da. DAILY CHA RLOTTE OBS KB V BR S A T 17 R MIJP ClK M B ER 22 1 883 in i tl ft 4 INT. Bhanrmfltism. neuralgia, otiauw, RhK ISW H.ad.S., Toothache. Billjljuruw - lnll LMtuMM. THE CHARl8 A' VOttEI.KIt CO. ItalllBor Ml., C. B. 1. ipsca F uriur Hills. ESTAIU JHEI 177. ltutirx 1771. Rolls 1883. PATENT ICA-GAMBRILi Mrs.Cc This company own and operate three mills, as follows: PATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicott City, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILL B, at Baltimore IWarvland. PATAPSCO MILL C, at Orange Grove Marvland. Having: a daily capacity of l,50O Barrels. PATENT ROLLKR rLOIR, manufactured from Maryland and Vir ginia Wheat, celebrated for ita purity fJlutpn. PhosDhates, and nthor nutritions rjroDerties. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR PA TA PSCO S U PERL A TTVE, PATAPSCO FAMILY, PATAPSCO EXTRA, CAPE HENRY F AMI LI NORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA. BEDFORD FAMILY, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA, C. A.OAJIBBILL M'F CO., 32 Commerce St.. Baltimore, Md. Represented by R. N. Littlejohn, Charlotte N. C. novlSdtf THE ItlOST COMPLETE IN THE STATE Ta now nrenared. br the amnloyment of strictly first-class bakers, to dautej allkinde of Bread, Cakes, Rolls, eta, in any part of the city. I make a spe cialty of ta, Steam, Vienna, Rye PLAIN BREADS, which is not excelled by any other baker in the city, baked fresh every day. I not only furnish as good, if not bet ter, bread than can be bought else where, but give the Largest Loaf for the Same Price; 1 also keep a large variety of Cakes, Rolla, BuTina, Pastry Coffee dkc II fc.W CROP FAUITs. Raisins, Figs. Dates, Orange, Bananas. Grapes, of the finest quality, always on hand in season Also a great variety of Canned Fruits and Vegetables of relia Me brands. A full assortment of PLAIN AND hWX CRA'KFRS I manufacture Pure, Plain and Fancy Candies; also Taffys, which are sold at wholesale and retail. Come, See and be Conriced, D. M.RIGLKR. Ins lew! We have teenr'd the services of a first c'.ass ba ker, from New York, and we present to the Iadl of this oRj a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before offered In this city. It is the leading style and kind now having such a run at Saratoga and Long Branch hotels. Try It and you will be convinced of n su pe'lority. In order that you may know our bread our pri vate bread O. K. will be on each loaf. We most respectfully ask every lady to call o send and try this (I. I. BEAD, IT I NICE. We keep on hand the largest and nicest assort ment of CAKES CAKES To be fouad in the State, and can furnish on the shortest no-.lc any quantity for parties or wed dings. Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES Is unsnrpassed and alway? fresh Famine sup plied with everything toey use. A share of the Public patronage solicited. Respectfully, PHELAN & ROSS. augiMti CONSUMPTION. poitiT nrntij for th bor diaeue ; by ita M thousands of oaaea of the wont kind and of Ion ataad naja bm enrad. IndedjBO rtrongis tnr fatthtnltaacy ttat l will aendfWO BOTTLES JTBSKtosaWiarwith a VALUABLE TRKATISEon thiadiaaaM,to any aaffcrer. Gtva expreaa and P. O. ddraaa. Da. T. A. 8LO0UM.181ParIst.,Hew York. W W W A WTWW A A WW UN TTTT T KEK B KB B IR DDD D D D D D D DDD S WWWW A A "We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 30 poends for good sound cotton seed, de UTred at tur mill. Will pay 18 cents per oushel for eed delivered at any sta tk n railroads running to Charlotte, fr Tar loads of ten tons and above, we F7'ng freight on same. 0 we will give one ton of meal in xeiHfce for two tons of seedJ This zchanjt being of great value to the fitrmei auoald be taken advantage of. MS) to of meal being worth much sore f feeding or fertilizing than two . : CHARLOTTE OIL CO , er's mm Some Cotton hi - 1 1 sTTten ews. Pried. of Sandv Ridee p, tJntorr county, .jniorms as J- i 7 . . . r - " llled iaSt weeK four two-year loss, wisrurigaaf allows : 417, 325, 301 and 280 pounds. Morganton Mountaineer: Cranber. ries grown