IT5 ?'tx IB-" SKIN t BLOOD DISEASE. PlMPlEITw80rHl . TO CLEANaJi THE Sh.UN, oaiip..'i ""9fJ? Itching. Scaly, Pimply, Ctopper Colored, bcroru lous. Inherited and Contagious Humors, Biooa Poisons, Cloers, Abscesses, and Infantile Skin ior turcls, the Ccticura Kkkkdies are infallible. CUTICTJBA RESOLVENT, the new Blood Purlfler, the! .um.o iXY mH rnfinrhmfttion.- clears the Skin nd Scalp, heals Ulcers and Sores, restores the caraplexlen. Ccncuaa Soaj, an exquisite Skin Beastlfler and Toilet Requisite, is indispensable in treating skin diseases, and for rough, chapped or greasy skla. blackheads blotches,and baey humors. Cuncuju RmmdIe8 are the only Infallible blood puriters and skin beautlfleri. CHA8. HOUGHTON, Esq.. lawyer, 28 State street Boston, reports a case of Salt Rheum under his ob servation far ten years, which covered the patient s bodv and limbs, and to whleh all taiown incUW f trentmant had been arftlle4 without bepens, which was completely cured solely by the RKXEDOM'M'nOft a item and healthy Mb. aa SSI VKRlT"f "TfcHBE(r3, Helebe i BurJlte boy fiat I tefj lbjya- twn.JIi 111 l L l pin llll Msssfs if Tinn mmnr ana crysipcirs ever since tufevas Born, and nothing we couia give him helped Mm til we tried Ccticcra Rkmkdiks, which gradsally cured hun. antll he Is new as fair as any child. H. K. CARPKNTEB, Henderson. N. Y.. cured of Psorlarls or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by Ci-tiltka Rbmbdiis. The most wondcrfal sure on record. A dustpan ful of scales fell from him dilly. Physicians and his friends thought he must lie. Cure sworn to before a justice of the peace and Henderson's most promlaeut citizens. Ifns. S. E. WHIPPLE. Deeatnr. Mich writes that her face, head, and some ; parts of her body, walistmw!r Hiffl eoversc vnTi. wLs ana imrm ullrt n tried verfthlng. ianMtlr sure B th ittmCL'W lKJiI)LKS a Mn ttaaiar. k t t : i ' ow te Cure Skin Diseases. BARGAINS IX- AN1 Plated Ware, GOOtS and r A Large Stock Just Received. Ptreelaln Dinner and Tea Set3, combined. Similar to China, 115 Pieces. $17.50 Mossrose and Gold Tea Sets. 44 Pieces. 7.50 While Porcelain Tea Sets, 44 Pieces 4.60 Respectfully, LCDOLF & HARTsriBLD. CROCKERY, filassirare,,. Jlnware, AT7IT ions Generally not CHEAP1K CASH. Respectfully, c. m ETiiEitibcri!: T FREE? W W W A W J W W AA nrr x -r , T T KEJI H - B nun 9 N f X s We will pay 18 cents oei baskel of0 paun4s (at good souad cotton seed, delivered at our mill. Will pay 18 eents per bushel for seed delivered at any station on railroads running to Charlotte, for car leads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. . 0r.T!JFflw1)nPt,'T''!Mflllnichaieef6 two tajit if iemu .ThlsT exOMui -bttg et Veaf value to the farmer should be taken advantage of, one ton of meal being worth much more for feed ing or fertilizing than two tons of seed. LIFE FOR THE IVER and KIDNEYL POSHTYELY CmtSA2- I hare ue4 rotir "life fore 1a and Kidneys" with great keoefiV.tgd r dyspepsia, or any derantffiierirof Be lirer or kidneys, I regard it as being without an equal. . Attir atLaw, Unrjarskrisaoliity, E rar sufterwr to any MveifDaar Hugh Thomas, Olendale, S. O. "Totir medioines f -are iTalnaWe, od plendid remedies. I hare sold upwards of fire gross, and can reconamaena them. I wjwidot be.wltheufcther. t, . r "Life for the Liver ad KMaeys" or "OrimCurerHkeohm mi sells very fltJ ' IIITh. 9vKaNaTl In torotv:arrdl bottles by ggtaKf fdekJAs $m DR. imLVKV QleaAale, V, .Ji 'it LsSSB, Brews: fx,' r. aw THE tAKOEST L ASEBBKlt TUNG ' BSTABLISHll INT Perm trJ MJpSwfJfiljL Send for "H T STORE, Best Betas mm iMMMnMBki.K r: fjimtMmmlitmm.Wmtli ill H I II I n i iij J fciaalii mmtm aaTsas paaaaws Jfe orlSdeodaW '-ijf rr i 1 1 '"JsaasW - ' - i - . ft Ji. -w1 JEfTextl teJialMM!lAf4 ! Ukliihii; Cinamea scneoi. The follorring is the full text of the bill to aid in the establishment and temporary support of common schools aa it passed the Senate: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con: areas assembled, That for eiRnt year next after the passage of this act there shall be annually pnrqpnated from the money in theaairy flij follovringsums, to-wit : The fiJtTfat the sum of seven million dollars, the second vear the sum of ten mUlion dollars, the third year the sum of fif teen million dollars, the fourth year the sum of thirteen million dollars, the fifth year the sum of eleven mil lion dollars, the sixth year the surd of nine million dollars, the seventh year the sum of seven1fnn dol lars, the eighth yearthe U pf five mitfiVdollS;: vrbic Bevtetl sums sbWlt)e;exi(ieii;6-fe5ie fhe ben efifej&f fcotbdon" school JOtfion to all tnendrebTihe school age rjoen tioned hereafteVhting m the Lnited States Section 2. That such money shall annually be divided among and paid out in the several States and Terri tories ill that proportion which the whole number of