DAILY 6HAKLU XWlQB S E R VE R FJl D A.Y , AJPRIimi, 1884, fr fffcaytotte Qttszvvtv. bmiD at tub HUMwnoi t CHAKxrrn. If. 0., AS SSOOBD CLASS MATTXB 1 MifM ofUiw government kcopouiicaliy admlnls- - A-tartff which wm afford gucnTndental protec- Morr as " win encourage productive Indiistries at home, but not such a tariff as wlltsswts andfoster monopolies. 5 v r w i " " ' - J j W- --! ' MORNING'S .NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. There was eonslderable wrangling In fche.Bepub llcan State convention at Atlanta, but "It succeeded In electing delegates to the Chicago convention who go unlmtructed, but are understood to be for Arthur. Ex-Got. Cregory, of Virginia, died la Charles Clt Wednesday night, ages eighty years. L IlMtitivBle Texts, Wednesday destroyed f irtper$tobneJintot$2fU- Tie joustl boamtttee cm itabllc buildings hare f recoiii5eVddtb ettlah.ofi(aiubllc blUllng at Mr. Kelly says be wlQ teat the vote on the tariff question Tuesday by calling for the yeas and nays when the motion la made to consider It. A fire In Pensaoola, Fla., yesterday destroyed a number of badness houses. Loss, $65,000. An explosion of dinamlt yesterday In a quarry near FranklosutthX BUteiklfled'onehiairasiK lnjarea six, an coiorea. A case of supposed, murder, followed by the sul - fiit bttHA iiurdem..' Is rtported from Ntogsra ;-,,(.. -r'l jiiiii , , The MlMlssippt Democratic convention to select delegates t Chicago and Presidential electors has bees, telled to meet June 11th. Entrance has been effected Into the Pocahontas mine. In Vlrglnla.and the bodtes of the dead mluers w,i,S Nik A 0 A J 1-' CoWpfrllleT KnoT, of tne Treasury, will resign to take the presidency of a New York bank. Wm. SInnette, appointed by the U. S. Court In West Virginia te survey a tract of land In litiga tion, was fired upon by squatters on the land and IfSf!!1"' ;, .. . Got. Vance was tendered an ovation at Danville, where the people extracted a speech from him and gave him ft supper. John Presslar aid J. T. Shepherd, of Anson cointy, were arraigned before the C. S. Commis sioner la this citron tOBrgqf Illicit distilling, and were1undWin(l44PKfarltoJal1- iV -yVtJpo Vyetl-iaJ jftnaBjrtl&med HaDnaji, T&m T!Mton7 waT found guilty of a serious crime. Thf accidental sheotlng case Is to be brought up. A Cabarrus man was imprisoned a night and a day In his storm hole by the roof falling In on him. The lawyers have formed an association, and are having a two stery house built in rear ef the court bops fprJJttait.effloes. stej - -" j ' A large rmmbfr of r.Chjsslr people have-come tf naifttUlrtolnU business.' The Mutual Building and Loan Association lias decided to open a sew.class of stock on the perpet ual piss. Its affairs are In a splendid condition. THE SOUTHERN PIES C'O.N V EH . WWU Tr?n i! ; f f J it ' The:AnnUdltaietinKf the Bouth- ern Press Association which assem bled in Atlanta, Ga., last Wednesday was, in many respects, the . most im portant ever held- in-" the history of that boirjiO'The Association is com posed of forty-nine (49) of the leading newspapers of the South which sub scribe to the Associated Press dis patches. The business of this meeting will b1jdfeachilig in itslresults. It puts tS.prtiR-BreB3 for the first time on its feet in regard to its telegraphic service. A canvass of the matter by a committee discloses the fact that the Southern newspapers are now paying a sum aDDroiimatine one hundred thoisndidoUars per annum for the news 'mrVshfed by the Associated PrissanA a Imowledge of this factr wpt lar towards putting the South era newspapers on.a different footing in its relation to the Associated Press, from what it has ever enjoyed before. Indeed, this very fact ena bled the Convention to treat with the representatives of the Associated Press from a somewhat independent standpoint. Gen. wm! Henry Smith, the agent ef the Associated Press, and Mr. J. agent of he W. Summerville, the We em Union .Tele-. grapl were rasopi nd. both" dtiot. m fostt weiartn Wfore the bttr bt Vntiu cism. A good deal of reform was promised, which we have no doubt will be carried out in good faith. The management of the Associated Press, whichTecJoyi a franchise-' in v61ving an income approximating a hundred thousand dollars per nnnum.now ap preciates the fact tt5fVfTnust render betti JseBflSe 6ftH(rhunt charg.4 etroT-ftew lwenifSs nrned into some other association, and as i pledge of its guarantee of good faith it gives the newspapers the valuabl lranehtse'oT -ownership lhJ the dis patches in the respective communi ties in which they are published This is a right, fair and just. It gtrWafidmeuta th boa nwvtspkpel casd The assc helps the press, because we feel, for the first time, &preprietaiyiraterai