P AIL Y C H ARL O T T E O BSE RER r FRID A Y F tvB RUABYf JU 1.894: : - s : n t Absolutely Pure. Tins powder oarer varies. A marvel of parity irength and wholesomeneat More economic an the ordinary kinds, and eannot be told in ompeauoa with toe multitude of low teat, snort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only m ns. Wholesale by 8PBINGS & BUB WILT mTl Charlotte, r C. iiflSTETTE&v 1 1 CELEBRATED The necessity for prompt and efficient household remedies is daily growing more imperative, and of these Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters is the chief in merit and the most popular. Irregular ity of the stomach and bowels, mala rial fevers, liver complaint, debility, rheumatism, and minor ailments, are thoroughly conquered by this incom parable family restorative and medici nal safeguard, and it is justly regarded as the purest and most comprehensive remedy of its class. For sale by all Druggistrs and dealers generally. A SURE REO!PE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immuni ty from complexionaL blem ishes may be round in Hasan's JUagnolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by druggists everywhere. It Imparts the most bril liant and life-like tints, and the closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations, Eruptions, King Harks under the eyes, Kallowness, Red n ess, Rough ness, and the flnshjif fttigue i-nd excitement are at once dispelled by the Magnolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic. JJ. OKFKKfi TO TBK WHOLESAIJ ATtn BETAIL TRADE A Large Stock of PIRE WHITE LEADS. varnishes, &c. J -AliO- TWO CAR LOADS uja jl Mil 4 Linseed Oil, Colors, v3 fir S3Mp 1 1 l.lllIIV'Iffil II', 111 I a -m-r r v-v iwiiii it mm lh U 11 H IMI All ill II. 114 1, -'i II II 1 I 1.1 LA 1 U i I I I I II ICIIIIt II '11 I I 1 I I I 4Wv -'1 Li M - t 1 1 Hi-WpADEN. THE GITIT. Arrival and Departure of Trains. Richmond 4 Danville and air-Line. No. 50 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 1:58 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 2:08 a. m No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 328 a. u. jjeuvm lur okuuiuiiu Hi auw a, TCI. No. 52 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12 3 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 02 p. m. No. 69 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 7:43 p. m. iieaves ior tucuinuuu at erua p. in. Charlotte, Columbia 4 Augusta. Arrives from Columbia at 730 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 :05 p. m. C, C. 4 A. A., T. 4 O. Division. Arrives from Statesvllle at 1030 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 8 p.m. Carolina Central. Leaves for Wilmington at 8:15 p. m., and for LaunnDurg ania. ra. Arrives from Wilmington at 730 a. m., and from Laurinburg at 4:40 p. m. C. C Shelby Division. Leaves for Shelby at 8:15 a. m. Arrives from Shelby at 540 p. m. Mails. General Delivery opens at 8:00 a. m.; closes at 60 d. m. Money Order Department opens at .9.00 a. m.; closes at dw p. m. Index to New Advertisements. E. D. Latta 4 Bro Special offerings. Tlddy 4 Bro Valentines. Carson Bros Florida oranges. Opera House, Feb. 4 Caughy's Illustrated Art Exhibition. Indications. South Atlantic States, cloudy weath er, local rains, southwesterly winds, falling barometer, nearly stationary temperature. LOCAL RIPPLES. Next Wednesday is the begin ning of Lent. A german is to be given by the young men at the Pleasure club rooms to-night, in compliment to the young ladies visiting the city. On the 30th inst., Mr. W. Moore was married to Mrs. E, E. Boyce, of Steel Creek township, ceremony was performed at The Dr. Mc- Strong's residence by Rev. C. E. Donald. -During the month just closed the number of mortgages and dee is re corded at the court house amounted to 306. '1 his is remarkably heavy business, especially for the first month in the year. Capt. S. S. Carter, formerly on the police force of this city, has mov ed with his family to Clarkton, a station on the Carolina Central, near Wilmington. He is now depot agent at that place. Mr. J. H. Clark, for the past six months an operator in the Western Union omce in this city, lett last niffht for