disfiguring .HUMORS, - (Itching and Burning Tor tures, Humii iating Erup- itions.8uchas SILT HUXUM. or jscasm. rmtruutm, iSCf Infantlls or Birth Humors, and I every term 01 lUklnff, Scalr, Pimply, 8orpfe ou, Inherit, Ln tartoS and oippar Colored Weas of So. and Scalp, with Loaa of Hair, are poaltrreix oj tne udtiocba itiuvm CUTICTBA RESOLVENT, the new blood purifier, elMHea tke blood and perspiration of Impurities MdpoUMioua slements, and thus removes the CUTICtmA. tie (rest SUn Cure, Instantly allays tmXm and inflammation, clears the SUn and Soalp, kal Clears and Sores, and restores air. the "CUTICURA SOAP, anaxolte Skin Beautlfler and Tailat RaqulglW, prapared from CCTit'LHA, H testis ssgfrS ss&J ttsa, WtSsT- an, other mineral at vagstaDie poiana wnaw r. n wtttt r fhlo onHra noneXtO do lQstlOS toadSiriptlonQt U cures rfbrmTths Cut- ,r. hwhwt Inturnallv. and CCTICTRA and K. VOd UaOW T -aa a w.- rf I Cutictjha Soap external! j. ECZEMA of the palms of the bands and of the ends of in. Aug ars. verT llfflcult i to treat and usual considered Incurable; small patches of tetter ana salt rkaum oa tha ears, nose, ano siaes vi on i t t to tn? i na with Isma of hair without num- 5riZi iVh A.nA,tr and smilr eruD- uTiMiaiir at children and Infants, many ol wbXaa alnea blrtfa had been a mass of scabs; AITCHINQ, burning and scaly tortures that baffled Sii iSW'from fdlnsrr remedies, soothed and sealed as by static ; mait arra hnmn unil nt her frightful forms of atta dtoaasM, scrofulous ulcers, old sores, and dls ckarglng wounds, eack and all of which have been speedily, permanently, and economically cured by the Cuticcka Hxmdtbs. Said arerywhere. Price: Cuticcra, 50 cents; ax holtbht. 11.00: Soap. 25 cents. Potter Drug and Chjohcal Co., Boston, Mass. mm far "SWw to Cure Skin RMseasea." FRESH SUPPLY OF -Taffy- Or Oair Own Maanfaclure, Coeoanut, TamHla, Chocolate, Molasses etc., Choco late Paste ant Cream Paste, ALSO A NICE ASSORTMENT OF tali Candies, Burnt AlneridB, : ' Jordan Almond, Vanfl a Almonds, Marshmellow Drops, Chocolate Drops, Extra Fine Choco late Prolines, etc., etc. (j "m Also Oar Own Mflake of PLAIN CANDIES, WHICH WE MAKE DAILY. OaU and etji Pound Package for Sun day. CAKES, BREAD, PIE5 ROLLS . BUNS ALWAYS Or HAND. D; M; RIGLER. POSITIVELY CUBES iWh Lrrer ssi Coipiainls I have used your "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" with great benefit, and qr dyspepsia, or any derangement of ka liver or kidneys, I regard it as being, rthout an equal. Jab. J. Osborne, Att'y at Law, Boilston. Henderson county, N. C. Far superior to any liver pad. HVah Thomas, Olendale, 8. C. Yonr medicines are valuable and nloadid remedies. I have told upward of ire gross, and can recommend them. X womlanot be without then. S. S. . Davidson, Druggise, Charlotte, N. C. ' "Life for the Liver and Kidneys" r "Chill Cure" works like a eharo and sells very fast. A. H. Ymbbuss, Wax Haw, Lancaster ccmaty, 8. CL ' In large 25c. and $1.00 bottles. ' Sold by druggists and dealers generally. Prepared by Mb B0L'aW, Glenftalr, B C Czssber Q,dtf. FRED C. HUNZLEU, WHOLESALE LAGEK ISIS EAI.CR Alf D BOTTLES, Charlotte, N, C. Bepresents two of the largest LAGEB BEER Breweries in the United States. The Be rape r Sc Engel Brevafngr Co., T lliflatfelpliia, and the V. 4c 91. SchaflTer Brewing; Co., of If etr Trk. THE LARGEST LAGEB BEEB BOT TLIlfO ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. CTOrttors Solicited. All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. dec20dlf FANCY GOODS Silver Platecl Ware AT AND BELOW COST. We are desirous of closing out the balance uf trnr ' HOLID AY.rGOODS and will sell them'rlgitdles86r, cost." China mustache cups and saucers 50e. worth $1.00. China mustache cups and saucers 75c. worth $1.60. China motto tea cups and saucers 85c. worth 80c. China motto coffee cups and saucers . 50c worth $1.00. ,;; iv s -ry ,,. China motto coffee cups and -saucers 75o. worth $1.80. .&vkiii$&-y y - - China mugs 15c and 2c worth 25c oad 80c ... '." c - Lot of rases, etc, athalf price. Silver plalwd ware at greatly reduced prices. ? fy IWUBCWttllT, HAETSFIELD. xi dec2a OP TUG ANCIS!VT,EASTISRrf wosLD. ' By Bawllnson. Three large vohnaes, mmx 70S fine ninswations. ' Price raduoed from i ZI maiA h riMlflra. Books aant for exumt. DAILY flEWS ROTES. An explosion of dynamite car tridges in Harrisburg, Pa., Saturday, damaged sixteen ouuuuigs. rv,i a W Mefiianhan. a promi nent cotton merchant of Norfolk city, died there Saturday, He was for merly from North Carolina. The Democratic primaries in Pitts burg. Pa., Saturday, resulted in ine choice oE Kandaii deiegaie National convention. At the city election in Lexington, Ky., Saturday, only about 7uu votes were polled, tne jjeinuuicvun uauB D feated for the first time in ten years, electing only four of their twenty two candidates. D. W. Pratt, recently general agent at St. Louis of the JVlcUOrmicK liar vester Machine Company of Chicago, was arrested Saturday, charged with embezzling $4,000 from the company. Tn the Joliet (111.) penitentiary Sat- nrHav "Frank "Rande. a desperate con- rit fatnllv assaulted. Cant. John v vsu, , McDonald, a deputy .warden, ana seriously injured another officer. He ,oo fafallv wAimded himself by the offi. ers. Eande has killed ten men trh from Surinjrfield, 111. says Rev. Mr. McDonald, who preached an able and interesting ser mon Saturday evening at Auburn, was arrested there yesterdav on a telegram charging him with the theft of a horse and a sun oi ciowies u a man named Foster. Miss Nellie Kaiser, employed in the TTotel. at Ashlev. 