t. ---m - iriflTO-nriM-'ikrit f i i 1 iri7YiiniiiM4ii-4itfTU' u m m-Mits YtriKy-rrtvM a v vvvsw s taw xjv ii-: r.-. lutonr m ant J i it. i o r mm - .t P&v vw , Sr,il,r,. fcj tA&PX&'AS' -rJAVW-'' - - v"l: r i ? -: ' ;" f -; : f i -'m i ' .' 1 'Hit ? : r. hi ; nT -?; t-.nijp. . . a " f" ' VOLUME XXXI. Mrs. Joe Person's REMEDY, A SPECIFIC FOR ' ALL BLOOD DISEASES. TONIC, Alteratire and Blood Purifier. It will cnr.nicpmatlra Cancer IB it Earff HeAtfPUf ter, Eruptions, Skin to4: BIooAIHwrmi. InfalUUe:te:Scrofil3 IT KKI.leSVES CAT A It It H". A MODERN ETOEKA,' Which is a Boon to Ijadies Suffering from Diseases Peculiar to Their Sex. ' . i ' ' ' Tr .- T. Krai Ha Chaklottk, K. C, Jan. 4, 1884. B Vn. "c IVrson: We enclose check to pay for last lot ot goods. We are doiix wll with jour Remedy have sora over1 1 Ore hundred bottles tn about a rear, and as far as hwd from entire satisfaction has resulted. We hive also sold several dozen of tout Wash. You mT erpect snother order soon from us. Epspectfully, T. C. SMITH 4001, . Wnolesnle Druggists, Charlotte, jjf. 6. tFSlnce the dete of this letter Uessm. T. C. Salth 4 Co. hsve bought another groes-M bottles T tfte Eemedj. ...... : -tJ -; .- " Wilson Bros; 1 C&AHixnTKp H . X Feb. 9, 1884. ' Kn. Joe Person: We have sold a large quantity of yonr Eemetry, snd so far as heard from. It has given entire satls- tsrtlon, and we believe It to be aH -jou claim for It - SKpeetfully, WILSON BROS.. wholesale DToeHsta: Ckarlotte, H. Bmison Bios.' have oht gmas f thte' amdy since the date of their letter. ' '' 5Iy Cnatclies Threw Away. Tk following was taken from the Marlon OX. C.) TfX of Mfircli I9tk, 1834, and was Inserted by Kr rinlej, nd was not an adtertlsement: - - Ttr the ia.t eight years I had bew not only a great safferer, bat entirely disabled, getting about on cratches with difficulty. A little over a year age I began the use ot Mrs. Jee Person's Celebrated Serofuln Remedy. Have used '28 bettles, and now I can walk withoat cratches with ease and feel that I am on the road to renewed health. My ease was a bad one, and kad resisted the best medical treat Jwnt bo loig tkat I had little hope at recovery. I therefore take pleasire la giving my teaitinwy to the ralne of Mrs. Jee Person's great Scrofula Rera Signed, A. L. ITHLBT. Fw tale y Jehnste 4 Graat, Drugglats, Marios, S f. Aaoiher VIc i'rM HarUa llAitimr, V. C, October 30th. 1SS. - J Pnssos, frankllntea : iro-Dr. (hUey, tf tfa fUte, informs me oiv tM. irv trert Mere seme time age and told im Ten could cere Scrofula, and he advise rue to wite to you for some of yew circulars. I have wreenmylegandhlp. It will eare up and break last below where It cures ap. I have been treat l 7 sercral physicians. Seme say It Is Serofala, hrs mt n ig Lnpus and Salt Rheum. It la Just Wn e?p; it never gets deep; Is very pahtfur; VoaX at night I want you to send me your circular . M prices ef your medicine, and If I think, after ' bating them, that it will dp me any good, I will 80Die of the medicine aUwp; IJtwre had the "fw fw 18 months, and have paid out a great deal WlBBeT to parties that have done me ne good 8!?tss to hear from rou soon, T remain, fcwpeetfnliy, fl. (X DAL' jn following, eat from the Marlon Lamp Poet," PWkj for itself; 'i -.r; - " i r s- C. Dale, of this place, who for years had" birring rrom aggravated Scrofula, has In month te of this medicine entirely recovered, to tMLBM almost Pe168.- being scarcely able w about on crutches. He'ls" now in active bust 88 BU botuw effected a cure. fACo.