D xL X CHAR L O TTJT-OB SU&IUE R - -T HURS PA Y, ATRIX 2i,'U$8 vt. i! (jiticura POSITIVE CURE . i for Gveryforw SKIN 4 BLOOD DISEASE. PWnEtfSCIOFOU rrn rT.UAN.sn; the SJOn. bcaJp huu rtiuoa oi 1 Itching, Scaly, Pimply. Copper Uolorea, scroiu Humon, Blood lous, Inherited ana umiagiwus Pulsons, Ulcers, Abscesses, and InfantUeSkm Tor- turds, we wtivvha bihbiim mo mmmm. CTJTICTJRA RESOLVENT, the new Blood Purifier, Diuretic and Aperient, expels disease germs Irom the blood and perspiration, and thus removes the cause. Ccticcba, the great Skin Cure, Instantly allays Itching and Inflammation, clears the Skin and Scalp, heals Ulcers and Sores, restores the complexion. Ccticuka Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautlfier and Toilet Requisite, Is Indispensable in treating skin diseases, and for rough, chapped or Kreasyddn, blackheads blotches,andbabyhamore. CcnocRA RkmkdIss are the only infallible blood partners and skin beautlflera. " CHA8. HOUGHTON, Esq., lawyer, 28 State street Boston, reports a case of Salt Rheum under his ob; serration tor ten years, which covered the patient s body and limbs, and to which all known methods of treatment had been applied without benefit, which was completely cured solely by the Cdticuba Rkmeddb, leaving a clean and healthy skin. Mr. and Mbs. EVERETT STEBBINS, Belcher town, Mass., write:- Our little boy, was terclMyaf-. Dieted with Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and Erysipelas evsr since hew49tborft a4f nothing wejcould give him helped hlmwAll we lKe CtmcCRARgMJEBrsa. which gradually cured htm, until he Is now as fair as any child. H. E. CARPENTER, Henderson.. N. Y., cured of Psorlarls or Leprosy, of twentf f taH ftandlng. by CcncURA BiJMkDiKS. The Vsest avoAferM cure on record. Adustpanful of scales fell from him dnuy Physicians and his friends thought he must die. Cure sworn to before a justice of the peace and Henderson's moat nromtnept citizens. , ms. S. at .WHIPPLE. Decatur. Mlclw writes thut Karfaoa haai. And SODIS DSIX Of mm almost ratvTTJead covered with seal KrtftI.-flKilll' fthd-tr Permanently cared iby Jhe CBlOBM RjOMOSfiJ from a Skin Humor, rul .. : .Ly, a ; u : Sold by all druggists.'' CtrWCBBa, 60c-nts; KB solvkmt. tl.OO; fcSoAP, 25 cents. Potteb Dbuo Ak j chemical Boston, mass. Send for "how to r;m r. 'tiff TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER and W ALARI AV ' " : From theee Mttroea arts three-totnfhs of the disease of the inmgn raoev These symptoms indicate their exastenoe: JJosa A Appetite, BewclS eMUn, Kick Head aeAve, fkUaM altar eating, tTWilni to' esertlon of body or nalrnd, Eraetmttoai mt food Irritability of temper. Idw Mrlta. A CeeUac' r tunrlac -tteclecteil mm iatrMMtaeV mttori-gattkt Heart, Dote before the eyes, highly eel red Urtate, COIT8T1PATIOW, and de- mand the use of remedy that cta directly on the Uvar. niiiUw medicine TVTT'S PI LI hare no equal. Their action on the j Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt; removing all Imparities through these three " semv cngwi of tfte ysteam, producing appe tite, sound dignetloa, regrelar stoolst a clear ekinjuid a vlgatous body. inri'S PILLS -cense no nausea ot griping nor Interfere with daily work anWarea perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. i HE FKMJ9 IitKiB A HHW MAH ' "I hare bad Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and bare tried-ten different kinds of pills, and TTJTTm are the first that hare done me any good. They have cleaned me oat nioefy. Hj appetite Is splendid, food digests readtf r, and I now f K aval passages. I 1 f like a new I A W.D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. 8eldevQhr,5e Omee,4MgTTmySt.JT.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grat Hats ok Whiskkbs changed In stantly to a GIX36ST Hicx by a single ap plication of this DTK. Sold by Druggist, or sent by express on receipt mt $ 1. Office, U Murray Street, New York. TUTTS MAROAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBEL NEW GOODS AT THE , OppeItejaston's Stove Depot. CfibCKE-RY, : NoionstCenally, OIEAP POlt- C W. ETHEBEDGE. LIFE FOB THE I . I have used your "life for the Liver ad Kidneys" with great benefit. ar dyBpepsie: Aut'deAnaoient tne liTer of iianft; without an equal. Jus. J. OSBOBffl, Att'y at Law, -trr i . a . a.T -T a 'Tut mperior. fag if. Unr yMtt no-u'i; ' HrflH Thomas, aiendale, 8. C. "lottr raedicinea ' are valuableaod Bplendil remedies. I hav gold upwards I fly cross, and can rownen thera. I wuld net be withdut tl -ti J. 8. M. Datim&a "..Tt :JMaA. f J iW i "TJfa fer the T.!vVaful Imi "dull Cure" works Me a int l HUD V CIV 1AM. nWSII irn -W ITfax Haw, Lancaster county, 8. C In large 25o."and $1.00 bottles. Sold y druKriBts and dealers generally. TOiflf'S i , i- K t- WfWWlaajiTU GUsmimlL sClcTtoutaaTJifts signed Octr IS, dtf. . : iju Bwjin partus niax'. Plated' Ware," 8 FANCY COODS CBOCXEBT, 6LASSW LAMP GOODS and It ...A Jrge Stock, Just Received. vMUtnT)hiBsraBri Tea 8ets.'eomblned.