111., was as saulted last Friday, near the depot of t hfit nlaoe bv Ed Roach, who knocked her down an embankment 20 feet hiVh n.nisine: iniuries from which she died Saturday. The practical application ot a mo tive power known as the "Triple Thermic Motor" is announced in Chi cago. It is fie vapor of bi sulphide nf pnrhnn. and has been tested in rtrivino a sixtv-horse power engine. W. S. CcTwell is the discoverer. A nrize ficrht took place near Oma ha, Neb.. Saturday, between Ed Mil f Omaha, and 0 H. Smith, of Chicago. The men fought 33 rounds, Rt.rinnftd to the waist, witn tne tner- mnmeter below f reezinc: point. Smith was awarded the fight on a foul. An election was held on Saturday in the old second congressional dis trict of Kansas to till the vacancy caused bv the death of Dudley C. Haskell. The candidates were iu. tL Funston, Republican, and Samuel A. Rizes. Democrat and Greenbacker. Funston was elected by about 4,000 majority. There was considerable excitement in the auinine market in Philadel phia Saturday in consequence of the creat fire at the factory of Powers & Weightman. The price of the drug jumped from $1.40 to $1.80 cents per ounce. The foreign article, which had been quoted as low as $1.10 per ounce rose to $1.50. The Old Dominion Steamship Com- nanv. of New York, in order to se- c are funds to construct a new steam ship, has issued bonds aggregating $1,000,000, payable in March, 1899. To secure the issue of these bonds thev have executed a mortgage to the'Farmers' Loan and Trust Compa ny of New York, as trustees, upon all the property of the company. ABOUT THE STATE. Wilmineton had four fire alarms Monday, but in each case the fire wi checked before doing muuh harm. Wilmington Star: During the month of February there were 41 ar rests; whites, 17; colored, 2i. One firm in this city shipped to New York by steamer over one thousand dozen eggs during the week just closed. Montgomery Star : Corn is espec lally seal ee in regions round lroy. It is to be hoped that our farmers will plant more corn a d less cotton this vear. Pitching horse-shoes is extensively indulged in by the aver age Trojan now. t our merchants, a lawyer, ft doctor, an editor, and one or two school boys were engaged in this fascinating sport the other even- tog. Qoldsboro Messenger: The report thai- the graded school will only teach an eight month's term this year has no foundation. The school will continue to do its splendid work un til June, the end of the ten months term: -Quite a number of cows are enclosed in the city pound, and will be sold at public auction to pay the cost of impounding, unless the own ers come and redeem them. It af fords us more than ordinary pleasure to state that Dr. J. L. M. Curry has once more decided to aid the Golds boro school and we have been, noti fied that he will give us $400 for this term, and a letter from Hon. J. C. Scarborough brings us the same grafc- lnying intelligence. On visiting tne. jau last week to see Pratt, we found that institution quite full of offenders mostly negro men and boys in for stealing. They present the appearance of so many animals hr a cage, as they peer through the iron bars of the new cells at visitors. and with about as much intelligence in their eyes as' you see in the eyes of tne animals in a circus cage. What' Grant and Sherman Propose to Do. . -At a dinner party given, in Wash- jnrton last week. Senator-elect Black burn, of Kentucky, is alleged to have said tnat Air. tfarneld told him that in the troublous times of 1877, when the House was filibustering over the electoral count, a Republican con ference was held, at which Grant and Sherman were present, and the decision was arrived at to place 600 soldiers in the basement of the Capi tol to be used in putting' an end to the dilatory proceedings. The theo ry was, it appears, that the Demo crats of he House were guilty of treason, and they were to be ousted at the point of the bayonet and .marched off to prison. When Gar field was taken into the confidence of the great Republican chieftains he t Renounced tljeir programme, declar ing mac sucn an act would arouse the country to a pitch of madness, and that blood would now in the streets of every city m the countrv. ? His objections were not listened to until he said that if the resolution was persisted inhe should go to the telegraph office - and denounce the ;woi9 thing to tbq country r i 4 V. Catarrh of Ibe Bladder. Stinging, trrftatlonvlntfammatkm, an Kidney and Urinary Complaint, cured by ,"Buchu-paIbaf $1, yJL Itemedr for X.nacr DIases. s Dr Robert Ifowtoriflate president of the Eclectic College, of. the city of New York, aad formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, used Dr.Wm. Half's BaJaam very exten Bively ia:his .practice, as i many of hi patients; now. living