yyj, . ii, '' "-. .. i i I' '"in lir imiiiMffUnMwnii hi hi i pi, n; r , i . ! .mn ; i , -, ,. If.- . -v - i . ...... ,, .' 1 . . 'L j . . 1 - ' - - ' !1I s 1 1 i .15. i ill - '"J lew Goods Coming Every Day Largest Stock in the State oi -AND . J SKK WWW KEM V W KKM I. WW K L WW M L WW B L RBJt B R J K WWWW J fel jj in WW R K T UXLR B T DIAMONDS Silver and Silver Platfd 04d!' 8nVrBd fStel pectleri Opera Olaaaes, Gold-headed.Cane, and Fancy Gooda generally, all of which I am Mllias low tor caab. . Wtch'GtaaWorily 10 cents. Watohes, Clocks and Jewelry repaired aad warranted. J.T.BUTLER, CAROLINA JKW&LItV 0TORE ' Charlotte. N. C. REMOVAL. The Old aid Well Itablfefc& llem mf Hare removed to the Urge and Ciniodio Store CORNER TRADE -ndTRTOil.'Ss Where TherXTlU W:pjftlw Their Old jCutmer i4h T Plemseel t flhw rFUnmt ,51 AN ELEGANT LINE OF TRS &xtenduig the congrafultion oTth Mason we take the ogbrtunikj thanking a generout public for the pat- rnage 'given n daring the east lerea yean, and confidently hope to merit a eoatinuanea iae future. Respectfully; WV W W AA wwww u r,i lZ ' JV. wfll M w 1 0 i.- - - 7-7 ft w ww per inunei 01 so tffr&f tor good sound cotton seed, de- perotwhel for seed delivered at any gu- ferear loads of A i tons and above, we freight ca . -ze.-4--:.'-?-;fe.. wwwiu-pT5 v a t:-i cf r -l This ehanae lf - 5 cf i t - ttlrfi Messet amor 4 ,; be - -W itin 3;oC J iffjl?at prisrtL s two 3 j ClAELorni; nrr. m' : nov$dwtt; ttf J ' . - ?, - ChArlatA. -W.Vl and iiiti 1 1 nhi tn immnninrit t7v . rr. r ""T ches,C la oi WARE Cheapest Oiiini Cotton m n n K t !n dmP s .w lots, wim ch. Within lhwmlnnte ' HBW NOTES. Joseph Keesler, a wealthy resident and extru8tee of Lanainburgh, N. Y., hot himsef Thursday. His recovery is doubtful. Persian troops have successfully repulsed the attacks upon Meschid of Turcomans under the leadership of a Mussulman fanatic. The jury in the case of Barney Jones, on trial in Petersburg, V., for the murder of Woodson Dunn, Thurs day rendered a verdict of guilty of involutionary manslaughter fixing the punishment at oi.e year in jail and a fine of $535. , The annual report of the inspector of buildings in New York shows that during tht? past yer J,623 new build ings were erected in New York city at a cost of $44,304,638 Among the buildings erected were six hotels, eleven churches, five schools and ten places of amusement. Bushord W. Mahone, a wealthy money .Broker of Mount parme was naurdered within a' . Jfeet his own gate in the most publi -; thor oughfare of that city, at 6 o'clock on Tuesday night. The assailant used a blunt instrument, and was evidently bent on murder, as any one of the three or four blows would have oc casioned death. A Nroman's body was taken out ef the East river at One-hundred-and twentieth street Yew York, Wednes day evening. Two natirons were fastened to a cord around the waist. with a cloak of brocade silk and plush and black kid gloves. The democrats of Philadelphia Thursdav renominated Samuel G. King for mayor. Furman Sheppard was chosen as the candidate for city solicitor, and John Hunter was in dorsed for tax receiver. Mr. Hunter Us th present ta receiver, ana tne nominee oi tne .repuoiicans aou wie citizens' committee of one hundred. Gen. Gordon has arrived at Cairo and held a conference with the Brit ish minister there. Mr. Clifford Lloyd undersecretary of the interior, is ill Wtbjlver in DaaroS The British gov eitoSentis said W be holding 10,000 troops in readiness to embark for Egypt in case or an emergency. Thnmaa Michael and John Ouie In v. father and sons, fatal! v assaulted Thomas, alias "Black" Ward Wed 'naaAav' murVifa in TToanv' Mnlnrtn. at Hunters ruint, Lu i. xne uigieys accused ward ot giving lniormauon to police which connected them with the larcenv of some nroDertv Mich ael Quigley has been out of Sing Sing prison onlj a few days. Mrs. Henrietta T. Chadwick, a KAAiiHful wnman 30 vears of aee. the wife of a traveling man named Frank Chadwick. committed suicide WoHnMiHnv nitrht, in n rnnm on State street in Chicago, where she has been living with a man wnose name is supposed jto be Eyre T. Randall. The York. All the parties moved in good society. - V: CoMparmiire Statistics. Baleigh Ftm and Observer Below we make a comparison of the agricultural condition o Worth Caro lina with that of Massachusetts, Penn sylvania, Indiana and Kansas. The figures are drawn from the census report and may be taken as correct . ..The value of the farms in Massa chusetts is $146,197. 