- BespeetouiM LCDOL? ft HABTBftELD. mol8dtIaw n nn mi Anaxesis v.4 1 III It I C"S" imfaHMK? iot riiea. III I ine L Cr '- Af. - a Hak i it issr,Bex lUCjHswxats. nRiiin'pHNE HABIT III IB II ID..H.S-AHS, at M DcQslmr TstASvTm. swb see wwmm at, a fct. II u ... Vv 'M nocA TTii- - ttarl0ttjj (QbszxMXt f ABOUT THE 8TATK. The second issue of Josiah Tur- mi rr V 1 t . a ners paper, ino iruiu, puoiisneu at Durham, has been receiyed. It is a first rate paper and deserves well at the hands or tne people ot our State. The commencement exercises at Yadkin College will be held May 28 and 29. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. Calvin H. Wiley ; the literary address toeing by;lr. James M. Leach, Jr. , - : Durham Reporter: The capital stock of the Durham Woolen Mills has been increased from $30,000 to? $50,000. Porson county s noted" lor a largo number of descendants of certain families. The county has 2,200 voters, and of these over two hundred are Uiaytons. Asheboro Courier: The Franklin - ville Manufacturing Company met with a loss of $1,500 last Friday night by fire. The old red store house was &utned about 11 p. m. Cause. :ijn- lllL XT- J i- - 1 X A factory though both were in immi nent danger. The building burned was used as a depository for some of the factory goods. Fayetteville Sun: The sad news reached us on Thursday last of the death of Mrs. Gen. Green. She died afv'tbe residence of Judge -David piayip, of Bloomington, 111., ot , para).-, ysis.on Wednesday last, agea nz years. Mrs. Green was the widow of the late General T. J. Green of Mexican fame, and the mother-in-law of our distinguished Congress man, Hon. W. J. Green. ' News and Observer offering of the Church Rrim-hprd was SftfiOO 19 - Thd Easter of tte Good -AtiTarboro last week William Lett, charged with murdering a man with a fence rail, was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to three years lmprison- rMnt; in the penitentiary. Henry Georee. who killed his wife was also; Convicted of manslaughter, but gets a long term- 20 years in theipeniten tiary? f 'iVV4mington Star: The Revf Rob't. trance was ordained a deacon at St. James' Church Sunday, and preached hisfirst sermon, in this city, in bt. ITnhn's Church Sunday night. The Eav. Mr. Stranee is a native of Wil mington and has many friends and admirers here, consequently the church was crowded. His text was, "For sin shall not have dominion over vou : for ye are not under the law, but under grace. " (jreensboro Workman : There is no doubt of one fact, and that is. that meat and bread farming are likely to suffer among us here in 1884. (JOtton is beine abandoned, and in many cases not for wheat and corn, but for tobacco. Editor Kernodle.i ot tne Alamance Gleaner, has completed his outfit by the addition of a; wife to the appliances of his office, he having married Miss Hardin, of Graham. We congratulate Bro. Kernpdle on his success. Durham Recorder: St. Phillip's church has been organized', into a parish and has called Rev.j J. C. Huske as their regular reqtor. Mr. Huske has been preaching twice a month for the past year at this church. The members have been so impressed with this talented" young divine they want him all the) time. The Durham Light Infantry have been invited to go to Charlotte1 to participate in the 20th. of-May cele bration. They will probably go. We resrret toloarn that W. T. Black - r wen is quite tmVfeir " " ft State Chronicle: A good joke is foWby Maj. J. M. Wilson On Dr. Worth, who is noted more for hon esty and personal popularity than'f or speech toking. "On one occasion." says Maj. i Wilson, "the Doctor made a speech in Asheville. Having a good subject, he went on in his own way, .and made what he thought was the 'crowning effort of his life. After he iieaxgjmybody; say anything about I tnat speecn. to-day T' 'Yes,' l replied, one old. coperaa breeches fellow e,tr- tingVTCx'tOtQft remarked that he attb4fe(l5to"speakings for forty yesrsjBjn, faflD yours was ine oniy speech fee etir heard that he thought he could beafe' . V: M NJBW9 NOTES. The Louisville (Ky.) Exposition will open August 16 and close' Octo- t JJrsfeUje Grant Sartoris, daugh-' Ttetbf leh. rant, arrived in New Idrkeatufday from London. i Members 'of six different f i Louisville, K.y., have been po Dy eaimg cafce purcnased i; emigrants in New York Saturday night: from ; i SPvSQ - thousand men, women and children were killed by the Arabs in the massacre near Shendy. 5ffTfrn5farA nflriat. in Parii fKnt. the- PoiStf will seek an asvlum 4 in' Buntlies of isoned rem a . and I confectioner, and one child nasi dd. iK Twftntwona flifnrmnn miaoirmnnea I and 400 Mormon emigrants arrived ?:OjpiC0eae he determines tq leave namtJ I -Vf ft between Hungarians,! Poles nriOthersJrJ which several hundred perlsap&tQokpart, occurred aunday at ShenaMoah, Pa. Revolvers were used and one Hungarian was slQfi. I It is reperted that M. de Brazza, brer id 4he Congo a treaty Jt which 1 i a l all the neht bank of the Coned will pass under the protection of France. 