persons in each, who being of the age of ten years cannot write, bears to the whole number of such persons in the iTfittrtt States, i Such 9CTtnriation iholl ho mar? .tfiftcordinff Itt);lli6 0kn bus of eighteen hundred & That no State Vi1l v-p4v anr of IhcLbeifefi this aft until the Governor thereof! elmll filfl with the Secretary of the TnrpHer a statement, certified by him showinc the character of the common school system in force in such State or Territory ; the amount nf mnnftv exopnded therein during the last Dreceding school year in the support of common schools, not in cluding expenditures , for i the ent, r0r,oir . ,r- crantinn nf Khrmd hnufieS : Whetlier any discrimination. i made in thrt : raiai?i or diibtitibnlf1 thfe rnmmnn school revenues or in the eorhmon school facilities afforded be tween the white and colored children therein, and, so far as is practicable, the sources from which suv-n reve I iijrtps were derived ; the--, manner m which the same were apporjipneu w tUa nco nf thi ctimmnn scMools; ' tne -ntiTiiber of white and the number 6f mlnrevl common schools: the average attendance in each class, and the length of the school term. No money shall be naid out under this act to anv State or Territorv that 6hall not have provided by law a system of free common schools for all of its children of school age, without dis tinction o& race or color, eithecin the falsing or distributing of pchpol rev enueor in the facllitieaafSbraBtl ; pro Tided, that separate schooisJfaA white and colored children shall not be considered a violation of this condi tion. The Secretary of the Interior shall thereuoon certify to the Secre tary of the Treasury the names of the States and Territories which he rinds to be entitled to share in the benefits of this acc, and also the amount due to each. . Sec. 4. That the amount bo appor tioned to each State and Territory shall be drawn from the treasury by warrant of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the monthly estimates and requisitions of the Secretary of the Interior as the same may be needed, and shall be paid over to SHcrrofficers-as shall be authorized by lhe.laws ol the. respective Slates aod Territories to receive the same. Sec: 5. That the instructioat b the common schools wherein these moneys shall be expended shall in clude'the 'art of reading, writing and speaking the English language, arith metic, geography, history of the United States, and such other branches fcf useful' knowledge as may be taught under local laws. Sec. 6. The money appropriated and apportioned under the provisions qt this act to the use of any Territo ry shall be applied to the use of com vaxm. -arid. T&drafltrM schools therein or ih Secretary f Ihe Interior 'T Sec. "7, That the" design of this act not bein t establish an independent system ofacnools; but rather to aid fotthe time being id the develop- .Went ana maintenance or the schoo Mem esta.blifthV.ri hyiorl m-rmm m bUnt, and wrfii mustTewontually be wJsoiiy maintainea ty tne mates and Territories whatHH-they exist, it ia nereby provided that no greater part of the money appropriated under tbjg-ajct shall be-paid put to any State br Territory in any one year than the "sum expended out of its own revenues, lor out of moneys raised under its authority in the preceding year ror tne maintenance ot common schools, not including the sums ex pended in the erection of school buildinjrs. ,3ee THat 4 part? ptilfc hiofaj apportioned to eacn titate or lorrito ry, not exceeding one-tenth thereof. may yearly be, applied, to, J&e edwca-M tiftn'of 'teaclr-YoP'fflecdirffirf Bch61s CheroifJ,' which sum may be expended in maintaining institutes or temporary training schools or ia extendinfic ouuwtnriities for normal 6t! Otheiviristractibn to competent and linitahhyrpfBiJf any color, who wttlaMeesy means to qual ify'lHiemaelTjBalor teachine. and who 'Ihalfcaeree in writme to devote them- lieJa; exchisively-Ior at least one yearaner aeaying' sucn training schools, to "Witch in the common schools for such compensation as may be paid other teachers therein Mec.i. That n6naft.rtf the p4ufe i J&4d aHottad Jfo ant State of Ter, riwry Bnairtw used lor the erection of school houses' br school buildinc-a id any escriptlan,lnor for rent of the same. oec. 10. That the moneva Hiotrih utidJnnder the provision of 'thiaactf saan be used only for common ekota ; Hdtyteect4riafl- in! "6haracler ' lii ihe school districts of the several States and Territories in such way as to provide, as near as mar be. for the iwouiui weuiw or inAiNTAM nr Territory wherein tho fhalL bemade. thereby giviag to each -MujKu wiiii eoiflimccion or ra or l Color, an equal opportunity for eu- wnennA.fern'racaooi districts snail incmtffr?fc .TitTMi twna tok. divis or soacK)! purpoe,and all corr With the' commonn subse h fflieiit aUotineat