported there that the French forces under Admiral Courbet have captured Sontav. For the Retail Trade. UurMr. F. P. L. BONNEY, having resigned his position as railroad clerk, will be glad to see all his old friends at his new quarters. We mean to sell Factory Burned. New Orleans, Dec. 21 P E. Zaz zarin's factory was burned yesterday loss. $20,000. ig was very The Poor Ye Have Always. H. C. Flanders, superintendent of the alms house. Weare, N. H.. certifies: "A helpless, afflicted woman, bedridden for five years, by the use of the great pain banisher, St Jacobs Oil. now gets from her bed and knits stockings." Farmers who know that tobacco stalks are a very valuable manure, be cause their ashes contain a great portion of potash, perhaps do not know that Dr. Bull's cough Byrup is the best cure for coughs and colds. Flashes From the Hire.. Admiral Courbet has been gazetted as a grand officer of legion of honor. The Czar of Russia is suffering from an injury to his shoulder caused by being thrown from a sledge. Ten men were put on trial in Glas gow, Scotland, for dynamite conspi racy. Five were convicted of all of theeia X's and five of the first charge only. Theljvrt five were yesterday sentenced to penal -bevntude for life ana tne others to seven ye rpv. v 1 ei . 1, . x ue jc reucu losses at rxmtay re ported to be J officers and 67 r& n Killed a nd 10 omcers and 170 men wounded. The fightm. stubborn. The east wing of the insane asylum on vv ara s island was completely de stroyed. There were 1,320 male patients in the building, and although a panic occurred, they were taken out without injury. The origin of the nre is unknown. The refusal of a market man in the City ot Mexico yesterday led to quarrel which resulted in a riot, wftich was not quelled until troops were canea out ana nrea on tne riot ers with blank cartridges. biias iiowe, colored, sentenced to b hanged at Rolling Fork. Miss., yesterday, has been renrieved for thirty days. Alraot Insane ud Cured. "Most of the eminent doctors in the East as well as several of the medical faculty in New York city," writes Rev, P. P Shirley, of Chicago, "failed to help our daughter's epilepsy, whioh be gan to s'.-iw signs of turning into insan ity. By tho good providence of God we tried Samaritan Nervine, and it cured her." Your druggist keeps it. 1.50 GROCERIES A CHEAP Any IJ'iiise io Charlotte. give i;s A CAI,r,. dec20tf HAYES & BONNEY. Memory is the treasury of leaaon, the the registry of conscience, and the council chamber of thought, but what is memory without reason, and judg ment? It is thene last that convince us that we can't get safely through the winter without Dr. Bull's cough syrup. Winston. Forsyth Co., N. C. Gents I desire to express to you my thanks for your wonderful Hop Bitters. I was troubled with dytspepsin for five years previous to commencing the use of your Hop Bitters some six months ago. My cure has been wonderful. I am pastor of the First Methodist church of this place, and my whole congrega tion can testify to the g'eat virtues oi your bitters. Respectfully. REV. H. FEREBEE. No other medicine has won for itself such universal approbation in its own city. State and country, and among all Eeople, as Ayers' Sarsrparilla. It is the est combination of vegetable blood purifiers, with the iodide of potassium and iron, ever offered to the public. A clear head is indicative of good health and regular habits When the body feels heavy and languid, and the mind works sluggishly, Ayer's Cathart ic Pills will won 1 er fully assist to a re covery of physical buoyancy and men tal vigor. The constipated should use them. iiiih Davis's Trouble. Josiah Davis, JNo. Middletown, Ky writes: "I am now using a box of your Henry's Carbolic Salve upon an ulcer, which, for the past ten days, has given me great pain. This slve is the only remedy I have found that has given me any ease. My ulcer was caused by varicose veins, and was pronounced in curable by my medical doctors. I find, however, that Henry's Carbolic Salve is affecting a cure. AshburnhaM, Maps., Jan. 14, 1880. I have been very sick over two years. They all gave me up as past eure. I tried the most skillful physicians, but they did not reach the worst part. The lungs and heart would fill up every night and distress me, and my throat as very bad. I told my children I never should die m peace until I had tried Hop Bitters. I have taken two bottles. They have helped me verv much indeed. I am now well. There was a lot of sick folks here wl o have seen how they helped me, and they used them and are cured, and feel as thankful as I do that there is so valuable a medicine made MRS. JULIA