-No. 114 ) vm. b p i3 1'Ibertf itreet, .imu a BTO., MO. C,"'0Hr,ln4Coh9haPStreet I paltlmore, Md. Minor Co w. TajlorACo. Richmond, Vft "rnlth ft Co Hson Bres " Chaxlottfl, K. C. 1 8- -lohnten, Reek Hill. 8. C. lemk lrvg90t ft K G., Dr H. (VlcADEN, An for Sal bg ell Druggists. ' e.ry bottle Prepared Under the ""ineatate Supervision' of Mrs. Joo Person. Jos Pttst JUST RECEIVED I ' i I . ' ' . I f f "', ANOTIIEIl LOT OF NICE ' ' ' ; w. . ' .J ..." H ambur g Ed gi n g s , "Froia 2d." to' 1.50 per yard. Look at them, they are the pret- J tiest aad heapest over HIE GOODS ! Embracing Barred Mulins, from 10c. up. White Lawns, from 10v up. Madrae and Linen Lawns, linen Dondes, Linen D. Daccas, French Dimity, Leno Checks and Stripes, Dptted Swisses, kc. Another lot of those popular J ;Wi I-HiTE ROBES, ! ttom t&.OO up V 12.B0. Cuhnem In all tke new skads. Summer Silks, Nn'8 Telling, Albatross, f iv He And don't forget t look at our new stock of r - - Handsome and Cheap. Tncklncs. Pmfflnn. All Orer tor 10c The best 44 Cambric for 12lfee. A large stock Deiloate snadt.8 in Cashoaera sbawla, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, & A lari?e stock of Lace Curtains, Ladles' Neckwear, c. Call to see us, and we will show you through with pleasure Special attentlOA to orders through aaall for samples or goods. Truly, WAVES 6 NOW THAI OUR s m We are prepared to shew BARGAINS IN ALL OCR STOCK. We have In store 500,Tdft Summer Silk, 500 i " " 50c. 75c. 1,00 250 " BLACK SILK and SCR.iH at all prices. DRESS GOODS In all the new shades at prices -from 10c to $2.50 per jam. a new srocs oi JERSEY JACKETS. A full line of GLOVES. LadJea' and Misses' HOSE. WHITE GOODS In all the ew patterns. T sHATS FOR J i i I. A EVERYBODY. We Invite special aUeUIon to our stock; of c iS Spring Clcjthin. DOMBBTIC8 that will surprise yoo In prices. tau ana see our gooas ana near our prices. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE k CO. i . i . . ALEXANDER TO SEE 'TffEIR PR D a Due MIifflittitfiiiDg Ask for White 6oeds, Hamburg, Irish Holnt Tmbroldery. Ask for Olnehams and seersuckers. ask Et wress ear Carpets at Low nrlc(s. Ark for French Lawns, we Misses' and Children's Hosiery Is very large and handsome. A few Jersey Jackets left. Ask for Spring wraps, we nave only eleven ien ana iney aaust oe soici. Very truly, i 884 Spriup; 3 'Snrnmer Clofhinjr. 1 884 W, Kaufman & Co. :o:- OUR MEI'S DEPARTMENT Is onfe of the largest,' and at all seasons OUE BOYS' CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Will not fail to interest very one CHIUpEEN'S OTR HOSIERY -r . 1 , i nc." 'fK" Is thoroughly loaded down witlrthe wrman, DTenpn .ana .merican masea. O UR UND E R W EAR D E PARTM ENT Is a perfee.gem in itself. Atf the newest and most stylish Hats in our J HAT DEPARTMENT; i j . In fact, never in the history of r pur career "have we'Iiad a better supply than afc tie present peaspn. We court an inspection and .examination of ur excalkit BSBortmerltj laoii trust td mferit the appreciation of our many friends and the public. w ; ; ;- ,! yMS&Wm. AN CO. L. F. OSBORNE, All erigsjceraente promptly filled In city orcdunrjy: ? ijing ana piamng a ihwckuij, uiuce wim ju, t.. r rney, ai coon nouae. , . -T W rmtl Hill wmtm- ' tahOtt ' shown on this market. WHITE GOODS ! Brabrolderlee. The best 4-4 Bleached Domestics of Tvnthen, Tal, Spanish, Sscurial and Oriental rolta, 'C, ALEXANDER. mA DAIS, - Latest Stile SILK HATS, SILK, MOHAIR and GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, Cents' Band-made and Machine Ladles', Misses' md Children's Shoes of best makes TRAVELING BAGS, -Trunk rtil ghavr! N Ira p- JCST RECETVTD. Pecram & Co, & HARRIS STOCK OF Ask for Parasols, their stock la new and cheaD. uooas, lac uanasercnieis, etc. we are closing are aelllng them cheap. Our stock of L; ask ior anyinmg you want, we nave n. BOOTS 1 SHOES, ALEXANDER & HARRIS. well stocked with the choicest fabrics. in want of STYLISH BOYS' and OLOTHINO. pifPARTMENT ' various grades and sizes of English, "Anakesis"r5S.W a tHramns mt tar Pile. Frice ml i.Boxt4lHew 41 p pe n En Kmi DbUUzfntelandfte2: tn. vawtwiDunHOaa mm. Vina LIES at arugKists, or lOtX. Ml rl8deOdsw f CHARLOTTE, N. C,, FRIDAY APRIL 11, 1884. PlTRi.HnKn niir.v irrpirPT vnvuA v i PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY i" BT rf: CHAS. 1 Editor and roW -, 1 : Terrai of Snbscriptlon. DAILT. Per copy,.. , One month fby mail) Three months (by majb , Six months (by maalj : , . -Oneeqrtty maPi. . J. ; C" i WEKPi One year Six months 5 cents. . 