00CT; implements, $5,134,000; livestock. $12,950,000 re pairs, $618,000; total invested in agri culture, '$165,000,000; the products were $24,000,000, or about 14 per cent, on the investment. The figures for Pennsylvania are : Value of farms, $975,689,000; imple ments, $35,473,000: live stock, $84,- 242,000; repairs, $5,500,000; total in vestment, $1,101,000,000; the pro ducts were $129,760,000 say 12 per Jndiana had farms to the value of 1635,2364)00; implements, $20,476,000; live stock; $71,000,000; repairs, $3,- 350,000; total investment, $730,000, 000 the'producta were $114,707,000 or 1 H Wi."ltQTHf J'; f Kanf ansasliadin-farms. $235,178,000: implements f 1552j00b; live stock, W0.907.000: tebalre. $2,687,000: total Investment, 1314.000,000; the pro atlCtBllPere $5240, 000-about 17 per cent. ... North Carofflia"nad in farms $135, 793,000; implements $6,078,000; in livestock, $22,414,000 ; repairs, $1,869, 654 total investment, $166,000,000; total .products $51,729,611; about 32 per cent. On the value of property hi' agriculture North Caro kna.ob tains by , way of products 32 per cent, which is about twice the per cent, yielded in Kansas and Indi ana, and more than twice the per cent. yieJd3d in - Pennsylvania and 'Massachusetts. This does not take into consideration the cost of labor. Labor at the North is higher than withus but then it works to better ttdTvamdgeV There 1s ha reason why Northern farmers cannot labor just as efficiently here as in the Northern States. With one half the investment here, the. Northern emigrant will make&s tfi'cTrin North Carolina as he cm et U 3"North. That's the point Fsy: h'Xit lwk out. If a farmer in ;jrybf4 3 Northern States has an ahvestme .tjbfJf 5,000 it yields him, r dtftnliaV his labor, say $800: the ame Investment at the South would yield him $1,600, not counting the labor. . Doea Futmiuf Pari Oitv ttonambt. ' It does. Who leave money? -The farmer Who lay up anything? The farmer, ; . WhoPpprt all othe busi ness? The farmers. Who have old stockings full of old, rusty coin? The farmers. Who live moderately upon their, own hog rad heminy? flfa farmer. --Whe are- most independent of the changes of life; its vicissitues and ups and downs. The farmers. Why, then, do not all farmers pros per and grow rich? Why? Well, that's a question easier asked than answered. - Theprincipal reason is that farmers generally are not posted fiponjmrrent prices and are not in omeas Id the rise and valuation of property and consequently make, bad bargains.' This can only be re medied by their co-operation, meet in together in their eluha and a. fchaflfennflr viewk? KSi- jL.'t.-..' .. . . .. iaea oisman canzreFutie Fowr. Mtheu.lmM to Chicago Reporter, ' .Ydu system cf -".:r.?mfin tn nnK position in.this county fi sadly at iatUfc'The CO"Ijf rv i fnll of crron. men who woul i he or anyt position. wit ty your plai c f ti.ctmg men tp Cdhsrre'RS. A f . - - 1 fix4, inn in a. Rtjtta lot district Can ktt p out the great men. ana eiect tcosa wro are vastly lnfem nr in tviint ot ability-' Thia - ia had, and the people bf, the .country heuld certainly do flctoethmg. .' : Aver V Puis uraoninintion. im nrore the atmetita. nrnmnta HlmutUHt' .fivervfiinction. ft They- ainlriuurt t tlte'V ?EeatIe m (hehr 6iteritfMLMllI. ouga, teatctung,' and powerful in sub. dning misease. 4 " i -r PJEWITIiaTIaKVURWED. Tne Miaaesota state PenitenMary Lp- pc4 op dt the Flames IjOM f OOO. "M-namr poT.ia "Wiirw.. Jan. 26. A fire broke out in the State penitenti- . . . . . , , 1 4. -1 l- 4. X ary at 11:4a ociock iai jugun. m srutA nf pvprv effort all the buildinsrs were destroyed. The prisoners inclu- 2 . AU.' r XT smm KwtKaFQ WAKt An rmA vYoA utirfpr stmn? giiaflj: feiihe yard: The loss is proba- Diyaw,wy. Thie fire was first .discovered by a pedestrian who failing to attract the attention 01 tne prison gouirus rau down Jown and gave the. alarm. It ca'ught under the main office of the Car Uompany ana wnen tne nre ae