in our neighbor county of Mitchell are selling in this market at $4 per bushel. They are fine, and are tound growing vtuct an tne iinvuie river meadows. It now transpires as we learn from the Monroe Enquirer, that John Mc- Larity, who shot and killed Mr. bia- ney A. Mjrton in that place a coupie of weeks ago, is also a mail robber. He can ied the mail from Monroe to Olive Branch and robbed the pouch of $50 belonging toE. D. Latta & Bro, of .this city.' hews A Observer: Dr. WW Green, of Franklin county, died suddenly of paralysif, in Warren county, Mon day morning at 4 o clock. tie naa gone to Warren to look after his land ed interests, and was taken sick and died at the house of his ten ants. Moreranton Mountaineer: Two moun taineers brought a hog to Morganton last week and sold it. They imme diately left and it was soon discover ed that the nog mea or disease. There has been more buildings in Morganton in the last twelve months than in any other five years of its his tory. Wilmington Star: Mr. J. L. Cooley of Richmond, and Mr. D. P. McrLa-r-hprn of "Rnbeson countv. were in this city yesterday in the interest or i Scoutn immigration scrieme ui men own. i)i wnicn iney are assiieu uj Miss M. D. McLeod, of Dundee bcot- and. The movement has already as sumed a tangible shape, and a party consis ing ot one hun red ana twen ty-five souls are expected to reach here from Scotland about the last of January. Mr George Manzy, wfco resided at Harper's Ferry at the time of the John Brown raid, and who is credited with having shot ana Killed one of the invaders died last week in North Carolina, aged eighty-one years. . B NEWS NOTES. The New York board of aldermen Wednesday adopted an ordinance renuirinsr the electric light compa nies to lay their wires under ground after two years trom May l, Work at 1 he different collenes in Nnrthnunlierland countv. fa., was temporarily suspended Wednesday, throwing out 12,000 hands. The schedules in the assignmentof Seidenbach,Schwab& Co.,New iork, clothiner merchants, place the habih ties at 8742, 193, nominal assets $584,- 134, actual assets $283,155, A number of prominent citizens of St. Louis, Mo., met Thursday night to take preliminary steps to secure the holdinc of the next democratic national convention in that city. Major Couper, chief engineer of the Florida Southern haiiroaa, naa quarrel with a tie contractor named Burchfield, at Leesburg, Fla., Tues day, and the latter stabbed Couper fatally. A heaw snowstorm visited New York Wednesdav. From all direc tions the mails were reported fiom one to three hours behind. Ferryboats running 10 and from Jersey city were delaved bv the denseness or the tall ing snow. In Philadelphia a few days ago James Mendham swallowed a tin tag which was attached to a piece of Western dressed meat. The tag lodsred in the throat, producing an ulcer. Tuesday Mendham died from a. uciuun uage. At Pittsburg, Pa., Wednesday, .Tas. Weaver employed in a factory, had his arm caught in the belting of an engine, and he was drawn into the machinery. He was torn limb from limb, portions of his body being scat tered a distance of a hundred feet. There was bitter contest at the stockholders election in San Francis co Wednesday for the control of the Ophir Mining Company between Mr. Flood and Senator Sharon. Mr. Flood won. poling 50,922 votes against Sha ron's 48,855. Rev. Dr. Joshua Morsell, while con ducting the service- in Grace church city Island near New York, on Sun ay, motioned for a window to be opened and sank down in the pulpit as though in a faint. He was found to have died from heart disease. The report of the secretary of the Pennsylvania State board of agricul ture shows that the value of dairy product for the past year wa $40, 648,106. The value of the grass crop, 623,308 tons, is $84,34S,620; cereals, $72,401,739. The number of horned cattle in the State is 1,740,227, and their value $51,989,100. The Internal Revenue System Must Go. Petersburg Ya. Index A ppeal. We trust the defeat of Mr Randall does not indicate an abandonment of the