75 .42XW .00 ..oo .$2.00 . 1.00 Invariably in A4tticc Free of I'ortttgre to all parts or the . United States. t3rSpclmen coptea sent free on application. EVSubserlbers desiring the address of their paper changed will pleaaa tatolB their OMnmuaV uauun doui ine oea ana new auaress. Mate -of ATertiiar. - I One Square One tima, $1.00; each additional u sertlon, 60c; two weeks, t6.00; one ipooth, $8.08. ! A schedule pf rate for long on apalfcatibif 5, J iJT ;neuuw pi raie iur longer Mnaos rmralshed Remit or dealt od jte'T6tlci' fiharlnrta. xnd b t '(MM .. c Fostoffioe Mo ef OiflrRetlstpl Letter at out ;lherrj fie yi)l pi p responsible risk. It sent for miscarriages. ALU AX SKA.. While. -thej'e js;iauch talk withir Democratic circles of the "old ticket'? t jar the neitPresidential race, and while it cnotr be- denied that this old ticket boom is beyjx worked wj,th considerable ingenfit irafifatrV,! tnere are lnrjrtaojM eof opxtlKCTisj that may learhe 4)lA ticket SiMx& rear before lbwwjir&' d9fsot come. In'spitaof theas8ertionsfhft Mr. Tildefl, mgTto hiaavanedJ age, physical weakness ;Sfc.,'wHild! no4i afcQept 'ths "nckialydh, we'taye boMeeh alobg krid DeBeWiaw tibt if he-convepn shnuIdryERi nate him lie wotrld rteep'f .H'sMIy ) I ith qgirWti011 &t?m Piou auph Ojt a contest, x ner was Jm When Hr. Itl44a?was" Weonest mann I. the) DejJxo;tijvf -bjft wejiotbt wnetxier unaer tne conaitiona t&at ifrviiit;:-aiia ihVtKu&iioii3 that have arisen, heis nn f tariff-' is to be the issue, he touSt tale his poeition wTrw mdef tKefJjr, and from the present indications the fight will be made more !fp"offthe platforms adopted than upon the fegn, and' whoever threjjaen aje they tnust be in acccrftf with fhplaf form. There seems to be, especially within the past few weeks, a drift of sentiment towards Thomas F. Bay ard, of Delaware, and without any connivance directly or indirectly upon his part. The movementfeeems to be inspired by the; recognition of the virtues of the man and his eminent fitness for the position. He stands unquestionably to-day in the'jfjohtj rank of "American statesmen, the peer of any. His discussions in the Senate are characterized by grasp of broad intellect, depth of thought, thorough study of the subject, digni ty of demeanor, and honesty of pur pose; in striking contrast to others of his fellow Senators, who survey the field and take their positions on a question for or against as they recog nize its popularity or unpopularity. There is nothing of the demagogue in his composition, and whether we al ways agree with him or not, we recognise his ability, his devotion to duty, his patriotism, and his unques tionable integrity. These will be his strong claims when his name is pre sented to the convention. But then will come the questienof availability ; whether he can carry this or that doubtful State. We believe he can carry any State that Tilden can, and possibly he could carry States that Tilden can not. TLere are other names prominent, of course, and some of them will doubtless show considerable strength in the convention, but to day the names of Tilden and Bayard are in the lead. The Republicans are quite as much at sea as the Democrats, and the man don't live who