partment arrived it v as impossible to do any effective work on account of a dense smoke. . At one o'clock it be came evident that the prison was doomed and one company K. . of the State militia was called upon to, as sist in removing me convicts, awuu 330 in all were shackled together by means of long fine chains and re mmraA m Aiffarpnt nmntn in tha nriR xuv v r r on grounds. The fire spread with re markable rapidity and starting at the east ena OI tne prison soon reacneu th Warden's office and the rooms occupied by the guards. It then spreaa to tne omces 01 vne liorwi western Car Company, the entire front part of the building being a f n . it.. DCi t mass oi names, r rem tue umw uj. the Car Company, the fire spread to the kitchen and eating room of the prison adjoining in which the chapel is miuaieu. Bob Iaeersoll Outdon-. Sevt Jork Timt. Tho President of the company owning the City of Columbus is re ported to have said that the wreck ing of the vessel was "the act of God." Mr. Ingersoll, in his moments of most reckless blasphemy, never said anything so shocking as this. Wal the Seaate !Nee4. Phiadeiphia Tftoe. What the Senate appears to need is aiiasting committee on the res t. whnflA dntv it should be to watch the restaurant bar and make an analysis of all suspicious drinks which were passed out in 'crockery cups" and innocent looking booties. Thht Deadlock- T?d a lrB-sy-iUT TTv .Tan 5fi Spna- I torial situation "unchanged. Caucus adjourned till Monday. Home Iirm. 'AH your own fault If yoa remain sick when you can Get hop bitters that never Fcul. The weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use hop bitters with sfety and great good. Old men tottering around from rheumatism, kidney trouble, or any weakness will be almost new by using hop bitters. My wife and daughter were made healthy by the ute f hop bitters and I recommend tnem to my people. Metho dist Clergyman. Ask any good doctor if hop Bitters aie not the best family Medicine on earth Malarial fever, ague, biliousness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with hop bitters. "Ed. Oswego 8a n. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless ana more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in each draught. The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in hop bitters. Asi Enthuaiastic Endorsement. GORHAM. If. H., July 14, 1879. Gemts Whoever you are, I don't know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of adulterated medicines there Is one compound that proves and does ail it adver tises to do, and more. Four years ago I had a slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me to such an extent that the least excitement would make me shake Uke the Ague. Last May I was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, bat did not see any change; another did so change my nerves that they are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, if yen continue to manu faetore as honest and good an art'cie as you do, yoa win accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fell'w-men that was ever conferred on mankind. - TIM BTJECH. THE GREAT lK. IIO LEWIS. '; nia OutiHWeBi Opinio. The very marked testimonials from College professors, respectable physi cians, and other gentlemen of intelli gence and character to the value of Warner's 8AFE Cure, published in the editorial columns of our best newspa pers, have greatly surprised me. . Many of these gentlemen I know, and reading their testimony I was impelled to pur chase some buttles of Warner's SAFE Cure and analyze it. Besides, I took soma, swallowing three times the pre scribed quantity. I am satisfied the medicine is not injurious, and will frankly add that if I for nd myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble I should use this preparation. The truth is. the medical profession stands dazed and helpless in the presence of more than one kidney malady, while the tes timony of hundreds of intelligent and very reputable gentlemen hardly leaves Ioom to doubt that Mr. H. EL Warner as iiln upon one of those happy dis coverles hich occasionally bring help to suffering humanity. WANTED. -We want men and wo men everywhere, to sell our Dia monds. No previous experience