Wilmington, to acceDt a like position with the same company there. Mr. T. O. Moore supplies the vacancy here. -This item we find in the Farmer and Mechanic: "Sam'l T. Nicholson, of Halifax, but latterly of Wilson, will remove to Charlotte, where his uncle, Capt. S. B. Alexander, resides, and engage in business. Trustworthy and popular, he will doubtless do well in the 'Future London."' The spring term of the Inferior court for Mecklenburg county will convene on the third Monday in Feb ruary, and the Superior court wfll convene on the last Monday in that month. There will be plenty of work for both courts, the four libel suits adding interest to the docket. -Esquire E. F. Simpson reports tying knots tor two parties, as fol lows: On the 30th, at the residence of Mr. Wilson Auton, in Long ( reek, Mr. J . W. Todd to Miss Jane E. Au ton. On the 27th, at Mrs. Mary Riley's residence, in the same town ship. Mr. R. F. Riley to Miss Harriet K. Riley. Tbe Sick. Capt. J G. Strickland, a'conductor on the Air Line road, is lying quite sick at his residence on Graham street. Gen. John A. Young, we re gret to learn, was taken suddenly sick at Jordan's drug store, a few evenings ago, ana naa to De. sent home in a carriage, lie nas not yet recovered sufficiently to come up town. Mr. Carl Koediger has been very low with pneumonia, but we are glad to state that he is improving and is now out of danger. Engineer Lewis, of the Carolina Central road, is lying critically sick at his home in this city. Opera House Monday Evening. Mr. Chas. M. Caughy has engaged the opera house Monday night, when he will eive an instructive and de lightful entertainment for the benefit of the Home and Hospital or this city. Mr. Caughy's entertainment will con sist of nanoramic views of scenes in foreign lands, all oi tnem or great in j. - . - - . terest and well worth seeing. A mat inee will be given Tuesday, when London and Paris will be presented. The general admission is only 25 cents, reserved seats &u cents, ana as iuu proceeds are to be given to the Home " -. . . J Al and Hospital we trust all the seats in the house will be hiiea. Resignation of tne Cotton Weigher. Mr. Eldred Griffith, who was last fall elected city cotton weigher by the board of aldermen, ana wno nas since been discharging the duties of that office, vesterday tendered his resignation to Mayor Maxwell. Mr. Griffith resigned to accept a more advantageous situation with R M Miller & Sons. He has made a good weigher, having attended to his du ties faithfully, discharging tnem with satisfaction to both buy ers ana sellers. xne vacancy will no doubt be filled by a called meeting of the board of aldermen. and there will be' plenty of candi dates. One name is suggestod for the place in this morning s issue. Business Change. Mr. C. C. Snvder vesterday sold his store and good will to Messrs Tfi Hunter and R. F. Stokes, who will conduct the business in the fu ture at Mr. Snyder's old stand, under the firm name or Hunter x otOKes, Thev will carrv a stock of fancy gro cenes. The new nrm wm no uuuui have a fine run of trade from the start. It would be hard to pick out . " n Ml J Li two more popular young men in tne whole city, or two wno commanu more friends. Thev were tormeriy employed by Wittkowsky & Baruch, Mr h nnter as DOOKeeuer tmu Stokes as salesman, and in embark- ntr in hnsinpKs for themselves tney hava on inT111fnP.fi RL llieir UOIIIIIinnn that will insure them a successful trade. Men of their popularity are WmnH to micceed and the firm just established bids fair to run through a long and prosperous course. - H Tl Ufaonn Van nf th N. T. Hotel StableS, New York. States that St Jacobs uu is tne om pain-cure tor man ana Deasu Horrors nf the Inquisition. Thi "Innnlcttlnn" nf nllton timft Inflicted bORtble tnrtnanta nn tin victims, such as stretching them In all kinds oi unreasonama snapes ami uiwij-6 thoir hnnui Thit thMM torments were not mucn worse than those which are experienced by . n . mffB. fmm miuMiljir rnMimfLusm. Mf. if O. Morgan, ol Syracuse, was a martyr to matcular rheumatism, dui rwnj jxhu b mu au bum weil. Mention wis to your menu w Ma tured wlw rheumatism. - kmanornu wonderfully imDrores th