can tell who their npm inees will be. Logan's friends are working, Arthur's friends are work ing, Blaine's friends are working, Lincoln's friends, are working,; Ed munds' friends are working, ; a)id Grant's friends are working (in the dark). Logan's strength is in the West, where is also Lincoln's; Ar thur's is in the machine, which is just now getting some pretty hard knocks; Blaine's is in the Eastern and Middle States, where his- friends are active and vigorous ; Edmunds' is in the independent order of Republicans, and Grant's in his personal following, not confined to any particular sec tion, not sufficiently developed yet, however, to give their movement any special prominence ! Logan is vuk nerable, Blaine is vulnerable, Arthur is vulnerable, Lincoln has no record for attack or commendation, and has his father's name as capital ; Edmunds has not trained enough with the boys to inspire much personal ' f oMowing, and Grant's stronghold, if he should be pushed, will be his military fame, which still holds him in good hand. And yet the dark horse tied out in the woods may come in at the last. hour and get away with tne riDDons. Surveying the situation on both sldej?; ' tne ouuook is ueciueaiy mixeu, aim this makes it all the more interesting. m Our Washington letter informs lis that the nomination of Dr. Wheeler as CoUgctor.of . theFjfth District, In ternal Revenue, has been or will be withdrawn at his own request This was one of the nominations that hung fire in the Senate, and against which' there was such a- stubborn opposition made by Republicans in this State. Wheeler doubtless became pretty well convinced that there was no hope of confirmation before hef made any re quest of this kind. ' 1 J ' A bill has passed the New Yorlc ' Senate prohibiting the jnanufactute of oleomargaiiiie under a penalty of from $100 to $500. ..;.,,;..:,..-.,, .. We publish elsewhere the7 full, text - 'PIK KEPRUSJENTaiTlTE4 PIKWSPaPBB neeniiff jt,iABUrXiBrrtejtt Bcil jnes TraBMete-'Restties Alt- . ea-ciectixt pBcets., Special to Tkr OBsnrViR. j Atlahta, . Ga., April r lo. The Southern Press Association convened m thfesity yesterday, , the. "following papers oerag representea:: a Ashe Raleigh Qbseryer :Chaa R Jxhe8, Char lotte Obbbvbr; J. Jveash,, Norfolk Ledger; J H EeU. Savannah NeWgR Ira P Johei, Naarivli! Banner: Alex SuJnnter8,K:horvill Trihiin-W' W iScre, w4, , JCantfomary ' ' 1 Ad rtiseri; jramcK vvaisnr AuguBt Uhromcfe; Erwin Leddyattf Mobile Register ; Q Jones, Jacksonville Times-Union Oee Wicholson New, Orleahs Picaf 2rune.; G W Rogers,. Vickaburg C5om mercial Herald; HC Hanson, Macen Telegraph and Messenger; W-vL Ma lone, fft Worth (TexasXJazette; John King. Columbus Enauirer Snti V TT XS WjUyson, RjcondKspatch; E W lOawson and B"JR Whfte. Charleston N&wsand Courier; M D Winell, Refine Courier ; AdOlnt S Ochs, Coattanooga Times ; H W Grady, E P Powell aid W A Hemphill, Atlanta CotiistitUfion. Wm H Smit& General Manager bt the Associated Press, and W B Som erville, Superintendent of the Press Department of 'the '-Western Union! Telegraph Company, were in attend-! ance. i i The fnAt,inptin hArmnnlnn. Kn.i ' V!ness executed and the telegraph ne ws. service imp rove a ana increased.