neces sary. For particulars address WEAK LEY & BURNETT, 237 Vine Street, Cincinnati. janl5dlm I If you are growing Gray or Balif I If your Hair Is Thin, Brasbj, Dry, 1 j. Hanh, orTTeaki " 1 If yon are troubled with Dandraff, - w Itching, or any Humor or Dis ease of the Scalp, I TTET3 If-:-- HairVifiror: f-S'-r a . t- . It heals nearly every disease peculiar to I 1 r o 1 TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. the diseases of tiie Laman race. These symptoms lnUlcete ttieir exutenoe : Ion mt Appeuw, uoweu cosUtc, Sick Head ! cite, U1mm Mtnp etlag, avers Iom to fowl. Irrltsoaiitw r tplrtta, A reeumy; ot having acaaeeted jome aty, -wraaess, v iatic riac at the Heart, Dots before the ctm. Iifrhiv ml- . ore Vrlm, OJHITIPATIOM, and de- mana roe use or remeuy that acts directly , en the Uver. As a Lire r metj0ine xUTT'S 1 PI lLS hstre no cqnal. Their action on the ; KM ii eys and Sk I n-ia also prompt; removing all imparities- tbroag these three scav enger of the system,1 producing appe . tite,soand digestion, regnlar stools, a clear skin and a vigorous body. TPTTS PII.LS cause no naosea or griping' nor interfere with daily work and re a perfeet - -' 1 AWT8DOTE TO MALARIA, HE PTJ9 UMXi A NET""ltAlf.' ' I nave had Dyspepsia, with- ConsOpa- 1 don, two years, and havejtrW tern diOercnt kinds of puis, and TTTT' are the first that hare done a "any (food, fhey nave ' cleaned me oat nioely. Mt appetite- ia -srrtodid, food digests resdi' and 1 now . . if a cxal pasaasrea. Ill like a new ii W. I). EDWAEDS, Palmyra, Ov- t Sola rw. xheTe,ae Offic,4MartySU,K.Y.; : TUTTS HAIR DYE. Ghat Haix OS WaraKKEs changed in stantly to a UIxmst Black by-a single ap. pUoatlon of this Dtb. Sold by Drogglsta. or sent by oppress on receipt ef I Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TBTT'I MAVOAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBES. 85 S. Clark St., Opp. Court House, CHICABU ia tas United States, whoa urx luk UfKaiEScs, perfect Btethed and pore medicine iasnre aPKEDT nd PEXMAXKKT otnuts of all Private. Connie and Nervoos Dieaise. A Sect km t of the Bload, Skin. Ktdaeys, Bladder, ErnpMans, Vtoeea, Ola Saras, relllas artaeClaada,aare Blawla. Taraat, Hone Palas, nemanesUjr eared aad arsdicsieq from the syrtem lor Jila. . HCBtf nilC Df0Uif.Xmpotome!if,8eminl II kit I U U 0 Loei, Sexual Decay, Men tal and Physical ITealmeaa, JFnQing Memory, Weak Eye, Stunted Development, ImpMi tewitCs to Marriage, ete front exetet or comas, apee&Og, eofetg anul priuatdf Cwred. aT-Xawaa. Middle-Aarra aad Old man. aad all wbo need medical skill aud ezBteriaee,eoaaIt Dr.Bateatonoe. Hi opinion ousts notbina. sod any save fatnre misery nd shame. Wfaea incoavenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines esa be seat everjrvhere br mail or express free frees aaeer , vatioa. Kfll is self-evident that a Bhrsician who givea his whole attention to a class of dissssCT at-. tales fre at sklll.and physicians thronchoat the eomitry.knownTTthis.freorjitlTreeommeBddiBioaiS eases to the Oldest nsxclaUlet by whom even kaews a-aee1 r eased v is need. --Dt. Bstea An sndT mi Iraaa maks his amaivnM an- srvae lanamrritaee. aThooe who call see no one bat the Doctor. Ooasnitstion free sadeaert ely eaafMeatlaa. Cases which hare failed in obtsinina renei eiaewnere. espeoisiiy aonruo. remaie Ins eeses treeted. Call or write. Honrs, from 9 to 4 e to S Soodan. lO to IS. Cuids TO Hz alt a SECT FbZE. Address as shore. novl8deodaw STOCK OF- Groceries, Confectioneries and FANCY GOODS3 Can be foundat A. B. KISBET & BRO'S. AT REASONABLE PRICES Keep Out the Cold BY PUTTING IN RUBBER WEtTHEK STRIPS It is the very thing for putting oa doors and windows to stop draught. Call and see it. We are carrying the largest stock or HARDWARE in the State, and would be pleased to have your orders. Brown, Moitoo & Co. fancy goods AND Silver Plated Ware AT AND BELOW COST. We are desirous of closing out the oaiance or our HOLIDAY GOODS and will sell them regardless of cost. onina mustache cups and saucers 50c worth $1.00. China mustache cups and saucers 75c worth 41.50. China motto tea cups and saucers 35c. worth 50c. China motto coffee cups and saucers ouc. wortn i .w. China motto coffee cups and saucers oc. wortn i.