and restored to per fect health by the use of this invaluable nwaicine, can amply testify4J3e always Md that o good a remedy ought' to be aa wvereigtf remedy In aH lung diseasesV i'K,68 coemption.1 and has no equal lT?2S5:SP -WP ffiAiChoice of Ml pectoral mtqfaSnfyt: 'pBen f0BsnSSMW CHARLOTTE OBSERVE MmtirAf. - SbockiB? Deatb. Wilmington Review. Joseph Atkinson, who lived near Wilson's Mill, a small village 27 miles from Goldsboro, on the North Cara Una Railroad, was at that place yes terday, where he drank quite freely. He started to waiK nome upon mo track, and when he had gone a short distance, he either fell or laid down at a cattle guard which was placed across the track at a road crossing. The mail train from Raleigh soon came along but neither the engineer nor nreman saw Atmnson untu xney were close upon him The latter was caught by the cowcatcher and carnea some distance when he dropped and the train ran over him, mangung him fearfully and causing instant death. The deceased was a poor man and leaves a wife and large family. "KawgH am Tootlutoh." Instant relief; quick cure. Toothaahe, Keuralgla, Paeeaehe. 16c. at DragzlstB. 5 4- n CAPITA Ij PltlZE, $75,000. Tickets only $5. Shares in Proportion. Louisiana State Lottery C& "We do herebv certify that we super vise the arrangements for all the Monthly and, Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louis iana Sta te Lottery Company, and in per son manage ana control tne uramngs themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, ana tn aood faith toward all parties, and we authorise the company to use this certifi cate, withfac aimilies of our signatures attached, in us advertisements. " Commissioner!!! Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. Bv an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of tne pres ent State Constitution adopted Decem ber 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and en- dor-ri b: the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win & for tune. First Grand Drawing, Class C in the Academy of Muisc, New Orleans m'lTESI) VT, March 11, 1SS4. 166th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at $5 each. Fractions in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITALPRIZE of- S75.000 1 do do 25.000 1 do do 10.00 3 PRIZES S6.000 12 000 5 " 2,000 10.000 10 " 1.000 10,000 20 " 500 10.000 100 " 200 20 000 300 " 100 30.000 500 " 50 20.000 1,000 " 50 25,005 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximate Prizes $750. 9 " 500.. 9 " 44 250.., 9 6.750 4.500 2.250 1.967 Prizes, amounting tn S2t5o.500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the omce ot the Com pany in New Orleans. I or further information write clearly giving full address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to rfeiv Orleans National Rank, New Orleans, La. Postal Notes, and ordinary letters by Mail or Express, (all sums of 555 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. Or M. A. Dauphin, 607 Seventh St., Washington, U. C DEPARTMENT of MECKLENBURG. Charlotte, Dec. 16fi, 1883 Special Order ) No. 1. J All loyal subjects of his Royal High ness are hereby informed that at the Opposite Gaston's Stove Depot. They will find a large assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS And at prices to suit the times. Call early, before the rush, that you may make your purchases satisfactorily and on Christmas Morn make glad the hearts of all the family. By order of S AJVXA CXiAX'S C. M Ethkrudge, Manager. I have wagons, wheel-barrows, shoo flies, tool chests, drums, trunks, ten ping tea .sets, wors ooxes, writing desks comb and brush cases, furniture sets dolls, in great variety, vases, china goods, smoking sets, elegant bisque fig ures, silk handkerchiefs, &c., &c.. &c Something to suit parents, grandpa rents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts sweethearts, and all of the dear littl ones Come and see Jumbo. Jr.. the walking baby elephant and other novel us. nespecuuiiy, C. VI. I?TIIEREIG1E. P. S. All letters for Santa Clans may do icit here. DOVE'S Tb PH?9rUN3. FASJIBltS.'L'lKftV BTi tius rMii.iKS: it an member ot your boneaol i fro.n careucs to tan merest Infant, an Afflicted with Malignant Sixes, scrofulous or otber wIsh, (ink hbemn or t-cstlil Head, Burns, bounds oo matter bow severe, or of how ions standing, oi from whatever cause produced, send and get a 23-cent bottle of TURV OIL., and guarantee a eure or no pay It core before other remedies begin to act. It la equally apollcable to all the Ulows or ore, or Infltmed eurfaces of alldo metlonimal, or amtbinn that more on the Turf. One or two applications are all that is nec emary to neutralize the action of the virus and healths Dicer it arrests at enea the progr ef Krysipeias and removes the InflamraaUon left In tha track of tbe disease. ,. ,-iy . . . ,,v . E?!1' all druggists an conntry stores JT V5itil'tb.i"fui'f 4)11 Spelllng-Bwic ami rteader," with certfflcaM's of cores - - ; " U . " "roacEfciLiDftcol' y Rlchiriond.it ' VARIETY T True Tarf ih CONGRESS SPRING The Standard mineral Water. CATBAltTIC. ALTERATIVE. A KTW-lfln for rtls orders of the Stomach. Liver and Kidneys. Eczema. Malaria