--";' ' A resolutiom was adorttri fl.nr.rriTi2. ring the officers to apply ior a charter unaor tne-iawa ot Georgia. ; . The following resolution was'adept- .edr-'--i m Resolved! That the measufa intr'ft- 4uced into both .Houses of "Congress Known as the convrieht bill is design ed 1 recognize property in the con tents of a newspaper and give that ; rotection to this property under the ; aw which every other interest al- i ready enjoys, and that it ought to receive tie approval of the law-mak ing power, and the Southern Press i Association fully endorse it. The following resolution was also adopted: Whereas, The tendency towards centralization of the powers of the f;vernment is giving rise to a scheme or an increase of the civil list and government patronage dangerous to the rights of the citizen and lnconsis tent with the principles of Republi can government as established by the fathers ; therefore Resolved, That the proposed scheme to establish governmental telegraph system is in effect to place the govr ernment in competition with its citi zens, to threaten every business in terest and to establish a political power in control of what under the constitution is recognized as private Concerns, a power and a tyranny which nothing less than revolution Lean overthrow. . .... The following officers were elected: President Patrick Walsh, Augus ta, Ga. Vice President F W Dawson, Charleston, S. C. Secretary Adolph S Ochs, Chatta nooga, Tenn. Treasurer M D Winell, Rome, Ga. Executive Committee and Advisory Board Patrick Walsh, Geerria: F W Dawson, South Carolina: Adolph S Ochs, Tennessee ; Ohas R Jones, North Carolina; C H Jones, Florida; H K JCUyson, Vireinia, and W If Screws, Alabama. The convention meets m Jackson ville, Fla., next year. More has been accomplished for the Southern PreBS than at any previous meeting. The Association has been placed upon a better footing and a permanent or ganization secured. Adolph s. uchs, Sec y. Digest of Supreme Coart IecisiBs, Balelgk Newa and Observer. State vs. Williams. 1. A storehouse is a dwelling hotise in which burglary may be commit ted, where it appears that a clert or servant of the owner habitually slept in a bed-room therein, even though for the purpose of protecting the property. a. Tne indictment irr such case whieh lays the property in the ewner pf the store "then occupied" by the ;lerk, is in accordance with the sug gestion in State ts.' Outlaw, 72, N. C. 698. State vs. Pressly. ; 1. This case is similar to the pre ceding one, except, that here, the clerk did not Aboard" with the owner of the store, but the court Jbeld tht was immaterial. 'There was no evi dence that the clerk -leased the bed room as a tenant so as to " give him exclusive contrel oarer it.i J 2. The law does riot require the ex amination of a committing magistrate tab certified under the seal; Brawn vs. Calloway, .' . , The failure of a- judge- to charge specially on a particular point, Hihere there are more than one presented by the evidence, cannot be assigned for error in this court, . The party (com plaining should have submitted, a prayer for special instructions upon trial in the court below. State vs. Phifervi 1. The rule that there is a presump tion of law that every man intends -t)ie natural consequences of his act, escaDiisnes omy a prtmajacie ease against the accused and throws the burden of proof upon kim to rebut the presumption. 2. In an. indictment for burning a warehouse, under section 985, jgnti thvision 6, of the Code, the intent to' injure the owner is -made an ingredi ent oft tae;effeaaB, aadnpuet te chanced and irnvd ! and its ws f.r- Lr0r rffthe' tiourt ' not. td. submit " the 'question ot mtent.aa one lot fact- to. the jury.; . '.v1,;:1' .. A: Sage Attak on Blaiae. Thfi Now Ymrfci.