ia the collection and dissemination oi the news on which the life of the modern newspaper depends. xiio vuuveuwon was remarKaDie in one respect. Swas a gatheringJOf Be wBpaper proprietors ; men of bramS. nergy, talent antaioney jus 'tf&l men as are able W ranmand aucc in any of the avoegtionajdf lifejcr-s ermg a territory tromKichmonfL Va.JcLFort WorfWTexaa. J noU bto.iaftire was thi absence of jttoL;t-' irigOfistings, &hepoisuaiit9on comitOt of th average jWCton! venuon. Aney meLior busineag, "pme buttoess-ys transacted tl nwjwg8 EaratMd; thoswho ll 4a oisramce took then depTt- ure toLnome, . ? The Convention Msed a resold ' approving ihe itopghtlbill nliw ' f oreAgressdthfir contf--c50?61 control Of the graphi6Wyje of tb4 country govtCAyi. gn fo&HEese tjl thertSls'gre unanimi. - Lo$9 M(m theit . hejxB Crvenirt ji thre Was c fact r-1 aaJSateirt v persL'tne on T0re 'reprea aantft!! ite onnnen j-at the hCnKtotfyn of thlrote&SEfi; into CTgress or The ar of the t A rniif&u Gubernatorial chair has past. J .lism, inlthej new order of thines. is cool, calculate .... . . . .a -s . ."1 lag, cold-blooded biss,prosectecU anil ran '5a a. rtiinnaal It takes both talentfijad capitaj tol Which must be added; pluck, energy nd rDerienCe. ' A majority of the P " VV, . 4 A men wAO aesempiou m wuvcunw at i i l I! I I Til ra Atlanta have these qualifications, and most of the newspapers are well j ud in the field of fuccess. Without them they would fail. Wa 6nerratiilate the readers of The Observer on the fact tnat our telegraphic news columns are to be very much improved, on the theory thM. whfttPTrtKJs a earn to us will be a gain to them! Senator Fair, of Nevada, has had reconciliation with his divorced wifA and thev are to be married again. The New York Sun thinks the drift of the free trade sentiment in tne Democratic party is towards Thos. F. Bayard for President. Dr. U. L. Beach, of Altdbna, Pa., joined th chnrch; last Sunday, and hat inighf eutats wife's throat witn. ' sfcrgeoft's ktiife and chopped her head off with a cleaver. The Governor of Maryland has gned the bill authorizing the city of SI: ltimora to contract a debt of 0001000 on-Account of the Kicn mond & Danville railroad. Judge 'Payne, of Ohio, don't want to be interviewed on the Presidential question, but says, referring to tne assertion of his son that he would not accept the nomination. 'My son and L- i i 1 1 lrrli i i J T arvj fevrui uiucruiiii persuus, win x not hold myself responsible lor bis assertions." Notwithstanding the fact that the Republicans made gains in several of tbeOho:Wwn elections last Monday.M they lost largely in Springfield, J. Warner Keifer's home. This, follow ing upon the heels of the investiga- ti g committee reports, is rough on aJ. Wayresville etrted'the comple tion of the Western N. C. Railroad to that point last Tuesday. Gov. Jarvis, State Treasurer Worth, Cols. Buford, Andrews and other gentlemen went down1 In a special tram, and were cordially welcomed on their arrival. G. Si Ferguson welcomed them in 6 speech which was responded to by Gov. Jarvis and Col. Buford. After the speeches there was a splendid dinner provided by the citizens, and a good time generally. Wfcyiiesville iw feels that she is out of the woods. The Republican convention to select delegates to the State convention meets at the court house Saturday. Dr. Norment and mail agent Gordon s?em to be running the machine on one side, and ; postmaster Jenkins on the other. Norment and Gordon are running the Liberal schedule, and the fight seems to be made on Jenkins on his straight -but record of two years ago. We are told that the Liberal card is played more extensively in the city than in the country, where it does not take so well - with the Id line Republicans white or black. Herfcapsthere may be some interest ing ""developments when the sover eigns assemble to-morrow. TUE rOCAHO.ITAS MINE. Recovering ,the Bodies Aimers. ot the Buried Lynchburg, Va., April 10. A force of twelve experienced miners under the direction of Superintendent Dodds, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., worked all last nieht clearing a wav the debris covering tne track at the main en trance to the Pocahontas mines, the flooding of the mines having caused great damage to the tracks and the force of the explosion having block Sded thftm -Air finnn i t-rwla-v ! '' tfio superintendent had the following no tice pasted at the main' entrance to the mine: "Pocahontas, Anl 10. Some of the bodies will in all proba Diiuy re removed rrom tne mines this afternoon. A number of men best acquainted with the deceased will bar station! -on the buteide to identify the remains. Relatives and friends will be given an opportunity to recognize