&u. China mugs 15c. and 25c. worth 25c. and 50c. ' Lot of vases, etc- , at half price. Silver plated ware at greatly reduced prices. Very respectfully, LUDOLF HARTS FIELD. dec29 WAR IN CHINA ! THE FRENCH BUDGET FOR THE PROSECU TION OF THE WAR SUSTAINED AND R. H. W. BARKER AGAIN TO THE FRONT, With his laree and ma?nlflnt stvlf of VPTTlTTT.T. ZERS, to make cotton to make clothing for "the boys" over m the heathen land. He will sell tills year several brands of the best quality oi FERTILIZERS ever offered to the farmers la this country, at as urn a yrtw as mey can oe Dougm imywnere. To all mv Old enstomnrs. unit t.hV fcte bwlnn desire to-aay eome and try me once more. To new customers I want to gar that I have never failed to please, and to-day, as I nave always done, offer the oe fertilizers ior tne least money. Respectfully, R. H. W. BARKER, Janl8 HuntersvUle, N. C. Whose eebtlHy. ezbMsted pewrsv niitt!i ocay and failare to perform Ike's duties froperly are eansed by excesses, errors of roath. eta. wu sisa m prvc ana lastm, restarattoe to re bast hen it tsd ."either st teitl instr tiMlfniMiiu. Si irmsi jiesiuiv sn lirslaail sjceav is nnif ormur siiiilienfiil because bssed oa perfect diacnons, new nnd cllreeS Snethads and sb-ointe rhor vawhaoss. "nll infosmstioa and Treatise free. Adorees Conscltinc fhrsician of URSTON REMCDYeO.,4CW.14thSt, KewYork. novlSdeodaw TheREIVIINGTOII ) HORSE-POWER mmmmi Neariyseeffed-i rvssss steam-1 j about oae- rt analscpsns lor . repairs. Fby 'desert p.. unro. met eost. I . Slid leas tbiml coe-teeth aa.1 -REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO - U40N, New York IriilE TEE BEST ASSORTED WealiNenousKen eTa- .St- 31 ra U UUUUd "HQ a, J u-uuuis, piEBylEjMii!(!l3EB!oa) The only known tpeafe for Epileptic Fits.-3t atavAlso for Spasms and Fating bickness.'Va. Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever.-et jgyNentrslizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds.-SS A3PennancnUy and promptly cures paralysis. Ics, It is charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breaut te good, removing caase. fST-Bonts buio&sneas and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laiative.-ga It drives Sick Headache like the wind.- t5vCoi) tains no drastic cathartic or opiates. PiomDtlvures Rheumatism bv routine itva Sestorcs lie-giving properties to the blood.-js. is guaranteed to cure ail nervous aiBoraera.-v lsT'Bclisble when all opiates fail.-a - -Refreshes the mind and taTigomtes the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded.-. "Enilorsed in writing by over fifty thousand Eeadia "physicians in U. 8. and Euro(e."Ca Leading clergymen in V. 8. and Europe.-w Diseases of the blned awn It a conqueror. BS For sale by all leading druggists. $1.60."S The Sr. S. A Richmond Medical Co., Props. . bt. Jtweph, Mo. (2) For testimonials and circulars send stamp. C. N. Crittcnton. Agent, New York. A REAL REMEDY. Ifeltber n eticavl nur I Ddistn in Origin nt scteatific stael onvcifte. A BK1 rvUV of ever Twenty-lfle years staoding. A KtSlTlsiUV more popular at home, and where best known. than au otner aemeaie ot its una. ttK.nt-.ov endorsed by the best Physidaus and Druggets at is uome. Otat Mr. a W. O'Neill, Ooodwater, Ala., sais rais ed his wf4 from an lnvailii s Ded, and be beneves saveu her die. A BEHKDT of which a prominent Atliat nierchant said, "I wonia nave e ven aoUU as soon as so-'n as l wouia a nickel lor what two Doxies of loaf medicine did Xattos dauRauir.n A ft BlnEDl In reeard to which 8. J. Caasele. H D. Druggist, of TBOmasviilB, ua , sas: "1 can recall instances in which it afforded reilet after all the usual rtme dlea had fal od " a RRneny. about which Dr w. B Ferrell, La Orance, 6a., writes: " i have used 'or the last oil years the mod Icli e you are puulnii np, and eoniderlt the best eombtuaui-n ever aottea together for the 41- aaaaos nit waica u IS roCumaHtoaeo. ' of which Dr. Joel Bntnham, Atlanta, said- "I have examined the recipe, and have no hesita tion In adrisuut Us use. atd confidently recom- A HBHIRDT which the Bev. H Johnsoo. near Marietta, Oa. sas be has used li his family with -the utmost saUsfaetlun." and rocommeuded It to the f am 'lies "who fuund II u be just what t is recommended A M stint-DY of which Pemrton. Iverson ft Denlton say: ' We have been seiiinc it lor maui tears, with con stand; increasing sales The arleie Is a staple silt us, ana one ot eosoiuie merit." A HKItrDV of which Lamar, Hnktn ft Lamar say: "We sold 60 gross in tour moma ana never sold U in any ilaee but what It was wanted again " a urntDT by which Dr. aizh. of LaOntnge. Ga.. says: " cored one "f tun most obstinate amss uf Vicab odb ti kiibtbu ATioji mat ever came witnin my Knowledge. 