-Tfiiwmirio' Post nF Monday devot6d;inorfc- than a column to a savage personal attack upon Mr. Blaine, and practically giye,, notice that if he ia .nominated it will belt the ticket and support thtf Democrti.t iq candidate' tit divides iU indict ment of him into six parts. Two pf' the 'counts chargedj,hiin.. with prjosji tilting th 'speakerehip to forward Little Rock and F$rt Smith Railroad sxmetnes'; the ithira with- suspicious Northern i Paciflo Railroad transac tions ; the foutth, with breaking, . his; ward regarding tn' Mulligan letters; tne-niia wiin add unsafe' fide of Secrei sLtth with : packing ; the coitentipn ana organizing literary ooreaua. . -: A. j a lke-Craata Weli;, K,;::l with SOZODONT wheav tbev baean apoaarerde- Bensationai, unspuna .adnaihStraUon-of .tha of- t&XY- i, ,State and the ue nacxa . Oi toe .seetav; uet wmm. KEfuRnERsV . Tke Defeat ef the Weol Jleasare 't4m eidej-ed Sig aificajit Some Ressoas wayat Hay W Heaa the Tassage. et tae JBarrisea BUI Ransom aad : Ishaai Gi Harris---The UtiadrpVal I tt heeler. Correspondence of Tm Ossax vxa. & . , WASHDfOTON, April 8. Therevewub reformers are in better spirits than at any time perhaps since the begin ning Of the .session. . They interpret, iue aeieat oi uon verse's proposition restore the. wqol duty of 1867- as favorable to the pasaage. of the Mor rison bill. While they are warranted probably in this prognostication it'is .clear that the vote yesterday is- in .largo measure a different oua from that which it is likely will be cast on the Morrison tariff measure. Quite number of gentlemen voted irres pective of their .judgment on th4 geral tajriffoesticin. There is Mr; Eaton, who-vofced against irestoring the high duty on wool. He will n0 support tha Morrison - bill, or ari tariff measure at this session. S cf some of ? he Virginia members. Of these there is doubt,' hewever, as they will be loath to defeat a proposition to repeal the tobacco tax, Judge Bennett hopes' for the Dans- sage oi the bill reduoine the revenue J iGeji, Cox, too. is . JsaniruSn, Yester-i day .Gox led the debate of thirty, mamiteavon Phil Thompson's resold -j tion against the repeal of the whfs-i k.er tax, and every Democrat f in the aeiegation except. Col. Green, who was absent, voted in. the nerative. An analyeis of the vote 6hows that' only tour Republicans, including York, were recorded Kn the same side. This is interpreted to day as showing the animus of parties on this question of so much importance to' North Carolina. Gen, Ransom took a sbirited and brilliant part in the closing debate1 on the education bill in its. favor. In . a colloquy with Gov, Isham G. Harris, just before midnight, he retorted; with somet asperity, but in parliamen-1 tary language, the criticism that tha people. of. North Carolina would not approve his action- If Senator Coke, who held thelfloor at the time, had not refused permissien for tne spat to continue, there might have been some material for the big morning dailies which take the past rridnight dispatches. These Senaters, it is needless to say, are as brave as Ney and personajlv the best of friends. ., It is learned to -day that Wheeler has requested the withdrawal of his nomination as collector and the sub stitution of the name of his former deputy, Mr. Hardin, of Alamance. This may untangle a part of the skein, or it may not. Mrs. Atkinson, sister-in-law of Bishop Atkinson, the venerable lady who was so severely injured at ' the hands of a street robber oh Saturday night, was no better at the last' ac- counts.. .. H. A Harrihle Case ( Crnelty. At Wilmington, Del., Monday, Martha Smith, colored, was arrested for cruelly treating a six-year old daughter of a woman named Wesley, which has been in the keeping of Mrs. Smith for some time. On the child's back were two immense scars, from which the flesh had been burned al most to the spine, which she stated had been inflicted by the woman set ting her upon a red-hot stove for disobeying a command. Her tongue was badly lacerated, which was the result of the. woman sticking a fork through the child's tongue to keep her from crying. Aa Art eat Defegatiea. Atlanta; Ga., April 10.