shall le made undeFl this act nr ifitata: JGT.'Territorr llttless. the.QovemoroC such State ors territory . siU first file with the Sec-. IritarT hf HhelteHmbiS'attttement-; or Tinmr t i U.,J " I TSecllXThat ho eeconl or -JifaedbyilYa etailedd iHaiBew6tf thraTments or iHisburserO jpfetjrid.theiSiment8 niade of thesehoorrun appeM f -cwwwea-oy nefttaw orTemtorial treasurer or offlcer under this act. and.ofrtto balance in the hands of Such trehfcurer of officer withheld. I - J 4 . . ' MB or Terntory tne total number1 of ohMron taught dur ing the year and in whatf branches iiistructed. theaTerafe daily attenr dancek And the-.elaUre number 'of white and colored children.,, and the dumber of i mofcths-j.rn each year schools have oeen maincainea in eacn sohool districts. ,f Aad if; any State or Territory shaU misatppAy oraiiow xo be misapplied, or in any manner ap propriated or. used other than for the nurnoses herein reained'.Tthe funds, oxoy part thereof . received under Uie DTOTisions of thisct;or ahallfail complj. with e condition! herein videdthroueh its croDer officers.: the disposition thereof and tbotiiei: mat ters herein presppeii.iiq do so report ed, such State or Territory, fihall . fiir feit its right ta any subsequent ap portionment by srirtuei thereof until the iull amount so misapplied, lost or misaroroDriatcd shall luive been re placed by such , State or Territory ana appueu as iiereiu retruuvu' ouu until such report shall ave been made: provided that if the public schools in any State Admit pupils not within the ages, herein specified it shall not be deemed a faiktro to com ply with the conditions "herein. "If V i n o . a-. til, Interior that th'e funds received un der this actfor , the preceding year by the State or Territory ' have been faithfully, applied to the.,, purposes "cod tern plated by this act, and : . that the conditions thereof have been ob served, then the Secretary of the In terior shall distribute1 the next year's appropriation as hereinbefore pro vided. The Secretary of the Interior shall have power to hear and exam ine any complaints of misappropria tion or unjust discrimination in the use of the runds herein provioea, ana shall repofttcipongTess the results thereat, g n ,, . . - ' . J1JJ ThsCon or wlt ?thv tifst tqaepcemoer ot 3eaea year- toe retarv or um interior saaii rewr o the Jresident or the United states whether anv State or Territory has forfeited its risrht to receive its anpor tionraent under this act. and how forfeited, and whether he has with held such allotment on account of such forfeiture: and each State or Territory from which such apportion ment shall be withheld snail nave the right to appeal from such decis ion of the Secretary of the Interior to Congress. Sec. 13. That the Secretary of the Interior shall be charged with the practical adiolnistration of this, act irfbe, Tr jjofies thrfuVth .'Com missioner of education, who shall report annually to Congress its prac tical operation and briefly the condi tion of common and industrial educa tion is affected thereby throughout the country, which report shall be transmitted to Congress by the Secre tary of the Interior, accompanying the report of his department. And the power to alter, amend or repeal this act is hereby reserved. Sec. 14 No State or Territory that doea not distribute the moneys raised lor common school purposes equally for the education of all the children, without distinction of race or color, shall be entitled to any of the benefits ot this act NEVYI NOTES. A riot has taken place at Kidder minster, England, directed against tne employment of female labor. In New York. Tuesdav. Carrie B. Morse, the female stock nroker, who is alleged to have operated in Phila dhia, Washington. Boston and other cities, was held for trial ; on charges of obtaining money under false pretenses of ladies whom she maae believe would make fortunes in stock speculations. i At'Halifax, Nova Scotia, Tuesday, Holmes and Brecken, the Americans charged with having dynamite and other dangerous explosives in their possession, who were arrested in Sep terrjber, were found guilty and sen tenced to two years in the peniten tiary. Mrs. Anna Shock is on trial in Chicago for alleged cruelty to chil dren in a "home" at La Grange. The chiMren were almost totally uncared fors the- "home" was filthy, and the basprnent, where the children were compelled to pass the greater portion of the day, was also used as a stable fork cow. Tne Grovernment of Spanish Hon duras has made application for 12,000 feet of space in the main building 'of the; World's Exposition at New Or- fesUlisiPlL MPJeejtin the J grounds fronting the lake, on which it will be a topographical panorama of Honduras, with a miniature repro duction of her rivers, fountains, vol canos and towns. , , ; The New' York Aasemblv Tuesdav passed