complexion and brings to old and young the bloom of health. Is a Doriner of the blood It has no The Worth Traia Demoralize, r The north train due here yesterday at 13:53 p.m., was a longtime get ting in, but managed to reach tne city last night at 12 o'clock. Tne snoony train lrom Richmond, con sisting of two coaches, came in on the delayed train's schedule, bringing a few passengers, but no mail or ex press, 'ihe cause of the delay was an accident to a freight train 40 miles this side of Lynchburg. A broken rail threw the train from the track, causing a baa blocfcade. A negro whose name we could not learn, was killed in the wreck. He was not a train hand but was stealing, a ride at me time ne met his death. Candlemas Day. Saturday, February 2nd., being Candlemas Day or the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin. appropriate Fer vices will be held in the Catholic church in this city. Mass will be celebrated at seven o'clock on mas morning, ix is customary on Candlemas Day.for the faithful of the Catholic church to donate candles for use on the altar during, the coming year, the candles being blessed by the priest in the church and put away for use. Wax candles are in variably used, and for the benefit of those who desire to donate candles. we state, at Father Wright's request,' mac tney can be found at the store of Mr. George Williams. Sworn Statement of a Robin Hnater. Mr. W. Q. Graham came into our office yesterday and reported Wed nesday night's work among the robins in the roost on Mr Jas Pharr's place, near the city. Being duly sworn he said that Mr. John Beattie and eight others went into the roost at 7 o'clock in the evening, and re mained there until 3 o'clock in the morning, and that when they count ed up their birds they found the whole number killed during the eight hours sport, was eight hundred and sixteen. Mr. uraham says it was the first time he had ever been in a robin roost and it beat anything he ever heard of. The roost is in a big swamp and they knocked the robins down as fast as they could ply their sticks. There was a party of negroes on the oppo site side of the roost and they killed several hundred birds. Mr. Graham says that he waded about through the swamp all night, but didn't get his feet wet a particle, because he had on a pair of Pegram's boots An Eye Pot Oat by an Accident. We regret to learn of a verv pain ful accident that, occurred to Mr. Junius Hayes, a citizen of Paw Creek township, resulting in the loss of one of his eyes. Mr. Hayes was splitting a plank, last Saturday, a week ago. when splinter flew up and struck him in the eye, cutting the top of the eyeball. The injured eye became in flamed and gave Mr. Hayes great pain. It continued to grow wo-se until last Sunday, when Dr. George Graham and Dr. Paul Barringer found it necessary to perform an operation. All efforts to save the sight having failed, it was decided to cut open the ball and let the dead matter out, so as to facilitate the heal ing process. This was done and tbe eye was relieved of the matter, leav ing a sightless, sunken socket. Since the operation, Mr. Hayes has suffered less pain and the inflammation has been rapidly subsiding. He has many friends in the ceunty who will sym pathize with him in this misfortune. Yick's Floral Guide. Who of us does not enjoy greeting an old friend, especially when we can congratulate him on looking well? It is with some such feeling that we welcome to our table V ick's Floral Guide, which comes to us dressed in the neatest and most elegant cover that enterprising house has ever issued. To every lover of garden work we commend in the heartiest possible manner, this beautiful and exceedingly practical publication. There is not a flower or a vegetable grown that is not illustrated in it, and some valuable advice given as to how to raise and care for them. Besides all this, the book contains a charming colored plate of flowery one containing a collection or vegeta bles, and the third shows a specimen of Vick's Extra Early Potato. Vick presents this Floral Guide (how ap propriate the title!) to all his last year's customers as a present, and to all others at the low price of ten