and all Impurities of the BLOOD. So enviable a name has this famous Mineral Water,- that the managers of Inferior mineral springs, desirous of Imitating the natural purity of the bottled water of Congress Spring, inject a pow erful acid In their bottled water to preserve the crude Ingredients In solution, being so heavily laden with liinieand Iron Deposit. With such contrivances, bogus testimonials and doctored analysis cards they seek to riv;il the pure meuiuuuu waters oi congress spring. The regular season visitors to Saratoga fully un derstand these crude, harsh waters, many of them after painful experiences. In proof of this fact we can produce a great many responsible names. But the Saratoga visitors without experience, and many who use the bottled .waters often labeled as cura tives for disorders which they positively aggravate), should remember, that crude, harsh mineral waters produce headache, a sense of burning and Internal irratlon,nd do Irreparable Injury to the digestive organs and kidneys. CONGRESS WATER, FtTRE, NATTJKAL AND RE- LIABLE. None genuine sold on draught. For sale by Druggists, Grocers, Wine Merchants and Hotels. an20suntues4thursapr20 WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER TO our friends a nice line of HEAVY HID FA CY G99GEBIES. We have Florida Mullets, a splendid breakfast relish, along with large and fat Mackerel, Smoked Hallbnt and Cod Fish. We have Holland Herring In kegs, Dried Beet and Boneless Breakfast Bacon (Ferris). We can sell Chow Chow and Mixed Pickles by the quart from barrels, a cheap way to buy. yueen Olives by the auart In kegs. Olive Oil. We havn Pig's Feet and Tripe, Mackerel in To mato Sauoe, Gordon & Dilswortli Lea & Perrin's Sauce. Cross & Blaekwell's assorted Pickles, from the orizlnal cask as it came from the old country. All White Onion Pickles. Plum Pud ding. Mable Svrup in quart cans, the very thing to use on Buckwheat taKes made irom our liour. We have a complete line of CANNED GOODS which are fresh. Wilson's Wafers. Egg Biscuit, Farina Crackers. N. O. Molasses. Svtud. Flour. Tongue. Tomato and Beef Sonp9. Cocoa. Verml- cllli. Macaroni. All of these goods are In store. along with many other things which we cannot here enumerate. er nil P FS Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Headache, Toothache, re Til roat. Hnrl 1 1 ns. fcprml n . Bruises. Barns. Kralds. Frost lilies. AUD ALL OTHER IHIDILT fllUS SD ACRES. Sold by Draggltu o4 Dv.l.r9 erprywher. Fifty Onitaa bolU. nireclinn, m 11 .aazu.Ke. TnE OflARI.E A. VOtiF.I.KR CO. (SneeMMT to A. V 0ii-H A CO. ) lUlUBura, H d., T. 9. A. J. A. McLURE, Aactioneer Gnmiaissiaa Merehu My friends will find it to their advantage to give me ineir ousiness. I will keep constantly on hand a fan and com piece assortment of GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Etc., which are to be sold. This means a good deal at in j uuuse. uespecuuny, .T. A. MrT.rrRT. Horah's Brick Building, opposite First Presbyte- tenan cnurcn, rebl-WU an infallible curt lor Pilps. lit iu ixwoid tnwr. srtii la Price 1, at or ft t ere. Box 841NewYotk. ER ER from Toothful impraaeiiee, causing 1 v. Mental and Pbys? Bsmras Debility, si WealtlMWM. VAlnAhls fnfnrmAtWm . VI I &ransuiVee. CndZlTMninik I i iriillj DtS.OUn,BaxZa,Ohtoago 1 novl8deodaw FREEforTRIAL An unfailing and speedy cure for NemmM iMbilitv and WeaJmttt. Loo nf rualitv and Vigor, at any. evil result of indiscretion, excess, overwork, eto., (over forty thou- ' sand positive cures.) Mg- B ud ISc. for postage on trial box ot Auupms. Address, Dr. M. W. BACON, cor.Clarfc St and Calhoun Place, Chigaoo. novlSdeodaw BEFORE Y-AND -AFTER tlectrlc Apfltancet art tent en 30 Dys' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UN8 OR OLD, WHO are suffering from Nsrvotts DsktLmr, Lost VBaiitt, Lace; or Nests Fobcc ahd Vigor, Wastuo Wkakxbssbs, and all those diseases ; of a Pb90al Matorb resulttng from asms? and man uadsbs. speedy reuet ana aosiplete reeto- aosr HBALTH.VieoR and HAiraoon Guabartbsd. The a OTaodM otioovary ur the Nineteen ta Century. 1 at onoa for Illustratad Pamphlet free. Addsaas VDtTalC BEIT CO., MAR SHAH, MIBH. , TiOiVl8deodaw' ' THJJJK OF.IT.NOW.! AllShongh much Is said aoftnt the lmpor , tanoeof a blood-parifylng medicine, it may be possible that the subject has never seriously elairaed yonr attention. Think of it now ! Almost every person has some form of gcrof illous poison latent In his Tains. When this develops in Scrofulous Sores, Clcers, or raptlons,or in the form of Rheumatism, , or Organic Diseases, tha suffering that en jnes is terrible. Hence tha gratitude of thoso ,no dlsoover, as thousands yearly do, that & Stokes. UD for xjajirsr- nun iPni l!JBII l a a lLIL hMrrte. U F F JMWKli Bjnfla St mm i , oronghly eradicate this erll from, the "system. - : i ,r-. . -jjf wen Pt life without ahf as health ' pnre No1' OJnse-ahe-btoed with atee a sMtFim.TA, , t f t j'-yit j tH,r t-i ft v i r.