the bill empowering the sink ' ing fund commissioners ofNew York to organize, a special salt-water ser vice for, 'fire and other purposes. This is for the protection of the "dry goods district", of New York City against Ares, which is ndtwifflciently supplied with Croton water. Robert H.i Turner,, for years the agent of .he Cleveland and Pittsburg and Pan-Handle Railroad Comtjaniea jat Mingo Jiinetioh, OV left 'several jdays ago for parts unknown. It is thought he will prove a defaulter to jthe extent,of $5,000 to4 15.000. His reputation for honesty heretofore had been unquestioned. .7 . ! The sujrters of Dr. Newman, of (the Madison Avenue Congregational (Church; - New York, met Tuesday irfight and .toted not 1 ,to accept Dr, fNewman's . resignation, ! which was SUDmillfifl flf. r.hw Thq, ftT- ciaim this .1 contest it ndorfer. w?York St me sau.t (Charitable purpMes and the rem -jder of her property to her husband ana children. She also bequeaths to the National Deutsch-Amerikanische .rr un. o : ir:i i ttt- KlO.iWX rae(a5cir also Droridei (for $2Vw tolbviMriViiedmonr empiovees or tne wtaats eitung who igaye their whole time, to the paper jrd rataasoi5ding,t6 the amount (df (their salaries. The value of the es tate is estimated at $3,000,000. " One ysar ago I was radaeed to try Ami ftiAa as a remedy for Indlgostton, Coo aaloaUoa, and Headache, from Vhlh I M4onttbean.gnaksairar. Qpmmu, Ug VIA a' doso 0 BvelTllZ, 1 fenid ttelr otion easy, and obtained prompt relief. lm oenthioiBg thslr ose, a single P1U takaa Ssr dtanw, dally, has teen all the mxM. rV "7Ww nfaiar aaa my asad OMar. awd bsnaftted ae more than all fit mm. s evar before tried. Bvery person aiaa Isajljr aBnetad ahoald km' Skai. u J i ATS.ABi wT 7 ( WewDlsaUaoaea i taction was Illegal aodafwa I Terai Peat ef aa CtoTeraofr RicrrwosD, ,Va.. An hi if w ernorJno. M. dregory died at is home in Charles City last nigR aged 80 years. He was Governor 1 of Vir ginia in 1848, served fh j the Legisla ture several terms. waatTniteH Stt District Attorney ; for ' the FjwrfArn District of Virginia, from lR53tn irro Tvhen he retired to private life. TIm Doctor EadorMaitnt. Dr. W. D. Wrleht Cincinnati. O twnAm th joined professional endorsement: "I have pre scribed Dr. Wl Hall s Balsam for the Lanes In a t number of oasest and- atwars with ne case In oartlcular was eiven tm bv mvar&i nh. slclans who had been called In for consultation wnn myseu. patieai naa au xne symptoms of onamed oonaumptlon eold night sweats, hectic fever, harrasslng coughs, etc He commenced Im mediately to est better, and was soon restored to his usual health. &lso foand Dr. Wm. Hall's Bal sam fer the Lanes the most valsable expectorant for breaking up distressing coughs and colds. " Malaria positively cured with Em Orjr Standard Cure Plllas a never failing remedy; purely vegetable, con tain no quinine, sugar-coated. 25o. . COIIGOT SPRING The Stasular4 -JHinoral Wter l1 1 Mill 1 T TT 1 T H' PU A 'I'l U IS A . .M A drders of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, Eczemai Halaria and aU lBipuriUes ot the BLOOD. ' So enviable a name lias this1 famous 'idnerai Watery that the manattrS oC inferior mineral springs, desirous of Imitating .the natural purity of the bottled water of Congress Spring, Inject a pow erful acid In their bottled water to preserve the crude Ingredients In solution, being so heavily laden with ' - ' ' ' Ume mm. Irom' deposit. With such contrivances,, bogus testtmonlals and doctored analysis cards they seek to rival the para medicinal waters of Congress Spring.. The regular season visitors 1 to Saratoga fully un derstand these cruets, harsh waters, many of themi after painful experiences, ta prosf t this fact wet can produce a great many responsible names. But the Saratoga visitors without experience, and many who use the bottled waters : (often labeled as enra-' tlves for disorders which they positively aggravate),; should remember, that ende, harsh mineral waters produce headache, a sense of bnrnlna and internal' frratlon, and do Irreparable injury to thedtteeHv i i . i '. i . - CONGRESS WATKB, POtlK JATTJUaL IHD 8S- ; . LLiBLI. None gennme sold on draught For sale br an20santuesuiursapr20 -MILLINERY- -AT- Wednesday and Bumfcy, APRIL 2hd asd Sbk, We will open the Finest Assortment of Hats and Bonnets (of our own designs, ever displayed In toannu. Aiso an me latest roveuies. Miss Lanehart, our Trimmer, has returned from Baltimore with the latest styles. The Ladles are Invited to call and examine our gooas. h30d2w if mm, -100 BARRELS CHOIC1 Irish Potatoes, A. J. BE ALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT. A IlllALnEOEDY. Melther UraUeal nor iadlu la Oiigta I kan goiontirio utd Spelf le. aaBKier of over Twen-Flvs jean standlag. ABUEeP more popmln at hems, and when best known, than aU other llsmadles ef its