51 Tne'prbmihent Irishmen in i Paris are reported to be devided in poIict letween; an active campaign agairiat England with dynaimte an,d ao arm ed, revolution, tftefnajoritji of -them disapproving the Employment of dyi nanute. ' j The second annual e'xhibitidn of flieWOTieii's silk Culture-Association oi tne united states was opened i last SOTgintlOTti Phila delphia.r5lbfocessot.Bilk rrAnu Eaciurt from tbe fytdrk qF 'the worm Stoe-hedhisBl ' Catherine Kiernan, 50 years eld died at Bellevue Hospital, New wk-' Monday, from injuries said to l hav I been inflicted by her daughter, Mrs. I ptidjr. I She gave her mother a beat ing on Daturaay ana men bad her ar rested. . , v i . A special dispatch from Laporte. Ea, saysja young jnaa named Silla kTJuLwjtft? fatally iboUiwIarr by James Grubb, who afterwards fatally stabbed himself. Grubb was intoxi cated, and finding Sillagan with his (Grubb's) divorced wife, ordered taia JoeTeheeujn a quarrel ensued. - Miss Maude Manning, daughter of Chief Justice Maiming, of LousiaSa and G. W. Compton eloped ffrom Alexandria, La., and were -married' Saturday meht.- Ther were followed I gentlemen, t The couple managed' to I iU(ja thair rjursuers bv chaneint cars three5 toeZbutertffiny: caught, locked up in a box car of a Height tiitaka&r?iianhau, riex., I were marrJ, -T i : Diirest of Sapreme Court Decisions. ' "." . . . ,t . .. Raleigh News and Observer. t State vs. Leak. . , An anneal of the accused in misde meanors ma v be withdrawn by his counsel with the consent of i the At torney General, and . in " such, case this court will not' exainine tne re cord. But in felonies it must appear, affirmatively - that the prisoner, r ad visedly assents to " and desires" the withdrawal of his appeal. ! .1 . munday vs. wmssennunc. ; A contract in which the obligor engages to give the obligee favho was not authorized tOj'appearfor parties litigant and manage law suits) one half of-the land in dispute i or one half its value in the event of recov ery as compensation for his; services in the management of the i suit, is against public policy and void. Markham vs. mcics. ; - 1. The debtor's estate, in its entirety, in the homestead is ; protected from sale under execution until the expira tion of the period of exemption, ;The Code, section 501 and lollowineiiie.. law prohibiting the sale of the "re versionary interest .is jpot j changed bythe fact that the act or 787U irsat- tie s Kevisal, cnapter &a, secuon zoy is not incorporated into the Code. 2. Th& leeal eltect or tne nome- stead laws is to protect the occupant itfthe enjoyment of the land set apart as a homestead, unmolested by bis creditors. Abbott vs. Railroad.' ' ; ' 1. The plaintiff was elected secre tary1 and treasurer pf a railroad company at a salary fixed by one i of its by-laws, and entered upon and discharged the duties of. ; the office, : until his suecesspr.wasphbsen. Held,. in an action to 'receyerMhif salary, that the plaintiff is 'fc,'!Teired , to show that such services as apper tained to the office werei-'petformed, where the answer of the defendant admits the duties were discharged and offers no evidence to support any objection to the .manner and kind of service rendered. 2. Heldfurther: The by-laws con stitute the contract between the par- tiesand undera stipulation contain ed tbe compensation, though measur ed bv the Uav. is continuous being the term of service, and not depend ent on each day s work. Railroad vs. Deal. 1. A tenant may remove a building erected bv him for the better enjoy ment of his trade while he remains in the possession of the land. But if he neglects to avail himself of this right during the term, the nature i ot the property and the uses to which it was devoted, as shown in this case, will serve to rebut the presumption ot abandonment. , 2. Where it appeared that the own er of the land consented verbally that tbe-3)laintiff company might erect a depot .thereon for railroad business : it was held that the structure did not become a part of the freehold, and the plaintiff had a right to remove she same. i-ii University vs. Harrison. 1 1. The death of one who has been absent seven years or more is infer red where it is shown that reasonable inquiry has been made of those most likely to hear from him if he were not dead, and that in the meantime he has not been heard from. 2. There is a presumption of the law that every person dying leaves heirs, however remote; and it is in cumbent upon the University claim ing land by escheat, to rebut this presumption by proof founded upon such inquiry. 3. The testimony of a witness for plaintiff to the effect merely that for a long time he had not heard from the supposed deceased, or that he ever married and had children, is competent to go tor thejury j to .be weighed by them, upon as issue as to the death and existence of heirs,: but does not raise a presumption that thei e are no heirs, requiring the de fendant to combat it. Banks vs. Simpson. An action was brought against an endorser of a note executed by a firm in renewal or a former one, the trans action taking place in South Carolina ana purporting to nave Deen made in Charlotte in this State. But the note was sent and delivered to plaintiff DanK at cnariotte to be discounted. One of the firm was adjudicated bankrupt upon his individual peti tion and tne note was proved against his estate, and the plaintiff bank and otner creditors gave their assent as required by law as to his discharge. The bank discounted the note and at maturity extended the time of pay ment to tne makers for , a , valuable consideration, but reserved its rights against tne endorser ; aeui : hi The pourt properly . refused to charge there was- no evidence1 of a reservation of right against the de fendant surety. 