-wv -r1 . -ONE LOT OF I ( PdTATOES CABBAGE and ONIONS, and APPLES, Jl'ST ARB1TED Highest Mi k-t IMcc U fur Fggs. A. J. BEALL. Keep Out the Cold BY PUTTING IN RtrnizER WEiniER strips It is the very thing for putting on doors and windows to stop draughts. Call and see it. We are carrying the largest stock of HARDWARE in the State, and have your orders. would be pleased to Brown, We'ddiDiftoPil (X www w vw w A A A A A AAA N N TTIT T T T T POD D D K KB K EEK www 1 N V S N w We will pav 18 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for good sound cotton seed, de livered at 'ur mill. Will pay 18 cents per ousbel for seed delivered at any sta tior on railroads running to Charlotte, for -air loads of ten tons and above, we pay'ng freight on same. C we will give one ton of meal in exciisfce for two tons of seed. This exchange being of great value to the farmei saould be taken advantage of. one top of meal being worth much more f feeding or fertilizing than two ons ol ed. CHARLOTTE OIL CO., not6Jawtf Charlotte, N. C. I I Alexander s PRICE LIST. 1 dozen 3-lb ems Standard Peaches for 1 dozes-2-lb cans IMneapples 1 dozen S-Ib cans " Tomatoes 1 dozeu 2-lb cans " Tomatoes 1 dozen 2-lb cans " Suirar Corn $2.90 1.30 1.30 1.00 1.40 These are all standord goods bought especially for tne retail trade, ihj them. One bushel Beauty ol Hebron SI. 25. This Is an Improved Potato and an early variety. Early Rose Potatoes per bushel SI. TO Huffar-cured Hums at 15 cts. per lb. P. T. George's best refined Laid.lu 20-lbs buckets, Rt ma cts. Best Patent Flour In this market for $3.73 per sack, wnire rsoi'K Mour ior S3.uu per sac-K. Cow Feed 75 cents per bushel. Bolted Meal 85 cents per bushel. 10 lbs Standard Granulated Sugar. 12 lbs C Sug:ir. 13 lbs Brown Sugar, 28 lbs Hominy, 6 lbs Cheese, 6 lbs Snowfllake Crackers 8 lbs Italian Macaroni. 30 Bars Kirk's India Blue Soap, 25 Bars Capital Soap, 10 Ouarts White Beans for 12 qts Sugar Peas, 12 lbs Choice Kice 12 lbs TJnpealed Dried Peaches, 6 lbs Lion Baking Powder, S1.08 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.IJ0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I will sell these eoods at the same price In any qnantlty that purchasers wish to buy them, giving the poor the same chance as the rich. 1 have only mentioned a few leading articles In my line, showing that I cannot be undersold, and will say that I keep everything that Is usually kept In a Grocery Store, and sell everything in my line at me same uiw r Kiums. Smoking Tobacco 35 cents per pound. 1 5 cent clgnr for 2la eents; 10 cent box Blacking ior o cents, inese prices are FOR CASH. ALL GOOD Respectfully, R. R. DELIVERED. - A REAL REdEDY. Neither Mfsticsil nor Indian in Origin oaiaciauunc ana specific A RKUKDY of over Twenty-Five yean standing. A KMBD1 more popular at home, and where, best known. man au otner tteineaie oi its Kind. 4 REflKDl endorsed Dy tne best Physicians and Druggets at 1st nome. A R TIED IT that Mr. a W. O'Neill, tfoodwnter. Ala . rats. ed hi wifrt from an Invalid's bed, and he bells vss Baveu ucr me. A REHGDV of which a prominent Atlnnia merchant said, "I would have given $500 aa soon as soon as I would a mcaei tor woax two Domes of your medicine did iur my aauguusr . A HExTIEDY In regard to which a. J. Caasels. M. D. Druggist, of Thomas vllle, tia , gars: "I can recall instances in which it afforded teller after ail the usual re me dies had fat ed ' . A REMEDY, about which Dr W. B Ferrell, La Granee, Ga., writes: "l have used for ths last '40 years the medicine you are putting np, and consider It the bet combination ever Rotten together for the di seases for waich it la recommended." A HtfciVlKOY of which Dr. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said- "I have examined the recipe, and have no hesita tion In advising Its use. aEd confidently recom mend 1L" A REfflfiDT which the Rev. H 8. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga. says he has used Ui his family with "tbe utmost satisfaction." and recommended It to the families "Who found It to be Inst what it is recommended of which Penrertun, tveron fc Denison say: ''We have been selling It for innuy years, with con stantly Increasing sales, rue ar icle Is a staple with us, and one of siwolute merit." A JB.fc.tatiU of which Lamar, Bankin & Lamar say: "We sold 50 gross In four months, and never sold it In any place but what It was wanted again " A KtLflrDY by which Dr. aigh, of LaGrange, Gai, says: "I cured one of tne most obstinate cases of Vicabi oc3 mN8TBUAtioh that ever came within my knowledge, whh a few bottles." A KUiTlt.ltY of which Dr. J. C. Hess, Notasiilga, Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that it Is unrivalled for that class of diseases which It claims to core." A REMEDY about which Ma, Jno. (X Whitner, of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United states as a General Insurance Agent says: "I usid this Remedy, before the war. on a large plantation o a great nainb tiof cases, and alwaj with absolute success." v A REMEDY ' about which 3- W. strange, of CartersvWe, Ga., certifies that one bott:e cured two members of his family of menstrual irregularity of many years standing. ' . ' , ' A REMEDY that IS CHAPXB TBAN ANY OTHKB MXDICTN of Its kmd in the world, because ohk. br.two bottles WILL CUBX THS HOST OBSTTNATK "CASY A K Sl iH ). In regard to whose unfailing, unrivalled curative proorlettves I have many hundreds of testimo nials. This sbbat popular kmkdt k Bbad. ratLD's Rigulatob. ( Woman's Best Friend, l For sale by all Druggists. , Price: Small size 75 eents. -Largo size Sf.50. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, i 3. BliADJTELD, So. 108 a Pryor Bt ft, Atlanta, Ga. ' FAY'S CELEBRATED Waler-Proof , - , MA NIij;Kli()0FING Resembles fine .teather? tbr'Roof; Outside Walls, and inside In place of' plaster.- Very strong and durable. -Catalogue with testimonials and samples tree' Established In lt3ft. TZ. sap w uuovun ,!iujji mozaaanw OWiUi CI tHlElPaVlElWaM The only known tpedfie for Epileptic FHa--a XT' Also for Spasms and Falling Sickness-" Ifcrvons Weakness quickly relieved and cured.. Equalled by none in delirium of fever ."Ka "Neutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds."Sa jO-Permanently and promptly cures paralysis, les, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes had breath to good, removing caote. tfEont3 biliousness and clean complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxative." It drives Sick Headache like the wind.pR VST" Contains no drastic cathartic or opiatea. Promptly cares Rheuaiatism by routing it -a Restores lae-giving properties to the blood.- Is guaranteed to euro all nervosa disorders.-fc. pTleliable when all opiates fail.-tt Refreshes the mind,and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. "Endorsed in writing by over fifty thonsanj Leading physicians in U. 8. and Europe.-a Leading clergymen in TJ. S. and Europe.ta Diseases of the blcl own it a conqueror.-gai For sale by all leading druggists. l.J0.- The Dr. S. A Richmond jledical Co., Props. St. Joseph, Mo. (2) For testimonials and circular send stamp. C. N. Crittcntoa, Agent, Hew York. 266th Biition. Pries Oaly Jl. it j Mail Post-pnld. KNOW THYSELF. AGreatMc.il Work m Mantel Exhausted vltalitr. nervous and ohrsical debllltv. premature decline In man, errors of youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or ex cesses, a dook ior every man, youus. nuddle-aeed and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acate and chronic diseases, each one ef which Is invalua ble. So found by tbe author, whose experience for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to ths lot or any physician. 300 pases, bound In beautl- ful.French muslin, embossed covers, full slit, guar anteed to be a finer book in every sense mechani cal, literary and proiesslonal than any other work sold In this country for 2.50, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only $10 bv mail, post-paid. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to tne officers or whlcn he refers. This book should be read by the young for in struction, and by the afflicted for relief It will ben ent all. London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom his book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, gsardlai instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, r Dr. W H. Parker. No. 4 Bulfinch Street. Boston. Maas.. who man be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dis eases that have baffled the II l, A f skill of all other physicians a spe 11 jJ cia tr. bucn ireaiea successiuuy successfully I TT v W L I TT1 instance of I XI I r. I T without an failure. Ieb23daw4w SKIN HUMOR My baby, six months old, broke oa with some kind of skin humor, and after being treated five months by my family physlclaa. was given up to die. The druggist recommended Swift's Specific, and the result was as gratifying aa it was miraculous. My child soon got well, all traces of the disease Is gone, ana ae is as rai as a pig. j. j. kirklanb, Mlnden, Rusk Bounty, Texas. I have suffered for many years from ulcers on my legs, often very large and painful, during which time 1 used almost everything to effect a cure, but In vain. I took Swift's Specific by advice of a friend, and In a short time was cured sound and weu. iDwraj.iiiLLEK, Beaumont Texas. I have been afflicted with Scrofula for 12 and have had sores on me as large as a man's hand for that length of time. Last summer I was so bad off that I could not wear clothing. I had spent uuuurvus oi uouars in tne enon to be cured, but all to no purpose, and had Injured myself with mercury and potash. Your Swift's Soeemc cured me promptly and permanently, and I hope every line suiierer wui lane n. tL li. HIGH Lakonl, Ark. PROMINENT BAPTIST PREACHER, I was laid low by an attack of Bronchitis and Minister's Sore Throat, and my life was almost de spaired of. when my physician ald try S. S. S. I hesitated for some time, but as I was afraid of be ing permanently laid aside from the active duties of my ministry. I decided to give the preparation a fair trial, and after persevering in Its use I found complete relief, and am enjoying excellent health. I am deadly of the opinion that Swift's Specific Is one of the best Alteratives and Blood Purifiers In existent, and I take pleasure in recommending Its curative qualities to others afflicted as I was. U. C. HOHSADAY. FROM A WELL-KNOWN LAWYER. I have taken Swift's Specific for rheumatism and found perfect relief. It also relieved me of dyspep sia, from which I had suffered for years. I believe, when duly appreciated as a Tonic and Blood Puri fier, that Swift's Specific will become a household remedy. D. P. Hill, Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 18, 18H2. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York Office, 159 W. 23d St., between Sixth and Seventh avenues. S3U.000 fOR S2 1-1 I REGULAR MONTHLY DRAWING will ill take place in Covington, Ky., I IU THURSDAY, MAhOfl 27, 1884. A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawings, chartered by the Legislature ot Ky., and twice declared legal by the highest court in the State. Bond given to Henry county In the sum of $100,000 for the prompt payment of all prizes sold. illarcli Srhcrac. 1 Prize - - - $30,000 20 Prises $500 each $10,000 1 Prize - - - 10.000 100 Prizes 100 each 10.000 1 Prize - - - 6.090 200 Prises 60 each 10.900 2 Prizes 82,500 - 6,000 500 Prizes 20 each 10.000 6 Prizes 1.000 - 6,000 1000 Prizes lOeaeh 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each Approximation Prizes, - 2,700 9 Prizes 200 " " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 " " " 909 1,857 Prizes $110,400 Whole Tickets, $2: Half Tickets $1; 27 Tiekets $50 65 Tickets $100. Remit money postal note or bank draft In lettef, or send by express. Orders of $5 and upward by express can be sent at our expense. Address all orders to J. J. DOUGLAS, Covington, Ky. feblSdtf TheREdlGTOR Kcorly a? effect live as a sttam Kr mia expense lor repaira. aboat one. lor dtscrip. ttird nrst oiKt. find less thin cue - tenth an- pTOcircnlais wfthteethno- 'nials.addreaa REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO. HJON.New York feb28daw4w NSUnlPTIQTJ. -iht Jl" J? reaiedy for the abom disease ; by IU LfMe t ts vront kind and of long K togetoer with a VALUABLE TBJLAT1SE on S srjr.. Oirs ezprasssndP. O. HswTork, fBb3Sdaw4w Tl BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF- Gprfes, Mectiouries and FANCY GOODS Can be found at ; &. NISBET & BEO'S. ;. AT REASONABLE PRICES pOOK SS3 gJ FES 4 a mm lrs." Joe Person's Column MRS. JOE PERSON Are the Proprietors of & Eemedj wiici is unequalled as a TONKA Alterative and Blood Purifier. It will cure Biieuniatisni, Cancer in its Early Stages, Heart Dis ease, Erysipelas, Indigestion, Chronic Billious Colic, Tet ter, Eruptions, Skin and Blood Diseases. Infallible for Scrofula. IT BEL IEVES CAT IRRH. LABOBATCEY, CHAEL0TT3, 17. C This filler of Life Is not a patent medicine, but a discovery, the secret of which, as well as the pro prietory Benefits, arising from its preparation, man ufacture and sale. are. secured to the owners by reg istration In the office of the Commissioner of Pat ents, at Washlnetou. D. C. under the laws or tne Congress nf the United States In such cases made ai" provided. It has been In use In Mrs. Person's family for many years, but has only been Introduced to the raiolle within the last live vears. since which time its cures have bordered on the miraculous, and its sales have Increased beyond the most sanguine ex- nectations of its owners. Below we offer a few of the many testimonials which have been gleaned from many letters now in the possession of the proprietors showing Its virtues, wnat it win ao, ana wnai n wui cure: IVPORUNT TrSTMOiiy snowctG THE Value ot the Remedy. An Interesting Comedy I FIVE CHAPTERS. CHATTER I. Marion, N. C, May 20th, 1880. Mrs. Person Please let me know the price of Tour medicines and how to remit, as I wish to order some for a case of Scrofula. Yours. &c. , J. H. GILKEY, M. D. CHAPTER II. After ordering a lot to try, he simply reported; "The case is Improving." On his second order then came the following: Marion, N. C, January 27th, 1881. Mrs. Job Person: Madam Enclosed please find postofflce order for $4.25. for which you will send two bottles of your bitters, as the wroftUous ulcers have nbiu! healed up, and do not now require the wash. I am glad to In form you that the Bernedy Is relieving the case. Yours truly, J. H. (ilLKEY. CHAPTER III. Marion, N. C March 7th, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person: Dear Madam Enclosed please find postofflce order for $4.25. for which you will please send me three pint bottles of your tonic and two powders for wash, as I wish to try it In another case. Yours truly, J. H. GILKEY. CHAPTER IT. Marion. N. C October 20th, 1882. Mrs. Joe Person, Frankllnton: Madam ur GiLkey, of this place informed me to dity thn v v, were here some time ago and told him you e mid eure s'crofula and he advised me to write to you for some of your circulars. I have a sore on my leg and hip. It will cure up and break out just below where it cures up. I have been treat ed by several physicians. Some say It Is Scrofula, others say It Is Lupus and Salt Rheum. It Is Just skin deep; it never gets deep; Is very painful; don't rest at night I want you to send me your circular and prices of your medicine, and If I think, after reading them, that it will do me any good, I will order some of the medicine at once. I have had the sores for 18 months, and have paid out a great deal ot money to parties that have done me no good. Hoping to year from you soon, I remain, EfiBpectfuliy, S. C. DALE. CHAPTER T. The following, cut from the Marlon