klaa. JL BllfEDT endondby ms fcestFhrsWsns and Drogfeta et 1st home. that Wr. C W. O'Neill, Ooodwater, Ala., aajs rais ed bis wife from an invalid's bed, and as bellevse saved her Ufa. 1 of which a prominent AOinta merchant said, "I would have given S600 as soon as soon as I would a niofcal tor what two bottles of year medicine 'did for my daaghtor." . . la regard to whleh &. J. Cassela, M.D. Druggist, of Thomasvllle, Qa,sais: "lean recall instances la which It afforded relief after all the usual re me-' dies had fated." A RERIEOT about which Dr. W. B Ferrell. La Orange, Oa., writes: "I have used for the last 20 years the medicine too are totting -ap, and consider it the best oomblnatlsn ever gotten together for the di seases for whlefc tt 1 recommended.'' ot which Dr. Joal Branaass, Atlanla, said: "I have examtssd tha reine,n4 lisrs no healta Uoa In advUtoft Its ase. and eonfldentlr reoom- which the &vi H. B. JoansoB, near Karlatta, 0a. says he has used Is his-family ! with "Ue otasost satisfaction," aad recommended U to taa famUles "who toand It te be last what U la recommended. A BSSBBI - of wWch PernbertoiulTtrion ft Denlson say: "We have been selling it for many years, with con tour increasing boms, xne aracie is a si witl in as, and ene ccnbsolate merit" ILaitiat; Bonktn Lamar iaas f?w id 60 gross la toor months, aad asssr SoU i otjb KBanrraoiTfen that ever earns within ssr Jmewledge, with a few bottles." of which Dr. I. C. Hiss, rTotasulga, Ala. says: "I am tally convlaced that it is oarlTalloa fer that eiaos at diseases waicaftoiatan to enos.' - 'V- A BBREBT1 j- .J? aboot wnichHaJ. iaa. A WhttoeriCf inaawj weU fcaet avotabty known aft iter the ChtfM States as a General Iasaraaes Ageat says: "I nssd tua Bemedy, befers the war, oa a large plaatBtlon o agmtnnmh twt eases, an siwar with; asejojlo A R&9IKDT absat which J. W. Srraate, of Carts rsrCle, a, cerUQes that eae feotUe cared two menrawrs of his ramiiy or oaeaonal inefnanty of staadlag. ' Uat Is CKArmrium art orm sianeia of Us kindlBthS wSdd; MonasO oan, e two nffnuB WIIX OTBS 4U KOST OBSTtHAT OAS. A KBHSBT in regard to whose aafalllag, anrtvansd saratlva propriettves I have many hmidtois of testtmo nlals. Tub obxat rortLAB BjaomT a Bbaw naiSBaatrLroaJtWaBiut'a Bmi TrVnd.1 For sale iby all Bragglsts. . Prlosl i amallslxe 78 eents. Large sms Sl.50. 001s nopneter and tuaataetarer. J. BBlDirniLD. 3 r an. lue o. tTrw -pf Atlanta, aa GY G L O P E DI A Over 800,000 stibecfs and S.tM umstrattens, mumereusmaps. 21 velumes, large octavo. 126.00 cMeaper edition, lli.i.epeclmeii paaera frm.' 100.000 volutes Choice logae free. YBooks tor, exaraln ww TonawviMiw wu-aeacriDilve fJik08 pay-etkoiday2- meat ea evlasaee of gees mth. si art tna law. ri 1 xrrsr jsrij t"usn Spring Opening carta a 1 Nsaoayv 1 Okav aaol alana BasoB maaf mm mwmm MnraaMil.ri VI MjUlO 1 y wmcB in. mo, di laarangB, un., aus: i ram nam ul wb v nm unuHdiv ciuws vi f iuaju- 1 i n The only known ipteijle tor Ipi! eptic rita.-fca M-Also for Spasms and Falling Sickness. Kervons Weakness qattkly relieved and cursd. BqaaOdd by sent ia denrinm of fever. -S jg9-Heatraliaes germs of disease and skkoees. Cores ngly blotches aad stnhhorn blood sores. Cleanses Wood, oalckeas slnggish circulation. BimmatEi Bolls, Carbtmclee and Sealds.-a WPermanenay aad promptly cores paralysis, les, It la a charming and heAlthfnl Aperient. XTls SerofQla and Kings Zvll, twin brothers. Changes bad areata to good, removing cause. 0rBoats Ulioasness and clears complexion. Charming raaolveat and mMchless It Astral llek Msadasan Uk the waaa.-A KVOswtaias no ArasSk eathartic er opiasss. rroaaotly tasss Bdeomatism by roattag U.-S Uses lsTetvtao; psenarttss to taBiood.-M Is gaaraataea ear aU aarvo4 dtaosdars.Q B-Bdiahle wassv ssl apUtos fau.-se Sefreshee U mid aad Invigorates the body.. Cares dyspepsia or money rennd4.-a nrIadorMd in writing by evertfty thoasaad Leadiag physicians in U . S. and Xarops.-a Leading clergymen in XT. 8. and Barope.-a Diseases of the blnod own it a eonqaeror.'GB Jor sale by all leading dm;gtets. $1.60. As Dr. 8. A Richmond Medioal Co., Props. St. Joseph, Mo. (2) For testtmonlals and circular! lend stamp. C. K. Ctittanton. Agent, New Xprtc NOTICE. Those indebted to me will please call in and settle, as 1 am compelled to have money. This is a call in need, and I want the money indeed. JOHN T. BUTLER, Jeweller. Do Not Forget Ihat when any article by its own merits has acquired public confidence and patronge, it is at once imitated, and the greater the sale of the genu ine article, the more the imitations. Take, for instance, the host of so- called porous plasters ; every one of them is endeavoring to trade on the reputation of Alicock's Poreus Plater. The only safe way for purchasers is to insist on having the genuine ar ticle, and not allow themselves to be swindled