1 Ji a lew txHties. a m sj.,vi tT of which Dr. J. C. Htns. NotasiUtv Ala . says: am f ui ly convinced tnatlt Is uurlvaiied tor thtt class oi diseases whien it eialnis to cure." A KB VI ROY about which MaJ. Jna ;. wnttner. of AUanta. well and favorably a mows all over the United states n a Uen-ral Innuranee sgrni says: I Qyd this Bemedy, before the war on a larse D'am tln o a gr-at nomr tiof eases, and alwar with absolute a REneinr abontwhieh J W Htraage, of Csrtersvine. Oa. rwrunea rnai one ooo.e cured two mentDers oi nts nunllr of taenacrual irregularity of many yeirs -in-iing - A RRKHT thai Is CXAPXH TaAJI AJTf dim HTDICnTBnf i'n kind In ItMi w.1d Oexau ' na K TWO BOTTLaS WUX CtTBS Til ItOBT OBBTIMAra CASB t- ft Y In rwH to wboe anfalltng n'irival'ed enratlve pmnrviivM nave ma -y nanervi4 m tttim iitas This okkaT potolab rjdtkdt is Bkad rrsi ds RBSULa-rua ( Wwmm's Brst rrtend ) sate by nil irus:iius. Price: PmaiTsise 7n eenta. Lrge size Sl-5 ouie rropneior ana nanuiseinrr, J. BbtADFIKLD, No 108 8. PrvorSt ei Atlanta, O. AT HAYES & BONNEY'S Is beinp received daily everything nice in tne urocery line. Try one of our Sugar-Cured Hams AND BREAKFAST STRIPS. The best of FLOU1. and BUCK WHEAT, prepared and unprepared, al ways on hand. Also a nice lot of FRESH BDTTER, EGGS ud CHEESE. We have now in store a choice lot of NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Pickle, Canned Qoods Extracts and Spices. Fresli Oat.TIenl, Pearl Grits and Meal, Plug: and Snaokinsr To bacco, and Cisrars In Endless Va riety. SPECIAL NOTICE. A car load of the best TENNESSEE BRAND, which we are selling very low, GIVE US A CALL. janl3tf HAYES & BONNET. BEFORE V-AND -AFTER Electrle AppHaocet are sent on 30 Days' 1 rial, TO MEN ONLY, Y0U3Q OR OLD, 117 HO are suffering I from Nkkvocs Debiutt, W Loav Vitality, Lack or Nervr Foaes asi Visor, wastimq weakkxsses. and all those diseases of aPsasosai. Matubs nwultinK from Abusss snd ; Other Causes. 8peedy relief and complete resto - ration of Health. V ioor and Manhood guaranteed. ; The grandest discovery of tile Nineteenth Centurr Bond at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOITAIC BELT 60., MAH5H&U, MICH. novl8deodaw rrft r n fresa Towth! alWeaki seraoaae eare sVee aanfnlli n i n n olbla&QbIl , -a noviooociaw 4U aTa H 1T aVA ULnll 1 mm Snwaanl awSnSsl awsvawnT AUi V sm Haw ajtAw"eff. DEPARTMENT of MECKLENBURG ; Charlotte, Deo, 16ta, 1883. Speeial Order ) IVo. I. ) All loyal subjects of his Royal High- ness are hereby informed that at the E Opposite Gaston's Stove Depot. They will find a large assortment of CHRISTMAS G()( )DS, And at prices to suit the times. Call early, before, the rush, that yon may Base yonr purcnasea-Batisiactonly and n Christmas Morn make Klad the hearts of all the family. By order pf 4IvTA (XAl'S. CM. Etheeedoe, Manager. I have waerons. wheel-barrows, shoo- flies, tool chests, drums, trunks, ten pins tea sets, work boxes, writing desks. comb and brush cases, furniture 6eta, aous, in great variety, vases, china goods, emoking-sets, elegant bisque fig ures, silk handkerchiefs. &c., &c.. &c. something to suit parents.