cents, and tells such that they can deduct the cost of it lrom their nrst order for seeds. To our farmer friends, to every market gardener, and those who merely garden for Sleasure, we say Get Vick's Floral ruide, of James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. Giving a Man a Chance. He was a spry looking young man. wearing his hair parted painfully con spicuous and a college Daage on nis coat lapel marked him as a man of literary attainments. We felt at once that we were m tne presence oi a man who knew how to run a news paper, and were not surprised when he inquired the chances for a situa tion. "What you want," he said, "is a live, wide awake man on your staff. who can whoop up the news and nu four or five columnswith bright fresh matter." He seemed so earnest and so connoent tnat we conciuaeu w n , . i, i 1 J J X give him a chance, and immediately closing a contract with hiiri, sent him out to beat the bushes for news. The result was highly satisfactory. He came in at night, and after tearing out three-fifths of his hair and chew ing up an inch of his pencil, thus chronicled the events of yesterday as he had observed them: It is very muddy on the streets. Yesterday was a dull, rainy day. The red sunsets still continue. The days are growing longer. Work will soon commence on the new union depot. The new spu-e to the Methodist church is about completed. Mr. vt nistieaown is aigging a new well on his lot. One of our enterprising livery men had a horse shod yesterday. The police didn t run in a single drunk during the whole of yesterday. By the time be had finished the last paragraph he came to the conclusion that the calling of a reporter was too humble to suit him, and though we offered to double his salary, he re fused to enlist for another day, and carried himseii out to hunt up some other business that is in need of - a man to run it who knows how. The Man to Fll the Vacancy. To the Fditor of the Observer. As the office of cotton weigher has become vacant by reason of the resig nation ot tne rormer occupant, it nas been suggested that much ot the dis satisfaction heretofore existing in re cord to the cotton weighing business in Charlotte can be allowed by the se lection of the "new man." It is be lieved that Col. Chas. W. Alexander would be acceptable to everybody in interested. He is a gentleman held in high esteem by the public, and practically qualified to discharge tha duties of the position. " Lu mij rAUi ifctirx To, winter eongBs; iokto, aches anl palM yW wiUonTcaptPorus Rasters tl be - J TT 1 Transfers ef Real Estate. ' ""The following transfers real estate in Mecklenburg county, were record ed with, the Register of Deeds during the month of January: Deed frem Merchants and farmers Bank to J.. W. Wads worth, city lot; J F Rogers to P.Berryhill, land; C N Brown and wife to J K Brown, land; J R Brown to C N Brown, land; Em ile Rea to J S Gnbble, land; E H Hinson to school committee, lot; C H and W L Wolfe, to PhilipSchifF, land; M E Wriston to S H Hilton, land ; H AGray to J G Shannonhouse, land ; R R Youngblood to J Q Young blood, land ; J Q Youngblood to Anna W Stewart, land, Frank White to Richard White, land; Mary Dunn to school committee, land; Dora C Gregory to J M Smith, city lots : J M Smith to Katie L Smith, city lots;B R Smith to Elizabeth J Lee, city lot ; J A Younts and wife to B D Council man, lot in Pineville ; R H Jordan and others to J P Taylor, land ; J B Hill to Traders' Bank, lot: Traders' Bank to J W Wadsworth, lot; J W Sterling to N J N Bowen, land; D H Hill and wife to Eliza Hall, city lot; R B Alexander and wife to Bana Iola Sarratt, lot; J J Freeman to J R Sharpe, land ; P B Barringer and wife to Ruf us Alexander, city lot; S A Kir kpa trick to D S Flaniken, land; J M Smith and wife to Liddell & Co, land; Wm and D S Todd to Mrs A Fischesser, lot; Jas S and Jas B Berryhill to Jos N Bigham, land; J W Wadsworth, ex, to H K Reed, 24 acres in Pineville ; J P Irwin and wife to Rachael Kennedy, land; MW Caldwell to Jonn Kirk, land: Sarah M Irwin to W W Overman, city lots; R W Allison and wife to W W Overman, lot; C L Gribble and wife to J R Irwin, land ; Merchants' and Farmers' Bank to Masonic