by having plasters said to be "just as good," or "containing su perior ingredients," imposed upon them. These are only tricks to sell inferior goods that no more compare with Allcock'b Porous Plastke than copper does with gold. One trial of AJlmk's PM8 Plaster. will convince you that it is the best external remedy ever made ; it cures without causing blisters, abrasions of skin, or the slightest inconvenience. Opto of Dr. MOTT, late GoTsmieot Gbemist, of AIlrCOClTS Porous Piaster. My investigation of Allcock'b Po- ,rotjs Plaster shows it to contain valuable and essential ingredients not found in any -other plaster. These ingredients are so perfectly proportioned that the Allcock's Po rous Plaster will not cause blisters or excessive irritation, and I find it superior to and more efficient than any other plaster. HEIfElY A. MOTT, Jr., Ph. D., F. C. St Prof. Of Chemistry New York Med- College, etc. mh29eod2m $30,000 FOR $2. i . 1 1 ; I REGULAR MONTHLY DRAWING wffl V t h tak6 place in the Masonic Hall, MasonJo ! ( II Temple Building, In Covington, Kf., vJUl TttV&SDjLf, APRIL 24,1884. A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawings, chartered by the Legislature ol Ky., and twice declared legal by the highest court In the State. Bond given to Henry eounty In the sum of $100,000 for the prompt payment of -all prizes sold. April Scheme. 1 136,000 20 Prizes $600 each $10,009 1 Prize - - - 10,000 100 Prises 100 each 1 Prize - - - 6.080 200 Prises 50 each io,auu 10.800 $ Prizes $2,500 - 6,000 600 Prizes 20 each 10.000 S Prizes 1.000 - 6,000 1000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each Approximation Prizes, - 2,700 9 Prizes 200 " " " 1,800 9 Prizes 180 " " " 900 1,167 Prizes $110,400 wnole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets $1; 27 Tickets $S0 . 66 Tickets $100. 1 Remit money postal note or bank draft in letter. send by express. urasrs of $6 and upward br iress can 00 sent atom expense. Address an iRSORPBIRE HABIT DJH- H. KAKK, or tin IMtolMr niiiiiri uriuiij THE 'laky IS Still Ahead. JUST THINK OF IT. SI Cir KICE COFFEE CAKES. ELEGAATIJ.VE TE.l CAKES, AX.TI01 SILVER CAKE, PIiE APPLE SLICKS, BETTER WBE.ITULS. BOSTON B ATH Bl'.'iS, JEVIE CAKE, . ICED FRUIT PUFFS, CI I OOO I .ATE CAKE, UOLI CAKE, FRUIT CAKE. FRENCH CREiM MERINGUES. We will offer to-day the finest" loaf of bread, The New England, Ever placed on sale In Charlotte. Call and see It Orange Applet), Lemtss, Cas dies, iVnts, a full supply of FANCY GROCER FES. And MAY if R & ROSS, TRTOOf STBEET. ; msm. rAFTER Electric App Itsnces srs ssst as 30 Days' Trtst TO Kiln ONLY. TOURS OR OLD I ULVi Mnurf, ar nffnlnf from Fmon hoert Vitautt. Lac or JIikti Fobci a Vioor. WunmWjiiiMsis. and all those itIuuuk of a Pkbsoiul ' a 1 1. it a mnlttaa frm Atvmm and Oron CAUvaa. Speedy relief and eoaiplete rest ratKm of, Vmott and ajureooB OUAaAli if. The grandest diecovery of the Nineteenth Ceatory. Snd at once for Iltastrated Pamphlet free. AddMSa noTl8deodaw WEAK, UHDEYEIOPED PARTS OF THBHPMAH BODy E.nLARGED. tEVEI OPED. STRENGTHENED." Et.. ,.n to-Kl avert. sgmec opg renin our paner. qameg we will bay that there is Po eridenee of hom tmg sbQt tt ia. 6n the oontrarr. tb adTertraere are vorj hicyly lpdorwed. lntereBtl persona may get Krie M-gpiCAX Co.. knffi janl5eod&wly 'S DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE. A POSITITE AND PEHMANENT CTJRI FOB DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Prepared by Dk W. W. GREGOET, - - - Charlotte, N. 0. Da. W. W. GaaooRT, My Dear Sir: I bee to say I have ased your dys pepsia remedy with nappy" effect aad cordially re commend It to others. Tours truly, Nov. 26, '83, CLEMENT DOWD, (a copy.) Member of U. S. Congress. Kkwberne, N. C, Jan. 25, '83. Dr. W. W. Gregort, Dear Sir: Enclosed please find check for $9.00. for which be good enough to send me six bottles of your dyspepsia medicine such as you sent me some time back. Thanks for the comfort received by me and my daughter. Tours truly, (acopy ) R. RANSOM. Dr. J. H. McAden, Druggist and Chemist, ) No. 1 Parks' Building, Charlottr, N. C ) Db. Gregory: I certify that I have sold Dr. Gregory's Dyspeptic Mixture for several years, and It has given univer sal satisfaction to those who have given It a fair trial. I know it te be a remedy ef very great merit and have heard it Bpoken ef by those who have used It, in the highest terms. From what I know of Its composition I can confidently recommend it to those suffering from Dyspepsia or any derange ment of the digestive organs. It gives tone to the store ach and vigor to the entire system. (a copy.) Jso. H. McADEN, M. D. pr2d FOR SALE. Cotton Seed Meal for feeding or fertilizing, in quantities to suit purchasers. The best feed for cattle ever sold, being worth twice as much as corn meal. nov6dtf OHARlOTTE OIL CO. AN ORnHfAItCE In Iirgard