- grand Ba rents, brothers, sinters, uncles, aunts, sweethearts, and all of the dear little ones. Come and see Jumbo. Jr., the walking baby elephant and other novel ties. Respectfully. C. vi. etherfdge. P. S. All letters for Santa Clans mv be left here. FIRE AND WATER Proof against both, by applying Mott's Mineral Paint to roofs of every de soiption. It preserves wood and metal and is especially adapted to railroad bridges, trestle work, depots, water tanks, car roofs, etc. Guar anteed to last longer and ap plied at less cost than any oiher paint. t CnARLOTTrc Fire and Wa ter Proof Roofing Co. Christmas Presents -FOR- ONE AND ALL -CONSISTING OF- Fine and Staadard Books, (In Prose and Poetry), VhMX GOODS Photogrraph and Antoffrapn ALBUMS, Writing: Denies, Box Paper, Gold Peas and Pencil, Scrap Books, &c, fcc Christmas and New Years' Cards n large numbers and all quantities, From lOe to $6.00, We have a long class of presents which are too numerous and varied to mention, in fa t we carry the largest stock in the South, and have everything pertaining to our line, and will be greatly pleased to have all call and see us. TIDDT fc I1RO. rnntii! rrtTiT i t ah nnrai nng ana speeay enre tog Nenout IMoMy aaA W.alaua, I Z w"ua rvTor, ot any 1 evUresnitof indiscretfcm, ntces. overwork, eta, (over forty taoa- sand positive cores.) B S -nd Am. iur ugnan on sriai OOZ OC 100 pills. Address, tBskiiar. and Calhonn Plan, hxr. t novl8deodaw LIME! LI (VIE! AGRICULTURAL LIME and BUILDING LIME. Alsc CARBO-PHDSPHATEcPHOSPMATICUME Send for. Circular. Address FRENCH BR0S.S?jK jan6dawtm I CURE FITS! for s t.ma n.nsi tViaa v. .1st. rzL rSiiS'j1-1 h n mArfe te disease of ilTS, EP1 LKPSTOR F-VULlSorSICKNItSS aUMoncstodT. iivsrrant bit remedy to enre the worst rssns flnneiair otbers barefaiW is no rex son for ant now reoeiTinc a enre. Send at once for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of mf infaflibie remedy. Give ITiiii ain aad Poetaffios. It ; costs yoa nothing for s trial, and I will core yoa. Address Db. H. O. ROOT, 18S Pearl St., Hw York. : j-n1daw4w WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS VIT THB HIT.it AM BODY K LA KG ED. DEYElJ OPEP. S IMtKSQTHEWRn. - E,c. wan Inte'reTHo sdvrerH.mBnt long ran Inm.rir.pec Inreqly tpui 0 lines we w.ll say uiat toere i noSienoe ot hnrn pjniboatthia. limn. t!l,..,i,-,.. . Scaled oiron sni c-iTmg all partienhira by addresgin -r liara Algbicjn, kn rfalo. ja V. folate tw W Av ir i janioeodA-wlyri. .-us 1 'i n 'Mjtatjsiii in inl.'j a tTSivw-At L a llan I H Jmemm mm -e w Af-rfT Alff TY ST ft Jt mil ivii IlltaJIII law i r sow retired) He j,'?arit,Jimwiri TsTTiuJ ! ,fc?.?fSJI!A!lewlne-Sl'Sessflii - $30,000 FOR '$2. r". I BX6ULAB MONTHLY DRAWINS WILL l take place In Uw IfasoDla Ball. Masonic Uill - in Loatsvllie, K., Tlinrdsr, Jaassrr ?laV, 1S84. A lawful Lottery and fair drawings. ehartenHi by the Legislature of tr., and twice d iclared ieiral ot the hiabe-t court in the Htate. Bond gtveo to Henry rountf in the snm of S I IKi.OOO lor the prompt payment t prizes som. ABaTJLDTION IN NUUBX l DB1W- Mr-Beery tiettet holier his own supervisor, ean call out tne number on tils Poke and ee tne cor responding nn-noer on the tag placed In the wheel In bis presence rhese drawings will iccur nr. the last Thursday of every month. Bead the magnificent J1NVABT scHcne. 1 Prm.. 1 Prtxe 1 Prize 2 Prizesj $2,500 each..... 5 Frizes, l.OOOeseh,.:.. in PHeea. Ron eaen..'. $80,000 l0,0Ot R.OOt BJ 6,000 1U.0UI. inn Prima. inOsaeh.. 10.001 a 00 Prteea, 50 eaeh. 10.000 600 Prises, 20 eaeh, 10,0Oi moo Prfma. 10 eaeh. . 10.004 9 Prlzea. $800 each, Apprnxbaaaon PriTes $2,70X 9 Prixea, 200 " " " " 9 Prlasw. 100 " not 1 857 Prises.. ll0 40( Whole Tickets. $2: Half Tickets, $1 : 27 Ticket? KO RK Tieketa. $100 Bemlt Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or senr by Rx press. DON'T 8KND Bl BSMlBTintKI LKTTSB OB POSTOmCX OBDKB, until further notice. Orders of $tand upward, by bpresa. ean be sent at our ei penae. VdrtrM all orders to J. J. DOUGLAS. septl Louisville. Ey. PatapCA Flouriog Mills. EST1BLI81IGD 1774, Ifnlir 1774. Roll . PATENT VCASAMBRIUMfs.Co. mm This company own and operate three mills, as follows: PATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicott City, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILL B, at Baltimore. Maryland. PATAPSCO MI LLC, at Orange Grove Maryland. Having a daily capacity of 1,500 Barrels. PATETT ROLI.DR FLOUR, manufactured from Maryland and Vir ginia Wheat, celebrated for it Durity and richness of Gluten, Phosphates, and other nutritious properties. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR- PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, PATAPSCO FAMILY, PATAPSCO EXTRA, CAPE HENRY FAMILY, JSORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, BEDFORD FAMILY, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA, C. A. GAMBKILL.T1P U CO., 32 Commerce St., Baltimore. Md. Represented by R. N. Littlejohn, Charlotte N. C. nov!3dtf Pegram k Co., lealers in HATS, CAPS, m nis. ra m -AND TRAVELING BAGS, First National Bank Iluillinr, Opp. Central and llaford, CHARLOTTE, N. C R. H. N A CO., DRUGGISTS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH STOCK OF Rajah Tea, He-No Tea, BLACK AD GBGEX TEAS, MELLIN'S INFANT FOOD, CO.'VDENSEIw 9IILK, BPP8' COCOA, And the Largest Cab of Toilet S)ip For 5 and lO Cents, Also a full stock of DIAMOND DYES. R. H. JORDAN & CO. Sprin?' Coraer. KEKOENE OIL, LUBRICATING OILS. CaHESS!ABLEYCXJ.. BOOTS potteries CAPITAC PRIZE, f 7S,00. Tickets only $5. Shares in' Proportion. Lcuisiana State Lottery Co We do he.rehti rtrUf . ., a J 'nt ice Saner- xona State Lottery Company, and in per on manage and control the Drmuinas themselves, and that the game are con- S i "?,th. honestV' fairness, and in goo,i faith toward ail parties, and w. authorize the company to use thU certifi cate, unthfac similie of our signature, attached, tn Us advertisements. "' Incorporated in 1868 for 35 years by the Legislature for Educational aud Vi Sfcu,T2serwith a caPitttl of 1 000.(r-0 to which a reserve fund of ever &550.000 has since been added. By a- overwhelming popular vote iw franchise was mad a prr of the pres ent State Constitution adopted Decem ber 2d, A. D.. 1879 The only Lottery ever voted on and en 10" Ae people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a for tune. First Grand Draw;ng, Class It at New Orleans, 1 iTESDIT, February la, ifi&f. 165th Monthly Drawing. tS" CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at $5 each. Fractions in ruins in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of 875.000 jo do 25.000 1 do do in 000 2 PRIZES S6.000 12 000 " 8000 10 000 10 1-000 - 10.000 20 . 500 A. 10.000 10 200 20 000 fOO 100 80.000 t ' 5 20.000 1i00 -r0 25.005 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximate Prizes $750..$ 6,750 " " 500. 4.500 9 ' " 250.- 2.250 1,97 Prizes, amounting tn S2t5 500 Application fur rates to clubs should be made only c the office of the Com pany in New Orleans. Fprfurtlier information write clearly giving full address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to iew Orleans Ifationnl Rank. x , New Orleans. La. Postal Notes, and ordinary letters by Mail or Express, (all sums of S5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, n . New Orleans, La., Or M. A. DaHphin, 607 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. OJLMIS Candy Manufactory AUD BAKERY, West Trade St., Charlotte, W. C. CANDIES, CAKES, CANNED GOODS, CRACKERS, PRIZE GOODS, CHEWING GUM, PEANUTS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES, SNUFF, ETC., -AT- WIIOI.ES4LE A" RETAIL.. iw lew!! We have seeor -d tne services of a Brit c'ass ba ker, from New York, and we present to tbe lsdi of this clti a novel and delicious Loaf of Bread, something entirely new and never before offered 1 n this cltj. It Is the lending style and kind now bavin's mah a ran at Saratoga and Long Branca hoteN. Try It and joa will be convlnoed of lu su pe loritr. In oMer that you m r know our bread our rl v.tte braad O. K will be on each loaf. We m wt respcttmiy ask every lady to call 0 send and try this (I.I. BREW, , IT I NICE. We kep on bind the largest an-l nlosst assort ment of CAKES CAKKS fa he fjunl In tha 3tite. and can furnish on th shortest n:lc any quantity for parties or wed dings Our stock of FANCY GROCERIES Is uns irpaed and alway? frssh. F.iiniilei sup plied with everythlru tney usi. A snire or tbe oubllo patroaage solicited. Bespeetrullr. PHEtAN & ROSS. aagMMtt Some NO TICK. "Wi8h.ing to change my business, I offer for sale my Tobacco Machinery, consisting of 1 Pump, 4 Retainers. 3 Pot Mills and Retainers. 8 Box Screws. 9 Seta Shrouds and Bands. 2 Lump Ma chines bet in use 3 Sets each. 6, 0, 10, and 11 Inch shapes and everything nec essary to run the business, also one 20 horse Erie City Portable Boiler in good repair. (Price 350 00 F. O. B.) Will also sell my Plaatat oa aad Dif tillery for a fair priee. For farther Mrtieulars apply te or address. J.B. LAIOES, dWl SaUBbarjp, N. 0. jafll4w4w