and claim their own. who will betlelivered to themon my order Ajflnajtfng plate be- ,iuw me town nas been selected, wnere ail not claimed will be buried During the removal and burial. all persons are requested to observe a sqleznn decorum befitting the oc casion. Appropriate memorial ser vices will be held at the church in the near future, of which due notice will be given. No one will be allowed Ito enter the mines excepting those Superintendent.1"" Charlkstok.W.Va. April 10. -Some yearaago a man named Prentice Dur Chased a large tract of land in Logan countjrJthis State, and litigation began and found its wavin the TJnit- penuy jazz :jcson oraereda tu- TeyXL ::.9 lahd iAi B. Sinnette wa feppoin-1 survetor by the C6urttd. - rwi:a;twQ. ct luisoniB euufcin on trie land whrt rirwi lntrt the tutft WWnr4rrT..:i 4 irttlwr? rtmTZTZZZ n "iwireipuainef xje :nue r t jreiiMTivi. win ti zor nr-oiieration if suth'a motio ! SUth a motiom ',ia'C3ad-bv he Lo3 tiTenr notice ,tv-t ke -will I tm-A p''-ft i I tart i to L)r?5n WwfnHr tA tA. I tworieve Zt&Zi rTS pot nna I W v A. j & AAJJLlli. V AAAC3. U . I ikl till nVflT.'t I I T.lffnXT 1 berality. ; V S'i-- 1 y The bill finally ' rnoi,r Bajlding-Keflet'aT.tt; I "vorabie retwrt.; , Z: sfewV -W Thabillfora 5teoflt450,000!3adcsonvill3 la! ajxouog.vitt iennessee,1 ana-was t.vote tae-iTieritste tht eat ideal of nowe upon the floor; JtKeSenn-Tl aesrJite-th numerous rernonstrancea -IS. rItMi6mtrMitm.m,.'yA i w n ; ed up to ftiJa;? foueror rog-tjuueiicj' Kntwrftaa re- 's"fr "l Prwnw)ce accept cne I resignation hc& iot been Officially made publics butiwiil be aspoji aa WKS?ffll fioea at the Paciflq National Bank, of BMtori ifekeejbrreport. 3 m '"h. . , ' JSAX tSf jSWSaS J FrTtrwri?a S'WopS J I?""' JHL 14 tb PriD oi ti ye to nriry Wood,ln?lgofatfrthygtom.eltoallvwte aowvu, m waxnm wjo aeaKoy tue caa Tgar. COKGilESS YESTERDAY. THE NAVAL BILL. OCCUPIES THE SEM ATE. The House Eicitedaad im m Tomaltall Afeeat tke rMic BniUiftf Bill. tUTiotmrnTAir A rwnl 1H SuTWATK' Cameron, of Wisconsin, moved that when the benate adjourn xo-aay, be to Saturday next, to-morrow being 0ood Friday. On the suggestion of several Senaters Cameron' modified his motion so as to make it Monday instead of Saturday, , Tne , motion was agreed to. , . , -v , , tun introduced, a dui to aeciare ror feited lands granted to . the' New Or leans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg Kauroad uompany. lie requested that the bill lie on the table for a few days as he wished to make some remarks upon it before referring it to tne committee. A bill to authorize the Secretary of War to examine a claim of South Carolina for rent alleged to be due for rent for Charleston' citadel was read the third time and passed. A bill to authorize the same officer to adjust and settle accounts for arms between the State of South Carolina and the government of the United States was, after a slight debate, laid over until Monday. The naval appropriation bill was again taken up and several of minor amendments of the committee were agreed to without debate. On reach ing the amendment clause appropriate ing $400,000 to complete the ordnance outfit of their new cruisers "and ' one dispatch boat, Beck moved to amend the amendment ' by making the amount $500,000, Beck's amendment and the committees amenamenii were agreed to. On reaching the amendment of the committee that provides for the con strdetion of' new steel cruisers, 'the bill for the construction of which the Senate had passed some weeks ago, a debate began which consumed tne re mainder of the day's session ana tnis amendment was pending without change of any kind, when the Senate went into executive - session. Ad journed till Monday. Hoxrsi. The House met at 11 o'clock in continuation of Wednesday's ses sion. Eaton, of Connecticut, from the committee on Laws, relating to the election of President and Vice-Presi-dentretxrted back the Senate bill on that I snbifect with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, and it was referred to the House calendar. Ellis, of Louisiana, introduced a ioint resdlution directing the Post master General to investigate and apply the most effective means for tne protection oi tne maus on pusuu cars irom destruction Dy nre. in ferred. Mills, of Texas, from the committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill amending the statutes in refer ence to immediate transportation of dutiable goods. Placed on the House calendar. On motion of Talbott, of Maryland, the Senate bill was passed further to suspend the operation of Section 5,574, Kevised Statute, in relation to the Guano Islands. Then the contest over Dublic buildings measures was resumed. Stockslager. of Indiana, again