G. CUSHING. tiu clwcrtisemeuts CALL AT R. EL Alexander's Early this morning and get SIX FILL GROW I CHICKENS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Lakoni, Ark., Oct. 26, 1883. For the sake of the balance of mankind who may be suffering, I wish to give you my experience with one of your Georgia remedies. I have been afflicted with scrofula for more than twelve years have had sores on me as large as a man's hand for that length of time, and last summer was so bad off that I could not wear any clothing. Everybody, includ ing myself, had given me up to die, and said I would be a dead man in three months. I had taken hundreds of bot tles of all kinds of medicines had spent hundreds of dollars with physicians and had ruined my system with mercury and potash, when a friend told me of the wonderful cares of Swift's Specific, I got it and began its use, . and soon found it was just what I wanted. In a short time it cured me sound and well. Thousands of dollars could not buy from me what Swift's Specific has done for me. The county officials, and in fact everybody in the county will bear witness te what I have written, for I was a well known case. , Youif respectfully, R. L. Hwh: dec22dlt F')R HEN 1 A desirable Dwelling House within three minutt-s walk of Public Square. Six rooms, well of good water and all necessary uthouses. Apply to dec22dtf C. N. VANCE. J EXTRA FINK Florida Oranges, CJRAftJBERRIlES, TURKEYS 1 DUCKS, -AT- S, (VI HOWELL'S. decggd&w During the Next Two Weeks We will offer our entire stock of goods at prices that will eell them. We have Flannels, Lindseys, Cassi meres, Clothjng, VERY CHEAP. Shawls Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Gent's and Ladies' Wool Shirts Table Covers, Window Shades, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Hats, and JobLotsof Notions, etc., all of winch We L"31 at SpME PRICE, if you win gt-.ji look. Come and see ; we have left and you will save money. dec 19 BARRINGER & TROTTER. OPERA HOU6E OtfJg XIGBTOXLY. December 36fb, 18S3. HAVSBLTS MINSTHELS, J. H. HAVERLY, KIT. CLARKE, - Proprietor. Manager THE BLACKBIRDS OF A NATION! No Played-Out Dreary Features.'! 0 0 ACTS AX OXCE. 3 4 PEDESTAL tI.OGGilSTS. 4 8 VERSATILE VOCALISTS. COMICAL COMEDIANS. 8 itlai-vflou' Mid-Air Clog:. Somertault Haverly's 610,000 Acting Dogs ! The Great Model Troupe! The Glory of the Minstrel Stage ! Prices as Usual. Sale at declS Reserved Seats now on Usual Places. E. H. JORDAN & CO. DRUGGISTS. Have on Hand a FitlljStock of HOLIDAY GOODS CALL 6ARLY, -Also- THE FINEST STOCK OF 5 AND 10 CENT CIGARS In tbe Market Tor Trade. the Retail 1 0. JORDAN A CO., Tryon Street. ANOTHER LOT OF RUSSIAN CIR CULARS. Silk Dolmans and other handsome Wraps, just recehed at T. L. SEIGLE'S. Call and see them. JL. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS In Latest Parisian Styles. A REGULAR BAZAAR FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPERS. Everything Stylish and in Popular Favor in New York has arrived by Express and is now TO BE FOUND ONL, Y AT 13. Labta, Sc Bro's. 'HEAVEN HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES." Tfeip Yourself McSmith. Round this world I've travelled a bit, Troublen I've seen a few: I've found the rule in every clime, "You tickle me and I'll tickle yc you, A MUSICAL HOME IS A HAPPY HOME, Fathers, Mother. Sisters and Ilrolliers, who Call onWrSmin. ru the xt Fifteen Days Will Find PIANOS AND ORGANS AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LINE, At prices that will maketheir hearts leap with joy and their pocket-books jump nght out of their pockets Call on McSmith during fifteen days or McSmith will call on you. Our door-plate covers a whole front, you can't miss it. H. McSMITH I ike a Foil Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, &c, At Prices that lefy Com net I- tion. Call and Examine. Respectfully, decl6dtf. W. H. FARRIOR. A. HALES, Prac tical Watchmaker and Dealer in WATCaiS. CLOCKS. JSWYLBY, 8PKO-TaCLE-V Ac.Ao. Fine and D'fflcult Watch He pairing rpecintr Work SSS V promptly done and warranted V tweive momhu. EEkwA epi80Jawtf Pentral Hotel uimng, Trade ot TriB M ASSORTED STOCK OF Groceries, Cenfecticn:ries FANCY GOODS Can be found ai FOR RftiNT, The largest Warehouse on College street, in one square of the postoffice and one square of the joint railroad freight depot. Possession given 1st January, 1884. Apply to E. MYJfi HUTCHISON, Corner College and Fourth Streets. decl2dtf FOR RENT. xne storeroom next door ahnva fha Postoffice, now occupied by W. C. Mor- I A . K. N I K H I XT MB IPS 1 1 . 4 , i i I 1 I'. 'j" 1 J. 1 ij 1

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