to lUe Parenaeatt of Certain Streets. Be It ordained by the Board of Aldermen ef the City of Charlotte, Section 1. That the sldewalfcs on the North side of Tryon street, from Fifth street to Twelfth street and on the South side from Fourth street to Morehead street, and on Trade street from A street to Boundary street, and from Church street to Boundary on the East side, and Fourth on both sides from Tryon street to College street, shall be paved with hard burnt brick, except on Fourth street, where the pavements in front of doors of business houses shall be of well-dressed stone. Ssc. 2. That the width of the pavement on Fourth street, and on Tryon street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, shall be the full width of the side walk ; that the width of the balance shall be six feet sic. 8. That the sidewalks on Fourth street, be tween Tryon street and College street, and on Try on street between Fifth and Sixth streets shall be well curbed with stones cut, at least, 2 1-2 feet long, 6 Inches thick and 14 inches wide. The ends shall be squared so as to form close and even Joints, and the front and top hewn so as to present a fair, smooth surface. Sac. 4. It shall be the duty of the Street Commit tee to establish a grade for the sidewalks to be paved, and they shall employ a competent engineer to aid them In making a survey and fixing the grades, and all pavements shall da built under tnelr superintendence and direction. Sec. 5. Private cartways or entrances to any sta ble, lot or yard, crossing any of the sidewalks of the, city, shall be paved by the owners of the prop erty with square, flat stones, hewn and laid close together, or with thick plank closely laid and se curely fastened to sills placed in the ground, or such other materials as shall be satisfactory to the Street Committee. In case the owner refuse or neglect to comply with the requirements of this section, such cart-ways or private entrances shall be declared closed, and the owner shall be fined not less than five dollars for every time he uses or permits such cartways to be used across the side walks. Sec. 6, It shall be the duty of the Mayor to give the owner, or his agent or tenant, in front of whose lot such curbing and paving is ordered to be done, thirty days notice, in writing, ot such order ef the Board, before the work begins. Sec. 7. The owners of every lot curbed or paved In front by the city, shall pay the city one-half the cost and expenses of such curbing and paving, which shall be a Hen on the lot In front of which such paving Is done, as prescribed In Section 42 of the Amended Charter of 1881, and It shall be the doty of the Mayor to enforce such lien In the man ner prescribed by law. Sec. 8. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage. W. P. BTNTJM. W. p; BYNTJM, ji. BYNUM & BYNTJK ATTORIIEYI'AT'LlWi . ' ' ' CSAfilTTE, N. 9. 7d3m, , .... . . , , - jl; ' : ' Forth United;-State : Anmr, able bodied man, betwMa tha aaas of tl aad M ye&ra. A C iJYESl 4 mm TO-DAY AT RIGLER'S ALSO VIENNA CREAM, STEAM AND i RYE BREAD. FRENCH AND ALBANY ROLLS, FRENCH AND ALBANT ROLLS, FRESH TAFPf FRESH TAFFI COCOAfcUT CRUAM, OOCOANTJT CREAM, CHOCOLaTI PASTl CHOCOLATE PASTE AND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CANDIES. ition. Priw Only JI, By MBit Post-paid. KfiOff THYSELF, A Great Medical Worit ah Manbood Exhausted vitality, nervons and physical debflttv, premature decline In man, errors of youth, and the antold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or ex cesses. A book for every nan, young, middle-aged and old. It contains 136 prescriptions fer all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which Is Invalua ble. So found by the author, whose experience for 23 years is sach as probably never befere fell te the 101 01 any pnysician. s pages, bound in beauti ful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guar anteed to be a finer book In every sense mechani cal, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Send now. Gold medal p warded the author by the National Medical Association, to me omeere orwnicn ne rerers. This book should be read by the Tonne for !n structlon, and by the afflicted for relief It will ben eat all. London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom his book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, gaardlan Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut Address the Peabody Medical Institute, er Dr. W. H. Parker, Ne. 4 Balflnch Street, Boston, Mass.. who man be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dis eases that have baffled the IT if T skill of all other physicians a spe 1 1 I jj JL cia ty. Such treated successfully 'PTT i; p r without aa Instance of 1 JL JL 1 t V LjF failure. feb28daw4w rwf mnrnt. OABBEH FLtWEB FIELD Seed Oata, Corn, Beans, Peas, Potatoes