led the friends of public buildings bills. and moved to go into committee of the Whole for consideration of these measures. Owing to the early hour of meet ing were was no quorum in cne House, ana that point was raised oy Warner, of Uhio, whereupon Beliora emphatically demanded a call of the House, and served notice upon War ner, that as the fight had begun it would be continued. During the progress of the rell call. which Belford declared would show whether there was a quorum of courageous men or cowards present. many members came in, and at its conclusion there were 222 Represen tatives answering to their names, and further nroceedings under the call were dispensed with. At a few minutes before 12 o clock Warner moved to adjourn ; but this being voted down the Legislative day of 'Wednesday was continued. After a skirmish of a quarter of an hour, the motion of Stockslager was agreed to. and at 12:15 the House went into committee, of the Whole, Wellborn, of Texas, in the chair. As Indicated, the first bill appro priating $50,090 for the erection of a public building' at Greenville, S. C, was not opposed with the bitterness which has characterized the op position to the other bills. After half an hour the bill was laid aside with favorable recoimnendatidn. The next bill was one anoroDriatine $100,000 for a building at New Albany. ina., ana the opposition again became aggressive. Thompson, of Kentucky, said the resolution under which the commit tee was acting, making public build ing bills a continuous order, was scheme for public-plunder. The bills could not be put through except by putting an tne porK in one pot. n can j every memoer speaKing m the debate '. was attacked by some other member upon his record upon former' occasions, and the sparring was not always gooa naturea. i Durifle a colloouv between Thnmn. son, of Kentucky, and Hatch, of Mis souri, the floor was a scene of great eonruslon. and it was with the ntmost exertions that the Speakers could make their voices heard above the din " This .was increased by shouts of laughter, when Aiken, v of ' South Carolina, innocently suggested that this was anjndiana bilL antCsarcas tically inquired? whether - Holman eome objection to it. reply that this was 1 J . . " . . ' P1 Ba -ewn upon mm a, lecture irom aorer, oi Wisconsin laid AAiifA fnr a DOblio buildine at Uhattanoozaflhe cost ;aette -exceed $100,000 was opposed by McCormes, oi jyiaryiana.ang. aarccaiea by Uibrell auu,iouBg, ot iennesaee,' ana ?uuu w7MWflrjn juiscuss- ine points, of oi-derjirhich were fixutUyJ Qeciaea Dy,taeonairjui Bucii a clear manner as tooaU forth a public c6m pliment from Wilson, of Iowa, m Theirjembers of the eorftmittea wmi m .tha MwEtfKiimnw.? although the opposition at istimetf madfvnsebf pretty Mvemlaniuage I tiere -was sno ,bad-4uO0d'?!xJLtd. untutne;bni ror tne erection ot a buildinar at Auausta. Maine, at an ultimate cost off l0,000r was reached, itubu iouuKen, tjx moms, aim oiiuriu, of Bennsylrania. indulged tna rather heaJedt rkop hiSh ' fcoatiriied until the debate closed by limitation. Tittll waa acted troon favorably: and then4ihe co)mitiecseandtat oms wce Teportea to tae. House, which, without further action, ad- Jxinied. a ' A Core of PneamoKla. Mr. D. H. Barnait. of nnnwn. V Hni. his daughter wa taken with a violent cold which terminated with pneumonia, and all the best phy sicians gave the case up and said she could have but a few hours at most. She wan In this condition when a friend recommended Dr. Wm. Hall's Bal aam wr tne .Mines, ana aavuea ner to try It. -She accepted It as a late resort, and was surprised to find that It produced a marked change for the bet ter, ana dt persevering s permanent 1 ore WMef- wen. IHABKETS 1ST TELEGRAPH. APRIL 10, 1884. . , Prw-dace. BALTDfOKB-Woon Flour firmer: Howard Street and Western Superfine- $2.75$3.25: Extra $3.50 14.26; Family 403 $5.75; (Xty Mills Super 2.75 $3.36; Extra J3.50ffit6.00; Rio brands S5T25&S5.60; Patapseo family $6.S0; Superlative Patent S7.00; Wheat Southern steady; Western dull. Sooth era red $1.09$1.12; do. amber S1.12a$1.15; K. 1 Maryland $1.14ffi$l.i4Ui; No. 2 Western winter red spot $1 bid. Com Southern steady with Moderate demand; Western higher closing dull. Southern white 5668; yellow 6S3 '66. Oata steady and firm; Southern 40313; Western white 40342; mixed 883 40; Pennsylvania 40343. Provisions quiet and firm: mess pork old $17.26; new $18.25. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed, 7ty ft bacon shoulders SVs; clear rib sMea 101&; hams 1431&1. Lard refined 9U310. Coffee dull; Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 9I&3101A. Sugar lowej bat quiet; A sett 6. Whiskey steady at SM98S1.19W, irwigma ouu. Chicago. Flour In Improved demaad bat dull and slow; good to choice winter S5 003S5.66. Wheat unsettled and feverish; opened lAitVt cent higher and closed lVt cent over yesterday; April 79fill; No. 2 -Chicago Spring 81 Ati81.. Card unsettled; evened a shade higher, actuated and dosed Vs higher than yesterday; cash 46348fe; April 45$. Oats stronger: ruled Ifeftqfe higher: cash 28330 ; April 2732t. Pork strong; opened 60360 cents higher, receded 80340 cents, reacted 653G0 cents and closed steady; cash $17,269 $17.50; May ji.tXJrtjiv.rtj. uon sieaay; casn Il.453$8.66; May $8.60$8.65. Bulk meats in fair denrand; shoulders . $7.00; short rib $8.55; short clear $9.15. Naval Star1. WnjnueTOM Turpentine firm at 51. Rosin Arm: strained 11.10; eood strained 1 $1.15. Tar r; hard $1.00; firm at $1.06; crude turpentine steady yellow cup ana virgin si. uk ' fin i RT.mrrow Turpentine quiet at 30w. Reeln quiet; strained and good strained $1-20. - Savaitk ah Turpentine dull at SI Rosin firm at$1.2. .V ' ; . Flmaaclal. NEW TQRK. Stocks were dull and Arm -today, aad trading ex ceedingly light At the opening there was an ad vance Of man per cent., out udoui ii a. m, uniuu Pacific dcliad U and the general market fell off In svmnathy. Before midday, however, sposula-; Hon became firm again, in ine anernoon umana shares developed strengin, seuing up it er eenv, da prefeered 2. Central Pacific roal, St Paul western uaion m. i ne musei ciosea strong dim quiet Compared with last night's closing prices are uam per cent, nigner except ror Micnigan Central, which is 1 lower. Fort Wayne advanced 414. Sales 112,000 shares. Exchange, 4.87Si. Money 1132. Sub-treasun balances, gold, $122,424; do. currency, 10,849. Gov ernments firm: four and a half per cents. 1.13Sii; fours. 1.237S; threes, 1WH4. State bonds active. . Alabama Class A. 2 to 6 82 " Class A, small 81 " Class B, fives....: 1.02 Class C. fours 813i lieoreiaB's i.t4 Georgia 7's mortgages 10514 ueorgiagoia lib Louisiana Consols 76, North Carolina 4 s, J and 3. . . 8H4 North carouna 6's i.uti 11 m South Carolina Brown Consols 1.05V4 rennesse b s 43 Tennessee New 42 Virginia 6's 40 Tlrglnla Consols iOiA Virginia oeferred 7 Adams Express 1.90 American Express 96 Chesapeake and Ohio 13 Chicago and Alton. 1.8614 Chicago and Northwestern 1.15 Chicago and Northwestern, preferred. 1.431& Chicago, St Louis and New Orleans 84 uonsoiidatea coai aj Delaware and Lackawana 1.21 Is Denver and Rio Grande 18X4 Erie. ftVs jsast Tennessee , 7 Fort Wayne 1.33 Hannibal and St Joseph 981, uariem. i.a& Houstan and Texas. 41 Illinois Central 1.29 Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville 471 Manhattan Elevated. 44j Mempnis ana unariesion 93 Metropolitan Elevated. 100 Michigan Central. HBk Mobile and Ohio 12Sfci Nashville and Chattanooga 62 New Jersey Central 87 New Orleans Paclfilc, 1st 84l New York Central 1.1414 "New Tork Elevated 1.05 Norfolk and Western preferred. 4014 Northern Pacific common 2214 Northern Pacific preferred. 473U Ohio and Mississippi 21$ Ohio and Mississippi, preferred 90 Pacific Mall 52 Pittsburg 1.41 Quicksilver 4 Quicksilver, preferred. 25 Reading 63 Richmond and Allegheny 3 Richmond and Danville 55 Richmond and West Point Terminal 28 Rock Island 1.201A St Louis and San Francisco 2414 St Louis and San Fanclsco, preferred 461g St Louis and San Francisco, first preferred. 93 St Paul 86 St Paul preferred 1.14 Texas Pacific. 19fe Union Pacific 71U United States Express 60 Wabash Pacific. j 14 Wabash Pacific, preferred 231 wens rargo 1.11 Western Union 68 Bid. tLast bid. goffered. Asked. SEx. Dlv. Otte. Galveston Finn; middling 11 3-16; low mid dling 10fc; good ordinary 196-16; net receipts tOjgrossW; sales 1506; stock 19,868; exp'ts coast wise ; to France ; Great Britain ; continent . Norfolk Finn ; middling 1114; net receipt 143; gross 143; stock 11.24?; sales 226; exports coastwise 100; to Great Britain -; continent ; to Great Britain ; spinners 550; continent ; rrance . Boston Fin ; middling 11; tow middling 1114; good ordinary 10; net receipts 434: gross 2466; alee ; stock 6720; exports to Great Britain ; . WajrmeTON Firm; middling 11 14,- low mid dling 10; good ordinary 10iA; net receipts 66; gross 66; sales ; stock 4264: exports coastwise ; to Great Britain : Philadelphia Firm ; middling 12; low mid dling IDA; good ordinary lOSfe; net receipts 1186; gross 1609; stock 12,480; exports to Great Britain i Savannah-Firm; middling 1114; tow middling 10; good ordinary 10 6-16; net receipts 162; gross 162; sales 75; stock 9X58, exports coastwise Wise , teiireat Britain; continent j Nw OrlkaKS Stronc; middling ,116-16; low. middling 11: good ordinary 1014; net receipts 756: gross 1086; sales 2,600; stock 197,799; ex ports coastwise 2096; to