Tem ple Association, lot; f McLaughlin and wife to M E Church at Matthews, lot; E J Funderburk and wife to S T Sustaire, lot; J S Reed and wife to S T Sustaire, lot; R M Fulham to S C Fulham, land; Robert Kerr to S C Fulham, land; W H Robinson to Elam Robinson, land ; H B Hunter to M P Pegram, land: J W Morrow to W D Russell, land; J W Harvey and wife to M G Duncan, land : J A Young to H L Alexander, city lot; J N Alexander to C M Alexander, land ; J W Wadsworth and wife to Liddell & Co, land ; J M Miller to A B David son, land ; S P Smith and wife to J W Wadsworth. citv lot: Samnson Wolfe to J Rosser Wolfe, land ; J W Mcllheny to S L Mcllheny, land; J L Blair, et al, to Rosa B Smith, lot : Thos Trotter to 8 M Blair; city lot; Louis Bowden to A B Bales, land : E C Grier to Robt F Davidson, lots; E A Osborne to S P Smith, lot: J B Teeter and wife to J M Grier, land ; Isabella Grier to J M Grier, land ; R M Miller and J W Wadsworth to J L Moreheat, land; Wm Todd to J J Sims, land. Hotel Arrivals. Central Hotel. G H Ball-. C F Marshall, J H Finch, Atlanta; R J Cansler, K C G Love, Gaston ; Sam'l Howell, C A Overman, J R Walker, F W Hamilton. J T Lowe, Philadel phia; A G Gower, T W Dixon, Rich mond ; R H Crawford, W L Hollister, Chicago; E Stron, L J Cornwell, Maj Chas Waite, A T Uzzle, G G Lewis, Baltimore ; K 15 Sanders, Norfolk, J i Helms, Union, N C; J P Harris, Pleasant Valley, S C ; E C Barnhardt Massachusetts ; J K Faulkner, Thos F Costner, Lincolnton ; G J Robinson, Wade8boro ; John E Wood Greenville ; M H Robinson, New Haven ; J R Hardy, J T Alderman, G G Louis, Geo P Cotchett, Wilmington ; W P Hill, Winston; P Linehan, Raleigh; A J Ruffin, W T Judson, New York; John K Wheeler, Tarboro; L D Har gave, city ; J W Hudson, J A Crews, Washington ; J M Cross, county ; T C Robertson. Rock Hill; Pascal Davis, Petersburg; R H Mosby, Virginia; D L Stewart. Dallas, Tex ; L L Davis, Pineville; WC Lowe, Denver; JG Hood, Davidson College. Buford House. T A Fowler, Phil adelphia, Pa; A C Stiley, Hagers town, Md; James H Snyder, New York City; M C Stanback, Rich mond Co., N C; J M Cross, J H Har riss, Harrisburg. N C ; M A Walden, N C; T B Russell, Shoe Heel, N C ; M E Harrell, Darlington, S C; M H Bis coe, New York; J S Clyburn, R S Campbell, Lancaster Co., S C; J F Blodgett. Atlanta, Ga ; H B Bloom, N C ; Henry Crankson, New York ; D A Shumate, Atlanta, Ga; W F Smith, NC; ED Snow, Atlanta, Ga; F R Dunn, Providence, N C; C E Sydnor, Baltimore, Md; H Caden, David Co., N C; J W Lovell. Richmond, Va; R R Little, Littles Mills, N C ; Mrs W A Smith, Miss Etta Smith, Ansonville, C: E C Klipstein. New York; Thos Gooch, S V Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa; T M Russell, New York; W W Anderson, Salisbury; R T Yacy, Salem, N C; John Smith, N C; John Hirst, City ; R M Butler, Georgetown, D C: L S Lyons, Baltimore, Md ; S C Towns, Lexington, Va; S C Stovall, Greenville;1 Mrs R M Shaldweii, Staunton, Va; W T Shalding, Atlan ta, Ga; J F Hahn, Augusta, Ga; J D Heise, Baltimore; J W Franinn, wew York; H P Johnson, Shelby; R L Reese, Garysburg, N C; E J Mac Adam, Augusta, Ga; J R Cutbins, Baltimore ; R A Williams, Athens, Ga ; Geo E Gust, New York ; A R Pen nell, Macon, Ga. 'Lives of great men always remind us that we are all subject to die," says an exchange, but never cough yourself away as long as you can raise 25 cents for a bottle of Dr. Bull's cough syrup. i, th. Hrtoht. antnmnal days the temptation to comfortable exposure yields its fruit In a most per nicious cougn ana lmvauuu m. mo . Bull's cough syrup stands unrivaled as a remedy for throat and lung diseases. 25 cents a bottle. If. you suffer with sick headache, con stipation, sour stomacn, or duious at tacks, Emory lUUe Cathartic Pills, will relieve you. 15 cants. Tfa Bosadalis. Rbsadallslsa sovereign remedy for all diseases ot the blood. It has no equal for tne cure or au nervous disorders, aeaa una oeruuewo 1 like to bear testimony to the merits of Eosadalis, by saying that some eight years ago I was totally nJostkSId and could get no relelf from our family physician, but after taking one bottle of Bosaoaus I became entirely restored to health. I now weigh 175 lbs., but when I first took your medicine I weighed only 130. I cheerfully recommend It to all, id especially to tnose anucwu wim ueuuua uu- Ity. r. MBS. A. A. MAKOPi. Baltimore, juu. For sale by T. C. Smith 4 Co., Charlotte, n. v.. Jan20suntues&frl4w Horsford'M Acid Phosphate. Admirable Results in Fevers. Dr. J. J. Ryan. St Louis, Mo., says: "I lnvaris bly prescribe it In fevers :lso to convalescence rrom wasting ana aeDiuuutng uimjci, ""r: raue results. 