andOaieo Sate. Clo-rrr, Tino4tiT,OretiBrl, Lawn 4tnd other Orara ft EXITS. Balds, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, FSmall.PrDlts, ROM. A.m . VhnlMUl a nA Vtmtatl Ttx-j spleodM Varieties of Iver-Bloomtng BOBBB, all tabled, Jbr 1, It ftw tt-m for 4. DeacrlptlveCata lanea Frea. CHAM. T1frTT ft I T i fVl . jfit aad Usrsa tBakl ipsa, jtC feb26dawim MUBLEINE, FOR Kalsomining, Frescoing, Marbleizing AND Wood Filling. iny One Caa Apply It With the most satisfactory resnlts. Will not It w!, Scale, Peel, Craek or Fade. ' WITH THE ADDITION OF WATER IT Tfl BJ5ADT FOR LMMKDIATB CSS. A Slx-pmmd package of MARBLEINK when nixed, will cover a surface of four hundred square feet, one coat. . Directions for Use with Each Package SATISFACTION. Aru Color desired can be ftmad at R. 0. JORDAN k CO, SPIUKOS' CORNER. CHARLOTTE, N. C. WARREN & CALDWELL give notice to their patronage and the public at large that they have bought the entire interest in the Barber Shop formerly owned by A. a Monroe, where they will continue baslness. We will be pleased to serve all who will give us a call. ' Those who by business would rise, Must either bust or advertise. , WARREN A CALDWELL, aprteodlw One door abeve Pegrarn's Shoe Store. FAY'S CELEBRATED WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFING Resembles fine leather fer Boots, ' Onttde waas. ana innaa in or linnet, - very strong and durable. wiiu wsoino- mch2SdAw4w Stiles Hotchkiss Oil 1 J..IH -i-j! ,:i;a-i i THJS' TALLEf .lilJTIJJjL-V'sjf ! ISII A BSllllIU MECKLENBURG PARLOR m 1 M H WHEN TOU GIT1 THAT DrXT5Q GO TO n- v TER ft STOKIS' AJO) BCT A TODD PIG FAM. WILSON'S WAF3R 8, FLORIDA MULCRrS Areas Popular as ever. Celery Sauce, Picnic Pi 'ckla. MUSTARD CHOClio . . . Bythe Qnart from RsrroLv liter S St FOR SPBOTACLEE W ALL EUfne, AND TBI ma met m m H.umrr, e to llsalsi new tHnS, Store. Miaijiiieii "aMrttr, f-rhanrtrm raprvan arran fl 1 ISfT,. f - 1 ""Tt ligalil. Jpaiiwnen.Jfh(s tmntmem f 1 1 Dtmy armftrmoh .errand r ttyathed. ehsoltitoThS?: AftTtm R5ffieirre6.,4CH.KriSi.. PtfYe-v TlMHlavr addnwa. ieipr9ajiii W. J. BLACK &SON, TfTiInIe and Relnll GROCER 8 TTAJNTM) Liarjje lot CLAY PEAS. JQ E L n N I C IGE CREAM PARLOR I take mush pleasure in returning nr sinort thanks to ray many frienai and custom? rs for thflr very .liberal patronage during the put IceC'ream season. I am now prepared to serve thpm win Ice Cream and Sherbets at short nUee. M; let Cream Parlor Is now rea4y for Lsdle s ami (tenilf men, where they will receive srompt attention. Ice Cream packed and delivered to ny prl of tl city. . -Leave your orders fer Sunday. Respectfully, Bfch2ad JB. HARRrKflTW. Kew Hayeti Palladhm. (BATLT AND WEEILT.) B1.MtslieI, it. The best aHvertlstag asedlam st t Xorth far every man in North Carolina whs am t farm nlie er tract ef timber laad er water pewcr t oell. Ti letters ef our staff correspondent Saw tlwn n PALLADitrM a great reputation thromhont Nw F.o- fland, as the only real representative f the "Tr leel" State, and all New Englander wen think ef locatlngln North Carolina send to the Pallas ira te get 'pee's" letters, lor terms and ether psrtlcalars rtrtress 8ETH . JOHNS' if. BusJsesB Haaager Tbtk PAj.L.nsq. wcnl3tew3m VewH.ifei.C". TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received until tie 12th day ef Arm for furnishing and laying down 12.000 feet of ston, paving and curbing, on the street of the citj of Charlotte. The stone Bhall be sf good quality ami well dressed, the blocks shsll be st least four feat long, one foot wide and four inches thick. Tie curbing shall be at least five feet long, six InchM thick, and of such width as the ground shall re quire. Bids will also be received for paring i.TD mum yards of street with good hard bnrnt brick. Contractors will be required to give bond for f faithful performance of their contract. IMS March 22nd. 1884. W. C. MAXWELL. mch23d20t Major. hitapsea Rearing ETABUCTIR1 1774. Itnhr 1774. RoIlnIW. This company own and operate three mills, as follows: PATAPSCO MILL A, at Bllicott City, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILL B, at Baltimore, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILLC, at Orange Orore Maryland. Haying a daily capacity of 1, Barrels. roaanfacttired from Maryland and "Vir ginia Wheat, oelebrated for its pnnty and richness of Gluten, Phosphates, arid other natrttfcms properties. A8 YOUR HOCBR TOR PATAP9C0 SUPMMLATUt, FATAPSOO FAMILY, . PATAP9O0 MZTiA, CAPI KMNRT TAMILT north ponrr TAMILT. CHESAPMAXM MXTKA, BEDFORD FAMILY, ORAffQI QMOVM MZT1U, c. A. AjramiA my at BatBBWt(j4 If I ' nortWtf A GOOD HERRING SAFE IS torn T" YA 1 arm iml M.M. HAYES, t i Kftt CkaTalrr. j : Wii- tl ,'i -l ff .'j til's. I I 4, as required by section TJNTTraj BTATK3- BfTETTTSn imT if! wzvj au aiau ui inw : ttfcf TB rW k-,:t . ! ..,i.;-tn TmfleS ffna ssssrT4