Great Britain ; Franc $040: continent 9979. ' 1 Mobilk Firm; middling 1114; tow middling 11: good ordinary ,105b; net reeelpts 816; gross 316: sales 500; stock 14.614; exports coastwise 193; to Great Britain ? continent Memphis Strong;, middling lVfe; low middling DU; good ordinary 101: net receipts 664; gross 671; lies 1666; shipments 2600; stock 96.701. i AooqerrA-i-Qulet;-' middling 1114; . tow mid dling U; pet recelpta , gross 67, gales 106. CTBUtLMrro-Ffrm middling 1114; lew mid dling 11; good ordinary' HXft; net receipts 72; gross 72i sales 100; stock, 12386; exports coast wise 47; to Great Britain - France . Nkw York Flrrfl; sales- 163: middling np lands 11 13-16; Orleans 12 1-16: eensolldated net receipts 3,319; exports to Great Britain 1970, to France 6053; continent 3975. Fntnree. New Torn Net receipts 83; 167. Fu- tares closed steady with sales t February : March April . Mar Jane. July- August September October. November December January 11.829.83 U.863.87 11.96a .97 12.08ft.09 12.183.ia 11.813.82 ll.17a.19 11.023.04 11.023.04 11.053.00 X.ITBRPOOL, April ie.-Cotton firm with good de mand; uplands b 3-16d; Orleans 6 646d ; sales 14,000; speculation and export 4000: receipts 6,000; Ameri can 4.201. - Uplands tow middling clause April and May delivery 6 ll-64d; May and June 6 l?MS4d36 14-64d; June and July 6 17-64d36 18-64d; July and August 6 21-64d36 22-64d; August and September 6 2&4d; September and October 6 22-64d323-64d; October and November 6 12-64d; November and e cember 6 7-64d. Futures opened with apparently quieter feeling but have since .became firmer. Ten ders at to-day's closln g 2200 new docket. Bales for the week 68,000: American 8900; spec ulation 8,800; export 16,000; actual export 6800; lm porit52,000; American 25.000; stock 1,049,000; Amer ican 782,000; afloat 248,000;" American 121,000. S p. M Futures active at previous rates. Sales American 9,300 bales. Uplands low mWdllng claase April delivery 613-64d. (sellers); April and May 6 13-64d, (sellers) : May and June 6 14-64d, (sell ers) ; June and July 6 l8-64d, (buyers) ,- July and August 6 23-64d, (sellers); A gust and September 6 264d, (buyers): September and October 623-64d, (valae) ; Swtember 6 2944d (sellers) . ,. 4 p. m. Uplands low middling clause April do-, Bvery IM4, vale); April and May 613-64dV (value): Mar and June 616-64d, (sellers); June iTXb&rA" W September 627-64d, iWSTSBK TiZ,? w"f W9W) Futures dosed Arm. Cttoi MX the following Quotations: '"T. 4 Ann Mioaunr. BlrtCl LOW tllCUUWES , 116-16 lU 7-16 otl reeetoei to date ?. "STS 4 Becelpts same dato 1888.. &yA eoerpa same mat w.........i.;r.l.-....jiWg Low Btrl MIAIlIng Our Spring SHOES AND SUPPERS ARRIVING OAII.Y JUST ARRIVED AN Gent's Newark Dress Sloes Also an assortment of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes and Slippers. JBJfi SURE AND SKK OUR GOODS BEFORE YOU BUY. Trade Street, Ohaklottk, N. C. GRAY & BRO. Meek enburg CHARLOTTE, N. C. ucirfo ajcb ix stok la bob ttmi mw Sair mills, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, Steam Engines, The Gregg Reapers, Portable Corn mills, Wheat Mill Outfits, The Meadow King Rakes, The Meadow King Mowers, W heeler and Meleck Separators, The Gregg (Self Dumping) Rakes, Boilers, both Portable and Stationary. IB JES, G JELI. & COHEN Eespect fully solicit a call from the ladies of the city and surrounding country to their large and band some stock of Carpets, Rugs, Linens, Hamburg Edgings and Insertlngs, HOUSEFURNISHINGr GOODS, ETC., And they will find It to their advantage to Inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We also announce to the gentlemen that our stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Underwear, Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs and ies, SATCHELS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, Are now complete. They will find It large, well assorted and cheap. Our E. 4 C. Imperial Shirt Is still the leading Dollar Unlaundrted Shirt, which for Fit and Quality we guarantee to be the best shirt for the price in uie mantel. DISSOLUTION. The firm of WUson Bros, has been dissolved by mutual cons it. F. C. Wilson has sold and as signed to W. M. Wilson all his interest in the as sets of the firm, and the latter has agreed to pay off all the liabilities of WUson Bros. Signed. W. M. WILSON. Signed. P. C. WILSON. NOTICE. I wfll continue the Wholesale and Retail Drug business at the old stand of WUson Bros., and re spectfully solicit the patronage of my friends and the public. StgnedJ W. M. WILSON. apri NEW SPRING MILLINERY. We have now ready our Spring Styles in Hats and Bonnets ForL . ses and Children, and are prepared to show all the novelties of the spring season as far as advanced. It Is a