movement to abolish the internal revenue system. The Democratic p irty has no such hold on the South ern people, white or black, as will enable it longer in a Democratic House of Representatives to overlook a demand which comes from almost every producerbelow Mason and Dix son's line and, we believe, from every manufacture and other business man in that section. Political parties are but conveniences. They build up great reputations for individuals, put men in office and. in a sense, represent the people, but after all they are ser vants. They can be dismissed with out a char-tcter at any time, and if unfaithful they should be. Free Trade Jostles the Bloody Shirt. Nashville American, In the face of the protestations of the more conservative of Democratic counsellors, the tariff question is forc ed into the Presidential campaign now close at hand. If this untimely agit itii n is to te dt flored it will at least have one beneficial effect. It will completely obscure the race issue and consign the bloody shirt to the laun dry. If, as some affe . t to believe, we are on the eve of important changes of party alignment, this will prei ipitate them ev n if thty should not be perceptable in the result of the next national election. It will be a relief to have the cant and rant of the tiresome negro issue elimi nated from American politics, or at least drowned out by, a clamor of another sort. Fal h nd Loose. Decay loosens the teeth. SOZODONT removes the cause of their destruction, and they retain their place in the dental process. After a few applications, it will be noticed that the natural inden tations in them, formerly filled with corroding tartar, present a spotless ap pearance and their enamfalled surfaces glisten with becoming lustre. Thus beauty is heightened and health pro moted. ' rospect foi- ihtr fiaMaeeoTa bankruptcy dUI by the present? pcfcgTshprt'Qiere was by. iAJ9Hk HBnaior iHniiisr wnu rtao t.h foremost ODDonent of the Low ell bill, ftrrd1 who reported from the judiciary committee the, bill which embodied the views of Western men unnri-thfi RiihWf savR he is informed that the promoters of the Lowell bill ar:epreparmrniodinati0ns with the design of making that measure less obnoxious to Western interests. It is possible, therefore triat:a bankruptcy bill may be framed which will meet th?e jprevaXUng views of all sections. THE GRtAT IK. UIO LEWIS. His Outflpokesi Opinion. The very marked testimonials from College professors, respectable physi- ciaDS, and other gentlemen or intelli gence and char cter to the value of Warner s SAFE Cure, published in the editorial columns of our best newspa pers, have greatly surprised me. Many of tnese gentlemen l Know, ana reaoing their testimony 1 was impelled to pur chase some bottles of Warner's SAFE Cure and analyze it. Besides, I took some, swallowiBg three times the pre scribed quantity. 1 am satisfied the medicine is not injurious and will frankly add that if I fornd myself the victim of a serious kianey trouDie i should use this preparation. The truth is. the medical profession stands dazed and helpless in the pesence of more than one kidney malady, while the tes timony of handreds of intelligent and very reputable gentlemen hardly leaves room to doubt that Mr. H. H. Warner has f illen upon one of those happy dis coveries hich occasionally bring help to suffering humanity. Auction Sale ot .MULES, At the Court House, on Saturday next, 22nd. CHAS. decl8dawlt P. HARRISON, Auctioneer. $30,000 FOR $2. r I kkgulah monthly dbawims will i l take place in the Masonic HaiL Masonic Till In Loulsvil e, Ky , 1 bandar, Oecember 27. b, 1883. A lawful Lottery and talr drawings, charterrd by the Legislature of Ky , and twice declared iexil or tUs hushett court lu the rtaie. Bond Hlveu to Henrj count lu liu sum of Siiul.Dtltf 'Or he jiroiupi payment f pnz s ao.u. A BV JLUTIO IN I SULK NUilBS l DB1W- ir Evtry t cls-tt hoi er his own supervisor, can call out me nuiuoer on tils t cKei na -ee Cue cor responding nu.uorr ou tho tag p aeeu In the wne In his pivsance Thesa drawl iks will -ecu. i be ltt Tnursaay ot ever luoula. Rr- (hr magnificent 1 Pnza. 1 Pom,.... 