2. -Tho court also properly refused to permit the bankrupt's schedule to be introduced as evidence that the contract was made m South Carolina. It relates to his own liabilities, and was not competent .upon the disput- ea iact net ween- tnerparties to this suic m their relations to each other, 3, The evidence of a member of the firm' in reference to ' the manner of endorsement of the renewal note for the purpose of continuing the negoti atea loan, was admissible.. 4. The contract is governed by the laws of this Stated it' being consum mated here,- and efficacy given to the note by its delivery and negotiation at the bank in pursuance of intent of au tne parties. r And no demand r notice of non-pay ment-is-required to bind the endorser.,. ,.,.,,.! - -. "A" surety's liability td IT Creditor id not affects by a certificate of dfe- charge-in bankrufttcvgranted to the principal. Such discharge ia, the act of the isjwsVvi aqes not release Jpne liable for ItrBsatntf bt.SritherIa partner, enaorser, or otherwise. And a creditor s assent to the discharm is fkatit be grafted under thdbankru$t t - - f. Jr.- t 5'- j fa,; ' f s s fe j , c a m . Malaria Is caused toy torpid Ivat: pne b const! pauea; headaeae by-lndlgesueA. Aveldtbem sl- pj using ip5 ereai vegetaMe remedr. Allen's Bill mis rnjme 2D jents. Ai au aaiggists. A CLEAR BEAD. One yeas ago I was' indnoed to iff Ariz's POLS ss a remedy for,IndlestloBi Con- stipatloaiand -beaache, '.tram- whTch I " had long teen, great, uSrar jCommetuy. , ing with a dose of Are Pills, 1 found their action easy, and obtained. prompt relist .In , 'Ceoatlimaig their' use; 'a Blngle-ifIU--taieh , ,f "j"r dally, iiai been all 4he medWr eln t haye repared. AT:B's 1 and benefited an mors than all the' medl elnes erer Before tried. - Kim, . ., ''llarhr- afflieted- aU'rir"?n - T. WAXSOJt.1 arJto an eBseasas of tltoitoaaa and boVslali: try Ann's Pills. m "owaia x& swuow JsHAn(Brj iaa oi tnor a tip. .l-ft-JaVAPAfiA I nufall BS Sold by an MhMSas nat , J .riU8l araaawHksl Faraons WaShlneton Correspondents. Wssblngtori tetter. ' - 1 it is wonderful how many Wash ington correspondents . have become noted. ' There is hardly a leading newspaper man in the . country ; who has not seryea a i.errn,j jxotq. ., iarnes Gordon Bennett; rwho founded the ferald. ,was a correspondent here beforo that, and ,he wrote tho first gossipy letters ever writtenfrom Washington, V Carl Schurz. who has just retused a present - of $100,000, was once a .wasnmgton correspon dent, writing letters for. the 4 New York Tribune, villard, th rauroad millionaire who lately failed, was a news-gatherer here, and Mark Twain commenced his Eastern career by writing letters at Washington for the Alta California. He wrote nis Innocents Abroad" in a dingy little Tom on" Indiana avenue, and this made him his first great start. Thirty tons of paper were used in printing the book and it sold for from $3 to $5 ( volume. Mark Twain got, half. Whitelaw Reid, now editor of the New York Tribune, was once em ployed as a Washington, cdrrespon- dent, ana i tmnK ne came nere irom Ohio, where he started out as a re porter, in the- Ohio. Legislature at a salary of $5 a week. . j Where the People are Rolling in Gold from an Interview with Mr. Mapleson. "By the by, did you hear ' what a Very absurd joke was piayeel on me in San Francisco?" said Manager Ma pleson. "Funniest thing. ever heard. The day I was coming away some fellow came to me with a 'Dill for forty-three gallons of cologne ,water furnished to perfume the opera house. The idea ofuch a thing. Of course I never ordered anything o the kind, yauknow, but I had to pay for it just tne same, as I would not have been kept over by a suit for ten times the amount of the bill. The; fellow knew thatj.too, and that made him tbe more impudent.-: I never saw such a country as that West before. The people ail seem to be rolling in gold." Mrs. Elizabeth Reese, of Mauch Chunk. Pa., has been convicted of voluntary manslaughter for the kill- ing-of William F: Elir of Yorktown, fat, on March 23d last. The murder was the result of gossip referring to Mrs. Reese's husband and the wife of Wm. H. Simmons. Mrs. Reese arm ed herself with a revolver went to the residence of Simmons and fired at Mrs..' Simmons. The ball struck and killed Eli. Tbe rtoresce NlKhtlagale sf tks Rarsery. The foflowlns la an extract from a letter written to the German Belonned Messenger, at Chambers- ourg,reou.: A BKHWAOTRSaS. Jostonenthe door tot her. and Mrs. Wlnslow wi'i prove tbe American Foinoe Mgbtlngalv of iuo ruiwrry. u. mis we are so sore tlatwewi'l leach oar Susy to ssr, "A Blessing on Mrs. Wlns low" foi heiDing ber to survive and miearte the griping, eollckiPt and teetb'as siege. Mrs. Wins- iow s Dooming Brup reieve lie coild mm pain, aod cares arsenteiy sod dlan baea. It softens tbe gums, reduces innammat'oo, cures wind co'.ic. and carries tbe ln'aut tbrougb. tbe teething period. It Deriorms Dredseir wbat it Droesses to nerorm. eerv part ot It potbing less. We bave never seen jars, wins'ow now ner onlf tbrougn tbe pre da ration oi ner "sootning ayrup ior cnuaren Ttetn lng." It we bad the power we woud make ber, as sne is, a pojsicai saviour to toe lntant race, Sold bs ail drueklsis. 