1 aiso nna u a wutc w u cuooi7ro condition of the genital organs." Reject the Offr. by a dealer of any article claimed topossem prop erties Identical with or similar to teeth-saving SO& nnnNT rtni nm ni,tAi. haami rth imitAtinn And mm Tietition Only purchase tne Nothlnz can vie witm it m emcacy. uyuvi i nuut ucw mvmi 5 - r dental health and beauty, notwithstanding any mnrMAntxilnn to tne eontrarv. it causes w wm to ajeam like burnished ivory, contains no hurtful lngrecuent, ana nas m mom etbmhw ftavorand ' smell. ' .' ; i Aa Ealhwlartlc fi.d.mnie.t, .m l -Ann knew: but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of adulterated laedfclneaaur a. atui Mntunnd that nmnM mrd dAM all H HW Uses to do. and more. Four rears ac-I had-- slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me t ucn an extent tnat tne wast excitement wwmm mm i shake like the Ague. LaMayrwiMwr Ik lm Rittwa i . -.i- Knt did hot SC any change; another did so chABgmy oef tha J iney arenowasswacy astneytiiu boob wrnea hub. - now, iz yoaeonuuiam wr facture as honest and rood an1-art! el"- -jo ' tm wm aeoumutau an haaesttortun, taiinjMi.tialiWWi TTM B0BCB. Tlsleat. Corrosive sublimate ia the usual form ' of mercury given for blood and akin diseases, and it is one of the most active and violent poisons. A case is on record of the death of a child from the effects of corrosive sublimate sprinkled on a excoriated surface. Taken in .small doses for a length of time, it gradually settles in the tissues and bones pro ducing mercurial rheumatism and other diseases equally as painfnU Persons who have been poisoned in this way, or who suffer from any blood complaint or skin humor, should by allmeans take a course of Swift's Specific, which is the only vegetable preparation which will eliminate this poison from the system. Send for a copy of Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Stop that cough, by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pec toralthe best specific ever known for all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will soothe the rough feeHng In your throat, give the vocal organs flexi bility and vitality, and enable yon to breath and speak clearly. . . , Hew flxrertiseroetrts. OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, Next, Feb. 4ft, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, ) 3 o'clock, 5 GRAND MATINEE, February 5. For the benefit of the Ladles' HOME AND HOS PITAL. "OTHER LANDS THAN OCRS." CHAS. M. CAUGHY, A. in.. Has the honor to announce two of his Illustrated Art Entertainments. On Monday evening "GLIMPSES OF ITALY." Crossing the Ocean, the old and new way Nice Monaco and Monte Carlo The Salle deJeu Enter ing Italy Genoa, the home of Columbus Pisa The Leaning Tower The Baptistry. Cathedral and Campo Santo The Bay of Naples Vesuvius in Eruption Pompeii, the City of the Dead Borne An afternoon on the Plndan Hill The Models of the Spanish Staircase The Pantheon The Eter nal City from the top of St. Peter's The Grandest Church on Earth, Its Interior and its Monuments The Obelisk in Its Piazza-St. Angelc The Capitol The "Dying Gladiator" The Bronze Statue of Marcus Aurellua The Vatican and Its Art Treas ures The Lacoon The Apollo Belvldere The Li brary of the Vatican and its precious contents An Audience with the Pope The Coreo "La Venus Vlctorieuse" A walk through the Catacombs The Roman Forum and the Forum of Trajan The The Tomb of Cecelia Metella "Only a Woman's Grave" The Church of Str Paul The Arch of Con stantino The Coliseum Memories of the Flavian Ampitheatre; the Tortured and the Torturers Moonlight amid its ruins Au revolr to the city of the Caesars and the Popes. Tuesday Matinee. LONDON AND PARIS. t Reserved Seats 50 Cents. General Admission. 