1 Prize, 2 Prizes. ?2 500 eisa . 6 Prizes, i.uiX) eaort, 20 PrUes. 50J aacli,. 100 Prizes 100 each,. 400 Prizes. 50 eaci-... 500 Prizes. 20 eacr,,. .... 10,000 6,UOt- 5.1MA 6,1)00 ... . lo.ixx .... 10.OUI 10,OOt 10.001 Prizes $2,700 1,800 rKX.- 1000 Prizes, 10 waca. grtzes, S30O saon, A H'jv.rUP v.lor Prizes, - Prizes !)(! 857 Vn. 91 50.40 Who.t- T;y.-t. &; Hull Tickot. SI : -i7 Ticket .:,.(. TlcHfts. SI 00 Udmu Mont-r o: Hawk Draft In Letter, or senu oy SzoreeM. DON'T sKND BH mwidTKKkl LKTTKK Oa, PUdTOKKICE ORDED, until further notice. Orifcr .j; $,ri and upward, by Szprew, can be sr,i a! w pene dMros an oMera tr J J. DOt'Gl.aS ;eptl Louisville, Ky. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ml no " 0rr7il,e- 0Ui. Sept. 10, 1882. uULUd. " Having been subject to a bron chial affection, with frequent colds, for a number of years, 1 hereby cer-' tify that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral gives me prompt relief, and is the most effective remedy I have ever tried. Jaues A. Hamilton, Editor of The Crescent." nnlinUO " Mt-G1,eftd. 0ni". Jnne 26, 1882. wliUunO. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral this spring for a se vere couKh and long trouble with good effect, and I am pleased to recommend it to any one similarly affected. Habvby Batohmaw, Proprietor Globe HoteL" PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold to aU Druggists. There ia a-better prospect f 3S JbLMJk,"VXVS to h 8 t? 3 I fee N M ? & 2 S S t t A 0 S ? U S fi IPs o 1 BOOTS All Rail Route Daily From now until Dec. 25th to all points in North Carolina and South Carolina to meet the demands of our customers and the Trade who desire goods quick for the Holiday Season such as FireCrackers, Fire Works, Koman CandleB, Sky Rockets, Balloons, Lan terns, Flags, Christmas Tree' Candles, (all colors) Fancy Candies, Plain Can dies, Prize Candies, Prize Goods, Sugar Toys, Crackers, Cakes, Nuts, Raisins, Canned Goods, and a full and complete stock of Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, &c. Do not fail to call and see us. MAY Kit ROSS. Wholesale Grocers, Charlotte, N. C. We Have Canned Cxooods, every variety. Pickles, Saur Kraut, Rainins. Currants, Citron, Cocoanuts, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Prunes Dates, Figs, Candies, Nuts, Corned Beef, Pigs Feet, Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Lard, Goshen Butter, Dried Beef Hams, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasnes, Buckwheat Cake Syrups, Flour, Meal, Oatme Buckwheat, Rice, Hominy, Grits, Crackers and Cakes of Every Kind and Everything to be Found in a First-class Grocery. CALL and EXAMINE Our stock before buying your CHRISTMAS TRICKS, Respectfully, BARNRTT & ALEXANDER THIEVES "PROFESSIONAL TMir.rtssdttsDErTrrr Pinf-" T . Collected from hia Private Reeorda, with akr' a of his own life. Illustrated with SS thrilling pto .wrea. Sold only bv our agents. Manv acenta are maliina; $90 per week. One aant baa Bold 70S) copies; another agent baa paid for two farm. It aeUa like wild- lire. We want 1000 more acenta. Ifvou want a vraAt- dble agency write for circular anal gpeetal terms. fcENr.UAA. AOK2TTB caa aecare aitu i uuib. Auurav U. w. a wo.. i-oouaaaia,jew sacs. DO YOU WISH TO BUILD? IF SO, CONSULT BRTTOXI HOB AnftHlTCnTC ATLANTA Accurate Plans, Specifications, and Detailed Drawings lurmsned iorrubuc and rrivate Build wg in any part ot the country. rwCTBKBIl won A BTraCIAI.TT, I CURE FITS! When I sar core I do not mean merely to stop them xor a tune ana caen axn inera return aram, i mean radical core. Ib 'TC made the diaeaaeof I ITS, KP LKPS X OK FAL1.INQ fiICKNK88 abfe4oa wtadj I warrant mi remedy to enre the worst oaeas. Becana ethers have failed is no reaaon for not noiaSJiueliliis core. Bend at once for a Tree Hen arxlaga Bottle ml infallible remedr. Give Kxnraaa and Poaioataa. 