25 cents a bottle. Iloisford's Acid Phosphate. Invaluable as a Tonic. Dr. J. L. Pratt, Greenfield, 111., says: "It U all that It claims to be Invaluable as a tonic In any case wnere an acm ionic is indicated. CONGRESS SPRING The Standard mineral Water. CATHARTIC ALTERATIVE. A specific for dls orders of tbe Stomach. Liver and Kidneys, Eczema, naiuna ana au impurities oi tne biamji. So enviable a name has this famous Mineral Tvater, - that the managers of Inferior mineral springs; desirous of tmitatl&g the natural purtti of the bottled water of Congress Spring, inject a pow erful acid in their 1 bottled water to preserve the erode ingredients In solution, being so heavily laaen witn Lime and Iron Deposit. " With such contrivances, bogus testimonials and doctored analysis cards they seek to rival the pure meaicuuu waters oi congress aprmg. Tbe regular season visitors to Saratoga fnlly un derstand these crude, harsh waters, many of them after painful experiences. In proof of this fact we can produce a great many responsible names But the Saratoga visitors without experience, and many who use the bottled waters (often labeled as cura tives for disorders which they positively aggravate). should remember, that crude, harsh mineral waters produce headache, a sense of burning and Internal irration, and do irreparable injury to the digestive oreans and kidneys. 0ONGBES3 WATER, PUKE, NATURAL AND RE- i T.tabt.K, ; None genuine sold on draught For sale by ists, tjrocers, wine nercnanis ana noteis. ituesMnursapnu - - Mifl SECOND INVOICE. Two weeks ago we ordered, at a venture, the cele brated "Todd Smlthfield Hams." We found ready sale for them, and eerjr, purchaser became a re purchase, hence we were forced to make a second order to supply the demand. We would say by way of Information that the "Pig Ham" crop Is short, and If you are anxious that your next entertain ment should prove auccess secure at once a "Todd Pig Ham." i I -OIIR Has proved what the people wanted In tbe way of a v - i Dreexiasi reusn. a iresa tocei fllsnn'j:. Wafers, Egg Bscnit PHILADELPHIA TEA CRACKERS. Cornliill'ai mock Turtle . Soap. ru V e ah Nervj us Me n oa mum w periorm isre's will and a perfect and laatinz -S" BHM KeauE and Tiro rone tnanhood in teaisch antcnas aer . lnltrmnenia. xntetreatmeotof " .'ahra4entleeataann.i: Alree Baethees and absolntSuTSS. -wltaeM.. FnU infoHMtioa sad batts fajl , AdSreM Conwlting Phymician of , , , -wvAoaeoaaw Cost $0007' muw auiu ivr SAD.UU. " THIS omar "- inns Hie THE The only known tptHfie for Epileptic Fits. "SO. ayAlso for Spasms and Falling &ickness.-Qa Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delbiom of fever.-S . jty neutralizes germs oi oisease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluetrish circulation. Eliminates Soils, Carbuncles and Scolds.'fSa -Permanently and promptly cures paralysis, leg, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kins Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. ' Changes bad breath to good, removing cause. 3PBouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxatlve.-E It drives Sick Heaoaohe like the wind.-Ce "Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it.-6 Restores llle-gtvlng properUes to the blood.- Is guaranteed te cure all nervous disorders. rarrlteuaDle when au opiates iou.-?i Refreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded.-ttS r-Endorsed in writing by over fifty thousand Leading physicians in U. S. and Europe."? Leading clergymen in IT. S. and Europe.n Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror. -srm For sale by all leading druggists: $1.60."5 The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Co., Props. , fit. Joseph, Mo. (2) Por testimonials and circulars send stamp. C. N. CriUcnton. Agent. New i'ork. potteries CAPITAL PKIZB, 7, OOO. Tickets only $5. Shares in Proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Co. "We do hereby certify that we super vise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louis- tana mate Lattery Company, ana in per son manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted urith honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the company to use this certifi cate, with fac similies of our signatures attached, in its advertisements. " Commlsxioneni, Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the pres ent State Constitution adopted Decem ber 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and en dored b't the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a for tune. Fifth Grand Drawing, Class K m the Academy of Muisc, New Orleans, lUESDAY, Nay 13. 1884. 168th Monthly Drawing. tW CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. aH 100,000 Tickets at $5 each. Fractions in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of- $75,000 1 do do 25,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES $6,000 12,000 5 " 2,000 10.000 io " 1,000: 10,000 20 " 500 10.000 100 " 200... 20.000 300 " 100 30,000 500 " 50 20,000 1,000 " v 50 25,005 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximate Prizes $750..$ 6,750 9 " " 500.- 4,500 9 " 14 250.