25 Tickets for sale at the McSmlth Music House. Terms made for school tickets. Chickering Piano will be used; also one of Mason A Hamlin's Organs, kindly furnished by Harry Mc Smlth. The audience is respectfully requested to be seat ed by eight o'clock. fehl HOTHEB LOT OF Selected Florida Oranges At $2.00 and $Z50 Per Hundred. febldlt CARSON BROS. Sftecal Notice The undersigned have this day formed a con nershlp for the purpose of conducting the Barber's business, at the old stand of A. C. Monroe, one door north of Pegram A Co.'s shoe store. Profi cient workmen will be kept constantly on hand and first-class work guaranteed. Hair cutting In the latest style by M. J. Warren, recently with Renz Toole. RICHARD WRIGHT, felsunwedAsun MELTON J. WARREN, -A- LARGB LOT OF VALENTINES, Fine, MEDIUM and CHEAP, Now on exhibition and FFF oo O o RKR R R KRR R B B B L . L L L T.T.T J. FEB B KB B EBB r O o o o oo SggS A Wonlesile and Retail, -AT TIPPY & BROS, CONGRESS SPRING The Standard Mineral Water. CATHARTIC, ALTERATIVE. A specific for dis orders of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, Eczema, Malaria and all Impurities of the BLOOD. So enviable a name has this famous Mineral Water, that the managers of inferior mineral springs, desirous of Imitating the natural purity of the bottled water of Congress Spring, inject a pow erful acid in their bottled water to preserve toe crude Ingredients in solution, being so heavily laden with L.ime and Iron Deposit. With such contrivances, bogus testimonials and doetored analysis cards they seek to rival the pure medicinal waters of Congress Spring. Th wwnlar season visitors to Saratoga fully un derstand these crude, harsh waters, many of them after painful experiences. In preof of this fact we can Droduee a great many responsible names. But the Saratoga visitors without experience, and many whonsetho bottled waters (often labeled as cura - which thev positively aggravate). should remember, that crude, harsh mineral waters r?3L. hdviw nun of bumlns and Internal irr,Mddo irreparable injury to thenfestlve organs and kidneys. CONGRESS WATER, PURE, Ni,TL3AL ANI)R, LIABLE. . , TSvm genutne sold on draught. For sale by , urocerB, w me nercpouui uu uvmu. BWBathuwaprau I: OiVlCliBltCl NOtlCB. miim&iwM COMPAIL Sbcrztarv TtEAScsnt Omckv CoKpANT Shops, H. C.: Jamary 80th, 188S. --TTJB'Dtrectors t t the orth Carolina RaUioad Company have c tared dividend ot 6 per cent. .vhM4i har flttu. rrahle Much 1st to stockhoid- vf record at U eVoek a. on February 10th. aA thr (a) per eerfton oeyyn"P w rT" '"'J? Iroia 11 August mar untu sepieu f P. B. BTJFIINriPrti Secretary and Treasurer. aUads HUB a CadUU WUalLUUi. 1 IJ'ni ff H H ITSl I' 1 1 V, I The Mrs Joe Person F 6D UttlWS ,Mf(3otri Important Testimony SDOWEiG THE Value ol the Remedy. An Interesting Comedy I FITE CHAPTERS. CHAPTKB I- Mabkm, N. C, May 20th, 1880. Mas. Person Please let me know the price of your medicines and how to remit, as I wish to order some for a case of Scrofula. Tours, Ac., J. H. GILKET, M. D. CHAPTKB n. After ordering a lot to try, he simply reported; "The case is improving." On his second order then came the following: Marion, K. C, January 27th, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person: Hadam Enclosed please find postoffice order for $4.25, for which you will send two bottles of your bitters, as the scrofulous ulcers heme nbxit healed up, and do not now require the wash. I am glad to In form you that the Remedy Is relieving the case. Tours truly. J. H. GILKET. CHAPTKB 111. Marion, N. C, March 7th, 1881. Mrs. Jok Person: Dear Madam Enclosed please find postoffice order for $4.25, for which you will please send me three pint bottles of your tonic and two powders for wash, as I wish to try it in another case. Yours truly. J. H. GILKET. CHAPTER IV. Marios, N. C, October 20th, 1882. Mrs. Jos Person, Frankllnton: Madam Dr. OUkey, of this place, informed me to day thnt you were here some time ago and told MmtoucMiid cure Scrofula, and he advised me to write to you for some of your circulars. I have a sore on my teg and hip. It will cure up and break oat just below where it cures up. I have been treat ed by several