-i-In the Republican convention; yesterday considerable time was taken up in the discussion over contested delega tions from Chatham "county, but, when settled R. D. Locker, marshal bf the Southern Georria district, was elected permanent chairman. A. M. Buck, W, Af .Pledger, .1 M. Piea- ants and Ci D. Forsvthe ware alecied las tho delegation to i Chicago, from 4 the fstato at large. They go unin structed, but are considered as being for Arthur. . ' ' m Firata a Texas Towa. - ; 6rALvsaTO,' !f ex. , April ;i0. A Huhteviile dispatcn ta the News say the whole east side of thepublie square was destroyed by fire fester day. The loss is 2;00a distribn'ted among twenty persons, with litrtle or h insuranc. '!- , Perly (ear' Itaeneaee ofaa Ot Kane. ' ' lbs. , winsiew'a eoothlng Syrop, for chlldeea teetein, lsUje,prescilpttoftel tneet 1 beat (e mate ptiy sieians nd nurses tn tne ' United states, arrd UKSbelTise fer frtryears wlB aerer f aD Sig sueeert bf muttons of rnotrwrs tor tnelr eu-drf-n It relieves tne eUUd from pain, cnres.lyMn dei? anjnaiarrboeft.igrrptng hi tne boweW and wind ooltc By eivlne health to he -call it nU the mother We woold say to evetrmotherjih hae a cnHdaflertng rrom ny of tne" toregtrtng com piaAitai Do not let you tejadtee,- ov tbe pre iudlces ot otbers, stand between yeur sqflertog oh fid and tbe relief that will be sure yes, abso lutely sure to follow the "use of this- awdidna. 8oW by druesbtsKflxooflboat the world Price 2k I cent bottte, -..., . , Nothlnr equals Allen's villous Physie in qmleUi reitevinc costivisness, headaches, heartburn and all other blTloas rroqWes; 26 eeau lavaa boMte. Atafl I... r ,, r, ri-nn.1 r.,-.n .n Pica emoXinff is thareal lestof atotiMca. tt h the regal fray ot smokinc. : Ton et jnore direotly at the flsvor aid fragrance,' Ton take the -smoke oootor, aa4 the tonic cleanlier ' toS safetC ' Pipe imoking 1 BmokiiDr reduced to a fine art , Xbe atom the ojnestiioa oi adnlterated tobacco forces itaelf on the attention at smokers, the more desirmhle lt-beeomei , to Xnaw pwyteely What swa ar amottngt In Bladklrell'p Bull Pnrfaam Qmokina' lo. caoooTOvnave inaruiiio. ahrajia, that t is-Hature' own nnaitolteratad yradaot Its frmgranca, flavor, and nomayimti qnllty,aae itffOwtbeaotlaBdafr, r X17 Aand roawUl bem. )U Hooaeaiilnwtth. ont tsadewkef a BmO. 'irsaeieavfin riiheri and Spark. 'Baa Btneke BlaekwaU'a BnB Doxham HmoklBa lobaoeo, aa4 Ukorajor la, Schodli! 4heret aeaooU In need ot teaohers, aad asainc pasmon; saooia auaresi 1 The BfelifrWed ffionsonds . . . t ' WHO mm GRAiND OPENING LAST WElSC Will be more delighted this week. On visiting the Mam moth Palace of Attractiop.8 they Trill find the most SUPERB LINE OF BLACK SILKS Ever shown in this section, at prices that tannot be eonpetad ': ; with North or South, Si We will ofi'er the most exquisite assortment ef Sinner Silks that can possibly be desired to select ltqbu, ra&ting i frice from50e. to per yard. NEW STYLES IN LADIES UNDERCLOTHING. Now Ginghams and Percales, New Lawns and Cambries, New Hosiery, Fans and Parasols, Lacea and Embroideries, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES CHARLOTTE. N. C. 1884 Our tok ii rriviDf OUR STOCK WILL IKirchasers will find it Opening. L r jarajssnc csl, SPRING. Id's, Saittonirdlffiy Ihe latest ia Scarfs is the "T;N10B,,' fem. PRICE FIVE CENTS i i r VISITED : t it 1 ki vi:-: yaiiM 9 - . nraieLr'SlilllkQjj, 1884 daily. Novelties in BE COMPLETE BY to their interest to await aax i v. c ': go dlo:. ..... n ft SOT S tyl i 3irn:ni r.:: 'I t P isZiJ itj'-' - -a no flrt CQ j j vj 8j v.t, i"2-r ' Jof tl thaducafeonai bul as it passed th w caeqjiom BBafnelr an ana lj ii and -m raodva tkelrtooeand ita. UIIISUI ,). znavniau auvvaiwaaii-nvnuv, llnuliv 30ZOD0NT la the beat Teactdlkt at wowoe.iT J ASCOT fc! SettpaT ii if .eJel eJel vJi9 .1 WJX .50T-.XO ex. -r st- iX'Hiir: saw .r.