- 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to- $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Com pany in New Orleans. For further information write cleariy. S'ving full address. Make P. O. Money rders payable and address Registered letters to New Orleans National flank. New Orleans, La. Postal Notes, and ordinary letters by Mail or Express, (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to 11. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., Or M. A. Dauphin, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. n $30,000 FOR $2. 8th REGULAR MONTHLY DBA WINS will take place In the Masonic Hall, Masonic Temple Building, In Covington. Ky., TMVSSDAT. APRIL 2, 1884. A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawings, chartered by the Legislature ot Ky., and twice declared legal by the highest court in the State. Bond given to Henry county in the sum of $100,000 for the prompt payment of all -prizes sold. , . April Scheme. J Prize - - $30,000 20 Prizes $800 each $10,000 1 Prize - - - 10,000 100 Prizes 100 each W.nm 1 SEP8 " " " 6.000 200 Prizes 50 each 10.600 i "r" a-" - aw ouu razes au each 6 Prizes 1,000 - 5,000 1000.Prizes 10 each 9 Prizes $300 each Approximation Prizes. -9 Prizes 200 " " " 9 Prizes 100 " 10.000 10.000 2,708 1,800 900 1,857 Prizes $110,400 "Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets $1, 22 Tickets $50 65 Tickets $100. Remittnoney postal note or bank draft Ih letter, or send by express. ; Orders ot $6 and upward by express can be sent at our expense. Address all orders to ' R. B. SFEXCER, Covington, Ky. feblSdtf ' " . 6 f miiiifiD, 100 PABRELSHOICE- toes, A. JBEAiL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ( ; . FOR SALE. " :; Cotton Seed Meal io: t feedme or fertUizme. in auantitiea tosuit purchasers. . The best feed for cattle ever-sold being worth twice as much as corn meaL ... ,, ... .i ov6dt ,i ;it. CHARLOTTE OIL CO. ' T it- magii;l, ! . vW-i fcft0f .yti t i AND COMMISSION UKRCHANI? . College aj,, Cbsvlotse. Orders solicited Bird promptly Ulted 1 Irisli Pota or. Cv spwciTBC & CO ihave now In store all such goods make up a wholesale and retail Drug Store-J tney are Maine oanv manv iuw rti.'isi if or the. toilet and other iHirposes--TV mirioiujuoserver' nas not Riweeerruii.i ill we used the entire naner. topi.M-iiHr- latethe hundreds of articles or the prices. uicu we propose to pi ace in tne hands 'ot dealers and consumers for a hnnrfnwil miles around it Is well worth whil tn istop ana see our stock our eroods h at- Itractlve and our prices are surprisingly liow me uesi looia urusn in Charlotte ior a cents ana do cents for n nori Hair Brush the famous Deep Rock Mln-I ,erai waier, Saratoga ana soda Water on iiiinuKiii. uib year rouna, ice-cold and reH freshing, 5 cents a elass. Th hi nml Iwe are having on "Tansill's Punch" a-l ears is a wonaer to the trade, and by thel iwaj mis is America's nnest nve cent cl bar we have the "511" Clear lnn nnrt the "Unicom" which need no nrlvfirtlaw! fthey go strictly on their own merits. Our line or cigars is superior to anv in th s market they have been boueht at extra-l lord I nary low places and we share the hen-l pnts witn our customers brands running! pn oa ucuts ucr uuuurea ud to tnirirv land sixty dollars per thousand. Don't torKei tne place: t. U. SMITH CO.S Dnie Store. ODDOSlte Central Hotpl aoorxo-iiiK iUAKLTri, OBKhvtIi. AND CHILDREN Will be disappointed if you fail to carry home this evening Something Nice FROM THE 0. K. Bakery. SOMETHING LIKE Hot Buns, Coffee Cake, Duchess or Tea Cake. WITH SOME OF OUR FINE JELLY For Sunday's tea. Too good to talk about. STACKS OF O. K. BREAD TO-DAY. MAYER & ROSS. k REAL RE DY. Neither ITf TticAl nor I iidla.fi it Onylu bat Scientific and Specific A HEAEDY of over Twenty-Five years standing. A KBJTJUBDir more popular at home, and where best known, than all other Kemedles of its kind. A HEfflEDV endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggets at 1st home. A RE TIED IT that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Good water, Ala., sajs rais ed his wife from an invalid's bed, and he believes saved her Ufa. A REMEDY of which a prominent Atlanta merchant said, "I would have given (500 as soon as soon as I would a nickel tor what two bottles of your medicine did for my daughter." A REMEDY In regard to which 8. J. Cassels, M.D. Druggist, of Thomasvllle, Oa.,says: "I can recall instances in which it afforded relief after all the usual reme dies had fated." A REITIEDY. about which Dr. W. B. Ferrell, La Grange, Ga., writes: "I have used for the last 20 years the medicine you are putting up, and consider It the best combination ever gotten together for the di seases tor which it is recommended." A REITIEDY of which Dr. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said: "I hare examined the recipe, and have no hesita tion in advising its use, aad confidently recom mend It." A REMEDY which the Bev. H. B. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga. says he has used in his family with "the utmost satisfaction," and recommended It to the families "who found it to be lust what it is reco mmended. A REMEDY of which Pemberton, Iverson It Denlson say: "Ws have been selling It for many years, with con stantly increasing sales. The article is a staple with us, and one of absolute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Eankin dt Lamar say: "We sold 6(1 gross In four months, and never sold it In any place but what U was wanted again " - REMEDY by which Dr. aigh,of LaGrange, Ga., says: "I cured one of tne most obstinate cases of Vicari ous MinstbuaTIon that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles." A REMEDY of which Dr. J. a Hubs, Notasulga, Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that it is unrivalled for that class of diseases which tt claims to cure." A REMEDY about which Maj. Jno. C. Whltner, of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United States as a General Insurance Agent says: "I used this Remedy, before the war, on a large plantation o a great numb tiof cases, and alway with absolute A REMEDY about which J. W. Strange, of Cartersvllle, Ga., certifies that one botUe cured two members of his family of menstrual irregularity of many years standing. A REMEDY that lS CHaFKB THAH AHT OTHXB HXDICIKa Of Its kind in the world, because otrs ob two boxtxjb Wnii CUBS THX MOST OB8rXHATI GaSB. A REMEDY in regard to whose unfailing, unrivalled curative proprietlves I have many hundreds of testimo nials. This sbbat pofuuji bkkedt is Brad, hud's Bbsclator, (Woman's Best Friend.) For sale by all Druggists. Price: Small size 75 cents. Large size 31.60. Sole Proprietor and afanutaetnrer, J. BSADFIXLD, No. 108 & Pryor St et Atlanta, Ga. KEKOkSENE OIL, LUBRICATING "OILS. CHESS-CARLEY CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. dec7eodlm A GOOD HERRING SAFE FOR SALE CHEAP. Apply at THIS OFFICE. , Attention; Spinners. ' We offer desirable cotton In lots of from 100 to 600 bales. Apply to us at Bock Hill, S. C, or to Johnston Bryce, Charlotte. .apr4dlm JONES 4 BOBEBTSON. FOR SPECTACLES OF ALL ENDS, AND THE PATENT SPRING EYE GLASS, tHBBBSTIHTHSalARMT, OOTO , . ', ,v Ilalea Wetr Stand, ; ,, On Trade street, above Wilson's Drug Store. AflAaLaSS. npHBEB GOOD 8AFKS FOB 8ALR.--Cholce. of AL either at rock bottom price totdeiraa, cnaser. YOUR WIFE I iffiiii) Pies TO-DAY AT RIGLER'S ALSO VIENNA CREAM, STEAM AND' RYE BREAD. --(Ca'jB. FRENOI AND ALBANY ROLLS, FRENCH AND ALBANY ROLLS, FRESU TAFFIES, FRESH TAFFIES, COCOANUT CREAM, COCOANCT CREAM, CHOCOLATE PASTE CHOCOLATE PASTE f?AND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CANDIES. H .4 R-B 1 1! I K FOR Kalsomining, Frascoing, Marbleizing AND Wood Filling. Any Odd Cao Apply It With the most satisfactory results. Will not Ruli, Scale, Peel, Crack nor Fade. WITH THE ADDITION OF WATER IT IS READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. A Six-pound package of MARBLEINE. when mixed, will cover a surface of four hundred square feet, one coat Directions for Use with Each Package a WE GUAR ANTE E ENTIRE SATISFACTION. CAny Color desired can be found at R. II. JORDAN I CD'S, SPRINGS' CORNER. 266th Edition. Price Only Jl. By Mail Post-paid. KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work oa Manhood Exhausted vitality, nervous and physical debility, premature decline In man, errors of youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or ex cesses. A book for every man, young, middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invalua ble. So found by the author, whose experience for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beauti ful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guar anteed to be a finer book In every sense mechani cal, literary and professional than any othex work sold In this country for $150, or the money will he refunded in every instance. Price only! $1.00 by mall, post-paid. Send now. Gold medal ip warded the author by the National Medical Association, to the ofheers of whicn he refers. - This book should be read by the roung-for in struction, and by the afflicted for relief It will ben efit all. London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom his book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian instructor or clergyman. Argonaut, . Address the Peabody Medloal Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnch Street, Boston, Mass., who man be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dis eases that have baffled the TT ja A T 8klu of all other physicians a spe XI Vjla cla ty. Such treated successfully 'lTJT vCUI T? without an Instance of 1 JL I i Vj 1 Xj failure. Ieb28daw4w " Electric Appliances are sent ee 30 Days trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UN0 OR OLD, VI HO are suffering from Rnran DcsiUTr, V V Lost Vitality, Lacs or Kzbti Fokci in Viooa, WasTue W aaKKBsaa, aad ail the dl.nf of a PSKsoirai. Nattjrb nsalttns; from Asn.KS and OTHaa Cina. Speedy relief aad TOt)ilet rests- . ration of HaatTB. Viaoa and aalfHooa as aaaSTKiav The craadeat discovery ot aha Niaeteenta Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pajoophlet tree. Address TOITAH BtlT CO., tUMHMl, WWH. noTl8deodaw ' k -W-HOLESALB , :H t .-.