1 costs you nothinr for a triaL and I wUl eare yon. Address Da. g, O. BOOT. 18 Pearl St.. Hew Tot. Christmas.Presents AT J The Holidays are romino- nnrl .Tn narty nas just receivea,and is now dis playing the largest and best selected BtOCK Ot Fancy Goods ouitaDie tor unristmas Presents ever brought to Charlotte. Presents suitable for ladies, gentlemen, little girls and boys. Our stock consists in part of hite and Decorated Tea and Dinner Sets. Mottoed Cuds and San rare. Mus tache Cups and Saucers, Mush and Milk oes, r.pergnes, water sets, Decanters, Majolica Ware in great variety. Silver Plated Ware. Cutlerv. Work Stands. Baskets. Toys, Dolls, a large assortment oi nn loy irumpets, wagons, Animals on Wheels, Plates Sets for ladies and childrens plates with a variety of yiews of Coney Island. House Furnivbing Goods Of every description and many other articles too numerous to mention. Call and examine the stuck, we consider it no trouble to show our goods, and we are determined to Sell LOW FOR CAH, dec2tf JAMES HARTY. Wa hAVfi RECEIVED A handsome line of Plated and Ivory Table Knives, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Carvers, French &ok Knives, and children sets, in cases or by the piece, all suitable for Holiday presents. We have also a large stock of Roller Skates, of all sizes, to be sold cheap. We have a very handsome stock of Pocket Knives, and the most fastidious oan be suited. Bfowo, Wuiooo A Col Cod Canvassers Wanted; We offer rrare induoements to good agents. Every reader of this paper who desires permannt work asd large pay, with a fine pure gold watch presented free, should send at onee for our large bundle of particulars. Large supply of samples sent free. Address Wachotk MAKWAOnrawe) Co., Charlotte Mioh. i AMES HARTYS Sw - i,""- mi 1 1 ft tCOHQUEROR.) A SPECIFIO FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS, COHYULSIOSS, FALLIHG SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHQUSM, OPIUM EATIR6, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUSNESS, SICK HE&BACBE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATICN, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRRESUURIT1ES. SSSF $1.50 per bottle at druggistsVGi Tfee Dr. S. A. Richmond Mel, Co., Prop'rs. St. Toeepa. mo. (i; Correspondence freely answered by physicians. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. C. H. CBmESTOS, Agent, Kerr York. A REAL JRE.I1&DY. Neither M atlcstl nor lodian iHOrtario bat ocieuiiftc mud specific. A KKVtf.DV of over Twenty-Five years standlug. X KKittEKi more popular at home, and where best known Lhau ail other Uemedle" of Its kind. KKVIttltY endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggets at 1st home. that Mr. C. W O Neill. Goodwater, Ala . sais rais ed bU w fn from an Imam's bed, and he believes saved her life A. Ktt-vii-DV of which a promln-nt Atl-tnti merchant said. "I would have g ven 1500 as soon as so-ii as I would a mcKei for wnat two uo ties ui tout medicine did lor my daughter " In regard to which 6. J. I'as-el. M D. Druggist, of Thomasville, (Ja , 8ds: "I can recall Instances In which it afforded reaer alter all the usual rtite dies had fal ed " a RinEor, about which Dr W. B Ferrell, La Qranee. Oa. writes: "l have used 'or the last 2U rears the mt-dlcl' e you are putting up, and consider It ihe bet comoiiiHtb-n ever KOUeu together for the U seases fur which It Is recommended," A Stii Vtt ItV of which Dr. Joel Bran ham, Atlanta, said- "i ha.e eimined the recipe, and have no besl a tion In advising Its u-e ar d coiifldeut y recom mend lu" A H I JIKIIK which the Eev. H B Johnson, near Marietta, Oa says he has used 1" his family with -the utmost satlcfaciion." and reoommefided It to the fam ltes "who fuund It to be lust what t is reco mmended A HrlHr.Dy of which Pemerton. iverson ft Denlson say: ' We have beeu selling it lor many years, with CO' stantly increasing sales. The arilcle Is a staple nn us, ana one oi aosoiuie meni." of which Lamar, RnnklD 4 Lamar say: "We sold 6U gioss In four months and never sold It in any place diii woat k was wanted again " i Kt-Jjns-DY by which Dr. aijh, of LaG range. Ga., ssrs: "1 cored one f tne most otgtlnate ases of Vicabi oca m knotk u jLTiow mat ever came within inv knowledge, with a few bottles. ' M bin a lT of whleh Dr. J. o. Buss. NotasLun. Ala . savs: -I am fuily convinced that It la unrivalled for that class of diseases which It claims to cure. A BEtlKDV about which Mai. Joo. '. Wbltner. of Atlanta, well and tsvorably known all over the United states as aOent-ral Insurance Agent sajs: - usd this Kemedy. before the war on a laree Diam- tion a a gr-at numr tiol cases, and alway with absolute success." A REHEDV HboutwhlchJ W Htranae. of Csrtersvllle. Oa -ertlnes that one bott.e eured two members of his family of menstrual Irregularity of many years suuiamic. A RRmKl'T that 18 CHAPXB THAN AUT OTSSB KKniCTNX nf ' una in tn w ria bei-ausn nk r two bottles WiLL CUBS TEX MOST OBSTINATE CASE in regard to whose unfailing unrivalled curative pronn-tiv nae raa hui.dr-d-, o' tpsilm niais This gbeat potolah rkmudt ih Rht rnibD's Begulatob ( Woman's Best Friend ) For gain uj nil urugKists. ' Price: Small size 75 cents. Lrge size $160 oviv rruanetur ana narjuisciurMr, J B1- ADFTELD, W 108 B Prror 8Tet ttianta. Q. NEW FAIL STYLES! We are now receiving our ne w Fall Styles cf MILLINERY, HV8, BOXMET9, FLOWER', FEATHEKS PLUMES, MIIKK, SILK RIBBON, PLUSH, dec, Will have our stock complete and w'll open our ynveras oi rJAiB ana BU1NWBTD on Tuesday. Oct. 2nd, When we wl.l show the largest and most com picie siocs or FINE Mil I.I Hi Y Wfl DRTA AVAF fthAWn AIbi all KnwrtxWam u - - - ! IHU "VtCU CO 111. ajBlKKY tiVBi, NK KWi . R. hOTll)N8 uu rmn uii. ior Ladies, Aliases ana Chll dren. ZBfHTh.YABNd.4c We have engaged an experienced Milliner, Ml- KaMP, from Balilmore, as an as Ihuoi, and are p epared to furnl h anything in the Millinery line and at PRICES AS LOW As anywhere in thli country. Don't fe'get ovr ONE HTTNDBKD One ratterns HATd and BONNKTS will be opened TOKHDaY. OCTOBKB 2nd. MRS. P. CUTER Y. Merchants wishing to replenish their stocks for Christmas, will do well be fore purchasing to examine our mam moth line of CAINDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, CRACKERS, PRIZE GOODS, CHEWING GUM, PEANUTS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. Cakes, Bread & Pastries . Of all varieties, ia stock flattie to ordr. 6TACILms XTtrgTrBPABSID.l Christmas Goods ! OofafwtioneTB imdBalwr-. a -B. A.. KREEIvlAJNJ", Agent. Dealer in English and American Breach and Muzzle-Loading Shot Gi ns, Rifles, Sporting; Goods of livery Inscription. CHARLJOTTE, IV. C. Headq uarters DEPARTMENT of MECKLENBURG, Charlotte, Dec. 16ti, 1883. Special Order ) Ho. 1. ) All loyal 8ubiecte of his Roval High ness are hereby informed that at the VARIETY STORE, Opposite Gaston's Stove Depot. They will find a large assortment of CHRISTMAS hood-, And at prices to suit the times. Call earlv. hfor t.Via rush t.lmr. rnn mnv make your purchases satisfactorily and on Christmas Morn make glad the hearts of all the family. By order of SANTA CLU'8. C. M. Ethkbedgk, Manager. I have waeons. wheel-barrows, shoo- fiies,tool chests, drums, trunks, ten pins tea sets, work boxes, writing desks, comb and brush cases, furniture sets, dolls, in great variety, vass. china goods, smoking sets, elegant bisque fig ures, silk handkerchiefs. &c, &c.. &c. Something to suit parents, grandpa rents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts. sweethearts, and all of the dear little ones. Come and see Jumbo, Jr., the walking baby elephant and other novel ties. Respectfully, C. Tl. ETHEREDGE. P. S. All letters for Santa Claus may be left nere. Christmas Presents FOR ONE AND ALL CONSISTING OF Fine anil Staedard Bonis, (In Prose and Poetry), Photograph and Autoi-apli ALBUMS, Writing: Desks, Box Paper. Gold Pens and Pencils, Scrap Books, fcc, Ste. Christmas and New Years' Cards In large numbers and all quantities, From 10c to $6.00. We have a lone class of which are too numerous and varied to mention, in fart we carry the largest stock in the South, and have everything Dertainincr to mir lino a-nA wm k greatly