Lamp Post, makes a fit ending of the comedy, and speaks fol Itself: Mr. S. C. Dale, of this place, who for years bad been suffering from aggravated Scrofula, has in three months use ef this medicine entirely recovered. His case was almost hopeless, being scarcely able to get about on crutches. He Is now In active busi ness. Six bottles effected a cure. ANOTHER COMEDY. CHAPTER I. Triangle, N. C, March 20th, 1882. Mrs. Joe Person, Frankllnton, N. C: Hdom A circular advertising your Remedy for Scrofula was handed us by a highly respectable phy sician a few days ago. who said It had been recom mended to him by such medical authority that he desired to give It a trial In his practice, and desired us to keep it in st ck. Please give us Urns. Yours, KINCAIl) & LXNEBARGER. CHAPTER II. SIGNIFICANT TESTIMONY. Triangle, N. C, September 30, 1862. Mrs. Joe Person: Itear Madam -Please send three dozen more ot your valuable Remedy, as the lot you shipped us last Is all sold except one bottle. We have sold four and a half dozen of your Remedy since April, and all save one bottle has been on physieiau's prehcrip turn. With best wishes for your success, we are, Yours truly, KLNCAID UNEBABGEB. CHAPTER m. A month or so later Messrs. Klncald & Linebarger ordered six dasen more, and on the 21st of June. 1883, wrota the following significant letter: Your card of the 18th Inst received to-day. Our "silence" means that we still have "Remedy" In stock. . Don't grow Impatient; remember what a quantity we bought at the last "haul." Then there Is one unfortunate circumstance connected with the sale of your "Remedy" which we cannot ob viate: hei, patient h a taken it till he in cured he immeiiatel-i stops buying it! Then, as sales have to await the development of new cases, we are "silent," and you seem to be puzzled over that "silence," Is not silence a virtue when we have nothing to say? You'll hear from us when our stock, like the "Judiciary" of North Carolina on one occasion, Is 'exhausted." Tours truly, T. J. UNEBARGER. Triangle, N. C, June 21st, 1885. Raleigh Doctors Failed. My wife had been afflicted with Scrofula for a number of years she had three fearful looking sores on her neck, and some on her body She was treated by the best Doctors Raleigh could afford they attended and prescribed for tier (too or i Arm years, but failed to do htr any good. I met with Mrs. Person, she told me she knew she could cure my wife. I bought her medicine, used It three month and she is paneeOy cared. The sores are all healed and her general health Is excellent I am satisfied her medicine will do what the Doctors are not able to do, and that it Is a perfect antidote for Scrofulous taints. Z. W. HANES, November 16th, 1882. Raleigh, N. C. Every Bottle Prepared Under the Immediate Supervision of Mrs. Joe Person. Wholesale Druggist for N. C, Dp. J. H. CHARLOTTE, N. C, : And for Sale by all Druggist. ; 1 Bend for pamphlet containing testhnsmtars frs Bsarkable cures, and for tetter toftnalMa, AddrCSS, J-;XJS!Ui! sVtJ m to Jss Pern bmcaiiaBU Or. BAT 15$. Bat St., Qj:?. Curt Hist, CftCASi pcrfec aUi4 and pu medieio in.Br. feIi,t Ii'snrwa Diae.M(. A 8"qfiOT. of tfa. Mlmo.,. . Mweltta jjf tha 6I.Mh,Swt Me -- aih. rftdicued from th. umUr bit. WM fm .Development, JbnpnfiJ wiwj m,t jivin uaitwia or my irTmt, MIM1e-A anil OI4 n,. un fatara miMir rtinw. wa.a feMoa.eanni to vMt to citr fur ratnt, awdiotty b. Mm 'M BWwkoi attutioa U..Imi f fatm. m WMUMry. kaowinj thia, lnrBtr. mMm ffln omm to 4toJtMt, W t.om Am Kxrn.M mill:, kt. ap.oioa ef '. laaMrtMe. TMm & J w, one gijwe Doctor. t)niti(f,atl -art-dly ralief elwwhra, ef)iDy aorMteiti. Vnntri iy,Z cams trvavwl. 6 to it ftnntijiyfc 1 Addreu, m ftbuv. novlSdeodav jaalSvodAwly IfOTICl Those indebted to me will please call in and ttle, as I am compelled to hare rnonrj. This it a rail ie need, and I want tbe money indtrd. JOHN T. BUTLER, Jeweller. k lmpoil)!lit;r To stop a leak on Brown's house by painting Jones's house; neither can we make Jones's roof secure against fire by covering Brown's roof with MOTT'S PAINT, but for a certainty we will secure any roof by one appli cation of this valuable compound. It has been applied in very many cases of abandoned roofs at this and other places, and we can refer applicants to any of those who have patronized us. Address CHARLOTTE ROOFING CO. EXTAirUSTTEl IT 74. This oompany own and operst three mills, as follows: PATAPSCO MILL A, at Hllicott Citf Maryland. PATAPSCO MILL B, at Baltimore. Maryland., PATAPSCO MTLLC, at Orange Orore Maryland. Having a daily capacity of l,ft0 Barrels. '"PATEri? ROLLKR mLOtHB. manufactured from Maryland and Vir Kinia Wheat, celebrated for its parity and richness of Gluten, Phosphates, ana other nutritious properties. ASK TOUR GROCER FOR PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, PATAPSCO FAMILY, PATAPSCO EXTRA, CAPE HENRY FAMILY NORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, BEDFORD FAMILY, ORANGE OROVE EXTRA, C. A. GANBBILIi It'U CO., : SSOommeroe St.; Baltimore, Ud. 'Represented by R. H. IittlejB Ghai-totte. BT. O. TKrawwTAW 5 MBffllrl)ffi y . "... . s. ' . ' ' ' ' . '1 .i li

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