physicians. Some say It Is Scrofula, others say it is Lupus and Salt Rheum. It is Just skin deep; it never gets deep; is very painful; don't rest at night, I want you to send me your circular and prices of your medicine, and if I think, after reading them, that It will do me any good, I will order some of the medicine at once. I have had the sores for 18 months, and have paid out a great deal of money to parties that have done me no good. Hoping to year from you soon, I remain, Respectfully, S. C. DALE. CHAPTER V. The following, cut from tbe Marlon Lamp Post, makes a fit ending of the comedy, and speaks fol itself: Mr. S. C. Dale, of this place, who for years had been suffering from aggravated Scrofula, has In three months use of this medicine entirely recovered. His case was almost hopeless, being scarcely able to get about on crutches. He Is now In active busi ness. Six bottles effected a cure. ANOTHER COMEDY. CHAPTER I. Triangle, N. C, March 20th, 1882. Mrs. Joe Person, Frankllnton, N. C. : Madam A. circular advertising your Remedy lot Scrofula was handed us by a highly respectable phy sician a few days ago, who said it had been recom mended to him by such medical authority that he desired to give it a trial in his practice, and desired us to keep it in stock. Please give us terms. Tours, KINCAID LINEBARGER. CHAPTER II. SIGNIFICANT TESTCMOKT. Triangle, N. C, September 30, 1882. Mrs. Jok Person: Dear Afotam-r-Pfease send three dozen more of your valuable Remedy, as the lot you shipped us last Is all sold except one bottle. We have sold four and a half dozen of your Remedy since April, and all save one bottle has been on phjtielan'i prttcrip' torn. With best wishes for your success, we are, Tours truly. , KIKCAID fc LIXEBARGEB. CHAPTfeRin. A month or so later Messrs. Elncald & Linebarger ordered six dozen more, and on the 21st of June, 1883, wrote the following significant letter: Tour card of the 18th Inst received to-day. Our "sllehca" means that we still have "Remedy' stock. Dont grow impatient; remember what quantity we bought at the tost "haul.'' Then then is one unfortunate circumstance connected with the sate of your "Remedy" which we cannot oto- , Jriate- nmhjttA hattajbm it If fa biunedtatdij stapK afyin ttl Then, hfalai haw to await the devejtorpeut of haw eaasa. "sflent, " and you seem to be. pozzled over that "Qenoa,'; Is not siteneea virtw: whs fa 1 DOtllta to m? TouTl keartroni us vrttiwar , ateck, like the "judiciary" of orthCarauna on one occasion. Is Toto truly LIKEBARGER. Tbiaholb, N. C-, June i 188S. Or, J 1 .1 .ubailMBMKl Jt I Jt?Jw I "Vufor Sale ty'SH DrtifilS; Offer; I "exhmtUd." , ast, Druaaut r U T . Mil C iW.nJ - -. ! L'.?im2f ' l n mm Our Barqam $3.00, $3.50 add $J duced'tdth 31, $4.50 and $5.00 Cassimere Wnts reduced to the uniform price of JHAW $3.00: $5.50 and $6.00 Cassimere Pants reduced tos the uniforn;price of CALL EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELEC TIONS.r - E. 33. Latta ro?s, "HJEAVEN HBIiPShrfrosi WHO HELP THEIflSELVES." Help Yourself McSmith, "xvttii- -ii ' Bound this world I've travelled a bit, Troubles I've seen a few; IVe found the rule in every clime,! "You tickle me a,Ificaeyl,,, MUSICAL HOME IS A HAPPY HOME. A Fatfcors, IHotlter SlUirs jandrofkers, who Call oaiMcSaaxtfc fbj the?rixt JVlftefa -ailJSrlffi3aa?a .AAWigr'gj mm iii riTffriiTT a -if , WtMl -a,--4i Laiw. SSSi PIANOS AND. ORGANS AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LINE, At prioM that will make their hearts leap with Jojr and their pocket-book jaaf i Tight oat of their.-jMcketa. Call on MoSmith dorinc fifteen daya or Ifdmii M wfll call on yon. Qiir dootplata oortn affholf trnt, ytm caat miaa it II t ULiiiiJJkL II T ' '' '"' j . a! M4 ITfT nr. . r I .tj A.fJg lo ii Hi .1 Ml I Sit Li tfiji siUrwi? fijnK.:wi I oWUOl vniuiUmi a no aJwwiiw-.ni bnrw j0 Meriit THI"' rj ail aa Ilia i Til Ti Till ir Ill IismH suaal till aaaa 1 . f jriltt I a m a jMuui feae-Bi aF"" tAnsm asm j, r4 a 9us sat If Counters. it 0 imero Pants re-h mm CP oi f f f 1 Day Will Find B rrn irn'. Fiiiin ui nil mm r i J- - w.. M -,s. - - - ? .'t outfit tqual. ' DUKraiST. iUet

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