pleased to have all call and see TIPPY A BRO. Springs & Borwell. JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER LOUR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN. SPRINGS & BORWELL. tsotsndtf JUST RECEIVED A Beautiful Line of GE'S AND LADIES' FANCY SUP PERS For the Christmas Trade. dec21d3t GRAY & BRO. nine ess A TEACHER 1 p e r ' a instantaneous Guide to Keys of Piano and Organ. Price Si. WUl teach any person to play 20 pieces of music in one day. You couldn't learn it from a teacher in a month for $20. Try it and be convinced. Sample copy will be mailed to any ad drees on receipt of 25 cents in stamps by Hkabxb & Co., Pnblishers, P. O. Box 1487, New York, . TAuCA BUM assd ;. J . . OLD PKACI1 BR ANDY, ; BojAght eipressly tGr TpplidAya. .. . I have on hand a lot of Jamaica Bum -fsMli OXttv favu i wmuuinii ui wo HWlf et whiclvw flellixiglTtt teste Also and secure bargains for, th flolidays. deoaidlw EsW7 W r - j . xW. SNIDER. (Successor to F. KUKSXER, ) I HAVE JUST BOUGHT 250 SACKS Of the Best Patent Flour Ever Brought to this Market. And will sell you 1 Sack for $3.75 If you den't need the Flour now it will pay you to buy it for an investment Best Family Fiour for 3.00 Country Family Flour for 2 75 Lard in tubs, pure leaf at 10 cts a pound Corn Meal at 80 cts per bushel. Corn Feed at 75 cts per bushel. 30 Bars Kirk's Indian Blue Soap $'.00 25 Bars capital Soap 1.00 28 lbs Hominy for 1.00 15 lbs Buck hat Flour 1.00 15 Mess Maokeiel V00 12 lb-Light Br. wn Sugar for 1.00 10 lbs Granulated Sugar for 1.00 12 lbs Rice for 1.00 6 lbs Full Cream White Cheese 100 2 lbs Lorrilard Snuff 100 15 lbs Vanilla and Cocoanut Cakes 1 00 12 boxes ( oncent'ated Lye 1.00 1 dozen 3-lb cans Standard Toma toes for 1 80 1 bushel White Rose Potatoes 1.00 1 bushel Red Onions 1 00 6 cans condensed milk 1 .00 4 dozen eggs - 1.00 6 can j of l.ion Baking Powder 100 11 bars of Frank Siddall Soap 1.00 I will fell you 1 poundof good Smoking Tobacco at 35 cents, 1 5-cent Cigar for 21 cents, 01 cent box of Blacking for 5 cents, And a host of other things TOO CHEAP TO MENTION, ALL F R CASH ! !! Respectfully, B. B. ALEXANDER. W5W Electric Appliances are tent on 30 Days' I rial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WHO are suffertn from KRrors Debility, Lost Vitality, Lack of kbv Force akd vigor. Wasting Weaknesses, and all those diseases of a Personal Nature resulting from Abuses snd Other Causes. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of Health, V igok and Manhood Guaranteed. The grandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century. iendat ones for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BEIT CO., ftUBSHALl, MICH. novl8deodaw lew Goods Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State of WatcbesXIocks -AND- J EEB WWW EKB L RRR T T JE WWWWE L RRTT J EE WW WW EE L ERR TT J J E WW WW E L R R Y JJJ SEE W W ERE T T T T. R R Y DIAMONDS, Silver and Si v r-Pkted WARE, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacle?, Opera Glasses, Gold-headed Canes, and Fancy Goods generally, all of which I am selling low for cash. Watch Glasses only 10 cents. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. J. T. BUTLER, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE Charlotte. N. C. DRUGGISTS. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Nelson's Gelatine, Baker's Chocolate, Horsford's Bread Powders, olman's English Mustard, He No Tea, F ne Green Tea, Fine Olive Oil, Ground Sage, Ground Black Pepper, Ground Spices, all kinds, Flavoring Extracts, Cooking Wines, &e., &c WILSON BROS, BRUG018TS WHOLfiSAIaE GROCER AND COIOHSSION MERCHANT, UMrcSCr Charlotte. I BETOReV AND -fAFTErV) son Bros. Pistols, Cutlery, Ammunition, That I have now in store a goml asso ment of Heavy atid Fancv UrooV' and when you use up all tlie nu e thin you have bought for Christinas, i sell you something that will by ,"' any time after Christmas. n b patent flour, Hams. Breakfast Bacon, Smoked IW Corned Beef, Pig's Feet, Tripe. sew MessyMackerel and Codfish, a fun line of CANNED