- ! .: t, f lAGElt REER DEALER AHA OTTUEIt, ' -; Charlotte, N, C. RPre8enta wo of ihk. largest 1AGEB BEER Breweries in the Umtedj3tte. ... - 1 TheBenrwrA Eagel BreWlats 4J, f Ptailadelpbla, an4 tbti Tt F- A 91; SekattVr Ore wtme Ck..t THE ' L AHOEST ' tAdLER.!! BEER I BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT' -IN-THE CITY. ppmptljr-lUleds and' deUvered iflrefeiof H f beforeV- and -rtfiiH i WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHED WATCHES. w a Tru WATCHES, WATCHFS WATCHES, WA1CHEb' WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCH"S wl?8iil ; Sfl'. WATCHES, WATCHES. CL0CES, CLOCKS. " Clocks CLOCKS ' - CLOCKS, . CLOCKa CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. CLOCKS, DIMlDNDS, riMONDS. DIllWTODS. DIAMOXTiQ WAMONB8,- - - DIAMONDS t.FMWSF8' DIAMONDS. MAMONDS, DIAMONDS DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, LV E.IULESS TARIETV, tH ( At the biggest Jewelry Store, and where can b found the biggest and cheapest goods in North Carolina, which Is of course Joo. T. Butler's, TRTON STREET. CHARLOTTE. N. C. w.'j. black &on Wholesale and Retail G R O C K US. WANTED Large lot CLAY PEAS, EaL,MOHfIC ICE CREAM PARLOR I take much pleasure In returning my sincere thanks to my many friends and customers for their very liberal patronage during the past Ice Cream season. I am now prepared to serve them with Icecream and Sherbets at short notice. My lee Cream Parlor is now ready for Ladles and (ientle men, where they will receive prompt attention Ice Cream packed and delivered to any part of th. city. Leave your orders for Sunday. Respectfully . .. mcn&d J. B. HARRINGTON. w Havea PalWiain. (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) Established, a - - r ! IS'Jh.. The best advertising medium at the North for every man lXerth Carolina who has a farm.uiine or tract of timber land or water power to sell The letters of our staff correspondent have given the Palladium a great reputation throughout New Kn gland, as the only real representative of the "Tur Heel" State, and all New Englanders who think of locating in North Carolina send to the Palladium to get "Espee'8" letters. ior terms and other particulars address I SETH (i. JOHNSON. Business Manager Thk PAlladii w. mehl3daw3m New Haven. Conn. Patapseo Flooring Hills. EMTARLJ.iIIEl 1774. It libra 1774. PATENT VCASAMBRJUMrs.Co.i This company own and operate three mills, as follows: PATAPSCO MILL A, at Ellicott City, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILL B, at Baltimore, Maryland. PATAPSCO MILLC, at Orange Grove Maryland. Having a daily capacity of 1,500 Barrels. PATENT ROLLER FLOUR manufactured from Maryland and Vir ginia Wheat, celebrated for its purity and richness of Gluten, Phosphates, and other nutritious properties. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, PATAPSCO FAMILY. PATAPSCO EXTRA, GAPE HENRY FAMILY NORTH POINT FAMILY. CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, BEDFORD FAMILY, ORANGE GROVE EXTRA , C. A. GATIBRILL Jvl'P'CJ CO., 32 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. Represented by R. N. Littlejobu, Charlotte. N. C. nov!3dtf NN N n-TT RRKPIOUD WTWWAA NNN T WW WW A A NUN T WW WW AAA 9 KM T W W a A N RN T K. ID D RK D D K tit ID D WD We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 90 pounds for good sound cotton seed, delivered at our mill. Will pay 18 cents per bushel for seed delivered ;tt anr station on railroads running to Charlotte, for car loads of ten tons and above, we paying freight on same. Or we will give one ton of meal in exchange for two tons of seed. This exchange, being of great value to the farmer should be taken advantage of, one ton of meal being worth much more for feed lng or fertilizing than two tons of seed. CHARLOTTE OIL CO., Charlotte, N. C. nov6dwtf The development of the treatment of Cancer with Swift's Specific seem so wonderful, that so afflicted should write to us. Cancer for 14 Tears. Spartanburg, S. C, March 14, 1884. I have for 14 years been a Bufferer from a running sore on my face that everybody called a cancer. I have used over $900 worth ef medicine and four d no relief. About four months ago I bought one bot tle of Swift's Specific from Dr. H. E. Helnltsh. am since have bought five ethers, have taken It. ami they have CURED ME sound and well! My face in as free from a sore as anybody's, and my health Is Sertectly restored. I feel like forty years had been fted off my head. Yours thankfully. ELIZA TINSLET. Hr. B. F Burn8,Hope, Ark., says, under date ot Jan. 22, 1884: "I have taken five bottles of shIU s Specific for a sore on my temple said to be a can eer, I have been wonderfully benefitted and win soon be a well man." Mr. W. R Roblson, Davisboro, Ga., writes, under date ot Jan. 8, 1884: "I am getting on finely, i"" ulcer is gradually healing. I feel that Swift's le clflc wlllcure the horrible cancer which has been on me for over 20 years." , J , Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Thb 8wht Specific Co., Drawer S, Atlanta, f.a. New York -Office, 169 W. 23d St., between sum and Seventh avenues. FREE I nailELE SELF-GURf . AUnm bR. WARO C., noTt8deodaw I trrsrr ratSALS.-l VfXal aWMavlMrae obwer Steam VnriMAns QWila mil a HkaaW (ill). any etber light caachiaeWiaiaaW Cotton ki 1 I , 1 A m I A vavatta aulutloB. af OOS OT U sawataotad aad sanessfal fEyaaUsw Lte (uow tMtnd) Ssr tea ears of 'Mmrmma Aagg,