well known fact that we carry the largest and most complete line of MILLINERY GOODS In North Carolina. Our Mr. Charley Query being in the Millinery trade In New Tork City, affords us .great advantages in obtaining NEW STYLES As soon as they appear In New Tork City. Entirely New Styles In Shape and Novelties in Trimmings are now being prepared for the summer season, all of which we will have In stock by May 1st, at which time we calculate to show the ladles the grandest display of fine Dress Hats and Bonnets For Ladles, Misses and Children they have rarely If ever seen in the South. Our stock of Laces, Neckwear. Parasols and Fancy Novelties generally Is complete, and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Mrs. P. Query. KERO.sENE OIL, LUBRICATING CHB53-CARLEY CO., J CHARLOTTE, N. C. r, dec?eodlm - ' ' - 1 At(eBti0B Spiniiersi ' i ' We offer desirable cotton In lots of from 106 to 600 bales. - - r"L Apply to us at wn suu, p. ,v oc to jafinston x ryce,-Chartotte. . IKS1L1.-1 Mod J KlnM Belle?, vgjl a MmmCHd, xSQSUTTICX, ant ELEGANT LINE OF ' ft ail kia rarataM4 ga OHN WILKE& JL KLIAS & COHEN. The Weather For the remaining few days of lovely March cannot be depended upon to pfease all persons. The streets of town will be dusty, the dirt will be made to circulate freely by reason of some more March wind. However, if this dust becomes unbearable the citizens will find three feet of mud just outside the city limits. And the weather for April will not be of such a style as to remedy the dust, or dry up the mud. However, we will say that when it does rain, your roof will leak, if it leaked before, and when it does not rain this leak can be stopped with Mott's Compound Fire and Water-Proof; Miaeral Paint, aad when this is applied will not only stop all leaks, but arrest further decay, and at same time renders the roof fire proof. The dry season to follow this wet spell will certainly cause rapid decay, and the roof will then be in perfect condition to catch fire from sparks, etc. We will protect you at reasonable rates. Address CHARLOTTE ROOFING CO. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution Issued from the Supe rior Court ef Mecklenburg county In the case of the Department of Agriculture. Immigration and Statistics of North Carolina vs. E. Nye Hutchison & Son, I will sell at the Court House, in Charlotte, on Monday, 14th day of April, 1884, one hundred and five barrels ot Powell's Pprepared Chemicals for composting Fertilizers, now In my possession. Terms of sale cash. This 5th dar of April 1884. apr9d3t M. E. ALEXANDER, Sheriff. Home and Democrat copy ene time. FOR RENT. A DESIRABLE .DWELLING (HOUSE. Apply to J. C. BURROUGHS, College Street. apr9d3t SPRING Is the season In which bad or poisoned blood Is most apt to show Itself. Nature, at this Juncture, needs something to assist In throwing off the im purities which have collected by the sluggish circu blood during the cold winter months. Swift s Speclflo Is nature's great helper, as It is a purely vegetable alterative and tonic Rev. L. B. Paine, Macon, Ga., writes: "We have been using Swift's Specific at the orphan's home as a remedy lor blood complaints, and as a general health tonic, and have had remarkable results from Its use on the children and employees of the Institution. It is such an excellent tonic, and keeps the blood so pure, that the system is less liable to disease. It has cured some of our children of Scrofula." W. H. Gilbert, druggist, Albany, Ga., writes: "We are selling large quantities of Swift's Specific for a spring alterative and general health tonic, and with the best results. It Is now largely used as a preven tive and cure for Malaria. There are many remark able evidences of its merit In this section." Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. ' '- THE SWXFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga, N. T. Office, 159 W. 23rLSt., bet. 6th 4 7th A vs. FOR SALE, i The house and lot situated on corner of CoHera SSnS1' r" 1 P. C WILSON? n n n : ' . T.B- Order aotiotlei ond promptly filled ! ron Works, J ust -Received at 00 SEEK & Shoe TUB LATEST STWmE P SOFT AND STIFF HATS, Cent's Fine Hand-Sewed Calf Boots Best stock and IX) WEST PRICES in Boy's and Children's Shoe. PLEASE CAKX WE CAS UlT TOI. JVIOYER & TTIRSHINGKK WHOLESiLKJLND RBT AIL-EAtHR IK ALL KINDS OF FIR -VI THE. A full line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. Mo. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. CHARLOTTE, IV. C. THEIARGEST, BEST APPOI NTED and MOST I.I BF.R A 1 1 v RIIJI.VQED HOTEL 1 THIi CITT. LOCATION tJ.'VSIJRPAfllSEl. AcUnvrlaSed to be one of tbr Most Comfortable Houses Sonfb of vTabinion. Rates $2,00 and $2.50 per day. II. C. ECCLES, Prop'r. H. P. EDMOND. (SnccMsor to Ettinger & Edmond,) RICIOIO.TD, TA. "Works Established October, 1850. Builder af "STATTONEBY and PORTABLE ENGINES, Saw mns, rfst MUIs, Mill Gearing. Etc. HYDRAULIC PRESSES, Am4aU Parchanen Khoald Always Read H B. Alexanders PRICE LIST And beforebavlng should come and examine the ', f, - goods I am aeUlng. s 10 lbs Standard Cut Loaf Sugar 11 lbs Standard Granulated Sugar, 11 lbs " A Sugar 12 lbs C Sugar, 19 lbs Brown Sugar, 12 lbs Choice Rice - - $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 la) ISA 1 Hie 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 LOO 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 12 lbs Fancy Dried 12 lbs Un pealed Dried zs ros Hominy, 1 bushel Northern Potatoes 30 Bars Kirk's India Blue Soap, 25 Bars Capital Soap. 10 Quarts White Beans for 12 qts Sugar Peas, 8 lbs Italian Macaroni, 6 lbs Lion Baking Powder. 5 3-lb cans Choice Table Peach 6 2-lb cans Salmon 6 2-lb cans Pineapple 10 2-lb cans Tomatoes 1.00 I will sell you P. T. George s best refined Lard, in 20-lbs buckets, at HVs cts., 10-lb tins at 12cts., In 5-lb tins at 12Ls cts. Uncanvassed Sugar-cured Hams at 15-cte. "per lb Best Patent Flour In this market tor $3.75 per sack, White Bock Flour lor $100 per sack. Cow Feed 2 bushels In sack, $1.50. Bolted Meal 85 cent per bushel. Smoking Tobacco 35 cents per pound. 1 5 cent cigar lor cents; 10 cent box Blacking for 5 cents. A Fall Line of Tobacco at All ' Price. FOR CASH. BespectmHy, WL. R. ALEXANDER. DOVE'S Trne Tnrf Oil. TD PHYSICIANS, FABMR81, LISBT 8TA BLBKKBPBBS AND RAIL HO AD MSN AND HKaDS OF FaMILIBS: If any member of youi household, from parents to the merest infant, are afflicted with Malignant Sores, scrofulous or other wise. Salt Bheum or tcald Head, Burns. Wounds, no matter how severe, or of how long standing, or from whatever cause produced, send and get a 25-cent bottle of TUHF OIL, and we guarantee a euro or no pay. It cures before other remedies begin to act. It is equally applicable to all the Dicers or Sores, or Inflamed Surfaces of all do mestic animals, or anything that moves on the Turf. One or two applications are all that Is nee essaryto neutralize the action of the virus and heal the Ulcer It arrests at once the progress oi Erysipelas and removes the Inflammation left io the track of the disease. For sale by all drwglsts and country stores. &r- Ask for the "Turf Oil Snelilng-Bwok and Beader," with certificated of cures PUBCKLL, LADD.4 OTX, ay 9 1 y. Richmond, va. SALE OF niGii point, pr. c. On the 24th day ot April, 1884, 1 W offer for sale at public auction, to the highest Didder, on the premises at Hirrh Point, the property known as the Bellevue Hotel, containing two acres of land, on which Is situated a large brick building containing 81 rooms, and all necessary out-houses and Im provements, i - ' ' TERMS OF SALE. The bidding will be ooened st $3,850.00, being the amount of the ten per cent Md put on it, one-fourth of the price to be paid In cash, one-fourth on a credit of six months, and the .other half on a credt , -of twelve months with m- irestat$ per cent' ob defMretf Dsjintota: wltn LVIM.SOOXZ. - mch25dUn, . .,j ,..:n, CcwwlwVwer. tTALmKMCOt WTS JOB SAUL-The owner v WHiseaettww 1 two vwaMble eltr lets. with MtB en mi. WwissasJMws BELLEVOE HflTKl i i tin MRSHIKGEH tore TETSOT All) OTnPR I O J x II i 1 - mu : v mm HriracJU rmtmfm fn Baamf setwef ToUet ffVIU imiiio FIO f ntttai PrwMi. A VEEY CHOICE COLLECTION AT- TIDDY & BROS TETON STREET. Opp. Daily Charlotte Obrvrr. DISMAL SWAMP LOTffifft. IiORFOLH, TA. The franchise of this enterprise Is based upon the chartered right granted to the Dismal bmw Canal company, and the legality has been reim edly tested before the courts of the Suit. , The purpose In view Is the iuiprovemtni n extension" of the Canal, thus securiiis el l'JDl benefits. tl, Its fair conduct has already secured putll con dehce, and the next Drawing will be niiJ toe irth April, 181. before the public In Norfolk, Va. CLASS F. Scheme. CAPITAL PRIZE $5,000 5.-,OiiO 51 l tfK) i'.H) Jill I 1.0"' l,oufl . 35 Prises, distributing ?'t0L Ticket Oily ! Plan of Lottery similar to that of Company. J. P. nORBACIL Address sil applications for lnformatwn. or agencies, to rt.rMr 207 Main St Norfolk. The undersigned supervised the Ptni I of the Dismal Swamp Lottery Co to VO Ml J UUU 111 JftHO WUUIKWM " r5?. t: KOCFKBS. I coamWiouei r y CMAS. PICKETT, w h. 'frgPAiD IK ClASS V. fSMto Marx. Salem, Vs. c lPriieof S5.0U0 is 1 do 1,500 ia 1 do 1,000 is I do 600 is 1 do 200 is 1 do 20u is 1 do 200 ia I do 200 is 6 do 100 are 15 do 50 are 100 do 10 are 200 do. 5 are Approximation Prizes. 9 Of 350 9 of SO 9 of 10

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