MEATS AND VEGETABLES, Atmore's Mince Meat, Cranberri? Raisins. Nuts, Currents ami Citrr' Edam' and Cream Cheese, Gosben Vl, ter. Olive Oil and Grated Horse KMitf I am still ROASTING COFFKK every week, and will grind and put any -lesired mixture. With four years experience in roasting, and a sti aiiv m. crease in my coffee trade. I thnik it some evidence that my collee gives sat isfaction to my customers. XO MY FK1RI)M. Those that have favored me with their patronage the past year, one ai,d all, are assured of my gratitude and a preciation, "nd I hope to receive a share of yur trade during the coming vear, and promise my best efforts to please. Very Respectfully, J. M. SIMS. decl8dtf Fashionable HoIW ty Presents, In greatest variety, fust arrived at tin China Palace of Ludoif & Hartsfisld.' ChinaDinner&Tea Sets. Decorated Chamber SeiK, Fine Bisque Figure.., Bohemian GlaNvrarr, A I.arg: Line of ltuU't, Beantirul Plaques A Panel. THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINE SILVER PLATED WARE in the city. All goeds marked down Give us a call before buying. Respectfully. , ' LUDOLF & HARTSFIELD of the oontinned use of mercurv aDJ potash for trie treatment of blood and skin diseases they never cure, and nearly always injure or totally ruin the general health. A WEUL-KOW DRL'GGIST, My drug store was the first to set Swift's Specific. It was then put up in quart bottles which sold for 85.09 each. I have seen a great many cm cured by its use, ana some who W tried all sorts of treatment. In' have never known it to fail wheui&w properly, I sell a large quanta A 'W and for all diseases that are depec on blood poison or skin humor. It cuiw pimples and Mooches on the skin, aad makes the compl ?xkn fair and rosy As for blood taint there is no such word as fail. It cures cases that have long wi hstood other sorts of treatment, and without any of those recurring troubles that generally follow mercurial and T. L. MASS EN BTJR-7, Macon, Ga. DRV TETTER. For years I was afflicted with Drr Tetter of the most obstinate type. "Was treated by many of the best physicians; took quantities of mercury, potash and arsenic, which, instead of curing tb tetter, crippled me up with mineral poison and rheumatism. The tetter con tinued to grow worse, and the itching almost made me crazy. In this condi tion I wa induced to take Swift's Spe cific, and the result was as astonishing as it was gratifying. In a few month the tetter was entirely well, the mer curial poisoning all out of my system and I was a well man and due only to Swift's Specific. All like sufferers' should take it. JAMES DUNNING, LouisviIle,Ky. What a Phytiician Nay. Cypress Ridge, Monroe Co., Ark., July 23, 1883. I Lave a bright little daughter who will be two years old next month. She has been troubled nearly ever since her birth with a skin disease, which I first diagnosed chicken-pox, but later found it to be some sort of eczema: at anr rate it rested very stubbornly all the different treatments. I procured one bottle of Swift's Specific and gave it to her in small dost-s three times a day. and in a short while had the satisfac tion to see that she was entirely well I am so well pleased with its effect on her that I shall not only nne it in my prac tice, but I shall adminisrer it to my other children and take it myself. W. E. Bronte. M. D. Our treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free to applicants THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . Drawer 3, Atlanta, 0a- To be Closed Out. Having recently purchased the bar and stock of liquors formerly belonging TTut Rixhv T intend to close oui thesto- kby the first day of February. The best HEHTUCKY WHISKEY hatiix bought at my house t Sl.M,1 per gallon than the same can at the distillery by the barrel. All other OrainPr0pOmj?M.KENDRICK. FOR SALE. Cotton Seed Meal for feedferor fertilking, in q""? it. Ti,i host ieeu cattle ever sold, being worth twice w much as corn meat T Doot Foil t ncrvftrtf '- OHABLAri-! vw 'I .J il

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